
How to paint a leather jacket with special paint. How to paint a leather jacket at home with liquid, powder paint, aerosol, folk remedies? How to paint a genuine leather jacket: tips and tricks How to paint a brown leather jacket



If your leather jacket has prematurely lost its brightness, worn out to scuffs, has gone out of fashion with its color scheme, or you just become boring and tired of you, you can use a simple procedure to paint the jacket at home. Previously, such a process was quite laborious and there was a high risk of spoiling the thing either with the paint itself or with its improper use. Now everything is much simpler: new ways of quick painting and special tools have appeared, with the help of which you will have the opportunity to give things a chance for a second life and not burden your budget with a new purchase. However, many, recalling the bad experience of friends, are afraid of a spotty result and a spoiled thing, especially when it comes to expensive leather. What paint to paint a leather jacket? There is no definite answer to this question. Each type of dye has its own pros and cons, which we will discuss below.

The better to paint your leather jacket

First, let's try to answer the question of how you can paint a leather jacket. There are several methods, the most common of which is spray painting. The colorant is in the can. All you have to do is spread the paint evenly over the leather surface. Liquid dyes are slightly behind in demand from aerosols and powder paints have almost disappeared into oblivion. Now the preference is given to convenience and practicality. However, there are several rules that must be followed in any of the ways. Firstly, drying an already painted jacket should only take place naturally, without any hot batteries or hair dryers. Secondly, it is advisable to fix any paint after the procedure.

Preparations for the moment "X"

Before painting, the product must be prepared for the process. To do this, you will need:

  • Soap.
  • Two bowls of lukewarm water.
  • Two soft rags or gauze folded several times.

We spread a thin blanket or an old towel on the surface of the table, and lay the jacket on top of it. Add liquid soap to warm water in the ratio of 5 grams of soap to 1 liter of water. Shake the solution until the soap is completely dissolved and foam forms. We moisten a cloth or gauze in liquid and carefully start wiping the product. Particular attention should be paid to hard-to-reach places: seams, pockets and scuffs. After every centimeter of the product is evenly covered with soapy water, proceed to its final cleaning with another cloth moistened with clean water. When the soap residue is completely removed from the jacket, hang it on a hanger and leave to dry.

It is important to remember that drying must occur naturally at room temperature. Before you take the product for painting, you need to check if all the seams and pockets are dry. If the skin is wet, the paint may simply not take or lie poorly, leaving streaks. The choice of painting method will help you decide on the place where you can paint your leather jacket. To use aerosols, you will need open air and the absence of nearby objects on which paint is highly undesirable. If the process will use powder or liquid dye, you will need a hard surface (preferably a regular table) on which to spread a towel or large, clean rag.

How to spray paint a leather jacket at home

The most popular and convenient way is now considered to be painting leather items with sprayers. It is advisable to buy a special dye for leather clothing. Can a leather jacket be painted with a shoe spray? This type of spray is good for off-season thin leather products; you should not experiment with things more closely.

How to properly dye a leather jacket? The choice and purchase of an aerosol should be approached responsibly: be sure to pay attention to the manufacturer and quality reviews. For a short jacket, two 200 ml cans will be enough, and for a long product 3-4 cans. The process must necessarily take place in the fresh air. It is important to remember that the dye is toxic; in no case should it be breathed. Therefore, it is advisable to use either a medical bandage or a respirator. Hang the item fastened on a hanger in an open space. After the protective elements (respirator and rubber gloves) are put on, you can start the process itself.

It is necessary to ensure that the paint is evenly distributed over the surface, do not hold the stream for a long time in one place. If streaks do occur, they can be removed with a damp sponge or cloth. After painting, the item should be left to dry at room temperature. If you have drastically changed the color of the product, you may have to repeat the process twice. The second approach must be done when the thing is completely dry after the first painting.

Painting with liquid dyes

Liquid dyes are sold in specialized stores. After preparing the item and drying it, the paint must be poured into a glass container and stirred well with a wooden or plastic stick. We carefully lay out the thing on a hard surface, having previously spread an unnecessary blanket or an old towel. Be sure to wear rubber gloves, after which you can use a regular clean sponge for washing dishes. Gently moisten the sponge in the dye, remove the excess and rub it into the skin in a circular motion. After the front side is ready, carefully turn the product over and paint over the second one. When each piece of skin has been rubbed with a sponge down to the seams and armpits, put the jacket on a hanger and hang it out to dry.

Powder painting

The method that gave the experimenters the most spoiled things and fun, spotty colors. Although the problem was not the quality of the dye, but the wrong preparation for the painting process. Powder dyes are inconvenient because, when dissolved in water, they can form small lumps, which subsequently break the uniformity of the color. However, it is with the help of powder dyes that the most saturated, bright color is obtained. If you nevertheless decide to use this "old-fashioned" method, the powder must be poured into a container and filled with water in the ratio indicated in the instructions. And now the most difficult thing: the paint must be very thoroughly mixed with a wooden or plastic stick / spoon. After all the lumps visible to the naked eye have been removed, the solution must be filtered through cheesecloth folded in at least four layers. This is the very point that grief dyers often neglected.

Beforehand, a leather jacket must be soaked in cold water and kept in it for about two hours so that the liquid soaks the skin well. In parallel, the dye solution is brought to a boil and removed from the stove. The heated dye cannot be used until the liquid has cooled to 45 degrees. Otherwise, the skin will shrink and shrink, and the thing will be hopelessly ruined. When you are sure that the solution has cooled to the desired temperature, the leather jacket must be pulled out of the cold water, squeezed well and lowered into a container with paint. It must be thoroughly rinsed in a solution so that the product is painted evenly on all sides. Then the thing is rinsed first in warm and then in cold water. Rinse until the flowing water becomes clear. Some people practice painting with powder dyes by applying the solution to the skin with a sponge. This option is considered incorrect and is unlikely to lead to the desired result.

Color pinning

Dyeing a leather jacket is only half the battle, the color after dyeing must be fixed so that the result does not fade away after a short wear. The method described below will help you not only after painting, but also for fixing the color on a new product of not the highest quality. There are, of course, a number of special fixers, but there is a simple method that has been proven over the years. For this purpose, you will need vinegar, a bowl of water, and table salt. For one liter of water, use 100 grams of 9% vinegar and 2-3 tablespoons of table salt. The jacket is rinsed in a solution and dried. You can use a sponge dipped in vinegar and methodically rub each area of ​​your skin. However, this method will take much longer and is considered too laborious.

Cardinal color change

Professionals advise at home, independently repaint leather products in neutral colors: white and black.

You should be careful with variegated products, as the cardinal color change may not be predictable. The only reliable type of painting is considered to be a change of any color to black. When asked how to dye a leather jacket black, professionals give an unambiguous answer: using ordinary dyes.

However, there are some nuances here: if the initial color is light, the procedure will have to be carried out in several passes, since the paint will most likely not “take” the skin the first time and will not give a uniform, saturated black color. Some experienced experimenters, before dyeing a black leather jacket in order to refresh the color with special dyes, advise trying a regular shoe polish in several layers. The method is extraordinary, but effective. It is important to grind the product after the procedure so that when it comes into contact with other clothes or the body, the remnants of the cream do not leave traces.

And finally, some important tips to help you in this somewhat creative process. If you are not confident in your abilities or are afraid of a negative result, you will find tips in a detailed video: how to dye a leather jacket. Master classes from professionals or amateurs who have already tried different methods and even learned how to combine dyes will be an excellent guide to the process. Upon purchase, each item has a bag with a spare button and a piece of fabric used to create this item. To predict the result and find out how the skin will behave, you can conduct a small experiment with this piece, which will help to avoid damage to things. Do not forget that the old thing does not have to be thrown away, if you put in a little effort and spend a few hours of your personal time, it can turn into something completely new and fashionable.

To start figuring out how to paint a leather jacket at home, you need to assess how much its surface has suffered during operation. A heavily worn product at home cannot be high-quality and deeply dyed due to the properties of the skin itself. For deep staining, you need to carry out several operations. One of them is heating up to 60 degrees in a saturated coloring solution.

The skin has a tendency to become rough after getting wet, warp when dried in direct sunlight or when dried over heaters. The skin does not like dampness, high temperatures. She can shrink a lot during such work.

The skin does not like dampness, high temperatures

At home, you can briefly return your favorite clothes to their original appearance with the help of a special paint designed for surface coloring of the skin. It is sold in household cleaning departments and can often be found in shoe stores. If the surface is treated with this paint, then this will be enough for one season, after which the thing will require new restoration work. How much it costs to paint a leather jacket at home will depend on the cost of the chosen coloring agent. Their price, depending on the brand and manufacturer, can be 100 rubles or more.

It is quite possible to paint a leather jacket at a low price if it is black or brown. These are the most common dyes found in a shoe store. The rest of the colors for home renewal of used clothes can be purchased from the online store for a high price.

Saphir Leather Jacket Care

Saphir is a trademark of a French manufacturer specializing in the production of cosmetics for the care of leather goods. It offers many shades of dyes that should be used for all-round care of natural leather goods. The products belong to the category of premium goods and are priced accordingly. The composition contains natural ingredients:

  • various waxes;
  • mink oil;

Mink oil for leather jacket care

  • seal fat;
  • Bone marrow;

Lanolin for leather jacket care

  • lanolin;
  • peanut butter;

Walnut oil is excellent for leather jacket care

  • jojoba oil;
  • fluorinated resins.

If a person is looking for how to paint a black leather jacket, then paint, which contains the same natural ingredients, can be bought in a regular store at a lower price.

Jojoba oil for leather goods

For heavily frayed items, it is recommended to choose liquid paint, packaged in plastic packaging and equipped with foam rubber. It is suitable for both shoes and leather garments. It is a long-lasting pigment in bulk and contains ingredients that protect against wetting. Such paint refreshes the color well, restores softness, elasticity of the skin, gives it shine. The wax contained in the composition helps to mask small scratches and cracks.

Favorite by many paint from the Turkish manufacturer Silver provides good coloring of the surface of leather products.

Favorite paint from a Turkish manufacturer provides good coloring of the surface of leather products. She looks after them no worse than expensive brands. The paint is suitable for all leather products, refreshes them externally. The package is equipped with a spout, upon pressing on which the liquid begins to pour out in a thin stream, evenly wetting the sponge. Constant moisture allows the paint to be applied evenly over the entire surface. After applying the dye, the appearance of the black jacket is transformed. The skin becomes more elastic and shiny.

King First Quality Leather Dye

Inexpensive Turkish leather paint King First Quality perfectly fulfills the manufacturer's promises. It is absorbed within 30 minutes after application and then does not get dirty. The water resistance of this coloring agent is excellent. Water rolls down the treated product without penetrating the pores of the skin. There are no traces of moisture on the surface. The coating hides scratches and various minor damages.

On a note! Processing completely renews the appearance of the product, giving the surface a shine and freshness.

Features of aerosol and kits

If a person chooses a means to paint a leather jacket that is in a satisfactory condition, but has lost its luster, he can buy an aerosol from Russian or foreign manufacturers. Spray paint is less concentrated, applied in a thin layer that can be manually adjusted. The field of the treated surface increases, and the layer becomes thinner, if the spray gun is at a distance of 25 cm. When it is reduced, the paint lays down more densely, but the consumption increases significantly. When buying such a product, you need to carefully read what kind of skin it is intended for. Separately sold spray paint for nubuck, suede and smooth leather.

Spray paint is less concentrated and is applied in a very thin layer that can be manually adjusted

Aerosols are often a source of frustration for users. When spraying, they emit unpleasant odors, splash strongly, and can leak. The coating after them is created fragile, which forces you to constantly update your clothes. The cost of this remedy is too high for a temporary effect.

For heavily worn items, you can purchase kits designed to paint leather jackets at home. They are purchased in bulk from American and Spanish manufacturers and then distributed through online stores.

The set consists of a primer, paint and fixer. Using this kit, you can try to repaint a light jacket in a different color. Since these kits do not have a quality certificate, no one can guarantee the result.

How to prepare a thing for coloring

Before dyeing a leather jacket at home, it must be cleaned of dust and dirt. If the skin is rough, the jacket is a little too big, then you can take a chance and wash it by hand in warm water using any shampoo or dishwashing detergent.

If the skin is rough, the jacket is a little too large, then you can take a chance and wash it by hand in warm water using any shampoo or dishwashing detergent

Thin delicate skin may not withstand such rough treatment, and after drying, the item will greatly decrease in size, becoming tough. For such a product, you can use a cleaner for leather products sold in household departments in supermarkets and stores selling household chemicals. It is intended for cleaning leather furniture, suitable for delicate cleaning of clothes made of genuine leather.

Household chemicals for preparing a leather jacket for painting

Important! After applying the product, it is recommended to rub heavily soiled areas with a sponge or brush to remove the dirt.

The skin can be cleaned with a sponge and soapy water and a tablespoon of turpentine. Working with a damp sponge, rinse it off as it gets dirty and squeeze out excess water well. After cleaning work, the thing must be dried outside, placing it in a draft under a canopy.

How to paint a thing

Before dyeing your leather jacket at home, you should read the instructions that came with the paint. Gloves are needed to work, because the paint leaves persistent stains on the skin of the hands and nails. Restoration work is carried out in a well-ventilated room.

Restoration work is carried out in a ventilated room with good lighting.

First, the jacket should be hung on large hangers so that it does not slip during work. For convenience, you can use a dummy, if you have one, or a family member who can stand quietly while applying the paint.

Children should not be involved in aerosol coloring work. The paint in the spray can has a strong unpleasant odor and can cause an allergic reaction. When working with aerosol, care should be taken to protect walls and clothing, as splashes can stain other things.

When working with aerosol, care should be taken to protect walls and clothing, as splashes can stain other things.

The work begins with the treatment of the most shabby places. These include:

  • cuffs;
  • seams on sleeves and sides;
  • stomach;
  • collar;
  • belt;
  • back.

After all the scuffs have been processed, the tone should be leveled by completely processing the entire product.

Home staining requires careful examination under different lighting conditions. After the end of the work, the jacket is taken out into the street so that the unpleasant smell disappears from it.

The results of the work are also examined there. Daylight allows you to see hidden defects resulting from staining. All poorly colored areas must be well treated, evenly distributing the pigment over the skin. 2 or 3 coats of paint are enough to completely transform the item.

Advantages of dyeing under dry cleaning conditions

If there is a dry cleaner nearby where you can paint a leather jacket for a certain amount of money, it is better to contact a professional. Modern organizations that provide services for cleaning and painting things have equipment that allows for the gentle processing of natural materials. Experts will examine the product and tell you if the leather jacket can be dyed and what method is best for updating it.

A heavily worn jacket is painted after cleaning the surface so that the layer is smoother and lasts longer

In this institution, specialists not only update the color of the clothes, but also remove defects from its surface. A heavily worn jacket is painted after cleaning the surface so that the layer is smoother and lasts longer. Before starting staining, the specialist covers up with a special base:

  • scratches;
  • cracks;
  • holes from cigarettes;
  • cuts;
  • deep creases.

This allows you to get a very good effect after finishing all the work. Dry cleaning of a leather jacket, its dyeing is a difficult process, after which the item gets its perfect look. The jacket will not only be painted, but also treated with water-repellent agents, and its surface will be polished. Thick skin, which becomes tough after getting wet, is treated with special substances that make the surface shine, and the skin itself - soft and silky.

Leather jackets are always in fashion. They look stylish and expensive. But as they are worn, their appearance deteriorates. Then they resort to painting. In Russia, it is worth dyeing a leather jacket from 1500 to 5000 rubles.

What's this?

Painting a leather jacket means processing a product with a coloring agent in order to restore or change the shade. You can paint things yourself. Special paints are sold in stores for this purpose. But the procedure is complicated, it requires preparation and accuracy. Therefore, it is better to contact a dry cleaner.

You may need to paint your leather jacket in such cases:

  • Not satisfied with the color of the purchased item.
  • The product has burned out in the sun.
  • There is a stain on outerwear that cannot be removed at home.
  • As a result of long wear, scuffs, scuffs, scratches appeared, the shade changed.
  • I would like to update the product.

Painting a leather jacket is much cheaper than buying a new product. A person in a short time receives an updated, attractive-looking product.

The staining process takes place in a number of stages:

  1. Clothes are cleaned of dirt, dust, degreased.
  2. Paint is applied.
  3. Drying in progress.

To order painting of a leather jacket, you need:

  • Find a dry cleaner and find out the terms of cooperation, prices.
  • Bring the item to the specialists and agree on the method of staining, the tone and type of paint, the timing of the work.
  • Evaluate the work of the master, pay and pick up the finished product.

To dye a leather jacket, the master may need from two days to a week.

What does the price depend on?

It costs different amounts of money to paint a leather jacket in dry cleaners in Russia. The price depends on a number of factors:

  • The type of paint, its quality and cost.
  • Processing type.
  • Urgency.
  • Qualification and experience of a specialist.
  • The size of the thing.
  • Degree of deterioration of outerwear.

The longer the jacket, the more defects it has, the more dye will go away, the higher the cost of work will be.


There are such types of paints:

  1. Local (used to eliminate small defects in the form of abrasions, stains that are difficult to remove).
  2. Spot (used if you need to remove scratches).
  3. Full (required in especially severe cases when the clothes are completely burnt out or the color needs to be changed).

Spot treatment is the cheapest and the most expensive is full painting.

Depending on the paint used, processing is:

  • Liquid composition.
  • Aerosol.
  • Powder mixture.

The latter option is more time consuming and therefore more expensive. The cheapest type of clothing dyeing involves applying liquid paint.

approximate cost

To paint a leather jacket will cost a Russian about as much:

  • Full painting of a short item (up to 50 cm) - from 3000 rubles.
  • Medium length garments (up to 65 cm) - from 4200 rubles.
  • Long product (up to 80 cm) - from 5000 rubles.
  • Repainting a plain biker jacket - from 3200 rubles.
  • Motorcycle jackets in multiple colors - from 4000 rubles.
  • Spot painting to remove scratches up to 1 cm - from 1500 rubles.
  • Spot treatment to remove scratches up to 5 cm - from 2000 rubles.
  • Painting cuts up to 1 cm - from 1700 rubles.
  • Cuts up to 5 cm - from 2300 rubles.
  • Elimination of burn-throughs - from 1700 to 2500 rubles.
  • Local painting - from 2000 rubles.

Where to order the service?

Clothes are dyed by dry cleaners. There are many such establishments on the territory of Russia. But not all companies work with leather. Therefore, before taking a thing to the dry-cleaner, you need to ask if it has a leather dyeing service. Organizations involved in the restoration of jackets use different paints (not always of high quality).

To be satisfied with the result, you need to contact popular and reliable companies. Good dry cleaning criteria are:

  1. Availability of qualified specialists in the staff who are able to perform leather dyeing.
  2. Use of high quality environmentally friendly paints.
  3. Issuance of a warranty certificate.
  4. The ability to recover a jacket from a very bad condition.

To be convinced of the professionalism of the masters working in dry cleaning, you should ask the company administrator for a catalog with restored jackets.

Let's take a closer look: how to choose paint for a leather jacket from the best stylists for our readers.

Everyone has a favorite leather item that they don't want to part with. Over time, products made from this material begin to lose their attractive appearance. Of course, this phenomenon is very frustrating. But nothing lasts forever. However, the leather jacket can be refurbished if necessary. Especially if it is not only beautiful, but also comfortable.

After the correct restoration, the leather jacket or handbag will look like new. Of course, the question arises, is it possible to independently carry out restoration work or you should seek the help of specialists. Each of the options has both positive and negative sides.

Of course, having given a leather product to a dry cleaner or to a workshop, one can hope that the workers will apply all their skills and will do everything to their conscience. However, as practice shows, not all professional dry cleaners have proven themselves to be good.

It is not uncommon for customers to return damaged items. So restoration of leather products is best done at home on their own. If necessary, you can purchase a special paint in the store, which will make any product more attractive.

The process of painting, for example, genuine leather jackets is very simple. For restoration you can use oil or water based paint... Each tool has its own benefits. Water-based paint leaves the garment soft to the touch and does not change the feel of the skin. An oil-based product can make the jacket harder and tougher.

To paint a jacket with high quality, you must prepare all the tools in advance. To restore the product you will need:

Before you start painting, you need to prepare your jacket. To do this, it must be thoroughly cleaned. In preparation wipe the skin with a damp sponge to remove dirt and dust. After that, the product should be slightly dried. That's all now you can start painting.

After complete drying, the product must be covered with a special paint fixer. It is best to use an acrylic compound. Of course, there are a lot of such remedies. However, experts recommend use only water-based fixer... Also, the choice of this tool depends on what effect you want. The fixer can make the leather look glossy or matte.

To apply the fixing compound with a sponge, an already unpainted jacket with even movements and preferably in one direction. During the application of the fixer white streaks or foam may form... In this case, you shouldn't worry. Frightening stains will disappear after the composition is dry. The binder helps protect the leather jacket from wiping and fading.

The products must be completely dry before using the acrylic fixer. Otherwise, after applying the composition, the skin will become sticky and the product will be damaged.

When the fixative is dry, the jacket should be wiped off to remove any white spots. If you do not have a special fixer for paint at hand, then you can make it yourself. For this you need to mix a liter of water, a tablespoon of salt and 200 grams of vinegar... The resulting composition must be applied to the leather product with a sponge. After that, you need to wait until the skin is dry and wipe it off.

Today, shops sell a huge amount of paints for leather goods. This allows you to choose exactly what is required both in color and quality. Recently, a special set for painting leather goods Leather Colourant Kit... This set is recommended even by specialists who deal with upholstery and car interiors.

The paint included in the kit is similar in composition to those used in the UK high quality leather factories. Such a set allows you to give the product a perfect look. Leather Colourant Kit allows you to remove scuffs... The kit can be used to completely restore the product. If necessary, the jacket, handbag and other things can be completely repainted.

It should be noted that this set can be used not only for the restoration of clothes, but also for shoes, furniture, car interiors and other leather goods. This set is a series of special tools that allow you to achieve excellent results.

The Leather Colourant Kit has been developed by the professionals in the leather industry. The paint included in the kit is a water-based finishing compound designed for flexible and durable protective coating. The kit is quite easy to use and safe. It is worth noting that all the products in the kit are non-flammable.

After applying all the special products from the kit, the leather product will look like new. It should be noted that after restoration the paint will not peel, crack or fade. but you need to apply the compositions correctly, while observing traditional technologies that have been used for decades by many manufacturers of leather goods.

To paint a jacket with a similar set, you must thoroughly clean it from dirt and remove the protective factory coating. For this it is ideal Leather Prep is suitable, which is intended for preparation for dyeing leather. This will allow the new coating to penetrate the structure of the skin and better adhere to its surface, while creating a protective coating.

After cleaning, you can start painting the jacket. To do this, it is better to hang the leather product and apply paint with an aerosol. This will distribute the coloring composition more evenly. After complete drying, the jacket must be covered with a protective varnish. This composition prevents wear on the leather product, as well as makes the coating more reliable and durable.

Among the large assortment of leather dyes, you can find a product that is liquid leather. It can be used for the restoration of a burnt or cut jacket made of genuine leather. Ideal for restoring car interiors and scratched shoes.

Liquid leather allows products to return to their original appearance. Such a tool is a simple unique composition that allows you to quickly eliminate any damage on the surface of leather products.

The basis for liquid skin is a water-alcohol solution that perfectly penetrates the structure of the material. After complete drying, the composition will not exfoliate. After all, the agent penetrates the material. It should be noted that the composition can be used for any type of material: for leatherette, natural and pressed leather.

How to paint a leather jacket at home. Such products are worn for several years. As a result of prolonged use, abrasions cannot be avoided.

Turning off the water tap after washing?

Oh yeah!No.

Types of staining

The self-dyeing option depends on what leather the jacket is made from, as well as the color and condition of the thing. Based on the desired result, one or another type of dye can be used:

  • liquid;
  • aerosol;
  • powder.

The process is not straightforward. It is necessary to prepare well, follow the rules for the use of the substance and be careful.

It should be borne in mind that home staining of the skin does not give a long-term result and the procedure will have to be repeated periodically. Most likely, this will need to be done once every 1-2 seasons.

You can buy the dye in shoe stores or supermarkets that sell household chemicals. First you need to familiarize yourself with the instructions and the composition of the substance. Thus, you can understand what types of skin can be dyed with this dye.