
Scenario of a mass sports event children's sabantuy. Scenario of the holiday "Sabantuy" in kindergarten (middle group). Attraction game "Who will bring water in bowls faster"


Rezilya Khasanshina

In June, our kindergarten with children primary grades notes one of the favorites national holidays - sabantuy ! This celebration has become a good tradition with us for a long time.

main feature holiday - his nationality coming from time immemorial. And, of course, which is very important, a tribute is paid to the man of labor, the farmer. Preservation national traditions and propaganda healthy way life is the main component holiday.

Opened sabantui leading in national costumes of Rezil Khasanshin and Galiy Valiakhmetov festive concert.

Tatar dance music sounds. The site is decorated according to - festive.

Leading: Guys, what is it today celebration?

Children: Sabantuy!



On the merry Sabantuy

We called all our friends.

Let's sing and dance

Friendly, fun to play

Congratulations to all of you on the merry holiday Sabantuy.

This is the most beloved, the most cheerful, the most solemn folk celebration... It is held after the end of the spring field work. On this holiday people compete in strength, agility and endurance. Today we are gathered to spend this merry holiday together.

Song-dance "Shoma bass". (Children come out to tell poems)

1 child:

We will compete

We will play with you

Who is stronger, who is faster,

We can find out today.


Oh, how beautiful everything is, in the summer. Both flowers and butterflies ..

Guys, you love to play. Let's play.

Let's jump game.

Let's jump with you.

One two Three!

And we kick up our legs.

One two Three!

And we'll slap the pens.

Once. Two three!

Let's go round with you.

One two Three!

And you and I will be friends.

One two Three!

(Dancing to the soundtrack, a merry girl appears.)

Merry girl:

I'm a jolly girl

Fidget, Laughing,

My years are young.

And I'm young at heart.

I don't miss a minute

And I won't let others get bored!

I like to dance, I like to joke,

All who are near, I have fun. (dancing)

Merry girl:

I do not like to sit still.

I like to sing funny songs.

Well, do you sing here?

There are artists among you?

Merry girl:

They sang loud, sang together

We sang the way it was needed!

(there is a knock on the door)

Leading: New guest? Who is there?

Go, dear, open it!

(Enter Shurale and Su anasy)

Shurale: Hello guys. We walked by your kindergarten and heard how well you read poetry, how you sing loudly.

Su anasy: We wanted to visit you. After all, you are today celebrating a holiday? Which one then celebration?

Children: Sabantuy!

Shurale: (sad) It's so interesting and fun.

I always sit alone.

And I don't play with anyone.

I don’t sing? I don’t know poems!

Leading: Don't you dance?


Just laziness

I just cry all day.

I sigh alone in the corner

And I'm dying of boredom. (crying)


You are my friend, do not be sad

You, my friend, do not be bored. ...

Get out quickly.

Play together in dreams!


We played very fun

And not a bit tired.

I confess to you, by the way,

I liked it here very much!

Su anasy:

Guys, but I'm wondering, this holiday - Sabantuy when they spend?

Children: Summer!

Su anasy: Oh, how great. A. I love summer very much.

You can sunbathe in summer.

And lie on the grass

Go to the forest for mushrooms.

Catch fish in the river.

Summer has come to us again

It is very good!

Children, do you know how mosquitoes squeak?

How do flies buzz?

How do birds sing in the forest?

Does the cuckoo shout at the bitch?

How does a frog croak?

Oh, what good fellows!


By the way, guys, I really want to test your intelligence, let's guess the riddles.

1. All known birds are blacks, the enemy of larvae and worms.

It is like a doctor in the garden, walking is important. This.. (rook).

2. Here is an alarm clock in the yard,

He wakes everyone up at dawn.

Red smooth scallop.

This is Petya .. (cockerel).

3. Red hidden spine.

Only one inch is visible from above.

And you will pick it up deftly and in your hands .. (carrot).

4. The sky is covered with rain.

How are we going for a walk

Do not worry, because in the garden

Shines in any weather

In villages, dachas, villages,

Our sun ... (sunflower).

Leading: We invite everyone to the sports ground.

Competition Games:


2."Running in bags"

3."Spoon Run"

Our youngest member

4."Fight of pots"

5. "Armwrestling"

6."Running on horseback"

Sabantuy is celebrated always fun and incendiary. The winners are presented with gifts.

Celebration ended with a tea party with pancakes near the samovar.

Galiya Valiakhmetova

Every year throughout the country and even abroad, in June, the Tatars organize their national holiday - Sabantuy... Sabantuy is a popular and widespread folk holiday. Therefore, it has been celebrated from ancient times to the present day, interrupting only during wars and other difficult periods life.

National Tatar holiday Sabantuy is truly folk holiday with a thousand-year history. Previously, it was held in connection with the beginning of sowing work, and now it is associated with their end. Even the name of the holiday speaks of this relationship: “Saban” from Tatar means “plow”, and “tui” means a celebration.

Purpose of the holiday Sabantuy originally was to appease the spirits of fertility so that they would help to disfigure the earth a good harvest. Over time, the magical sacrament of the ritual lost its meaning, and the Tatar holiday Sabantuy became just a fun folk holiday. On this holiday, people compete in strength, agility and endurance.

I live in the village of Novoye Ermakovo, Kamyshlinsky district, Samara region. The population of our village and region is mainly Tatars. From year to year, in all the Tatar villages of the region, Sabantuy takes place, and the end of the big holiday is the regional, and, of course, the regional Sabantuy. And by tradition, we are in kindergarten(together with primary school) we carry out

Children's Sabantuy.

Music sounds.

The presenters open the holiday.

1 ved: Sabantuy is a holiday of labor, a holiday of joy and happiness, in which and beautiful customs people, and his songs, and dances, and ceremonies. Sabantuy is celebrated in honor of the end of the spring field work. Already 2 weeks before the start of the holiday, the collection of gifts for the winners began: young horsemen were collecting gifts for future winners in the village: embroidered scarves and towels, pieces of chintz, chicken eggs. And the most honorable gift was considered a towel embroidered with a national pattern, which had a symbolic meaning, and no valuable prizes could be compared with it. Therefore, girls, young women prepared gifts all winter - weaving, sewing, embroidering. Collection of gifts was usually accompanied by funny songs, jokes, and gifts were tied to a long pole. On the day of Sabantuy, high spirits reigned in the village, people went to the Maidan in the morning. They dressed in all the best, women took out their jewelry from the chests.

Today we are gathered to spend this fun party together.

Happy holiday to all of you, dear children, happy holiday Sabantuy!

2 ved: A holiday has come to us today,

Veselchak, batyr, prankster,

Sabantuy, sabantuy,

Sing, ride, fight, dance!

June was ringing with warmth

Hello Sabantuy holiday!

After sowing on a summer day

We will dance and sing!

Whoever is strong wins

Brave, dexterous, daring!

Skill come in handy here

And courage to the young.

The fast horse flies like a whirlwind

There are strong men in the clearing!

Here is a tall pole,

All people are attracted to him.

And try - ka in the bag

Run on the grass!

Buckets full of water

Carry very quickly

Laughter, smiles, jokes, dance -

All this is here now.

1 ved: Guys, do you know that the most important Sabantui competition is the national struggle - keresh. So I suggest you start our Sabantuy with the national struggle - Keresh and we will determine the main Batyr Sabantuy.

1. Amusement game "Transfer the water to the spoon."

We are divided into two teams. It is necessary to drag the water from the basin with a spoon into the jar.

2. Game Break the pot.

The one who wants to experience happiness comes to the middle. They blindfold him and give him a stick. The pot (bucket of mayonnaise) is set at a distance of one to one and a half meters from the player. You need to hit the bottom of the pot with a stick and split it.

3. Team competition "Transfer the egg in a spoon." - on the basis of the relay race.

The game uses small wooden spoons. The difficulty lies in the fact that the spoon is not held with your hands, but with your teeth.

The youngest participant in the game.

4. Game-competition "Running in bags" .

The participant puts on a bag and jumps to the indicated place and back.

5. Game "Running in galoshes" .

You need to run in large galoshes.

6. Game "Armwrestling" .

Participants check the strength of their hands.

7. Competition game "Pull the rope"

We divide into two teams, which team will pull the rope to its side.

8. Game "Running on horseback" .

Each participant in the game is awarded a "horse". Riding it you need to run a distance.

The smallest participants compete.

2 ved: Well done boys! Here is a sweet treat for you (sweets, juices are distributed). So our merry holiday has come to an end. Thanks to all participants and guests. We wish you all health and vigor!

Olga Ausheva
Scenario of the holiday "Sabantuy"

Holiday objectives:

Continue to acquaint children with the traditions and customs of the Bashkir people: to give an idea of ​​the Sabantuy holiday, to arouse interest and desire to participate in competitions;

Promote the development of physical qualities in children: dexterity, strength, speed, satisfy the children's need for physical activity.

To foster love and a tolerant attitude towards the Bashkir people, interests in national holidays, traditions and customs.

Foster a responsible attitude to the implementation of rules and various tasks. To promote the development of positive emotions, the ability to communicate with their peers, mutual understanding and empathy.

Materials and equipment: wooden horses, 4 colored scarves, 2 basins, 2 bowls, 2 pillows, 2 bags, rope, 2 small pillows.

Preliminary work:

Consideration of the demonstration material on the topic: "Culture of Bashkortostan".

Reading Bashkir sayings and proverbs.

Outdoor games - "Shooter", "Yurt"

Examination of illustrations "Bashkir national holiday" Sabantuy ".

Holiday progress:

The glade - the Maidan, where the holiday takes place, is festively decorated with flags, balloons, garlands, and colored scarves.

On the central stage there is an inscription “Sabantuy”, balls. A flagpole is installed in the center of the site to raise the flag. All sections for games are separated by flags.

Parents and guests are sitting in the stands. The arbitrators take their places. All participants are lined up in a column of four on the left side of the stands. Fanfare sounds. The presenter goes to the middle.


Hello dear guys, dear guests!

Congratulations to all of you on the merry holiday "Sabantuy"!

The long-awaited summer has come, look how many colors are around! Our land has become like a huge colored meadow, where everyone should live in friendship and peace.

We have gathered in a green meadow to greet the summer nature, compete, admire our sons and daughters, test their courage and dexterity, ingenuity, and daring!

"Sabantuy" is the most beloved, the most cheerful, the most solemn folk holiday. It is held after the end of the spring field work. Today teams of city kindergartens are participating in our celebration.

So, you are invited by the children's "Sabantuy"!

A holiday has come to us today,

Veselchak, batyr, prankster,

Sabantuy, sabantuy,

Sing, ride, fight, dance!

(5 children come out)

1 child:

June was ringing with warmth

Hello Sabantuy holiday!

After sowing on a summer day

We will dance and sing!

2 child:

Whoever is strong wins

Brave, dexterous, daring!

Skill come in handy here

And courage to the young.

3 child:

The fast horse flies like a whirlwind

There are strong men in the clearing!

4 child:

Here is a tall pole,

All people are attracted to him.

And try - ka, in a bag

Run on the grass!

5 child:

Buckets full of water

Carry very quickly

Laughter, smiles, jokes, dance -

Everything is here now

Have fun and rejoice!

This is Sabantuy holiday!

Song "Sabantuy"(words by G. Zainashev, music by L. Batyr-Bulgari).

The fanfare is heard again. They announce the beginning of a solemn ceremony - a parade of participants. To the sounds of a sports march and applause from fans, teams pass through the square and line up in a circle around the site. Each team has its own emblems and sports uniforms.

The host represents the teams, including educators, kindergarten directors, arbiters, and guests of honor.


To raise the Sabantui flag, one participant from each team is invited.

Children raise the flag to the music.

Sabantui is open!

I invite you to get acquainted with the kindergarten teams.

Each team presents its own business card.

I want, dear guys, to invite you to play, compete in contests.

Educators bred children in sections specially equipped for certain competitions. Each section is marked with a sign showing the type of competition.

Conducted team competitions:

1. Game "Horse Racing"

5 children from each team take part. They line up on the starting line. They are given wooden horses. At the signal, the children move to the finish line. They compete in five rounds. One rider from the team participates in each race. The winner is determined by the best result in five heats.

2. The game "Running in bags"

Two opponents on a team climb into the bags and run in them for a certain distance, then pass the bag to the next player on the team. The first team to reach the finish line wins.

3. The game "pillow fight"

Look, the sack has started!

Hey! Grab it, grab it

Hurry up the bag!

Two boys stand facing each other, draw a line between them, hold small pillows in their hands. It is necessary to dodge the opponent's "pillow", and at the same time try to "hit him". Who will be able not to step over the line? The losing player is eliminated from the game, and the next willing player takes his place

4. The game "Who will bring the water to the bowls faster."

Two girls collect water into bowls from one basin and carefully carry it and pour it into a basin on the opposite side of the hall. The main condition is not to spill water on the floor.

5. Game "Yurt"

Hey, horsemen, why are you sitting?

Run quickly into the field

It's time for us to build yurts

Get together kids!

The game involves four subgroups of children, each of which forms a circle at the corners of the playground. In the center of each circle there is a chair on which a scarf with a national pattern is hung. Children move in a circle to the music. As soon as the music has stopped, each team must pull a shawl over their heads in the form of a tent. The first team to pull on the headscarf wins.

6. Game "Pull the rope"

Boys, boys, guys

Calling to the rope

Seven here on the left, seven here on the right,

Only the muscles are cracking.

Two teams compete in the game. Whose team will pull the rope.

At the end of all games and competitions, all participants are invited to watch a concert prepared by kindergarten children.

Fanfares are heard, which notify all participants in the competition will line up for the ceremonial closing of Sabantuy. The floor is given to the chief arbiter of the holiday. He emphasizes good athletic training and a great will to win the children. Reminds that there are no losers in the holiday, since Sabantuy is a holiday of peace, friendship and sports.

Certificates and prizes are awarded.

The host invites team captains to lower the flag.

Leading: So our merry holiday has come to an end, we wish everyone health, happiness and more joyful days. Goodbye!

Scenario of the holiday "Sabantuy" in kindergarten

(middle group)

Holiday objectives:
Continue to acquaint children with the traditions and customs of the Tatar people: to give an idea of ​​the Sabantuy holiday, to arouse interest and desire to participate in competitions;

Promote the development of physical qualities in children: dexterity, strength, speed, satisfy the children's need for physical activity.

Foster a responsible attitude to the implementation of rules and various tasks. To promote the development of positive emotions, the ability to communicate with their peers, mutual understanding and empathy.

Preliminary work with children:

For the holiday, the playground is decorated with balloons, flags, beautiful towels and scarves with Tatar ornaments. Tatar dance music sounds. Children stand in a circle.

Leading: Hello guys! What is our holiday today?

Children: Sabantui!

Leading: Right!Today we are going to celebrate the Tatar folk holiday - Sabantuy. Sabantuy is a holiday of labor, a holiday of joy and happiness. Sabantuy is celebrated in honor of the end of the spring field work. Already 2 weeks before the start of the holiday, the collection of gifts for the winners began: young horsemen collected gifts for future winners in the village: embroidered scarves and towels, chintz pieces, chicken eggs. And the most honorable gift was considered a towel embroidered with a national pattern, which had a symbolic meaning, and no valuable prizes could be compared with it. Therefore, girls, young women prepared gifts all winter - weaving, sewing, embroidering. On the day of Sabantuy, high spirits reigned in the village, people went to the Maidan in the morning. They dressed in all the best, women took out their jewelry from the chests.

Today we have also prepared with you - What is your mood?

Children: great!

Presenter: Well done!

On a merry Sabantuy

We called all our friends.

Let's sing and dance

Friendly, fun to play

Song "Sabantuy"

(A horseman comes out from the fairy tale "Shurale")

Dzhigit: Hello guys. I walked past your kindergarten and heard how you are having fun, how you sing loudly.

Do you like to play? Let's play with you the Tatar folk game "Hey, friend, sell the pot!"

Tatar folk game "Hey, friend, sell the pot!"

Well done!

Dzhigit: Attention attention!

Let's start the competition

Who is dexterous, brave and skillful,

Get out into the circle soon!

Competition games:

"Running in bags";

Dzhigit: Here I give you a bag

Get into it buddy.

Who will run faster

He will certainly win !!!

(running in bags)

"Running with spoons";

Dzhigit: Here is a spoon, in a spoon - a testicle!

You can't run, you can't tremble,

You can breathe - only carefully!

(running with spoons)

"Bucket Run";

Dzhigit: Here are two buckets full of water

We must run quickly, do not pour ourselves over !!!

(bucket run)

"Fight of pots"

"Pull the rope»;

(pot smashing and tug of war)

Dzhigit : Well done boys! Here are gifts for you (gives children handkerchiefs decorated with Tatar ornaments). And I have to go. Until next time!

Leading Did you like it!? (children's answers) Here is a sweet treat for you (sweets are distributed) This concludes our holiday!

Sau bulygyz! Goodbye!


Dyuryagina Natalia Nikolaevna,

music director

MADOU Narimanov kindergarten

Tyumen district

Holiday objectives:

  • Continue to acquaint children with the traditions and customs of the Tatar people: to give an idea of ​​the Sabantuy holiday, to arouse interest and desire to participate in competitions;
  • Promote the development of physical qualities in children: dexterity, strength, speed, satisfy the children's need for physical activity.
  • Foster a responsible attitude to the implementation of rules and various tasks. To promote the development of positive emotions, the ability to communicate with their peers, mutual understanding and empathy.

Materials and equipment: wooden horses, 4 colored shawls, 2 basins, 2 bowls, 2 pillows, 2 bags, rope, 2 small pillows.

Holiday progress

The hall is decorated with colored scarves, on the central stage there is an inscription “Sabantuy”. Children enter the hall and sit on chairs.


A holiday has come to us today,
Merry man, batyr, prankster,
Sabantuy, sabantuy,
Sing, ride, fight, dance!

(5 children come out)

1 child:

June was ringing with warmth
Hello Sabantuy holiday!
After sowing on a summer day
We will dance and sing!

2 child:

Whoever is strong wins
Brave, dexterous, daring!
Skill come in handy here
And courage to the young.

3 child:

The fast horse flies like a whirlwind
A dzhigit manages it,
And a little further, look
There are strong men in the clearing!

4 child:

Here is a tall pole,
All people are attracted to him.
And try - ka in the bag
Run on the grass!

5 child:

Buckets full of water
Carry very quickly
Laughter, smiles, jokes, dance -
Everything is here now

Have fun and rejoice!
This is Sabantuy holiday!

1. Song "Sabantuy" ( Appendix).

2. Game "Horsemen"

Two - three children line up on the starting line. They are given wooden horses. At the signal, the children move to the finish line without pushing each other. Whoever reached the finish line first won.

Leading: And now the girls will compete.

3. Game-attraction "Who will bring water in bowls faster".

Two girls collect water into bowls from one basin and carefully carry it and pour it into a basin on the opposite side of the hall. The main condition is not to spill water on the floor.

(A bear enters to the music)

Bear: Hello guys! I heard you have a holiday here?

Leading: Yes, we have a holiday.

Bear: And which one?

Children: Sabantuy .

Bear: What kind of holiday is this? I don't know anything about him, tell me about him.

Leading: Sabantuy is a “plow holiday”. It is celebrated when spring fieldwork ends. So we did a good job in the garden, and now we are having fun.


What a miracle, a gallop and a gallop!
Look, the sack has started!
Hey! Grab it, grab it
Hurry up the bag!

6. The game "Running in bags"

Two opponents on a team get into the bags and run in them for a certain distance.


Boys, boys, guys
Calling to the rope
Seven here on the left, seven here on the right,
Only the muscles are cracking.

7. Game "Pull the rope»

Two teams compete in the game. Whose team will pull the rope.

Leading: Oh, guys, look at us, more guests have arrived.

Tatarochka: Hello guys!

9. "Tatar dance"

Tatarochka: I heard about your holiday and decided to come and see if you have any clever brave children.

Leading: And how! All our guys are dexterous, brave, fast. Let's show our guest how we play.

10. Game "Sell the Pot"

Children stand in pairs in a circle. Those in the inner circle squat. They act as “pots”. Those who stand in the outer circle are "sellers". The driver is selected. He approaches one of the "salesmen" with the words: "Sell the pot?" "Buy!" "How much is?" "2 rubles!" after these words, the children say in unison: "One, two, three - run!" The seller and the driver run in a circle in different directions: whoever runs ahead to the place, he takes it.

Tatarochka: Well done, nimble guys. And now I want to check who is the smartest here. I will ask riddles, and you will guess.


1. The blue horse is racing
The mane curls in a wave. (River)

2. It cannot be saddled,
The copper whip cannot be held back. (Bear and snake)

3. For a man - a wing,
For the sultan - a stigma
Doesn't get tired in summer
Snow is crushing in the field in winter. (Horse)

4. Youngster - both in summer and in winter
In a green fur coat. (Pine)

Tatarochka. Yes, indeed, you are smart, and dexterous, and you know riddles. And in the hotel I brought you a wonderful Bashkir dish - "Chak-chak"

Leading: Now we will go to the group, wash our hands, drink tea with refreshments.

Leading: Thank you dear guests for coming to our holiday. And thanks for the treat. Sit down with us at the table.

Tea drinking. The guests thank and leave.

Appendix: 2 phonograms, lyrics in Russian and Tatar languages.

Script Competition Sponsors summer holidays and entertainment "Long-awaited time, kids love you!":