
Congratulations to the children on the housewarming from their parents. Warm congratulations on housewarming to relatives and neighbors. Housewarming congratulations short


Changing of the living place -
Almost like governments.
From shabby apartments
V new house- how in new world!
Learn everything from scratch
Open a new world.
Meet new friends
To make your life more fun:
After all, in a new place
Live together for a long time
Happiness in the house to multiply
Call us more often.
Happy moving! Housewarming!
Let's meet the new world with fun!

We represent with great difficulty
Are you imagining it yourself?
You enter the new bright house,
Furnish in euro style!
Not some small world
Not at all a hostel-station -
The two-story house is beautiful, wide
Kitchen, bath, hall and many bedrooms.
In it you live happily ever after -
We want to wish in a letter and in a toast,
Treasure frequent guests
Yes, you can visit us!

We wish your home:

If the earth is under arable land,
If the news is good,
If the tree is fruit,
If the rain is strong,
If the daughter is beautiful,
Kohl flower - fragrant,
If the son is powerful,
If a friend is a faithful friend!

We wish you health, love and warmth,
So that life is interesting and long,
So that there is comfort in the house, love and advice,
So that the house was protected from grief and troubles.

Dear friends! Congratulations on your new home. May the sky keep your house from storm and bad weather, from heat and cold, from fire and dampness, may its kitchens and cellars never be empty, and may peace and joy reign in it! We wish the new house and its owners well-being for many years to come!

The place where I feel at home
At the festive or everyday table,
Behind the conversation and behind the book volume -
Blessed be this house
A home where I felt at home!
My friends with hearty voices,
Alive, departed, eternal and sometimes
In the house brought by different winds -
May my house also be full
My friends with hearty voices!

Here comes your turn.
We came to the housewarming
View your holdings -
Accept, honest people!
Here are the mansions, so the mansions,
All that is needed for the soul:
Kitchen, bathroom with toilet,
Well, the rooms at the same time -
If you want - stop, but if you like - dance!
At least roll on them sideways
With a turn and with a jump -
Who can't forbid
Is it luxurious for you to live here?
To keep the doors from breaking
And the floors didn't dry out
Soap bath, cook oven,
To keep the apartment warm.
Well, good hostess,
Fill our glasses.
A cup of good wine
Let's drink, brothers, we are to the bottom.

Have (...) a housewarming party.
Everyone gathered at the table.
Jokes, laughter, joy, fun
They broke into a new house.
Tired hostess -
So many fun things to do.
Hey, feast, pour it up,
It's time to say a toast!
So that the house is full of guests,
So that happiness reigns in him,
To live, not grieve,
To be friends with neighbors!
To light, heat, water
There have always been no problems!
In the garden so that in the garden
Everything was fine with you
And, of course, so that -
There was a car in the garage!
That's all for it, friends,
Let's drink glasses to the bottom!

Once happiness decided to leave one house and, before leaving, invited each family member to fulfill one of his desires.
The owner of the house asked mink coat- and got it.
The hostess' daughter wanted to receive diamond earrings as a gift - and she also got what she wanted.
The owner's son asked for a new Mercedes - and his wish was granted.
- What would you like? - happiness asked the owner of the house.
- And I would like you to leave me home! To keep the fire burning in it.
Happiness thought and answered the owner:
- No, if I fulfill your wish, I won't be able to leave your house. After all, happiness lies in the fact that the family hearth never goes out.
So, thanks to the wisdom of the owner, happiness has not yet left that house.
So let, dear new settlers, happiness never leave your house, let your family hearth never go out!

Today we are celebrating a historic event - our friend's move to a new apartment. It is known that mankind has always had a hitch with this matter.
In the time of the ancestors, the wife said: "Darling, can't you find a better cave?" To which the hairy Neanderthal grumbled: "I already broke two clubs trying to do it."
The ancient Romans lamented: "Everything flows, everything changes, the time of worries replaces the time of the muses and the lyre, but only the torment of a person when looking for an apartment is unchanged."
In the Middle Ages, they said: "What does a man need? A comfortable house, a lot of children, and that his wife was not a witch."
This means that we must share the joy of the new settlers and drink for their well-being and happy life in a new house!

Let me congratulate you on your new home!
And from the bottom of my heart I wish
It's not in our rules to dissemble,
I want to tell you a little:
Everyone knows you today
Questionnaires are being filled
Here's what's important from now on -
Without insurance certificates, they do not take a job.
You want to set up accounting strictly,
To accurately calculate the pension.
Forward a lot you look
Seniority, earnings, contributions - so start accounting.
Today seniority and benefits
For harmful experience they laid down on you
And again new worries
But you were able to solve them all.
You always have enough worries
You find it hard to get contributions
And our department today wishes you
Don't know about insurance premiums!
You skillfully picked up all the shots,
Although the staff of the fund is small,
But everyone knows their stuff
And everyone works with passion!
We work with you
If not colleagues, friends
And let's value friendship!
Please accept our congratulations.
We are glad you have an office.
Today is a housewarming party
And we are honored here.
We wish you great
Health, creativity in work,
More joy and laughter
Welfare everywhere!

With a new house, with a new roof
Congratulations together.
Let the walls breathe with health
The floorboards don't rattle.
Sleep sweetly in the new house
And its even tastier.
We wish prosperity to the house,
And happy days to the residents.

Some wise man said that good house, a good wife and a good dress prolong our lives. And on this day, on the day of housewarming, we are happy to congratulate the owner on the completion of this triad - good home, a good wife and nice dress. Let this cozy modern apartment be a good home for you! May it dispose your hearts to joy and peace.

And I would wish you a good brownie in your new house, who would protect him from everything bad and would attract good things. And may it be peaceful, happy and friendly in this house, laughter sounds and joy lives in the hearts!

How much joy, fun
On this clear winter day.
You will not die from idleness,
And laziness will not knock on the door.
Everything needs to be done right now:
I need to buy a chair, a sofa,
Fix the toilet urgently
To not go to the neighbors.
It is necessary to adjust the shelves in the niche,
To prick a dubila,
Put a wardrobe in the corner
Extend the battery.
Nothing - everything gradually
Bring you to mind
While at the same time
Let's drink a glass of wine.

congratulations on housewarming

If you are invited to a housewarming party, then besides a gift, you will certainly need to prepare a warm congratulation for the hosts! And if you don’t have to rack your brains over the present, provided that the newcomers themselves ordered what they need in the new house - and you just have to buy this item. Then you will have to work hard on the words of congratulations. And if the owners wanted a surprise, and the choice of a gift was left to your discretion? Then there is every chance to spend a lot of effort and time to find what is worthy and useful for new settlers. If you still have enough time to compose a congratulation, or in an hour you already need to congratulate the new settlers, we will come to your rescue. On our site, congratulations are selected for any celebration -, etc., including for housewarming!

Our ancestors had many customs associated with moving to a new home. Perhaps - only two have come down to us: let the cat into the room first, and then enter it ourselves. And the second is to gather dear guests for housewarming, so as not to offend the brownie, who, offended, can leave the new house.

At the celebration, it is customary for the first toast to be made by the newcomer host, and then you can demonstrate the wonders of oratory by uttering a beautiful and sincere congratulations, which you very quickly found on our website.

Happy housewarming! A new home is always a great happiness and many hopes for a prosperous future. May you live peacefully and calmly within these walls. May you have a strong economy, and always cash!
Be patient with failures and trust that they are temporary. Permanent - this is the warmth of the family hearth, goodness in your hearts, light in the window of the house and mutual love! Be happy, because only happy people can create such a beautiful and solid home! Let its walls become a fortress for you and protect you from any external adversity!
Health to the hostess, well-being to the owner and a lot of joy to the children! Take care of each other and your family hearth!

With all my heart I congratulate you on finding peace and the onset of peace! Now you do not need to live with an eye and restrain emotions: you have your own nest. From now on, you can defile in shorts and smoke in the toilet, slam doors loudly and enjoy your personal space: after all, you are the full owners of this cozy corner (we will diplomatically ignore the terrible word “mortgage”)! Let your house always be warm and cheerful! By the way, we don’t want you to always have many friends in it - let them still come by invitation, without preventing you from enjoying life in your home. Happy housewarming, guys!

Everyone knows that neighbors are those people who know more about us than we do ourselves. Let the new neighbors of your house know and talk about you, dear hosts, only good things! And do not forget that you are also their neighbors, who know more about them than they do!

The family hearth is not only a woman’s business, but also a man’s. The husband is the breadwinner and the owner, the husband is the head. As they say, to God - God's, to the Tsar - to the Tsar, and to the husband - to the husband. Let a caring woman be seen everywhere in this house male hand and prosperity is growing by leaps and bounds. And may your hearts always strive to your home.

Congratulations on buying your own home!
You are great fellows, you can imagine what kind of work you had to achieve this!
Let the new house more than pay off the time and effort invested in it!
Cozy and measured life to you!
Let the house always be warm and light, no matter what the weather is outside!

And I want to wish you a housewarming ... a good neighbor. A good neighbor is a great boon, a treasure, it's like native blood - and will help, and lend, and call for a visit, and look after the apartment, and say good word. May you be lucky with your neighbors!

Dear friends!
Today you are celebrating significant event- housewarming!
We have gathered in your new home to rejoice with you. May this house always be generous and hospitable, may it be warmed by the tender love of its owners. May there always be prosperity and joy.

Sometimes we find it hard to make changes in our lives. We doubt, do not dare or are afraid to change our habitual way of life. Your housewarming is a major change for the better. You walked towards it for a long time, tuned in and waited for this moment. You have overcome thousands of difficulties and obstacles. May your patience pay off a hundredfold with happiness, love and health in your new home!

When a new mistress appears in a new house, it can change dramatically. Knowing you, the new owner of this home, I am sure that grandiose changes are coming: soon you will turn it into a cozy nest where every thing knows its place. I wish you to fulfill your rights as a happy hostess with pleasure and make your home the most beloved place in your life!

The keys to a new home are the keys to a new life. From the first days lived and emotions depends on how life will flow under this roof. The fact that the new owners invited today the closest and dear people at a housewarming party says that they will also welcome friends, relatives or colleagues at home on any other day. I admire your ability to gather such a kind and wonderful company around you. I wish you well-being in the new walls and the same warm hospitality in return!

I welcome new residents to my home. Although you think that housing is yours, you will have to share it with me. I am quiet, calm, picky and not noticeable at all. The only thing I will not tolerate is quarrels and scandals. I wish you a coordinated and peaceful life, and in return I will protect your home from any misfortunes!

Congratulations to the new residents! You have chosen the best house - true happiness and prosperity, warmth and cordiality await you in it. All you need to do is live in harmony, and then I, the brownie, will bring wealth, success, health and good luck to this house!

Today, accept congratulations not only from the guests, but also from the permanent resident of this house - the brownie. Dear new residents! For many years I have been guarding this cozy house from negative thoughts, the evil eye and diseases. Today I see a new, beautiful and energetic mistress and a kind, decent and responsible owner. For the sake of such good people, I will continue the tradition and will protect your home from all sorts of worries. In return, I expect from you mutual love, understanding of each other and consent.

The neighbor asked the neighbor for a shovel, but he did not give him. Another neighbor asked him for a knife, but he also refused this neighbor. The third asked for a loan of five rubles. Then the neighbor thought: “Too much anxiety from the neighbors! I’ll go to the forest and live there.” As he said, so he did. Time passes, and somehow he himself needed a needle - to sew a bag. The man immediately remembered that the neighbor had such a needle, but now it is far from the village. In the end, the man decided that, apparently, he could not do without neighbors. Let us once again wish the new settlers a good neighbor, because he often comes to the rescue, sometimes faster than relatives.

Some wise man said that a good house, a good wife and a good dress prolong our lives. And on this day, on the housewarming day, we are happy to congratulate the owner on the completion of this triad - a good home, a good wife and a good dress. Let this cozy modern apartment be a good home for you! May it dispose your hearts to joy and peace and give you a safe haven in the midst of a restless life!

Congratulations on your new home. May peace, kindness, wealth and mutual understanding always live in your new home. May all your dreams come true and you live happily under this blessed roof for many dozens of happy, cloudless years. Let your new home become your reliable stronghold and fortress, which will never be penetrated by evil and envy.

As the British say: "My home is my castle." Around the cubic capacity, the peephole is an embrasure. And walk around the fortress in complete safety, be cheerful and happy, eat plenty of prunes, amuse your spouse and children - and no nails! Happy housewarming!

Housewarming! Let your new home meet you
Peace, joy, comfort and warmth,
May harmony live in it, grace,
To soon call him your family.

May good luck and success come to the house,
And always cheerful children's laughter sounds,
To want to come back again and again
Under cover, where happiness and love awaits you.

Spin the joy like a carousel.
Repair completed. Hooray! Hooray!
Well, dear, happy housewarming!
Let the mountain grow in the house.

Pour milk for the brownie,
To keep order and comfort,
The bell of laughter pulled ringing
And I called good luck to you on the threshold.

And with friends you meet more often,
Let there be countless reasons!
Multiply your love and happiness,
There is already a place for this!

Entering your new home, do not forget to take all the pleasant moments, all the comfort and warmth from the old one. Pack it all up in your memories and create new life, even happier, in a beautiful new home. Let this house see many joyful events, and become a real fortress for your family.

Friends, congratulations on your new home,
With a responsible and important life day,
You have been moving towards this cherished goal for a long time.
And finally moved into a new home!

May you always live happily here,
And even the walls help you in everything
Let the sun always shine in the windows,
The house fills with light and warmth!

We congratulate you on your new home!
May joy come to you in a new home,
So that with love, luck, luck,
Lived with pleasure for a long time in it.

To meet sunsets, sunrises,
So that peace and tranquility reign in the house,
To always find answers
And they decided everything together, as a family.

Let fun live in your house
And friends will always be welcome
We congratulate you on your new home
We wish you much happiness!

Congratulations on your new home. From now on, let the wonderful hearth always warm your hearts and instill in them unshakable confidence. Let well-being be the second name of your new home. Let even household chores be a joy in it, let the walls give comfort, and the family will be extraordinarily happy here!

Here you have reached the cherished goal,
And today is your housewarming party.
Now there is a corner and shelter,
May love always live in him,

Peace, and understanding, and patience,
Only the mood will be wonderful.
Let prosperity be constant
And there is always order in everything.

Dreams with hopes come true!
You have a wonderful new home!
You finally got
Cozy, own nest!

May it be filled with joy
Happy laughter and warmth.
Congratulations on your new home
Let the house be a full bowl!

Happy new home, happy new life! Let your house be a cozy haven from the hustle and bustle of everyday life, a nest where relatives are waiting, a cup filled with kindness, cordiality, hospitality. Let your life sparkle with new wonderful events, vivid impressions, surprises and smiles, and the house will soon become your home.

Housewarming is a very important event that should not be ignored. On this day, it is customary to arrange a holiday, invite relatives and friends. On this occasion, new settlers will be pleased to hear congratulations on the wishes of happiness and comfort in the new home. A selection of congratulations on a housewarming will help you find the right words from which the heart will become joyful and pleasant.

An event organized on the occasion of the purchase of a new house or apartment allows you to show sympathy for the newcomers. If you were invited to a housewarming party, it means that they trust you and want to share this joy together. On this occasion, it would be appropriate to present an appropriate gift and say a wish at the table. It has long been customary to wish happiness, prosperity, well-being, peace in a new home, warmth.

If you have enough talent, you can come up with wishes yourself or use ready-made poems that are written in a fairly easy form. Wishes sound beautiful and are remembered, they can be said aloud or written into a postcard. Moving to a new home is always a fun and pleasant event, and invited people have a unique opportunity to become the most eloquent guest.

Please the new settlers with joyful wishes, because they were looking forward to this event. Wishes will allow you to congratulate relatives or friends beautifully and unforgettable. Someone is used to saying congratulations in their own words, someone likes rhyme or jokes. Compilation beautiful congratulations with a housewarming, will allow you to find an option to your liking.

May abundance, happiness and health reign in the new home, and all bad weather bypass!

  1. Today we came with bread Into your beautiful, new house, So that it is always only satisfying And comfortable for all of you in it. Let the walls be protection from any worldly storms. And let luck give you its ardent kiss. Never endured To rubbish you out of the hut. Together they steadfastly endured the hardships of their fate.
  2. A new home is a great occasion to gather loved ones around. And today we will celebrate housewarming with you. Let the house be your fortress, A warm, glorious hearth. Let prosperity come to him, He will be full of laughter. And to the owners - success, new plans and ideas. May you all be healthy, Peaceful and glorious days to you.
  3. There is no better celebration than housewarming: So many plans, thoughts and ideas. I wish you warmth, comfort, mood And brilliant design ideas. Let your new house "grow" with beautiful furniture and a bunch of little things. Let only prosperity come to you, Well, and of course, many guests.
  4. Today there is a reason for fun, We wish you only joyful troubles, Accept congratulations on your housewarming, May the move bring good luck! And the new house will meet you with warmth, Give you comfort and beauty, So that you can relax your soul, And life will become like a dream. Let prosperity flow to you like a river, Love protects from losses And happiness, like a mischievous blue bird, Flies carelessly at your door!
  5. New settlers, new settlers, You are now a cheerful people, How beautiful picture- Your new apartment. Congratulations on your housewarming, We wish you a pure aura, So that your native walls always warm you with comfort.
  6. Here you have a housewarming party, I hasten to congratulate you, And for a new monastery, I want to drink while standing! You live, do not grieve, Never be sad, Let go of all the bad, Be always happy!
  7. The concepts of "family" and "home" are inextricably linked with each other. To create a strong happy family You need a roof over your head. You made a wise decision to purchase this roof. And not just the roof. Your large but comfortable accommodation is admirable. Let this acquisition be the beginning of material well-being and the basis of a happy life. family life. Let your new home become your cozy family nest, where envy and evil will not penetrate. Congratulations on your new home!

How cool to congratulate you on moving

A good mood will be provided to the newcomers if they are congratulated with cool wishes.

It will be especially pleasant to hear them for people with humor who love jokes and perceive them normally.

Moving to a new house - happy holiday who wants to have fun. If you don't have good ideas congratulations, use the selection of comic ready-made options.

The collection contains original and funny ideas on how to congratulate the new settlers, cheer them up and direct them towards positive. Cool congratulations with a housewarming party, they will relieve tension from invited guests and allow you to relax. When you want to express your best wishes it is very important to find the right words.

Wishes will help to impress everyone present and amuse the new settlers. Try to remember the congratulation or write it on a postcard. Do not carry a piece of paper with you like a cheat sheet - it will look like a lack of respect for the guests. Do not be afraid to make a mistake, with tips and hesitations, congratulations will look even more fun and cool!

It does not matter how it will sound, and in what form the congratulations, the main thing is that everyone should have fun!

  1. Congratulations on your new home, we wish you all the best! So that the floor does not fail, The wall does not crumble, So that the doors do not creak, Three windows were intact! So that the children hurried to the house With joy, with a desire And a good husband With affection, with care! So that relatives come, So that they bring gifts, So that they wash diplomas And invite us to visit. So that happiness rang in the house And comfort and peace reigned, So that you would not know bad weather And a different, different fate!
  2. I wish the doors of this house to be closed from evil, envy, deceit and open to light and good! Sun, happiness, success, friendship, prosperity, love to you in your new home!
  3. Change of residence Almost like governments. From shabby apartments To a new house - like a new world! Master everything from scratch, open a new world. Meet new friends, So that you live more cheerfully: After all, in a new place You will live together for a long time, Multiply happiness in the house, Call us more often to visit. Happy moving! Housewarming! Let's meet the new world with fun!
  4. You got a new home And live happily in it. We wish you joy, We wish you roses, So that frost does not enter your apartment, So that prosperity is such in summer and winter, That we would always like to come home to you!
  5. With a new house, with a new roof Congratulations together. Let the walls breathe with health, The floorboards do not crack. Sleep sweetly in a new house, And even tastier in your own. We wish prosperity to the house, And happy days to the residents!
  6. For a new house, for moving, I want to drink to the bottom today, So that cosiness always reigns here, Comfort, warmth and beauty. Kind, friendly neighbors, So that you always live in peace, For happiness, joy, for fun, Happy housewarming, for you!
  7. Let your new square meters Walls reliably protect from blizzards, Rains and frosts, prickly winds Let them only amuse you in beautiful windows. Live here together in warmth and comfort And always enjoy family happiness, In a well-groomed apartment, like in a resort, Smile brightly every morning

In poems with gifts

In modern society, people do not deviate from traditions, they celebrate housewarming magnificently! Invite relatives and friends, do not forget about the neighbors. On this day, they want to rejoice, eat treats and listen to congratulations. A wish can sound like a verse or prose, it can also be pronounced in the form of a toast.

A selection of short congratulations on housewarming in verse will allow you to give the owners of the new house a gift with wishes:

  • wishing prosperity, you can give new settlers souvenirs with banknotes;
  • gifts with hearts, watches, flower arrangements can serve as a symbol of happiness;
  • bedding, textiles and personalized pillows will bring warmth and comfort to your home;
  • so that new settlers often invite guests, give them a set of dishes or a tea set;
  • cool housewarming gifts will delight and remind you of this event for a long time;
  • amulets will not be simple, but useful gifts who will protect the hearth;
  • if the dwelling has a bathroom, a gift in the form of a mirror or bath accessories would be appropriate;
  • let the vase presented on this occasion be always full of fresh flowers and bring happiness to the house!

There are many examples of how to congratulate with verses on a gift. To make everything go well, you need to think through everything to the smallest detail. Choose a verse and suitable gift, wishing only the good, stipulating that let the bad not enter the house. Even the most ordinary gift can be presented beautifully. For example, if this is a lamp, you should additionally say: “I give you a lamp as a gift so that the house becomes brighter!”.

  1. Finally, finally The turn has come to us, To congratulate you, dear ones, on your housewarming, here, now! We want to surprise you all at once on this wonderful day. And as a gift, as it has long been accepted, to give you a live cat.
  2. Furniture is given for housewarming, But our opinions differed, And we decided: it’s important to just give you a start in life! (to present a cash gift)
  3. I decided the question deftly, Giving a microwave, So that hot food was always without hassle.
  4. They wanted good luck to buy in the store, But this product is not in the window. Health wanted to buy a trolley, But you can buy it only in pills. So that every morning there is tea on the table, ... we hand you an electric kettle!
  5. Allow me to hand over the object Very, unique And with external simplicity Necessary and real. It looks like a mug ... What is it? Such a household item ... If there will be a hangover tomorrow, there is no better Tara in the world! Do you want tea or cocoa - At least on the table, but at least in bed. In the new house with this cup It will be more comfortable and more fun!

Congratulations in your own words

Not every person knows how to eloquently congratulate. Do not take this as a disadvantage! After all, finding the right words, this misunderstanding can be corrected. The selection will allow you to beautifully congratulate the newcomers in your own words so that no one will guess that this wish was taken from the Internet. If you are invited to a housewarming party, look for a warm greeting that reflects your indifference to the heroes of the occasion.

Sincere congratulations on the housewarming from the guests will sound like parting words to a happy life.

  1. Congratulations on your new home purchase! We wish you to live in a new place best years own life. Let your new kitchen smell of delicious dishes, children's laughter always sounds in the nursery, peace reigns in the bedroom, and close people and friends gather in the living room as often as possible. Housewarming!
  2. Now we are calm for you, you have a roof over your head. Everything is solved - good clothes, food, computers, household appliances and even a car. But the acquisition of real estate is a very big problem for most families, and you solved it. Well done! Live in, decorate, furnish your new home so that it is cozy and comfortable. I wish you to have the best impressions in the future with this house. Invite guests, we are always ready to look at your light, and we will not come empty-handed. For example, today we have this present from us, which, we hope, will contribute to the improvement of your new home. Housewarming!
  3. The smell of housewarming is a mixture of the aroma of goodies that the owner of the new house has prepared for us, and the smell of the just completed renovation that the owner of the property has made. Wonderful scent! May your home continue to be always fragrant with various pleasant aromas of celebration, happiness and mutual understanding.
  4. I wish that the doors of your house open wide for friends, the sun, happiness, holiday, prosperity, love and be securely closed from troubles, envious eyes and cold.
  5. Dear friends! Today you are celebrating a very important event - housewarming! We have gathered in your new home to rejoice with you. May this house always be generous and hospitable, may it be warmed by the tender love of its owners. May there always be prosperity and joy.
  6. The sage said that a cozy house, good family and prosperity prolong our lives. On the housewarming day, we are happy to congratulate the owner on the completion of this triad! Let this cozy apartment (house) be a good home for you! Let the new home dispose your hearts to joy and give you a safe haven in the midst of a hectic life!
  7. Please accept my congratulations on your new home! Let the new house bring bright, rich and positive emotions! Let every morning be good in it, the day - rich, and the evening - cozy! And let it become such that you don’t want to leave it and madly want to return there!

You don’t need to rack your brains over a present, everything will come in handy in a new house, any little thing or a cool gift will be useful. And in order not to waste time on composing congratulations, use the ready-made options that were compiled specifically for this joyful occasion.

With moving to a new house!
May he live happily in it,
Let them live in a new place
Happiness, joy with you together!
Let the children grow up in prosperity
And good neighbors
They will live next to you
To be friends with your families!
Invite the brownie
Treat with a soft bun
To protect your house
Multiply your happiness!
Your house will be a full bowl,
Every month it gets better
And with skillful hands
Create your own world!
Year - another live in it -
And call your family!
And today is a housewarming party!
Let's meet with joyful fun!

Let me congratulate you on your new home!
And from the bottom of my heart I wish
It's not in our rules to dissemble,
I want to tell you a little:
Everyone knows you today
Questionnaires are being filled
Here's what's important from now on -
Without insurance certificates, they do not take a job.
You want to set up accounting strictly,
To accurately calculate the pension.
Forward a lot you look
Seniority, earnings, contributions - so start accounting.
Today seniority and benefits
For harmful experience they laid down on you
And again new worries
But you were able to solve them all.
You always have enough worries,
You find it hard to get contributions
And our department today wishes you
Don't know about insurance premiums!
You skillfully picked up all the shots,
Although the staff of the fund is small,
But everyone knows their stuff
And everyone works with passion!
We work with you
If not colleagues, friends
And let's value friendship!
We are glad you have an office.
Today is a housewarming party
And we are honored here.
We wish you great
Health, creativity in work,
More joy and laughter
Welfare everywhere!

Here comes your turn.
We came to the housewarming
View your possessions -
Accept, honest people!
Here are the mansions, so the mansions,
All that is needed for the soul:
Kitchen, bathroom with toilet,
Well, the rooms at the same time -
If you want - stop, but if you like - dance!
At least roll on them sideways
With a turn and with a jump -
Who can't forbid
Is it luxurious for you to live here?
To keep the doors from breaking
And the floors didn't dry out
Soap bath, cook oven,
To keep the apartment warm.
Well, good hostess,
Fill our glasses.
A cup of good wine
Let's drink, brothers, we are to the bottom.

Luxurious chandelier, crystal chandelier
Bring joy to your home
And a luxurious fairy tale, ballroom music
Flying will give you the mood!

We represent with great difficulty
(Do you imagine it yourself?!):
You enter the new bright house,
And furnish in a European way!
Not some modest little world
(Not at all a hostel-station) -
The house is tall, beautiful, very wide
Kitchen, bath, hall and many bedrooms.
In it you live happily ever after -
We want to wish in a letter and in a toast,
Treasure frequent guests
Yes, you can visit us!

Such a nice week
Efforts of painful result,
Today is your housewarming
May God help!
Happiness awaits you in your new home,
Friends will come to congratulate you
Survive all the bad weather
Love like the first time!

New office just a class
We have housewarming here
A hundred times better than the old one
Congratulations on your new home
Here are some gifts for you
That's a lot of congratulations
Wishes for you
What would work successfully
Every day and every hour
Whatever you are always lucky
Happy housewarming,
Congratulations to your entire office!

I look at the floorboards
To a great window!
To settle in a new house -
After all, not everyone is given!
I celebrate housewarming!
I'm already having fun!
I wish you the best
This joyful family!
And I'm ready to yell a hundred times
We are very happy for you!

Moving and housewarming!
Here's the fun, here's the fun!
How many people gathered
To honor this Lord!
So that you have fun
So that you can work!
To keep you warm here
And you have light for your guests!

What's happened? Don't know
This valiant army!
You are always so busy
All documents are filed
business suit put on
Just break for lunch
Housewarming, housewarming!
Yes, it's fun here today
How did we arrive on time?
Congratulations from the bottom of our hearts!
How spacious is your house
And do not ask for a window of porridge,
Furniture is good too
“Beauty!” the soul sings.
Accept congratulations:
Schnapps, picture, pie!

Step boldly into your new home
In the old one, everything is already tired.
Now you are in the new mansions,
We will not walk modestly!
Be happy you are here
May the stars protect you!
So that life flows like a river in it
Only clean and alive!

In that amazing moment, a miracle happened.
Our company has moved into a new location.
After the housewarming, let things go uphill.
Let the new walls good clients will lead.

So that doves fly around
They knocked on the glass in a new house,
So that the walls meet you kindly,
Silver tinkled in the closet.
To resound with the cry of a child,
More than once your new home,
So that an angel descends into the nursery,
He kept peace with his wing!

You moved into a new house
Congratulations - updated
Let you have a new brownie
Give comfort, peace!
I wish you good mood
New thoughts, updates,
Let the family new fort
Gives happiness and comfort!

We value our company
We are in a hurry to congratulate her.
She has a housewarming party today
New luck awaits us.
I want to congratulate my colleagues
I wish everyone to get away from many troubles.
Let our company be comfortable
Contracts are many and freely.
And may our branded angel,
Everyone will bring cheerful congratulations.
And I'm the director of our company,
I'll give you some prizes!