
Riddles and secrets of the pyramids. The main mysteries of the pyramids Riddles about dolls


There are several hundred pyramids on Earth - from relatively small ones to buildings with a 30-story building. But scientists still have questions about their functionality.

Common features

Despite the fact that the pyramids scattered all over the planet differ in their size, shape, as well as the time of construction, they have much more in common than it might seem at first glance. Researchers note a largely similar handwriting of the construction of the pyramids. This applies to both stone processing and laying. Some pyramids, in particular, Mexican ones and those located in the depths of the ocean, are united by the presence at the foot of a “stylized head” carved from a monolith.

Scientists at the University of California recently mapped all the known pyramids and found that they are roughly in line. If we take the pyramids of Giza as a starting point, then this line ends at the pyramids of Guimar, erected in the Canary Islands.
According to the Norwegian traveler Thor Heyerdahl, the similarity of the ancient megalithic structures is explained by the fact that there was an exchange of experience between the islands and continents. With his expeditions, Heyerdahl proved the possibility of sailing ancient people over fairly long distances.


The most popular hypothesis for the construction of the pyramids is the desire of contemporaries to perpetuate the name of the earthly ruler by building a tomb for him. For these purposes, according to most historians, special burial chambers were created in the Egyptian pyramids, which were equipped for the afterlife of the pharaoh: he was left with jewelry, household utensils, furniture, and weapons. And false corridors and stone doors, according to popular belief, were supposed to protect the pharaoh from uninvited guests.

However, according to archaeologists, mummies have never been found in the pyramids. Burials were made in necropolises. For example, the mummy of Tutankhamun was found in the Valley of the Kings, Ramses II - in rock tombs, and the mummy of Cheops - the "master" of the largest Egyptian pyramid was never found.

Knowledge repository

One of the latest versions of the functional purpose of the pyramids suggests that they were built as a repository of knowledge of previous civilizations, in which astronomical and geographical information is expressed in the language of geometry.

Domestic and foreign scientists, including the British mathematician John Legon, carried out numerous calculations of the length of the faces and the base of the pyramids, their volumes, areas and even the distances between the pyramids, found strict patterns of multiplicity of series of numbers.
In particular, the ratio of the perimeter of the base of the pyramid of Cheops to its height is equal to the number 2Pi. Based on this fact, scientists conclude that the pyramid serves as a cartographic projection on a scale of 1:43200 of the Northern Hemisphere of the Earth.

navigation station

French researchers A. de Belizal and L. Chaumery made an unusual assumption that the Great Pyramid of Egypt served as a transmitting station. According to the researchers, due to the huge mass of the pyramid and the peculiarities of its shape, which was a "false vibrational prism", an opportunity was created for powerful radiations.

Radiaesthetic studies carried out by French specialists, in their opinion, showed that radiation could be recorded at a very large distance using a reduced model of such a pyramid. This allowed ancient people to navigate the route of a ship in the sea or a caravan in the desert without a compass.


Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences Olga Dluzhnevskaya suggests that the Mexican pyramid of Kukulkan could serve as a calendar. Along the entire perimeter, the structure is surrounded by stairs: on each side there are 91 steps - a total of 364, which is equal to the number of days in the year of the Mayan calendar. The stairs are divided into 18 flights, each of which corresponds to a month - that's how much the Mayan calendar counted.

Moreover, the location of the pyramid is very clearly oriented to the cardinal points, which creates an opportunity for an unusual visual effect on the days of the equinox. When the rays of the sun fall on the steps, something like a huge snake is formed: its head appears at the base of the stairs, while the body extends up the entire pyramid.

energy transformer

According to one of the hypotheses, the pyramids are the most powerful generators that are able to convert negative energy into positive. Thus, it is assumed that the accumulated energy of the pyramid of Cheops is focused in the royal room at the location of the sarcophagus.

The Russian engineer Alexander Golod indirectly confirms the functional purpose of the ancient pyramids by building the so-called energy pyramids, which, in his opinion, harmonize the structure of the surrounding space and positively affect a person. However, official science is skeptical about the theories of the Russian researcher.

Modern researchers are puzzled by one fact: why does the ascending tunnel of the Great Pyramid suddenly give way to a gallery whose height exceeds 8 meters? Proctor attributes this to the convenience of observing the stars. “If an ancient astronomer needed a large viewing slit, exactly bisected by the meridian across the North Pole, in order to observe the passage of celestial bodies, what would he require from an architect? A very tall tunnel with vertical walls,” concludes the researcher.

Poems about pyramids are collected in a general collection for children of all ages. Poems are useful for home memorization with kids, which will diversify educational games with a pyramid. And also for matinees in kindergartens or for themed holidays.

I. Dal
Pyramid collects
Nikolasha, younger brother.
Wears a ring.
Happened! Very glad.

L. Gromova
Liked by Marina
Collect the pyramid
Rainbows of color across her
You can even study.
Red ring large
We'd better not take it into account
Need something like this down here
To be more confident.
And then on a long rod
decreasing in size,
We put on the BLUE disk.
We put GREEN on it,
Above - RED! Rings by us
Placed in place!

I play pyramid...
As if building a tower...
I choose all colors...
I'm sizing...

The tower is out...
As tall as our cat...
Vaska was dragged to the tower ...
Vaska bit hard ...

I broke my whole tower ...
Escaped...and ran away...
Instead of a tower, I have ...
Got islands...

I. Dolmatova
From multi-colored circles
I'll take the pyramid
And then I'll take off the top
And I'll scatter it on the carpet.
I'll pick it up again and again
I'll roll all the circles!
I am not like brother Vova,
I don't suffer from grief...

Edith Snitsaruk
I'm building a pyramid
How difficult it is to assemble!
There are many multi-colored rings - One, two, three, four, five.
I'll put on the first one - a big one.
It's so hard for me to catch the rod!
Now one more, but less
There are three, four, five left.
Then my brother Kirill came,
He asked: "Do you need help collecting?"
We put on rings together
Now there are exactly five of them.

N. Radchenko
wooden rings -
Colored and shiny.
Let's build a tower
Just like a real one!
We put on a stick
Rings next to each other
And a bright red hat
To the very top.
And the tower turned out -
Elegant, beautiful:
Green and red
Both yellow and blue.
let's ring together
Let's count with you
And the turret in place
Let's put it on the shelf!

E. Vedernikova
Boris has a pyramid - the kid is very happy!
Rings different size- as many as five rings!
How to put back the rings - that's the question,
Oh, the task is not easy, and Boris is not easy!
He collects fifteen times - again the rings apart,
Oh, in what order to put them so that everything fits together?
After trying, trying, rings up and down.
The pyramid does not give up, and Boris puffs.
He sits with his eyebrows furrowed, very enthusiastic
Nine months to Boris - that's the point!

E. Chavkina
They bought me a pyramid
There are seven bagels on it.
What were they made of?
It's impossible to eat them!
I'll change places
Otherwise, let them stand.
Unlike only flowers
And they don't want to change!

S. Ledkova
I have a brother Vasya
He's still quite a baby.
I'm in the fourth grade
But you can't follow him!
Mom asks to play
With Vasya in the evenings,
Just what to do with it
I do not understand.
He doesn't want to listen to books
Can't draw
Didn't know how to roll the ball
How can I entertain Vasya?
Mom came to the rescue -
I brought you a pyramid.
Vasya claps his hands,
He likes the game.
He takes off all the rings
From the pyramid, and then
We collect them together
And we are not bored together!

We also offer you to watch educational cartoons for children. Cartoon fairy tale about a pyramid for kids. The story of how the rings of the pyramid lived in friendship, then quarreled, and finally reconciled again.

Nature is a sphinx. And the more she returns

With his temptation, he destroys a person,

What, perhaps, no from the century

There is no riddle, and there was none.
Fedor Tyutchev.

Majestic pyramids from ancient times amaze the imagination of man.
Many secrets of history, the secrets of the pharaohs, keep the Egyptian pyramids.
But today we will not talk about the history of the pharaohs and the country of the pyramids, but about other mysteries of these wonders of the world.

Incredible, fantastic mysteries are associated with the pyramids.
Theories about the alien origin of these wonders of the world, about the encrypted message hidden in the pyramids.
Especially many mysteries are hidden by three pyramids located in Giza near Cairo.
The pyramids were created in the Old Kingdom of Egypt during the IV-VI dynasties (XXVI-XXIII centuries BC), 4500 years ago.
Pyramids of Egypt- a popular plot in theory paleocontact where they appear the creation of an extraterrestrial high-tech civilization.

These theories appeared at the end of the 19th century.. According to the theory - pyramids built aliens from the star Sirius, and the ancient pharaohs are their descendants...
« Proof”are the numbers and codes encrypted in the size and ratio of the faces of the pyramids.
In these numbers one finds pi, and the golden ratio, and the distance to the sun, And prophecy of the coming of Christ.
A message to descendants from a highly developed civilization?

Proponents of the new theory argued that The Pyramid of Cheops built by the will of a higher mind by aliens from other worlds. And in the design of the pyramid, its parameters, the constants of the Earth and even ancient prophecies are encrypted, which formed the basis of the Old Testament.

The numbers match is amazing!
So the measure of the length of Egypt, i.e. pyramidal inch yes one billionth of an orbit Earth passed in 24 hours.
And the sum of the two diagonals of the Egyptian pyramid, expressed in inches, gives number of years, during which Earth's north pole makes one revolution. The volume of the pyramid, multiplied by the specific gravity the stone from which it is made ... gives the weight of the globe etc.

Here are some more "pyramid numbers":
If the perimeter of a pyramid divided by twice its height, we get 3,14 , that is, the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter, Pi.And if divide the side of the base of the pyramid by the length of the year, you get 10-millionths of the earth's semi-axis.
Height same pyramid is billionth of the distance from earth to sun.

By the way
Initially, the pyramids were covered with facing stones. polished white limestone. These stones reflected the light of the sun and the pyramids shone like precious stones. They could be seen from the mountains of Israel and maybe even from the moon...

Previously crowned pyramids pyramidion- pommel of pink granite or sparkling gold, lost today.
And there is an opinion that these bright tops of the pyramids (pyramidions) served lighthouses- landmarks for interstellar alien ships

The secret of the pyramids associated with mystery Atlantis.
Archaeologists discovered unique texts and manuscripts ancient egypt , transmitted according to legend to the Egyptians by the inhabitants ancient Atlantis who possessed superhuman knowledge. Perhaps they were aliens from other star systems.
In 1935, the famous American predictor Edgar Cayce declared that in a past life - several thousand years ago - he was an Egyptian. According to Casey's "memoirs", the Great Pyramids and the Sphinx were created by the inhabitants of Atlantis survivors of the disaster...
Attempts to find a secret meaning in the structure of the pyramids are largely due to the fact that it is not clear how these giant structures were built from huge blocks many millennia ago. Even for modern technology It's not so easy. So new hypotheses continue to appear.
Even in the very structure and location of the pyramids, they are trying to find evidence of a connection with the stars.

In 1983, the Englishman Robert Bauval made a sensational discovery: the location of the pyramids on the plateau at Giza coincides with the location of the stars in constellation Orion what it looked like in 10450 BC e .. The Three Great Pyramids are located in the same way as three stars of Orion's Belt, and the river Nile recalls Milky Way.

By the way, not only in Giza pyramids point to the stars.
British journalist Graham Hancock found that the location of the temples angkor thoma(the ancient capital of the Khmer Empire) repeats the position of the stars in the constellation The Dragon.

The Egyptians believed that the constellation Orion and star Sirius is the heavenly home of Osiris and Isis.

Sirius close to Orion in the sky. The Egyptians did not really separate Sirius and Orion, because they had other constellations.

And since ancient egyptian lifedepended on the floods of the Nile, whose time Sirius pointed out, then they assumed the origin of civilization precisely from Sirius.

Egyptians considered Sirius star Isis, called her Sothis(radiant, brilliant) .
Sothis the great shines in the sky and the Nile overflows its banks
"- a famous inscription from the temple of the goddess Hathor (Isis) in Dendera.

The Nile brought water, fish, fertile silt, and therefore bread, life. Future Harvest and Sunrise Sirius were inseparable.

I am buried like a slave in the desert sand.

Centuries will pass - and Sirius, over the Nile

Now burning with fire, it will become blue

May it shine more calmly on the graves... Bunin

pyramid predictions
The pyramid of Cheops is riddled with mines, laid in accordance with the maps of the starry sky.
It is assumed that these passages served for ritual events or were associated with astrology. For example, on the south side one could see the star Al Nitaka (Zeta Orionis) in the constellation Orion. Orion was associated with the Egyptian god Osiris.

In 1865 Robert Menzies suggested that
if we measure the length of the inner chambers of the pyramid in Egyptian inches, then we will find the dates of the most important events past and future.
It is especially surprising that the pyramid gives the date of birth of Jesus Christ, which in the "Book of the Dead" is called " Lordpyramids" and "Lord of death and resurrection".

On the construction of the pyramids
There is a theory that the blocks of the pyramids were not cut out of limestone, but were created right on the spot from primitive "concrete" - stone powder.

More versions
One of the versions trying to connect the pyramids with "aliens from space" includes materials about the African people Dogon (from Mali) with their knowledge about Sirius.

Proponents of the hypothesis paleovisit united Dogon, Sirius and pyramids, to explain everything strange facts gaining knowledge from supposed Sirians.

do play a role "encrypted message".
“Is it not for this reason that a calendar was introduced in Egypt, connected with Sirius, with its fifty-year cycle? And in those left by God Totom emerald tables when deciphering, they encounter hints of fundamentals of the theory of relativity, the atomic structure of matter and other modern knowledge?

From an article by the writer A.P. Kazantsev about the Egyptian pyramids:
“How to explain that the masses of the pyramids. Cheops, Khafre and Menkaure are related to each other like masses of planets Earth, Venus, Mars? How to explain what height pyramids of Cheops billion times less than the average distance between earth and sun?

hypothesis develops with dogon S. B. Proskuryakov, an employee of the Institute for Problems of Reliability and Durability of the Academy of Sciences of Belarus: We carried out an "information analysis" of the pyramid complex in Giza, the pyramid of Cheops, a complete miscalculation on a computer.

The optimal value for all four sides ... is 233.164 m, and the height is 146.595 m. So, those twelve digits according to our model, are inscribed inside the clock face, forming the so-called „ egyptian circle“.

And the so-called "constant" pyramid of Cheops, - considers the author of the model, - according to the structure and the number of characters - encoded information about the structure ... star system Sirius-alpha constellation Canis Major.
By the way, dog was part of the pantheon of ancient deities and personified Anubis". “It's not just the numbers that testify,” he notes elsewhere. - The result was a diagram, where from random graphic lines arose figuredogs like it was done by a computer! - „ Big Dog“?»

But. Mappings with " Big Dog"hardly solid, - the names" Big Dog" and "Small Dog" originated from the myth about the hunter Orion, myth ancient Greek.
Egyptians there was a different organization of stars into constellations and other names for constellations: Lion, Crocodile, Hippo ... Ursa Major was called "Teslo".
BUT« canine» star, « Canis", called Sirius ancient Romans.
So. What was not found in the proportions of the pyramids! Pi and the golden ratio, distance to the sun, diameter of the earth etc. However, inaccuracies were found in the calculation of these values. As a result ... all reports of mathematical information hidden in the geometry of the pyramid were declared fiction.

And in fact, any amazing numerical match is obtained by elementary adjustment.

This fact was superbly beaten by Umberto Eco in the novel Foucault's Pendulum.

That's how in Foucault's Pendulum" one of the characters talks about the “mystery of the pyramids”, and then beautifully refutes. The passage mentions the book Piazzi Smith,"Our Heritage in the Great Pyramid" published in London in 1880 .
“... the writer begins with the fact that the height of the pyramid of Cheops is equal to the square root of the figure of the area of ​​\u200b\u200beach of the sides.
... at the base of the pyramids there is a square, the side of which is 232 meters, and the height of the pyramid is 148 meters. If you convert these values ​​to Egyptian sacred cubits, get the length of the base in 366 cubits, which corresponds to the number of days in a leap year. According to Piazzi Smith, the height of the pyramid, multiplied by ten to the ninth power, equals the distance from the Earth to the Sun: 148 million kilometers. ... in modern science, this distance is considered 149.5 million km.
Base Width, divided by the width of one from stones , is 365m. The perimeter of the base is 931 m. Divide by twice the height of the pyramid and you get 3.14 - Pi. It's lovely, isn't it?

…So, from the top to the bottom, the measurements of the Great Pyramid in Egyptian inches are 161,000,000,000. So many human souls lived on earth from Adam until today…

… We can refer to pyramidion, a small pyramid located on top of a large one, which formed its top. Pyramidion was made of gold or some other shiny metal. Having removed the height of the pyramidion, must be multiplied by the height of the entire pyramid, multiply the result by 10 to the fifth power, and we will get the circumference of the equator.

Moreover, by measuring base perimeter by multiplying it twenty four to the third power And dividing by two, we get mean radius of the earth.
Not only that: the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe base of the pyramid, multiplied by ninety-six times ten to the eighth power, gives 196 million 810 thousand square miles, that is, the surface of the globe. Is that how he writes?

Another excerpt - flower stall magic numbers!

“…Truths? - Alier chuckled ... To begin with, if you divide the exact area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe base by twice the exact height, ... the result will be 3.1417254, and not Pi at all ...

"With a theatrical gesture, he threw open the shutters, invited us to look out and pointed not far away, on the corner ... wooden flower kiosk.

“Gentlemen,” he said. “I suggest you go and measure this booth. You will see that the counter is 149 centimeters long, one hundred billionth of the distance between the Earth and the Sun. The height of its back wall, divided by the width of the window, gives us 176/56, that is, 3.14. The height of the facade is nineteen decimeters, that is, equal to the number of years ancient Greek lunar cycle. The sum of the heights two front ribs and two back ribs is calculated as follows: 190x2 + 176x2 = 732, this is the date of the victory at Poitiers.
The thickness of the counter is 3.10 centimeters, and the width of the window casing is 8.8 centimeters. Replacing the integers with the corresponding letters of the alphabet, we get C10H8, that is, the formulanaphthalene.“Fantastic,” I said. Did you measure yourself?

You can do anything with numbers..
If I have the sacred number 9, and I would like to receive 1314 , that is, the year of the burning of Jacques de Molay- this day is dear to the heart of everyone who is part of the Templar chivalric tradition - what am I doing? I multiply by 146 (the fatal year of the destruction of Carthage).
How did I arrive at this result?? I divided 1314 by two, by three, and so on, until I found a suitable date. I could divide 1314 by 6.28, which is a doubling of 3.14, and I would come to the figure 209. Well, this year Attalus I, king of Pergamum, joined the anti-Macedonian coalition. Is it good?"
End quote from Umberto Eco.


But what values ​​\u200b\u200bwere invested in the numbers of the pyramids by the Egyptians themselves
(According to the book of the Russian scientist Alexander Arefiev "Pyramids of hypotheses, tombs of facts»)

It is strange, but obviously incorrect units of length are mentioned in Egyptology, and this is essential when it comes to the next “pyramid-cosmic” miracle.

The following criteria can serve as a test of truth:
Lengths are expressed evenly(customer ordered) numbers;
Lengths are expressed in ancient Egyptian units length (and certainly not in meters).

The units were: one elbow was 7 palms, and one Palm was 4 fingers. We have: 1 cubit = 0.466 m; 1 palm = 0.0665 m; 1 finger \u003d 0.0166 m (abbreviated as lux, ld, pts).

Here are examples: the height of the pharaoh's pyramid Djoser is equal to 1000 ld (66 m); the height of the pyramid of Snefru, the father of Cheops, is equal to 200 lx (92.3 m); dimensions of the temple of pharaoh Khafre 100 lx x 100 lx (47 m x 47 m).

If measured in meters of the famous sphinx on the Neva embankment, "from ancient Thebes in Egypt", brought "to the city of St. Peter in 1832", we will not get anything remarkable: length - 5 m, width - 1.5 m, height 3.5 m.

But the sphinx is “transformed” in ancient Egyptian measures: length 10 lux + 5 ld, width - 3 lux + 1.5 ld, height - 7 lux + 3.5 ld, everywhere the ratio of large and small units is 2:1.
Everything turned out to be primitive and simple: - the ancient Egyptians loved beautiful round numbers.
“Maybe if you count the number of blocks in all the pyramids, then you can stumble upon Planck's constant, and if you somehow connect the corners of the pyramids and calculate the perimeter, you can find the cosmological constant. If you find many such hints of fundamental constants hidden in the Egyptian pyramids, skeptics will not be able to get away))
Interesting hypotheses and facts
Curse of the pharaohs

Everyone knows about the Egyptian pyramids. And everyone is familiar with the official version of their origin: the pyramids were built at the cost of exploiting thousands of slaves. But, there have always been skeptics who questioned this version. In a sense, illiterate slaves could not build such grandiose objects. Then who? When there are no convincing hypotheses, fantasy comes into play. The authors of the pyramids were considered either the inhabitants of Atlantis or aliens. But many, having heard about these versions, preferred to continue to believe in slaves and pharaohs. But...

First, about the priamides themselves. The following features of the pyramids are known:

Mathematical- the ratio of their geometric elements includes the "golden section" (the ratio between the apothem of the side face and half the length of the base of the pyramid of Cheops), the number "pi" (the perimeter of the base is equal to the length of the circle, the radius of which is equal to the height of the pyramid of Cheops) and trigonometric features, possibly the following from the constructions used (the tangent of the angle of inclination of the side face of the pyramid of Cheops is equal to the inverse sine of this angle (51 degrees 30 minutes)).

Astronomical- the orientation of the pyramids along the north-south line is made with an accuracy of up to 3 minutes of arc; there are moves oriented to some stars.

Geological- in addition to local material (limestone of rocks located several hundred meters away), granite (presumably brought from Aswan, located 900 km upstream of the Nile) and basalt (origin unknown) were used.

Technological– during the construction, millions of limestone blocks with an average weight of 2.5 tons were used, slabs weighing more than 200 tons were repeatedly used, careful finishing of not only limestone, but also granite and basalt slabs; there are conical holes drilled in granite and basalt and corresponding cores (discovered at the end of the 19th century) with a groove with a pitch of 2 mm; the passages laid in the thickness of the pyramids are made along lines that deviate from a straight line by no more than 5 mm at a distance of about 80 m, the planes of the faces of the pyramids are made with great accuracy.

The questions are as follows:

Being very impressive structures, they have all of the above features that do not correspond to the ideas about the level of development of civilization of those times.

Neither the purpose of the pyramids themselves, nor the purpose of the premises and passages (taking into account their location and size) that are inside the pyramids, is unclear.

Despite the large amount of the cultural heritage of ancient Egypt, neither descriptions nor drawings related to the construction of the pyramids, as well as their images themselves, have been found. The Egyptians did not build pyramids, but only used structures that existed before them.


What kind of civilization is this?

Slabs of black basalt, used in the construction of some Egyptian pyramids and temples, have preserved traces of a circular saw, which the ancient Egyptians with their level of technological development (as it is commonly believed) could not have had. What about holes in granite? What kind of drills and drills were used in the time of the pharaohs? The pyramids themselves, apparently, stand on the site of some even more ancient semi-underground structures with incomprehensible functions: either shelters from natural disasters, or shelters in case of wars.

Is it possible that the Egyptian state arose on the basis of some pra-civilization. At the beginning of the III century BC. The historian Manetho lived in Egypt. In our time, he is known as the only ancient Egyptian author known to us who compiled a full-fledged historical work on the history of Ancient Egypt - the author of the book "History of Egypt"

Manetho left us a chronological list of the rulers of Egypt, including the first kingdom, when the gods ruled the country 10-12 thousand years ago. Perhaps we are talking about representatives of the unknown history of an ancient civilization (some researchers believe that we are talking about Atlantis)

Sphinx Egypt 1860

inventory stele

It is noteworthy that a century and a half ago, the so-called inventory stele was found in Egyptian Giza, which indicates that Pharaoh Cheops ordered to repair the damaged statue of the Sphinx (according to the generally accepted version, it was built about 2.5 thousand years BC). It has traces of rain erosion. But it is known that Egypt has existed without heavy rains for at least eight thousand years. When the Egyptian authorities drew attention to this, they, frightened of something, ordered that the inventory stele be removed to the storeroom of the Cairo Museum, and they decided to urgently restore the surface of the Sphinx. Or to clean from traces of erosion? What are they hiding?

If you are still lucky enough to get to the Aswan quarries, then pay attention to the pits that go several meters deep. They are about half a meter in diameter, and there are many of them.

Interesting. A man, standing on his head, hammers the granite a few meters down, while polishing the walls of the channel. And all this for what? According to Egyptologists - in order to see the direction of the crack, which, by the way, is perfectly determined from the outside.

One conclusion can be drawn - the ancients had a tool that allowed them to work with granite as with foam plastic.

Two more interesting facts. The Pyramid of Cheops. It is based on a rock, about 10 meters high, but the base of this granite surface is 2 cm from the horizontal, with a side of an almost perfect square of 230 meters. The spread of the sides is no more than 10 cm. Also, the pyramid is almost perfectly oriented to the cardinal points. Positioning error 0.015%.

I work in the field of construction. Even in our time, with all these laser devices, it is almost impossible to achieve such accuracy. What tools did the pyramid builders use?

Another important detail was that the surface of the pyramids was covered with polished limestone, concave in the center. This coating was so brilliant that its reflected light could be seen from the Moon. By the way, the bending radius of the surfaces repeated the bending radius of the Earth's surface, and, therefore, was not visible up close. Later, an earthquake loosened the cladding, and the Arabs took away these stones to restore the mosque of Sultan Hassan, Cairo palaces and other things. The stones with which the pyramid was lined were joined with a gap of 0.5 mm with ideal right angles. Moreover, this micro-gap was also intended to be filled with glue, making them waterproof.

Again, in my opinion personal experience in construction, even today, when facing tiles are made in workshops with the help of machines, it is impossible to get perfectly flat tiles with exactly 90-degree angles. We buy slabs in Spain and Italy, because these slabs have the least error. And the Egyptians are perfect. How?

There is another, in my opinion, important point. The dating of the pyramids is determined by radiocarbon dating. And he is able to determine the age of only organic substances. That is, the age of the pyramids was determined by the remains of wood left by the ancients.

For example, the Sphinx was built during the time of Pharaoh Cheops, 2500 BC. But it is not a fact that they were the builders. 150 years ago, the so-called “Inventory Stele” was found in Giza, which I wrote about above, on which it was written that Cheops only ordered the Sphinx to be “restored”, and not built. Moreover, there is a theory that the Sphinx was so terrible that people could die of fear just by looking into its eyes. And, therefore, his face was altered to be more human.

Also, in the 90s, it was proved that the furrows on the body of the Sphinx are traces of rain erosion. But, as I have already noted, there has been no rain in Egypt for more than 8 thousand years. And the Sphinx is a much later building than the pyramids.

On the pyramids of the 6th dynasty, the blocks were 500 kg each. On the pyramids of the 4th dynasty, the blocks were from 2 to 50 tons.

The density of limestone is 2.63 - 2.73 g / cm3, I was on the pyramids and saw blocks 1.5x1.5x2m in size. If you count, then their weight is more than 12 tons.

I will allocate funds to you so that you hire as many people as you like, so that without a single support of machines, they would raise this block to a height of at least twenty-five meters and install it there “butt-to-butt” with another of the same kind.

The pyramid, according to Herodotus, took 20 years to build. If we count all the blocks used in the construction, and there are 2.3 million of them, then by calculations we get that these workers put 315 blocks on top of each other per day, with an average weight of 5 tons each. This is about 13 blocks per hour. And this is about 4.5 lumps per minute. This is mathematics. What kind of workers are these?

Here's another riddle. How could workers move and process such massive stones?

If you examine the stones located along the perimeter of the pyramid of Cheops, you can find stones with cuts, like from a circular saw. Moreover, when cutting, grinding also occurs. This effect can only be achieved with a diamond-coated disk rotating at high speed. But the ancient Egyptians worked with copper saws, which simply can't do anything like that.

Obelisk with holes drilled into it

Also, not far from the place where tourists are led - Karnak - there is an obelisk on which holes are drilled. Perhaps for fixing something. Holes with a diameter of 1 cm were drilled to a depth of about 10 cm. Moreover, they were made at an angle of 10-20 degrees to the surface. I assure you that such a hole, even in very soft material, even today, is quite problematic to make - the drill will simply lead away. What kind of technology did the ancients use, that the cutting tool bit into granite like butter?

Also, traces of cutting with a circular saw can be found in the quarries in South Saqqara, although tourists are not allowed there. Why are they not allowed?

Cut marks on basalt

Note. The cut marks on the basalt are clear and parallel. The quality of this work shows that the cuts were made with a perfectly stable blade, without any signs of the initial "yaw" of the blade. It seems that sawing basalt in ancient Egypt was not a very laborious task, because the craftsmen easily allowed themselves to leave extra, “fitting” marks on the rock, which, if manually cut, would be an excessive waste of time and effort. Such "fitting" cuts are not the only ones here, several similar marks from a stable and easily cutting tool can be found within a radius of 10 meters from this place. Along with horizontal, there are also vertical parallel furrows.

Drilled channels

Another interesting detail is the use in ancient Egypt of such technology as drilling. Drilled channels in various products of Ancient Egypt vary from 0.63 cm to 45 cm in diameter. The smallest hole made in granite is about 5 cm in diameter. The granite product shown in the photo, drilled with a tubular drill, was exhibited in the Cairo Museum without any accompanying information, and the guides themselves did not have any information. The photograph clearly shows circular spiral grooves in the open areas of the product, which are absolutely identical to each other. The characteristic "rotational" pattern of these channels seems to confirm observations about the method of removing a piece of granite by first drilling a kind of "chain" of holes.

However, if you look closely at the ancient Egyptian artifacts, it becomes clear that drilling holes in stones, even the hardest rocks, did not constitute any serious problem for the Egyptians. In the following photographs you can see the channels, presumably made by tubular drilling.

Most of the granite doorways in the Valley Temple, located near the Sphinx, clearly show bore holes. During the construction of the temple, the holes were apparently used to fasten door hinges when hanging doors.

In the following pictures you can see something even more impressive - a channel with a diameter of about 18 cm, obtained in granite using a tubular drill. The thickness of the cutting edge of the tool is amazing. It is unbelievable that this was copper - with the existing thickness of the end wall of the tubular drill and the expected force on its working edge, this should be an alloy of incredible strength (the picture shows one of the channels that opened when a granite block was split in Karnak)

Probably, purely theoretically, in the very presence of holes of this type there is nothing incredibly incredible, which could not have been obtained by the ancient Egyptians with great desire. However, drilling holes in granite is a very difficult task. Tube drilling is a fairly specialized technique that will not evolve without the real need to have large diameter holes in hard rock. These holes demonstrate a high level of technology developed by the Egyptians, apparently not for “hanging doors”, but already quite developed and advanced by that time, which would require at least several centuries for its development and preliminary experience of application.

Several arguments of the supporters of the "concrete pyramids" version.

The hypothesis about the concrete used in the construction of the pyramids was first put forward in the late 1970s by French (or Swiss, information differs) scientists. Various experts have been testing their concept. Using X-rays, electron microscopes, and a plasma torch, they found traces of a "fast chemical reaction that prevented natural crystallization." For natural stones such a phenomenon is inexplicable, but it confirms the artificial origin of limestone blocks. The Frenchman, in turn, successfully tested the manufacture of concrete structures from limestone: at the Institute of Geopolymers in Saint-Quentin, he managed to produce and dry a large block using hypothetical Egyptian technology in ten days.

But, opponents of the Frenchman's theory, those same experts, argue that the ancient Egyptians needed gigantic amounts of chalk and coal to make concrete. The remains of chalk and coal were not found near the pyramids. In addition, there is no evidence of the use of molds for casting blocks.

Perhaps concrete slabs, but there are traces anyway. Whatever one may say, be it the technology of "granite" concrete or milling cutters, the Egyptians were not as simple as their official history describes.

And then, the fact that the Egyptians used concrete does not mean that the pyramids were entirely built from it. “It was used (that is, not everywhere) at the upper levels of structures,” but on the lower levels, all the same blocks of limestone. Can't geologists tell limestone from concrete?

Many believe that the Egyptians only restored the pyramids, and they were built before them, and then “limestone concrete” could be used.

Let's sum up a little, according to the above arguments:

1. There are two types of pyramids on the Giza plateau: some (the pyramids of Cheops, Khafre, Mykerin, etc.) are made of large blocks of granite and limestone (2.5-70 tons) and reach enormous sizes; others - "small" pyramids are ten times smaller than the first ones and the material for them was small blocks of limestone (hardness lower than that of granite), or they were generally made of clay bricks. Moreover, the former were built (according to historians) in a very short period, during the Fourth Dynasty (75% of the volume of all pyramids), while the latter were built later and have already turned into ruins. Question: for several centuries, the Egyptians lost all their building skills?
2. There are several pyramids having the base and bottom rows of the first, but otherwise built like the second.
3. Copper tools are stored in the Cairo Museum, but technologists deny the possibility of building pyramids using only these tools, given the volume, timing, complexity and accuracy of the work.
4. On some blocks there are traces of machine processing, i.e. drill and cutter marks.
5. Sarcophagi and blocks of pyramids are made with jewelry precision. Maybe the Egyptians were like the Swiss obsessed with accuracy and quality? But why is it for the construction of alleged graves?

Based on these data, several assumptions:

1. Egyptian civilization came from outside when many of the pyramids were already built. The Egyptians only restored the pyramids. “He will replace you with another people who will not resemble you!” (Quran, 47:38)
2. Prior to the Fourth Dynasty, the Egyptians did not use existing pyramids. Having misunderstood the definition of "Gate to the kingdom of the dead", and the purpose of the sarcophagi, the pharaohs ordered to bury them in the pyramids.
3. Perhaps the first, or one of the first, this tradition was started by Khufu, because. his relatives "belong" a small amount of big pyramids.
4. The Egyptian texts mention the "construction" of these pyramids, but this word is also translated as "restoration".
5. The tradition was continued, the pharaohs were dying, and the "tombs" became scarce. At first, dilapidated pyramids were restored (by primitive methods and primitive materials), and when they ended, the last pharaohs had to be buried in primitive pyramids made of clay bricks, the Egyptians were not capable of more at that moment.
6. Since subsequently no mummies were found directly inside the pyramids, the version with the “grave” disappears. Then what are these structures for?

Questions may arise, they say, “Where did these tools go? Is there really nothing left of civilizations except the pyramids? A more appropriate question would be “Where did the devices (machines) that rotated these tools go. There are several hypotheses about their absence:

Firstly, the size of, say, a drill, even a large one, is incomparable with the size of the pyramid, and you can look for it like a needle in a haystack. Secondly, under the pyramids, and under the entire Giza plateau, there is a network of underground passages and caves, where no human foot has yet set foot. Thirdly. Nothing is known for sure about the age of the pyramids, and it can be very significant. Since their construction, a number of cataclysms could have happened, including the biblical flood or tsunami, which could simply wash away all evidence of someone's existence and destroy some pyramids. Fourthly, it was not necessarily a drill or a milling cutter, it is possible that other technologies unknown to us were used.

But there is a lot of evidence of the use of these technologies, there are enough of them in the Cairo Museum. Here are just a few of them.

The lower part of this granite vase is worked with such precision that the entire vase (approximately 23 cm in diameter, hollow inside and with a narrow neck), when placed on a glass surface, after rocking, assumes an absolutely vertical position along the axial line. At the same time, the area of ​​​​contact with the glass of its surface is not larger than that of a chicken egg. A necessary condition for such an accurate

balancing - a hollow stone ball must have a perfectly even, uniform wall thickness (with such a tiny base area - less than 3.8 mm2 - any asymmetry in such a dense material as granite would lead to a deviation of the vase from the vertical axis).

Also exhibited in the Cairo Museum is a rather large (60 cm in diameter or more) original product made of slate. It resembles a large vase with a cylindrical center 5–7 cm in diameter, with an external thin rim and three plates evenly spaced along the perimeter and bent towards the center. What it is and how it could be used is not specified. Guides do not have information. In the museum itself there is a whole hall with such incomprehensible products.

Why did the Egyptians degrade?

It is clear to anyone who visits the area of ​​the pyramids that after the Fourth Dynasty there was a sharp decline in the construction of pyramids. The pharaohs of the Fifth Dynasty built five relatively small pyramids at Abusir, about nine kilometers from Giza, and two smaller pyramids at Saqqara, not far from the Step Pyramid of Djoser. All of them were built rather ingenuously, and their inner part collapsed, which is not the case in the pyramids of the Fourth Dynasty that preceded it. All the pyramids of the Fifth Dynasty at the present time are just a heap of stone blocks. During the Sixth Dynasty, four small pyramids were erected at Saqqara, all about 53 meters high, but they are now even more deplorable. This was the end of the actual “epoch”.

The photographs show that the cladding blocks were leveled after laying. Plus, the surface of the raw blocks is not like what is mined in a quarry, it is smoothed.
And this is a core from the Cairo Museum. We cut these out in concrete for testing at construction sites. With the help of German and Japanese machines. How did the Egyptians carve it? Here is another strange tool. Core in a core. During the construction of the Burj al Arab, these were used to fasten the iron parts of the frame. Iron expands from heat and gives an error of 5 cm. To prevent damage to the structure, such pins were used at the ligament points.

Plate or crucible with curved edges made of gneiss

Plate or crucible with curved edges made of gneiss (almost granite). Wall thickness 2 mm. I don't think it's likely that it was made to look like this. It looks more like the edges are curled. About the purpose - most likely it is a crucible for melting reagents.

Quote from Vimanika Shastra:
“To melt these types of metals, crucibles of various classes are used. There are said to be 40 varieties of crucibles of the second group alone. Of all these crucibles, the crucible number 5 is prescribed for melting base metals, known by the name of antarmukha (the edges of the hole of which are bent inward).

Something else about the Egyptian pyramids.

Some pyramids of different dynasties were built of unbaked bricks and poorly processed stones laid in mortar, and on the lower levels they have high-quality masonry of megalithic blocks. These two completely different technologies, applied in one place, allow us to judge that these pyramids were built on the ruins of more ancient structures.

This feature is found in the "cult" buildings of different civilizations around the world. Teotihuacan, Bolivia, Peru, Greece, Ethiopia - this is not a complete list of such places. The structures themselves were built by the natives from small stones or bricks laid on mortar and are a pitiful sight. But if you go inside, we will see quite massive blocks with right angles and high quality processing.

Usually massive blocks of 20-100 tons can be found in the lower tiers of the building, in the foundation and underground part. What is also typical for such places is that fragments of stelae, blocks of the same quality, are lying around, but the natives could not even clear the space from them.

Here is one such example - the tombs of Aksum (Ethiopia). The top part is made of small stones, and underground granite blocks. Moreover, the technology of their laying is more typical for Central America than for this region.


Tomb of Seti II. For some reason, the sarcophagus is turned upside down and placed over a small pit, without even covering it completely. With all its parameters, it literally demonstrates with its own eyes the real possibilities of the Egyptians of the period even of the New Kingdom in the processing of hard rocks of stone. Although they tried for the pharaoh, they could not jump above their heads.

Serapeum (Saqqara). The inscriptions on the outer sides of the "sarcophagus" contrast sharply in quality with the granite box itself. Granite is carefully polished, the planes are perfectly aligned, and the inscriptions are simply scratched carelessly. And it is easy to notice curved lines instead of straight lines, as well as the absence of an elementary parallelism of the scratched elements of the drawing, both among themselves and relative to the edges of the granite box. It is quite obvious that the level of skill of those who applied the inscriptions absolutely does not correspond to the level of skill of the manufacturers of the granite “box” itself. But it is precisely according to these inscriptions that the Serapeum is dated!

Olga Zamatyrina
"Mysteries of the Pyramid". Lesson in the younger group

Target: Develop attention, thinking, speech, general motor skills. fasten

ability to navigate in space.

Material: Applicative depicted large pyramids with removable parts. Fishing rod. Multi-colored balls and hoops. Toys. Envelopes with split pictures. Flannelgraphs, easels. Kitten suit. treat (candies).

Entertainment progress:

To the sound of cheerful music, the children enter the hall.


Is everyone gathered?

Is everyone healthy?

Children, are you ready to play?



Well then don't be lazy

Get to the workout!

Jump-jump, jump-jump,

Bunny jumped on a stump.

(Jump in place on two legs)

He beats the drum loudly

(March in place)

Calls to play leapfrog.


It's cold for a bunny to sit

(squat down)

You need to warm up your paws.


Paws up, paws down

(Raise and lower hands)

Pull up on your toes.

(Rise on toes, hands up)

We put our paws on the side,

(Put hands on belt)

On the track skok-skok-skok,

(Jump forward)

And then squatting

(squat down, stand up)

So that the paws do not freeze.



Well done! Surprises await you today. Here, one of them. (Shows pyramid) What is it? (Pyramid) This the pyramid is not simple.

Made pyramid.

One, two, three, four, five.

Hidden in it puzzles,

We must guess them.

Let's take a look riddles and solve her riddles. What needs to be removed first? (Top, cap)

The child takes off pyramid top, sees that a cat is drawn under it.

Played game "The cat came to the stove"

Children perform movements as shown by the leader.

The cat went to the stove

The cat went to the stove

(Walk in a circle holding hands).

He found a pot of porridge

I found a pot of porridge there,

(They walk in a circle in the other direction, holding hands).

And on the stove kalachi,

Oh delicious and hot!

(Stop, turn to face the center of the circle, clap their hands).

Pies are baked in the oven

(Bend forward, arms forward, palms up).

They are not handed out.

(They straighten up, hide their hands behind their backs)

Kotik comes out to the audio recording of cheerful music (adult). He is ridiculously dressed.


Hello children!

I am a happy cat

I'm used to warmth and kindness.

I'm a difficult cat

Curious, mischievous.

Guys, what are you doing here?

Children's answers.


Kitty, you must have been in a hurry? Look, children, how our guest is dressed.

Children help Kitty change clothes.


Well, thank you! I was really in a hurry. I wanted to play faster with you. I just forgot this...


We have a wonderful pyramid. It will help you remember everything.

The child, at will, removes the upper ring from the image of the picture, under which a fishing rod is drawn.


Yay my rod! We will play with her.

The cat rotates the fishing rod, the children jump over. The one who hit the bait is out of the game.


Who will take off the next ring from pyramids?

The child, chosen with the help of a rhyme, removes from pyramids second ring, under which toys are drawn.

Played game "Where's the toy?", "What changed?"

The leader on the table lays out the toys on the table. Children take turns calling them and telling where they stand. For example, a matryoshka stands in front of a car, a hare behind a teddy bear, etc.

Then the children turn away, Kotik rearranges the toys. The called child must say how the arrangement of the toys has changed.


I wonder what else the riddle was prepared by the pyramid?

Who has no arms and no legs

The most agile jumper?

He jumps and jumps.

Hurt - do not cry.


Let's check if you guessed correctly riddle.

Child (optional) removes from pyramids third ring, under which the ball is drawn.

Played game "Find Your Home".

The host puts four hoops on the floor (red, blue, green, yellow). Children take colorful balls and run around the hall to the music. At the end of the music, they stand near the hoop that matches the color of their ball.


I love playing with you so much! Take it off soon pyramids next ring.

Child (optional) removes from pyramids fourth ring, under which large and small squares are drawn.


What kind of game is it? How are the figures different? (One square is large and the other is small).


It's a game "Big small" depicting geometric shapes.

The cat and the presenter alternately show pairs of pictures of geometric shapes and various objects. Children call the object and its size in chorus.


We shoot from pyramids another ring.

Child (optional) removes the fifth ring from pyramids, under which the drawn picture, cut into pieces.

Played game "Collect a picture".

Each child receives an envelope with a cut picture and assembles an image from the parts.


I wonder what's hidden underneath next ring pyramids?

Child (optional) removes from pyramids sixth ring, under which a pipe is drawn.

Sounds like an audio recording of fun music. Children with Kitty perform an impromptu dance.


On the pyramid the last ring is left. What is under it?

Child (optional) removes from pyramid ring, under which candies are drawn.


We played nicely, but it's time to part.

Don't be bored without me

Get a treat!

Treats children with sweets.