
Notes on rings. Signs about wedding rings: what should newlyweds know? She threw away her husband's wedding ring.


Hello! An engagement ring is a symbol of fidelity, respect, endless love. There are many signs and superstitions associated with it that frighten people. Let's try to help overcome this fear. Today you will learn about how folk signs about wedding rings work in some situations.

Wedding ring - the keeper of energy information

Not much at all! Therefore, putting on this item on your wedding day, you give it a piece of yourself. Many parents try to give their children their rings. Can these jewelry be worn? If parents do not stick their marriage, then they can make their children unhappy. If mom and dad lived together happy life, then from happy parents you can accept this gift.

A few tips on what not to do with rings:

  • Never let us measure, and also do not wear someone else's wedding attribute.
  • In order not to break warm relations in the family, do not shoot without good reason.
  • This item cannot be used for engagements and weddings. If you don’t have the opportunity to buy two jewelry, then give an inexpensive little thing for matchmaking or do without it at all.
  • Let this relic be smooth, so that family life flows smoothly, smoothly, without bumps. A ring with a stone can only be given for an engagement.
  • Should the rings be the same? Of course, you are husband and wife - one! Your family should have one destiny, especially since two identical attributes will make up the infinity of your family life.
  • Should it be smooth? Of course! Do not apply any engraving or drawings so that your family does not go through strong tests.
  • What should be wedding heirlooms? Preferably gold or platinum. Platinum symbolizes the strength of the union, and gold is a symbol of wealth. These attributes must be exactly the same, from the same metal.
  • Wear only new products to the wedding, they will take your energy. An exception is mascots from happy parents.
  • A family heirloom cannot be melted down, so as not to frighten off your happiness.
  • Do not chase after, she is too changeable!
  1. It is necessary to choose a wedding attribute together, and the future head of the family pays. After the purchase, before crossing the threshold where you will live, both say out loud: “To a happy life, to a strong family! Amen"
  2. Before the wedding, they must be kept together, you can even freeze them in water for a greater bond strength.
  3. How to get your husband back? Look after the departing husband through the engagement ring. The husband will be back soon.
  4. Never let your girlfriends try on, no matter how much they ask. They will take away your happiness and that's it!
  5. On the day of the celebration, remove all rings, even very expensive ones.
  6. If the bride is wearing gloves, then they must be removed before the exchange of rings.

Signs to follow

If the bride or groom's ring fell before the ceremony, then separation will soon come. What to do? Don't worry, things can be fixed! The witness must stretch the thread through the jewel so that it absorbs all the negativity. Then the one who dropped it must burn this thread. Just in case, put the thread in the witness's pocket, but don't tell anyone about it.

Many people are afraid to take this item off. What happens if you take off your wedding ring? It's just a thing that sometimes needs to be removed:

  • at the time of childbirth, if the hands are swollen,
  • during household chores
  • if it becomes small.

After the wedding, find a place at home to store family heirlooms. This talisman cannot be stored with jewelry.

If the ring is dropped on the floor, then this is a warning of future misfortunes. You can neutralize a bad prediction. Raise it through a handkerchief or any piece of matter, then hold it in the freezer for a day.

What happens if you throw away your wedding ring? But this is not worth doing, even in the hearts. You can bring on serious health problems.

If one of the spouses dropped the wedding attribute, then it is considered: he either cooled down or looked after another object. If you believe, it will surely come true. Do not believe any signs, then everything will be fine.

What does it mean to lose your wedding ring? This fact can be considered a warning about possible conflicts. Do not aggravate the situation by quarrels or showdown. A married couple must apply to the church where they got married. The priest will tell you what to do. And for yourself, decide that marriage is not based on things, but on love.

What happens if you wear someone else's wedding ring? You can take someone else's, but if she is unhappy? Don't wear other people's things. Can be worn, donated by happy ancestors. It is better to sell someone else's product or melt it down.

Why can't you wear "wedding rings" of widows and divorcees? Never wear a little thing from divorced and widowed people, so as not to repeat their fate.

Why can't you wear a ring before marriage? What for? If you tempt fate, then just don't get married and that's it!

Is it possible to change after the wedding for another? It is believed that those worn at the wedding have a very great protective power. Decide for yourself - to lose your amulet or not. If it’s not enough, then you can put on the relic of happy parents, and wear your own on a chain. After painting in the registry office, many couples have changed these gizmos and live happily ever after. Rings are just a beautiful attribute, and happiness must be built independently of it.

What to do with the rings of the dead? If these are the amulets of happy parents, then they cannot harm. If it does not belong to your family, then it is better to cleanse it of energy, then melt it down for another decoration. But it is not recommended to rent or sell parental rings. Many take it to the church as a donation.

What are the consequences if an unmarried woman wears a wedding ring? She may not marry. Potential husbands see that she is busy and will not approach her.

The ring cracked. What to do?

The ring is not an ordinary object, but a sacred one. Therefore, in this mystical sign one can see something bad or, conversely, a prediction. There were times when this sign was a warning. One husband's ring burst, he was so frightened that he stopped walking. Some families just melt down and live happily ever after.

In any case - if the ring is cracked, then you should pay attention to family relationships. Perhaps they lack warmth and love? In order not to run away, strengthen relations with great respect for each other, care, warmth. Burst more often silver products, with gold this happens very rarely.

It happens that the hoop flies off the finger. Only the husband (wife) can wear it. If this phenomenon occurs too often, then the jeweler will be able to roll it. To avoid someone else's interference, buy transparent linings that will securely fix the jewelry on your finger. They should be sold in jewelry stores

How to wear a wedding ring after the death of a husband? Widows are worn on the left hand, ringing the ring finger.

What to do with the ring after a divorce? Psychics advise against keeping this jewel at home, so as not to walk in a circle of failures and disappointments. It can hinder the development of new relationships. Hold it in salt for 7 days or put it in holy water, reading "Our Father" three times. After removing the energy, melt it into another decoration.

What can be done with rings

  • A wedding talisman can be placed under the pillow of a sick child. He will recover faster.
    Take off all jewelry during childbirth, then childbirth will be quick and smooth.
  • If you wash yourself with rainwater with a golden talisman on your finger, then you will have a life in abundance. In doing so, you must say:

"Gold clings to my hands, and the rain will beat wealth to me."

  • Three days before the wedding, read the love plot and never tell anyone about it, even your husband:

“No force in the world can destroy this metal, so our marriage (state your name and the name of your husband) is strong and indestructible! He is not afraid of any family quarrels and hurricanes! My word is strong! May it be so!"

  • There is also a fortune-telling for this family talisman. In order not to tempt fate, not to think about the bad, if fortune-telling predicts a bad result, then it’s better not to guess!


  • Pour two thirds into a glass.
  • Put on a "wrapper" on the hair, pinch the ends with your fingers so that they are not visible.
  • "Pendulum" dip into the water for 2-3 seconds.
  • Then keep it at the level of the edge of the glass.
  • Ask questions to get an answer:
    circular motions mean "yes."
    swaying to the side - "no".
    stands still - there is no definite answer.

Dear friends, folk signs for wedding rings have been collected for centuries. And can they be trusted? The Church is against all superstitions and will accept. There must be faith in a happy fate, love and respect in the family.

Vika Dee

The wedding ring is special these days. love symbol and marriage for many couples in love. For this reason, they are chosen, bought, worn, taking into account existing signs. Careful attitude to the rings is important, because their meaning is to unite people in love.

Wedding ring

Orthodox wedding rings: signs and superstitions

Today, there are still signs about wedding rings:

  1. Sometimes one of the couple may have 2 precious items (for example, the first one did not fit). It is believed that this will lead to the subsequent divorce of the spouses. In such a situation, they often ask, because the decoration could categorically not like the design and already have time to become a symbol of love. You cannot wear 2 jewelry on one finger. A person can only have one symbolic decoration.
  2. Previously, the groom had to give engagement ring. It was traditionally worn on the ring finger. Now this is not accepted. Sometimes they additionally buy jewelry for a wedding, because church rings mean the betrothal of a couple before the Lord. Couples with an unusual outlook can even choose to wear it appropriately after marriage.
  3. Lovers often choose paired wedding rings "Save and save". It is believed that such an engraving will provide the necessary protection for a couple in love, protect them from conflicts and unwanted divorce. Future spouses should know. engraved decoration "Bless and save" preferably worn on the thumb, index or middle finger of the right hand. If the couple is married, the jewelry is worn only on the ring finger. Sometimes unmarried women wear the “Save and Save” ring on their hand, as they try to attract love to themselves and find personal happiness.
  4. Often, future spouses are interested in,. Usually worn on ring finger right or left hand. In Russia, the CIS, most European countries, as well as in India, Chile, Venezuela and Colombia, jewelry is traditionally worn on the right hand. Muslims wear only on the left hand.
  5. Lovers often try to bless their wedding rings before the wedding, believing that this will protect their family. However consecrate symbolic decorations It won't work in every church. Priests usually have a better attitude towards jewelry with the engraving "Save and save", so in the 21st century such jewelry is also popular with brides and grooms. Sometimes it is possible to consecrate the rings in the church without a wedding, which also brings lovers closer.

Knowing the meaning of wedding rings, you can treat with special trepidation jewelry symbol of relationships, marriage.

Who should buy engagement rings for a wedding?

Some couples use parent jewelry. This approach is possible if the marriage of the parents was successful, happy. In other cases, it is advisable to buy new jewelry. Often lovers are interested, and try to save on purchases.

However, wearing someone else's jewelry can negatively affect relationships after the marriage ceremony.

It is the groom who buys according to tradition wedding ring. This jewelry will be a gift for his beloved. If a girl is ready to be the first to propose to a man, she buys and gives.

You can choose this men's wedding ring:

In the 21st century, lovers often choose together wedding decorations. It is believed that this will bring them closer and help in the further development of relations. In addition, the joint choice of rings ensures that the jewelry is sure to fit in design, size, shape. In addition, it is possible only if the lovers limited themselves to painting in the registry office. If the bride and groom are married, the exchange of rings is not allowed.

To date, signs of the purchase of wedding rings have also been preserved:

  1. Purchase need do in one day for the bride and groom. This will be a kind of guarantee of a peaceful family life.
  2. Pay for a purchase should future spouse. In this case, he will become the head of the family.
  3. A purchased set of jewelry is often hidden in a bag into which water is poured and frozen. It is believed that such the rite will bind the bride and groom more tightly to each other.
  4. Sometimes it works find a piece of jewelry, which for someone was a symbol of love, on the street. This sign means that the wedding is guaranteed to take place. However, such a piece of jewelry is undesirable to wear. Someone else's decoration can affect the life of future spouses. - this is evidence that the girl will become the wife of her beloved.
  5. Cannot be worn rings for gloves. This may lead to divorce.
  6. For a peaceful family life, it is advisable to choose smooth jewelry. are also popular, but they are considered a fashionable novelty and do not correspond to the classics. Engagement rings with diamonds or stones are also popular, and they can be of a classic design.

Wedding rings symbolize love and marriage pairs, so their purchase should be taken with particular seriousness.

When is the best time to buy engagement rings?

Signs about buying wedding rings help even plan a purchase for the best date. Decoration can be chosen in advance, because it should fit in design, size.

Sometimes lovers plan a responsible purchase a couple of days before the wedding, but in this case, the chances of a successful choice tend to be zero.

For this reason, when asked whether it is possible to buy rings in advance, the answer can only be in the affirmative. However, you can't. Jewelery is worn only after wedding ceremonies.

You can choose a classic wedding ring:

If a the groom bought jewelry and makes an offer, but in such important point, there is a threat to the relationship of the couple. From the moment of purchase, a precious product becomes a symbol of love.

Is it possible to give wedding rings to newlyweds?

Such a gift for future newlyweds is unacceptable. According to signs and customs, the bride and groom should choose your own decoration, then consecrate it in the church and use it in the marriage ceremony during the solemn exchange at the registry office. In addition, a piece of jewelry should be liked in design and fit in size, so it is advisable to entrust the choice of symbolic jewelry to a couple in love.

Who is the first to put on a wedding ring in the registry office?

The exchange of rings at a wedding is still a reverent and significant ceremony. The first may put on a ring bride or groom in the hands of his soulmate.

It is advisable to discuss the issue with the future spouses in advance and agree with the registry office employee

The process of giving and sharing should be special. Usually, special pillows, plates or boxes are used for this. They must be submitted to the registrar before start of the marriage ceremony. You also need to make sure that the rings are securely fixed, because they should not even accidentally fall.

Put on a wedding ring

It has come from the Western tradition that children carry rings. These can be brothers, sisters, nephews, and even children from another marriage. Often they cope with such a responsible duty boy and girl who dress in children's wedding suits or white clothes.

Exchange of symbolic ornaments It is desirable to take a picture, so it is recommended to proceed slowly and carefully. It depends on whether the product will fall or not, how beautiful the picture of the touching moment in the marriage will turn out.

Then you need to consider whether or not. Usually the bride and groom should not remove it in wedding day. Otherwise, they cross out personal happiness.

Signs associated with wedding rings after the wedding

To date, the rules for wearing a wedding ring have been preserved.

It has long been believed that jewelry should be carefully stored.

The loss of jewelry after the betrothal threatens with trouble for the spouses and even divorce. and want to keep the relationship? Psychologists say that you need to buy a new piece of jewelry that will symbolize strong love to the other half. Perfect option- spouses buy new wedding rings and bless them.

Signs associated with wedding rings

In difficult financial times, the question often arises,. This should not be done, even if there are serious financial problems. Otherwise, personal happiness can be given to another person.

You can not give to measure, wear rings to strangers

Sometimes spouses can die early. In such situations, you need to know, showing respect for the beloved who has gone to another world. There are the following options:

  • both rings on a chain;
  • personal - on the right hand, spouse - on a chain;
  • two rings can be worn on one finger of the left hand;
  • personal - on the right, husband - on the left.

Wear wedding rings

It is important to remember: memory and love for spouse will be more important than wearing jewelry, which is a material symbol of true love.

Signs associated with wedding rings, you need to consider before and after the marriage ceremony. It largely depends on whether the spouses will be happy with each other.

September 30, 2018, 19:49

Before buying wedding rings, it is important to read the signs about them. We will tell you what they should be like, who should buy them, whether these jewelry can be worn before the wedding.

We will also answer questions: are used and parent products suitable, is it worth showing them before the celebration, is it allowed to roll gold. You will find out why the ring is lost and what will happen if it is stolen, why the husband does not wear this accessory, which means his fall and much more.

Signs say that the rings for the bride and groom should be smooth. It is believed that this has its own symbolism, which consists in the agreement between the future husband and wife, the smoothness of marriage.

If, nevertheless, the desire to add some kind of insert to the ring is strong, you should not give up this idea, because a small pebble in the form of a diamond will not get worse. And even on the contrary, he will attract only prosperity and abundance into the life of the newlyweds. It is chosen when registration at the registry office takes place.

For weddings, only smooth rings should be used.

When to buy - beliefs

There can be no talk of this, if, as such, the proposal did not follow. It is worth addressing this issue in advance, at the planning stage of the celebration, 2-3 months in advance. In principle, it does not matter when, it is much more important that the accessories are purchased on the same day and in the same place.

Who should choose - signs

If you follow the old signs, only the groom should choose and buy these accessories. But taking into account that time does not stand still and the assortment is so large that you need to look and choose everything, the couple visits the jewelry store together. It is better to stick to old traditions and trust the choice to a man.

Can I wear it before marriage

After buying rings, you can’t wear them before the holiday, and there is no need for this, except for simple interest. The sacrament of the ritual lies in the fact that the newlyweds put them on each other for the first time on the wedding day.

Will used wedding rings work?

Buying used products does not bode well for the future union. This is a very bad omen, because things keep the imprint of the life of the previous owners. That is why, if you decide to choose them, there is a high probability of trying on someone else's fate.

Is it worth using mom's and dad's jewelry

Things are quite different with the rings of parents (mother's and father's). Despite the fact that it is possible to repeat fate, sometimes it is good if the marriage was happy. The use of parental rings is possible provided that they have celebrated silver wedding. Old signs say that what more years the spouses lived in marriage, the more happiness the rings will bring to the newlyweds.

Can not use relatives wedding rings who did not live in marriage for long, divorced, or simply their union was unhappy. In this case, it is better to melt the products into another decoration.

If you believe the signs, even melted jewelry is not recommended to be worn and it is better to leave it, for example, in your mother's house. It will not be able to harm her, since the gift was made to you. It is not recommended to remelt products in marriage, but please change them for new ones.

Do you need a beautiful one? This article tells you how to make it yourself. You will learn what material can be used and how to decorate the finished accessory.

If you don’t like ordinary jewelry, you can do it. Here are collected ideas for inscriptions in Russian, English, French and in Latin. Also available beautiful phrases from movies and songs.

Before exchanging "symbols" of marriage, you need to find out. We studied the traditions of Russia and the USA, Catholics and Orthodox, the results of our work can be found in another article on the site.

What to do, if ? We answered this question in our other article. You will find out if it is possible to reduce the size of the product and how to do it.

Many signs are associated not only with rings, but also with. Is it possible to store it after the wedding, what it should be made of, what it is decorated with, how to dry the flowers. All these questions are answered in another article on the site.

Why can't you measure someone else's

Before your wedding, in no case should you measure someone else's ring. Signs say that you can absorb someone else's energy. In addition, there is a chance to take over someone else's fate, or much worse, generally lose the opportunity to marry.

Should I show others

Before the wedding, rings, even gold, even silver, can only be shown to the closest, friends and relatives. But at the same time, even those cannot be touched, or rather measured. And this should be avoided even after the wedding.

Is it allowed to wear before the ceremony

Before the wedding, it is better not to wear the ring, it must be stored in one place. But do not forget that if an unmarried woman wears it on her ring finger, it means that she keeps her purity until the wedding. In this case, his sock is acceptable.

Is it right to let others try on

Following the signs, you need to remember that neither before the wedding nor after it is worth give a ring to someone to try on. It is believed that by doing this, its owner gives away marital happiness or fate, and in return brings squabbles and scandals to life. If, nevertheless, it is not possible to refuse to try on, then it should not be passed from hand to hand, but simply placed on the surface of something.

Why is it lost

If the ring was lost or damaged, then it is quite possible to replace it with a new one. Despite the fact that it is filled with special power during the wedding, having some experience of a happy married life, it is easily transferred to a new product. Although the loss itself is by no means a good sign.

This is a serious problem. According to various beliefs, losing a wedding ring means, perhaps, getting a divorce soon, waiting for treason, large embezzlement and other troubles. It is likely that there are some health problems. According to some old signs, the loss of a ring is a harbinger of the imminent death of someone close.

Is it allowed to rent and sell

Sell ​​your wedding ring to a pawnshop, as well as selling, you can’t if you are married. His return is akin to selling family happiness, exchanging it for money. It can also be lost if you sell the jewelry of the deceased spouse.

Things are somewhat different after a divorce. In this case, wear wedding rings It is not worth it and it is better to remove them from the house altogether. It is believed that if the symbol of a previous marriage is next to you, family happiness will bypass.

In the old days, spouses did not take off their rings at all, as this is a symbol of love that protects against shocks, serious illnesses and other misfortunes. It is believed that when removing it, a person, like his soulmate, remains without protection.

Rolling out

As regards to roll out the rings, then this procedure will not bring harm to the spouses. It is believed that in this way happy years are added to marriage. But in order for them to really be like that, in no case after the wedding should you try on someone else's jewelry, this is a sign of infidelity in the future, and the one who tried on someone else's will not always be a traitor.

Household superstitions

Here are the main superstitions associated with the ring:

  1. What can crack. If for no reason it decides to burst, then this is a sign of the partner's infidelity. Of course, nothing is eternal, and sooner or later it could happen, but you probably need to take a closer look at your other half. In this case, the girl should change the product for a new one or find someone who can make it.
  2. dropped. It's not good when the wedding ring falls. Of course, this can happen for many reasons, but it promises a drop in health problems. Sometimes, dropped by accident, it can be a harbinger of news that will not bring happiness.
  3. If the husband does not wear. As such, there are no signs about this. Many men do not like jewelry, and therefore do not burden their finger with a wedding ring. Or things may be a little different, and the missus has got a mistress, from whom he diligently hides his marital status. In this case, you need to pay attention to the behavior of the husband, which will speak about the state of affairs much more eloquently than words.
  4. Theft. Often they are used for conspiracies to take one of the spouses from the family. But they can’t just get an ornament, so it’s akin to a loss. According to all signs, an engagement ring can be lost against the background of a threat to family happiness. As a result, the strength of the bonds will be shaken. But to avoid this, it is better to buy new rings for both the wife and the husband. Exists new sign that if you lose or decide to steal an old engagement or wedding ring from you, this promises the acquisition of something new in a relationship.

More interesting and useful signs can be found in this video:

To believe or not to believe in signs is up to you, but the fact that engagement rings should be taken seriously is beyond doubt!

A wedding is an extremely interesting and joyful event, full of signs, and I want the process of celebration, the subsequent married life to go smoothly. Heavenly forces give the couple signs that help lovers when required.

One of the symbols of the happiness of a married couple is wedding rings, signs about which have long been of tremendous importance. For example, the loss of a wedding ring is a very negative event, but not a critical one.

Folk omens associated with the wedding ring, it is said that its loss after wedding ceremony tells about the imminent rupture of relations.

Adepts of magic argue that the loss of an engagement ring, even if it was stolen, reflects the loss of love feelings. Although there is another interpretation: the jewelry took on the negative directed at the owner and was lost, having performed protective function. But in general, a violation of the integrity of the ring, for example, if the ring is broken, cracked, bent, burst, just fell, all these are negative signs, especially critical after the wedding ceremony.

Do they wear silver rings

The nobility and high price of gold have made the purchase of rings from this metal a tradition that is observed by quite a few. long time. However, like signs, superstitions and traditions did not always exist, for example, it used to be customary to buy rings from different metals. Gold was associated with the Sun, silver with the Moon.

Today, interest in rings made of various metals and even alloys is returning: wedding rings made of tungsten, platinum and steel are in fashion. Jewelers even offer titanium jewelry.

Silver, despite its low cost, is still considered a noble metal, remaining indifferent to all sorts of irritants.

Moreover, for less money you can afford a higher quality of silver, which will be more "noble" even in relation to gold, with more precious stone, for example, a diamond. Therefore, nothing should stop you if you want to choose for a wedding silver rings. In the end, it will allow you to be an original couple, you will be less upset when it happens to be stolen or accidentally lost.

Some nuances of choosing an engagement ring

Since ancient times, it was believed that the person who chooses and purchases wedding rings is the groom. Great value has the size of the ring, which must first be obtained from the bride, as well as metal. Platinum is considered the most luxurious option, but you can stop at red gold, and finally, silver.

The ring, of course, should not reap or be too loose. Both jewelry should be bought on the same day and in the same store. And the loss of a barely bought ring before the wedding is an upcoming unhappy marriage.

AT recent times very often engagement rings have a gemstone.

The stone must necessarily suit you and your soulmate, in order to be convinced of this, you need to hold it in your hands for some time, and if there are no negative feelings, you can purchase it. It is also not recommended to purchase rings with dark-colored stones. Ideally, you need to choose a stone in such a way that it is combined with the zodiac sign of your beloved.

Is it worth selling wedding rings after a divorce?

No modern society is immune from divorce. married couple, but whether to sell after the engagement ring? Selling a wedding ring in one copy, with a sad story of divorce, is unlikely to bring the owner enough money, they will probably buy it as scrap.

On the other hand, you need to understand that jewelry is a symbol of a happy past, albeit with an unsuccessful result. If the abandoned spouse does not want to watch the jewelry, it is better to hide the ring corny, the longing will surely dry up, dissipate. Perhaps, in years to come, you will want to look at it again, plunge into past memories, even if it has cracked or broken by this time.

The people have always treated wedding rings very reverently, because they considered them a symbol of life and death, magical objects. This idea has given rise to many signs associated with them.

All signs about the wedding ring

So, newlyweds should not wear their parents' wedding rings, especially if their marriage broke up.- It is believed that jewelry retains the energy information of the former owners.

Wedding ring- you can’t give anyone even a fitting, not to mention giving a vilification. Moreover, folk wisdom does not recommend removing the ring without special need, so that harmony reigns in the family.

However, it is believed that the ring finger should periodically receive rest.- so that its owner does not earn mastopathy and problems with the genitals and endocrine glands.

During the wedding, it turned out that the ring did not fit- an unkind omen, promising a dysfunctional marriage.

The ring falls off when put on.- the young are waiting for betrayal. And the one whose ring fell will do it.

Lose your wedding ring- a very bad sign: to death.

Lose after marriage- to a quick divorce.

You lost it and then accidentally found it- you expect material difficulties associated with someone's engagement. You will be asked to sponsor this event.

The ring was put on the wrong finger during the wedding ceremony- your partner will constantly cheat on you, but you will never know about it.

Take off your wedding ring often- a bad sign, there will be constant quarrels in your family, rapidly turning into major scandals.