
Sanpin on chickenpox in kindergarten. Chicken pox: how many days does quarantine last? Sick leave with chickenpox child


Chickenpox is a highly contagious infection. If you do not have immunity, or have not previously been vaccinated against this disease, then in the locations a large number people who have an infected person, there is a high probability that you will be infected. A set of precautionary measures to prevent the transmission of the virus from the epidemic focus is quarantine for chickenpox, how many days it lasts and what are the rules for implementing measures.

Despite the fact that this disease is perceived as a childhood infection, it also affects adults. Then the flow takes place in a very severe form, and complications often occur. Kids, on the other hand, carry chickenpox easily, without any consequences. A person who has been ill for many years develops immune protection.

When children catch chickenpox in a place such as a kindergarten, school, or hospital, a quarantine announcement is made.

Procedures adopted during quarantine

Any anti-epidemic measures are aimed at preventing further transmission of the disease. With chickenpox in children, quarantine in a kindergarten or school is prescribed if at least one case of infection is detected.

Parents of an infected child must comply with the following requirements:

  • Only a qualified medical professional should diagnose and monitor the course of the disease;
  • During quarantine, a child with chickenpox does not have the opportunity to leave the walls of the house for 21 days until all of his rashes begin to dry out and crust over. The moisture in the pimple vesicles is the richest source of the virus.
  • A child with chickenpox will be prohibited from attending a kindergarten or an educational institution that is under quarantine until his condition returns to normal, five to seven days have passed since the last rash, and he will not be provided with a statement of full recovery.

As one of the main anti-epidemic measures for chickenpox in kindergarten it is recommended that an external examination of babies visiting the quarantine group be detected to identify the first signs of a rash on the body, as well as to measure body temperature. When determining the initial symptoms of the diseased, they are temporarily isolated from others until one of the relatives comes for him.

When an episode of chickenpox is detected in kindergarten, what to do and what necessary actions need to be taken are prescribed in special sanitary rules and norms, the so-called SanPiNe.

Sanpin rules for chicken pox:

  • Everyday medical examination of children is necessary;
  • Sanpin's requirements during chickenpox quarantine limit classes at school or kindergarten in different classrooms. All educational or educational activities should take place in only one place;
  • At least 2 times it is necessary to do wet cleaning;
  • To deactivate the varicella-zoster virus according to Sanpin, ultraviolet quartzization of rooms should be carried out;
  • Disinfection of toys, furniture, utensils;
  • Additional ventilation (ventilation) of premises.

Consider when and under what circumstances quarantine is announced for chickenpox in a kindergarten, school:

  1. A child with signs of infection is found in the team;
  2. The kid goes to his district police officer, and with a positive diagnosis, all information is transmitted to the SES;
  3. The service issues a quarantine order for chickenpox in a kindergarten or school.

At the same time, the institution continues to function, but its work has its own specifics.

How many days does chickenpox quarantine last?

Any parent facing similar circumstances is wondering how many days chickenpox quarantine lasts. It usually lasts three weeks. During this time, the disease has time to pass the incubation period and, in a situation of accidental infection of another child, visual signs of the disease become apparent.

The quarantine period for chickenpox can only be extended if a case of a new infection is registered before the end of 21 days.

Therefore, how long the quarantine for chickenpox in a kindergarten or other institution can last depends on the specifics of the outbreak in a particular case.

The introduction of quarantine for a specified number of days with chickenpox in children is carried out on the basis of a decree of the director of the institution. A message about the temporary restriction of attendance due to infection is placed at the main entrance.

If chickenpox is detected in a kindergarten, the following information for parents must be accepted:

  • If your baby did not attend kindergarten at the time of the outbreak of the virus, it is advisable to stay at home these days to exclude the possibility of infection.
  • If circumstances develop in such a way that there is no one to sit at home with your child, then a temporary visit in a parallel group of a kindergarten is possible, where there was no case of chickenpox.
  • In a situation where the parents refuse the last offer and further desire to attend their group, it will be necessary to write a receipt.
  • The child may continue to visit public places, even when there was contact with a sick chickenpox outside the territory of the institution itself, but only for the first ten days. Then he needs to continue treatment at home.
  • When a child visits an isolated group in a kindergarten, one should not be in other crowded places until the chickenpox incubation period is over.


During quarantine measures for chickenpox in kindergarten, emergency vaccination can be carried out within three days after contact with the patient.

Regarding mantoux and vaccinations against other pathogens, then it’s worth waiting until the chickenpox quarantine is over.

If you have to continue to take the child to the chickenpox quarantine group, parents and employees of the organization are required to take certain measures to prevent infection:

  • Indoors, it is desirable to use a medical mask;
  • For a street walk, children are required to use a separate entrance, as well as a playground isolated from the rest;
  • When returning home, wash your hands thoroughly with soap;
  • According to the epidemiological standards of sanpin for chicken pox, it is necessary to carry out daily wet cleaning also in residential premises;
  • Every day, mom or dad needs to examine the baby on their own;
  • At the slightest doubt, an examination by a pediatrician is necessary.

Under the ban on visiting institutions under quarantine for chickenpox, fall:

  • Pregnant;
  • Elderly people;
  • Babies up to one year old.

If quarantine for chickenpox is introduced on the territory of the maternity hospital, it is advisable for a pregnant woman to stay at home until delivery. Unauthorized persons at this time to visit the maternity hospital is completely prohibited.

With chickenpox in adults, which can last 20 days, as one of the quarantine requirements, it is necessary to avoid crowded places until a week has passed after the last wave of rash on the body.

Some experts believe that quarantine for the time of chickenpox in a kindergarten or school is completely unnecessary. IN childhood this infection is usually mild and it is better to have it at this time than to face serious problems as you get older. However, if the infection concerns a maternity hospital or hospital, then the introduction of quarantine is simply necessary.

According to statistics, when carrying out quarantine measures for chickenpox in a preschool educational institution, most parents try to find an opportunity to leave the child at home for the entire period. Seventy percent of the rest of adults transfer their child to another group, realizing that the child will have to go through the next stage of adaptation.

Thus, when there is an outbreak of chickenpox infection in a kindergarten, what needs to be done and undertaken depends on the individual case. Whether your child got sick himself or came into contact with an infected person, the further course of action is repelled from this.

Chickenpox - infection that propagates through the air. Most get chickenpox in childhood, acquiring lifelong immunity from. carry the infection in a much more severe form, risking complications from pneumonia to liver damage to hepatitis.

It is especially worth fearing, since an unborn baby can catch an infection in utero, which leads to physical and mental deformities. Therefore, when sick with chickenpox, the patient should be quarantined in order to protect the people around him from the viral danger.

Quarantine duration

It spreads by airborne droplets (from a sick person to a healthy one). At the same time, direct infection through things is possible only with emergency dressing. to an immunocompromised person. Scientists have determined that out of 10 contact children under the age of 12, 8 people get sick. 95% before the age of 15 have already had chickenpox.

Patients are also a source of infection, the chickenpox virus is a complication of the disease.

From the moment of infection to the first symptoms of the disease. At the same time, a person does not know what is. In children, the first pimples appear 1-2 weeks after infection. In adults, the incubation time lasts up to 21 days.

A few days before the rash appears, a person becomes contagious. It is almost impossible to calculate the period of occurrence of danger to others in advance -. Therefore, it is difficult to determine exactly where the infection occurred.

Features of the incubation period

The incubation time is divided into periods:

  1. The initial stage of fixing the virus in the body lasts 5-6 days from the moment of contact with a sick person.
  2. The secondary period is characterized by increased reproduction of the virus on the mucous membranes of the lungs, bronchi, and oral cavity.
  3. The final stage - the virus completely infects all organs of the human body, moving with the blood stream to all distant parts of the body. The first rashes appear, a person becomes a distributor of infection.

The duration of each period is individual for each patient. The development and reproduction of the virus depends on the state of immunity, the age of the patient, the number of invading microorganisms. In some cases, the disease resolves without specific symptoms. Then the person spreads the smallpox virus without even knowing it. It happens that rashes appear in an inconspicuous place (for example, the scalp). As a result, a person notices symptoms late, being, long time carrier of infection.

Quarantine period for different age categories

Chickenpox is considered a childhood disease, since an epidemic often occurs in kindergartens and schools, in which the majority of children succumb to infection.

The course of the disease is divided into the following periods:

  1. Incubation - lasts 1-3 weeks. The herpetic virus actively multiplies in the human body, spreading the infection around the affected person.
  2. Prodromal - 1-3 days are fixed, during which it is not yet detected, but there are already symptoms of pain (weakness, headache, fatigue, fever).
  3. Active rash of acne is noticed for 3-10 days, depending on the state of the patient's immunity. Itching appears pain, discomfort.
  4. The healing process lasts 5-7 days. Bursting pimples actively dry out, crusts, under which the skin restores its integrity, disappear.

When calculating the duration of an individual period, average statistical data are used. The actual terms depend on the state of health of the patient, the effectiveness of the assistance provided to him. The most dangerous period is the 14th day, when the peak of the course of the disease is noted. After the last pimples have healed, the risk of infection persists for 5-6 days.

According to doctors, the contagious period lasts up to 2 weeks. Visually, the danger of a person to others is fixed by the state of pimples, which must completely heal. At the same time, the formation of new papules stops.

How to comply with it?

If in children's team a child with chickenpox is discovered, it must be isolated for the duration of the active period. It is recommended to observe bed rest at a high temperature.

Information about the detection of a quarantine disease is transmitted to the clinic. After confirming the diagnosis in a children's institution, a quarantine is announced, during which the work of a kindergarten or school continues. The duration of the quarantine "holiday" is 21 days. Moreover, if another sick child is found, quarantine continues for the same period.

It is not recommended to take or bring a child to a children's team in quarantine for people who do not have immune protection against chickenpox.

This is especially true for senior citizens, pregnant women who are breastfeeding a baby.

The attendants of the children's institution (teachers, educators, health workers) have additional responsibilities:

  1. inspect skin incoming and outgoing children in order to determine the onset of chickenpox in time.
  2. Measure bodies.
  3. Register the presence of pupils or preschoolers. After a 5-day absence, it is recommended to visit the attending physician and obtain a certificate of the child's health.
  4. The contact group of children and adults should avoid possible infection of other groups.
  5. Inform parents about symptoms and.
  6. Ensure the isolation of the children's group (class) during music, physical education, if more than 2 people are found sick.

Sanitary measures

In order to contribute to the speedy elimination of viral infection, the Sanitary Inspectorate of the Russian Federation recommends the following activities:

  1. Ventilation of rooms through the through method before and after visiting children for 30 minutes.
  2. Increase the break between classes to 10 minutes.
  3. Regularly do wet cleaning of rooms and offices. Maintaining air humidity in the range of 60-80%, favorably affects the child's immunity.
  4. Twice a day, disinfect the air in children's institutions with ultraviolet light.
  5. Disinfect dishes, toys, school exhibits.

If a sick child is found in the children's team, it is recommended to isolate him and immediately inform the parents.

Modern doctors have changed their view of the advisability of quarantine. If earlier the initial task was considered to be the protection of the team from the sick, today doctors recommend measures in which mass infection with chickenpox occurs in childhood. Children under 10 years of age carry the infection much more easily than adults, who have quite complex complications.

It has also been established that the infection cannot cause a life-threatening and health-threatening epidemic among adults, since it is massively affected in childhood, acquiring immunity for re-infection.

If communication with peers is artificially limited, the number of recorded chickenpox infections is significantly reduced. At the same time, a large stratum of people is formed among the adult population who do not have immunity against infection. As a result, the risk of exposure to infection and the risk of severe complications increases significantly.

What should pregnant women do?

The disease of a woman carrying a child, chicken pox, is not dangerous at almost any stage of pregnancy, except for the last week before childbirth. The absence of signs of the disease does not allow to determine the infection. 17% of children born in these circumstances have a congenital disease. At the same time, a third of the infected babies are in lethal danger, while the rest may develop complications that affect mental and physical indicators.

The manifestation of chickenpox is fixed at 6-11 days after birth. The disease is considered congenital.

In other cases, the immunity against chickenpox received by the mother is transferred to the child. There are no indications for termination of pregnancy.

Chickenpox is a serious disease that can lead to negative consequences. Therefore, doctors recommend that citizens who have not had an illness in childhood do it. Do not neglect the advice of specialists for women planning to add a family, the elderly, children prone to diseases. Vaccination - modern effective way prevent chickenpox.

Chickenpox or varicella is a highly contagious disease spread by airborne droplets. The risk of infection is especially high in crowded places. This infection primarily affects children and adults who did not have chickenpox in childhood. This disease is traditionally considered childhood. Usually it is infected in schools, kindergartens and hospitals. In this review, we will look at how to properly organize quarantine by

Main activities

As a rule, the virus is transmitted by airborne droplets from a sick person to a healthy person. As a result of getting into the oral cavity and nasal mucosa of an uninfected baby, the infection instantly enters the bloodstream and spreads throughout the body. Until the pathogen accumulates in the tissues in the right amount, it will not manifest itself in any way. This period can last from 1 to 3 weeks.

So, how to properly organize chickenpox quarantine? How many days does it last? The main purpose of this event is to prevent the further spread of the infection. Quarantine is carried out if a case of chickenpox has been detected in one of the groups. All actions are carried out in accordance with SanPiN. Examination of children in such a situation should be carried out by medical workers every day. During quarantine, all classes are held with children in the same room. In addition, the room should be wet cleaned twice a day. Effectively removes the chickenpox virus and UV exposure. That is why during quarantine, quartzization of premises is carried out several times. Dishes, furniture and toys are treated with a special disinfectant every day. The premises are ventilated twice a day.

Quarantine: as announced

If a child infected with chickenpox is found in the group, then quarantine is declared in the garden for chickenpox. How many days does it last? First of all, information about the sick person is transferred to the children's hospital. The local doctor examines the child. If the diagnosis is confirmed, information about the case of infection is transmitted to the SES, which in turn prepares a quarantine order in the institution.

Will the garden be closed during quarantine?

What awaits the institution in which chickenpox was discovered? Quarantine - how many days in kindergarten? First of all, it is worth saying that the institution does not close and continues to work, but with a number of restrictions.

Quarantine duration

Many parents worry about quarantine after chickenpox. How many days does it last? As a rule, in kindergartens and schools it lasts three weeks. This is the length of the maximum incubation period for chickenpox. If, after the end of the quarantine, a case of the disease is found again, it can be increased.

Should you take your child to kindergarten?

Not every parent has the opportunity to leave the child at home. How many days can chickenpox quarantine last? If your child was not in childcare when the infection was discovered, staff will likely advise you to stay at home. This will help prevent further spread of the disease. If it is not possible to leave the child at home, you can ask the head teacher to temporarily transfer the child to another group. If the parents decide to take the baby to kindergarten, they will be asked to write a receipt of the appropriate content.

Sometimes there are not quite standard situations. For example, the child could interact with the patient outside the kindergarten. In this case, he can visit the children's institution during the first 10 days from the incident. From day 11 until full recovery, he should be at home.

Vaccinations during quarantine

There are many more restrictions that quarantine brings with chickenpox. How many days will a child have a special regime in kindergarten? Often, parents are faced with a difficult choice: is it worth getting a chickenpox vaccine during quarantine? Is it possible to do the Mantoux reaction during this period of time? As they say medical workers, there are no contraindications for varicella vaccination during quarantine. The best injection in this case would be the Varilrix vaccine. It can be administered to prevent disease. As for other vaccinations and Mantoux, they can only be done after quarantine is completed in the garden.

Precaution won't hurt

Suppose a group your child attends has been diagnosed with chickenpox. How many days will it take? If for some reason you have to give your baby to a group that has an incubation period, you should remember the precautions. They will help protect children from infection.

  1. Children are advised to attend the group in a gauze bandage.
  2. Physical education and music classes are held only in one room.
  3. The quarantine group goes outside through a separate exit and walks only in a specially designated area.
  4. Upon returning home, the child must wash and disinfect their hands.
  5. At home, for the purpose of prevention, it is necessary to carry out a thorough treatment of all surfaces.
  6. Parents should examine the child every day and monitor his well-being. If you suspect that the baby is sick, you need to call a doctor at home.

Quarantined institutions: who should not visit?

Suppose the kindergarten or school that your child attends has introduced chickenpox quarantine. How many days will the special regime last? Who should not go to quarantine establishments? Doctors do not recommend that pregnant women, children under the age of one and the elderly appear in institutions where quarantine has been declared. If it is impossible to exclude a visit to the institution for some reason, you should definitely wear a gauze bandage.

According to Dr. Komarovsky, there is no need to introduce chickenpox quarantine at school or kindergarten. IN early age this disease is mild. So it's better to just let the child get sick naturally. If we are talking about such social institutions as a hospital, then quarantine is simply necessary here. However, despite all the recommendations presented, many parents, when in a children's educational institution, which their child visits, introduce chickenpox quarantine, prefer to leave the child at home. If it is still not possible to leave the child, then they ask the head of the institution to temporarily transfer the baby to another group. However, such measures are not always justified.


Chickenpox is an unpleasant and extremely contagious disease. But it is better for them to get sick in childhood. In this review, we examined the cases in which chickenpox quarantine is announced, how many days it lasts, and what other measures are taken to prevent the spread of the disease.

Chickenpox in kindergarten is common. Moreover, many parents, and doctors, are of the opinion: the sooner the better. It is known that this infectious disease in adulthood is much more difficult to tolerate, up to resuscitation. In childhood, it can get by with a couple of pimples.

Source of disease

Chickenpox is transmitted by airborne droplets. It can also be contracted if liquid from a blister on the skin of a chickenpox patient gets on the skin of a healthy child. It is contagious for a sick chickenpox two days before the rash appears and until the crusts dry out.

It is almost impossible to get infected through second persons or objects that were used by the patient, since the chickenpox virus is very unstable in the external environment and dies in a few minutes. If the child has been in contact with a sick person, then the infection may appear from 10 to 21 days. Therefore, chickenpox in kindergarten, as a rule, is not limited to a few weeks. Children get sick one by one, and quarantine can last from winter to summer.


Chickenpox can be easily identified by red pimples. They appear in a small amount, but in just a couple of hours they can cover the entire body: from the heels to the top of the head. Pimples become watery and eventually burst.

The disease may be accompanied by fever, up to 39.5 degrees, headache, weakness, nausea, abdominal pain.


The treatment is very simple and comes down to lubricating pimples with brilliant green. This limits the entry into the wound of a secondary infection.

In the event that pimples have reached the mucous membrane, then the mouth must be rinsed with a solution of water with furatsilin or soda. You also need to be careful with the eyelids - you can’t not lubricate the wounds, doctors advise disinfecting the rashes on the eyelids with miramistin or okomistin.

The rash can last up to 5-10 days. Shower or bath during the illness is strictly contraindicated. In extreme cases, you can quickly wash yourself with water: just splash water on your face and blot with a towel, in no case wipe it dry.

Quarantine in kindergarten

If there is chickenpox in a kindergarten, then quarantine is declared in the group where the sick person went.

The mechanism for declaring a quarantine is as follows. A local pediatrician is called to a sick child, who determines the infection. The doctor informs the clinic about the sick person and calls the kindergarten. On the basis of an order from the clinic, quarantine is declared in the group.

In the event that the child is observed by a private pediatrician, no one is obliged to call the kindergarten. If the parents themselves inform the preschool institution that the child has contracted chicken pox, the group will be exposed, the clinic will be informed, and even then quarantine will be announced.

Parents of healthy children are notified of the "special position" of the group through a notice on the door. Children from the quarantine group do not visit the premises where classes are held for other, “healthy” groups (music, sports halls), or visit them last. Classes are held to the maximum in a group. In addition, the guys go for a walk through a separate entrance.

Quarantine measures are being taken in the group in accordance with sanitary and epidemiological standards (XVIII. The main hygienic and anti-epidemic measures carried out medical staff in preschool educational organizations).

Children are examined daily, or even several times a day, by a nurse. In the event that a rash is noticed on the child's body, the educators immediately call the parents with a request to take the sick person home. The child himself, before the arrival of the parents, is sent to the isolation ward.

Finally, I would like to say that many parents underestimate the severity of the disease and, even in the absence of temperature, can take the child to the playground or go on a tourist trip so as not to cancel a long-planned trip. At the same time, the rashes are smeared with desitin or potassium permanganate so that they cannot be identified as “chickenpox”. However, at the same time, they put not only the children around them at risk, but also their child, because the consequences of chickenpox may not be as easy as the disease itself.

Chickenpox quarantine can be administered at an educational institution where an infected person has been identified. In most cases, it helps to prevent mass infection of people who have not had a disease caused by HSV type 3. In the absence of measures to prevent the development of the virus, avoid infection healthy individuals fails. This is due to the fact that the causative agent of chickenpox is easily introduced into the human body and moves up to a distance of 20 meters.

People of all ages are susceptible to chickenpox infection, but most often it is diagnosed in children attending children's groups. The incubation period of the disease is from 10 to 21 days. An infectious person is dangerous to those around him, approximately 24 hours before the onset of the first symptoms. That is why quarantine measures do not always prevent infection of healthy people.

A child with chickenpox in a kindergarten is examined by a pediatrician. The specialist sends information about the fact of infection to the clinic. Quarantine is introduced according to an official order transmitted from the children's hospital. Usually, information about ongoing events is posted at the entrance in the form of an announcement.

Chickenpox quarantine does not prevent a child from attending preschools where the disease was detected. Some restrictions are simply introduced regarding the communication of contact children with healthy ones. Potential carriers of HSV type 3 cannot go to common areas or do it after other people. Every day, the babies are examined by a nurse who informs parents about new cases of infection. Children who start to get sick are taken home for treatment. They are isolated from other children until their mother or father arrives at the kindergarten.

Chickenpox quarantine is introduced for 3 weeks from the date of detection of the last case of infection. This required condition. The specified time corresponds to the limiting duration of the incubation period. If new cases of the disease are discovered, the quarantine period is extended. The child has the right to go to kindergarten even during anti-epidemic measures, if the parents give a receipt for this. After visiting the group where the fact of the disease was recorded, such a baby is considered a contact for chickenpox and all the introduced rules apply to him.

If the interaction with the HSV type 3 carrier did not happen in the group, but within the family, then a potentially infected child can go to kindergarten for 10 days from the day the disease was detected in an adult. From 11 to 21 days, such a baby is not allowed to attend classes in preschool.

A person infected with HSV type 3 is dangerous for healthy people within 5 days from the moment the last rash was formed. Since the incubation period for chickenpox is up to 21 days, a potentially infected person should limit contact with others during this period. The risk of getting chickenpox when interacting with an infected person tends to zero if you have a type 3 HSV vaccine. It can be delivered within 3 days after contact with a sick adult or child.

Windmill at school

The rules by which quarantine should be declared are identical to those observed in kindergarten. When a child with signs of chickenpox is identified at school, a doctor comes to the class to make a diagnosis. Based on this, the official (director) issues an appropriate order.

An announcement about the closure of the school for quarantine is placed on the doors of the institution. This allows all interested parties to obtain the necessary information. Sick guys are isolated from healthy ones until they are contagious.

Chickenpox quarantine in kindergarten (school): rules of conduct

Not all parents agree to wait out quarantine at home. Sometimes they have to protect their children visiting an institution where there is a chance of catching HSV type 3.

Moms and dads need to know the following:

  • all persons in the class or group wear gauze bandages;
  • children potentially infected with chickenpox study in the same room, go outside through a special door and walk in the allotted area;
  • upon arrival home, the child should thoroughly wash their hands and apply an antiseptic;
  • daily processing of furniture in the apartment and monitoring the health of the baby are required.

How many days to stay at home with chickenpox

A child who has received the status of a sick person can stay at home for several days after the end of anti-epidemiological measures, which is explained by the need to restore immunity. A fragile body is more susceptible to infection with other infections.

An example of an announcement on the doors of an institution

You can go to kindergarten or school no earlier than 18 days after the onset of the active stage of the disease. Even if the child feels well, you should not send him to preschool. This can trigger an outbreak of chickenpox, since the virus is active for another 5 days after the last vesicle appears.

In addition, an untreated disease can lead to the development of complications, such as chickenpox pneumonia, which will require hospitalization. It is better to postpone visiting a kindergarten or school for a few days after recovery. This will allow the body to get stronger. In the recovery period, it is desirable to give the baby foods rich in vitamins and minerals. According to the doctor's prescription, you can use immunity stimulants. Walks are recommended fresh air, however, not before the child becomes completely non-infectious to others.

How long can a sick leave for chickenpox last

Preventing disease is not easy, but doable. Everyone knows that it is best to get chickenpox in childhood, so sometimes they deliberately lead their children to contact with the sick person. How long does it take sick leave with chickenpox in a child, depends on the characteristics of its course.

As a rule, a temporary disability certificate is issued for 10 days. This time is not always enough to cope with the disease, and quarantine measures last at least 2 weeks. For this reason, it is allowed to extend the sick leave for 4 days. You can leave the baby in the care of other family members. If they are not immune to chickenpox, then it is advisable to get vaccinated. It is important to exclude contacts of a sick child with a pregnant woman.

Vaccinations during chickenpox quarantine

Quarantine for chickenpox lasts more than one day and getting vaccinated against this disease at this time is a great way to prevent its development. However, it is advisable to do this within 3 days after contact with the sick person. For preventive purposes, you can take "Acyclovir".

The Mantoux reaction and other vaccinations are allowed after the quarantine ends in the preschool. This is necessary as a precaution, because vaccination during illness can adversely affect the health of the child.

How to act in an epidemic focus: sanitary standards

  • ventilate the premises in a through way before and after visiting the kids for half an hour;
  • increase the break between classes to 10 minutes;
  • carry out wet cleaning of the premises every day;
  • maintain air humidity at the level of 60-80%;
  • Disinfect the room with a quartz lamp 2 times a day;
  • perform antiseptic treatment of toys;
  • isolate sick children in a timely manner.

Chickenpox is a very contagious disease and all measures aimed at preventing it are working poorly. Most parents deliberately release their children into a quarantine group, since chickenpox infection is most easily tolerated in childhood.

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