
Plasticineography in kindergarten. Research work "Using the technique of plasticinography for the development of the creative abilities of students of the association" Coloring Plasticinography technique of performing in kindergarten



Happy child 07.11.2017

Dear readers, today I want to introduce you to a very interesting type of painting - plasticineography. Plasticine painting is a relatively new type of creativity, which is very accessible and understandable to both children and adults. The process itself is very mesmerizing, makes you plunge headlong into creativity, feel free from everyday life worries and troubles. A young mother, artist and teacher Anna Pavlovskikh, already familiar to you, will acquaint you in more detail with drawing with plasticine. I am pleased to give her the floor.

Hello dear readers! I noticed that reviews of various creative activities with children resonate among the readers of Irina's blog, so today I decided to tell you about another very interesting technique- plasticinography. Plasticine painting is a very relevant and modern type of painting that can be done even with the smallest children. Plasticinography allows you to create a relief or even image on a solid base, most often on cardboard. Beads, beads, sequins, cereals are also used in children's crafts for decorating plasticine painting.

Kneading plasticine, pinching off, rolling small balls, sorting through small decor details not only trains fine motor skills, but also has a beneficial effect on nervous system... It is especially valuable that in plasticine painting you can easily correct a mistake, which is important for children who take their personal failures hard and take them to heart. Using the example of plasticine paintings, it is very easy to show that there are no desperate situations, everything can be corrected and changed.

Painting can be performed both according to a preliminary drawing or without it, in addition, you can use printed coloring and ready-made contour images.

Materials for drawing with plasticine

  1. Plasticine, wax is best suited, it is softer, easy to knead and smear, has a rich, bright palette.
  2. The basis for drawing. It can be cardboard, thick paper, plastic and even glass.
  3. All kinds of stacks, sticks, toothpicks.
  4. Elements for decoration: beads, beads, sequins.
  5. A medical syringe for squeezing out sausages.
  6. A damp cloth for hands.
  7. Modeling board to roll sausages, sculpt small balls.

To avoid manifestation greasy stains from plasticine on a cardboard base, you can pre-paste it with transparent tape.

Dear readers, I suggest that you consider the basic techniques of plasticineography that you can use in joint creative activities with children.

It is most convenient to smear plasticine with your index finger, while you can smear it in different ways: the smear mark can remain longer or shorter, depending on what we want to depict - a flower petal, a long blade of grass or a lion's mane.

Invite your child to spread the clay alternately with different fingers. different hands... This will further stimulate the baby's brain activity.

Flattening rolled peas on the base

By flattening small plasticine peas with your fingers, you can get very decorative work. Try using this technique in conjunction with others, or fill the entire plane with such plasticine dots. This type of painting will already be similar to pointillism - a type of painting in which planes are filled with colored dots.

By smearing the clay on the base, you can fill up large enough spaces. In this case, not only the selected colors will play a role, but also the thickness of the plasticine layer. In an additional way giving picturesqueness is mixing the colors of plasticine, like on a piece of watermelon and an apple.

If the plasticine is hard, you can warm it up in your palms while reading a funny poem about plasticine:

It is hard to crumple
Bends tight
He is not allowed to mold!
Here is the absurdity for you -
Plasticine does not stick!

A. Orlova

Decorate the surfaces filled with plasticine with patterns made using scratching. The tools can be stacks, toothpicks, pen paste. So in the photographs presented, the fins of the fish are decorated with a toothpick.

One of the most interesting plasticine techniques for children is rolling sausages. In plasticine painting, these sausages just need to be pressed against the base. From them you can lay out snowflakes, ornaments, make snail twists, twist one sausage from two different colors.

Painting with plasticine from a syringe

If you decide to do creative work from a variety of even sausages, then for a faster and more accurate craft, try using an ordinary medical syringe. For work, you need to cut off the thin tip at the base, prepare a mug of hot water. Place a piece of plasticine in a syringe and submerge it in hot water. After about a minute, start squeezing the clay onto the paper.

Allow the clay to cool slightly to harden the strands. Now you can shape the shape of the sausages depending on the pattern. Very beautiful spirals are obtained from thin flagella, you can fill in the details of the drawing with them, or you can simply lay out the plasticine bundles next to them in the shape of the drawn objects.

Dear readers, today I introduced you to several techniques of plasticine painting. Shown for illustration and inspiration the work of my daughter Svetlana. Using various decorative methods of plasticine painting, you and your children can create your own masterpieces. Try, arrange these options together, experiment, use additional decorative elements in the form of beads and sequins. I'm sure everything will work out for sure!

Let plasticine become a favorite toy for you and your child. Taking a little time to captivate your child with this amazing activity, you can always keep your child occupied when you need a free minute. Learn these basic techniques yourself and teach your children. Per interesting occupation your child will learn about the world, the joy of creativity and develop self-confidence.

Plasticineography nowadays is becoming more and more popular in kindergarten... This is not only pleasant leisure, but also a whole area of ​​creativity, which has its own types and techniques. It is gaining more and more attention of teachers, since it allows solving many developing and educational objectives during the game. But it is especially important that the child has the opportunity to make a wonderful work of art with his own hands.

Plasticineography as an unconventional way to combine modeling and drawing

You can draw in different ways. Today among teachers preschool education popular unconventional techniques: drawing with fingertips, palms, prints of objects, blotography, plasticineography.

The child's mind is at his fingertips.

V. A. Sukhomlinsky

On the one hand, the child is involved in a fascinating process, but at the same time, many nerve endings at the tips of the fingers and the surface of the palms transmit signals to the brain, activating its activity. When little hands are tearing paper napkin, learn to roll a ball of dough, feel the materials or show the "magpie-crow", information enters the brain and is distributed to various centers (auditory, visual, mental, emotional and speech).

Plasticine is an unconventional drawing method using plasticine. Activities with plastic material are taught to children at an early age. Sculpting trains the fingers and activates the brain sensors on the hand, helping to relieve muscle and emotional tension. Modeling classes develop not only dexterity and coordination of hands, but also creative imagination.

Creating a painting using this technique is a new level of working with plasticine, which can become art.

True works of art are created in the technique of plasticinography.

Using techniques, methods and techniques in working with preschoolers

Pure plasticineography is available for children of the middle and senior groups of the kindergarten. Children younger age master basic skills and abilities during short-term individual or subgroup lessons.

It is important for the educator to remember that in the groups of junior and middle preschool age this type of creativity is aimed not so much at the result as at obtaining positive emotions, developing interest in children and the desire to improve skills.

For the lesson to be enjoyable, the materials must be of high quality, and the tools must be comfortable. Paper is suitable for the basis of the future plasticine painting, but thick cardboard, plastic, plexiglass or ordinary glass is preferable. Plasticine must be non-greasy, otherwise stains will appear on the paper or cardboard base, and the work will have untidy look... Choose a bright and pliable sculpting material.

From the tools you will need a modeling board (you can replace it with a piece of plastic or oilcloth), a plastic rolling pin for rolling out plasticine, a set of stacks, scissors, various devices for creating patterns on a plasticine surface (brushes, a pastry syringe, a strainer, a plastic fork).

Plasticinography teaching methods:

  • visual (showing samples of work, illustrations on the topic, observing the actions of the teacher);
  • verbal (conversation, explanation, story);
  • practical (exercises with material, practicing techniques, game actions, experimentation).

The techniques used in plasticineography are already partially familiar to children from modeling. This is rolling and rolling, flattening and stretching, that is, the usual actions with a piece of plasticine to give it the required shape. But there are also some techniques here: pinching, smearing, pressing, smoothing, mixing colors. The teacher pays special attention to mastering them.

Plasticinography tasks from nursery and second junior to preparatory groups

  1. Developing. Techniques for working with plasticine develop dexterity of the fingers, prepare the brush for writing. The ability to correctly comprehend composition and scale is improved.
  2. Cognitive. Pupils get acquainted with a new type of fine art, comprehend the interaction of two different techniques- appliqués and sculpting, the basics of which they have already mastered.
  3. Aesthetic. Children develop a sense of color and shape. The first experiments are carried out with the combination of shades and materials.
  4. Educational . Children are taught to be independent, assiduous, patient and accurate, they gain experience of working in a team. Depending on the topic, love for the native land is brought up, the ability to see and protect the beauty of nature, a benevolent, grateful attitude towards relatives and friends, love for pets, etc.

The skills and abilities of children are becoming more complex from year to year. The main directions of work with preschoolers are also changing.

  1. In the first younger group DOW children learn to make elements from plasticine, one lesson - one element (ball, cylinder, sausage); create images of simple objects; master the techniques of pinching and smearing, develop the basics of the ability to work according to a given pattern.
  2. In children of the second junior group, it is important to develop the ability to draw with plasticine, to bring up independence (the child does not repeat after the teacher, but learns to build the composition himself). Training for work in a subgroup begins.
  3. In the middle group, skills in working with plasticine and the creation of more complex images are honed; children are taught to create works using a variety of materials (cereals, beads, buttons, etc.); interest in teamwork develops.
  4. For older and preparatory groups, the complication and development of the plot-game concept of the lesson is characteristic; development speech activity pupils in the process of creating plasticine images; learning to create a collective work of artistic value.

Types of drawing with plasticine in kindergarten

Plasticine can be divided into several types, starting from the material that is taken as the basis of the picture. Works are performed on paper, cardboard, plastic, ordinary or organic glass.

Thick cardboard is often deformed, but simple and easy to work with. Plastic and glass bases are convenient when applying the material (they will not bend or wrinkle), but to avoid cuts, be sure to give safety instructions and teach children to tape the edges of the base with tape, or do it yourself first.

According to the method of creating an image, plasticineography is:

  • Direct Performed with plasticine of different colors. In the first junior group, these can be vegetables, winter snowfall, leaves.
  • In the second junior group, children will willingly perform bright works on the theme "Dishes for dolls", "Fish", "Mushroom". In the middle group, the plot and outline are much more complicated: vehicles, trees, houses.
  • Stained glass or reverse. The contour of the image applied with a marker on the glass base is filled with plasticine.
  • Mosaic. Plasticine balls are applied to the base different colors in accordance with the plan.
  • Contour. This type of work is recommended for pupils of the senior and preparatory groups, because it requires perseverance. Heated plasticine flagella of different colors must be squeezed out of the syringe (without a needle) and filled in the contour.
  • Multilayer. Plasticine is applied to the base with strokes in several layers, various colors and shades of the material are combined, a voluminous, complex image is obtained.

How to warm up the material: roll out some of the plasticine into a sausage, push it into the syringe. We cut off the excess material with a stack. We close the syringe with the plunger and heat its contents with water or a microwave.

Photo gallery: types of plasticinography, depending on the method of application

The contours in the first junior group are painted over with plasticine "Fish" is performed in the second junior group The work of the pupil middle group made as a "Gift for dad" Reverse plasticinography "Bear" is suitable for older preschool children Such painstaking mosaic work "Matryoshka" requires perseverance and patience Contour plasticine "Rybka" Multilayer technique very picturesque and allows you to convey the colors of wildlife

Difficulty level of crafts

Children of each age group the level of ability differs. For harmonious work and positive emotions, this point must be taken into account.

Table: the level of abilities of children of different ages

Age groupPlasticine skillsForm of workType of work
Nurserypossession of the skills of rolling, rolling, flattening, joining elementsindividualcreation by pattern
The second
honing the skills acquired in the nursery group,
mastering more complex skills: pinching, pulling, cutting, smoothing,
work with the simple tools: stacks, scissors
individualcreation by sample,
doing such
Averagehoning skills acquired in early age groups,
mastering the technique of mixing plasticine of various colors,
work with more complex tools: brushes, curly shapes, a syringe (ordinary without a needle or pastry with various nozzles)
work in subgroups
doing something like that,
self-planning composition
Olderthe use of waste material is added,
combination of elements different types plasticine
work in subgroups,
independent choice of materials,
thinking through the composition,
attraction of plot and game elements
Preparatoryacquaintance with new techniques (bas-relief, tiles),
training in design finished work(frame, baguette, background, mat)
work in subgroups,
independent choice of materials and type of work,
thinking through the composition,
combination of various techniques of fine art,
mandatory use of plot and game elements

Photo gallery: samples of works by children of different age groups

The image of a flower in a direct technique (first junior group) "Daisies" made by children of the second junior group Children of the middle group can do the composition "Cosmos" Children work senior group Beautiful gift on Mother's Day ( preparatory group)

We plan plasticinography classes in kindergarten

For a teacher, classes in visual activity is an opportunity to create a connection between art and different fields of knowledge. The creative process integrates the development of speech, patriotic, labor and environmental education. Therefore, topics are selected so that they reflect the diversity of the surrounding world and correspond to socially significant events that occur in the nearest time to the lesson, or the season. For example, it is advisable to plan patriotic themes in November, by the Day national unity, making flowers, treats will be appropriate for Mother's Day.

Approximate topics of classes with children of middle preschool age

  1. "Apples and berries on a plate."
  2. "Bugs in a flower bed."
  3. "Mushrooms".
  4. "The sun in the clouds."
  5. "Rowan twig".
  6. "Autumn tree".
  7. "Fish".
  8. "Christmas tree".
  9. "Christmas decorations".
  10. "Snowman".
  11. "Snow woman - frantija".
  12. "Teremok".
  13. "Owl".
  14. "Merry Rocket".
  15. "A gift for dad (grandfather)."
  16. "Pie for Mom".
  17. "Flower - seven-flower".
  18. "White birch".
  19. "Space".
  20. "Starry Sky".
  21. "Easter egg".
  22. "Lily of the valley".
  23. "A snail on a leaf."
  24. "Dandelion"

In the preparatory group, the topics "My homeland", "My family", "Underwater kingdom", "Autumn fairy tale", "Winter-winter brought us fun" should be introduced. "Round dance at the Christmas tree." They are more voluminous in content and require good preparation of children. You can also plan the image of painted dishes and various items of clothing, folk toys, for example, Dymkovo toys, a human body in motion.

Children of the seventh year of life are sometimes able to create real masterpieces, if you give scope to their imagination.

Photo gallery: works of children of middle and senior preschool age on the theme "Hedgehog", "Peacock", "Rowan branch", "Clown", "Flowers" and others

"Hedgehog" A colorful image of a peacock On a wonderful tree we see signs of all seasons. Collective work "Underwater World" The funny bear is made using the smear technique. Mosaic plasticinography " Christmas ball»Original Christmas decorations in mixed media "Chrysanthemums" "Grandmother Yaga's hut" Painted Easter eggs"Rowan branch" " Funny clowns" "Flag of Russia"

Caregiver templates

Templates, the contour of which must be filled with plasticine of different colors, are suitable for direct and more complex types of plasticine.

Photo gallery: templates featuring fruits, vegetables and animals

Sample " ladybug»Template" Hedgehog "Template" Puppy "Template" Bullfinch "Template" Cat "Template" Vegetables and fruits "

Photo gallery: templates for clothes and dishes

Template "Jug" Template for painting "Gzhel" Template "Teapot" Template "Cup" Template "Pan" Template "Pants" Template "Sweater" Template "Jacket" Template "Fur coat" Template "Skirt" Template elegant dress Template clothing for dolls

Photo Gallery: Transport and Human Shapes Templates

Truck Template Template Ambulance»Template" Taxi "Template" Steamer "Template" Ship "Template" Helicopter "Template" Airplane "template" Train "
Template "Figures of people" Template "Clown" Template "Little people" Template "Children" Template "Man in motion"

It is also interesting to work with templates on cardboard with a ready-made background. The paths are filled with colored material.

Photo gallery: animal templates with ready-made background

Lion pattern Beetle pattern Grasshopper pattern Dragonfly pattern
Stegosaurus Pattern
Pterolactyl Pattern
Dinosaur Pattern
Piglet pattern
Rooster pattern
Pattern "Ostrich"

Description of the contents of the summary of the GCD on plasticinography for the nursery group "Kolobok" by the author Potekaeva N. G.

  • Preliminary work: reading the fairy tale "Kolobok", examining the illustrations for it, coloring the coloring pages based on the fairy tale "Kolobok".
  • Form of work: subgroup (6-7 people).
  • Objectives: teaching the techniques of rolling, attaching, pinching off; development of the coordinated work of both hands; teamwork training.

Course of the lesson

Organization of a project or circle on plasticinography

You can diversify the forms of working with children in drawing with plasticine using project and hobby activities. In the first case, the educator has the opportunity to more deeply and systematically approach the acquaintance of children with this wonderful form of art, in the second - to expand the range of topics and additional materials used.

Stages of project preparation

  1. Purpose: the formation of creative thinking of pupils of the preschool educational institution using the technique of plasticinography.
  2. Tasks:
    • learning how to perform simple elements in a given technique;
    • training in the creation of objects of the surrounding world in an artistic form;
    • learning to work in a given space;
    • development of spatial thinking;
    • development of aesthetic taste;
    • mastering the basics of design;
    • education of perseverance, accuracy, patience;
    • attraction to work in a team.
  3. Drawing up detailed planning:
    • preparatory stage of work;
    • attracting motivating material at the beginning of project activities;
    • if possible, timed the implementation of the project to a significant event in the life of the kindergarten (Mother's Day, Autumn Festival, New Year, Victory Day, Cosmonautics Day).
  4. Implementation of project activities.
  5. Project presentation. When the project is finished, then it can be shown (to another group, in the lobby of the kindergarten, in the assembly hall at a party). Children talk about their work to listeners who appreciate their work.

Description of the project "Gifts of Autumn"

  1. Purpose: to prepare creative work for the Autumn Festival in kindergarten.
  2. Tasks:
    • honing the skills of working with plasticine;
    • development of aesthetic taste;
    • artistic reproduction of objects of the surrounding world;
    • training in group work.
  3. The pupils are divided into subgroups, they independently distribute responsibilities for creating individual parts of the composition: drawing mushrooms with plasticine, creating tree trunks in contouring technique, using mosaic techniques to depict berries and animals, using methods of working with scissors and stacks to create volumetric elements.
  4. Presentation of work at the Autumn Festival in the assembly hall (with musical accompaniment and reading of poems).

Photo gallery: collective work of children of the preparatory group for the "Autumn" project

"Autumn trees" "Children in the autumn park" "Autumn in the forest" "Plasticine autumn"

Literature and tips for creating a mug

Before development work program the circle is recommended to familiarize yourself with the methodological manuals for working with preschoolers in this technique:

  • G.N. Davydov. Plasticinography for kids. - Scriptorium, 2003.
  • Shnitskaya I.O. Application from plasticine D .: Phoenix, 2008.
  • Yanushko E.A.Modeling with children early age(1-3 years old). Toolkit for educators and parents. - M .: Mosaic - Synthesis, 2006.

For self-education, it will be useful for a teacher to familiarize himself with the manuals for the development of fine motor skills of hands in children:

  • Anischenkova E.S. Finger gymnastics for the development of speech of preschoolers. - M .: AST: Astrel, 2006.
  • Bolshakova S.E., Formation of fine motor skills of hands: Games and exercises, Moscow: TC Sphere, 2009.
  • Koltsova M.M. Physical activity and the development of the child's brain functions. - M .: Pedagogy, 1973 .-- P. 144.
  • Pavlova L. Significance of the development of hand actions. Preschool education. 1984, № 1.
  • Tsvyntarniy V.V. We play with our fingers and develop speech. - SPb .: Hardford, 1996.

The circle program takes into account:

  • age characteristics of children who will be engaged in the circle;
  • forms of conducting classes;
  • methods and techniques that the teacher will use;
  • means (materials and tools for creativity, attraction of ICT and technical means);
  • occupation mode;
  • the predicted results to be achieved during the implementation of the program;
  • topics of classes.

Fragments from the program of the circle for drawing with plasticine for the older group

  • It is recommended to involve information computer technologies. This is necessary to show working diagrams, illustrative examples, images of works of art. Viewing such material develops the imagination and creative thinking of the pupils.
  • Preschoolers are dominated by visual-figurative thinking therefore presentations and videos stimulate emotionally intense work with plasticine.
  • Mode of study of the circle: for children of the older group (5-6 years old), classes are held in the afternoon, twice a week. The duration of the lesson is 25-30 minutes.
  • Work on drawing with plasticine is carried out in several stages, at each of which different tasks are set for the child.

Program monitoring displays what the skill level was at the beginning school year and what the children learned at the end. For each child there is a table that displays the level of skills in working with plasticine and modeling tools, the ability to follow the teacher's recommendations, the level of development of creative thinking, independence in building a composition and developing a creative idea.

Plasticine drawing videos

We bring to your attention video materials about different techniques plasticineography.

Video: "Fish in an aquarium" from plasticine

Video: master class on contour drawing with plasticine

Video: aquarium - a craft with plasticine in a combination of plasticineography and modeling on a plane

Video: we draw an autumn forest with plasticine

In plasticinography classes, children work with different materials and tools, develop fine motor skills and train their hand to write. This art form introduces the original use of materials and opens up a new perspective on household items and objects of nature. Preschoolers improve their speech skills and enjoy communication in a team.

Not so long ago, decorative and applied art was enriched by another technique - plasticineography. The new kind drawing managed to become an integral part of classes with preschoolers in kindergarten, as well as in primary school... What is it?

Plasticine, as you might guess from the name, is drawing with plasticine. The basis for the picture can be cardboard or another fairly hard horizontal surface.

The created objects have a more or less pronounced relief, and other materials can also be used as decor: grains, beads, cereals and others. As you can see, plasticineography combines the most favorite types of creativity among kids: drawing and modeling.

Features of technology

From an early age, children: they know how to roll it in their hands, forming primitive shapes and connecting them together. Plasticinography expands the possibilities: the child learns to smear, flatten, pull and roll. A malleable material such as plasticine is the perfect tool for the little creator.

It is very important that the teacher closely follows the children's fingers, teaching them the correct techniques. For example, when smearing plasticine, you should move in a certain direction: from left to right and from top to bottom. You only need to work with the pad of a tense finger, making sure that it does not bend.

Acquaintance with plasticineography for kids begins with simple and unpretentious plots. Little children love bright colours, and therefore the themes are perfect for the first lessons: "Sun", "Rainbow", "Seven-flower flower".

It is useful to draw with plasticine!

What working with plasticine plays a huge role in the development of the child is not an exaggeration! See how much plasticinography classes with younger preschoolers can bring:

  • is developing fine motor skills, eye and tactile senses;
  • cognitive activity is realized;
  • the child's vocabulary is enriched;
  • develop sensory abilities;
  • acquaintance with the surrounding world occurs;
  • aesthetic taste is formed;
  • you are given the opportunity to express your emotions.

All these positive aspects contribute to the beautiful, because the child's pens become more obedient, which makes it easier to master the writing skills.

Lesson plan and learning steps

Classes with plasticine in kindergarten can be carried out already in the younger group - from the age of 3, starting from the basics and gradually complicating the tasks.

Learning the technique of drawing with plasticine consists of three main stages:

  1. Training in the technique of pressure (small balls of plasticine roll and press against the cardboard base with finger pressure).
  2. Learning how to smear (small pieces of plasticine are smeared over the base).
  3. A combination of pressure and smear techniques.

Lesson plan with preschoolers:

  1. In the introductory part of the lesson, an emotional mood is set - a character or a plot is played out.
  2. The main part is the process of creating the picture itself: the kids sit down at their workplaces and listen to the teacher who explains the drawing technique to them. During the practical lesson, a little gymnastics is carried out for tired fingers.
  3. In the final part, the teacher not only summarizes, but also allows the children to demonstrate their creations.

The complexity of the composition depends on the age of the child and on his experience in this type of technique. Older children love to draw animals, actively use aids and materials.

Each of us is familiar with plasticine from early childhood. Plasticine is a soft and pliable material that attracts every baby to itself.

A variety of things are molded from plasticine - from simple sausages and balls to more complex parts.

Seeing how wonderful it is to change the shape with the help of plasticine, the kids are delighted and ready to practice long time while parents can do their daily chores around the house.

However, not everyone knows that with the help of plasticine you can not only sculpt different figures, but also create real pictures. The images in such paintings are convex and incredibly beautiful.

This technique of creation is called plasticinography. Plasticine art is very exciting not only for children, but also for their parents or just adults who are not indifferent to plasticine creativity.

For children, plasticinography is also useful for their development. intellectual abilities, creativity and imagination, hand motor skills.

Is it only in this that we see the benefits for preschoolers from plasticineography classes?

Plasticineography and its role in the development of a preschooler

At the time of making a plasticine picture, boys and girls acquire useful skills:

  • orientation in the horizontal plane;
  • cognition with the surrounding space;
  • the ability to work with plasticine;
  • interest in modeling and creative activities;
  • emotional perception is formed and fantasy develops;
  • artistic and aesthetic taste appears and improves;
  • and, finally, creativity and spatial-imaginative thinking develop.

In preschool children of early preschool age, independence is formed in the process of plasticineography. And older preschoolers receive significant social experience, which is very important for socialization and adaptation in the children's team.

It can also be noted that plasticineography is effective remedy to relieve emotional stress.

Plasticine components

Modeling clay is made from dry clay and paraffin. First, the paraffin is melted, and then clay is added to it, as well as the substance ozokerite, which helps the resulting mass to dry.

Ozokerite is something that resembles beeswax... Sometimes eserin is added, which is obtained from ozokerite. Alternatively, animal fat, petroleum jelly or other similar substances are added.

To make the plasticine multi-colored, pigments are also added.

The history of the appearance of plasticine

Plasticine was known back in the Middle Ages. Our ancestors first sculpted from ordinary clay or wax. But the clay stuck to the hands, and the wax melted, it was very inconvenient to sculpt from them.

But people figured out that these two substances can be combined, and then you get a material that will not stick to your hands, but will be soft at elevated temperatures.

Thus, the first real plasticine appeared.

What plasticine is today?

Today's plasticine is not much different from the first invention. It stays soft, does not dry out or harden, and has a variety of colors. And although there can be only 6 or 8 colors of plasticine in a box, it can be skillfully combined with each other, getting interesting colors and shades.

Currently, two types of plasticine are being made. Plasticine with the addition of wax, and paraffin plasticine.

Plasticine is hard, medium hard and soft. Hard plasticine is bad for work, as it is very difficult to knead it even for an adult, let alone a child. And such plasticine crumbles very much.

Moderately hard plasticine kneads easily at room temperature, keeps its shape well. They work with this plasticine most often when making figures.

Soft plasticine is more convenient for babies, as it is easily molded, the details are easily formed and last for a long time.

Nowadays, for the smallest "stucco" you can buy plasticine - dough. It contains only natural ingredients: wheat flour, dyes. It has a pleasant smell, does not stick to hands, does not stain clothes, leaving greasy traces... But it is not recommended to store it for a long time, because the figures made of dough plasticine dry very quickly and become fragile, crumble.

How is plasticine of suitable quality chosen?

Quality material:

  • cut with a plastic stack without effort;
  • with prolonged holding in the palms, it becomes soft and pliable;
  • does not crumble or melt;
  • easily rolls down between palms without sticking;
  • if you need to remove from any plane, then it is easily removed by the stack;
  • one piece easily adheres to different materials and does not disappear;
  • when exposed to air does not lose its properties;
  • does not stain your hands and can be washed well with warm water.

Age-specific features of plasticinography in children

For kids different ages different templates are used for plasticineography. And they are very different.

For example, kids 3-4 years old can only smear plasticine on the surface, roll small sausages and balls out of it. If necessary, they can flatten the pellets from the balls. By virtue of their age characteristics they are already able to learn how to attach plasticine parts to each other.

In order for the baby to be able to independently perform something from plasticine, the template for him is selected in a simpler way. For example, it can be a lawn and sun with rays. The kid can easily cope with such a plot.

He will first spread the grass along the bottom edge of the surface, then the blue sky. And then he rolls the ball, flattens it, and you get the sun. And he will attach thin sausages to a yellow cake, and you get a sun with rays.

The template can be complicated a little and invite the preschooler to make flowers, rolling balls and sausages, and attach them to the grass.

In the middle preschool age, you can offer plasticine templates depicting the seasons. Here you can already dream up with preschoolers, conduct observation. What and at what time of year can be depicted in the picture.

For example, in winter you can make snowflakes, green Christmas trees covered with white snow. At other times of the year, you can also depict trees. Only autumn trees can be covered not with green, but with multi-colored leaves.

Preschoolers 5-6 years old can already be offered plasticinography templates with complicated compositions, an abundance of various elements. You can already teach children to make shades. Plasticine paintings of older preschool children are storylines with one or more characters.

What can be used in the plasticinography process?

To perform plasticineography, you can use various small objects: threads, beads, cereals, seeds, and even pasta.

Let's try to make a plasticine painting with our own hands with the children. It will be a fun process, it will allow you to have a great time with the children. Well, the children themselves will get acquainted with the new technique of using plasticine.

I would like to note that today there are two techniques of plasticineography.

Plasticine paintings for children: method number 1

Let's prepare the following materials:

  • a box of plasticine;
  • a sheet of cardboard, which will become the basis for the picture;
  • place for plasticine painting - a rectangular sheet of plywood without sharp corners to avoid scratching the child;
  • pencil.

The painting will be made in stages:

Cut out a square or rectangular base from cardboard (as you wish).

Draw the outline of the drawing on the prepared basis of the plasticine picture with a simple pencil. The drawing should depend on the age of the child. An apple or pear is enough for a three-year-old child. For older children, tasks can be complicated by various details.

Well, now let's start sculpting a picture from plasticine. Mash the plasticine well and, pinching off small pieces, apply it to the base and rub, as if you were painting over the contours of the drawing.

Cover the entire surface of the base with plasticine, while observing the contours of the elements. You can align the contours with a knife, it is better if an adult does it.

To add volume, you can use one interesting technique: roll a small ball of plasticine and, pressing it down with the pads of your thumb and forefinger, put the resulting flat circle on top of the drawing. Decorate the pear in this way. Then, in the center of each circle, you can make a point with a toothpick.

Use plasticine twisted into a tube to decorate the picture. An interesting star-shaped effect is obtained if the cap from the felt-tip pen is pressed into the clay.

This is how very elegant children's pictures from plasticine are easily obtained.

Volumetric paintings from plasticine: method number 2

To make this craft, you will need the same materials as in the previous master class of plasticine paintings. But we will use a different technique - applique.

Draw on the basis of the outline of the selected drawing, for example, like we have a giraffe, a sun with a cloud and a flower.

The most painstaking moment begins: a considerable number of small balls need to be molded from plasticine of different colors. Choose those colors that are typical for the objects that make up the future picture.

Along the contour of the objects depicted, begin to lay out balls of the corresponding colors with the child.

For example, the sun is outlined with balls of yellow plasticine, a cloud - white, a giraffe - brown, orange and brick, a flower - of purple, yellow, light green and green plasticine. By the way, if the desired shade of plasticine is not available, mixing several colors will give you the desired color.

Master class on working with plasticine (plasticine). "Field still life"

The master class is designed for senior preschool children, teachers and parents.

Appointment of a master class: interior decoration, gift making.

Target: acquaintance with plasticine technique as a type of visual activity.


To teach the techniques of working with plasticine;

Development creativity, aesthetic perception and artistic taste;

To cultivate a cognitive interest, a careful and aesthetic attitude to nature.

Not so long ago, I was very interested in the technique of drawing with plasticine - plasticineography.

Painting with the help of plasticine, as well as among watercolors, oil paintings and gouache compositions, extraordinary landscapes, mouth-watering still lifes and recognizable portraits flare up.

These plasticine "compositions" are permeated with the warmth of the hands of the artists who created them, and perhaps that is why they radiate some special energy, similar to a little fairy tale. And this fairy tale is revealed only to those who know how to let it into their everyday world, not allowing it to grow stale.

Before starting work, I would like to bring to your attention a fairy tale about friendship, which can be used in the classroom.

Friendship Tale

Once upon a time there was a girl named Spikelet. She was beautiful especially her hair, which, blowing in the wind, looked like gold. And she had a beloved friend - Roman. They loved to play together, they had their own secrets, which only they knew about. Every day they met in the same place - in a sunny field. Once Roman brought a flower to his girlfriend. The girl admired this flower for a very long time. He was modest - white elongated petals settled around the sunny center, such simplicity and tenderness emanated from the flower that the girl really liked it. She thanked Roman and asked where he got such a miracle? He said that he dreamed of this flower and when he woke up he saw this flower on his pillow. The girl suggested calling this flower Chamomile - after the affectionate name of Roman, and the boy agreed. The girl suggested: “Why is it that only you and me will have such a flower? Let you collect a whole bunch of these flowers in that unknown country, and we will present these flowers to all kind people! " Roman agreed and set off on a long journey. For a long time he was looking for these flowers. Found them at the end of the world, in the Kingdom of Dreams. The king of dreams offered him an exchange - the boy was supposed to stay forever in his kingdom, and the Tsar would give the girl a field of flowers. And the boy agreed, for the sake of his girlfriend named Kolosok, he was ready for anything!

The girl had been waiting for Roman for a long time. I waited a year, two, but he still did not come. She cried, was sad, lamented that she wished the unrealizable. But somehow she woke up, looked out the window and saw an endless chamomile field. Then the girl realized that her Camomile was alive, but he was far away, and he needed to be saved! A spikelet gave people Chamomile flowers. And people fell in love with these flowers for their simple beauty and tenderness. Feeling the girl's boundless love, Roman freed himself from the evil spell of the King of Dreams. And he returned home unscathed to his beloved friend.

And now we can often see how a golden Spikelet and a delicate Chamomile stand and admire each other on a sunny field.

To work you need:

Cardboard with or without a contour pattern;

Plasticine set;

Hand napkin;

Board for rolling out plasticine;

Waste material (box of chocolates, rod from the handle);

Hairspray (for varnishing).

Before work, you should slightly warm up the plasticine.

Ears molding... Roll 4 sausages from yellow plasticine (2 - stems, 2 - for grains). Roll the sausages so that they thin out.

Mark the location of the stem in the background space of the painting. Place the stem in the intended place, press down and lightly smear.

The edges of the stem that come out can be easily corrected with a stack.

Cut the remaining two sausages into grains (roll oval shape oval).

Form an ear from the grains, place small grains closer to its top.

Stack a shallow notch along each grain.

Roll very thin sausages from yellow plasticine 2-3 cm long - these will be awns that need to be placed between the grains, directing them to the top of the spike.

Form leaves from thin long yellow sausages. First you need to press them down, and then smear them a little, making them flat.

Chamomile modeling... Roll 8 identical balls from white plasticine and arrange in a circle of the desired size.

Now each ball needs to be smeared in a special way, leaving the outer part of the plasticine ball convex and directing the movement of the finger to the center of the circle (you get a smeared plasticine drop).

Press balls of yellow plasticine in the middle of the flowers.

In the middle of the flower we "draw" points with the help of a rod from the handle.

Roll a long sausage from green plasticine - the stem of a flower, press it against the background. From the same plasticine we form leaves and with the help of a stack we cut out the "cloves" characteristic of a chamomile leaf and "draw" veins.

We spray the finished work with hairspray so that it does not become dusty, since plasticine strongly attracts dust.

Place the finished work in a frame made of chocolates. The frame can be left in its original form or you can decorate it to your liking.

(pasta, grains, bones, seeds, raised wavy lines, etc.)

This work "The Cat is a Thief" was done in the same way.

I wish you all good luck and creative success!

This Autumn painting is also made using the plasticine technique. See the master class on making it