
The husband is leaving for a month how to survive. How to survive a long separation from your loved one? Let's sit down on the track


At different stages of their relationship, couples perceive separation for a time differently. At the beginning of a relationship, you cannot imagine that you could survive at least a day without your beloved, but after a couple of years you still value the time spent together, but, especially if you already live together, you can control yourself when have to part for a while. It is more difficult, of course, in the evenings, because only then you understand how hard it is to fall asleep without burying your beloved shoulder.

But what to do, life is such that different situations and circumstances for different periods of time will periodically separate you, and you will have to somehow cope with this time. I, of course, do not dare to call myself an expert in such matters, but I already have some experience - my husband is periodically sent on business trips to various cities of Russia, so every 2-3 months I have to cope with bouts of loneliness and a feeling of emptiness in the house , from the fact that there is no one to cook and wild longing for a loved one. Which, by the way, is happening right now.

And in spite of the fact that nothing can be done with the very fact that you will miss a person - after all, this is a “reward” for the fact that you are for real, then I have learned to cope with the rest. All you need is to understand how useful this time is for you and your relationship. How to do it? I'll tell you now.

1. After parting, love burns in a new way

I will never forget what my husband and I experienced after our first forced separation, which lasted two weeks. Yes, not a year, not half a year, not a month, but just two weeks. However, this time also affected our feelings in a completely amazing way. It all started with an excited meeting at the airport and did not end, probably, until the second separation after 2 months. And this is absolutely normal and logical, because a person has time to get used to absolutely everything, especially good things. When you first met, once or twice a week we walked in the park, went to a cafe, went to the cinema - that was one time. You had time to miss each other and every time you flew to a meeting in love couples.

When you move in, you don't need to fly anywhere, your man is always at your side, you just get used to the fact that he is always there. You still sniff gently on his shoulder and breathe in the smell of his perfume with pleasure, but you no longer appreciate some of the moments. And here BAM !, and he's not around! It's such a thrill to re-realize how much you miss, how much you need him, and how much he needs you, how nice it is to understand that love and passion are still wandering around, you just sometimes forget to pay attention to them.

I am not a masochist, but I still understand how great it is that after so much time, we are still happily writing tender sms while apart, we look forward to hearing each other's voice and sincerely love and look forward to meeting. And when it finally happens, both of you are captured by some kind of just a flurry of emotions, your feelings seem to have been reborn and now burn with triple strength. In fact, it is still the same love, but now it is much stronger and stronger. That's all.

2. Surprise

This is a pretty interesting way to brighten up loneliness and at the same time make the moment of "reunion" even more interesting and sweeter. You can cook something especially tasty, change something in your apartment, just buy something that he dreamed of so much or put on a whole erotic show with your participation in the company of seductive music.

It is clear that if your husband got home through several flights or a tiring long time in a stuffy train, at first he may not have time for sexual pleasures, but after he rests, I think you will find out what it means “a very long endured. " Especially if you warm it up, albeit tired, interest, arranging dinner plates in a transparent peignoir and smelling it with your favorite female scent.

You can also just help him to relax by taking or taking with him a hot bath with a glass of wine, candles and pleasant music, and then, finally, sleep in an embrace under a warm blanket, which you so dreamed of on bitter lonely evenings. You can edit a short film for him, the main plot of which will be the story of how you missed him.

In fact, when you light up with interest to prepare some kind of surprise for your beloved, firstly, time flies by just instantly, so you can also have fun from the heart. Plus, how nice it is to give gifts! But it is also very pleasant to choose, buy, pack, hide, sign your gift with kind words! Do not waste time when you can still calmly prepare a surprise for your beloved if you are constantly at home together?

3. Photoshoot

Now let's try to come up with a surprise for your loved one that you can give him while he is still far from you. Arrange yourself a beautiful (better, of course, erotic) photo session, and send the photos later by mail. How pleasant it will be for you to dress up, make up and smile seductively for your beloved! And how pleasant it will be for him to receive photographs of his beloved, whom he also has not seen for a long time!

You can do this literally every day, for example, in the evenings. At the same time, it is not necessary to order a professional photographer, every girl already knows how she turns out best, and all cameras have a timer that will allow her, after she presses the shutter button, to have time to run to the right place and depict the desired image.

Do not overwhelm him with millions of your photos, 3-4 from each evening will be enough: it’s not very expensive for you to shoot and process the whole thing for a long time, and he will not get tired and will want the next evening to come sooner when he finally gets a new batch of photos.

4. Slimming

Many girls justify their reluctance to start losing weight by the fact that even if they go on a diet, they will still fail, because for their beloved they will continue to cook any yummy food that is harmless to him. Great, here's an opportunity for you! They say that the most difficult are just the first two or three weeks, then the body begins to get used to it more or less, and it already becomes much easier to restrain oneself and show willpower.

Imagine how happy you will be and boast to him of new results, which are already simply unrealistically noticeable. You will meet him happy, pleased with yourself, confident and therefore, of course, very beautiful! Wow, in my opinion, such a great way to get over the separation!

5. Romantic calls and sms

Let's again turn to the moment when you just started dating. Remember how you reacted when SMS came from him? Wow, I'm sure that in your heart you were definitely dancing quietly and rejoicing. Now what's going on? What do you see and write in your SMS? "Buy bread", "Let's not go anywhere, I'm tired" or "I'll be late at work, I'm sorry." A little positive and flirting, you must agree. Of course, I am considering the most extreme stage, but I think you understand me. And when your husband left, what would you most like to write? Of course! So they flew - romantic SMS with the words "I love you so much!", "I miss you terribly!" etc! And that's great!

What about calls? Remember the last time you talked to your husband for more than 10 minutes? That's right, because this time is just enough to list all the products you need to buy or explain how to get to the market where onions are sold the cheapest. And in separation what? There are so many unspoken and interesting things that you need to tell each other! An hour or two in the company with a native voice fly by imperceptibly, and, in my opinion, it's great! Besides, this is one of the.

6. Rest from women's responsibilities

Now let's be selfish, but honestly, let's talk about why it is profitable to sometimes be separated from your beloved man.

We all love that the house is always clean and tidy, that it smells of something delicious cooking in the kitchen, sinks, toilets and the bathroom shine, and clothes are always washed and ironed. When a woman lives with a man, most, and sometimes even all these tasks, she has to perform alone, which is not very easy, especially when she also works.

Take a break from your household routine! I'm not telling you to grow over the age-old dust and completely forget about basic hygiene products, but why not give yourself a certain amount of rest days. In addition, you must admit that a good half of the duties simply come to naught, it is much easier and more economical to cook for yourself alone, no one throws socks around the house, you may create a mess yourself, but it turns out that it is half as much!

You need to wash and iron twice as few things, the dishes in the sink do not accumulate a whole mountain, but only 1-2 mugs and a plate. Try to turn this time into your well-deserved feminine vacation and spend it truly relaxed. And before arriving, of course, (which, again, will be twice as simple), and now your house shines with cleanliness as before!

7. Inspiration

How many brilliant novels, poems, paintings, musical works were written under the influence of the grievous separation of two loving hearts! And all why? Because in moments of special suffering many people "cover" with a ray of illumination and enlightenment, inspiration literally knocks on the door, just have time to write down, sketch or play.

Sometimes it even happens simply because of a change in the environment and some kind of renewal of an already established, calm, peaceful life. Remember that any shake-up is only good for you!

Try to create, express your extraordinary personality, pick up brushes, pencils and draw what is happening in your soul! Let you get complete abstraction and art chaos, the main thing is that you put your whole soul into your painting! Firstly, it will help you emotionally, you will throw out all emotions, including negative ones, and, secondly, thanks to these passionate impulses, you will discover something new and previously unknown in yourself that was previously hidden from you and everyone else! Who knows, maybe someone will really like what you have done and buy your creation, and over time you will understand that this is your confession!

8. Hobbies

It so happens that many women abandon all their old hobbies as soon as they start living with a man. There is simply not enough time, laziness, or simply no longer interesting. This, in principle, of course, is already normal, but it's never too late to start all over again! Why don't you get your old patterns and still finish the skirt that you started making many years ago? Or, for example, try knitting. By the way, you can coincide with this surprise, which we talked about earlier, tie your beloved a cool stylish scarf, hat, mittens or socks.

Firstly, you will have fun recalling old movements, and, secondly, for your favorite pastime and time flies by! The same goes for other hobbies: embroidery, weaving, jewelry making, painting or poetry! Your lonely evenings will fly by unnoticed, and this despite the fact that you are once doing what you love.

Also, you can try something new! You will experience many new impressions, be distracted, and you will have something to tell and something to brag about to your loved one when he returns!

9. Meeting with girlfriends

When we start a serious relationship with someone, as a rule, all friends and girlfriends fade into the background, and you can no longer afford to meet so often! And in vain, because they are your very close people after your beloved man.

Therefore, when your husband is packing his suitcases and suddenly flies away somewhere, feel free to invite your friends to visit and arrange for yourself a real bachelorette party! Finally, you can chat, gossip and laugh heartily. Ask them to help you cope with melancholy, I think they themselves will definitely not mind, but if they themselves already have husbands, I think they will also surrender in front of your pitying eyes when you ask them to let their girls go with you. You can spend your free time shopping, sports, sitting in cafes and restaurants, while doing it all together. I think that in this way you will brighten up your loneliness very well and, moreover, remember why you once became friends.

10. Learn to exist apart

In fact, you just have to be able to keep yourself occupied. This is a very important and adult skill, and I think that you are no longer a child at all. If you no longer know how to cope with the free time and energy that has appeared out of nowhere, then it’s time to learn it. Remember that everyone loves self-sufficient and interesting girls. No one wants those that hang on you with a heavy load or stick like leeches, waiting for the next instructions for action.

Learn to manage your life on your own, you will become much stronger and stronger, and, despite the fact that we are still the weaker sex, these qualities in the depths of our souls will not hinder us at all.

Separation always brings something new to our life, but if we know how to cope with the feelings overwhelming us, directing all our vitality into some useful activity, it becomes much easier to wait out the days in which you are far from each other. I hope that you still do not have to be apart for a long time, but if this happens, then you will already know what to do! How do you go through the forced "loneliness"? Share your experience with me! I would be very interested to know something about you!

“My husband went on a business trip ...” For some, such a phrase is the beginning of an anecdote, for others it is a life often filled with worries, fears, sadness, and maybe loneliness. A life of parting and joyful encounters.

March 28, 2014 Text: Marina Androsova· Photo: Shutterstock

Let's sit down on the track

The wives of truckers, sailors, archaeologists may not see their husbands for six months. At the same time, they maintain warm relations in the family. Olga is tired of long lonely evenings, but realizes that her husband's other job is not suitable: “He is a sailor! I knew who I was marrying. Why put a person before such a choice: me - or the sea and your work, your hobby, your life? No, I don’t want him to sacrifice like that. I'm waiting!" In such a family, everything has already been discussed, decided, settled.

Tatiana is horrified by any business trip of her husband, even if he flies away for a couple of days: “I can't even fall asleep without him. I worry all the time about how he is, whether everything is fine. I count the hours until he returns. And when his phone doesn’t answer, what doesn’t come to mind! ”

Victoria cannot find a place out of jealousy, because, as soon as her husband leaves, her friends and relatives hint that "married on a business trip is free." “I trust my husband, but when they warn you all the time, tell different stories on these topics, like it or not, you start to keep it in your head. When my husband returns, I torment him with questions and I torment myself. "

A very common travel problem is, of course, jealousy. The stereotype of a man walking in another city is quite developed. But still, this is not always the case. If your husband is not with you in spirit, he does not need to leave for another city in order to find himself in someone else's bed. You can become free outside the threshold of the apartment. Constant suspicion, mistrust, checks cannot but spoil the relationship. Therefore, if you do not want to harm yourself, try not to listen to "good counselors" and cut off such conversations in mid-sentence. Just think that your husband also gets an additional reason for jealousy, because you, too, are left alone. And you can feel like a fluttering butterfly with three children. Therefore, talk more, discuss such issues, but without reproaches, but with trust and love.

"When the family is waiting for you," says Mikhail, "not just on a business trip, even at work, all thoughts are about one thing: to finish everything - and go home!" Let your husband be sure that you are waiting for him, that you love and trust. Do you know what you can do? Slowly put something tasty in his suitcase: an orange or a red apple. When he finds him, he will understand that, being far away, you are near and take care of him. Maybe your child will also want to give dad some small but favorite toy for good luck and a good journey? I think a little bunny or a tin soldier will touch and warm the heart on a long trip.

When a dad is forced to often go on business trips and not see his child for a long time, communication is difficult to establish. Here help from my mother is needed. The most important thing is to let the kid understand that his dad loves him very much and that even there, in another city, he remains his dad.

We are waiting, we are waiting, we are waiting!

So, he leaves, and we stay at home. What to do, how to spend this time?

We keep in touch. With modern communication methods, you can keep in touch all the time. However, remember that this is a business trip and the husband may have to do a lot of work in a short amount of time. Don't distract him with endless calls and text messages. It is enough to contact him in the morning and in the evening.

We put ourselves in order. My husband's business trip is the perfect time to put yourself in order. You can network on a diet and not be tempted by your husband's dinner. You can spend time in the salon or start exercising. Let your reflection in the mirror be even more attractive when your husband arrives. There is time to think about how to do this.

We enjoy our loneliness. Forced loneliness can be brightened up with those things that usually cannot be done with a husband for various reasons. Talk over the phone, spend time with friends, go shopping ... (To be a little free, but to channel this freedom for the benefit of family life. So that it does not work out, as in the joke: "A husband comes from a business trip, and there ...") Look " these serials again ”, read more fairy tales to children for the night.

When is dad coming?

When my husband leaves, it's not so bad. But when dad leaves ... Father has a special role in raising a child. The mother is consolation, love, care, while the father is maturity, inner strength, confidence and freedom that awaits the child outside the nest. When a dad is forced to go on business trips often and not see his child, communication is difficult to establish. Here help from my mother is needed. The most important thing is to give the child absolute faith that his dad loves him very much, that even there, in another city, he remains his dad. There is no need to apologize for your husband, you need to explain that he is doing important work that benefits many people, that he is a professional in his field, and any business takes time and effort. You don't have to say that "Dad is trying so hard for you, for your good." The child will feel guilty, annoyed and a certain burden of responsibility. Is it really because of him that dad is forced to work at night, go on long business trips and come home so tired?

To prevent your little one from feeling this kind of guilt, you should heed the following tips.

1) Wait for dad together. Tell your baby right away when he arrives. You can even curl your fingers or mark the days on the calendar.

It’s good if, in addition to the words: “Son, you stay with the elder! Listen to your mom like an adult! " - dad will come up with some tasks for the crumbs. This can be a drawing, a craft or watering flowers every day, feeding fish, or even monitoring the temperature outside.

2)Let the father prepare letters for his beloved child in advance or small gifts. If the child is small and cannot read the text, let it be a message with a picture. Small surprises can be hidden in the apartment and then you can tell by phone where the baby can find a sign of daddy's care and love. So the baby will know that they remember, think, yearn about him. Just do not get carried away with gifts: care should also be intangible.

3) Organize constant communication between the child and the dad. This can be a conversation on Skype or on the phone. If the child is not yet able to answer the call, talk yourself, but tell in detail what is new with the baby, what success he is, and pass on to the child what the dad said.

4) Despite constant departures, try to let your husband know everything about the baby., help him more often feel the happiness of raising a child, be proud of him, feel how nice it is to be a father.

5) Never scare a baby with a dad. Do not allow yourself phrases like: "Here dad will come, he will send you in!". It is convenient to use someone else's authority, but very wrong.

6) Don't be jealous of your husband and child. Get ready for the fact that when the day of the long-awaited return comes, the baby will hang on dad and will not even let you talk. If your husband comes during the day and the child does not sleep, give the opportunity to get enough of communication. Do not be surprised if the kid, already busy with his own business, will come running to you to check if his father is there.

Should I let my husband go on a business trip - far and for a long time?

It happens that the husband needs to work far from home. It happens that this is a completely new job in another city. And family members in this case are separated by time and thousands of kilometers. Should I agree to such a division? Is it fraught? And what if there is no other way out?

It happens that the husband needs to work far from home. It happens that this is a completely new job in another city. And family members in this case are separated by time and thousands of kilometers. Should I agree to such a division? Is it fraught? And what if there is no other way out?

For the "long ruble"

Now we will not talk about professions that imply long separations of family members (sailors, geologists, polar explorers ...). We are talking, for example, about such a type of "long-distance earnings" as the rotational method: for two or three weeks people work far from their place of residence, for the next two or three weeks they return home to their family. And these cycles are repeated.

According to statistics, people from such settlements, where there are few vacancies and there is no opportunity to feed their families, most often go to shift work, located far from home, but sometimes residents of large cities are tempted by high earnings. In such cases, this decision is made at the family council: this is not an easy step, because now all the worries about the family, children, and the household fall on the shoulders of the wife. And for a husband and wife to live separately is not an easy test, not everyone can withstand it.

According to a VTsIOM poll on whether our fellow citizens are ready to work on a large construction site or a mining enterprise in Siberia and the Far East, the answers were distributed as follows: 46% of Russians would agree to this if they had a good salary and housing (among them 56% were men, 56 % of citizens with a low level of education, 52% of rural residents). But 48% of our fellow citizens with a high level of education are not attracted by such a prospect. The same can be said about the residents of the capital: 55% of them are not ready to go to work far away.

What about the family?

And yet someone once decides to leave home for a long time ... How to preserve the feeling of family integrity in such a situation? Maintain close communication with your husband, psychologists advise wives. Fortunately, now there are many technical possibilities that allow you to do this: phone, skype, e-mail. Call your husband more often, do it with your children, let them also talk to dad. Tell him about the news, various family details. All this helps not to interrupt the relationship, to maintain the man's feeling of family and the presence of a rear.

“Look at this forced situation as a difficulty that must be overcome,” advises psychologist Arina Lipkina. Praise your earner husband, keep him proud, show him your respect and admiration for taking on the responsibility of providing for the family.

But despite the advice, women are jealous. They are afraid that the husband, who is alone, will be overtaken by temptations in a foreign land. Of course, on the one hand, they can be understood. But is it worth limiting male initiative, resisting the desire of the head of the family to prove himself, to be a real support for his loved ones?

“What will happen if you don’t let your husband go? - asks the female psychologist Tatiana Molchanova. - From lack of money and hopelessness, for example, he can start drinking. Let him go on a hunt for money, let him feel his own worth and contribution to the family. If he loves, he will remain faithful both at home and at a distance. And if not, then everywhere he will find an opportunity for betrayal. Do not put your husband on a leash, give him the opportunity to prove his love for you and children by deed, respect his masculine self ”.

Here's what not to do, again psychologists advise, is to torment him with jealousy, checks, nit-picking. After all, it’s not easy for him anyway: he took on this work not for himself alone, but for his family. If you take away his strength with jealousy and mistrust, this can discourage him from making efforts for the sake of those close to him. Therefore, if you have already let your husband go far, then do not harass him with suspicion, but establish the presumption of innocence for him. It reads: "A person is innocent until proven otherwise."

They do not seek from goodness

But if the wife is not particularly worried about the fact that her husband has left, and the main thing for her is that he only sends money on time, then unexpected troubles can happen. Up to the threat of destruction of the family hearth. Of course, men distinguish between fleeting business trip ties and family, for them these are not equal things. But for women who want to get your husband, this is not an argument, they may assess their chances differently.

Psychologist Elena Shubina talks about situations when husbands who left to work started relationships far from home (and many of us also know cases when children were even born there, on the side). “On closer acquaintance with the participants in these stories,” says the psychologist, “I drew attention to the amazing passivity of wives. Well, my husband left and left ... He sends money, visits, so everything is fine. None of them ever went to visit her husband: to see how and where she lives, how her life is well-organized. It's not that difficult ... Such a trip could put a lot in its place. There are families where their husbands have left to work and feel forgotten ... Isn't this the real reason for such tragedies? "

“Would I let my spouse go for six months ... without the opportunity to see each other as often as is required at least by the notorious male physiology? - continues the psychologist. - Never! If need forced me, I would collect my things and go with him. It's a matter of priorities and ... love. It is worth admitting that husbands leave the same as they run. From a hateful reality, from eternal screams and reproaches, from constant pressure and being in the position of "must". "

It's just that the whole thing is in the atmosphere that was in the family before the decision to leave for work was made. If she was warm and all family members felt really close, close-knit, then they will be able to survive the test of separation, will not break the emotional connection, but on the contrary, will support her even more closely. And if before the relationship was cool and they lived together only for children or out of habit, then a long separation may be fraught with the disintegration of the family. In this case, the man already had an emotional vacuum, so if a woman meets on his way who wants and can fill it, then it is possible that he will stay with her.

“Letting go to work does not mean letting go from the heart, from the soul and from under one's invisible female supervision,” continues Elena Shubina. - Every woman understands what it means to guard a loved one at a distance. This ability is given to us from above, from God. At all times, women let their loved ones go long distances, experienced long separations without mobile phones, Skype. And they were waiting ... "

Inna Kriksunova, for

Question to the psychologist:

Hello. Married for a year, before that 3 years in a relationship, but the relationship was at a distance. The guy was a cadet, I am a student, lived in different cities, saw each other once a month and a half for 1 day. Each time parting was accompanied by my tears. Then a day later she came to her senses and lived an ordinary life. Now we live together in another city, everything is fine, but I cannot part with my husband even for a day. I want ALL of his time to be mine. My husband has frequent business trips and every time he leaves for 2-3 days I have hysterics. I understand that my tears bore my husband, they can annoy and interfere, but the maximum that I can do is burst into tears after I close the door, and more often right in front of my husband. He does not shout, does not freak out, but I myself am disgusted with my weakness. If the husband leaves for a month or two, then the tears and the feeling of a lack of meaning in life stretch out for weeks. I begin to feel sad even before he left, anticipating how bad it would be for me. How to deal with this? There are girlfriends, but I don’t want to meet with anyone at this time, there is work, but it’s at home and therefore it’s impossible to get distracted. I can think of things to do, sometimes I deliberately postpone some things until my husband leaves, but as soon as he leaves, I no longer have any interest in anything and do all my plans without enthusiasm, just to kill time. My husband and I spend all our free time from work and business trips, but I always want more. At the beginning of my life together, I even tried to go to the bath or do some other things of my own only when my husband was not at home, so that when he was around, I would not be distracted by anything. When we go home to my parents, I even feel jealousy (I don’t know how else to describe it) when he communicates, for example, with his mother, and not with me. Naturally, I do not say anything to my husband, there are no complaints about him, but all this torments me. I want it to be easier. I want not to cry, not to get depressed. How can I set myself up for this? Or should it go away with time? Or with the arrival of a child?

The psychologist answers the question.

Good day, Elena. Your behavior may be justified by long separations from your loved one, but it is not the norm.

What to do? Learning to live self-sufficient. Waiting until time passes, waiting for a child to appear - this is not the case that will change something. You need to change. And just before the child appeared ... After all, then it will be even more difficult.

How to change? Now it is difficult for you, since there is a certain dependence on the presence of your husband and simple trainings are indispensable here. Find a good psychologist or psychotherapist who will conduct with you SYSTEMATIC classes of personal growth and overcoming emotional dependence, jealousy. Only consistent and systematic work on yourself will give results.

What can you do yourself?

Find hobbies to your liking and force yourself (and at first this is the only way you will have to) support this interest;

Expand the circle of your interests and knowledge: read classical literature, psychological, watch films, communicate with different people, sign up for some courses (for example, English or manicure, bunks and sewing - whatever you might be interested in), visit exhibitions, museums, learn to cook deliciously, etc .;

When your husband goes on a business trip, force yourself to communicate with friends, force yourself to complete the list of those things that you planned;

Take care of your home and yourself: equip your home, go to workouts (yoga or gym, Pilates and many others - choose for yourself what will bring you relief).

When one of the spouses has to leave home for work, disturbing thoughts begin to appear in the other's head. Still would! There are a lot of jokes on the topic “how a husband returns from a business trip”. Is the situation really that dire? And what other legends go about business trips?

  • Many believe that during work trips, people are bound to change or even start new families. But, oddly enough, statistics on this issue are not kept. So no one knows the exact data. Here a person decides for himself whether to be jealous or not. Business trip is just an excuse. But the more you harass your partner with checks and interrogations, the sooner he will cheat on you.
  • Quite the opposite view is that business trips, on the other hand, strengthen families. And it is true. When spouses start to miss each other, there are frequent calls, romantic text messages and surprises. Parting will be a new stage in the relationship. It's very nice to write letters, send photos, chat on Skype ...
  • Some people do not like the fact that the partner who is left at home has to take care of all the worries about work trips. It is difficult to disagree with this. But the marriage union is between two adults, capable people who are ready for responsibility. But, nevertheless, we must not forget that the absent member of the family will still return if you are going to buy, for example, a sofa, it would not hurt to consult him by phone. Especially when it comes to a child. Never tell in front of children that dad (or mom) does not need them. Thus, you will lower the status of a parent in the eyes of your son or daughter, do not turn him into "Babayka", no one will get any better from this.

There are several rules that a husband and wife should know when they are apart.

  • The hardest part is in the evening. If in the first days of a business trip, thoughts are spinning in my head “nothing, very soon we will be there”, then more gloomy thoughts come, it seems that there is no strength left at all. To avoid this cycle, you need to keep yourself busy. For example, play board games with children, read an interesting book, watch your favorite movie, take some courses. You should not sit on social networks, chatting with old friends or, even worse, with "ex", and even for the sake of interest, you do not need to go to dating sites. There are many examples when families collapsed after such "activities".
  • You can divide the term of a business trip into several parts - "there are a lot left", "very soon", "it's time to get ready!" Attach a to-do list to each timeline. When your spouse returns from a work trip, you can clearly show how much you have done.
  • Do not swear on business trips. If suddenly a conflict does occur, try to reconcile as quickly as possible, while leaving emotions on the notebook sheet. If you want, express everything when your partner returns. But most likely you will not even remember about it.
  • Every time your husband comes home, make a holiday out of it. So he will see that he was expected.

Don't be afraid to get bored, this is useful. More relationship spoils the partners' round-the-clock pastime together. But this is a topic for a separate conversation.