
What does a triangle on a person's forehead mean. The hairline on the forehead: what is it and can it be corrected. Do you have a "widow's peak"


Rash! With or without temperature, small and large, itchy and not so much, "bubbles"; or "plaques" - it always scares parents in the same way, because sometimes it is not easy to find the cause of "rashes". Suddenly covered with red spots, the child himself resembles a revived monster, and turns the life of his parents into a horror movie. There is no need to be afraid, you need to be treated!

Chickenpox, or chicken pox

Pathogen: varicella-zoster virus (VZV).

Transmission method: airborne. It is transmitted from a sick person to a healthy person when talking, coughing, sneezing.

Chickenpox Immunity: life. It is produced either as a result of a disease or after vaccination. In children whose mothers had chickenpox or were vaccinated against it, immunity to chickenpox is transmitted from the mother in utero and persists for the first 6-12 months of life.

Incubation period: from 10 to 23 days.


infectious period: the entire period of the rash +5 days after the last rash.

Manifestations: red dots appear at the same time as the temperature rises. However, sometimes the temperature may remain normal or rise slightly. The spots very quickly turn into single vesicles filled with a clear yellowish liquid. Soon they dry up and become covered with crusts. Distinctive feature chickenpox - a rash on the head under the hair and on the mucous membranes (in the mouth on the eyelid, etc.). This rash is often itchy.

Treatment: chickenpox passes on its own, so treatment can only be symptomatic: bring down the temperature, treat the itchy rash with brilliant green (so that by combing the vesicles, the child does not bring an additional infection there), give an antihistamine to make it less itchy. You can swim with chickenpox! But at the same time, you should not rub the affected areas - instead, you need to gently blot them with a towel.

Important: it is also necessary to use brilliant green or other dyes (fukortsin, etc.) in order not to miss the next rashes - after all, only old spots will be smeared. It is also easier to track the appearance of the last focus of the rash.

Herpes simplex

Pathogen: herpes simplex virus. There are two types: the herpes simplex virus type I causes rashes in the mouth, type II - in the genital area and anus.

Transmission method: airborne and contact (kisses, common household items, etc.).

Immunity: is not produced, the disease proceeds with periodic exacerbations against the background of stress or other infections (SARS, etc.).

Incubation period: 4-6 days.

infectious period: rash all the time.

Manifestations: a few days before the rash appears, itching and soreness of the skin may occur. Then a group of closely spaced bubbles will appear in this place. The temperature rises very rarely.

Treatment: special antiviral ointments, for example with acyclovir, etc.

Important: use the ointment immediately after the onset of itching and soreness, even before the appearance of bubbles. In this case, rashes may not occur at all.

Syndrome "hand-foot-mouth"

(from the English name Hand-Foot-and-Mouth Disease, HFMD), or enteroviral vesicular stomatitis with exanthema.

Pathogen: enteroviruses.

Transmission method: fecal-oral and airborne. The virus is transmitted from person to person when communicating, talking, using common household items (dishes, toys, bedding, etc.).


Incubation period: from 2 days to 3 weeks, on average - about 7 days. Infectious period: from the onset of the disease.

Manifestations: first, the temperature rises and stomatitis begins: rashes on the oral mucosa, pain when eating, profuse salivation. The temperature lasts 3-5 days, diarrhea is often noted against its background, in some cases a runny nose and cough appear. On the second or third day of illness, a rash appears in the form of single vesicles or small spots. The name of the disease comes from the location of the rash: it is located on the hands, feet and around the mouth. The rash lasts 3-7 days, after which it disappears without a trace.

Treatment: there is no specific treatment, symptomatic agents are used to reduce fever and relieve pain in stomatitis. The disease goes away on its own, complications are possible only in case of attachment of a bacterial or fungal infection in the oral cavity.

It is not easy to make a diagnosis of enteroviral vesicular stomatitis, because the rash does not appear immediately and very often it is regarded as a manifestation of an allergy.

Important: despite the active use of various painkillers in the treatment of stomatitis, it can be very painful for a child to eat for the first few days. In such cases, it is good to use the most liquid food (milk, sour-milk products, milkshakes, baby food for babies, soups, etc.) and give it through a straw. Be sure to monitor the temperature of the food: it should not be cold or too hot - just warm.


(sudden exanthema, sixth disease)

Pathogen: Another representative of the glorious family of herpesviruses is the herpesvirus type 6.

Transmission method: airborne. The infection is spread by talking, communicating, sneezing, etc.

Immunity: after the disease - life. Children under 4 months of age have immunity received in utero from the mother. Incubation period: 3-7 days.

infectious period: throughout the illness.

Manifestations: a sudden rise in temperature and after 3-5 days its spontaneous decrease. Simultaneously with the normalization of temperature, a pink, small- and medium-spotted rash appears. It is located mainly on the trunk and, as a rule, does not cause itching. It goes away on its own after 5 days.

Treatment: only symptomatic therapy - drinking plenty of water, lowering the temperature, etc.

The herpes virus is exacerbated by stress or infections, such as SARS.

The disease goes away on its own, there are practically no complications.

Roseola is often called pseudorubella, because. skin manifestations of these diseases are very similar. A distinctive feature of roseola is the appearance of rashes after a drop in temperature.

Important: as in the case of enteroviral stomatitis, a rash that does not appear on the first day of illness is often regarded as allergic. Sometimes it is really difficult to distinguish them, but an allergic rash, as a rule, itches quite strongly, with roseola itching should not be.


Pathogen: rubella virus

Transmission method: airborne. The virus is transmitted by communication, coughing, talking.

Immunity: life. It is produced either after illness or after vaccination. Children whose mothers had rubella or were vaccinated against it, immunity to rubella is transmitted in utero and lasts the first 6-12 months of life.

Incubation period: from 11 to 24 days.

infectious period: from the 7th day from infection to the complete disappearance of the rash + 4 more days.

Manifestations: the temperature rises. A small, pale pink, non-itchy rash appears on the face, limbs, torso, and at the same time, the posterior cervical lymph nodes increase. The temperature lasts no more than 2-3 days, and the rash disappears on the 2-7th day from the onset.

Treatment: only symptomatic therapy: drinking plenty of water, if necessary, lowering the temperature, etc. Children tolerate the disease easily, but adults often have complications. Rubella is especially dangerous in the first trimester of pregnancy: the virus crosses the placenta and causes congenital rubella in the baby, as a result of which the newborn may have deafness, cataracts, or heart disease. Therefore, everyone, especially girls, is strongly advised to take a course of vaccination against this disease.



Pathogen: measles virus (Polinosa morbillarum)

Transmission method: airborne. The extremely contagious and highly volatile measles virus can not only be transmitted through direct contact with a sick person, but also, for example, spread through ventilation pipes, infecting people in neighboring apartments.

Immunity: life. It is produced either after illness or after vaccination. Children whose mothers had measles or were vaccinated against measles, immunity to measles is transmitted in utero and lasts the first 6-12 months of life.

Incubation period: 9-21 days.

infectious period: From two last days incubation period up to the 5th day of rash /

Manifestations: fever, cough, hoarseness, conjunctivitis. On the 3-5th day of illness, bright, large, sometimes merging spots appear on the face, while the temperature persists. On the 2nd day, the rash appears on the trunk, on the 3rd day - on the limbs. Approximately on the fourth day from the moment of occurrence, the rashes begin to fade in the same order as they appeared.

Treatment: symptomatic therapy: drinking plenty of water, darkened room (because conjunctivitis is accompanied by photophobia), antipyretics. Children under 6 years of age are given antibiotics to prevent bacterial infection. Thanks to vaccination, measles is now quite a rare disease.

Infectious erytherma, or the fifth disease

Pathogen: parvovirus B19

Transmission method: airborne. Most often, the infection occurs in children in organized children's groups - nurseries, kindergartens and schools.

Immunity: after the disease - life.

Incubation period: 6-14 days.

infectious period: incubation period + the entire period of the disease.

Manifestations: it all starts like a normal SARS. Within 7-10 days, the child feels some discomfort (sore throat, slight runny nose, headache), but as soon as he “gets better”, against the background of complete health, without any increase in temperature, a red, merging rash appears on the cheeks, most of all resembling slap mark. At the same time or after a few days, rashes appear on the trunk and limbs, which form "garlands" on the skin, but do not itch. The red color of the rash quickly changes to bluish-red. Over the next two to three weeks, a low temperature persists, and the rash either appears or disappears, depending on physical exertion, air temperature, contact with water, etc.

Treatment: There is no specific treatment, only symptomatic therapy. The disease resolves on its own, complications are extremely rare.


Scarlet fever

Pathogen: group A beta-hemolytic streptococcus.

Transmission method: airborne. The pathogen is transmitted by talking, coughing, using common household items (dishes, toys, etc.).

Immunity: after the disease - life.

Incubation period: 1-7 days.

contagious period: the first few days of illness.

Manifestations: the disease begins in the same way as the usual sore throat (sore throat, fever). Rashes characteristic of scarlet fever appear on the 1-3rd day from the onset of the disease. The rash is small, bright pink, located mainly on the cheeks, in the groin and on the sides of the body, and disappears after 3-7 days. The nasolabial triangle remains pale and free of rash, a hallmark of scarlet fever. After the disappearance of the rash on the palms and feet, the skin begins to actively peel off.

Treatment: Broad-spectrum antibiotics only. It is very important to start treatment as early as possible, because. scarlet fever can provoke the development of such autoimmune diseases as rheumatism, glomerulonephritis, autoimmune brain damage.

Sometimes the disease proceeds in an erased form, without a pronounced increase in temperature, inflammation in the throat and rash. In such cases, parents notice only the sudden onset of peeling on the palms. If this happens, you should definitely consult a doctor.

Important: since scarlet fever can provoke the development of serious autoimmune diseases, for early diagnosis possible complications Doctors recommend doing blood and urine tests. For the first time they are taken during an illness, and then repeated two weeks after recovery. At the same time, it is recommended to do an electrocardiogram.

The incubation period is the period when infection has already occurred, but the disease has not yet developed.
The contagious period is the time when a sick person can infect others.
It is customary to distinguish six "primary" diseases with a rash: the first disease is measles, the second disease is scarlet fever, the third disease is rubella, the fourth disease is infectious mononucleosis, the fifth disease is infectious erythema, the sixth disease is roseola infantum (sudden exanthema).

Shulamith Wolfson, pediatrician,
employee of the Nutrition Clinic of the Research Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences

The forehead belongs to the secondary features of the face, as it frames the upper part of it and is the background for the perception of the main features. It is not difficult to determine the character by the forehead, because it is the forehead that personifies its main features. Those people who claim that “everything is written on the forehead” are not so wrong! The forehead can tell intellectual abilities man, his success in his career, intuition, and so on.

Occupying the entire first stage of the face, the forehead characterizes a significant period of a person's life: from thirteen to thirty years. It is during this period of life that the formation of a person's character takes place.

In order to learn to determine the character of the forehead, it is necessary to carefully study its shape and size, including the contour of the hairline.

Ideal Forehead Dimensions

According to ancient Chinese physiognomy, the ideal forehead should have the following dimensions:

  • the hairline, along which they are guided when determining the height of the forehead, should pass 5–9 cm above the upper point of the eyebrow;
  • the height of the forehead should be equal to the length of the nose;
  • the height of the forehead should be equal to the distance from the tip of the nose to the chin;
  • the forehead should have a width of 12.5 to 20 cm

Forehead and character

In profile, the forehead can be flat, as well as convex, in full face - in the form of a quadrangle, circle, long or with a sharp top, and in size - a forehead is low, medium or high, as well as narrow and wide.

1. High forehead of a quadrangular shape

The owners of this type of forehead are distinguished by their extraordinary intelligence, practical acumen, purposefulness, calmness, sanity and prudence, and excellent organizer abilities.

2. High round forehead

Such a forehead testifies to the temper of character, developed imagination, originality of judgments, abilities for exact sciences, but spiritual callousness and coldness of its owner.

3. Medium oval forehead

The owners of this forehead shape are romantics and dreamers, gifted creative imagination, extraordinary abilities and intuition.

4. Low flat forehead

The forehead of this type speaks of perseverance, stubbornness of character, diligence of a person and difficulties in fate, since in youth there will be no material support from parents and loved ones.

5. Low rounded forehead

The owners of this type of forehead, as a rule, have a difficult childhood and difficulties in the initial period of a career.

6. Forehead slightly sloping back

The forehead of this type betrays an impressionable nature with a strong imagination, a sharp mind and artistic abilities.

7. Sloping back forehead

Such a forehead is evidence of the originality of the mind, creativity of thinking, ardor of imagination, eccentric behavior and independence of judgment.

8. Bulging forehead

The owners of the forehead of this type are distinguished by perseverance, stubbornness, silence, limited thinking.

Hairline and character

Features of a person's character can be identified along the hairline, limiting the forehead from above.

Hair growing on the forehead in a triangle is called the "widow's peak" in the West because of the widespread belief that their owners are destined for early widowhood.

A completely different attitude to this feature of appearance in China: this triangle on the forehead was called Beauty Peak or Peach Bud. The owners of such an element of appearance are characterized by such character traits as romance, self-centeredness, and the ability to stand up for themselves.

Bald patches on both sides of the forehead speak of the artistry of nature, a broad outlook, the desire for creation and creativity of their owners.

The broken line of the forehead testifies to the ambitiousness of a person and his organizational skills.

An uneven hairline indicates the inconsistency of a person's character. By removing stray hairs, you can make it smoother.

From the point of view of psychology, an open forehead inspires trust and respect, therefore it is not recommended to cover it with bangs. If bangs are still necessary, it is better to make them rare.

forehead color

The ideal forehead pinkish shade, so women can apply some blush on its central part. Too high forehead can be visually made lower by applying foundation darker shade along the hairline.

Usually the forehead is slightly shiny due to a large number fat and sweat glands on the surface of the skin. Its brilliance is considered a lucky sign in Chinese physiognomy and indicates health and good character.

Moles on the forehead and character

Moles have always been given a symbolic meaning.

The location of the mole on the forehead on the right side indicates a person’s desire to increase intelligence and comprehensive development personality.

A mole on the forehead on the left side betrays a person with a weak will, able to easily succumb to other people's influence and often commit extravagant acts.

A mole located in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe right eyebrow indicates a person capable of deep feelings and long-term life together with a chosen one.

A mole located near the left eyebrow speaks of the sensual nature of a person who does not listen to the voice of reason, often commits rash acts and mistakes in choosing a life partner.

The owner of a mole in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe "third eye" has excellent intuition, logical thinking and predisposition to the study of the occult sciences.

The character of the forehead is easy to determine thanks to physiognomy - the art of reading the face, known as far back as the 5th century BC.

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Tilaka or tilak(Skt. तिलक, tilaka) is a sacred sign that followers of Hinduism apply with clay, ash, sandal paste or other substance to the forehead and other parts of the body. Types of tilaka differ among followers of different directions of Hinduism and, among other things, serve as an identification mark, indicating belonging to a particular religious tradition. Tilaka can be applied daily or only on special occasions.

Shaivites usually they use sacred ash - vibhuti. And they apply tilaka on the forehead in the form of three horizontal lines, which are called tripundra.

Tripundra is a symbol of Shaivism. The red dot in the middle symbolizes Shiva's third eye. The red dot under the three lines is a symbol of the connection of Shiva with Shakti (Parvati).

Vaishnavas They use clay from sacred rivers (such as the Yamuna) or holy places of pilgrimage (such as Vrindavan), which is sometimes mixed with sandalwood paste. They apply tilaka in the form of two vertical lines joining together between the eyebrows, this form symbolizes the feet of Vishnu. The red dash or dot inside symbolizes Lakshmi.

Followers of some branches of Vaishnavism also put tilaka on the bridge of the nose in the form of a tulsi leaf. Vaishnava tilaka is called urdhva-pundra.

Shaktas- adherents of the path of worship of the Divine Mother - use kumkum, or red powder from turmeric. They apply tilaka in the form of a red vertical line or just a dot.

Followers of Ganesha use red sandalwood paste - rakta-chandana. Ganapatya (Skt. गाणपत्य, gāṇapatya) is the Hindu religious tradition of Ganesha worship. Traditionally, Ganesh is depicted with a tilaka in the form of an Indian trident - trishula (Skt. त्रिशूल triṣūla "three spears"). Ganesha in Hinduism is the deity of wisdom and prosperity, the "eliminator of obstacles."

The cult of Ganesha for many Hindus complements the worship of other deities, so there are various tilakas both in the images of Ganesha and among worshipers.

The image of Ganesha with three horizontal stripes and a red dot symbolizes that Ganesha is the son of Shiva and Parvati.

Shiva, Ganesh, Parvati. Shiva's tripundra symbol (three slightly rounded horizontal lines connected at the sides). The drawing is applied with red paste on the forehead of Ganesha. The red dot of Parvati is the symbol of the Mother.