
Crafts from small stones with your own hands. What can be done from stones with your own hands? From sea pebbles


Drawings (mosaic) from stones (pebbles) for children with their own hands. Photo.

Children's paintings, panels and drawings from stones

Few of the children have ever brought home a beautiful pebble. And so that the stones do not just lie, but be useful, you can make a game out of them - a mosaic (constructor): lay out various images, and then disassemble and create new ones.

Stones (pebbles) for this can be any: both sea, and the most common, found near the river, road, brought for repair or construction.

If you glue them with super-glue or glue-gun to cardboard, you get panels or pictures of stones. This lesson develops fine motor skills, creative thinking, perseverance. Moreover, panels and pictures made of stones are not only children's fun. Adult masters create real masterpieces using this technique.

Diy stone drawings for grade 1

To show children the diversity of one of the types of children's creativity from natural material, in many schools, children in grade 1 are asked about the world around them homework make drawings of stones with your own hands, and then photograph your work and bring a photo.

Since the drawings themselves do not need to be carried to school, the background for them can be done as follows:

  • use cardboard, paper, fabric, etc. as a background for the picture.
  • lay out the drawing on the street: on the ground or on the sand

If you create patterns and drawings from stones not on paper, but on the ground or sand, then you will get works in technology that, although not durable, can be admired by all casual passers-by.

The drawing itself can also be done in different ways:

  • lay out the whole image with stones together with the inner parts (mosaic)
  • lay out stones only the outline of the image
  • lay out stones and the outline of the image, and some of its parts
  • take into account or not take into account the color of stones when drawing up an image

The image can be laid out with stones without preliminary sketches or made a sketch with a contour. If a child is at a loss with the plot for such a drawing or is not satisfied with the outline drawn by him, you can find on the Internet and print the simplest coloring for kids with a minimum amount of small details, and then lay it out with stones.

Drawings from stones for children on paper

As an example, I will show several photographs of our stone drawings with my daughter.

Snail - drawing from stones

Butterfly - drawing from stones

Composition of stones: flowers and a butterfly

Composition of stones: sun, clouds, herringbone, duck

Dogs - crafts from stones

My daughter and I did the next few crafts with dogs made of stones:

These are the compositions turned out (in one of them my daughter used a straw in addition to stones).

Man with a dog on a leash

Dog playing with a ball

Meeting on the track


Autumn pictures of stones

For the picture on autumn theme we found a handful of small stones of yellow, orange and brown to lay out the base of the clearing from them - the ground with fallen leaves, as well as several larger stones (for a butterfly, dragonfly and mushrooms).

From these stones the picture "Mushroom meadow" was made.

Mushroom clearing

And the picture "Autumn Flower".

Autumn flower

And then, when the youngest daughter began to play with these pebbles: sorting out, pouring into toy dishes, etc., the older one made several more simple figures. On paper, especially on color, they would look better than on oilcloth, and the lighting left much to be desired, so the photo is of poor quality. But I'll show you these figures as an example.

From left to right and from top to bottom: bird, bunny, ducks, cat, giraffe.

Halloween plots

And my daughter made these figures using the finished details: a witch on a broomstick, an owl, a cat, a pumpkin and some kind of tailed robber.

The cat and the owl take a closer look. The owl's eyes and beak are made of paper.

Children's drawings with stones on the street

We received several works from stones created by children during a walk. These ideas can be used with children both to do homework about the world around them, and so that they can usefully spend time in the summer (and maybe not only in the summer) on the street.

Many thanks to the participants for these ideas and photos!

Drawing from stones and other natural materials

The work "Dragon" was completed Senkina Anastasia(5.9 years old) and Senkin Yaroslav (2.8 years old) from Moscow. When creating it, not only stones were used, but also other natural materials: twigs, leaves, flower petals.

Painting with stones

The work "Drawings with stones" with a little help from Yulia's mother was done by Kolya Kucheryavy, 4 years old, St. Petersburg.

Julia told how she and Kolya created these drawings:

"Good afternoon! I decided to show you how we learn to draw the simplest pictures natural materials, namely - stones.

Having come one fine day with a child to the lake, we thoughtlessly, but with pleasure, just threw stones into the water, and then I offered my son to build a castle of sand and stones, but my son did not want to ... Well, he didn’t want to, and okay, work for fantasy is really not easy. And then the idea came up: draw a castle! And then a boat, a fish and even a turtle.

It was here that the child with great pleasure laid out drawings with stones, which then it was not a pity to disassemble and lay out new pattern... And the secret is that the drawing must be drawn in advance with a stick or finger on wet sand (this is done by an adult). Here is such an uncomplicated coloring! "

I also suggest looking at:

  • an article about fascinating ones, among which there is a very interesting book for children about stones;
  • article;
  • other articles about creativity from, for example, pro.

© Yulia Valerievna Sherstyuk, https: // site

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  • Drawing with plasticine and beads: the underwater world ...

Stone is a natural material that people have learned to use since time immemorial. At first, tools of labor were made from it, and later they began to build dwellings. Several centuries passed, and craftsmen appeared who learned how to create real masterpieces of decorative and applied art from stone. And today there are many craftsmen who are able to make from this material chic jewelry for home and garden. Such stone crafts can be both very complex and quite simple. Below are several options that you can do yourself.

Simple crafts from stones with your own hands

Even without special abilities, you can make something original. For example, everyone can create stone cacti. This will require a flower pot, coarse sand and coarse pebbles. In addition, you should purchase bright green and white that are suitable for staining stone.

To make crafts you should:

  • pour sand into flower pots;
  • paint pebbles in green color and wait until it dries up;
  • using a thin brush, apply white stripes to the "cacti" and draw needles;
  • wait until the paint dries;
  • bury the "cacti" in the sand by 1/3.

Pots with such "indoor plants" can be installed in the garden or on the windowsill, as well as decorate the terrace in the country with them.

But to create a handicraft made of stone in the shape of a turtle, which can be made with children, you only need plasticine and beads for the eyes.


Remember the tale about Danila the Master? The young man had to work hard to make a stone flower of unprecedented beauty.

It will take years to learn how to work with a malachite chisel, but a beautiful element for garden and home decor can be made using brushes and paints.

Flowers from a stone, more precisely, flowers on a stone, you can simply draw. To do this, wash and dry a large boulder with a smooth surface. For drawing, it is recommended to choose acrylic paints and brushes different types, so that you can how to apply thin lines and small details, and paint large areas of the surface of the stone.

The lower part of the boulder should be designed so that it resembles a basket made of twigs. Then you should draw flowers. These can be roses, poppies, or pansies. The main thing is that the unpainted surface of the boulder does not appear from under the painting. To give the craft a shine, after the paint has dried, the surface can be varnished.


Stone crafts can also be made in the form of various fruits and berries. For example, if you paint small pebbles appropriately, you will have a handful of “strawberries” that can be used to fill a vase to decorate your kitchen. You can also make slices of oranges, just use round, flat pebbles.

Crafts for a garden made of stone in the form of butterflies

Today garden decoration and suburban area paid no less attention than interior design. A stone is ideal for these purposes, since this natural material successfully resists any whims of the weather.

As a simple but original element of decor, you can propose to lay out large pebble butterflies in the garden, which should then be painted in different colours... If you place them one after another at a close distance, you get a beautiful path, which will become the main decoration of the space around the house.

How to make a butterfly

Such sea stone crafts are created as follows:

  • a large butterfly is drawn on paper, cut out and placed on leveled soil;
  • wooden pegs are stuck along the edges of the pattern at a distance of 5 cm;
  • the formwork is installed on the edge, tucking it by the sticks so that the flexible tape is stable;
  • the resulting form is poured with a solution, which is obtained by mixing sand with cement in a ratio of 3 to 1 and adding the required amount of water;
  • lay out a mosaic of colored pebbles, which is sold in hardware stores, to get elegant wings.

When it comes to creating crafts from sea stones gray, then they will need to be painted in the desired colors with facade paint. In this case, you should choose the option that is suitable for natural stone surfaces.

Home decorations made of stones

The combination of the incongruous always looks very original and stylish. For example, those who know how to crochet can create crafts from stones with their own hands. To do this, you need N10 white cotton yarn. Openwork lace is crocheted from it so that the pebbles are inside a kind of "case".

Such beautiful pebbles are placed in an aquarium vase or in a very large decorative glass and several multi-colored beads, shells, artificial flowers and other small objects are added to create an original composition.

Using the same technique, you can create original jewelry in ethnic style. Small stones are suitable for this. irregular shape to be crocheted using coarse thread and even twine. Such a bracelet or necklace can also be decorated with large multi-colored beads and fringes.

Crafts from decorative stones

Today, in all more or less large cities there are shops where you can buy everything for making decorative items with your own hands. In particular, various pebbles are sold, including artificial ones. With their help, you can create original lamps. To make such crafts from stones for the garden, you will also need jars with screw caps, glue, screws and a screwdriver.

Luminaire manufacturing:

  • cans are washed and dried;
  • apply glue to the surface;
  • press the pebbles;
  • wait for the glue to dry;
  • a hole is made in the lid of the can, a wire is brought out through its end, on the other end of which there is a cartridge with a light bulb;
  • take a plastic pipe of the required length and make a side hole at a distance of 20-30 cm from the end;
  • the end of the wire is pulled through the other end and taken out through the hole;
  • put the jar on the lid;
  • fixed at the base with glue;
  • dig the end of the pipe into the ground so that the wire remains above the ground;
  • a plug is mounted on its end, with the help of which the lamp is connected to the power supply network.

Crafts made of artificial stone can be in the form of bijoux and various mosaics. For example, you can decorate a regular bottle beautifully using multicolored shiny pebbles of different colors.

Now you know which interesting crafts you can do it yourself from stone to decorate your home and garden, so you can surround yourself with original and beautiful things that will exist in a single copy.

Making crafts with your own hands is one of the most simple ways fun and interesting to spend time with the whole family. You can choose a variety of materials for work, depending on what you have at your fingertips - fabric or colored cardboard, cones, flowers or polymer clay, plasticine or pebbles. Crafts from stones - simple and original way to diversify not only the interior of the apartment, but also the suburban area.

Crafts from sea stones: examples of work


You will need:

  1. Pebbles;
  2. Super glue;
  3. Colored paints;
  4. Brushes;
  5. Googly eyes;
  6. Decor materials (pieces of fur, fabric, feathers, beads, colored threads, etc.).


  • Wash and dry the pebbles well. Using a brush, apply glue to the pebbles and glue the eyes to future housekeepers. If you can't find googly eyes, you can paste beautiful buttons or flat beads.
  • Draw noses on the pebbles, or make them beads or wool balls.
  • Decorate faces with smiles: paint with paint or make from red thread or paper. Finally, make the hair for the craft: attach threads, fur, fluff or feathers.

Monster Fridge Magnets

You will need:

  1. Sea pebbles;
  2. Acrylic paints;
  3. Brushes;
  4. Super glue;
  5. Googly eyes;
  6. Magnets.


  • Wash and dry the pebbles well. Paint the pebbles alternately on both sides with bright colors.
  • When the paint is completely dry, paint the future monsters with scary mouths with paint and a thin brush. Let dry.
  • Glue the googly eyes to the monsters. On the reverse side pebbles, attach magnets with superglue. If a pebble big size, 2 magnets may be needed.
  • Ready-made monsters can be attached to the refrigerator.

Mouse and bird made of stones

You will need:

  1. Sea pebbles;
  2. Super glue;
  3. Scissors;
  4. Multi-colored pieces of fabric;
  5. Colored paper;
  6. Decorative items.


  • First, make a mouse. To do this, cut out the tail, ears from the fabric and glue on an oblong pebble in the right places. Eyes can be made from 2 circles of white and black paper (white more, black less), glue them on top of each other. You can make the antennae of the mouse from threads, and the legs from smaller pebbles.
  • For the bird, take a rounder stone. Cut a beak out of yellow or red fabric - an oval with pointed edges. Fold the cut piece in half and glue the middle to the stone. Glue the eyes near the key. The bird is ready.

Fish from stones

You will need:

  1. Oval sea pebbles;
  2. Simple pencil;
  3. Acrylic paints;
  4. Brush;
  5. Super glue;
  6. Colored fabric.


  • Rinse and dry the stones. Using a simple pencil, mark the outlines of the fish's head, eyes, fins and tail on the rocks.
  • Using acrylic paints, paint the fish in different colors.
  • Make the tail and fins from fabric, after cutting out the parts and gluing them with superglue. Such fish can be "lodged" in an aquarium, made a tinting, and placed shells, algae and artificial plants.

Crafts from a stone: photo

Crafts from stones for giving to the garden

The stone in the garden is good in itself. It can be used to decorate paths, flower beds, fences, create fountains, equip terraces and even make garden furniture. Crafts made of stone are especially beautiful as a decoration. Figures can be created by placing stones one on top of the other, gluing them, painting them and decorating them with various decorative elements.

Stones look great different sizes, painted in the form ladybirds... Caterpillars, frogs, snails, dragonflies and other inhabitants will appear in your garden, if you show a little imagination. Animals, vegetables and fruits look great. You can take a large stone and paint it with paints, turning it into a cat, dog, shark, eagle owl, penguin, tiger, etc. You can make fairy creatures. A bucket or a pot filled with stones in the form of strawberries or any other berries wakes up to look spectacular.

Crafts made of stone are a unique, inimitable decor, which you definitely will not buy in more than one store. They require the maximum of your imagination and imagination. You can make truly amazing figurines, magnets and souvenirs from stones. You can consult with your children and do the craft together.

Crafts from sea stones, which are easy to make at home, look beautiful and original. This creative activity will be interesting for adults and children, and the resulting products will decorate a room or garden. To make crafts from sea pebbles, you need smooth pebbles different shapes and length. They can be assembled by yourself during a trip to the sea or purchased from specialized stores. You can make a wide variety of crafts from pebbles with your own hands, since this stone has the most bizarre shapes and colors: from snow-white to rich black.

There are a large number of pebble craft workshops. As experts advise, it is best to use river pebbles or those that are artificially created for products. They differ in that over time they do not change color and do not become covered with a white coating, unlike sea pebbles. Pebbles collected from the sea can also be used in crafts, but they are more suitable for yard products.

The simplest master class that can be found on the use of smoothies is the manufacture of rugs for a bath, bathroom or corridor. Such products will not only look beautiful, but will also be beneficial, providing a massage effect. It will be pleasant to walk on such rugs, they are practical, easy to clean.

As the master classes show, stones on the base can be laid out randomly, combining different colors and shapes or in the form of original drawings - fish, dolphins, insects, etc. Do-it-yourself rugs from stones can be made by the whole family. This activity is simple and fun, and even Small child.

In workshops on creating flat crafts (rugs, coasters for hot dishes), it is advised to use rubber as a basis: stones of any size will be well attached to it. To glue them, you should take a strong waterproof glue, always transparent. A large stone is attached to a grid and a special mortar. From above, you can varnish the stones or leave them in their original form.

Decorations for the interior

From pebbles, you can create wonderful crafts for decorating the interior: they are easy to clean, easy to clean and will go well with any idea in the design of the house. A master class on creating cute cacti from oval pebbles is popular. It is very easy to make them by painting the pebbles. in green and drawing on them a pattern in the form of thorns. For the kitchen, you can make vegetables, berries from stones by covering them with paints and folding them into a wicker basket.

A frame for a photo will look beautiful from seashells and pebbles: it will decorate a bright photo from your vacation. The simplest master class, which is suitable for novice craftsmen or very young ones, is decorating pebbles with eyes. They can be applied with paints, made an applique or glued on ready-made plastic eyes for toys. This simple trick will help bring gray stones to life, making them cute and original. You can then use the craft for decoration or development. fine motor skills in babies.

You can create interesting crafts from shells with your own hands. You can glue 2 identical shells, put a mother-of-pearl bead inside, you get a beautiful souvenir in the form of a shell with a pearl. For experienced craftsmen, a master class on the manufacture of a ship, a boat is suitable. The resulting product will be a great gift for any occasion. Keychains, pendants can be made from round shells.

Pebbles in the interior of the garden

Unlimited possibilities for using pebbles in your garden interior. Such crafts for the garden can be quite practical, original and practically eternal, because pebbles are made of material that almost does not wear out and does not lose its appearance over time:

  1. Flowerpots decorated with smooth stones will be beautiful. You can take any flowerpot under the base, attach a grid to it and put smoothies on glue so that they completely cover the flowerpot. You can decorate the top ring of the well, trash cans, bench legs, outdoor barbecues.
  2. If there is an opportunity to purchase pebbles in a large number, garden paths can be made from it, laying them out with fancy patterns. In this case, the stones are fixed on a cement mortar or a special mixture for slabs. Despite the seeming simplicity of the material, such a pleasure will not be cheap: about 60 kg of stones will be needed for 1 m², while 1 kg costs from 40 to 100 rubles.
  3. You can decorate the garden with candlesticks. To do this, about 1/3 of the pebbles are poured into glass jars, put big candle and the lid with holes is closed. Jars hung around the perimeter of the house will create an atmosphere of magic, tranquility, romance and comfort.
  4. The foundation of a private house will be durable and stylish if you decorate it with smooth surfaces. They can be added simply to the cement mortar or mounted on a ready-made, not yet solidified, base.

From sea stones and shells, you can make pictures where the seascape, magic castles or a fairy tale plot will be visible. Pebbles in a decorative aquarium, in the form of various fish, turtles and frogs, will look good. Large pebbles with pictures of houses on it will decorate decorative ponds and bridges. The use of smoothies in the interior of the house and garden is endless. The main thing is a little imagination, a minimum of material and a bit of free time.

Don't rush to throw them away secretly - they can be turned into toys, or cute interior decorations.

Use sea pebbles with your kids. Great workout for fine motor skills and imagination. In addition, there are many that should not be forgotten either.

DIY sea pebble strawberry

Appetizing "berries" can be used as decoration for flowerpots, bookshelves and just for games.
Wash and dry the pebbles to keep them free of sand or dust. Prime them with white paint, then paint them red and complete with "leaves" and "seeds".

You can use both acrylic and regular gouache paints. But keep in mind that you need to be careful with gouache, it spreads from moisture.

Sprinkle the finished dried "strawberries" acrylic varnish from a spray can to give a gloss and preserve the paint layer.

Drawings on sea stones for children: decorative dolls-stones

Such a gallery of characters can be created for the plot of any game, any story. Draw on the same principle as you painted the "strawberries":

  • purity
  • priming
  • paint layer

With these dolls, you can play funny scenes, or just make an unusual panel.

Sea Pebble Crafts: Fridge Magnets

It is enough to attach a magnetic patch to the painted pebbles, and they will turn into cute useful souvenirs from the sea. You can buy magnets at handicraft stores.

Drawings on sea stones for children: panels with owls

These owls, painted in the style of doodles, can also be separate and details of the panel in the nursery. Remember how in childhood we looked at the patterns on the grandmother's carpet before going to bed? Will give the child the same feast of fantasy.

Sea pebble drawings for little ones: a game of tic-tac-toe

Mark clean pebbles with crosses and zeroes. This can be done with a regular felt-tip pen. If desired, open the stones with acrylic spray varnish. The game board can be drawn directly on the stone bag. It will turn out great gift set for those who like to fight in an intellectual express game.

Crafts made from sea stones do not need special care. The only feature: if you are making a toy out of them, use more permanent paints and more layers of varnish if you are preparing decoration from sea stones for the interior.