
Rules of etiquette for children: at a party, at the table, in the family, at school, in the theater, behavior on the street, in public places. At what age should one start learning speech etiquette, telephone, good manners, communication, politeness? Good Rules


Since we live in a civilized world, we cannot do without the application of etiquette rules. Behavior rules , which are required to be observed in various etiquette situations, are applicable not only to adults, but also to children. The foundation of a person's personality is laid at preschool age, which is why it is so important to start teaching children etiquette from infancy. At the same time, it is important that etiquette and good manners are observed in the family. It's thanks to the family young citizen receives the basics of etiquette. Of great importance for preschool children are also Kindergarten, playground, clinic, public transport, that is, those places that he regularly visits in the first years of his life. The kid should be taught not only good manners, but also the rules of speech etiquette. This is not an easy job, but the joint efforts of adults (parents, grandparents, educators, club leaders, etc.) will achieve noticeable results.

Skills learned in childhood we take with us. adulthood, the success of which is largely determined by the culture of education. A person who is familiar with the concepts of politeness, a culture of communication, and norms of decency will not experience difficulties in maintaining a conversation and will certainly prove himself with better side no matter what situation he is in.

There are a lot of varieties of children's etiquette (family, passenger, weekend, guest, dining, etc.). But it plays the most important role among them. Independent mastery of the speech norm for a child is impossible. In this regard, the task associated with teaching the child the culture of speech lies entirely on the parental shoulders. A secondary role in this matter is assigned to educators and people with whom the child has to intersect in the course of his life.

Do not think that young children are not ready to perceive information related to etiquette. Some behavior rules and communication with people are obligatory for observance even by kids. So, from early childhood it is necessary to teach children that:

It is necessary to instill in a child the rules of behavior in the first year of his life. A kid who does not yet know how to talk, on an intuitive level, already understands what adults want to say to him - thanks to intonation, facial expressions, gestures. It’s good when parents, before a meal, wish the crumbs a good appetite, thank you for the toy extended in response, greet him after he wakes up, etc.

From the age of two and up to 4 years, the child begins to actively explore the world. It is during this period of time that it is recommended to throw all your efforts into familiarizing him with the rules of etiquette. Information is best learned through play. You can stage a situation related to a telephone conversation, involve dolls, arrange a dinner party, appointing a child as a hospitable host.

This age will be easier to master thanks to fairy tales and poems, closely related to the culture of speech, politeness. The task of adults is to explain incomprehensible words and phrases, and also to try to achieve the most vivid and correct perception of a work of art by a crumb (through intonation, voice timbre and other artistic techniques).

It is also useful to watch instructive cartoons. In any cartoon picture there are both negative and positive characters. It is important to ask how well the kid understood the meaning of the TV story, which characters acted badly, and which of them turned out to be the kindest and fairest.

Such "exercises" help children to better evaluate the characters of books and cartoons, to understand the main idea that the author tried to convey to the audience. In addition, children develop a desire to imitate the main characters, to adopt their moral deeds, behavior rules and manner of communication.

5-7 years is much easier to master. Training is recommended to be carried out in the form of a conversation, which should be:

  • interesting for children;
  • short;
  • bright and memorable;
  • bilateral (with the active participation of the listeners themselves).

It is very important at this stage of growing up a preschool child to increase the study load, which will subsequently allow the child to form speech etiquette. The essence is to memorize longer poems, retell book stories or cartoons, participate in role-playing games, didactic games with dolls, learning to read and the rules of pronunciation of sounds / words, etc. Adults need to devote as much time as possible to children who enthusiastically undertake to comprehend everything new. Their future depends on how responsibly adults will approach the issue of teaching their children etiquette. It is not for nothing that children are compared to empty vessels: after all, what they are filled with is what they will be!

At what age is it best to teach children the rules of behavior? In fact, there is no consensus on this issue. Nevertheless, psychologists agree that the sooner parents begin to introduce norms and restrictions into their child's life, the easier it will be for him to get used to them in the future.

The girl does not know the rules of behavior at the table

Already in infancy, the child begins to respond to voices, respond to them in a certain way and interact with parents and other relatives. AT one year old When a child begins to actively explore the world, he needs those who will guide his activities. And already by the younger preschool age, he is ready to learn the rules and norms that are accepted in the society in which he lives.

What are rules of conduct?

Despite the fact that at first glance, compliance with the rules may seem like an unnecessary formality, the meaning of this is much deeper. To teach children to live according to the rules dictated by society means to gain the opportunity to live in it as comfortably as possible, to successfully join any team. Properly learned etiquette for children allows you to use it in practice. And such valuable qualities for a person as self-discipline, the ability to control oneself and set priorities correctly are features that are formed over time due to the transition of external control into internal.

What are the rules of conduct

Therefore, the task of parents is to explain to the child the rules of behavior and their significance as early as possible and in the most accessible form.

Where to start?

Where do the rules start? good behavior and etiquette for children? At the initial stages, it is necessary to accustom the child to discipline with the gradual introduction of the daily routine into his life. He must go to bed and wake up on time, as well as learn simple sequences of actions: washing, brushing his teeth, dressing, etc. And in the future - to do homework, relax in the strictly allotted time for this. All this will help the child feel confident and secure; he will acquire the skills of the most rational and efficient organization of his activities. And also focus on what is important in this moment time.

The daily routine should be observed by every child

A significant advantage of the daily routine for children is also the most accurate "tuning" of the child's biological clock. Which, in turn, allows you to adjust his sleep and rest regimen, protecting nervous system from overload.

In the early stages, the guidance for children should be the indication of the parent. The younger student can be invited to develop a daily routine together, which he will adhere to. AT high school parental control is reduced to simple prompts to guide the child's activities. The next step will be the acquisition by the child of the skill of independent self-organization of his day.

Teaching table etiquette

By learning to clean up his room and put toys in their places, the child not only helps his parents keep the room in order, but develops skills that will be valuable for him in the future. This is, first of all, the ability for orderly activity, systematization, the ability to filter information and separate the essential from the insignificant.

Easy Ways to Learn the Rules for Kids

It will be easier for children to learn the rules of conduct if they are presented not in the form of boring instructions, but in a simple and understandable way for them to play.

As a rule, children begin to take part in group games already at the age of 2-3 years. This feature can be easily used: by setting the rules of the game, you can direct the activity of the child in a certain way. And later - to teach him to transfer the already learned patterns of behavior into real life.

Role-playing game in teaching the rules of behavior on the road

It is especially important to involve the child in the plot role-playing games, from time to time offering him this or that scenario, this or that model of behavior with children.

Fairy tales, as well as their analysis and analysis, will also help the child acquire skills that are valuable for the upcoming life in society. It is by reading them and observing the behavior of the main characters that the child begins to understand what good and evil are, which of the characters does the right thing and which does not, how one should behave in a given situation, and what actions to do is wrong and even dangerous. . It is after the child learns to evaluate the behavior of fairy-tale characters that he will be able to analyze his own in the same way. For convenience, parallels can be drawn between the events taking place in a fairy tale and real life. Or come up with your own story, where the problems of the child himself are presented in an allegorical form.

Behavior on the street - rules

Many situations - for example, the arrival of guests, going to the theater or a telephone conversation are convenient to beat with the help of dolls or soft toys.

It is desirable that both positive and negative characters be present in the situations you play out: this will allow the child to more clearly see the difference between good deeds and bad deeds, directing the lines of his behavior among people.

General rules for the formation of a culture of behavior in children

In order for teaching children proper behavior to be more effective and good manners to be absorbed by the child more easily, it is enough to follow simple rules:

  1. The key to success in raising children is consistency.. If a child is used to following the rules of behavior, being exclusively at a party or on the street, and being at home, he is left to himself, one should not be surprised that the result of such “education” will be zero. The absence of clear guidelines and rules will not allow the child to perceive the words of his parents and in the future - to effectively control his behavior, guided by certain standards. In no case should you establish rules "on the fly", suddenly canceling or allowing something.

    Communication rules for children

  2. No need to establish rules in the form of categorical orders or prohibitions. funny rhymes and jokes will not only be more easily assimilated by children, but will not cause a desire to act from the contrary or out of spite.
  3. Good manners must be established and maintained by both parents; in the event that disagreements are outlined between the spouses, issues must be resolved by seeking compromises. But in no case should you do this with a child. In the event that parents make different demands, the child simply will not understand whose rules to follow.
  4. Any request addressed to a child must be formulated very clearly and in an accessible form. Rhetorical questions should be avoided whenever possible.

  5. The child must clearly understand why he received this or that encouragement, or for what he was punished. This will allow him to further form cause-and-effect relationships between each of his actions and its consequences, make informed decisions and bear responsibility for them.

    Rules of conduct in public places - for children

  6. It is necessary to ensure that the child reacts to comments and fulfills the requests addressed to him by his parents from the first time. But at the same time, it is important that he understands their meaning. Separately, it is recommended to discuss the rules of behavior for children in communication with parents: distance in communication, acceptable limits, etc.
  7. Whatever the parents say to the child, and no matter how significant the punishments or rewards are, you should not forget that the main guideline for him has always been, is and will be their own behavior. Is it necessary to say that in families where there is no mutual respect, and the elementary rules of politeness are not respected by parents, it hardly makes sense to demand this from children?
  8. At the initial stages, it will be difficult for the child to learn too complex rules of behavior. Therefore, it is necessary to transfer information to him gradually, “in portions”. For example, when accustoming a child to table etiquette, you should not immediately tell him what a variety of forks, knives, etc. are for. It is enough to explain to him the basic rules of behavior: do not talk while eating, sit straight at the table, do not put your elbows on the table, etc.

    Adult example - main factor in teaching the rules of conduct

  9. Separately for children, the rules of behavior in non-standard or dangerous situation requiring the child to make an immediate decision. Play with the child situations that arise on the street (for example, it can be a conversation with a stranger, helping a stranger, etc.), discuss how the child will behave in this case.

When requiring children to comply with the rules, one should not forget that although they streamline life, they limit in many ways. Therefore, it is very important to teach him to be independent, opening up the possibility of choice as he grows up.

The rules of etiquette for children are a collection of norms of behavior and good manners, following which, the child will always look well-mannered and polite. Teach your baby to etiquette from the very beginning. early age. It is best if the baby will see a good positive example of his parents.

When parents are educated and cultured, children absorb good manners with their mother's milk. You should not start education with boring and mournful conversations and moralizing about the rules and norms of behavior in public places. Psychologists say that this way of teaching makes most children disgusted and distrustful of the fact that it is worth observing the norms and rules of behavior.

The first acquaintance with children should take place in the form of a game. The game moment of training is the most productive and simple. Children quickly learn and remember what their parents require of them. For example, act out small scenes with homemade toys. Play situations like:

  • trips to the theater;
  • trips to the store;
  • visiting movie screenings;
  • visiting dinner parties;

Great for teaching kids and books. In children's literature, using simple and accessible examples, girls and boys are shown how to behave in various situations.

The main goal that relatives and friends should convey to the child is respect for others. This will be the axiom that must be fulfilled, because it is on a polite and courteous attitude towards people that the whole science of behavior and communication is built.

Etiquette rules for school children

If we talk about the education of children in school and preschool age, it can differ significantly. Starting from the age of 5-6, when the child is gradually being prepared for school, classes on manners and norms of behavior should resemble interesting conversations.

When the child grows up and going to school recommend the following forms of classes:

  • conversations;
  • trainings;
  • games.

Let's talk about each type in more detail. So, the lesson-conversation: how does it work and what main elements does it consist of? Such lessons are always built on close communication and interaction between the teacher and students. The teacher, in this case the teacher, tells a short instructive story, at the end of which there is a discussion with the children. Such lessons allow you to understand how children grasp the material, what they are interested in and how horses develop. The form of the "question-answer" lessons makes it possible to communicate not only with one student, but also attracts the entire class to the dialogue. In addition, each student must:

  • reasonably answer questions;
  • think through the situation
  • make your own decision.

If we consider training lessons, then this technique is considered new and its main goal is to consider the behavior of people from different angles. The effectiveness of these classes is achieved due to the fact that children are given the opportunity to play two situations: right and wrong, and then make a decision. The main task of the teacher in such classes is to guide the children in the right direction and follow the general theme of the training. The main technique of classes is the answer to the question "what will happen if ...?". Children themselves think over and model the behavior of the characters.

Lessons-games are perhaps the most exciting and most beloved among elementary school students. The material that will be presented in a playful way, they will easily learn. Such classes allow you to assess the level of self-esteem of each student. It is possible to conduct individual conversations at the end of the lessons.

Table etiquette for kids

Let's talk in more detail about the norms of behavior at the table and how to handle cutlery.

The child must know the basic rules of behavior, which are the following:

  • When you sit down at the table, be sure to put a napkin on your knees. If someone inadvertently took your napkin, do not shout and do not notify everyone about it. Quietly ask your neighbor where to get another extra tissue. Most parents, when visiting, do not understand how to properly dispose of a napkin. Lay it on your knees or tuck it into your collar. According to experts, if your child has not reached the age of five, then the best option will tuck it in by the collar;
  • when the child sits down at the table, control his posture. Make sure that the back is flat, the soles are parallel to the floor, the back rests on the back of the chair;
  • if the need arises, let the baby not be shy and hold the glass container with both hands. It is difficult for small hands to cope with such containers, let them help themselves, and you tell me how best to take this or that item;
  • when for festive table begin to pass the basket of products, then they always do it from left to right. If you are asked to serve a festive dish, you must do this with your left hand;
  • Before drinking juice, always wipe your mouth with a tissue. Do this for yourself and your child. Then a clear example will be before his eyes;
  • if you suddenly need to go to the toilet, get up and, apologizing, leave according to your needs.

Phone Rules: Etiquette for Kids

When a son or daughter talk on the phone, answer calls, it is important to follow how they do it. If necessary, you need to make adjustments to their behavior.

When the baby calls his friend, at the beginning of the conversation he should greet the interlocutor. Any request coming from your child's mouth should be accompanied by polite words. If the phone was answered not by a friend, but by someone from his family, it is very important not to ignore this moment, but to say hello and introduce yourself. It is important to observe subordination. When the voice of an adult is heard on the phone, it is inappropriate to say: "Hi." In such situations, say: "Hello." The conversation always ends with a polite "Goodbye."

Rules of etiquette in transport for children

In public transport, any person, regardless of his age, must adhere to the norms and rules of conduct. If your son or daughter is old enough, explain to them that when entering the transport old man he needs to give way. The same applies to pregnant women. Don't shout loudly on the bus. The child should behave calmly and not attract too much attention to himself.

Rules of etiquette in society for children

In any public place, your baby will be looked at appraisingly. You, like any parent, want your baby to delight and tenderness. If you are walking on the street, then teach him to give way to passers-by. Do not speak empty words, but show everything by personal example. Do not pass by the blind grandfather. Approach it with your child and move it across the roadway.

Store etiquette for kids

Wherever you go with your child, to the theater, for a walk, to the store, to the cinema, everywhere you need to follow his manners and explain how to behave better. If you have a shopping trip planned, try to talk to your child about your goals ahead of time. Tell us why you are going, what purchases you will make in order to avoid unnecessary tantrums. Make sure that in the store near the cash registers, he does not push and does not drag products from the shelves. Tell him what he can do and what not.

Etiquette books

If the kid does not like to read books, and you do not know what information source is better to start learning from, then just start playing. In this form, any lesson is guaranteed to be successful and fast. It will be interesting for you to learn new rules with your child, and the baby will be curious to repeat everything after you.

home etiquette

At home, the child should also remember the care and love for their loved ones and relatives. Teach him to respect your space and take care of you. If mom or dad asks to do something, the kid should help, not argue. Teach him to interact and help you out.

Away etiquette rules

Guest etiquette, it would seem, is the simplest, but at the same time it can be difficult for small children to follow. When a child gets older, it is easier for him to explain what is good and bad, what things are acceptable and what are not. But when the baby is very small, it can be difficult for parents. Do not despair and be upset. Just wait a bit until he matures and can fulfill all your requests.

Basic rules of etiquette for children

It cannot be said that there is a set of rules. For example, there are 10 rules and, following them, the child will be considered well-mannered and cultured. There is important points and the steps by which the baby will become a decent and good person. The main thing that parents should teach their child is to respect loved ones and those around them. The whole science of culture and education is built on respect.

Etiquette is generally accepted norms and rules of behavior of people in society. And children, like adults, need to know how to behave properly. Therefore, mothers, fathers, grandmothers, grandfathers, aunts, uncles, older brothers and sisters should help kids learn etiquette.

What are the rules of etiquette for children? These are the rules of conduct, knowing which and most importantly, observing them, you will not find yourself in an uncomfortable situation, and will look well-mannered, polite.

What is etiquette?

What is etiquette
We should know from childhood.
These are the rules of conduct:

How to go to a birthday?
How to meet?
As it is?
How to call?
How to get up?
How to sit?
How to greet an adult?
There are many different questions.
And he answers them
This is the same etiquette.
(A. Usachev)

Today, in a civilized society, one cannot do without the application of the rules of etiquette. Therefore, children should be taught from birth and demonstrated by personal example. This is very important, because if the rules of good manners are not observed in the family, then it will not be realistic to teach the child.

What is the importance of children's etiquette?

The foundations of human behavior, habits, character traits are laid in childhood. Therefore, the education, success, career and many other important factors depend on the knowledge that a child received in childhood. And etiquette opens the door to society. The culture of behavior and communication helps the baby to be heard and understood in the future. It's a pleasure to deal with a well-behaved child. If he knows and observes the rules of etiquette, he begins to understand what conscience, morality, morality, responsibility are.

I think everyone knows that children learn best in a playful way, so it is recommended to use role-playing games in the learning process. Using puppets, act out situations when you visited the theater, guests came to you, etc.

Etiquette Games

Most simple methods teaching children is viewing, reading, poetry, singing songs, using board games by etiquette. You can look at pictures (cards) depicting bad and good behavior.

In addition, in order for the child to understand how to behave in a particular institution, you need to visit them with him: theaters, cafes, various holidays.

Basics of etiquette

Children will not be able to follow all the rules of behavior that adults must follow, but there are basic ones that should not be forgotten.

The very first rule of good manners is respect for all people, both adults and children. All the rest flow smoothly from this rule, because, in essence, the rules of etiquette are the rules respectful attitude to others.

Etiquette at the table

What do we have to do:

Be sure to wash your hands before eating.
Sit down at the table and start eating together with everyone.
Eat carefully.
There are silent.
Don't rest your elbows on the table.
Do not pick your hands in the plate.
You can't slurp.
After eating, wipe your lips with a tissue.
Thank the adults for the food.

What not to do:

Play with food.
Fill your mouth full.
Eating from someone else's plate.
Use other people's spoons, forks in food.
Talk with a full mouth
Indulge while eating.

Good manners for children in communication

When meeting with familiar people, you need to say hello, and when parting, say goodbye.
If necessary, use "magic words": "please", "thank you", "sorry", "bon appetit".
Address adults by name and patronymic and “you”.
With peers, you can communicate on "you".
You can not offend, humiliate other children, call them names.
You should not be offended, complain, snitch.

Etiquette for children away

What do we have to do:

Be sure to say hello to the owners of the house.
Be calm.
Thank you for your hospitality before leaving.
Leaving, say goodbye.

What not to do:

Come to visit uninvited.
Touch and take other people's things without permission.
Stay out late.
Ask for tea, treats, lunch.
Make noise and run.

Rules of etiquette for children in a public place

What do we have to do:

In transport, you should give up your seat to the elders.
Before entering a store or transport, you must first provide a way for those leaving.
Maintain cleanliness indoors and outdoors.

What not to do:

You can not shout loudly, sing songs.
Do not enter public transport with food or drinks.
You can't point fingers.
When talking, do not interrupt other people.

An ill-bred, rude child will never have authority among his peers, he will not be set as an example by adults. And this is important for personal development. Therefore, it is necessary to observe the rules of good taste constantly and everywhere.

The article talks about what types of etiquette rules exist, as well as what etiquette rules children should know from a very young age.

Etiquette is usually called the norms and rules of behavior in a certain place and in certain situations. It is very important to teach the child these rules, then parents will not have to feel embarrassed for their child, but on the contrary, and more than once they will have to hear words of gratitude for the good manners of the person they raised.

Types of children's etiquette

Exist a large number of types of etiquette. However, there are somewhat fewer varieties of etiquette for children than for adults, these include:

  • Day off (this type of etiquette includes the rules of conduct in public places, such as cinema, theater, museum, etc.)
  • Guest (standards of behavior away)

IMPORTANT: To instill in a child good manners, to make a well-mannered person out of him is possible only for those parents who themselves follow the rules of etiquette. After all, absolutely all children learn, first of all, on the personal examples of adults.

  • Passenger (rules of conduct in public transport)
  • Speech (rules of verbal communication)
  • Family (rules of communication in the family)

IMPORTANT: In addition to parents, a role model for a child is his environment, so you should pay attention to who your child communicates with.

  • Canteen (rules of conduct at the table)
  • Telephone (rules of communication by telephone, including through messages and emails)
  • Training (rules of conduct in institutions preschool education, schools, etc.)

By the way, for adults, in addition to the above types of etiquette, there are also the following:

  • Military
  • Diplomatic
  • Corporate
  • Professional
  • Religious
  • Wedding
  • Sports
  • Mourning

At what age should you start teaching etiquette?

Many parents may be surprised to learn that the rules of etiquette need to be taught to a child from birth.

  • Even a very small baby can easily begin to be taught good manners with a look, intonation, and certain phrases. For example, you should wish the crumbs a good appetite, thank him if he handed you a rattle, etc.

IMPORTANT: Already at a very early age, it is worth praising the child for good manners, as well as showing the intonation of the voice when he does not act quite right.

  • From two to four years, parents should begin to actively teach the child the rules of etiquette. You should tell him how to act and how not to, motivate the child and do not forget about personal example

IMPORTANT: At this age, it is worth using game forms of teaching a child etiquette. It is already possible to stage situations, use story games, do not forget about funny poems and fairy tales on the topic of etiquette.

  • From four to six years old, the child should realize the need for teaching good manners - this will help him in communicating with peers and with adults. Important role in training is given not only to parents, but also to teachers of preschool institutions
  • Etiquette is also taught in schools, but by this age the child should already have some knowledge in this matter.

Children's courtesy etiquette: lessons

Children should be taught the rules of etiquette on an ongoing basis, using game forms, reminders, examples, etc. It must be an ongoing process. Constant pronunciation, demonstration by adults of good behavior without fail will be crowned with success.

As for teaching politeness to children in kindergartens and schools, there are specially designed programs and lessons for teachers. Necessary materials and video tutorials are not difficult to find on the Internet.

Etiquette at the table for children and schoolchildren: rules

Teaching your child how to behave at the table should start from a very young age. Being still quite a crumb, the child must understand that eating should be in a strictly designated place - in the dining room, in the kitchen.

The rules of etiquette at the table, which should be taught to very young children, also include the following:

  • For eating, you should use special cutlery, food should be placed on plates
  • During meals, as needed, you should use a napkin

In the future, as they grow older, the child must remember the following rules of etiquette at the table:

  • Sit down at the table and start eating should be together with everyone
  • At the beginning of the meal, you should wish everyone present at the table a bon appetit
  • Food should be eaten in silence, it is forbidden to indulge at the table
  • Eat with your mouth closed
  • At the table it is forbidden to champ, crunch loudly, get food stuck in your teeth with your fingers
  • Large pieces of food should be divided using cutlery into smaller ones - do not fill your mouth with food.
  • It is forbidden to lick the plate, even if it was very tasty
  • Don't put your elbows on the table
  • If the desired dish is located away from the child, then he should ask for the dish to be handed over to him - it is forbidden to reach across the entire table
  • At the end of the meal, say "Thank you!"

Video: Presentation Etiquette and table manners

Etiquette for children away

It is very important to teach the child how to receive guests at home and how to behave at their home. For this, it is worth remembering only some simple rules:

  • Do not come to visit without an invitation, but, in case of urgent need, inform the hosts about your visit yourself. Unexpected guests almost always bring anxiety and trouble to the owners.
  • Do not persistently call or knock on the door - no more than two times
  • When visiting, be sure to take a gift or a gift with you - it is impolite to go on a visit without a gift
  • Guests should behave calmly and with restraint, it is forbidden to make noise and run
  • It is forbidden to touch things of the owners without asking, look into locked rooms, open cabinets, etc.
  • You can not give a bad assessment of the owner's house, including the existing mess, bad smell, etc.
  • In the case of an invitation to the table, you should eat carefully
  • Don't stay away for a long time
  • Before leaving, be sure to thank the hosts for the warm welcome and refreshments.
  • Guests should be invited ahead of time.
  • It is mandatory to pay attention to each invited
  • Before guests leave, thank them for their visit.

Etiquette of behavior of children in public places

In order for parents not to blush because of the limping behavior of the child outside the walls of the apartment, even at home you should tell him about the rules of behavior in public places.

I would like to pay special attention to the rules of etiquette in public transport:

  • Before entering the transport, you should let everyone who gets out of it
  • Men and boys must let women and girls go ahead of them, and only then enter the public transport salon
  • It is forbidden to push passengers with their elbows, moving deeper into the cabin in order to take an empty seat.
  • You should give way to the elderly, disabled, pregnant women and passengers with children
  • When entering the transport, you should remove satchels and backpacks from your shoulders so as not to interfere with other passengers.
  • Do not crowd at the entrance if there is no need to get off at the next stop
  • In public transport, it is forbidden to eat, shake off dirt, raindrops, snow from clothes
  • In the passenger compartment it is forbidden to run, talk loudly, dirty the seats
  • It is forbidden to look closely at other passengers in the public transport cabin
  • Animals must be transported in special bags or cages, and dogs must be muzzled.
  • In transport, you should prepare in advance for the exit.
  • On the street, standing vehicles should be bypassed from behind, only trams - from the front.

Etiquette of behavior of children on the street

On the street, as well as at home, as well as at a party, certain norms of behavior should be observed. Parents should pay a lot of attention to ensure that their child behaves well on the street.

The child must clearly understand that:

  • Garbage should be in the bin, not on the ground
  • It is forbidden to walk on the lawns
  • It is forbidden to make noise, run, hurt others
  • You can't point fingers at people, point out their flaws
  • To avoid collisions with passers-by, when walking on the sidewalk, keep to the right side
  • In the event of a stop, you should step aside so as not to disturb passers-by.
  • It is forbidden to eat on the go, it is better to stop or sit on a bench
  • It is worth remembering the rules of the road
  • You can not leave the place where the parents asked to wait
  • Do not give your address and phone number to strangers
  • You can't leave with strangers somewhere

Etiquette of children's behavior in the theater

It is so good when a child has the opportunity to develop culturally. Therefore, parents should pay attention to this issue and at least occasionally take the child to theaters, cinemas, museums, exhibitions, etc.

At the same time, parents should take care in advance to teach the child good manners. For example, in the theatre:

  • You should look neat, it is unacceptable to come in dirty or torn clothes
  • Arrive early so you have time to clean up. outerwear put in wardrobe
  • It is necessary to take a seat, especially if it is located in the middle of the row, in advance so that you do not have to disturb the rest of the audience later
  • You should move along the row to your place only facing those sitting, apologizing for the inconvenience. Do not forget about the words of gratitude
  • During the performance, it is forbidden to make noise, share impressions, talk on the phone - this can be done during the intermission
  • Eating and drinking is prohibited during the performance.
  • During the performance, you should sit still so as not to interfere with those sitting behind

Video: Rules of conduct in the theater

Etiquette of communication between children and people

There are also rules for communicating with people that absolutely everyone should follow.

Junior schoolchildren, like preschoolers, should learn the rules of communication with people, for this, if necessary, they should be reminded of the rules of speech etiquette set out in the section above, and reinforce them.

Rules of etiquette for the behavior of children at school

There are also certain rules of conduct at school. These include the following:

  • Respect teachers
  • Please arrive at school 10-15 minutes before class starts.
  • You should come to school prepared - do all your homework, do not forget books and notebooks, do not forget your sports uniform
  • It is forbidden to leave the school on your own during classes
  • During class, if there is a need to go out, you should raise your hand and ask the teacher for permission.
  • Missing classes is allowed only for a good reason.
  • Turn off your cell phone during class
  • At the beginning of the lesson, you should greet the teacher with a standing
  • If you have a question or want to answer a question, you should raise your hand and wait for the teacher to pay attention to you
  • Keep order in your workplace
  • Eating is not allowed during class.
  • The bell at the end of the lesson is for the teacher. Wait for the teacher to finish
  • During the break it is forbidden to run, shout, swear, fight - disturb the order in the school

Most schools have their own additional rules, which must be clearly followed. These rules can be found directly at the school.

Etiquette of behavior of children in the family

Etiquette rules should be observed everywhere, and the family is no exception. Even the smallest baby should know:

  • With parents, grandparents, etc. should communicate respectfully
  • You can not argue with relatives, swear with them
  • Entering the room to the parents, you should knock
  • It is forbidden to swear, fight with brothers and sisters, snitch on them
  • You should adhere to all the rules and traditions established directly in the family

IMPORTANT: It is best to teach the child the rules of behavior in the family by personal example.

Phone etiquette for kids

Parents should explain to the child that during a telephone conversation, all the rules of speech etiquette should be used. Along with these rules, the following can be attributed to telephone etiquette:

  • Phone calls should be restricted unnecessarily from 21.00 pm to 08.00 am, and on weekends from 21.00 pm to 10.00 am
  • A telephone conversation should begin with a greeting, and at the end of the conversation you should definitely say goodbye
  • In places where the rules of etiquette do not allow talking on the phone, you should turn it off
  • If you told someone that you would call back, then you should definitely do it.
  • Rules of etiquette forbid answering someone else's phone calls
  • Apologize if you dialed a wrong number
  • Etiquette rules do not allow you to talk loudly on the phone in public places
  • It is forbidden to play with the phone
  • All messages must be well-written

Teaching Etiquette: Talking to Children

Teach kids etiquette game forms, can be in the form of purposeful communication. There is a huge amount of materials and lessons that will help both parents and teachers to properly build a conversation and easily convey the necessary information to children.

It is worth remembering that the conversation should be:

  • Not tiresome for children, and therefore not long
  • Emotionally colored, not monotonous - children should be interested
  • Two-way - children must take an active part in the conversation
  • Bright and memorable - you should use various visual examples in the form of pictures, audio materials, video materials

IMPORTANT: Learning the rules of etiquette in the form of a conversation is best used for older preschool children and schoolchildren.

Etiquette games for kids. Contests, quizzes for children on etiquette

Detailed scenarios of games, competitions and quizzes, both parents and teachers can easily find in bookstores, libraries, the Internet, etc.

Etiquette books for children

In all bookstores, as well as on the Internet, you can find a wide selection of literature on etiquette for children. These can be both books as a manual for adults, and books for older children to read directly.

Here is a list of just a few of them:

  • Rules of conduct for educated children. Galina Shalaeva
  • ABC of courtesy. Lyudmila Vasilyeva-Gangnus
  • Polite words. Olga Korneeva
  • Bon appetit! Politeness lessons. For children from 1 year old. Sergey Savushkin
  • Etiquette for children of different years. Andrey Usachev
  • Grow cultural. For children 4-5 years old. Svetlana Pyatak, Natalia Tsarikova
  • Lessons of Politeness and Kindness. A guide to children's etiquette for teachers of kindergartens and schools early development. Elena Barinova
  • ABC of etiquette for kids. 33 rules of good manners. Natalia Ivanova
  • Etiquette for the future lady. Antonina Eliseeva
  • Sociable tales. Conversations with children about politeness and culture of communication. Tatyana Shorygina
  • 1000 etiquette lessons for the smartest kids. Valentina Dmitrieva
  • Fairy courtesy tips. Viktor Kudlachev, Irina Fomenkova
  • We learn to be exemplary. Vladimir Stepanov
  • ABC of courtesy. Natalia Chub

Fairy tales about etiquette for children

All in the same bookstores you can also find fairy tales that are designed to teach children good manners.

Poems about children's etiquette rules

I say to a friend: “Hi!”
And he answered: “Great!”.
There's nothing wrong here
Both words fit.

Senior, if we meet with him,
The first "Hello!" We are speaking.

Clothes are in order - everything is clean, tidy -
It's nice to talk to such a person.
A dirty, shaggy, ragged look -
Tells friends to stay away.

"Hello!" - talking when we meet
To all friends, acquaintances and relatives.
And when we leave: "Goodbye!" —
Let the parting be short.

It's rude to talk
teasing mockingly -
It's bad, it's ugly!
Need to apologize.

Mom has a lot to do around the house,
In the cares of dad day after day.
And we are ready to help relatives
Let's save the games for later.

If grandma gets tired -
Let her rest.
Well, the grandson will not make noise,
There will be silence in the house.

For help and support
Thank you always.
And, having received a gift,
"Thanks!" we are talking.

The adults are talking.
Important conversation.
They shouldn't interfere
Such is the agreement.

We have trouble in the yard -
A sneak appeared.
We don't hate her.
We just don't play with her.

There are kids like this
They praise themselves wholeheartedly.
They usually say this:
“It’s indecent to be a braggart!
Be good not in words
But in deeds and deeds.

Laugh at friends
Discuss them behind their backs
Only bad guys can.
People shouldn't be offended!

Old lady on the bus
Give up the place.
Sensitivity and attention
Show to the elders.

Quietly we enter the transport,
we don’t run here, we don’t litter.
We do not shout and do not sing -
We're behaving well!

Let someone's thing you like -
Restrain your desires.
Forget, or turn to the owner,
But don't you dare steal someone else's stuff!

In public transport
Be calm, be quiet.
Be polite -
Respect others.

Do not lie and slander
When you are in charge.
Decide to admit your guilt
Children must be honest!

Lessons of politeness and etiquette: cartoon for children

There is a huge selection of cartoons, both Soviet and modern, that are able to teach a child politeness, which clearly demonstrate the rules of etiquette. Separate series about politeness and about the rules of etiquette can be found among such modern cartoons as:

  • Malyshariki
  • Smeshariki
  • Luntik
  • Lessons from Aunt Owl

Pay attention to your child, teach him the rules of etiquette, and then you will be able to raise a good person.