
Congratulations to Alexander Neumyvakin on the day of the social worker. Poems for the day of the social worker, congratulations on the day of the social worker. Congratulations on the Day of the social worker in prose


* * *
Social defense is work
Not a profession, but a vocation.
Social protection is concern
Mercy and compassion.

* * *
Social the employee must know:
Do not wear white!
Once you walk through the market,
You will wipe yourself on the counters,
Stand in line
You sit at the bus stop...
Grandma's garden
"Digging" is necessary in the genus,
Wash floors and windows
And don't forget the dishes...
And plant anyway
You're on White spot!

"Maxi" skirt is not comfortable
At work, albeit fashionable:
Wipe the stairs with a skirt,
When you go with bags.
It would be necessary to raise the “maxi”,
To make it easy to walk
Yes, in the hands - purchases,
Full two bags.

"Mini" skirt - just class!
But that's not for us either.
You understand: it's not solid,
When there's too much to see.
For people to trust us
They opened their heart
Gotta look good
And behave yourself.

Who is a social worker?
Who will answer this question?
It's someone else's worries
Takes himself seriously

This is the one whose tired hands
Do not get tired of doing good to you,
The one who understands you with a hint,
To whom can you open your heart?

Social worker - who is it?
She is a woman with a good soul
She will warm with a word, with advice,
She is a big person.

She can do any job
And all her deeds cannot be counted.
So thank you kind and sweet
Social employees that they are.

"Song of a social worker"

(to the melody of the song "I'm standing at a half-station")
I'm standing at the stop
In the hands - two full bags -
I bring products from the market to the old ones.
How can I get on the bus?
Yes, I wouldn’t fall in it ...
I won’t bring the purchase on foot! ..

Well, here, I came to my grandmother,
I gave her the bags
And I run to pay for her housing:
I'm in a hurry to Gorgaz and PTS,
In "Vodokanal"; then to "Sobes" ...
I still have time to wash the floors! ..

Then I run to my grandfather,
I bring him shopping.
He is waiting for me sick, my hungry.
I'll change his shirts
And I'll feed from a cup ...
In the evening I return home ...

(To the melody of Lenochka's song from the movie " Carnival Night" -
"If you frown out of the house...")

If creeped up on you
Unnoticeable old age
If hopelessness
It hurts day and night.
You call us
Tell me about everything.
Our social workers
Will be able to help you.

And a smile without a doubt
Touches your eyes again
And good mood
Will not leave you anymore.

"Sisters of Mercy"
We are called by the people.
We do not claim
More, friends.
We are for the lonely
abandoned, forgotten
Let's become one big
Friendly family.

All your problems
We can decide.
We are waiting for trust
From your side.
Sometimes we say "thank you"
Quietly you say
Your kind words
Like we need air.

* * *
"How wisdom conquered greed..."

social worker.

Grandma lived alone...
Was a miser
Saved on everything
To your health.
And I wanted to eat sweeter
Only regretted the money.
I gave out a penny
To the social worker she
And moaned, moaned all:

No money. I am so poor.
There are no stocks
All empty chests.

To the social worker she
She gave me three rubles.

(Grandma gives money and says narrowing her eyes. The social worker looks at her in bewilderment)

You add, if not enough ...
Tea received a salary? ..
No more money...
(shows empty wallet)
Soup requires a soul.
Al chowder what ...
Something I became thin!
(shows himself)
A little for the broth
You buy a chicken leg.
Let me cut off a piece...
I really want soup.
Daughter, hurry up
And then sick of hunger.
And I will lie down, I will lie down ...
Directly shakes, since I go.

(The social worker leaves. The grandmother hides all the food in the chest.)

Social worker:
I'm three on your pennies
I'll make good soup for you.
Look what I bought...
(shows bouillon cubes)
Although he is small, he has power.
From overseas chickens goods,
From him such a fat! ..
There's salt and spices...
(Grandma, as if she didn’t hear)

Are you speaking from Sweden?

(The social worker boils the broth, tastes it and speaks dreamily)

Social worker:
At least one would be a potato,
I would put in a little.

(Grandma takes one potato out of the chest and reluctantly gives it to the social worker. The social worker takes, peels and throws potatoes into the broth.)

And noodles would be here ...

(Grandma opens the chest again and takes out a bag of noodles. The social worker takes the noodles and throws them into the pan, stirs, tries.)

Oh! What deliciousness!
Here's an onion for me...

(The social worker turns to the grandmother and goes to the chest herself. The grandmother opens the chest. The social worker herself takes the onion and a bottle of oil, says, looking at the onion ...)

Enough is enough!
Now pour the oil...

(Pours oil into a saucepan, stirs, tries.)

Just lovely, not broth!!!
And put a carrot...

(The social worker looks pleadingly at the grandmother. She reluctantly takes out a carrot. The social worker herself takes the carrot from the grandmother’s hands while she thinks.)

Allow me to borrow! (The social worker finishes cooking the soup, gives grandma a taste from the spoon.)

Come on, grandma, try ...
The soup is delicious and cheap.
It's chicken and delicious.
You're not in vain, grandma, apparently
I stocked up all the groceries. (The social worker smiles, wagging his finger.)
I know you've been waiting for me. (The social worker hugs the grandmother, speaks to her affectionately, but reproachfully.)
Do not spare this money!
Once you live in the world.
You better feel sorry for yourself:
Eat well and drink juices.
(Turning to the audience)
Greed is a great vice!
Everything will be in your lesson!!!

Social worker:
For whom to accumulate wealth?
After all, in the Kingdom of Heaven
You can't take everything with you
You won't even take a penny!
Don't be such a jerk.
After all, to live like this ... Yes, it's horror!

(He takes slippers in his hands, taking them off his feet, and slaps them on the floor, as if killing a cockroach.)

Instead of your living creatures
Get yourself some friends.
And put tea on the table...
Do not be stingy, but treat!
Instead of "grandmother-mean"
Become a "good housewife".
I'm ready to help you.
Here is my word.

(The three of them hold hands and bow low.)

(Correction: You can change the order in which you add ingredients to the soup.)
Eh! Put a carrot...
Allow me to borrow!
Here's an onion for me...
Enough is enough!
And also potatoes in soup,
Just one, just a little...
Now pour the oil...
Just lovely not broth!!!
And noodles would be here ...
Oh! What deliciousness!!!
(play it the same way)

(The words of the chorus - Khramova Valentina Ivanovna, who was standing
at the origins of creation social protection in Bugulma)

Despite the weather
Everyone runs to work
We are in a hurry for our birthday.
And it is not clear to passers-by
Why is it so wonderful
The mood of our soul.

Chorus: Accept congratulations
On a special day for us.
We are with love, respect

We are all social workers
We know the problems
Lonely, forgotten, sick.
We can help everyone
And warm with love
Those who want to see us as relatives.

June 2001

* * *
To the Day of the social worker (2003)

Our destiny

In our third department
We will help the elderly.
All our deeds cannot be counted,
We have no time to sit down for a day:
We wash and wash floors
We store firewood for the winter;
We will bring water from the key;
Let's feed; we cut our nails;
We can cut, comb
And remove the snow near the house.
We are not the first time this work ...
Here is the latest newspaper.
- What do you want to know?
We can read a newspaper;
What is not clear - to explain;
Pay all house bills.
We have a lot to do
We have no leisure to sit idle:
Bring medicines, food,
And from the market - vegetables and fruits.
Do not count all our affairs ...
And this is all our lot.

Social Worker's Day celebrated on June 8 on the basis of the Decree of the President Russian Federation October 27, 2000 The day was not chosen by chance. It was on June 8, 1701, that Peter I adopted the Decree, which laid the foundation for the creation of a state system of social protection, "On the establishment of an almshouse for the poor, the sick and the elderly in the brownies of the Holy Patriarchate." According to Peter's decree, "for ten sick people - in the almshouse there should be one healthy person who would go after those sick people and repair all kinds of help for them."

Social Worker's Day was accepted as an organization of gratitude from the side of the authorities to those who daily face the problems of society and take care of them, trying to help with all the forces that a social worker has. The social worker's day is an opportunity for the social workers themselves to involve local authorities in the accumulated problems that are within the competence of self-government bodies.

Everyone knows the concept of a social worker. But not everyone knows what they do. Our country has a vast territory, where more than one hundred million people live, and not all of them have the strength and ability to take care of themselves on their own. Disabled people, pensioners who, due to life circumstances, were left alone at the end of their lives, large families, orphans. All of them need the daily help of a social worker. Such seemingly simple things for us, like taking out the trash, going for groceries, paying for apartment services, taking a number to the clinic, or getting some kind of benefits. For some categories of people, it is an impossible task that these truly important people for the state help to accomplish.

Every holiday always begins with congratulations, and Social Worker's Day- not an exception.

Every year on June 8, thousands of people who have chosen such a difficult profession for themselves are accepted. Every day they call their numerous wards, fulfilling all their requests. These people, by virtue of their specialty, must possess a certain set of human qualities, such as integrity, courtesy, attentiveness to other people's problems, and responsibility. For many of the people who use the services of such workers, they are the only link that connects them to the modern world.

Congratulations on the Day of the social worker in verse

Who every day, like on Saturday,
Hurry to help all those who are suffering,
Of course it's a social worker!
He will be able to overcome adversity.
I sincerely wish you happiness,
And full of mercy
Let them not come to your house of bad weather,
Let the wave of love cover!

Eighth of June. The sun burns furiously
But I'm not hot - my heart is warm;
I say this from a pure heart -
I'm very lucky with my friends!
You surrounded everyone with guardianship plump,
Helpers, defenders, friends!
Happy Social Worker Day
Today I am very happy to congratulate you!

Are you a social worker?
Man of principle!
Help good people
You manage to please everyone.
From the bottom of my heart I want to wish you
Succeed in all things!
Be cheerful at heart
Bring peace with your work!

Helping people is your calling
You have understanding and compassion.
Happy Social Worker's Day!
Always be careful as well.
At work, at home diligent,
May luck patronize you
And on the shoulder you will be any task.

Your service for sick people is needed,
And for the old, lonely so important.
And so your holiday is a beam,
Kindness heavenly paradise key!
Happy Social Worker's Day, congratulations from the bottom of our hearts!
We wish you a happy life
And, of course, to love your neighbor
I came back to you a hundredfold again and again!

The social worker is man's friend,
What will help, prompt, save from troubles.
The social worker is the knight of our age
And he does not expect gifts for his valor.

Happy Social Worker's Day, friend! Good luck,
May the Angel and the Lord God himself keep you!
You're used to winning, living with people and without surrender
Give your heart to those who are sick!

You help the weak and the old,
Come to them with care and warmth!
May everything in heaven be credited to you,
And let your house be filled with happiness!
On Social Worker's Day
I want to say with admiration:
You don't look like an official at all
To all the disadvantaged, you are like a mother!

Congratulations on the Day of the social worker in prose

(beautiful, solemn, original congratulations social workers, social workers with a holiday, the most good wishes prose)

Mercy... This quality is inherent in each of you. To be merciful means to sympathize, sympathize, pity and wish to help the weak. healing power almsgiving has long been known in Rus' and it consisted in looking at the suffering of others, to experience that feeling that is called philanthropy. And what a big loving heart must have for this! And that's exactly what you have! Bow to you and gratitude, dear social workers!

So let it not dry out in your souls
Stock of patience, warmth and kindness,
May the autumn of your life be clear
And cherished dreams will come true!

Social workers are people of the kindest soul. They are never alien to human grief, they do not take into account either time or forces. Today you have professional holiday- Day of the social worker, and we want to express our gratitude to you for everything you do for us. Sometimes a medicine does not cure as much as a kind word spoken from the heart. We wish you a long and happy life in which there will be neither disappointment nor doubt. May luck meet you at every step. May faith, hope and love never let you down!

Dear social workers, please accept sincere and warm congratulations with your professional holiday! Social Worker's Day is a celebration of people who are the first to take on the waves of human problems and, to the best of their ability, help to solve these problems.
You have devoted yourself to a very important and necessary cause - working with people who need help and support. Thanks to your kindness and responsiveness, sensitivity and patience, veterans, the disabled, large families and all those who find themselves in a difficult life situation overcome difficulties and gain confidence in their own strengths. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your hard work! wish good health, happiness and prosperity!

SMS congratulations on the Day of the social worker

Short congratulations on the Day of the social worker

Social Worker!
I rejoice in you without measure
And congratulations on your day!
Be obsessed with a good deed!

Helping people is your calling
You have understanding, compassion.
Today the holiday hour has come,
Social worker, happy holiday to you!

Can you help old people?
Or those who can't.
You are a social worker
The perfect helper!
Happy Social Worker's Day!
Arrange a holiday for yourself.
Well, tomorrow you again
We will all be helped!

Happy Social Worker Day today
With all my heart I want to congratulate Das!
Let them say that it's not fashionable to be kind now,
But, fortunately, there are such among us.

Like you, a social worker
Always ready to help those in need.
Today, on a professional holiday
Let me congratulate you from the bottom of my heart!

Voice congratulations on the Day of the social worker

Congratulations on the Day of the social worker on the phone you can listen to and send your favorite to the recipient as music or voice greeting to a mobile or smartphone. You can order and send congratulations on the Social Worker's Day to your phone either immediately or by specifying the date and time of delivery of the audio postcard. Sound congratulations on the Day of the Social Worker, the phone will be guaranteed to be delivered to a mobile, smartphone or landline phone, which you can personally verify by tracking the status of receiving congratulations by clicking on the received link in the SMS message after payment.

Funny congratulations on the Day of the social worker

The profession is the most "popular"
And even if you are not a carpenter, not a carpenter.
Today I congratulate you on the holiday
Professional, social worker.

I wish you more patience
To succeed in everything in life.
And only a sunny mood,
So that happiness smiles with you!

Hello. Do you know what holiday is today? Not!? What are you, today is the day of the social worker! I've compiled a small program here, as it can be noted. First, we go to the orphanage, give the children sweets. Then we move the grandmothers across the road. And, finally, the climax of the celebration will be the garbage collection in our yard. Which I think is fun. Not every holiday to get drunk!

A social worker is someone who can help
Who will not be able to get past the pain and fear.
He knows how to put a smile on his face
The one who stands on the outskirts, at the end.

Always be kind with a frank soul,
Very clean, decent, bright, large.
Know that a good deed will return doubly.
All the best in life to you.

Social Worker's Day- professional holiday of all workers in the sphere of social protection of the population. Social Worker's Day in Russia is celebrated annually on June 8, in Ukraine - on the first Sunday of November, in Belarus - on January 5.


Today I congratulate you
On a professional day.
May you be happy every hour
Social worker.

People with troubles come to you,
with their problems,
And help everyone
Break up with them.

May life give you joy
Good luck and success
So that kindness, patience
Enough for all of you.

You give care to others -
This job was chosen.
Happy Social Worker's Day! We wish
So that life seems like a sweet paradise!

Let people give you smiles
Bonus will be added to the salary
At any glorious moment
Let your heart be comfortable!

Social workers today
Celebrate their holiday.
Each employee is valuable to us,
Every worker is a hero.

I wish work
It was only a joy to you
Light of love and understanding
She always carried into the world.

Everyone from the social service
May health be strong
You after all with the help of real
Hurry to people every day.

Always waiting for your attention
And worries are always waiting.
May your efforts pay off
And work will not be a burden.

Kindness knows no boundaries
And a heart full of warmth.
Souls of open beauty,
For the world is rosy, bright.

I congratulate you on your day
I wish you great health,
Prosperity and hope in the house,
Good luck and good luck with love!

The social worker is a kind person
He will understand, he will help, he will ask: “What else do you need?”,
He will come to the rescue, like a super hero,
Will not leave people in a duel with trouble.

Today, on your holiday, we wanted to wish you:
For many years, so that you never get sick,
To be happy, to live beautifully,
Thank you very much for your work!

social workers, relatives,
You deserve this holiday.
You are used to helping everyone cordially,
Sometimes you don't even notice yourself.

Mercy lives in your soul
The help you need will always come from you.
You bring hope and love
Into the souls of those who lost her long ago.

We wish you health, a lot of strength,
To bring good luck every day
So that your selfless hearts
Kindness carried through life to the end.

You will always come to the rescue
Your work cannot be measured by money.
You will find words of support
To want to believe again.

We wish you health, happiness,
More joy in the eyes.
Let bad weather go by
There will be no trouble even in dreams!

You are always in other people's worries,
All in business and all in work,
You will always come to the rescue
Pour warmth into every house.

You should take a rest
Such a time has come.
It's still a holiday, so come on
Relax, don't be bored.

Emotions joyful to you
On a positive note.
Let you in large size
Happiness will fall in a career.

There will be a lot of money
Weekends, well, that's enough.
And let health not wither
And the soul smells of flowers.

Social help important
Your work is so important!
May she bring you joy
After all, many people need care!

May your dreams come true
I wish you a happy life
And rays of unearthly kindness
Keep giving to other people!

There is a noble calling:
For the socially unsettled,
Help with clothing and food
And kind word calm them down.

On social worker's day
I wish you strength and patience
Good, so as not to go without a response,
Good luck, happiness, mood.

Accept congratulations,
Social workers.
Kindness and patience to you,
And to raise wages.

May the June bloom
Bring you bright joy
To your mood
It was sunny and summery.

Congratulations to every social worker
On the wonderful day of your official holiday,
After all, helping others around you is so much appreciated,
We wish you to live happily, let this not change!

Let all the roads of joy open for you,
Have fun and live in abundance, do not worry about sadness
I wish you that your dreams can come true soon,
Health to you, warmth, more - well-being, love.

Social workers of the country
Congratulations from the bottom of our hearts.
On your holiday, we want you
Rested as best we could
Without other people's problems, sorrows,
To celebrate your holiday.

Who is alone with his misfortune,
He will find help in you and compassion,
Give the sun among gloomy days -
And this is your main calling.

Happy Social Worker's Day, friends!
Messengers of goodness and mercy!
My love and gratitude to you
For humanity, endurance, diligence!

social worker,
Today is your holiday
We sincerely congratulate
You are in the cold, rain and heat:

You are always in a hurry to help
For those who are looking forward to
Who is weak and helpless
You lift the burden of worries.

So let in your Destiny
Only everything will be good
golden heart
Less worry.

All the problems of the population
You know firsthand
You are a social worker
Everything in the world you succeed
On your holiday we will tell you
Just a huge thank you
You do so much for everyone
We could not think
We want to wish you
Happiness, joy, victory,
May you and your loved ones
Do not touch the evil troubles!

Congratulations social workers today!
We wish you happiness, joy, patience.
You are more responsive, there is no kinder in the world,
A person needs you today!

To make all your dreams come true
And the pay would be decent.
With difficulties to always cope
And never lose heart!

You will get what you deserve
May peace reign, silence.
Luck is a companion and friend
Will never leave you!

May you be snapped up today
And time is running out
After all, how nice to see in the eyes
Thanks full brilliance!

You don't always notice your work
After all, you do not sit still,
But just how to live without support
To all the disadvantaged, tell me.

All the old, the weak and the lonely
You surround with sensitive attention,
Although your work is not always priceless
In other people's eyes meets understanding.

We congratulate you and wish you
To be appreciated according to merit,
So that everyone greets you with love
And they would treat you like a friend.