
How to express admiration in words. Just delight. And admiration and bliss. Statuses, quotes, verses. Complete the verbal expression


What words can express admiration?

    No one has come up with a better mat! Transfer?! 🙂

    This is where the power of all expressed feelings is. Admiration cannot be expressed more strongly. Mat is just universal. After all, you can admire the beauty of a person, and some abilities, skills, wisdom, his new image, fancy car, Mat is suitable for any occasion!

    But for people who do not swear, like me, for intelligent people, like me, I offer other options.

    But I ask you to note right away that admiration should not hurt either the most praised person or anyone else. Example, You are the best! ... and what, others, are worse?! I didn't expect this from you! … that I'm so bad?! …


    Good girl! Congratulations! Working with you is just a joy!

    WOW!!! Crazy! Stunned! Class! Bravo! Super class!

    Super-duper-ultra-mega-brilliant! Amazing!

    Well done! This is exactly what I've been waiting for. Keep it up!

    I'm proud that you made it! I couldn't do better myself. Wow!!!

    Fine! Beauty! It touches me to the core.

    Cool! Already better. Like in a dream. Unforgettably!

    Marvelous! Well said - simple and clear. Bravissimo!

    Very clear. Much better than before. Witty.

    Amazing. Bright, figurative. Good!

    Extra class. Wonderful. Very effective.

    Fabulous! Talented. Amazing.

    Great start. Wonderful! You are gifted.

    Inimitable. I knew you could do it. Grandiose!

    You did a lot today. Incomparably. You are on the right track.

    I need you. I'm proud of you. I'm just happy.

    You figured it out. Every day you get better. Great!

    Here I can not do without you! Teach me to do the same. You're a miracle! …

    Most often, words of admiration are addressed to children as an incentive for further development and to women, and knowing that ladies love with their ears, one can also admire in poetry. It will be very cool!

    Well, in reality, the main thing is not the words, but the emotional charge that you put into these words.

    stunned, super, I like it, class, drop dead, I'm shocked

    Great. Blimey. Super. Fabulous. Amazing. Unreal. Or an American word: Wow.

    Here's the first thing that came to mind:

    1. Amazing.
    2. I am delighted.
    3. I admire it!
    4. It's indescribable!
    5. Super!
    6. Fine.
    7. 1000 likes (modern).
    8. Great!
    9. Wonderful.
    10. Amazing.
    11. Gorgeous.
    12. Fantastic.
    13. Luxuriously!
  • The joy that visited, for example, as a sign of grace, must be sincere, otherwise, the words will be on duty; then the soul of another reciprocal-mutual joy. Therefore, if there is no admiration, then it is better not to imitate it, so it will be possible to avoid hypocrisy.

    Usually, when people admire sincerely, their eyes shine, a smile brightens their face, it happens that the voice trembles or disappears altogether, as there are no words left, sometimes tears freeze in the eyes, but, as a rule, they are the outcome of deep delight. Then the words might sound like this:

    How wonderful!

    How wonderful!

    What a joy! "

    How touching!

    How amazing!

    How great!

    How excellent!

    What a charm!

    How incendiary!

    What irresistibility!

    How sweet!

    How bright!

    We usually show admiration for the sole purpose of showing respect for a person and his actions, deeds, his opinion or his way of thinking. If you feel admiration for someone, the easiest way to convey it is with the following words: great, grandiose, super, brilliant. But these words almost always carry a shade of some kind of toady; therefore, it is better to use them in relation to loved ones.

    It is much more correct to express admiration non-verbally - one smile or an encouraging look can show a person that they are appreciated, admired, they take an example from him. This is exactly the case when actions are not more important than words.

    Delightful, magnificent, stunning, brilliant, amazing, chic, incredible, colossal, enchanting, breathtaking, fabulous, bewitching, deadly, disgusting, impressive, luxurious, delightful, unique

    Admiration is expressed in order to show one's respect for a person or to show one's emotions in relation to some event or to some situation. Admiration can be expressed using the following words and phrases:

    1) It was amazing;

    2) Amazing;

    3) A stunning success;

    4) Grandiose;

    5) Unique;

    6) You were as always on top;

    7) There are no words to express my delight;

    8) You are a role model;

    10) Simply luxurious;

    11) Brilliant;

    13) It doesn't get any better;

    How often do you admire people? But it's so nice to hear compliments in your address! Do you think only girls love with their ears? Nothing like this. Among the representatives of the stronger sex there are many individuals whose self-esteem rises when they hear compliments. What words of admiration for a man are appropriate to say?

    About appearance

    There are a lot of narcissists among men in our time. Of course, not so often the representatives of the stronger sex get hung up on their appearance, since they are taught from childhood that a man does not have to be beautiful. But do not think that your compliments about the appearance of the guys will go unnoticed. Men want to please girls, and they are pleased to know that the opposite sex finds them attractive. What words of admiration for a man can be said? You can appreciate the hairstyle, the beauty of facial features, and even praise good taste in choosing clothes. How to put a compliment into words? Say the phrase by the way, as a statement of fact, and not as some kind of admiration. But it has to be done in the right place. For example, when talking about clothes, you can mention that the suit that sits on a man suits him very well. Such a remark, which will be dropped as if by the way, will flatter the man and will not seem to him flattery or sycophancy.

    About character

    Girls appreciate the representatives of the stronger sex for their strong-willed character, non-trivial thinking and insightful mind. Compliments that will be directed not at external, but at internal merits, will hook a person much more strongly. It's so nice to realize that acquaintances notice your virtues, which you have to work on day after day. What words of admiration for a man would be most appropriate? Choose the character trait you are going to praise. Just like with clothes, you need to compliment according to the situation. If today a man has shown himself to be a courageous person, praise his strength, intelligence or skill, depending on the circumstances. If the guy helped you bring something home, words of admiration should be directed to the amazing strength of the hands. You can praise the person for helping in general, but it's best not to make such compliments. The guy will refuse and say that it was not difficult for him. But a compliment about his abilities will be flattering to hear, especially since no one will refuse him.

    About abilities

    Words of admiration for a man can be said quite often. What do compliments sound like? You are my most intelligent, affectionate, gentle, strong, talented, etc. And what can flatter a man? A statement of fact that you can't ignore. For example, it would be appropriate to say that a guy has golden hands if he manages to hang a shelf above your bed. Or you can mark housekeeping young man if you notice from time to time that a man’s apartment has perfect order. Don't be afraid to state the obvious. If you don’t constantly compliment him, then from time to time the guy will be pleased to realize that you notice his efforts, and he is not wasting his time in vain.

    If a man is in business, then you need to admire the young man every time he successfully closes a deal. Praise him for his business acumen and for his ability to stand his ground.


    Never flatter a person. Lies and pretense are strongly felt. If you don't want to be discriminated against, compliment the man in your own words. Always think about what words you use. Never make ambiguous compliments. Men don't think like women. If you tell a guy that he has an unusual profile, he may think that you are making fun of his nose. Therefore, always express yourself as clearly as possible, do not put a veil on phrases through which it will be difficult to see the meaning of what was said.

    Don't compliment too often. When you openly admire a person on a regular basis, he becomes conceited. A guy can get used to your adoration and will no longer appreciate your warm attitude, but will take it for granted.

    Poetic form

    What words express admiration for a man? You can do this in verse form. It is advisable to rhyme the lines yourself. But if you do not have the talent of a poet, then you can learn any verse and read it from memory. One of the options is shown below.

    There are many men in the world -

    Rich, sensitive, single,

    Cheerful, smart, kind, glorious,

    Serious, a little weird.

    But for me alone in the world,

    About whom my dreams are always

    With whom I dream of meeting old age,

    And that person is you!

    If you decide to express your admiration in poetic form, then try to memorize the text. The rhyming lines that are read from a piece of paper sound very insincere. If you can't remember a couple of quatrains, it's better to express your feelings in prose.

    Admiration for loved ones

    Such words are pleasing to the ear. They do not have to sound in every sentence, but from time to time pamper your chosen one. Men don't like being called pet names. It seems to them that in this way they belittle their manhood. Therefore, try not to say words of admiration for your beloved man in public. Do not call the faithful a cat or a bunny. use in cases where you stay face-to-face with a man. How can you admire your loved one in public? Try with Pride For example, emphasize that your spouse is caring, loyal, and honest. Do not talk about how much he loves you and other personal things. The relationship of the two should not be taken to public court. Personal life remains personal as long as a small amount of Human.

    Speak in your own words. No need to memorize smart quotes from books or the Internet. Simplicity will help you build trust without flattery or false admiration.

    Admiration for a stranger

    Would you like to compliment a person you recently met? How to express admiration for a man? You must understand what a person likes in himself the most. It’s nice for a man to know that your opinion agrees with his, and that you also consider his ability, for example, to play the guitar, to be fantastic. A man will be pleased if you appreciate his joke. Of course, the best indicator of a sense of humor is laughter. But you can also verbally mention that you are delighted with the interlocutor's jokes. Men appreciate frankness, so they will be pleased to know that you can talk openly about what you like.

    It is better not to admire the appearance of a person whom you do not know well enough. For a man, beauty is not the main advantage. If you want to compliment appearance, say that you like the young man's style of dress or the way his hair is styled. You can praise a particular element of the outfit or accessory.

    Drafting a note

    You can write words of delight and admiration for a man. Not all girls can openly confess their feelings. They lack courage. Writing what you feel is much easier than conveying similar information orally. Don't know what exactly is allowed to write? You need to put your feelings into words that you will not be ashamed of later. Therefore, it is best not to go beyond the bounds of decency and keep a friendly tone. Say that you are delighted with a man, from his mind, sensitivity and insight. Don't praise the whole person. Choose a few qualities that you plan to admire. If you spray yourself, then you will not get a good text. It will be ragged and incoherent. Try to be sincere and non-indifferent. When the words are sincere and there is no flattery in them, they are selected by themselves. Especially when the person you are writing to is not indifferent to you.

    Telephone conversation

    Expressing your feelings on the phone is much easier than in a meeting. Yes, a man will be pleased to hear a compliment from you in person, but if you can’t decide to say kind words face to face, then you can quite say them into the phone. What can be said? Rapture must be timed to some event. For example, a man could win the lottery or he could get a promotion at work. Say that you are proud of the young man, always believe in him and have no doubt that he will soon achieve great success.

    And how can words of admiration for a beloved man sound? On the phone, you can quite often admire the voice of a person. Say that even without visual support, you feel the warmth of a person thanks to a velvety voice that caresses your ear. You can also say that you admire the man's ability to build a dialogue and the sequence of his thoughts.

    Social media post

    Short compliments to a man in your own words would be appropriate to write in in social networks. You can leave comments under photos or in private messages. It will be pleasant for a person to wake up in the morning and read a few warm words about themselves. To all people good feedback cheer up. So don't be afraid to compliment. The only rule: do not write them too often and do not comment on every photo. Choose only those pictures that you really like and find the most interesting.

    With words of admiration, you can start a dialogue. Do you want to meet a handsome young man, but don't know what to write? Start by admiring the beautiful eyes of a man. It is not so difficult to express it in your own words. For example: "I know what beautiful eyes more often they say to girls, but your eyes have bewitched me, and I simply have to tell you about it.

    Admiration as a thank you

    Do you want to somehow thank a person, but do not find the right words? You can not be afraid that it will look like flattery. If you pronounce the right words with the right intonation, no one will think badly of you. What words should be said and with what intonation? Gratitude should be expressed like this: "Thank you for helping me. Until today, I had no idea that you are so smart and you have such a good reaction." It is necessary to pronounce such a phrase not in a sugary voice, but firmly and confidently. It should give the impression that you are not thanking the person, but simply saying the usual phrase in a friendly conversation. If you want what was said to come to the mind of a man better, you can deliberately lower your voice a little. If you don't know how to intentionally play with your voice, don't do it, otherwise it can come out very unnaturally.


    Words of admiration for a man both in prose and in poetic form are equally pleasant to hear. And it's not that hard to pronounce them. But after all, not all representatives of the stronger sex adequately perceive compliments. Why? For the reason that not all girls make compliments correctly. What mistakes can be made when praising a person?

    • Compliment too often. A person gets used to good things amazingly quickly. The more often you please a young man's ears with praise, the faster he will get tired of it or be taken for granted. This cannot be allowed. If you say a compliment, then it should not be empty, but contain some meaning.
    • Always admire the person in a timely manner. Did the guy help you fix the faucet? Say that the man has golden hands and you are proud of his abilities and never cease to be amazed at his talents. A similar phrase would be appropriate on the day the crane is repaired. Don't think about it next week. Teach your boyfriend that compliments must be earned.
    • Never compare a man to someone else. You need to admire the person who is standing next to you. A compliment like "you're as handsome as Brad Pitt" can hurt a person, as this actor can annoy a guy.

    Admiration is not just a “duty” compliment, but delight. But not everyone knows how to express it. At first glance, it may seem that there is nothing complicated about this, but there are some rules and nuances that are worth learning.

    Why express admiration?

    Emotions are an integral part of life. And if you keep them in yourself and do not manifest them in any way, then the earthly existence of most people will become boring. And admiration is the highest degree of delight, and it is useful for each of the parties: for the one who expresses it, and for the one who deserves and receives.

    The first reason to express admiration is pleasant emotions, and mutual ones. Try to sincerely admire a person at least once, and you will see how he will shine and transform. And from this it will be pleasant for you, so you will also experience pleasant emotions in return.

    The second reason is the increase in self-esteem of the one to whom you address your admiration. Having received an enthusiastic compliment, a person will certainly perk up, feel more confident and believe in himself, which will definitely benefit. Also, admiration can serve as a stimulus and motivation for further action and success. The one who is sincerely admired will understand that he is capable of something, and will strive to prove to everyone and to himself that he deserves admiration and can do something more.

    How to admire?

    What is the right way to express admiration? To make it pleasant and taken seriously, you need to observe a few simple rules:

    1. Specifics. Admire not a person as a whole, but something specific, for example, his achievements, actions, character traits, skills. If this rule is not observed, then delight can be perceived as an ordinary “duty” compliment or even flattery.
    2. Sincerity. Delight, like other emotions, must be sincere, so put your soul into it, relax and just be yourself. You should not pick up pathos words and build complex pompous sentences. Just express your thoughts, give free rein to emotions, do not restrain yourself and express everything you think, of course, remembering the rules of decency. And then your admiration will definitely be heard and perceived.
    3. Timeliness. It is better to admire after the fact, that is, immediately after the commission of an act or the manifestation of the best qualities, so that a person can enjoy the triumph and prolong the pleasure. If you decide to remember the past, you risk not reaching your goal or being branded as a flatterer.
    4. Relevance. Delight should be appropriate, so it is better not to express it in a formal setting, at an inconvenient time, or at a time when a person is not in the best mood. Express your admiration in a comfortable environment or in an atmosphere conducive to pleasant words and emotions.
    5. The gender of the person who deserves admiration. A woman can and should speak pleasant words, and as much as possible, because she loves with her ears. An affectionate tone, gestures, an enthusiastic look are welcome. But for a man, facts are important, so unnecessary epithets can be omitted. Just identify the main reason and admiringly evaluate and analyze it.
    6. Subordination. It is worth considering who exactly you express admiration for, because its form directly depends on this. If you want to show delight to a loved one, then you can limit yourself to almost nothing. If you want to express admiration to a friend or colleague, then be more restrained and polite so that your behavior does not seem strange.
    7. Individual approach. Do not use cliches and memorized phrases, try to approach the expression of admiration, showing imagination and taking into account the characteristics of a person. Feel free to express thoughts and emotions in your own words, sometimes they mean much more than the most beautiful quotes and pathos set expressions.
    8. Confidence. Speak clearly and loudly, but in a normal and calm voice so that words of admiration do not sound like a formal speech in public.

    Possible reasons for admiration

    What exactly is there to admire? There are many reasons, and the first is appearance, for example, a figure, eyes, lips, or something else. The second reason is character traits, such as purposefulness, generosity, honesty, courage, caring, kindness, sympathy, and others. Third possible reason- skills and abilities. The fourth reason is specific actions or actions taken. The fifth reason is dreams, goals and aspirations. In this case, admiration will be very useful and can become a kind of impetus for the implementation of plans.

    The sixth reason for admiration is achievements: winning a competition, participating in a conference, receiving a well-deserved award, and so on. The seventh reason to admire a person - social status and role in society. You can focus on your position, helping others, respect and authority among colleagues, a strong family.

    How to complete a verbal expression?

    You can express admiration not only with words, but also in other ways. Here are some of them:

    • Surprise. It is not necessary to present an expensive gift, it can be symbolic, but given from the heart and with the most sincere emotions. For example, beautiful flowers will be an excellent means of expressing delight, and they are allowed to be given even to male representatives.
    • Deed. You can do something nice for someone who deserves your admiration. Invite him to a restaurant, cinema or theater, help or assist in something.
    • Poem, song. If you possess creativity and talents, then try to express delight in poetic form or put words of admiration on music.
    • Something handmade, such as a painted picture or craft. Let such gifts seem banal and childishly direct, but they are able to give pleasant and sincere emotions, especially if you put your soul into the manufacturing process and try to imprint a reason for admiration in a surprise.

    If you haven't admired anyone yet, it's time to start doing it. Admiration can be not only pleasant, but also useful for those who deserve it and receive it. Learn to express it correctly and be sincere.

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    Let's face it: only a fool does not pay due attention to what comes out of his mouth during conversations. A wise person always carefully selects words, knowing that this directly affects others and their attitude towards him. Do you want people to find you charming, friendly, unconsciously drawn to you and trust you almost 100%? Then you are right at the right place.

    We are in site we stand for thoughtful communication and against any senseless chatter. Each new day is another chance to make good friends and change your life for the better. Therefore, we have described the importance of several behavioral features and tricks, using which you can win over people in a matter of minutes, even being a rather reserved and modest person by nature.

    1. “Hi! You look great!"

    When meeting up with friends or walking past co-workers in the office, try not to give them the mean “Hi” or standard “How are you?” questions thrown on the go. Replace the usual greetings with comments about appearance or mood and take a couple of minutes to discuss it.

    The thing is that, as Uncle Carnegie said, it is important for people to feel their importance. Trust me, your colleague will be pleased to note that you are attentive to him, and this will strengthen your emotional connection. It will be easier for you to understand this if you try to transfer the situation to yourself: you most likely forget the usual greeting after 5 seconds, but if someone casually remarks how good you look, or, on the contrary, anxiously clarifies why you look so alarmed, you remember this pleasant moment for at least the whole day, and you automatically put a lot of points in your mind to the person who gave you positive emotions.

    2. "Sorry for the terrible weather"

    We understand that it sounds strange, but the effectiveness of this method is confirmed by science. A study published in the journal Social Psychological and Personality Science found that people develop a particularly deep liking and trust for those who initiate conversations by apologizing for things they can't really influence and aren't responsible for. That is, instead of ignoring your lateness or annoyingly saying that these eternal traffic jams do not give you life, it is better to apologize. In this way, you recognize someone else's right to be angry or upset and express your sympathy. This can be called "a benevolent tactic with a long-term effect."

    3. “Meet my friend. By the way, he's beautiful…”

    This trick helps to praise a person for certain talents without the risk of being branded as a mean and flatterer after that. And the effect of this will be much greater, because you not only demonstrate that you yourself remember the person’s hobbies and consider him a fine fellow, but at the same time praise him in front of a third person. Moreover, as a bonus, you save people who do not yet know each other from the painful torture of silence due to the lack of a common topic for conversation. After all, as soon as one of them hears about the occupation of the other, he will naturally get the opportunity to ask about it in more detail, and now the ice has already been melted.

    4. "I've heard about your fascinating stories..."

    This item works in the opposite direction - when you find yourself in the place of a person who is introduced to a third party. And of course, it is only possible if you really know a little about the person. Let's take an example: a friend invites you to a party where there will be a person with whom you are in love, or some promising employer. By learning a little more about his life in advance via the Internet or by asking someone from his entourage, when you meet, you can gracefully seize the initiative and make a veiled compliment, starting the conversation with the words “You just sing beautifully, I heard the records, are you doing this professionally?” or “I heard that you are just a master of telling the most incredible stories. Can you share the details of the latest adventure? Significance is everything.

    5. "I'm as concerned about this as you are..."

    Building trust and emotional connection requires a spirit of unity and camaraderie. Listening to someone's experiences, do not rush to convince the person that everything will pass soon. Moreover, being extremely upset, he is unlikely to be able to heed these words.

    Instead, try to make the person feel understood and accepted. Phrases like “I know this”, “it happened to me too” and “I understand you perfectly” are the best help in this. This instantly establishes a connection, in which the interlocutor begins to feel that you are at the same time - in the same boat and on a short leg. In addition, you can enhance these feelings by talking about personal experience if you really have one.

    6. "I'm impressed with how you..."

    Have you noticed how your colleague selflessly stays late at work or eats healthy food? Or does your friend or other half know how to resolve conflicts very judiciously and always show responsiveness when it comes to someone's problems? It doesn’t matter, the main thing is that it doesn’t cost you anything to amuse someone else’s pride, but at the same time, people around you will consider you a real darling. But, of course, you need to use this trick wisely, without abusing it, and only if you are sure that the compliment you made will be appropriate and sincere.

    The fear of asking for advice is, in principle, quite inappropriate and unfounded. Studies mention that people are most often hesitant to seek help because they are afraid of appearing incompetent and stupid. But the reality is that others, on the contrary, consider people who are not afraid to seek advice as more professional and far-sighted. What is good for you, besides the fact that you will be considered an old enough and experienced person? And the fact that, turning to someone for help, you thereby recognize his superiority and significance. Agree, you are also pleased when they turn to you for guidance on this or that occasion.

    8. "I took into account your words and..."

    This point is already about gratitude in its purest form - when someone was directly involved in solving your problem or was part of the team when performing some task. Did you make repairs with the support of your wife and her all possible help? Don't be stingy, invite her to a restaurant to express your deepest gratitude. Or maybe you worked as a team on a common task in the office? Be that big-hearted person who, at the end of the task, treats everyone to pizza and expresses his sincere gratitude. Remember how hurt you are when you take an active part in some undertaking of your friend, and in the end he gets off with just a pat on the shoulder and a short “thank you”. Don't be like that.

    10. "It's my fault"

    Feel free to put your ego aside. According to research, acknowledging our mistakes and weaknesses endears us to those around us much better than demonstrating our strengths and superiority in something. Paul Zak, author of The Trust Factor: The Science of Building High-Performing Companies, points out that imperfect people seem more attractive to us because they have their own complexes. And people who present themselves in a perfect way, on the contrary, do not cause empathy. Therefore, do not be afraid to apologize for your own misdeeds - because of this, no one will consider you incompetent or weak, but at the same time you will win the favor of people.

    Do you use these behaviors and dialogues to win the sympathy of others? What other points could you add here?

    A simple way to express admiration is a compliment. However, not every compliment can be classified as pleasant and correct. What should be a good compliment?

    1. First of all, he must be honest. A sincere compliment is always better than flattery. It is these compliments that make a good impression on a person and help strengthen relationships.
    2. The compliment should be timely, but tactful. A person will be pleased to receive it in that environment and atmosphere that is conducive to kind words and a good mood.
    3. Good compliments are often unique. They are unique not only in their content, but also in their emotional reactions. Such words are remembered for a long time, often for a lifetime.

    The question of how to express admiration in words can be taken by surprise, so it is better to prepare.

    Despite these conditions, it is not difficult to correctly express admiration. The basis of behavior can be taken as an example of a favorite movie character, artist or actress.

    When the terms of good compliments are determined, you can move on to the content

    What traits of a person should be praised?

    This issue is resolved individually. For example, for a girl it will be nice to hear beautiful words about their appearance, and for a colleague at work - about a high assessment of professional qualities.

    The most successful expression of admiration can be recognized as the encouragement of what the person himself considers worthy of praise in himself. For one person, this may be a kind character, and for another, a high intellectual level.

    How can you express admiration with an act?

    Sometimes words are not enough to express your admiration. In this case, gifts come to the rescue, as well as actions that are aimed at supporting and helping a person.

    For example, if a salesperson in a store helped to choose the right product, told about all its properties and dispelled doubts, then admiration for his work involuntarily arises. In this case, it would be appropriate to leave a thank you note in the suggestion book.

    But more often, flowers that women love so much serve as a vivid expression of admiration. You can tell a lot about a person by the bouquet. The choice of a bouquet should be approached with all responsibility. The main rules for a successful choice of a bouquet will be:

    • knowledge of the symbolism of flowers;
    • freshness;
    • presentability;
    • beautiful decoration.

    In general, delight and admiration are pleasant feelings. They can be experienced every day, finding unique traits in other people. There are few ways to express admiration. It is only important to master them well.

    What words can express admiration?

      No one has come up with a better mat! Transfer?! 🙂

      This is where the power of all expressed feelings is. Admiration cannot be expressed more strongly. Mat is just universal. After all, you can admire the beauty of a person, and some abilities, skills, wisdom, his new image, fancy car, Mat is suitable for any occasion!

      But for people who do not swear, like me, for intelligent people, like me, I offer other options.

      But I ask you to note right away that admiration should not hurt either the most praised person or anyone else. Example, You are the best! ... and what, others, are worse?! I didn't expect this from you! ... that I'm so bad?! ...


      Good girl! Congratulations! Working with you is just a joy!

      WOW!!! Crazy! Stunned! Class! Bravo! Super class!

      Super-duper-ultra-mega-brilliant! Amazing!

      Well done! This is exactly what I've been waiting for. Keep it up!

      I'm proud that you made it! I couldn't do better myself. Wow!!!

      Fine! Beauty! It touches me to the core.

      Cool! Already better. Like in a dream. Unforgettably!

      Marvelous! Well said - simple and clear. Bravissimo!

      Very clear. Much better than before. Witty.

      Amazing. Bright, figurative. Good!

      Extra class. Wonderful. Very effective.

      Fabulous! Talented. Amazing.

      Great start. Wonderful! You are gifted.

      Inimitable. I knew you could do it. Grandiose!

      You did a lot today. Incomparably. You are on the right track.

      I need you. I'm proud of you. I'm just happy.

      You figured it out. Every day you get better. Great!

      Here I can not do without you! Teach me to do the same. You're a miracle! ...

      Most often, words of admiration are addressed to children as an incentive for further development and to women, and knowing that ladies love with their ears, one can also admire in poetry. It will be very cool!

      Well, in reality, the main thing is not the words, but the emotional charge that you put into these words.

      stunned, super, I like it, class, drop dead, I'm shocked

      Great. Blimey. Super. Fabulous. Amazing. Unreal. Or an American word: Wow.

      Here's the first thing that came to mind:

    1. Amazing.
    2. I am delighted.
    3. I admire it!
    4. It's indescribable!
    5. Super!
    6. Fine.
    7. 1000 likes (modern).
    8. Great!
    9. Wonderful.
    10. Amazing.
    11. Gorgeous.
    12. Fantastic.
    13. Luxuriously!

    The joy that visited, for example, as a sign of grace, must be sincere, otherwise, the words will be on duty; then the soul of another reciprocal-mutual joy. Therefore, if there is no admiration, then it is better not to imitate it, so it will be possible to avoid hypocrisy.

    Usually, when people admire sincerely, their eyes shine, a smile brightens their face, it happens that the voice trembles or disappears altogether, as there are no words left, sometimes tears freeze in the eyes, but, as a rule, they are the outcome of deep delight. Then the words might sound like this:

    How wonderful!

    How wonderful!

    What a joy! "

    How touching!

    How amazing!

    How great!

    How excellent!

    What a charm!

    How incendiary!

    What irresistibility!

    How sweet!

    How bright!

    We usually show admiration for the sole purpose of showing respect for a person and his actions, deeds, his opinion or his way of thinking. If you feel admiration for someone, the easiest way to convey it is with the following words: great, grandiose, super, brilliant. But these words almost always carry a shade of some kind of toady; therefore, it is better to use them in relation to loved ones.

    It is much more correct to express admiration non-verbally - one smile or an encouraging look can show a person that he is appreciated, admired, they take an example from him. This is exactly the case when actions are not more important than words.

    Delightful, magnificent, stunning, brilliant, amazing, chic, incredible, colossal, enchanting, breathtaking, fabulous, bewitching, deadly, disgusting, impressive, luxurious, delightful, unique

    Admiration is expressed in order to show one's respect for a person or to show one's emotions in relation to some event or to some situation. Admiration can be expressed using the following words and phrases:

    1) It was amazing;

    2) Amazing;

    3) A stunning success;

    4) Grandiose;

    5) Unique;

    6) You were as always on top;

    7) There are no words to express my delight;

    8) You are a role model;

    10) Simply luxurious;

    11) Brilliant;

    13) It doesn't get any better;

    Text: Yana Solovieva

    "Expensive Pleasure"

    It is known that relationships are built more successfully in those couples where a man and a woman appreciate each other and know how to admire their half.

    From the lips of modern psychologists, words are regularly heard about the importance of expressing admiration and approval in a relationship. Often this looks like a certain postulate that must be taken into account, otherwise something wrong will start happening to the family sooner or later. Suppose a husband stops doing something for you (his previous efforts were not appreciated); starts drinking (the wife not only does not admire him, but regularly saws); will go to a colleague (after all, she understood what a macho he is), etc. Emphasize the necessary (more precisely, unnecessary)! And how many complaints from the female half about the lack of attention and compliments from her husband! And this, too, eventually leads to unpleasant consequences, up to the refusal of intimacy or something worse (although what could be worse?). Psychologists say that both sexes equally need admiration from the other half.

    All these frightening pictures raise the question - in fact, why is it so important to express your positive emotions in order to maintain a viable union? We decided to ask this burning question to communication expert Valery Bo.

    “You are valuable to me” - this is what first of all broadcasts the fact of admiration! - says Valery. - It is very important for absolutely every person to understand their significance for a partner, including those people who deny it. Moreover, according to research, even something as crude as flattery works. Moreover, in those cases when a person perfectly understands that this is manipulation by a partner. He still hopes that there is at least some truth in these words.

    Take and give

    And everything would be fine, but that's just not typical of the Russian mentality, an open expression of emotions. Let's be honest - we don't really like to praise and encourage. “There was a rather long period of collectivism in our country, the role of individuality was deliberately underestimated,” says Valery Bo. - You had to be part of the team and in no case stand out. Rather, they could praise a group of people than an individual.

    There are simple things that are much less characteristic of our culture than Western ones. For example, a compliment is a basic tool for expressing admiration, an excellent tool for developing and maintaining relationships. However, we often confuse it with flattery, and some people do not say compliments, because they are afraid to make a deceptive impression, while others do not accept them! Both of these are the wrong approach. If you do not accept admiration, you convince your partner that you really do not have the qualities for which he praised you. But he was based on something! So compliments must be accepted, even with the words: “Yes, I’m really cool!”

    Is it possible to learn how to make good and the right compliments? It is possible and even necessary! Here are some simple rules from Valery Bo.

    1 Factuality

    A fine line distinguishes a compliment from flattery, and it lies in the degree of factuality. After all, flattery is either a strong exaggeration, or something that does not correspond to reality. You should not compliment the quality that the partner obviously does not possess, because he knows about it!

    2 Timeliness

    You need to say a compliment at the very moment when you admired your partner, later it may no longer be relevant! Respond to your impulse. You need to express your feeling, not your opinion, because an opinion is an assessment of a person, and a feeling is what you feel.

    3 Sincerity

    Here, as they say, no comment.

    Understand the person

    The question, of course, is not exhausted by the three rules for expressing admiration.

    The thing is that people perceive compliments differently. The main difference is based in the type of personality: there are people who are internally referent and externally referent.

    Internally referent people are those who primarily rely on their thoughts and feelings and make decisions based on them. For externally referent people, the opinions and assessments of others are very important. Of course, both types are combined in us, but one still prevails. And before making compliments, you should figure out what type your addressee belongs to.

    A simple test will help:

    before an important purchase (for example, a car), does your man first interview all his friends and consult with everyone or will he stubbornly figure it out himself?

    Does your wife go to the boutique for a dress and choose what she needs herself, or will she definitely need a friend, or better, a whole support group in stilettos?

    “Outwardly reference people can be complimented on any occasion and in practically unlimited quantities, the form also does not have to be very refined,” notes Valery Bo. - As for internally referent people, everything is more complicated here. They are not inclined to accept direct compliments, as they themselves know that they are good. Moreover, there are even cases of conflicts due to unsuccessful compliments! For example, my client told her mother-in-law that she was an excellent cook, and she answered her: “I already know that. But to you, dear, who gave me the right to evaluate me?


    Do you want examples of successful compliments for internal reference people? You are welcome! Let's say your man is into an extreme sport. If you tell him that he is “so-and-so cool!” It may not make the right impression, since he probably knows about it. Better notice: "This is the sport of real men!" It turns out that you do not say anything directly, but make it quite clear that you consider your partner a real man.

    It is important to give compliments that are not related to the circumstances, but to the person personally. You can say: “What a cool suit you have!” And it turns out that you admire the clothes, not the person. This is a common mistake! It would be more correct to put it like this: “What great taste you still have!” These words already speak about your partner and his abilities.

    You can use compliments with a "decoding", that is, with an explanation ("because ..."). “You know, not every person could handle this business project like you! I saw how others worked, and they had very different results!” In this case, the compliment is accepted more easily and does not look like flattery.

    Of course, all these subtleties can also be used to compliment outwardly reference people. Moreover, remember: the more success you achieve in expressing admiration for the majority of the people around you, the more subtle and effective your compliments will become to those who are truly dear to you!


    Follow the measure

    And yet in admiration, as in everything, measure and a sense of taste are very important. Like any repetitive action, the expression of the same emotions ceases to have meaning and value over time. The number of laudatory words needs to be dosed: less is better, but better! How to know when to stop? Since the “degree of saturation” is different for each person, you need to monitor your partner’s reaction to your words, his emotional response, and not what he says to you.

    It is useful to remember that admiration is the encouragement of the actions of another person. “The most successful relationships are those in which the emotional and the rational are combined,” says Valery. - You can cheat a little and admire those qualities or skills of a partner that are beneficial to you. More precisely, it would be more correct to strike a balance between enthusiasm for the moments that are beneficial to you and admiration for the disinterested. Then the partner will have a feeling of completeness of his perception by you! After all, if you compliment him only for his skills and abilities, he will think that you appreciate him only for some abilities. If on the contrary, he decides that you don’t care at all what he does in life.

    It is important to look for new forms of strengthening your words. For example, if your partner is a kinesthetic (a person who perceives information through sensations), then, speaking pleasant words, you can touch him, stroke him, hug him. To encourage the visual (one who receives more information with the help of vision), it is important to pay attention to the environment in which the compliment is made and how you look. As for the auditory (a person who receives information through the auditory canal), it is useful to “push” long and varied speeches about its merits. If you're creative, you can even write poetry!

    Learn to see the good

    You would be happy to admire your partner, but only your half often causes a feeling of irritation. Familiar situation?

    What to do?

    Psychologist Alexander Kichaev helps to deal with this complex issue. “I often ask my clients: “What can you say about your partner?” And they start trying to remember something bad about their partner. And you need to think differently: “What can I say good about him?” If a person sets himself up in this way, he really begins to see the good in the first place! The more we notice positive traits in a partner, the better we feel ourselves! You need to focus on those qualities that are consonant with you, and encourage what pleases you.

    Admiration is a carrot, and criticism is a stick. As you understand, if you beat with a whip all the time, the partner will at least get angry, and at the maximum - change territory. According to the laws of psychology, the ratio of carrots and sticks should be one to two: one critical remark, two positive ones.

    “A man came to me who was going to get a divorce,” says Kichaev. - His wife does not want him! In bed, she does him a favor, but in life she criticizes him. When I spoke with the man's wife, it turned out that at one time she could have married Borya, who became an oligarch, but ended up marrying Fedya, and he did not live up to her hopes. Now she has a complex that she bet on the wrong one. I explained to the client that it is not known how everything would work out with Borey, because the oligarch has already changed five wives, now he has girls twenty years younger! Probably, she herself would have been replaced in a year with a younger rival. And Fedya, her husband, has achieved a lot - he runs his own business, bought a house, regularly takes his wife to expensive resorts. She realized that she was wrong, stopped nag her husband and began to say nice things to him. As a result, thanks to these changes, Fedya became much more successful in business! So demonstrating the value of a partner for you is a very important thing, and it always works positively for both parties.

    Img by @yakobusan Jakob Montrasio 孟亚柯

    There is not always time and opportunity to say even a compliment prepared in advance. And sometimes just words are not enough to express their admiration for a girl or a guy. A short compliment is a good way to praise and support. You are looking for the shortest compliment in the world to a girl at the end of the text.

    Sometimes, trying to impress, people make long speeches. Of course, words prepared with a soul are able to conquer not only the addressee, but also those around them. Sometimes just a couple is enough. kind words, a short compliment from the heart to make someone happier, make a sad stranger smile, or just cheer up a friend!

    Img by 21TonGiant

    A short compliment implies several simple words or phrases. And, despite the lack of beautiful turns of speech, such compliments can be very pleasant, even touching. By and large, the main thing is attention, and not how beautifully it is expressed in words. Let's say more - a compliment can consist of just one word! Yes, yes, just one word and the girl is pleased, and the guy is pleased with himself. What do you think is the shortest compliment? What can be said to express admiration in one word? Look for the answer at the end of the article.

    When do we give short compliments?

    1. At a fleeting meeting. It is illogical to spend precious minutes on inventing and pronouncing laudatory praises. But a couple of kind words addressed to the interlocutor will be more than appropriate. After all, you, too, would be pleased if a friend you met on the street by chance said that you look great.

    - You look great!

    - And you are doing well!

    2. With frequent communication. If you know the interlocutor well and often see him or her, then regular long speeches about virtues, appearance or other points will sound somewhat ridiculous. A short but heartfelt compliment is a good way out.

    You are amazing as always!

    - You're lovely!

    3. In a working environment. There are times when there is a lot to do, work is in full swing. There is no need for long speeches here. Brief praise is enough.

    - Well done!

    - Great, keep it up!

    4. When you need to tell a person the most important thing so that he understands and hears, it is better to be laconic. Listening to a beautiful long compliment, you can miss the point.

    - You are so Beautiful!

    - You are getting younger every day!

    5. In a conversation on the phone. As a rule, people on the phone say only the most necessary, most important information. Therefore, if compliments are spoken remotely, it is advisable to select short and simple phrases.

    And remember, you are the best!

    6. Short (or first) acquaintance. If you do not know a person well, then it is rather strange to admire and make complex compliments. Most often, long laudatory phrases are pronounced if they know the interlocutor well and you can draw some conclusions about his personality. Therefore, in the case of a short acquaintance, a short compliment is the best way out if you want to please a person.

    - You have beautiful eyes!

    - You are an interesting person!

    Img by Alaskan Dude

    As you can see, nothing complicated. The easiest way is to say a short compliment, expressing your attitude towards a person (his appearance, clothes, actions), saying what you like about him or her. Thus, you can not be afraid that you will say something wrong, because you express your opinion and it is always positive, even if it does not coincide with the opinion of the person himself about himself.

    Img by 58 minutes

    - I like your smile!

    - Nice to be around you!

    - You are a patient person!

    The shortest compliment in the world, at least in Russian and English, consists of only three letters. Haven't guessed yet?

    Img by Applegurl ♫

    WOW!- with this short compliment you can express a sea of ​​​​emotions, the highest admiration for anyone and anything. And the main thing here is intonation. Try it, practice saying "WHO!" differently. The English version of this compliment is "WOW!" (WOW!).

    So, in order to please a person, it is not necessary to be a compliment master. Sometimes a few sincere words are enough to express what you really think and feel. Sincerity and desire to give a person minutes of positive emotions can always be expressed briefly.

    Passion is not just a “duty” compliment, but admiration. But not everyone knows how to express it. At first glance, it may seem that there is nothing complicated about this, but there are some rules and nuances that are worth learning.

    Why express admiration?

    Emotions are an integral part of life. And if you keep them in yourself and do not manifest them in any way, then the earthly existence of most people will become boring. And passion is the highest degree of delight, and it is useful for each of the parties: for the one who expresses it, and for the one who deserves and receives. The first reason to express admiration is pleasant emotions, and mutual ones. Try at least once to sincerely admire a person, and you will see how he will shine and transform. And from this it will be pleasant for you, so you will also feel the corresponding pleasant emotions. The second reason is the increase in self-esteem of the one to whom you address your admiration. Having received an enthusiastic compliment, a person will certainly perk up, feel more confident and believe in himself, which will definitely benefit. Also, passion can serve as a stimulus and motivation for further action and success. The one who is sincerely admired will understand that he is capable of something, and will strive to prove to everyone and himself that he deserves admiration and can do more.

    How to admire?

    What is the right way to express admiration? To make it pleasant and taken seriously, you need to follow a few simple rules:

  • Specifics. Do not get carried away by a person as a whole, but by something specific, for example, his achievements, actions, character traits, skills. If this rule is not observed, then delight can be perceived as an ordinary “duty” compliment or even flattery.
  • Sincerity. Delight, like other emotions, must be sincere, so put your soul into it, relax and just be yourself. You should not pick up pathos words and build complex pompous sentences. Just express your opinions, give free rein to emotions, do not hold back and express everything that you think, of course, remembering the rules of decency. And then your passion will definitely be heard and perceived.
  • Timeliness. It is better to get carried away after the fact, that is, immediately after the commission of any act or manifestation of the best qualities, so that a person can enjoy the triumph and prolong the pleasure. If you decide to remember the past, you risk not reaching your goal or being branded as a flatterer.
  • Relevance. Delight should be appropriate, so it is better not to express it in a formal setting, at an inconvenient time, or during a period when a person is not in in a better mood. Express your admiration in a comfortable setting or atmosphere conducive to pleasant words and emotions.
  • The gender of the person who deserves admiration. A woman can and should say nice words, and as much as possible, because she loves with her ears. An affectionate tone, gestures, an enthusiastic look are welcome. But the husband has important facts, so unnecessary epithets can be omitted. Just mark the main drive and enthusiastically evaluate and analyze it.
  • Subordination. It is also worth considering who exactly you express admiration for, because its form directly depends on this. If you want to show delight to a loved one, then you can not limit yourself in anything. If you want to express admiration to a friend or colleague, then be more restrained and polite so that your behavior does not seem strange.
  • Individual approach. Do not use cliches and memorized phrases, try to approach the expression of admiration, showing imagination and taking into account the characteristics of a person. Feel free to express thoughts and emotions in your own words, sometimes they mean much more than the most beautiful quotes and pompous expressions.
  • Confidence. Speak clearly and loudly, but in a normal, calm voice so that words of admiration do not sound like a formal speech in public.
  • Possible reasons for admiration

    What exactly is there to admire? There are many reasons, and the first is appearance, for example, a figure, eyes, lips, or something else. The second reason is character traits, such as purposefulness, generosity, honesty, courage, care, kindness, compassion and others. The third possible reason is skills and abilities. The fourth reason is specific committed deeds or actions. The fifth reason is dreams, goals and aspirations. In this case, the capture will be very useful and can become a kind of impetus for the implementation of plans. The sixth reason for admiration is an achievement: winning a competition, participating in a conference, receiving a well-deserved award, and so on. The seventh reason to admire a person is social status and role in society. You can focus on your position, helping others, respect and authority among colleagues, a strong family.

    Complete a verbal expression?

    You can express admiration not only with words, but also in other ways. Here are some of them:

  • Surprise. It is not necessary to give an expensive gift, it can be symbolic, but given from the heart and with the most sincere emotions. For example, beautiful flowers will be an excellent means of expressing admiration, and they can be given even to male representatives.
  • Deed. You can do something nice for someone who deserves your admiration. Invite him to a restaurant, cinema or theater, help or assist in something.
  • Poem, song. If you have creative abilities and talents, then try to express delight in poetic form or put words of admiration on music.
  • Something made by one's own hands, such as a painted picture or a product. Let such gifts seem banal and childishly direct, but they are able to give pleasant and sincere emotions, especially if you put your soul into the manufacturing process and try to keep the surprise as a reason for admiration.
  • If you have not been addicted to anyone until now, then it's time to start doing it. Hobby can be not only pleasant, but also useful for those who deserve it and get it. Learn to express it correctly and be sincere.