
Incredible stories of meeting my husband. About love: Non-fictional dating stories. Added to friends


First of all, this is a mood, lively and genuine emotions and feelings! And each couple has their own, special, unique, yes, I didn’t make a reservation, it’s unique, because even if we are talking about one thing, about love, then each of us means something completely specific for ourselves, some kind of our own. meaning, understanding, inner feeling of this concept and feeling!

And how was it born, this feeling, these two, completely specific people? How did they find each other? How did you meet? What were your very first mutual impressions? How were they cared for then? And how did they show and express themselves and their feelings? What did they think, feel, experience, do and say then? How did they search for and find that one and only true path to each other's heart? How, finally, did they declare their love and how did they ask or offer a Hand and a Heart? Can all this be uninteresting, banal, boring!? Especially when it comes to people close to you! Never!

Or would you rather like the always impersonal and often fakely sensual monologues of the registrars "about the ships and harbors of Love"!? Can these lengthy speeches “about in general” and, as a result, “about nothing”, be able to captivate you? Do they really immerse you in the amazing and unique emotional world of any newlywed couple? Maybe they open something new for you? Or do they give unforgettable sensations and make you sincerely participate in the ceremony and empathize with people close to you? Not sure…

And if you agree with me on something, in conclusion I will say that there are no uninteresting stories, there are none !!! Yes, although this is how many couples begin our conversation about the upcoming ceremony, they say, our story is “nothing at all”, they met corny, met without incident, etc., or they say, they say, many details of our history should remain a secret, we we can’t talk about it publicly… Great! After all, it is not at all necessary to lay out the chronology of events and all sorts of details, one or more episodes, pictures, events are enough for some kind of emotional narrative to grow out of them, a fascinating story, somewhat poetic and spiritualized precisely by your living, real and absolutely sincere feeling love for each other!

For me, as an interlocutor and author, it’s not even the specific nuances of your story that are important, but the excitement, emotions that you experience, living anew, remembering certain moments of your novel, I seem to be saturated with them, become a witness and accomplice of these events, and therefore and then I write your love story, and I talk about this with your guests, as already, probably, about a part of my own life, passing on to them all the wealth and joy, and impressions that you shared with me ...

That, in general, is all, I invite you, read, be inspired, and come, together we will create and tell your guests your Love Story ...

Almost every one of us has a similar experience of communication and dating, and we are no exception. Therefore, today our girls decided to talk about their online dating experience. Of course, each of them could have had several, but we tried to remember either the funniest, or the most unfortunate, or our very, very first acquaintance. After all, it was so long ago, it’s scary to remember, but that makes it even more interesting!

Well, are you ready to laugh, remember and be surprised with us? Then, welcome, we begin!

The Internet appeared in my life when I was 15 years old. For me, it then became a good assistant in communicating with people: I was always very shy, it was difficult to make new acquaintances, but there were no particular problems with this online. Of course, there were many acquaintances, you can’t remember everything, but I will definitely remember one person for the rest of my life, the story of my acquaintance with whom I will now tell :)

I used to really like the actress Scarlett Johansson, I was in one of her VK fan groups, and somehow I saw that one girl (let's call her Sveta) wrote in a discussion that she had created her own group and invited people there. I joined, added photos to the albums, created a few themes to bring some kind of revival. Quite quickly, Sveta wrote to me, thanked me for my activity and offered to become the second editor of the group, to which I agreed.

Since Sveta and I worked together, it seemed to me that it was worth talking a little, and not just meeting in a group. And so gradually I realized that in addition to Scarlett's hobby, we have a lot of common interests with her, and from completely different areas. What is the probability of meeting a person who is interested in both string theory and Mandelstam's poetry? So it seems to me that there is none, so I considered meeting Sveta something incredible, I saw a kindred spirit in her, and from her I felt the same attitude towards myself.

Soon we started sending real letters and packages to each other, which is something incredible these days. In the age of virtual communication, getting a live letter, and with it a piece of a person, is priceless. With each line, Light became closer to me, and I gladly decorated the room with her gifts.

We always dreamed of seeing her, but we lived not only in different cities, but also in different states, and the minor age did not allow such trips to be made freely. But still, after several years of communication, our dream came true, I arrived in Svetin's city. And you know, it would be better if it never happened.

In life, Sveta turned out to be completely different from what I imagined it to be. She was very quiet and taciturn, I had to start most of the conversations, although I am terribly shy ... The awkward silence drove me crazy, I wanted to end our walk around the city as soon as possible. No, Sveta is not bad, but she turned out to be too much like me, it is hard for me to establish live contact with such people. For all my time in Sveta’s city, we never met again, I didn’t want to, and Sveta herself was not particularly eager. After that meeting, our communication came to naught. We began to exchange exclusively congratulations for the holidays, and soon they stopped doing this ...

I will probably remember Sveta forever. She became my first virtual friend, a soul mate online... But after the disappointment of a real meeting, I try not to make virtual acquaintances... Or at least not to transfer them offline.

Dating online during my youth was almost the main occupation of young people. ICQ, qvips, later VK and mail ru, all sorts of different sites ... But at the origins of all this entertaining were telephone acquaintances (each operator had such a function in the phone). I don’t remember very well how it all worked out, but the fact is that on those phones there were no cameras or the ability to exchange photos, and this foreshadowed a blind acquaintance.

My first attempts to communicate with someone only led to disappointment - someone was rude, someone wrote smut, someone was 3 times older (and I was in school then). Gradually, I began to think that it was time to tie up with this idea and stop spending money. And then one day a boy from the city of Pushkino burst into my life.

I don’t remember at all what we talked about there, for how long, you never know. I remember how, after several days of communication, he offered to come to Moscow and see each other. His voice was normal, his behavior was adequate. By that time, I had already gone to Moscow to study for a long time and this did not constitute any obstacle for me. We agreed to meet at the Leningradsky railway station, and then go to the zoo. We also agreed that if I liked him, I would allow myself to be kissed goodbye. And this will be a kind of green light for further communication. And if he doesn't like me, he won't kiss me. It seems like everything is clear and transparent.

He was late for the meeting. I began to get angry, because it was not my plan to stand on the forecourt among the homeless and beggars and wait for someone who was not clear.

He called when he got off the train, and walked towards me, talking to me so that it would be easier to find him. When I finally saw him from afar, I was seized with animal horror. A man with incomprehensible huge eyes was walking towards me, his head was turned to the side, a little in profile or something. He always held her like that, I don’t know if it was a disease or something. His feet shuffled on the ground, he hardly raised them. One leg raked forward, in an unnatural half-circle in the air as he took a step. In general, this is exactly what a Hollywood maniac from a movie looked like in my concept. STRANGE. A very strange guy.

I didn't know what to do. I couldn’t run away, because it would be quite miserable - we had already seen each other and talked on the phone. Instead of immediately finding an excuse to leave, I decided to behave with dignity and not offend a person. Although I was naturally dumb even to be around.

In the end, I somehow endured a trip to the zoo. You already, of course, guess that he did not understand that something was wrong and happily chatted with me about his own, looking at me with his huge bulging eyes. The topics of conversation were completely flat, I could not support any of them, I agreed with something there, nodded, looking more at the animals in cages than at him. It was very painful - I wanted it all to end as quickly as possible, but I couldn’t say “no” right away.

As a result, he walked me to the train and, yes, climbed to kiss. And then the unexpected happened. I was so scared that I couldn't push him away. Kiss in general, too, could not, and was not going to. I just stood in a stupor, closing my eyes and waiting for the end of the execution. After that, I silently turned around and rushed into the train like a bullet, passing several cars additionally.

This story in a good way should have taught me to say “no” more often and protect my boundaries, but I still can’t say that I have mastered this skill to the proper extent. So blind dates are just tin, I don’t advise anyone :)

I have a lot of positive online dating experience. Now it is not a problem to simply friend a person whose thoughts or services are close to you or you need. To exchange a few words, etc. And how communication will go there is up to you.

Dating sites I do not consider something really useful. Often people go there "just to look" because they believe deep down that everyone who sits on a dating site is jerks and losers, prostitutes and ugly. And then a doubting person comes there, stands there handsome in a white coat, looks around and frowns. It is not surprising that his arrogance is readable and unattractive to others. Therefore, if you get acquainted online for the purpose of relationships, then it is better to do this on the site that does not cause internal rejection. For example, in the comments on VK or Facebook.

With so many people with whom I communicate in real life - I met online. These were both online games, and public interest groups, and even livejournal. You can meet good people everywhere. True, in VK there is a high probability of running into trolling, and in FB - a bunch of pretentious conclusions. But these are costs. Filtering is not difficult if needed.

Previously, I often met guys on the Internet, periodically went on dates, tied friendly relations. I still communicate with someone, for more than five years, but all these dating stories are so similar to each other that it’s not particularly interesting to tell. However, there is one story that I remember well. She looks more like a not so funny joke which happened to me in real life.

I met a nice young man on VKontakte, we immediately found him mutual language. We chatted online for days, then started talking on the phone. Almost from the first day we met, he began to call me for a walk, but I refused. The guy was every day more insistent and I was somewhat frightened.

After a few weeks of communication, I agreed to take a walk with him. We met in the city center and went for a walk along the embankment. It was a warm spring day, I had good mood, which could be spoiled by just a few questions: “You don’t work anywhere, do you? Do you want me to teach you how to make good money? Have you heard of *a network marketing organization*?”

I was, to put it mildly, shocked by this turn of events. That is, the guy “hilled” me for several weeks to offer to sell cosmetics from the catalog?! I politely refused, but the young man continued to talk about the advantages of the work and that he had achieved unprecedented success in this matter. A couple of minutes later, my friend “unexpectedly” called me and said that she urgently needed my help. I quickly said goodbye and never saw him again.

I often think that if the Internet had not been invented, I would have spent my whole life sitting alone in my room. I am a 100% introvert, all these acquaintances in real life, any parties, any companies exhausted me too much, and even the prospect of being completely without friends scared me not like the prospect of communicating with a bunch of people.

But online it was different. I could initiate communication myself at any time convenient for me, I could stop it at any convenient time, and the choice of suitable people was immeasurably greater than in reality. A whole world opened up to me and it was possible to master it without leaving the room. The ability to be anyone online? Choose your gender, age, name, legend? This is certainly interesting and a great workout for the mind, but I had enough of me. I just wanted to talk with like-minded people, I wanted to "find my own and calm down."

The very first acquaintance

“Oh my God, why did I agree!” - sounded in my head when I went to this very, very first meeting. I was ready to turn back several times, and then lie something. And when it comes to scheduling the next meeting, lie again. Or quietly merge. Or dig in the sand and sit out. It's a stranger!!! So what if we have been corresponding for a long time, and what if the real image turns out to be so monstrous that you have to run away shooting back?! Strange, but I was always more afraid that a person would not like me than that he would not like himself. In general, it was easier for me to jump with a parachute than to show off in that cafe and casually say: "Hi, I'm Lisa."

Everything went very well:) The boy almost did not differ from the image that I imagined. Well, adjusted for the sound of the voice, perhaps. All my subsequent million devirtualizations, the trend remained almost unchanged - I still can’t imagine how it is possible to find a person who is 180 degrees different from himself in the virtual when meeting.

The most unfortunate acquaintance

Since I am paranoid, it is impossible to pull me into real life until I have a minimum of confidence in the adequacy of the interlocutor. I will not tire of repeating that a long correspondence is a good guarantee against trash in the form of all sorts of psychos and other bright personalities. Not 100%, but still. I do not take into account all sorts of freaks, with whom I also managed to get acquainted - "inadequate" in our heads was common.

The system failed only once, but it was more funny than scary. One young man at a meeting confidentially told me that he kept a diary and that I was recorded in this diary under the name "ray of light." Brrrrrrr, what vulgarity! If he had said that he was keeping a record of the young ladies brutally killed by him and buried in the forest, I would not have been so shocked. While I was recovering, he managed to detect a tendency to diminutive suffixes in words. The fact is that from all these suns and mimics I want to puke like a rainbow, and sweetness in communication, in my opinion, kills all life within a kilometer radius around. The bell in my head was ringing - WTF! WTF! I still don’t know whether it was an ordinary shattered “bright man”, or a psychopath (I later read that they love to lisp), but the impression was more than repulsive. And, most importantly, I did not notice anything like this in network communication. Mystery. I hope that later he renamed me “a drop of darkness” or something like that.

Another thing that always discourages me and makes me consider meetings unsuccessful is when a person is silent. Doesn't try to keep the conversation going. Answers questions in one word. Smiles, infection, and is silent. And we both quietly go out. Shyness? But it seems to me the opposite - impudence. Here I come, entertain me. Jump around. Serve emotionally. I myself am far from a communication genius, but my upbringing never allowed me to behave in this way, even if the person was not particularly interesting to me. I admit that I was not interested, but why then write on the Internet how everything was hurt and try to make a new meeting? Mystery. Don't ever do that, in a word, otherwise I'll come and hit you on the kumpol with a frying pan.

The most successful acquaintance

This will be the shortest paragraph. For a long time I doubted whether to write here about an acquaintance that ended in marriage (wedding, happiness and all that) if this marriage no longer exists. I was too young for serious relationship and he is too stupid for them. We played a little as a family, it was a good time. We met in ICQ on the basis of common musical tastes.

There was one more love of mine, which is no longer there either. There is no love, a person is alive and well. But for a while, I was actually happy just because he existed. And it's more luck than not.

I wasn't very good at building relationships over the internet, but making friends was. My smartest, most talented, most understanding, supportive friends in difficult times - this is the greatest success. And not on the scale of online dating, but on the scale of a lifetime.

In fact, Internet dating in my life was not very much. How many of them ended with a real meeting? Wait a minute, let me think. One, two, maximum three. Yes, exactly, and the third was my girlfriend, and not a young man. I don’t know why, but I never had a desire to pull virtual acquaintances into the real world. Of course, I wanted to meet someone, but different cities and countries interfered, however, this is a completely different story. In the meantime, I'll tell you about my very first, it's not a very successful acquaintance on the network.

I met M. in contact, he was the first to write me something rather funny, so I immediately wanted to answer, although I usually keep silent about messages from people I don’t know. Correspondence quickly began. M. was easy and fun to talk to, we were like on the same wavelength. He started the sentence, I finished. He joked, I joked back. In general, we were quite interesting with each other. And when, in another conversation, M. offered to drink coffee together after school, she did not doubt for a minute. In addition, I have long studied his page, studied the photo and did not notice anything strange or terrible there.

Standing at the bus stop at the specified time, I looked impatiently into the eyes of passers-by and looked out for him. M. was late for about ten minutes and, as if nothing had happened, approached me, smiled, and asked questions on duty. But from the first minutes the communication went terribly wrong - there was no lightness at all. M. did not let me insert words into his monologue, he told me everything and talked about his hobbies. And they turned out to be hoo - hiking, kayaking, field conditions. He spoke with such enthusiasm about his love for the camp kitchen, about his like-minded friends stomping through the swamps and sleeping in tents at night, that I felt uneasy - I somehow did not gravitate towards this kind of leisure. By the way, he didn’t write anything to me about this hobby on the Internet, but here he couldn’t be stopped. It pissed me off even more throughout the walk. Where are the jokes that won me over? Where are the common interests? Ay? But besides all this, there was also a terrible feeling of discomfort - M. turned out to be about a head shorter than me and also twice as thin. By the way, I prudently did not wear heels and at that time wore things of 42 sizes. But next to him I felt like a fat, fat, clumsy elephant. And this feeling slowly and painfully killed me. I don't know why I didn't notice it all from the photos? Mystery! Fortunately, the torture came to an end, and it seems that we were both happy about it. M., too, was not delighted with me and, despite excessive talkativeness, was a little embarrassed.

Dispersed. They breathed a sigh of relief. But... M. called again the next day and offered to meet. What for? I wanted to scream into the phone, but I restrained myself and politely refused. It seems like the end of the story, but no matter how! Living in the same city and never seeing each other before, we suddenly began to constantly intersect. Wherever I went - M. was there too. And worst of all, he looked at me with such a look, as if, at least, I had ruined his life. "What did you do to him?" - friends constantly teased. "Yes, they walked down the street once and that's it!" - I answered with anger and each time it caused a wild attack of laughter. But not me.

Since that time, I realized that a real person and a person on the network are completely different people. They look different, talk differently and act differently. I had no more desire to experiment.

When I was 16 years old, thanks to my friends, I learned about the existence of the "Dating Galaxy" chat. The Internet at that time was not yet ubiquitous, but was already slowly gaining momentum, especially on mobile devices, so young people appreciated such mobile applications such as ICQ and chats.

I didn’t have a goal to meet and start a relationship with someone, I just liked to communicate with complete strangers. I liked even more that people who communicate well in chat also met in real life.

So in the course of communicating with virtual friends, I met a guy of the same age from my city. We had similar interests, and, of course, we immediately found a common language. At some point, I caught myself on the fact that it was with this boy that I communicated the most, it was his appearance in the chat that I was waiting for. In general, I was already almost in love, so I gladly agreed to meet in real life.

But the real meeting disappointed me: from the very first second, I realized that all his charm, intelligence and charisma that attracted me to the chat were fake, and that this guy is an ordinary "pontorez". I just said goodbye and left. We didn’t meet again in the chat - apparently, he didn’t like me either :)

After this meeting, I still hung out in the chat, because one failure does not mean anything. I made new friends, "pulled up" my real ones ... In general, "Galaxy" then occupied all my free time (and not free, however, too). Once there was a large-scale meeting in our city, and I could not miss it. At this meeting - we called them reals - I got to know many people I liked in real life, this alone was already worth it to come. There, I noticed a guy who was introduced to me as Sergey and called his nickname. "Oh, this..." I thought. Yes, I have already heard about him many times, exclusively from girls who really liked him. Such popular personalities were somehow not for me, so I forgot to think about him.

But a week later new meeting, for a very narrow circle of people. And it so happened that Sergei was there again. Then I looked at him more carefully and was completely fascinated by him. Having already left the "reality", I said to my friend: "Oh, Dasha, I'm a fool! It seems that I fell in love." But when to fall in love, if not at 16? Maybe this story would have remained just another fleeting love, but on the same evening Sergey wrote to me. Then communication, meetings, relationships began ... But that's a completely different story :)

We are now married and have a daughter. Several times we met acquaintances from the "galactic" past, and you cannot imagine with what eyes they looked at us. Well, still: we were prophesied only a couple of months, but several years have passed. In the "Galaxy" we stopped sitting almost immediately, because the most important thing - each other - she had already given us.

About 12-13 years ago, the Internet was not yet so developed and the first online acquaintances for me were SMS dating. True, the goal was somewhat different - entertainment. We have best friend There was a legend that we were twin sisters. So, on behalf of the sisters, we got to know each other, immediately denoting that there were two of us. The boy always had a friend on the other end of the wire, and after some time of communication we were offered to meet. We enthusiastically agreed. Here I must say that I am a blonde 165 cm tall (a friend affectionately calls me "my beloved dwarf"), she is a stately brunette 180 cm. dad. We met with the same people a couple of times, and finally turned our heads, disappeared without a trace.

And only then there were acquaintances in ICQ, in chat rooms and on websites. Just like 10 years ago, so now I have some kind of internal denial, a barrier to dating sites. Gradually, communication moved from the site to the phone, but as soon as I was offered a meeting, I found 1000 and 1 reason to refuse.

Let's pick you up at the university, am I nearby?

Sorry, we've run out of couples. I scribbled from the lecture.

Hello, I'm at your subway station. Shall we drink coffee?

I'm sorry, I can't, I need to visit the neighbor's hamster.

The exception happened only once. No longer a schoolgirl, but not yet a student, I met a sophomore from my faculty at the same SZ. Communication began, and somehow during my studies I complained about problems with descriptive geometry. We met, my drawings were taken away from me and after a while they were returned in finished form. A good friendship developed for all university years. And I think this happened because none of us initially claimed each other.

I am not one of those people whose online dating stories ended happily in a wedding, but I also have something to remember and smile at these memories.

It seems that the first "experience" of dating in virtual reality fell on my 14-15 years: it's scary to think how young I was. At that time, even ICQ was not yet popular, but various forums where you could "hang out" - very much so. Of course, it was all for fun, not for real dating- We did not miss an extra reason to laugh with a girlfriend. I remember that I quickly stumbled upon a man with unambiguous interests, and the "fun" for this reason quickly ended - I was not ready for all the dangers that lurked huge world Internet.)))

But in the heyday of “asechen” acquaintances, I was completely drawn out - for me, as an introvert and a great prude, it was much easier to get acquainted on the network, and then continue to communicate in reality. I would like to say that I found real friends there, with whom I still communicate, but, unfortunately, this is not so. There were quite a few acquaintances with really good and interesting people, but it so happened that life separated us along different shores.

Not without love stories: after a long conversation with one young man, we finally decided to exchange photos and phones. I sent the photo first, after which they immediately wanted to continue closer communication with me, but after I saw the "groom" I ... instantly disappeared from all radars.))) That's just the phone number that he had left did not give I just “go into the sunset”: he called me for whole days, not giving the phone a break, and I, a fool, of course, did not answer. Everything would be fine if his attempts had not lasted for six months - less and less over time, but at least once a week, he always called (maybe he already had such a ritual?) Now it’s funny to remember, but then it seemed like a real problem .

Now I would like to say that after all it was a particularly wonderful time, when it was easy, without unnecessary troubles, to meet an interesting person, but now I would not have been able to.

From the editor (Fleur): in fact, there are many more such acquaintances. Despite the fact that many do not believe in virtual love and friendship, they get acquainted only in this way. There are different stories - funny, stupid and sad, romantic and ridiculous. But all of them are united by the virtual space. It's easier than in real life - there is time to think about the answer, embellish, lie, ignore the message when the mood is at zero. And disappearing without explanation is also easier. Many say that virtual networks have flooded everything and therefore, where else to look for a soul mate and even friends. Many agree with the first part, but draw a different conclusion - sincerity remains only in the real world. You can argue endlessly. I agree with one thing, if you set out to get to know each other, then you will get acquainted. True, then it will be necessary to deal with all this, but this is a second matter. Minor.

Today we shared with you the stories of our acquaintances, and you, in turn, tell us examples of your acquaintances on the network. What do you remember, what surprised you? And do you believe that online relationships can become quite real and real?

Let's just be honest with each other. No need to dissemble - everyone is here today.

Alina Demeeva

"Our history of acquaintance is obscenely banal: there were no accidents and mystical coincidences - we were introduced by mutual friends. First there was correspondence on the Internet, then the first meeting at the celebration followed catholic christmas in a club where we rested with classmates, and then the great time our relationship - dates, movies, walks around the city, cafes, flowers, gifts. Six months later, I realized that I fell in love for real, and how happy I was when I realized that my feelings were mutual! We remember this moment as the beginning of something serious and global. A year later, we began to think about living together. My husband (then he was still just my young man) insisted, but I was categorically against it - my upbringing did not allow it. That's how the idea of ​​marriage came about. Our parents supported us, and together we began to prepare our wedding.

We have been married for almost 2 years, we have been together for more than 4 years, but we still remember that evening of the first meeting and our feelings and emotions. We often remember our acquaintance and each time our story acquires more and more new details that we used to be embarrassed to tell each other. It turned out that we liked each other at first sight, and although we are very different, we can no longer imagine life without each other. Only when a loved one is near, I am calm and incredibly happy. Love helps us to be together in harmony and understanding."

Katerina Lebedko-Pogrebnaya

"For the first time I met my now husband at an acoustic evening dedicated to the fans of the Splin group. I sang there, and he came as a guest. Our eyes met and I immediately liked him. However, that evening we did not met. After 4 months, an acoustic evening was again held in the same place, this time dedicated to Russian rock, and I was again invited there as a performer. What was my surprise when I saw Him there. We again met eyes, and to at the end of the evening we met and talked a little, but things didn’t go beyond that. I left the institution earlier, and he stayed. Later, I tried to find him on social networks, but, unfortunately, nothing came of it. About a month later, we completely "We met by chance in another place. That's when I realized that it was fate! It was like this: somewhere in the middle of March, my girlfriend and I agreed to meet at a bar. It was Friday, I came to the bar before my friend, ordered myself a cocktail and in waiting was at the bar. And suddenly he passes by! I was a little confused and continued to stand near the bar. Suddenly, from behind, someone lightly patted me on the shoulder, I turned around and saw my future husband. He was no less surprised to see me, and decided to come up to say hello. We started talking, it turned out that he came to the “corporate party” with his colleagues. The most amazing thing is that he first came to that bar, while I was a regular client of this institution. That evening we exchanged phone numbers. He called me 2 days later, and our romance began from that call. A year and a half later, we got married."

Zhazira Zharbulova

"My husband and I met in a cafe on August 30, 2008. I often went there with a friend, and, as it turned out later, he lived nearby all his life. On the same day he drove me home, and I understood everything. I realized that he is the one. The next day he invited me on a date, and the next day, on September 1, he left for Russia to continue his studies at the military academy. At that time, I lived from call to call, from sms to sms. He came 2 times a year - for summer holidays and for New Year. So two years passed. After graduation, to my great joy, he was sent to serve in Almaty. But, as it turned out, I rejoiced early. He disappeared for days at work. We even broke up a couple of times because of it. So another 2 years passed. And in the 5th year, we finally decided that it was time to decide something. I told him that if we don't get married by September 30, 2013, we will have to leave. After all, I was already 25 years old and, as is customary in our society, it was time to think about the family. As a result, in January 2013 I was put on earrings according to the Kazakh custom, in July of the same year I was married, in August they first held the “uzata”, the traditional farewell to the bride, and on September 21, 2013 there was a wedding (it turns out that my husband managed to marry me before September 30th). Now we are waiting for our baby!

Tatyana Kudrina

"I sincerely believe that there are no accidents, and when we meet our man, a certain mysterious voice quietly whispers to us about how important this meeting is, urging us not to pass by. You need to have very big hearing problems in order not to pay attention to this voice.:) Apparently, I had such problems, so I did not immediately recognize my happiness and could not even imagine that a banal story of acquaintance at work could develop into something big. and my husband was a representative of a contractor company, and, accordingly, initially our conversations with him were based on topics such as the terms of the contract, the terms of payment and the quality of the services provided. In general, when the move was successfully completed, he continued to come to my office under various pretexts, but even then we did not think about anything serious. step by step, we became closer to each other, until we finally noticed how all doubts disappeared, and we both realized that we want to be together always, all our lives."

Perhaps these very personal stories will not form the basis of a romantic film, will not touch hearts and will not cause tears of tenderness. However, they will always keep that special magic and warmth, turning into a little fairy tale for each individual family.

Dear readers, how did you first meet your loved ones?

Do you think online love is a myth or a reality? Is it possible to find your happiness by completely trusting to a stranger? And what needs to be done to find the same, fabulous " love online"? Perhaps you should feverishly register on dating sites? Sitting for days on various forums? Or maybe just let go of the situation and communicate with interesting people on social networks with ordinary ease?

Whatever it was, but today we are all tied to communication on the Internet. It is there that we find important news of the outgoing day, weather forecast, current news famous brands and much more. The World Wide Web helps us in everything! Every day we turn to her for help: someone is looking for useful information, someone of reliable friends, and someone of their true love, which could take them to the world of romantic dreams and pleasant expectations. And let the inveterate skeptics say that finding a sublime feeling on the Internet is completely absurd. The main thing is to believe, to be sincere, and not to be wiser. After all, many couples have managed to find their happiness. They took a chance and got their "love prize", are you ready?

Andrey and Anya . Love online: "Hello, I'm your Anya"

“Andrey and I met on one of the forums where I tried to figure out a brand new camera and its capabilities. Communication with him seemed easy and entertaining. After exchanging Skype, the communication became closer and more intriguing. At first there was an ordinary correspondence, one might even say studying each other, but the further, the more interesting it became ... At some point, it even seemed to me that Andrey was trying to “glue” me. He kept talking about how good he is, successful and so on. But at the same time, he did not forget about me either, he was interested in my hobbies, work, even what school subjects I loved most. Our online communication lasted for long hours. And one day Andryusha offered to call me. The video call became a real stress for me, I was very worried - would he like me? And he behaved absolutely at ease, even a little strange ... For some reason, he walked around the apartment with his laptop, talking in detail about the home and what kind of furniture he prefers. To be honest, I considered it a kind of boasting, but the interest in him still became more and more. Sharing the results of our video meeting with my girlfriends, they almost unanimously said that he was, to put it mildly, strange and that I should stop this communication so as not to get into an unpleasant situation. After all love online can be dangerous. I don't know why, but I couldn't do it.

Somehow, on one of the working days, I found out that I was going on a business trip to the city where Andrey lived. I gathered myself into a fist and asked for his address. I thought I would show up to him unexpectedly and say: “Hello, I am your Anya.” Although, to be honest, I don’t know what I was thinking at the time. But one thing I can say for sure: I'm glad that everything happened that way. Our meeting nevertheless took place and since then we have been together for 3 years. Andryusha is a very close and dear person for me! It’s scary to think how everything would have turned out if I hadn’t bought that camera or ended up on another forum ... By the way, after a while I asked him why during the first call he rushed around the apartment with a laptop? To which he, jokingly, said that he was simply preparing me for a joint future. After all, today we live in his apartment.

Lena and Maxim. Love online: "Hundreds of toads and one prince"

“Repeatedly burned in real love stories, one day I thought that it was time to change something in life. After reading articles about dating on the Internet, which helped many women to plunge into the world of a real fairy tale, I decided: love online- this is for me! Then there were actions - hundreds of profiles on various dating sites, intriguing letters and dozens of hours spent online. I was sure that my prince was waiting for me somewhere there. But to my great disappointment and regret, everything was wrong and everything was wrong. Some were boring, others were ugly, others were too presumptuous. Several times I even went on dates to make sure that this “candidate for husband” was not for me at all. Neither more nor less than I spent almost six months. I hoped, believed and continued to get acquainted.…

However, as time went on, and hope became less and less. Once I decided that I had had enough of these questionnaires and photographs - I was returning to the real world! And as soon as I made this significant decision, he appeared ... Maxim was ordinary and at the same time very interesting. According to the questionnaire, he was not arrogant, without any particular bad habits, and in the photo he looked very personal. It's just that I've decided that love online long in the past. And then it dawned on me: I was, I wasn’t - I’ll try again! And suddenly it is he, the one, the one and only. And so it turned out. Max conquered me with his charisma! He was attentive, courageous, reliable. I went to him for one date, and stayed with him for life! Now I call him my prince! Indeed, how many “toads” I “kissed” to find my ideal happiness!”

Nastya and Sasha Love online: "Lasagna, against cutlets"

Communication proceeded in a pleasant, one might even say, friendly atmosphere. Until He showed up. A certain user with the nickname Alex2310 noted with particular causticity that my knowledge of Italian cuisine does not make me a super cook at all and that it would be better for me to think about ordinary people and intelligibly state the recipe for making ordinary homemade cutlets. All forum visitors, literally, pounced on Alex2310. I, despite the offense, tried to ignore such remarks, allowing myself to write to him in a personal, so that he would bother to buy himself a book called "Cooking for Dummies" and leave normal people alone. Which, of course, didn't happen.

It was from this ridiculous situation that our “ love online". At first we swore a lot, then he apologized for a long time, after which we simply began to correspond. As it turned out, Alex2310's name was Sasha, and most recently he broke up with a girl, after which he suddenly discovered for himself that he was not at all strong in cooking. I went to the culinary forum in order to find out at least a few simple recipes that will help brighten up his bachelor days. And here I am with my lasagna and bechamel sauce! This is where he broke.

Over time love online smoothly flowed into first dates, walks, meetings. He turned out to be a very friendly and tactful young man, which I would never have thought of at the time of our acquaintance. We got married about a year ago. Today Sasha is making great strides in the “school of young culinary experts”, practicing with me at the stove. Who knows, maybe someday lasagna will be on his shoulder.

Roma and Alina. Love online: "Meeting after 5 years"

“Our story with Roma can be called quite banal: we met in one of the chats, began to chat, exchanged photos, fell in love, met, got married! That's only if it were not for one nuance - the correspondence lasted as long as 5 years!

So, I was an ordinary provincial girl, and he was a metropolitan student. Almost immediately, we replaced chat with email. Personal communication with Roma seemed to me some incredible miracle. Every day I waited for his letters. If there were no new ones, I reread the old ones. Now I understand that I was obsessed with this guy! No one could replace him for me: “Hello! How was your day?" But I did not dare to tell him about my feelings. I thought that for him I was just a friend and for love relationships he chooses girls of a different circle. But one day something happened that changed my whole life. In one of the letters, Roma wrote to me that he was in love and wanted to meet. At that moment, it seemed to me that this is real happiness in its purest manifestation! It so happened that for almost a year we could not meet. However, the feelings didn't go away. After all, we have begun a real love online! It was our romance and tenderness.

Having met after 5 years of communication on the network, we 100% realized that we were made for each other. They did not hesitate with the wedding and signed 3 months after the meeting. Perhaps there are those who will say that it was a rash and risky act. After all, the image of a person on the network does not always correspond to the picture in reality. But all this is complete nonsense! We have been married for almost 3 years, in total I have known Roma for more than 8 years, and believe me, I live with the very person who once wrote to me: “Hi” in one of the ordinary chats.

Love online: summing up

As you can see love online- this is not fiction, but real story our heroines. Many couples on their own personal experience proved that sometimes, the modern possibilities of the Internet help to reunite two kindred souls, two loving hearts. Yes, sometimes it can be disappointing, but doesn't that happen in real life? There is only one thing to remember here: close relationships always require hard work. You may have to take risks somewhere, and forgive somewhere, but in the end you will get the happiness that you so deserve.

And let now love online– this is just platonic communication at a distance. Who knows, maybe the very near future will be able to give lovers the effect of the presence of a loved one, long-awaited hugs or gentle kiss thousands of miles apart.

Love all places are submissive

One of my friends was going through a divorce. I came up with entertainment for us as best I could. It was a typical Friday night. We were going to a nightclub as a group. A friend did not want to go - the mood was not right, but she agreed to take a walk. We arrived at an entertainment venue. By the way, in our student years we often visited it, but at that time we had not been there for five years, including a friend. We decided to go. And at the first slow my girlfriend was invited to dance by a young man whom she spotted at the bar.

The next day they met again. Already by invitation young man. And then the next one. And the next one too. And they've been dating for four years now. The last two are exclusively legal, as evidenced by the stamps in the passports. By the way, later Alexei, the husband of a friend, said that he was not going to the club that evening either. I went for a company with a friend who had a birthday, but festive mood was not observed. He decided to unwind, called Alexei - the same as himself, a bachelor in the company. But fate presented a gift not to the birthday man. (You can read about how to improve your mood on the website " sunny hands"in the article "How to cheer up and return energy?")

By the way, my friend's husband's friend also found his happiness. And nothing more than a wonderful story of dating on the Internet, this meeting cannot be called. A girl came to his page in one of the social networks. The young man usually did not pay attention to the guests, but then he decided to look at the girl’s page - she really liked her eyes. After viewing the photos, he could not resist and wrote a short message: “You are very beautiful.” When the answer came - "Thank you" - he began to scold himself for getting involved in Internet correspondence. But the girl's eyes did not give rest. Wrote something else, a beautiful stranger replied. After two weeks of active correspondence, it was decided to meet. The girl, by the way, lived 300 km away. But I went. Since then, they have not parted. We recently celebrated our first wedding anniversary. And they put a tradition - every year to celebrate this day in a different country. They congratulated each other on their first family anniversary in Prague. On the second anniversary of marriage, they plan to go to the sea. Here is such a wonderful story of dating on the Internet.

My brother met his wife on a business trip. And she was also on duty. The guys worked in different cities as managers in one large cellular company and arrived on a business trip on the same day. Collided at the corporate apartment. The head of the direction gathered everyone at one address for subsequent resettlement (the business trip was designed for three months). The long-haired laughing girl immediately liked my brother. They were placed on the same floor. At first, they communicated exclusively at work, and Yana (that's the name of her daughter-in-law) experienced unhappy love, so she treated my brother only as a friend. But one day the heart said: “This is it!” And by the end of the business trip, the two of them were even offered to stay in this southern city. For an indefinite time, but in fact for five years. The guys managed to get married and buy an apartment with windows overlooking the sea. They are planning a child.

Love is a dangerous thing. Another one of mine was convinced of this by personal example. friend.

Here is her dating history. She met her life partner in a cafe. When a friend walked past the table where he was sitting with friends, the young man accidentally touched a cup of hot chocolate with his elbow. The content imprinted beautifully on my girlfriend's skirt. The guy began to apologize and invited the girls (the girlfriend was with her sister) to join them. It all happened on Valentine's Day. Now it is their main holiday.

I can't help but tell the story of my parents' acquaintance. It happened way back in 1978. We walked at the wedding - mother was a witness from the side of the bride, father - the groom. Both were free, but there was no spark between them. On the contrary, they did not like each other. A year later, they also meet at the wedding as witnesses. Both were surprised and then looked at each other more closely. Six months later, a new family appeared.

If you believe in the miracle of love, then it will definitely happen. You just have to open your heart. You don't like knocking on closed doors, do you? Therefore, help Fate find a soul mate for you. For this, a sincere belief that she is sure to be waiting nearby is enough. With flowers, hot chocolate, or even just can’t find the right address, but here you have turned up. Of course, late in the evening, answering a stranger's question about how to get to the library is still not worth it. Although…

The jacket tied us

Meeting real friends is as great a success in life as finding second half. And for this, no miracles are a pity. So, I have two girlfriends, both very beloved, whom we met on the train. The route was vacation - to the sea. The girls have known each other for a long time. I was third in the compartment. The end point of our journey was different, but we landed in the same city. During these hours on the train, they became so friendly that by the time they said goodbye, it seemed that they had known each other for many years. We exchanged phone numbers and agreed to call each other when we got home. I got one of the girls first. What was our surprise when it turned out that we live in the same entrance (!), Only I am on the fifth floor, and she is on the 11th. Since then, we have been friends, although we already live even in different cities. I moved. It is good that the distance between them is small and it is possible to communicate not only using the phone or social networks.

One friend found good friend in a court. The case of the flooding of my neighbor's friend from the lower floor was considered. The girl defended her rights on her own, trying to prove that the cause of the flood was the untimely response of the management company to her statement. The interests of the housing department were represented by a lawyer. And although my friend did not prove her case, she struck up a friendship with a good lawyer in all respects. They somehow left the court together, my friend was in a car, offered to give me a lift. On the way we talked and exchanged phone numbers. After a while, when the page of life with flooding was already closed, my friend did not want to return the money in the store for returning the defective item. (For information on how to return a low-quality product to the store, read the article "How do I return an item to the store?"). And then the girl remembered a lawyer friend. Called her to verify the legitimacy of the actions of the sellers. She gave excellent advice and offered to meet. For several years they have been friends and even one was the other's witness at the wedding.

I have two girlfriends. I first met one, and then she brought the three of us together. They have been friends with each other for a long time, ever since they mixed up jackets in the wardrobe of a nightclub. They were exactly the same. The fact that she was wearing someone else's thing, one of the girls realized before front door to the apartment - the keys in the pocket were not hers. I had to wake up my parents. But that's not the point. Together with someone else's keys, the girl found a check for paying for cellular services. In the morning I called the given number. On the other end of the wire, they also already knew about the random exchange. Only the situation there was more complicated. The girl rented an apartment. To get into it, I had to wait in the morning on the stairwell and call the hostess with a request to give other keys. To exchange jackets, we agreed to meet in a cafe. Both laughed at the ridiculous situation for a long time. How this happened has not yet been studied. On the other hand, the wonderful culinary talents of one are revealed (and therefore the refrigerator is “familiar” with only low-fat yogurts and green apples) and the excellent taste of the other (therefore, the other young lady no longer faces the question of what to wear - a friend will always help you choose a wardrobe), an exchange of magazine novelties has been established and there is an incentive for regular trips to the gym - subscriptions

both girls buy at once. And they know that they must go, because the other is waiting.

Pay attention to the sides. There is a chance to meet a real friend who is in fire and water, and in general is a mountain for you. And you give him both earrings and manna from heaven. At that real friendship and is being built. Even started with an incredible acquaintance, a miracle.

I would like to be a waiter...

Let them throw tomatoes at me, but I will always believe in miracles. Even the most seemingly insignificant influences the fate of people, our mood, self-confidence. As a student, I worked on an exchange program in the USA. It was hard to get a job on my first visit. The level of the language was not enough, and instead of six months, a visa was given for only three months. During this time, I had to work off the money spent on the program (a decent amount) and save up because I also wanted to save something. This is what I mean, whoever wants, he will always find. Work, for example.

First, I got a job as a maid in a hotel. But there was clearly no way to save money at one job. Was looking for another one. The season was high - summer, American schoolchildren and students took all the places. I went to a hotel that bears the name of a famous American singer, actress, fashion model. She asked me to apply for a position as a waitress. I sit and write. A woman passes by. As it turned out, the manager of the restaurant. I don’t know why she was interested in a Russian girl trying to fill out a questionnaire in beautiful handwriting, as soon as she approached me and began to ask something. Out of confusion, I was able to say that I was Russian and I was looking for a job.

The woman left, and five minutes later a young girl came up to me and in perfect Russian asked how she could help. We got talking. I said that I came for the summer holidays, I need a job. The girl turned out to be only a year older than me, but she already held the position of deputy restaurant manager at the hotel. She has lived in the United States since childhood, her parents emigrated back in Soviet times. She helped me get a job at this hotel. So I was not only able to earn money, gain experience in spoken English and observe American life (we served mainly wedding and corporate banquets), but also meet a wonderful person. I flew to the USA two more times, and both summers I worked in this hotel. And with Irina (this is the name of my American friend), we still communicate. Is it not possible to call our unexpected acquaintance a miracle?

Many years ago we rested with her on the Sea of ​​Azov. The first evening we met the guys. They graduated from the fifth year of the military institute and rested before distribution. My friend had an affair with one of the young men. Saying goodbye, he took her phone number. I thought that this romantic relationship would end. But just a week after our return home, a long-awaited call rang in the apartment of a friend. The lovers began to call each other every week. This went on for a year. And then he disappeared. She had nowhere to call him - the guy served in a military unit, he did not leave a number. For half a year she sat by the phone every Friday (so it was agreed between them). Then I stopped waiting.

A year and a half has passed. I was still studying, but I regularly appeared in the hallway of a publishing house. Somehow they sent me for an interview. The woman turned out to be wonderful, the winner in the nomination “ The best teacher year" in my city. Probably another six months go by. She calls me at the editorial office and asks for the phone number of my friend, the one who met her fiancé at sea. It turns out that a teacher lives in our city recently - her husband is a military man, he was transferred here. And she went to visit her parents with this very newspaper, where the interview is. At the same time, the brother of the titled teacher also visited his home. He saw the signature under the interview - my first and last name and began to ask my sister how I look. The descriptions matched. It turned out that my interviewee - Native sister my friend's missing fiancé. And two years ago, a bag was stolen from him, where there was also a phone book, and in it Lenin (that's the name of my girlfriend) number. The connection was broken. Social networks it wasn't there then. He did not know his friend's address. And here I am with my interview ... This story did not end with a wedding. But on the other hand, my girlfriend and this young man are very good friends, his parents live on the Azov coast, where we once met, and my girlfriend and her family visit every summer in the house of a failed groom. To whom we tell about this story, they only shrug their shoulders: “This will never happen to us.”

It will happen, and not even like that! The main thing is to believe. Miracles happen in our lives at every turn. Just one thank Life for them, and she sends them miracles again. And others only sigh: "This is with us .." Then you yourself know. But I choose the first. And every day I expect new miracles! Who is with us?

Sincerely, Oksana Chistyakova.