
Why wear a wedding ring on the left. How is it customary to wear a wedding ring in different countries and religions? Is it possible to wear a wedding ring after the death of a spouse


An engagement ring is a symbolic and very valuable piece of jewelry for lovers, a confirmation of marital status. This accessory has a rich history. Similar decorations were discovered by archaeologists during excavations in Ancient egypt.

Interesting! In ancient times it was believed that wedding ring best worn on the left hand. It was believed that a vessel goes on a finger without a name, leading directly to the heart. The Egyptians believed that if you applied ointment or cream with this finger, it would have healing powers.

Interesting facts from the history of wedding rings

The material from which the rings were made directly depended on social status: noble people preferred jewelry, while the poor made rings from simple iron. Mention that the ring really symbolized the marriage union dates back to the period before our era. Among the ancient Hindus, rings served as characteristic features of castes, and in ancient Rome there was a custom of exchanging rings. With the help of jewelry, the groom demonstrated seriousness of intentions and demonstrated his status in society. After marriage, the woman was obliged to wear it - a reminder that now she is the property of her husband.

Important! The Egyptians believed that rings were a symbol of union in life and after death. The hole in the ring symbolizes the gate leading to new world... It is the hope that feelings can be eternal and indestructible. People were buried with jewelry, and it was believed that removing such a ring from the deceased was tantamount to a curse.

In Russia, there was no such romantic attitude to rings. The tradition of wearing rings after marriage appeared only at the end of the 18th century. At the same time, the "language of the rings" was invented:

  • On the nameless one is a symbol of an unbreakable union.
  • The pinkie ring confirmed that the man had no intention of getting married.
  • On the index finger - an active search for a spouse.
  • On the middle finger is a frivolous attitude towards marriage.

In Russia, along with the decoration, the bride was given a key, so the groom recognized her as the mistress of the house. The betrothal ceremony in the Orthodox Church began to be held in 1775. Since then, rings have also been called wedding rings.

Should I wear a ring?

Many people still consider it bad manners not to wear a ring if a person is married. In fact, this is everyone's personal choice. If you have an engagement ring, both pieces can be worn. However, many people prefer to replace the engagement with the engagement.

Divorced people or widows (widows) often continue to wear the accessory, but now on the other hand. You can also wear your wedding ring like an amulet on a chain.

  • Women... It all depends on the religion that the woman professes. Divorced ladies often wear a wedding ring on their left hand or as a pendant on a chain. European ladies love to wear the product on the index finger. By the way, this is exactly how it was accepted in Russia in ancient times.
  • Men. Most often, men wear a wedding ring on their ring finger, sometimes on the little finger of their right hand. In some countries (Belgium, for example), men wear a ring on either hand - there are no specific standards.
  • Catholics. Historically, the jewelry is worn on the left hand after the wedding. It is believed that she is closer to the heart, therefore, marriage will be based on love and fidelity. This tradition is familiar to many countries: France, Spain, Germany, Austria, USA.
  • Orthodox. It is customary to put the ring on the right hand, since people cross from right to left. In addition, there is a belief that the guardian angel of a person stands precisely behind the right shoulder. Who knows, suddenly he will help save the marriage. It is believed that wearing a wedding ring on the left hand promises trouble and trouble, only widows and widows have the right to do so.
  • Muslims. Most often, Muslims refuse this wedding symbolism. Firstly, it is believed that jewelry destroys the soul, and secondly, according to the Koran, men cannot wear gold - only silver. Therefore, true believing Muslims prefer to simply give jewelry to their wives.

Signs about a wedding ring

  • You can not give it to try on or wear it to a stranger. If trying on cannot be avoided, do not hand it over personally, but lay it on the surface.
  • You cannot get married with rings that came from a widow (widower) or a couple who got divorced - there is a risk of repeating their fate. But family heirlooms inherited from people who are happily married are not prohibited from using.
  • After a divorce, it is undesirable to wear a wedding ring, as it accumulates negative energy... If a person remarries or remarries, the ring cannot be reused.
  • If someone else picks up your ring, hold it under running water - it is believed that water purifies negative energy.
  • Previously, it was customary to make all wedding rings smooth - it was believed that then the couple's life would be even and happy. However, no one will forbid you to choose a ring with an engraving or a stone.
  • The ring must not be worn on gloves.
  • If an unmarried girl touches the wedding ring at a wedding, she will soon become a bride.

The decision is up to you. Powerful symbolism, backed by faith, works wonders, but it is quite possible to be happily married even without rings!

The brightest and most beautiful feeling for a person is the desire to be happy and loving. A wedding is a solemn and important event, both girls and boys dream about it. I would like to remember this date forever, then you can tell the children about it in the future.

Of course, even the smallest detail will play an important role here, this should be taken into account. When it comes to wedding rings, they are no exception. According to the traditions of our country, those people who decided to live life together change rings, for this they use their right hand. At the same time, the majority of foreigners, on the contrary, prefer the left hand. This has led many to wonder what the difference is, if people already love each other, and in the same way.

Why is the ring worn on the right hand?

Answering this question, you need to understand it in detail. But first of all, it is worth noting, if you believe the beliefs, then the ring finger of a person is associated with the heart, the manifestation of bright feelings. When choosing a hand, a lot depends on the traditions in which you live.

It is important to understand that Russian weddings can be different. Those who can afford it book a lavish, opulent wedding where booze flows. Some couples wish to get married in a church, and more and more often today couples choose a civil ceremony. But there is a special ritual, it is always present at Russian weddings.

Traditionally, the bride and groom must exchange rings. It has been relevant for many years, all over the world. The finger remains the ring finger, but what kind of hand it will be, it all depends on the customs of the country in which you live.

From Rome to Moscow

Wanting to find an answer to why the ring is worn on the right hand, many people study history. This is correct, because wearing rings after betrothal is an ancient tradition that has survived to this day. The ancients were sure that a special vein runs from the ring finger to the heart of a person, connecting it to the heart. As a result, the newlyweds will be happy.

Some researchers say with confidence that the Romans definitely chose the right hand to wear a wedding ring. The left hand is associated with unreliability. The Orthodox Christian Church is known to have adopted this custom.

Hands are different, but the essence is the same

It would seem that if people love each other, want to live life together, what difference does it make which hand is wearing the rings. In general, it is. Everything is decided exclusively by the customs of different countries.

Those married people who live in Western European countries, for wedding rings use strictly the left hand. During the engagement process, many couples wear some rings at all, when the wedding comes, then others.

In simple terms, the most important thing is love, mutual understanding between spouses. Agree, it is not so important which hand will be used to wear wedding rings, it is more important how you treat each other. Therefore, it is worth considering this before putting the ring on a person's hand. After all, many couples did not exchange rings at all, and lived a happy life, and vice versa.

Wedding rings in Ancient Egypt and in Russia

If we recall the traditions of Ancient Egypt, then loving people always wore rings on their left hand, arguing this with bright feelings, bright and pure love.

The main reason is that people in this country were cut open when they died. As a result, it was noticed that it is from the ring finger that the nerve passes to the main organ - the heart. As a rule, the tradition of wearing a ring on the right has been preserved in our country since the ancient period of time, and is actively observed today.
At the moment when the spouses put on the rings on their right hand, this is how they enlist to be near, both in joy and in sorrow, helping in difficult life situations.
Of course, this is an interesting question and a lot of people spend hours studying it. One thing should be understood by all people, without exception. Only where mutual respect reigns strong love, in such married couples there will always be mutual understanding, support.


If you believe the parables, then the thumbs are parents, index fingers, sister and brothers. The middle finger is associated with a person, the ring finger is associated with a spouse, little fingers are our children, the flowers of life.
Now you need to fold your palms, bending only the middle fingers. The rest touch each other. The moment you try to tear off two fingers at the same time, then, for example, you can perform this action with your thumbs with particular ease. This is due to the fact that parents in most cases leave us before their children, no matter how sad it sounds, but it is.

The same actions will happen with the index fingers. No matter how much and dearly our brothers and sisters love us, they will not be able to be always close. Starting to do such manipulations, you will notice that the ring fingers cannot be torn from each other, no matter how hard you try. This is true and pure love, however, in practice, not everyone encounters it, no matter how sad it sounds.

Time flies, but wedding rings are the most important wedding attribute, without which this celebration cannot be imagined. They are distinguished by powerful energy and act as a talisman for newlyweds. Thus, they will be able to protect loving people from difficulties. Take care of each other, love, then the guardian angel will protect you. After all, not everyone can love each other, so that for life, and only then the couple is illuminated by a special, bright dream.

Family life is full of difficulties and problems. In most cases, couples do not realize this, and at the first difficulty they leave each other. It so happens that not everything is decided by wedding rings and the properties they are endowed with. If you carefully read the details of this issue, you can understand why the ring is worn on the right hand.

The picture, when a very little girl makes herself an impromptu ring from a flower or grass and puts it on her ring finger, can be seen quite often. It just so happened that girls dream of marriage from an early age, namely the engagement ring is a sign of happiness and prosperity in marriage. Only today it becomes not entirely clear on which hand the wedding ring is worn, since the Western traditions that are rapidly bursting into our lives bring in their own influences, which have not escaped the traditions of wearing these jewelry. Therefore, many are so often puzzled, sincerely wondering which of the options is still correct.

A bit of history

The very tradition of wearing rings is incredibly ancient, because the first mentions of them were made about 6 thousand years ago, we are talking about documentary sources, archaeological finds still have older age... Initially, the rings served as a confirmation of the nobility and status of their owner, and only centuries later they began to attach sacred significance. For the first time, the appearance of a ring as a symbol of creating a family can be traced back to Ancient Egypt, where the tradition of giving it to a beloved became quite widespread among all faiths of the population. Immediately, for the first time, the tendency to wear it on the ring finger began to be traced, however, it is not known which hand.

In Russia, a kind of betrothal was also accepted, when a young man handed his beloved a ring made of hemp or sedge, thereby confirming his intention to marry her. When they asked their parents for "hand and heart", they gave them a metal ring, which symbolized the prosperity and ability of the future groom to support the family. In those days, any metals were valuable, therefore, no particular importance was attached to what the decoration was made of.

By the eighteenth century, the popularity of rings had grown so much that even men wore them as jewelry. By his location, it was quite possible to understand at what stage of the love relationship his owner is. For example, a decorated middle finger was evidence that a person was this moment does not want anything but friendship, the ring on the little finger betrayed the enemy of marriage, it also on the index finger spoke of the desire to find a worthy match for himself, and for a man in love it flaunted on the ring finger of his left hand.

Wearing traditions: why they wear a wedding ring on the right hand

In fact, there is no general rule that would regulate the preference for the hand on which the ring is put on when marrying. As a rule, the division on this issue occurs on a religious basis, with rare exceptions. So, among the Orthodox, the majority wear wedding bands on their right hand, while Catholics, in most cases, on their left.

There is no scientific interpretation of this. It's just that for the Orthodox the right hand is a symbol of truthfulness and honesty, with it they make the sign of the cross, and therefore the ring is worn that way. Those who wear a wedding ring on their left hand are guided by similar beliefs. . Also, the tradition of putting jewelry on this hand is associated with the fact that it is next to the heart, because blood will flow from the wedding ring directly to it, which will help make the marriage happy and lasting.

The exceptions mentioned earlier are Armenians, who, regardless of their religion, and they are Orthodox, do not honor the custom of wearing it on the right hand. Also, the tradition does not quite correspond to the religion in Germany and Poland, where zealous Catholics, after marriage, wear rings on their right hand. True, in Germany it is customary to wear the ring presented at the engagement on the left, and at the wedding it is "sent" to the right. As a rule, traditions are the same for everyone, because on which hand a man's wedding ring is worn , primarily depends on the customs prevailing in society. In the post-Soviet space, in most cases, this is the right hand, while for the Europeans it is the left.

Finger selection: which finger the women wear the wedding ring on

Over the years, the tradition of choosing a finger to wear a wedding band has changed quite often. Sometimes it is not worn at all on the hand, but, for example, on a chain as a pendant. Such a custom is quite common among the gypsies, but like them, many believe that this is how the symbol of their love is located as close to their hearts as possible. The medieval canons were quite interesting, which were rewritten and modified very often, since each of the appanage princelings tried to carry out a maximum of reforms, they even touched on such trifles. Therefore, there are frequent cases of wearing wedding rings on the thumbs or index fingers of both hands.

However, today, the question of which finger is wearing a wedding ring , practically nobody is interested, since wearing it on the ring finger has become an unwritten tradition. Why is that? There are several versions. The most practical is based on the theory that in this way it will not interfere with the work, since it is protected by other fingers. The historical version says that even the ancient Egyptians discovered that an artery extends from this finger right into the heart, and therefore they decorated it with such a romantic symbol. Fans of the symbolic theory believe that each of the fingers on the hand symbolizes one of its generations, so the big ones are parents, the index ones are brothers and sisters, the middle ones are you, and the nameless ones are your soul mate. Therefore, the ring, as a symbol of infinity and invincibility of feelings, adorns that finger, which is the prototype of your wife or spouse.

In our country, traditions have even appeared associated with wearing a wedding ring after the destruction of a marriage. Which hand do married women wear the ring on? , whose husband is dead or dead? Of course, this is the opposite of the one on which the wedding is worn, respectively, we have it on the left. In the event of the death of a spouse, quite often his ring was put on the left one, and his own was left in the same place. However, such a custom did not become widespread, since it is customary for us not to remove the wedding ring from the deceased. A ring is also worn on the left hand after a divorce, unless, of course, anyone wants to wear it at all.

Engagement rings

Many consider the engagement as an innovation that appeared in our open spaces after the collapse. Soviet Union... In fact, it has deep roots in our lands. As mentioned earlier, some semblance of a ritual was already encountered in Ancient Rus... It was most widespread in the 17th and first half of the 18th century among the wealthier strata of the population. it was customary to conduct the ceremony directly in the church, where the future groom handed his beloved a ring, accepting which she pledged to become his wife. And already in the second half of the 18th century, the custom of betrothal was officially combined with weddings, thereby disappearing from everyday life almost until the beginning of the 21st century.

Even in those days, there was no stable or strict regulation regarding the engagement ring on which hand to wear, or what it would be, because the historical traditions in each country developed differently. For example, back in the Moscow principality, it was first customary to give silver, exchanging it for gold at the wedding, then the man wore gold jewelry, and the woman got the silver. A little later, the men stopped wearing jewelry altogether, while their spouses decorated their fingers with gold. In some European countries, this ring was worn exclusively before the wedding, then removed, turning it into a family heirloom. And to this day, many families pass on rings from generation to generation, which are more than one hundred years old.

Nowadays, it is not uncommon for people to wear an engagement and wedding ring together or change it on the other hand after the wedding. In the post-Soviet space, such a tradition is not very common, since it is customary to wear wedding rings on the right hand, while jewelry on the left is considered a symbol of the collapse of a marriage or the death of one of the spouses. However, the younger generation is gradually renouncing these beliefs, either because of ignorance, or because of their nihilism. therefore, little importance was attached to this issue.

Many people also have a question about which finger they wear an engagement ring. Of course, from the moment the proposal is received until the day of the wedding itself, it flaunts on the ring finger of the future bride. However, there are some exceptions here. The groom does not always know the size of the finger of his future wife, therefore it is so easy to make a mistake. In this case, the girls put it on the one on which it fits. The purchase of a set of three rings, which includes two wedding rings and one engagement ring, has become very popular now. It is customary to wear such a set on the ring finger, since it is created in the same style and looks very harmonious.

The tradition of exchanging rings on the day of the wedding and wearing them then all their life exists in almost all countries. Moreover, it originated a long time ago! And if you already know how to choose wedding rings, then it's time to find out on which hand it is customary to wear them in your home country... Portal understood this issue and prepared for you Interesting Facts on which hand the wedding ring is worn in America, Europe, Russia, Muslim and Asian countries.

The tradition of wearing wedding rings originated in ancient Egypt and then in ancient Rome. There it was customary to wear jewelry on the left hand. Since then, another belief has come to us, which "says" on which finger a wedding ring should be worn. The preference should be given to the nameless one, because the "vein of love" passes through it, leading straight to the heart. Now there is another theory with regards to the ring finger, which is discussed in the next video.

In Russia, rings were worn on the right hand, because it was believed that the main symbol of marital fidelity should be worn by a husband and wife on the hand that signs documents and concludes deals. This indicates the seriousness of the intentions of the people who are getting married.

In Europe, rings were worn mainly on the left hand. In the 18th century, it was believed that women in this way showed respect to their husband - the head of the house, because at that time, the right hand was considered dominant and the left non-dominant. In society, they often paid attention to which hand a woman was wearing a wedding ring, in order to understand how respectful she was to her husband.

On which hand do modern newlyweds wear wedding rings? Each nationality and religion has its own answer to this question, as well as to many questions about wedding rings (is it possible to wear these jewelry before the wedding, is it worth using parental rings as wedding rings, etc.).

The general rule is this: in Catholic and Protestant countries it is customary to wear these jewelry on the left hand, in Christian ones - on the right. But there are exceptions!

In which countries is the ring on the right hand worn?

It is customary to wear rings on the right hand in countries such as Russia, Georgia, Ukraine, Poland, Bulgaria, Latvia, Denmark, Norway, Portugal, Austria, Germany, India, Spain, Greece, Serbia, Hungary, Cuba, Colombia, Venezuela, etc. ...

Why is the wedding ring worn on the right hand? Most likely, this is due to the fact that in Christianity the right side is considered correct, “correct” due to the fact that behind the left shoulder of a person there is a tempter who wants to upset the marriage, and behind the right side there is a guardian angel. That is why the wedding ring is worn on the right hand by those newlyweds who belong to the Christian faith, especially if they decide to seal their union in the face of God.

In which countries is the ring on the left hand worn?

It is customary to wear a wedding ring on the left hand in the following countries: USA, Canada, Australia, Ireland, France, Great Britain, Italy, Finland, Sweden, Czech Republic, Scandinavia, Switzerland, Egypt, Botswana, New Zealand, Slovenia, Romania, Slovakia, Croatia, South African countries and most Asian countries.

According to one theory, it is believed that the left hand is located closer to the heart. Therefore, the one who wears a wedding ring on this hand expresses all his love for the other half, which comes directly from the heart. Moreover, in many of these countries it is clearly defined on which finger the wedding ring is put on - of course, on the ring finger, because the very "vein of love" passes through it.

It is customary to wear an engagement ring before marriage on the same hand as the engagement ring. Then the engagement ring can be saved as a family heirloom, worn on other fingers, or even together with the engagement ring, if they fit together in design. The last option in Lately became quite popular with European brides. And in Scandinavia, a ring donated by her husband for any of the anniversaries is added to this tandem in the future.

Non-standard options

Some nationalities have their own special rules regarding the choice of hand for the most important jewelry in life.

Rings on opposite hands

For example, on the island of Sri Lanka, the male half wears a wedding jewelry on the right hand, and the women on the left. The same is the case in China: newlyweds put rings on opposite hands. The groom - on the left, the bride - on the right, which is considered more active and influential in China. This is due to the fact that a woman agrees chinese traditions considered the keeper of the hearth and comfort in the house.

Which hand do Muslims wear their wedding ring on?

Initially in Islam there was no such thing as wearing wedding rings; this tradition came there from the West. Muslim men choose for themselves silverware, which are not worn as wedding rings - symbols of marriage, but as jewelry on either hand. Gold products are generally taboo for them! Women also wear rings on either hand, because there are no special prescriptions for them.

The wedding ring is ancient symbol love and fidelity. Wedding rings can be inherited, they are traditionally worn on the ring or “ring” finger, but there are peoples who prefer the index for the wedding ring. There are many signs and superstitions associated with the wedding ring. For example, it is believed that losing a wedding ring is a divorce. The Orthodox Church calls not to believe in omens. On which hand they wear the wedding ring in different countries- in the material of Pravmir.

Which hand is the wedding ring on?

In most traditions, the wedding ring is worn on the ring finger, while someone chooses the left hand for this, and someone the right hand. It all depends on the traditions of the country, the religion of the spouses and their personal choice. On which hand the spouses wear the wedding ring - they decide for themselves, focusing on their preferences.

What does the wedding ring symbolize?

The wedding ring, which used to be called the "altar" ring, is a symbol of family ties and marriage, as a link between two people. Altar means “sacrificial,” because marriage is a voluntary sacrifice. During family life we have to give up a lot, but we get a lot in return - the love and support of loved ones, the miracle of childbearing (although the meaning of marriage is not in childbearing, but in the union of two people for the sake of God), happiness to overcome all difficulties and share the joys together.

We have not received the exact information about how the tradition - to wear wedding rings - appeared. Some of the scientists believe that it originated in Ancient Greece, someone objects that the Ancient Egyptians began to exchange the first wedding rings.

We know for sure that Plutarch wrote about wedding rings. He did not answer the question of which hand the wedding ring was worn on, but he did say why the ring finger was chosen for the ring:

“According to legend, the ancient Greeks wore a ring on the finger closest to the little finger of their left hand. The Romans had the same custom, as they say. The reason for this ... is that during dissection and dissection human bodies according to the custom adopted in Egypt (the Greeks call it anatomy), it was found that from this one finger a certain delicate nerve leaves and reaches the heart; therefore, it was considered appropriate to honor this finger as such an adornment, as the closest involved in the heart that dominates in the body. "

Wedding rings weren't always made from precious metal, at the dawn of the formation of this tradition, they could be woven from hemp, reed or other materials. In ancient Rome, rings were already metal, but the groom did not give the ring to the bride herself. He passed it on to the parents of his future wife. Thus, the groom showed that he has sufficient wealth to become the head of the family and the girl was calmly given after the wedding to her husband's house.

The ring symbolizes infinity, as a sign of the infinity of love. Recently, rings, which were traditionally smooth, began to be placed gems, engraving inscriptions and their design began to differ from the classic.

Interestingly, in many traditions, the finger on which the wedding ring is worn is called not "ring", but "ring", since it is intended for a wedding ring.

On which hand do women and men wear a wedding ring in Russia?

Orthodox Christians usually wear a wedding ring on their right hand. But not only the Orthodox have such a tradition, it was formed in the following countries:

It is customary for Orthodox Christians to wear a ring on the ring finger of their right hand during marriage. On the right hand, wedding rings are worn in the following countries:

  • Uzbekistan,
  • Ukraine,
  • Belarus,
  • Russia,
  • Moldova,
  • Kazakhstan,
  • Serbia,
  • Poland,
  • Georgia,
  • Chile,
  • Norway,
  • Greece,
  • Iceland,
  • India,
  • Venezuela,
  • Argentina,
  • Kyrgyzstan.

Who wears a wedding ring on their left hand

Catholics usually wear a wedding ring on their left hand. Countries where the wedding ring is more often found on the left hand include:

  • Australia,
  • Turkey,
  • Azerbaijan,
  • Armenia,
  • Cuba,
  • Brazil,
  • France,
  • Finland,
  • Ireland,
  • Canada,
  • Mexico,
  • Slovenia,
  • Croatia,
  • Sweden,
  • Great Britain,
  • Italy,
  • Czech,
  • Slovakia,
  • Estonia,
  • Japan,
  • Korea,
  • Syria.

Traditionally, it is believed that the left hand is closest to the heart, but for Orthodox Christians the right side of the body is considered “correct”, therefore the ring is worn on the right hand. This has nothing more than a symbolic meaning.

Which hand is wearing a wedding ring depending on religion


In Judaism, the wedding ring is most often worn on the index finger, it is interesting that the same tradition existed in Ancient Russia. It is known that in a number of regions of Egypt and Ancient Israel, wedding rings were worn on the middle finger of the left hand. It is believed (although we do not have exact information) that this is exactly how Saint Joseph and the Virgin Mary became engaged.