
Plaid with pompoms with a double thread. Do-it-yourself pom-pom blanket step by step: simple and affordable master classes. We tie the intersections of the threads


When I accidentally saw a plaid of pom-poms on the Internet, I also caught fire with the thought that such a miracle must be done. Immediately there was a lot of descriptions, detailed and not very detailed, as well as pictures of finished products, according to which a plan for further actions was estimated.

Well, now I want to tell and show what happened as a result in my photo master class on making a pompom blanket.

I want to say right away that the process of making such a blanket is quite laborious and not fast, despite at first glance - so be prepared to be patient and persevering. And also be prepared for the fact that it may not be possible to avoid small calluses on tender fingers)))

To make a pompom plaid 80 * 80 cm in size, I needed:

A knocked together wooden frame measuring 90 * 90 cm, along the perimeter of which, at a distance of about 4 cm, small carnations must be driven in. I got 22 nails on each side of the frame.

And of course you will need yarn. In my case, the size indicated above took 5 skeins of acrylic yarn 350m each (100g) and half a ball of thin acrylic threads in the color of the blanket (but you can also use the required number of threads from the above skeins)

And of course, the manufacturing process itself:

We fix the thread on the extreme nail on either side of the row and start with a snake, moving from top to bottom and back to fix the thread, moving from one side of the frame to the other. When you reach the end of the row of nails, then carefully transfer the thread to the next nail, and now we fix the threads not vertically, but horizontally. Thus, we wind all five skeins layer by layer, connecting the ends of the skeins into one thread (a horizontal stack of threads is a vertical layer and again a horizontal one is vertical). We fix the end of the thread by tying it well on the nail.

This part of the process is quite simple and does not take much time.

All the most difficult lies ahead.

Immediately note that you need to leave a certain number of threads for the next stage of production, or choose another skein that matches the color. I took a small skein of thinner thread.

We proceed to the second stage of making a pompom blanket. To do this, cut the thread into pieces of 10-15 cm, and with them we tie each intersection of the layers of threads on the frame. Since I had 22 nails in a row, I got 400 intersections of threads, each of which had to be tied with a strong knot.

It was precisely this stage that I wrote about above, as the most difficult, because, believe me, it is impossible to tie 400 strong knots in one evening, while hands and fingers get tired quite well. Therefore, be prepared to stretch this pleasure for several evenings. It took me a week, despite the fact that I knitted knots in the evenings for two to three hours.

Well, when all the knots have been tied, the third stage remains, which will seem simple and quick to you. All that is required of you is to take scissors and methodically cut the threads between the knots in the center from one row to another, forming pompoms. At the same time, we cut not all the threads, but 2/3 of their parts, since the pompoms should be formed only from the front of the plaid, and from the wrong side there is a layer of threads that form the “frame” on which the pompons will be held.

I left the extreme rows with knots of thread for last, so that when cutting the pompoms, the plaid was well fixed on the frame. At the very end, we cut the layers of threads along the perimeter between the nails - the tension of the threads will be weakened - the pompons will take shape, become closer to each other.

And now the blanket is ready! Fluffy soft pom-poms will please not only you, but also your baby! And of course, it is worth noting that the appearance of the plaid is only admirable!

Video to help

Plaid with two-color pompoms for discharge! (MK)

Finished my job today.

Here in such a plaid we will wrap our baby at discharge

To knit such a blanket you will need:

Yarn (I had 10 skeins of 150m each - 100% acrylic, you can also take acrylic with wool - 2 white, 2 coral and 6 peach. Later I bought another white skein for dressing the intersections)

A sheet of plywood, I have a thickness of 18mm, a size of 80 * 80cm (more is possible, only, accordingly, more threads will go!)

Nails 80mm (in short, I do not advise because the threads will fly off.

Help from a spouse or other male to drive nails into a sheet of plywood (perhaps there are especially gifted ladies who can do carpentry, alas, I am not one of those)

And your desire, patience and of course hardworking hands))

1. I had three shades of yarn.

2. Here is a sheet of plywood, the nails are already hammered. I have a distance between the nails of 4 cm, maybe 5, then the pom-poms will be a little larger. And we begin to wind the threads, first rows horizontally, then vertically, alternating. I advise you to start with white threads or any contrasting from the main color of the blanket.3. Macro.

Wound 20 rows of white yarn, started winding coral)

4. We continue ... after two skeins we wind the main color - peach (well, this is mine, but you may have a different shade of thread)

All the yarn has been spun...

5. We bandage all intersections (very tightly, I bandaged twice). At the intersection, the threads are 2 times more.

If we take the classic version of knitting this blanket, in total 50 rows should be wound vertically and 50 horizontally, of which 20 rows of the lowest contrast shade) i.e. respectively, at the intersections, 100 threads are obtained. I got more.

After all the intersections are tied up, we proceed to the formation of pompons. We just cut the top 30 threads (to white yarn) - I didn’t get 30, but more, strictly in the middle between the intersections. Be careful, one wrong move and this cute product can be. spoiled. Actually everything! If something is unclear, please contact me.
Wrong side

Additions to the post at the request of girls - How to remove a blanket from nails

Now let's move on to the next stage of work. We cut our blanket from the nails. We go along the entire perimeter of the frame and where it is marked with a red line in my photo, we cut it in half.

We have completed most of the work, now we are waiting for cutting the pompoms. We take scissors, preferably not very sharp and not blunt))). Scissors also rub your fingers pretty well, so take breaks when cutting. We cut 30 threads from our knots on four sides, without touching the base, otherwise nothing will work.

Now I explain why we took threads of a different color for the warp: in order not to count 30 threads each time, we simply see by color where the warp and do not touch it, we cut only a different color that we wound after the warp.

I also show in the photo exactly where to cut, the red line indicates the place of the cut. That is, we cut the small sides of the resulting squares in the middle.

Thus, we cut our entire blanket and as a result we get such a wonderful fluffy blanket of pompons with our own hands.














Handmade things are always nice gift or something that is pleasant to wear.

A pom-pom blanket is a great thing for a child that will keep your little one warm and give the warmth that you made him with, it is also good decoration for home.

In order not to make a mistake, and your blanket did not turn out to be spoiled, you need to read this step-by-step master class.

Making a pom-pom blanket is not an easy task, but the result is worth it.

STEP 1 So, first you need to decide on the size and color of your future pom-pom blanket, since the materials that we will use depend on this.


  • Woolen yarn two colors 400 m.
  • Plywood or wood planks(the size corresponds to the size of the future blanket plus 10-15 cm.)
  • Slate nails or self-tapping screws big size
  • Scissors


STEP 2 To get started need to build a frame for weaving, or the so-called lum.
Frame (lum) for making a blanket

There are two ways to solve this problem:

  • make it plywood, then it will be more durable, but whiter heavy and will take up a lot of space,
  • make a light frame from planks, which can be disassembled, but it will not be particularly durable.

For the next step, you will need the help of the stronger sex.

Have your man put the planks together. Along the edge, every ten centimeters, there are marks on the planks or plywood into which nails must be driven.

Your frame is ready and you can move on to the next step.

Warp weaving

STEP 3 For weaving the plaid, you need to use two contrasting colors to make your work easier further. As a basis, you can choose any of the colors.
Warp weaving

We tie the beginning of the thread on the leftmost nail of the upper beam and go down, go around two nails to the right, go up and again go around two nails to the right.

STEP 4 Begin weaving horizontally. To do this, go to the first nail on the first beam, pull horizontally, go around the two nails on the left plank down and pull to the right.

Repeat again until you run out of nails.

Weave in this way until twenty vertical and twenty horizontal rows are formed. In total, in total, respectively, forty.

This completes the weaving of the base and we move on to the next step.

Weaving pom-poms

STEP 5 We take a thread of a contrasting color and start weaving in the same way as the warp, but in the end we should get not 40, but 30 layers. STEP 6 Next comes, perhaps, the most painstaking and time-consuming stage.

It is necessary to tie all the intersections of the threads. It is necessary to bandage tightly so that the future product does not fall apart during use.

Tying the intersections of the threads STEP 7 Next, you need to cut the contrasting threads (see picture), or if you used threads of the same color, then you need to count 30 threads to get pompoms.
Section of contrasting threads

It is necessary to cut carefully so as not to cut the warp threads. When cutting, it is necessary to straighten the pompoms so that they get a beautiful look.

STEP 8 To remove ready product, cut in places near the nails. On this, the manufacture of a blanket with pompons can be considered complete.
From colored threads

Often such products are made for small children and newborns. In this case, reduce the length of the frame base.

These blankets are used to make discharge envelopes: for boys - blue, and for girls - pink. But the color depends entirely on your imagination.

Ready-made baby pom-pom blanket

Thus, we were able to learn how to make a pompom blanket step by step.

I wish you good luck in weaving and, of course, patience. Let your blanket give you a lot of warmth.

Video instruction

Pompom blanket

Pompom rug

I accompany my master class detailed photos, and also found a fairly visual video on the Internet that contains written and oral comments on the creation process.

Due to the fact that the blanket consists only of pompoms, your baby will like it due to the softness of the pompoms and the airiness of the texture. Such a blanket can also be used as an envelope for discharge from the hospital, if it is sewn onto a thick fleece or velor base.

For inspiration, I prepared several photos of the finished plaid. Admire this cozy beauty:

Now I'm ready to reveal the secret of how to make a pom-pom blanket. But first, let's decide on the materials for work.


  • Wooden frame with nails around the perimeter
  • Yarn (I advise you to use thicker yarn, then the pompoms will turn out very lush)
  • Scissors

Pompom Plaid: Getting the Job Done

Before you start work, you need to prepare a wooden frame or take a piece of plywood and drive nails around the edges. The dimensions of the blank are at your discretion, but it is worth considering that the dimensions of the blanket itself will depend on the dimensions of the base frame. I prepared a blank with dimensions of 80x80, driving in nails at a distance of 4 cm from each other.

We begin the hauling of the workpiece. We fix the thread on the first carnation from the edge. Each row (strip) consists of 50 threads. Since the constriction is done crosswise, but at the intersection of the rows, 100 threads are obtained. Threading process:

Since in the course of work we will cut part of the threads between the "crossroads", I advise you to use several colors of yarn in your work. I'll explain why. We will not cut all the threads between the intersection of the rows, but only 30. In order not to suffer with calculations, we first stretch 20 rows with a thread of one color, and then 20 rows of another, and again 10 rows of the first color (but you can add a third color). Now we have a visual distinction between the working thread and the warp thread, which remains untouched.

After the constriction is completed, we need to fix all the intersections of the threads so that our blanket does not crumble during work. You can simply tie with threads of yarn in color.

Our blank for the blanket is ready. Now we move on to cutting the threads between the intersection of the rows. Be careful! We cut only part of the threads, i.e. the first 20 rows remain untouched - this is our base of the blanket. We cut clearly in the middle of the row.

The final version looks like this:

A with reverse side it looks like this:

It's nice, isn't it?

We complete the work by cutting the threads that are fixed on the carnations. And the edges of our plaid will be decorated with neat tassels:

Here we have such a cozy and fluffy pompom blanket: the instructions are also suitable for creating a blanket in other color variations. The main thing is your imagination and attentiveness in work. Good luck in creativity!

The home of a needlewoman can always be recognized by unique and original gizmos that you can do with your own hands. At the same time, such things can be not only a decoration of the interior of the house, but also be useful in practice.

If you take yarn, you can make a lot of products from it, scarves, sweaters, cardigans, socks and even toys.

In contact with

Brief Description of Baby Pom Pom Throw

Knit with yarn in various ways:

  • crochet,
  • knitting needles,
  • using machines and machines for knitting.

A very original product will be made of pompoms with your own hands. It is made from ordinary pompoms, which are obtained from yarn. On the this moment There are many techniques and methods for making a pompom blanket. Such a blanket can be of various forms:

  • square;
  • Rectangular;
  • Round.

If the blanket is intended for a child, the choice of yarn should be approached especially carefully so that the product is gentle, soft and pleasant for sensitive skin baby. Plaid can be made in several ways:

  • With the help of knitting needles and yarn, which contains acrylic. Such a product will consist of sections of threads and pompons, which will be located evenly between these threads;
  • Using a special frame from , using yarn different colors. To make the blanket soft, they usually use yarn for children's things, it includes wool and acrylic.

Absolutely any inexperienced woman can make such a pompom blanket with her own hands.. Many young mothers make such blankets for newborns. Blue for boys, pink for girls. You can decorate such a blanket from satin, which will be at the edges of the product. Such a product will create a special comfort in the cradle of the baby.

The very process of making a blanket is monotonous and painstaking work, so you need to have perseverance and patience in your arsenal.

Do-it-yourself pompom blanket master class

Let's take a closer look at the master class on making a pompom blanket:

How to make a DIY pom-pom blanket without a frame

Such a blanket can be knitted even by a beginner knitter who has only the most basic knitting skills. For knitting, you need a thread of yarn containing acrylic. The amount of yarn used is calculated from the length and width of the plaid that we will knit. For example, for a blanket square shape with dimensions of 75x75 cm, we need about 400 g of acrylic yarn.

Description of work

In the master class on knitting a pompom blanket with knitting needles, we will consider in detail each stage of work:

To give our plaid sophistication and decorativeness, we take satin ribbon and thread it along the edge of the product. In one of the corners we tie the ribbon into a beautiful bow.

A pom-pom blanket video will help you understand all the nuances and little things of work.

Probably, any girl at least once paid attention to the amazing technology of fabric created from woolen balls. It is distinguished by tenderness, lightness and warmth, from gizmos in this technique it exudes care and comfort.

This technology is used to create bedspreads, capes and even garments. However, such luxury costs a lot - today the price of a bedspread 80x80 cm varies from 2 to 4 thousand rubles. But do not despair - let's see how to make pompoms with your own hands step by step.

Weaving equipment: frame

For needlewomen who have already dealt with pompoms, this technology may come as a surprise - there will be no rings or forks. You will need something more bulky, namely a frame on which weaving will be carried out. It should be slightly larger than the estimated size of the product. So, if you need to make an extract envelope, the standard parameters of which are 80x80 cm, you need a frame 90x90 cm.

You can weave a thing smaller than the frame, but this is associated with a certain extravagance: part of the yarn will have to be cut off. Make a new frame for each new size work is inconvenient - because for the most part they are rather bulky and inconvenient for storage. Therefore, if a single production of a children's envelope is expected (or multiple, but of the same size), the best solution would be to make a frame 90x90 cm.

However, in the event that multiple weaving of products is planned different lengths and width, it is better to either make the frame “with a margin”, or make it collapsible, or start a warehouse workshop for storing blanks. Without a frame, weaving something in this technique will not work.

How to make a frame for weaving

To make a frame for weaving, you will need:

  • plywood / boards;
  • nails (optimally seventy);
  • hammer;
  • saw.

It is best to leave the manufacture of the frame to the strong half of the family - husband, father, brother. Indeed, for the most part, the manufacture of a machine tool comes down to a traditionally male occupation - to drive a nail. Lots of nails.

More precisely, one nail for every 4 cm of the estimated length and width of the product around the entire perimeter of the frame base - a frame or piece of plywood of the required size.

How to weave a bedspread on a loom

So, when the preparation is over, the work of the craftswoman begins. But do not think that now everything will go quickly, because this type of activity is a rather painstaking and even tedious task.

To get started you will need:

  • frame;
  • yarn;
  • scissors;
  • patience.

Yarn is better to take two colors - so the base will be easier to distinguish from pompons. Scissors must be selected with straight, not very sharp ends. Otherwise, the needlewoman can prick her fingers in the process of making a plaid. Scissor handles should have a rubberized sheath and sit comfortably in your hands, because you will have to cut a lot. Before weaving a large size, it is worth practicing on a small product.

The work begins with the fact that the working thread is fixed on the upper left nail of the machine, on the left side of the frame. Then it is extended to the opposite nail on the right side, circled around it and another one, just below. After that, the thread is pulled back to the left side and wraps around the two nails again. These simple manipulations continue until all the nails on both sides are covered in this way.

When the turn comes to the lowest nail on the frame, the nearest carnation on the bottom row of the frame is braided along with it. Now the direction of movement changes, not to the right-left, as before, but up and down. Other operations remain unchanged: pull to the opposite side, grasp, pull to the opposite side.

How are balls made?

When all the rows and columns are wrapped in this way, you will get a kind of network one thread thick at the intervals between the overlaps of yarn and two thick at its intersections. It is necessary to repeat the steps described above until this mesh reaches a thickness of 20 threads (40 at the intersection). This is the basis of the bedspread, on which balls of yarn will be held.

Now you need to change the yarn to a skein of a different color, and add another 30 layers of mesh (60 at the intersection). Changing the color is not necessary, but this step will make the next step much easier, and the future cape itself will look much prettier.

After all the layers are wound, it's time for the next step: now all the intersections must be tied with knots. It is these knots that will subsequently hold the balls on the base. For each intersection, you need to make two knots, along two diagonals of the intersection. The tighter the knots, the more securely the threads of the balls will be fixed in the product, and the less likely they will peel off over time.

When all the intersections are tied up, it's the turn of the scissors. Now each piece of threads from one intersection to another must be cut in half. It should be noted that only the threads of the second color are cut, the warp of the first color cannot be cut.

Work should begin in the middle so that the cape is fixed to the machine to the last. This will make the process easier. When this stage is completed, the blanket can be removed from the frame. This is done easily - threads of both colors are cut next to the nails.

Thus, the entire master class on creating a pompom blanket with your own hands can be described step by step as follows:

  • winding threads of two colors;
  • fixing intersections;
  • trimming pom-poms;
  • removing the product from the machine.

Despite the rather small number of steps, this process is quite laborious and takes a lot of time. On average, it can take from three to five days of hard work to make one blanket for an extract.