
Can I return the boots to the store if the heel is broken? A complete list of signs about shoes Broken heel


You have the right to carry out, at your choice, the actions provided for by the Law "On Protection of Consumer Rights". In your case, the law is completely on your side. Claim your rights.

In accordance with Art. 18 of the Law "On Protection of Consumer Rights" the consumer in the event of defects in the product, if they were not specified by the seller, entitled to his choice:
- demand a replacement for a product of the same brand (the same model and (or) article);
- demand a replacement for the same product of a different brand (model, article) with a corresponding recalculation of the purchase price;
- demand a commensurate reduction in the purchase price;
- demand immediate gratuitous elimination of product defects or reimbursement of expenses for their correction by the consumer or a third party;
- refuse to fulfill the contract of sale and demand the return of the amount paid for the goods. At the request of the seller and at his expense, the consumer must return the goods with defects.
Seller (manufacturer), authorized organization or authorized individual entrepreneur, importer must accept the goods inadequate quality at the consumer and, if necessary, check the quality of the goods. The consumer has the right to participate in the quality control of the goods.
In the event of a dispute about the causes of defects in the goods, the seller (manufacturer), an authorized organization or an authorized individual entrepreneur, the importer are obliged conduct an examination of the goods at your own expense. Examination of goods is carried out within the time limits established by Articles 20, 21 and 22 of this Law to meet the relevant requirements of the consumer. The consumer has the right to be present during the examination of the goods and, in case of disagreement with its results, to challenge the conclusion of such an examination in court.
If, as a result of the examination of the goods, it is established that its defects have arisen due to circumstances for which the seller (manufacturer) is not responsible, the consumer is obliged to reimburse the seller (manufacturer), an authorized organization or an authorized individual entrepreneur, the importer for the costs of conducting an examination, as well as related to its conduct. storage and transportation costs.
The consumer has the right to present the requirements provided for in Article 18 of the Law to the seller (manufacturer, authorized organization or authorized individual entrepreneur, importer) in relation to defects in the goods, if they were discovered during warranty period or expiration date.
Article 21 of the Law provides that in the event that a consumer discovers defects in a product and submits a request for its replacement, the seller (manufacturer, authorized organization or authorized individual entrepreneur, importer) must replace such product within seven days from the date of presentation of the specified requirement by the consumer, and if necessary, additional verification of the quality of such goods by the seller (manufacturer, authorized organization or authorized individual entrepreneur, importer) - within twenty days from the date of presentation of the said request.
For violation provided for in Articles 20, 21 and 22 of this Law timing, as well as for non-fulfillment (delay in fulfillment) of the consumer's requirement to provide him with a similar product for the period of repair (replacement) salesman(manufacturer, authorized organization or authorized individual entrepreneur, importer) who committed such violations, pays the consumer for each day of delay a penalty(penalty) in the amount of one percent of the price of the goods (Article 23 of the same Law).

If the seller still refuses to replace the boots or return them, then you must send him a written claim. And then apply to the court with the appropriate statement of claim.

At the same time, as provided for in Art. 13 Law, consumer requirements on payment of a penalty (penalty) provided for by law or an agreement, subject to satisfaction manufacturer (executor, seller, authorized organization or authorized individual entrepreneur, importer) on a voluntary basis.
If satisfied by the court consumer requirements established by law, the court exacts from the manufacturer (performer, seller, authorized organization or authorized individual entrepreneur, importer) for non-compliance with voluntary satisfaction of consumer requirements fifty percent penalty from the amount awarded by the court in favor of the consumer.
Consumers, other plaintiffs in claims related to violation of consumer rights are exempted from paying the state fee.

If today shoes can be used to judge the accuracy, taste, wealth of the owner, then in the old days it meant much more. Our ancestors associated shoes with the life force of the owner, they were perceived as a mirror of the owner's soul. Signs about shoes can tell you what to do, what to expect and what to watch out for.

There is a saying that people are greeted by their clothes. It should be noted that in this case they often look not only at clothes, but also at shoes. If for us shoes are only part of the image, then for our ancestors it had much more deep meaning. The shoes were associated with the life force and energy of their owner, she could prompt and warn in right moment. There are a lot of signs about shoes that concern both its owners and other people who have nothing to do with a particular pair of shoes.

good omens

  • Accidentally exchanged shoes with someone outside the home, for example, at a party - to joy or a new acquaintance. When returning shoes, the owner needs to give him some kind of gift (chocolate, key chain, candy, etc.), thus it is possible to attract good luck.
  • To give shoes to a loved one and please with the size and model - to a long-term relationship.
  • A knot spontaneously tied on the laces - good luck. Especially if it happened before. important event. It is better not to untie it for three days.
  • So that there are no problems during the trip, you need to burn old shoes that have not been worn for a long time, and take the ashes with you.
  • Piglet under the heel, placed in the left boot - good luck.
  • The groom drank to the bottom from the bride's shoes - to endless love for her.
  • Wearing wedding shoes will bring good luck, so you need at least a day before significant event to look like in it.
  • Shoes bought on a waxing moon last longer.
  • If, after buying new shoes, knock them on the floor three times, then she will be happy.
  • Stumble with your right foot - to meet an interesting person, left - to a romantic meeting. It is important not to damage the shoes.
  • Loss of shoes - to the disappearance of unpleasant people from the life.
  • Finding shoes - to career growth.
  • Losing shoes on the road is a change in your personal life.
  • put on new shoes and twist your leg in it - to a pleasant acquaintance.
  • Enter the feces - to profit.
  • The cat marked the shoes - for the arrival of distant relatives.
  • Accidentally pour water on shoes - to a meeting with someone who Lately remember often.
  • They stepped on the right shoe - for profit, on the left - for a major purchase.
  • Laces are constantly torn - to small profits.
  • A heel stuck in a crevice promises fun.

bad omens

  • Broken heel - financial loss.
  • Shoes on the table - to a conflict with loved ones or relatives.
  • To give your beloved room slippers - worsen relations with him.
  • Squeaky shoes? You should think about who their owner offended, and urgently make peace, moreover, walking in it, otherwise the shoes will not stop creaking.
  • Keep old shoes, especially torn ones - to diseases. Just throwing it away is not recommended, it is easy to damage it, it is better to throw it into a fire with the addition of spruce branches.
  • Shoes should not intersect with each other or be swapped - the right one in place of the left, and vice versa - to disorder, quarrels in the family.
  • New shoes, shod for an important event, will scare away good luck.
  • Fishing boots worn under the armpit are in trouble.
  • Boots, shod on a bare foot - to financial problems.
  • It is not recommended to gamble in shoes on bare feet - there will be no winnings.
  • Accidentally confuse and put on the left shoe on the right foot and vice versa - to gossip and slander.
  • Shoes put toe to heel - to the disease.
  • Women's happiness can "run away" through the bride's open shoes, so wedding shoes are chosen with a closed heel: shoes, boots or moccasins.
  • Is the sole cracked? This means that there was a meeting with an evil person and the shoes took on his negativity, so they need to be burned or thrown into the trash with the words: “Come with me with good, and I am with him. Evil will leave and will not come to me again!
  • It is better not to lend your shoes to strangers - they will take away energy.
  • The dog gnawed through shoes - to a conflict with a relative.
  • To stand on a nail - to problems in a government house.
  • Repair worn shoes - at a loss.
  • The heel sways, but does not break - to an unstable financial situation.
  • A stranger washes shoes - to a quarrel with him.

Much of what our ancestors believed was superstition. But if all of them cause irony, then why have they survived to this day and why does every modern bride take them into account, just in case? The editors of the site remembered wedding signs, devoid of any common sense.

On this topic

Probably, no country in the world can boast such a love for signs and superstitions as Russia. A black cat running across the road, an unexpectedly broken cup, open scissors, a broken mirror... You can't count everything. And very many of us, quietly laughing at the old beliefs, still spit over the left shoulder and whisper the saving "pah-pah, so as not to jinx it." Yes, just in case. And even the most skeptical girls begin to blindly follow ridiculous signs when it comes to the most important event in their life - a wedding.

All these superstitious traditions have existed for many years, and entire generations of our mothers and grandmothers trusted them. Let now most of them seem ridiculous and ridiculous, but nevertheless, the desire of a woman to do everything to ensure that her future marriage is strong and happy has remained unchanged. Therefore, we girls will follow these stupid omens for a long time to come.

    Before the wedding, the bride must definitely cry! Horror, right? Instead of enjoying happy moments, poor girls are encouraged to shed tears! But did you know that this tradition goes back many centuries? Until now, in many villages and villages, brides are supposed to mourn their carefree unmarried life, as well as leaving their parental home before the wedding. In some areas, special mourners are still hired to help the bride cope with the task.

    When they make the bed for the wedding night, they put pillows side by side so that the cuts on the pillowcases touch each other - so that life is friendly, without quarrels.

    The groom must not see the bride wedding dress before the wedding. Indeed, a relevant recommendation: the emotions of the groom at the first glance at his beloved on the happiest day cannot be compared with anything, this face must be seen.

    In no case should a wedding dress be put on through the legs and after the celebration it must be carefully stored, as well as a veil, which is the strongest amulet.

    Also, before registration, the bride should not see herself in the mirror in full dress. The girl should not allow her friends to stand in front of the mirror in front of her - they will take her beloved away, the same applies to the groom.

    The bride's shoes must be closed, otherwise life will be barefoot. Old shoes will bring good luck, so wedding shoes It is desirable to be like at least a day before the wedding. By the way, shoes are bought on Fridays, and dresses on Wednesdays, change is not spent for at least three months.

    After the young people leave the bride's house, the mother wipes the floor (at least symbolically) so that the daughter does not return to live in her parents' house.

    During the wedding, after the marriage or wedding, the newlyweds should go to the banquet hall along a winding route so that the unclean forces do not follow them. For the same purpose, it is customary to tie empty tin cans to the rear bumper of a young car - a noisy ringing scares away evil spirits.

    There should be an odd number of guests at the wedding, their outfits should not be black, and the flowers presented should not be roses.

    On the wedding day, the groom puts a coin in his right shoe so that life is rich. It is kept in the family as a relic.

    If the bride's heel is broken, she will "limp" family life! A broken heel is generally a bad omen, and especially before a wedding. For especially superstitious people, such an attack can also mean that the groom was bewitched either by the bride or her predecessor.

    On the day when the couple is getting married, parents carefully monitor that none of the outsiders straightens the wedding dresses for the young.

    After the ransom to the registry office between the bride and groom, no one should pass.

    Pearl jewelry is not worn at the wedding, otherwise the bride will cry.

    A coin is put in a glass for the bride and groom - to a rich life. Then they are stored under a tablecloth.

    Wedding rings must certainly be smooth, then life will be smooth. Now, when wedding fashion offers us incredibly beautiful engagement rings with stones and engraving, this statement becomes controversial.

    The girl who catches the bride's bouquet will be the next to marry. We will not dare to say that this magical object, for which we girls so zealously fight for at every wedding, is a fiction, but we must warn you: a miracle may not happen.

    Breaking dishes for good luck, it can be glasses of young people (how many large fragments, so many kids), a plate at the entrance to a new house, or even both. By the way, the husband brings his young wife into the house in his arms, stepping over the lock on the threshold, which is subsequently locked and the key thrown away.

    The worst wedding omen is to drop wedding ring. But its effect can be neutralized if, before putting on the ring, a thread is passed through it, which then must be burned with the words “Burn, fire, all my troubles and sorrows.”

What kind of sayings are invented about shoes! The mocking “Eh, yes, he’s under the heel”, the romantic “Two pair of boots”, the gloomy “Drop the slippers”, “Sit in a galosh”, “We don’t slurp bast shoes” ... Americans have an expression “Put on father’s shoes”, similar to our “Go in the footsteps." The English say, "Walk a mile in my boots," when they want to encourage the interlocutor to understand their point of view. And such attention fell on shoes by no means by chance! In the old days, shoes, boots and even slippers were considered a difficult subject, directly related to the vital forces of a person, so they do not stop making signs about them to this day.

For esotericists, mystics and sorcerers of all sorts, personal belongings of a person have always aroused increased interest. It was believed that an object that someone wears on himself (or with him) day after day absorbs the energy of its owner over time and becomes inextricably linked with him. So much so that he begins to foresee the sorrows and joys that await the owner, and persistently signal them. The ability to "wang" was attributed to clothing, headgear, and jewelry. But if you estimate the total number of signs, the shoes will break into the undisputed leaders: for some reason, the predictions of rough road boots and elegant slippers enjoyed increased confidence among our ancestors.

Torn, burst sole, heel fell off and other damage

Shoes that remained unharmed after their owner stumbled on some obstacle and somersaulted in the road dust, a good sign. Wait for pleasant events! The right leg predicts great joy, the left - an interesting acquaintance. But twisting your foot in new shoes means getting into trouble.

Water will cleanse everything!

Is it possible to throw away the old one: the opinion of folk signs

Under no circumstances did the ancestors want to keep worn, torn and holey shoes in the house, because according to signs, this inevitably entailed ailments and losses. However, it was dangerous to throw away a personal item that had served faithfully for more than one month: how do you know who will pick it up and use it for what purpose? To get rid of old shoes and slippers, there was a whole set of rituals:

  1. They threw their worn-out shoes into a furnace or a fire in a wasteland, saying: “Burn on fire, take everything with you.” And they killed not even two, but three birds with one stone! Firstly, a potentially dangerous item was no longer in danger of falling into the hands of the enemy. Secondly, the bread in such an oven had to be tasty and fluffy. And thirdly, by a strange coincidence, the evil spirits could not stand the smell of burning shoes and the shaft poured out of the house. It must be true that the shoes of the ancestors turned out to be “spirited”, the feet were washed from time to time at that time ...
  2. If it was not possible to make a fire, they put a crust of bread in the toe of a leaky shoe and could safely throw it into the wasteland with the words: “I am with good, and I am with good.”
  3. Or they carefully washed their shoes with requests, slanders for water to wash off the master’s spirit from the shoes: “It was mine, it became a draw.” And a thing that does not belong to anyone, and it is not scary to throw it away.

Shoes or boots washed in clean water, if they looked decent, it was not a sin to give them to someone who needed them. In Russia for a long time there was even a belief that the soul of a person who had not given anyone a single pair of shoes in his entire life had to wander barefoot in the next world.

  • Found shoes, in whatever condition they may be, symbolize success in business. You have to climb up the career ladder, and fate carefully provides a pair of shoes for this.
  • But you should not worry about the loss of your favorite slippers or boots. Together with them, some people or connections that have long weighed on you will leave your life.
  • In the house where you managed to forget your shoes - for example, you came to your relatives or girlfriend for an overnight stay and left the replacement slippers you brought with you - you have yet to return. And if we are talking about the apartment of a loved one, you can safely hope for a marriage proposal: it seems that here you are already ready to be accepted as a full-fledged hostess. It’s a pity, it doesn’t make sense to forget the slippers on purpose; omen won't work.

Confuse, inadvertently wear different left or right, other people's shoes

It is better not to let strangers near your shoes at all. In the old days, even when someone began to wash other people's shoes, the ancestors frowned in displeasure: a too obliging stranger would not have pulled the owner's life energy onto himself! On the other hand, both a hundred years ago and before, there were shoe shiners whom no one was afraid of. It can be seen that laziness is a thing stronger than superstition.

How to put shoes in the house: socks or heels to the exit

  • Some interpreters call creaky shoes a harbinger of illness, while others are a sign of an unclean conscience. If you recently hurt someone, hurry up to ask for forgiveness and extinguish the conflict. Moreover, you need to go to conclude a world peace in “talking” shoes, then you will certainly be forgiven.
  • But for the debutant actor, the first appearance on the stage in boots “with a creak” prophesies a resounding success. And if, at the same time, in the dressing room after the performance, the shoes dropped in a hurry themselves neatly settle down with their soles down, glory is not far off.

A shoe that has flown off a person’s foot is considered an extremely bad sign. On the way, this event promises failure to the conceived business, under normal circumstances means a serious threat to life.

Fishermen never wear their shoes slung over their shoulders, and jockeys never put their boots on the floor - it scares away luck.

Many people know the old Christmas custom of unmarried girls standing with their backs to the gate or front door and throw a shoe over your shoulder. He will point with his toe to the exit, to be a fortune-teller this year's bride. She will lay down to the door with her heel - for 12 months the beauty will sit "in the girls." If the shoe falls sideways towards the exit, you can’t count on the soon appearance of the sweetheart, but the girl will not stay too long with her parents, she will go on a trip or study far from her home.

Most often, superstitions do not specify what kind of shoes we are talking about. But in the treasury of folk wisdom, there is nothing to be found! There are also a couple of beliefs related only to slippers, boots or shoes.

About slippers: is it possible to give, keep under the bed, etc.

Some purposeful girls do a whole preparatory work before the ritual. They “drive” slippers in their purse to exhibitions and to the cinema so that the chosen one turns out to be a cultured person. They rub it with banknotes so that precious papers rustle in the pocket of a loved one. They take it with them for walks along the river - maybe the new boyfriend will turn out to be with a romantic note in his soul. At the same time, it is important to treat your innocent witchcraft simply, without anguish and with a dose of humor. For those fixated on the thought “I want to get married,” the ritual does not work.

We started talking about “married” just in time, because it is difficult to find a more superstitious girl than a bride in front of the registry office. Even those who, on a normal day, without fear, sweep an overturned salt shaker into the trash can and cross the road for a black cat, prefer not to violate numerous wedding signs - “what if it comes true” ...

  • The bride's shoes should not have perforations: happiness will flow into the holes, and the evil energy of envious women will cling from the ground.
  • To walk down the aisle in sandals means to spend your whole life “barefoot”, that is, in poverty.
  • The buckles on wedding shoes will fasten the way for the child and childbirth will be difficult.
  • The heel will break - family life will be clumsy and scandalous, "limping" on both legs.
  • To lose shoes on the way to the registry office - not to know the rest of the married, always fussing and fussing.
  • The groom's bright shoes predict a short life for him, and the boots indicate a tough temper: the young spouse would not start beating his betrothed!
  • A coin placed under the right heel of the bride promises a happy life in marriage, and in the groom's shoe predicts prosperity in the family.
  • Wedding shoes should be bought on Friday. And do not forget to walk in them for an hour or two on the eve of the celebration, so that the shoes turn into symbolically worn ones, as custom requires. Yes, and the foot in the usual shoes "in size" will be more comfortable.

The old "hussar" tradition, requiring the groom to drink sparkling champagne from the bride's shoe, seems unhygienic and unpleasant to many in our time. Not only will the groom have to swallow who knows what, but also the girl will be forced to spank all day in sticky shoes! But if you still decide to follow the custom, signs will predict adoration and reverent care from the spouse for a bride with a bare foot, and humility and love of a companion for a brave groom. One of the interpretations says that original way the man takes away the obstinate temper from the newlywed.

And that's not all! Do you know that not only a whole boot or slippers, but even a part of a shoe will fit for predictions? Your forecast for the future can give, say, a heel. Or lace.

  • Broke - expect trouble.
  • Staggering or bent - your position is just as shaky. Take steps not to fall.
  • Stuck in the pavement - get a joyful surprise where you didn’t count on it.
  • Do they break every now and then? It's for the money!
  • Untie? Be careful, you are in danger.
  • On the contrary, tied with knots? When it comes to the left leg, beware of gossip; on the right, expect praise. And some people regard every knot on a shoelace as a prediction of great luck and do not think to unravel it, even if it causes inconvenience.
  • You can not put away laced shoes for storage - your legs will start to hurt.
  • You can’t tie your shoes together: even when you untie them, the laces will not “unravel” and you will stumble out of the blue. With the most serious consequences.
  • You cannot wear brown and black laces at the same time. In addition to the fact that it looks strange, black symbolizes death, and brown - the land in which the owner of the surreal boots will find himself.

Doesn't the sun symbolize the color orange?

In order for a long-absent family member to knock on the door as soon as possible, you should take his shoes, swap the right and left twice, and then lace up tightly, saying: “Come back soon, do not spare your strength.”

A torn, broken or lost heel portends failure on the road and stagnation in business. Take a few days off and make a new plan of action - the old one is no good.

In England, to this day they sing a rhyme: “If the bevel on the toe means you live in anguish; if the bevel is on the side - become a bride in the juice; erase under your finger - you will lose wealth; if you wipe off your shoes at your heels, you will be rich.”

It is relatively easy to avoid the "failure" of bad omens. We remove the shoes that made an unpleasant prediction as soon as possible and put them away on the shelf for at least a few days. We immediately take the broken one for repair so as not to keep anything leaky and leaky in the house. Unsuitable for my sock and throw it away. For slippers donated out of ignorance, we give a small coin to turn the gift into a purchase. And most importantly, do not dwell on bad omens.

Carrie Bradshaw was not the only one who was in awe at the sight of a pair of new shoes. In our wardrobes you will find a lot of boats, boots, sneakers, slates, boots ... And not only in women's! And since you already have shoes, from time to time you will lose your heels and heels, step into puddles and dog piles, twist your legs, limping home in delicious but terribly uncomfortable shoes. And here you need to try not to perceive any accidental trouble as a sentence of fate, but mentally make a note: “be careful” and move on, victoriously tapping your heels on the asphalt.

Everything in life should be in balance, if you are lucky now, then there will definitely come a time for failure, and it can occur even when you do not expect it at all. Every day we do almost the same things, but sometimes there are failures and the usual action turns into a disaster. It happens to all people that sometimes familiar things get out of control and everything doesn’t go according to plan, because of which we find ourselves in ridiculous and rather ironic situations. Today we want to tell you how to get out of them with dignity.

Came to visit in holey socks

Let's start with the hit of all seasons! Suddenly invited to visit, and your socks are as if you are feeding moths with them at home. This happens more often with men, but women have the same problem with tights, and they can tear at any time.

What to do

Remember the Japanese wisdom: "Even if you need a sword once in your life, you should always wear it." You never know when you'll need whole socks. So wear them always! What if they broke literally on day X? If you have time, run to any large store.

If it is not possible to buy new socks, use the following samurai tricks: pre-pull the socks with holes down, and quickly ask for slippers at a party. If there are no slippers, you can ask the owners if they mind if you walk around barefoot. You can quickly and discreetly wash your feet in the bathroom, many men do just that.

Crashed into a transparent wall

Large glass walls and panoramic mirrors are beautiful, but sometimes it also hurts.

What to do

In shopping and business centers, be more careful, especially if this is a new place for you. If the bruise is very painful, and the wall is really inconspicuous, you can complain to the administration: for sure, you are not the first one like that.

broken heel

“It doesn’t matter what the day brings, you felt the freshness” - if you are over 30 years old, then you probably remember the commercial of the 90s, where a woman breaks her heel, and then, without being upset at all, breaks off the second one and happily walks on. The bad news: tearing off the heel with your hands will not be easy even for a man, rather the shoe will break. In general, now women do not often walk in heels, sneakers and boots are in fashion. But what to do if this is still your case?

What to do

Keep a spare pair at work or in your car. If trouble happened on the street, and you are going to a meeting, take a taxi home to change your shoes. In the case when there is no time for this, and the meeting cannot be canceled, make a broken heel your trump card! So you can say: “Look how I hurried to you, even suffered, but still came!” The one who was waiting for you will probably sympathize with you and even feel a little obliged to you.

They spoke badly about the person who accidentally heard everything

The situation is definitely not pleasant. Especially if it was your boss or colleague.

What to do

Stop gossip! About a person who is not around, it is worth saying only what you could say to his face. Try to follow this principle, and you will understand that life has become easier and more pleasant for you.

Sent a message to the wrong place

Let's say a guy who has two girlfriends asks one of them out on a date. But the second one is also sympathetic. And so he writes to Masha: “Anya, are you free today? I want to invite you to the cinema." Somehow it doesn't work well. How to get out if you compromised yourself?

What to do

You can, of course, lie that Anya is a second cousin. You can tell the truth, and let Masha be jealous. Depends on the situation. In any case, ask yourself the question: why are there people in your life from whom you hide something? And why should you be ashamed of something? As for business information, financial matters, and so on, such things in correspondence should be discussed with great care.

Forgot to fully dress or left the house in slippers

It is surprising, but many women at least once left the house, forgetting to put on a skirt. Such situations include slippers instead of shoes, and shoe covers worn in the hospital, which they then forgot to take off.

What to do

We don’t even know what else to advise in such situations, except to treat them with humor. Remember: if all passers-by and colleagues stare at you and smile from the top of your head, then you may look great. Or maybe you go half-naked, and even in slippers. Be carefull.

Get into someone else's car

It is easy to confuse two cars if they are the same model and color. Someone sits next to someone else's driver, someone - behind someone else's wheel. And people often leave not in their own taxi.

What to do

Most often, the problem is solved by itself, it is enough just to apologize and leave. In a taxi, always specify where the driver is going, because in case of confusion, there is a risk of being late for the destination.

Skirt lifted by the wind

The second item on this list is exclusively for women (unless you're Scottish, of course).

What to do

Do not worry! If women become witnesses of the incident, they will understand you, and if men, then they definitely will not be upset.

Caught during intimacy

Kisses also count: who, as a schoolboy, was not afraid that during the first timid kisses, parents or a teacher would suddenly appear behind their backs? With age, everything becomes more serious, and then one day you are already worried that your own children will not catch you.

What to do

Better hide! Without knowing the exact situation, it's hard to give advice. Parents caught - get dressed and introduce your partner to them (if he has not run away yet). Caught in adultery - our advice here is unlikely to help. What if the police caught public place, they themselves are to blame, they knew what they were doing. But adrenaline and memories will be more than enough.

Gathered to work on the weekend

Or take the kids to school. Dressed, washed, had breakfast, put on a marafet. Some even make it to the office. And only then they realize that it was a day off.

What to do

If you confuse weekdays with weekends, then you may be overworking and too tired. Be sure to rest, come to your senses, sort out the schedule. Check the alarm settings so that it does not work again.

In general, this situation is not so bad: early in the morning, and you are already cheerful, and a whole weekend looms ahead! Do something enjoyable (although you might just end up in bed again).