
Original congratulations to the chemist. Poems and New Year's greetings to a photographer, football player, chemist, surgeon, hockey player, wishes for a Happy New Year to a schoolboy, economist, power engineer, lawyer Happy New Year chemists


Congratulations & Selebrations

ALCHEMIK congratulates

happy Birthday Valentina Valentinovna Arbenina- Associate Professor of the Department of Semiconductor Materials, MITHT named after M.V. Lomonosov. We wish our dear colleague good health, creative success and every success!
18.01. 2004 year.

ALCHEMIK congratulates

happy Birthday Andrey Vladimirovich KIRICHENKO- teachers of astronomy and computer science of the Moscow gymnasium 1516. We wish you health and good luck!
January 8, 2004. ALCHEMIK congratulates everyone
Happy New Year,
happy new year
and happy CHRISTMAS!


ALCHEMIST presents

significant dates of January... Famous scientists were born this month:
  • English physicist Isaac NEWTON (4.01.1643 - 31.3.1727)
  • German chemist Eilhard Micherlich (7.01. 1794 - 28.08. 1863), discoverer of isomorphism and polymorphism, inventor of the permanganatometric method of analysis
  • Danish physicochemist and biochemist Seren Sørensen (9.01. 1868 - 12.02. 1939) - inventor of the logarithmic pH ( pH)
  • Swedish chemist and mineralogist Johan ARFWEDSON (12.01. 1792 - 28.10. 1841), who discovered the element lithium
  • Russian physicist Igor Vasilievich KURCHATOV (12.01. 1903 - 07.02. 1960)
  • Russian physicochemist Nikolai Nikolaevich BEKETOV (13.01. 1827 - 13.11. 1911), who introduced the concept of "electrochemical series of metal voltages"
  • French physicist André-Marie AMPERE (22.01.1775 - 10.06.1836)
  • Russian inorganic chemist and pharmacist Karl Karlovich KLAUS (01.22. 1796 - 03.24. 1864), to whom we owe the discovery of the element ruthenium
  • Russian physicist Lev Davidovich LANDAU (22.01. 1908 - 1.04.1968)
  • English physicist and chemist Robert BOYLE (25.01. 1627 - 30.12. 1791), one of whose works was called "The Skeptic Chemist".

    Happy New Year 2004 !!!

    Happy birthday to you
    Natalia Samuilovna Rukk
    - Scientific Secretary of the Department of Inorganic Chemistry, Moscow State University of Chemical Technology M.V. Lomonosov,
    Scientific Secretary of the Institute's Humanitarian Seminar,
    tireless worker, sensitive teacher,
    a person of high scientific erudition
    and great personal charm.
    Friends and colleagues.
    December 26, 2003.

    Teachers, students, former classmates and, of course, the ALCHEMIK
    happy birthday
    Irina Alekseevna Kozlova
    and wish her every success and good health!
    December 14, 2003

    ALKHIMIK sincerely wishes you a happy birthday
    Margarita Zaitsev(To Klepikov)
    and wishes her good health, cheerful mood and success in her work!
    December 4, 2003

    In December, ALKHIMIK congratulates all chemists on their birthdays

  • German physicist Werner HEISENBERG (Heisenberg) (5.XII. 1901 - 1.II. 1976) - the author of the "uncertainty principle", the fundamental postulate of quantum mechanics;
  • French physicist and chemist Joseph-Louis Gay-Lussac JL (6.XII. 1778 - 9.V. 1850) - the discoverer of the famous gas law, a stubborn researcher of alkali metals, chlorine, bromine and iodine (and not only! ), a brave traveler;
  • French chemist-technologist Nicola Leblanc (Leblanc N.) (6.XII. 1742 - 16.I. 1806) - the inventor of the famous method of producing soda "according to Leblanc";
  • Swedish chemist Karl-Wilhelm Scheele CW (9.XII. 1742 - 21.V. 1786) - the discoverer of many chemical elements (oxygen, chlorine, barium, molybdenum, tungsten) and chemical compounds that are widely known today, such as potassium permanganate, malic, citric, oxalic acids, glycerin, etc.;
  • French chemist Claude-Louis BERTOLLET (Berthollet C.L.) (9.XII. 1748 - 6.XI. 1822), who not only first obtained potassium chlorate (Berthollet's salt), but also put forward a non-stoichiometric theory of the structure of chemicals ("berthollides");
  • Swiss chemist Alfred Werner (A. Werner) (12.XII. 1866 - 15.XI. 1919) - the author of the coordination theory of complex compounds;
  • German chemist Johann-Wolfgang Dobereiner (15.XII. 1780 - 24. III. 1849) - the inventor of the "Debereiner flint", who practically used the phenomenon catalysis, the author of the idea of ​​"triads" of elements (Debereiner's triad);
  • French physicist Henri BECQUEREL (Becquerel) (15.XII. 1852 - 25.VIII. 1908) - the world's most famous discoverer and researcher of natural radioactivity;
  • English chemist Humphrey DEVI (Davy H.) (17.XII. 1778 - 29.V. 1829) - for the first time received metals potassium, sodium, barium, calcium, strontium amalgam and magnesium by electrolysis, the creator of a new science - electrochemistry,
  • Russian chemist Vladimir Vasilievich MARKOVNIKOV (25.XII. 1837 - 11.II. 1904), who formulated the well-known regularity of the course of addition reactions in organic chemistry ("Markovnikov's rule");
  • English physicist James Prescott Joule (12.24. 1818 - 11.10. 1889), after whom the unit of energy measurement (Joule) is named for a reason - after all, the merits of this scientist in the science of thermodynamics are undeniable;
  • Russian chemist Vladimir Nikolaevich IPATIEV (21.XII. 1867 - 29.XI. 1952) - an outstanding technologist and petrochemist.

    Alchemist congratulates!

    Famous scientists were born in November:
  • ... Mary (7.XI 1867 - 4.VII 1934). She was a wonderful woman - a famous physicist and chemist, twice Nobel laureate. She studied radioactivity and discovered new chemical elements together with her husband Pierre Curie. radium and polonium.
  • ... Lise (November 7, 1878 - October 27, 1968), Austrian physicist and radiochemist, student of Marie Curie.
    The merits of both outstanding women scientists are reflected in the fact that there are chemical elements in the Periodic Table that bear their names - curium and meitnerium.
  • ... Alexander Porfirevich (12.XI. 1833 - 27.II. 1887), chemist and composer
  • ... Mikhail Vasilievich (19.XI.1711 - 15.IV.1765) - Russian chemist, physicist, geologist, metallurgist, creator of chemical industries, writer, artist and teacher.
  • ... Jan-Diederik (Van der Waals) (23. XI. 1837 - 8. III. 1923) - Dutch physicist, author of the famous studies of intermolecular interactions. In honor of him, the forces of such interaction are called "van der Waals".

    ALCHEMIK congratulates

    Happy Birthday to Tamara PONOMAREVA and wishes her good health and family happiness.
    October 16, 2003

    ALCHEMIK congratulates

    happy birthday Svetlana Vladimirovna KRYNKIN... Friends, girlfriends, students and colleagues wish our dear Svetlana health, happiness, mutual understanding in the family!
    October 8, 2003.

    ALCHEMIST reminds

      that the month of October has given the world many prominent scientists. Here are their names:
    • ... the English physicist and chemist William Ramsay (October 2, 1852 - 7/23/1916), who discovered (together with J. Rayleigh) the noble gas argon, and then (together with M. Travers) - neon, krypton and xenon;
    • ... Danish physicist Niels-Hendrik-David Bohr (7 October 1885 - 18 November 1962) - the author of the quantum theory of the hydrogen atom;
    • ... the French physicochemist Henri-Louis Le Chatelier (8.X. 1850 - 17.IX. 1936), who not only formulated the well-known law of displacement of chemical equilibrium (Le Chatelier's principle), but also invented the metallographic microscope and platinum-rhodium a thermocouple for measuring high temperatures, patented (in 1901) a method for synthesizing ammonia from hydrogen and nitrogen, studied the properties and methods of preparing cements;
    • ... the English physicist and chemist Henry Cavendish (10.X. 1731 - 24.II. 1810) - one of the founders of pneumatic (gas) chemistry and the author of a number of discoveries in the field of physics, which became known to the scientific world only 70 years after his of death;
    • ... the French radiochemist Marguerite Perey (19 October 1909 - 13 May 1975), who discovered the radioactive element francium;
    • ... the Swedish chemical engineer, inventor and industrialist Alfred-Bernhard Nobel (21.X. 1833 - 10.XII. 1896), known primarily as the creator of dynamite and the founder of the international Nobel Prizes in the field of science, literature and peace;
    • ... French chemist and statesman Pierre-Eugene-Marcelain Berthelot (25 October 1827 - 18 March 1907) - one of the founders of the synthetic direction in organic chemistry, inventor of the calorimetric "bomb", researcher of the history of chemistry and author of several thousand scientific articles.

    ALCHEMIK congratulates on the name day

    of all Lyudmil(September 29), as well as everyone who bears names Faith Hope Love and Sophia(September 30th). Be healthy and happy!

    ALCHEMIK congratulates

    happy birthday nina YURIEV.
    To congratulations and wishes of health, good luck and well-being are joined by:
  • relatives,
  • friends and children of friends,
  • acquaintances and relatives of acquaintances, as well as students of Moscow State University.
    September 20, 2003.


    happy birthday Natalya Nikolaevna Ignatov- Associate Professor of the Department of Inorganic Chemistry MITHT, our irreplaceable deputy. dean, lecturer and teacher, a nice, good person. We wish you success in work and health, as well as mutual understanding in the family.
    September 10, 2003

    ALCHEMIK congratulates

    happy birthday Oleg Nikolaevich Puchkova- Assistant of the Department of Inorganic Chemistry. We wish you all the best - success in the teaching field, a scientific career, family happiness, and, of course, good health.
    September 6, 2003

    ALCHEMIST reminds

    • ... that the month of September gave us not only the Day of Knowledge. Prominent chemical scientists were born this month:
    • ... Austrian chemist Karl Auer von Welsbach (1.09. 1858 - 4.08. 1929), a prominent researcher of rare earth elements. In particular, he discovered neodymium and praseodymium in "didym", which was previously considered an individual chemical element, as well as lutetium (regardless of the French chemist J. Urbain), discovered the luminescence (glow) of cerium and other REE salts, invented a gas-hot grid ("Auer caps ") for lighting gas lamps;
    • ... German physicochemist Wilhelm-Friedrich Ostwald (2.09. 1853 - 4.04. 1932), not only one of the founders of physical chemistry, but also a positivist philosopher;
    • ... the English chemist and physicist John Dalton (6.09. 1766 - 27.07. 1844), who not only discovered many chemical and physical laws to the glory of the atomic-molecular theory, but also compiled a table of relative atomic weights. He was the first to guess to take the atomic weight of hydrogen as a unit;
    • ... the German organic chemist Friedrich-August Kekule (September 7, 1829 - July 13, 1896), who proposed the cyclic structural formula of benzene;
    • ... Russian chemist Alexander Nikolaevich Nesmeyanov (09.09. 1899 - 01.17. 1980), specialist in the field of organometallic compounds, researcher of "sandwich" compounds of transition metals (for example, ferrocene derivatives);
    • ... Russian chemist Alexander Mikhailovich Butlerov (September 15, 1828 - August 17, 1886), the author of the theory of chemical structure, a prominent teacher-chemist and champion of higher education for women;
    • ... the American inorganic chemist Neil Bartlett (b. 09/15/1932), who discovered the chemical compounds of noble gases, which were previously considered chemically inert;
    • ... the French chemist Henri Moissant (September 28, 1852 - February 20, 1907), who first obtained gaseous fluorine by electrolysis and wrote the textbook "Course in Mineral Chemistry";
    • ... English physicist and chemist James Dewar (20.09. 1842 - 27.03. 1923), researcher different processes at ultra-low temperatures, the inventor of the Dewar vessel (an example of which is a thermos flask) and the first practically important smokeless powder (cordite is a mixture of pyroxylin and nitroglycerin with petroleum jelly);
    • ... the English physicist and chemist Michael Faraday (09.22. 1791 - 08.25. 1867), one of the founders of quantitative electrochemistry, the author of the discovery of the laws of electrolysis, electromagnetic induction and others;
    • ... French chemist Antoine-Jerome Balard (09.30. 1802 - 03.30. 1876), the author of the discovery of the element bromine.
  • The chemist knows the elements
    And for this - compliments!
    Congratulations from the bottom of our hearts,
    May life be wonderful!
    Mendeleev table,
    To turn into your happiness,
    Bringing a lot of income,
    Certainly all year round!

    Happy birthday to the chemist

    Happy birthday, wise chemist!
    We wish all the vicissitudes to spite
    Be strong in body and soul,
    And so that good companions are lucky.
    Do not explode from everyday experiences,
    Cheer up and always be in the saddle.
    And the troubles in captivity, of course, do not give up,
    And in this we are your assistants.

    Congratulations to the chemist in prose

    A chemist is like a magician: he can calmly change the color of the solution, get an explosive mixture and, in general, is able to amaze, work miracles, which certainly arouses great respect. May there be many successes and discoveries in your chemical practice1 We wish you great family happiness, love and prosperity!

    Happy Chemist Day

    On Chemist's Day, I congratulate you, and with all my heart I want to wish you. Let the main, most important discoveries be ahead of you, let the new elements appear in the table thanks to you. May there be happiness in your personal life, may
    success always accompanies you.

    Happy Chemist Day

    Congratulations on the Day of the Chemist -
    You are just amazing people
    From minerals - make dates,
    From beetroot - almost bee honey.
    You in the old days for various tricks
    Could have easily stoned with stones,
    But we are not as dark as our grandfathers,
    And we can understand and love you!

    Happy Chemist Day

    On Chemist's Day, I congratulate you, and with all my heart I want to wish you. Let the main, most important discoveries be ahead of you, let the new elements appear in the table thanks to you. May there be happiness in your personal life, may success always accompany you.

    Chemists can do anything!
    School taught us this too.
    They are pleased in their world, freely
    Experimenting over and over again!

    May everything be fine in your life
    May all reactions be pleasant
    Every atom of your body
    Let's be happy, beautiful, neat! ©

    Sunday, clear, May
    I'll fuck you
    Congratulatory lines
    And I will scatter in boasting.
    After all, Chemist's Day happens
    Only once a year my friend
    I wish to be recognized
    The sea of ​​all your merits.
    So that the work only rages
    Everything was always successful
    So that the soul is happy
    Energetic, young. ©

    Happy chemist day

    Anyone could celebrate chemist's day
    Let him enter the house of everyone - and more than once:
    We live, eat and sleep next to chemistry,
    And our common path is irreversible.
    Meeting her all my life, we don't know her
    And we respect chemists for magicians,
    This means that their day is a holiday of skill.
    Continue your magic!

    Happy chemist day! Congratulations:

    If you take a piece of bacon
    Carry out its pyrolysis -
    We will not get enough fat
    (Let's hydrolyze it)

    We get liquid glycerin,
    Add nitric acid,
    Add a desiccant
    Pass a dense filter through the filter.

    And we get in the end -
    Liquid nitroglycerin.
    This is not "black powder" for you,
    Not even pyroxylin.

    If there is nitroglycerin
    We will take in abundance -
    Let's make a revolution
    (On the second try)

    To build communism -
    Lard is confiscated:
    Suddenly someone repeats the synthesis
    (We do not risk it).

    Student jokes for the day of the chemist

    I'll get up early in the morning
    I'll drink a mug of mercury
    And I'll go die
    In this institute!

    The students are sleeping, and the professor
    He bowed his head quietly.
    A thin stream is pouring from the desk
    Someone spilled ether.

    Chloropicrin spreads like a tablecloth, a tablecloth
    And gets under the gas mask.
    Everyone, everyone believes in the best.
    An explosive mine is falling behind you.

    Who was not a student
    Tom does not understand
    How you want to eat
    How I want to sleep.

    There is no reception against bromine,
    If there is no bromine fluoride.

    H2O is not our motto.
    Ours is C2H5OH.

    The sun is shining brighter
    And the landscape is more fun
    When in your stomach

    Let's distill all the gouache
    On C2H5OH!

    How did our ancestors live
    When there was no burette!

    I got up from the couch early in the morning,
    I'm not happy with the white light.
    Since me again today
    Titrate tetraborate.

    It is interesting:
    In the years 1870-1875. at the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences (apparently, within the framework of the "Russification" of the chemical nomenclature), the possibility of using such combinations of words for the names of chemicals that would resemble Russian surnames, first names and patronymics was discussed in earnest. For example, the name “hydrogen oxygenovich” was suggested for water, “potassium chlorovich” or “potassiy chlorovich” for potassium chloride, “hydrogen chlorovich” for hydrochloric acid, “potassium chlorovich acid” for potassium hypochlorite KClO, for berthollet's salt (potassium chlorate KclO3) - "potassium chlorovich trikislov") ...

    Copying is possible only if there is an active link to our site.

    V it's sunny sunday in may
    The turn has come to congratulate you, friends.
    Happy Chemist's Day today
    All those who linked their fate with chemistry!
    You deserve gratitude with your work
    And respect! After all, wherever you look
    You put your hand everywhere!
    For you today, wishes sound:
    Let the thought beat, let your hands not get tired
    Do good, good deeds!
    I wish you success, ministers of science,
    And happiness to you, and joy in full!

    V Sunday, clear, May
    I'll fuck you
    Congratulatory lines
    And I will scatter in boasting.
    After all, Chemist's Day happens
    Only once a year my friend
    I wish to be recognized
    The sea of ​​all your merits.
    So that the work only rages
    Everything was always successful
    So that the soul is happy
    Energetic, young.

    D Chemist's day is a great date!
    Hurray for Mendeleev, so brilliant,
    What wisely and generously I once invented
    For human needs, drinking is ideal!
    I congratulate everyone who is friendly with chemistry!
    Well? Pouring a classic drink?
    Yes! This drink is needed on a festive day,
    To drink to the feat in the chemical field!

    B Without chemistry today - life is boring,
    Wherever you stick, connections are everywhere.
    Chains of formulas turn into wires
    And resurrect the best moments.
    Congratulations to those who believe in miracles,
    Who creates them with inspiration every day!
    We give a three-time "Hurray!"
    To all chemists whose skill is incorruptible!

    P ditch of mistakes, trial and failure,
    Chemistry was a great science.
    Solutions to thousands of amazing problems
    Born hundreds of years in doubtful agony!
    Chemical scientist as a great magician,
    And its secrets are enclosed in the formulas,
    They have a secret sign of the universe,
    All questions are answered in them.
    So let your formula of fate,
    It will bring you good luck and recognition,
    After all, like no one else you are worthy
    That all your wishes come true!

    X imik looks into emptiness,
    Sees the beauty of the world.
    Congratulations on their day!
    In the world we all live in one.
    Let's wish them the world
    It would be clear to them to the holes!
    To molecules and acids!
    Chemist! May you be lucky!

    V Chemist's Day is bolder
    Raise your glass
    The great Mendeleev himself
    I would say to you that day:
    "Praise everyone for work and knowledge,
    I am happy for you with all my heart!
    Both success and recognition
    I wish you at this hour! "

    M We often think of chemists as magicians.
    What are they cheating, we do not understand,
    But so many beautiful and necessary things
    Created for a better life for people!

    Glass and plastic, brick, shoe polish,
    Polyethylene, turpentine, naphthalene,
    Lime and varnish, paint, glue, steel, rubber.
    Can we do without gasoline?

    What about soda? And the soap? How can we live without them?
    We cannot exclude chemistry from life.
    We live side by side with her and even eat,
    And our path together with her is irreversible.

    On Chemist's Day, a helmet for everyone:
    Let the house be filled with more chemistry,
    It is able to facilitate the whole life in many ways,
    How can we not love these wizards ?!

    We believe that chemists, with their skill
    They will surprise us with a new substance more than once.
    And let the re-discoveries await ahead!
    Their work will always be valuable and important!

    D one chemist could be celebrated by everyone,
    Let him enter the house of everyone - and more than once:
    We live, eat and sleep next to chemistry,
    And our common path is irreversible.
    Meeting her all my life, we don't know her
    And we respect chemists for magicians,
    This means that their day is a holiday of skill.
    Continue your magic!

    N azlo to the adherents of tradition
    Chemists always have their own way:
    Let us not dream of a table -
    Something else will dream!
    That is why in every century
    Our genius is always appropriate ...
    Happy Chemist Day to all of you, colleagues!
    Give С2Н5ОН!


    Washer in the goal,
    The stands in ecstasy
    You hockey player
    Congratulations all at once.

    To you in New Year
    Wish you victories
    Games, training
    No injuries and no troubles.

    Cups to take
    In every ending
    Strength and precision
    Was so in good shape.

    List of victories
    Never ended
    And in life with hockey
    You never parted!

    Football player

    You don't play on New Years
    You left the ball aside
    You celebrate the holiday violently
    Like all people on Earth.

    And after training again,
    Your season is not over
    And so as not to lose skill,
    You go out onto the lawn again.

    Since childhood, right after school,
    I ran to play football in the yard,
    Then to the football section
    Then your father brought you.

    Now dreams are completely different
    And there are goals, although they are difficult,
    But on New Years you will make a guess
    So that all your dreams come true!


    You economist
    Happy New Year
    Let the money be regular
    They drip into the account.

    I wish the calculations
    You conducted it right
    Economic effect
    It was calculated for sure.

    Let the calculations help
    Reduce costs
    Gives let the savings
    Profit from year to year.

    Rich and happy
    May there be a New Year
    To you, economist,
    Let them be lucky in everything!


    For warmth and light in houses
    You are always responsible
    Happy New Year
    You, energetic.

    We wish to keep
    Wire tension,
    So that snow, wind and storm
    They have never been torn.

    In the New Year, so that gas through the pipes
    He came to us steadily,
    And the ruptures of the heating main,
    Energetic, you didn't know.

    May the New Year be good
    No accidents and problems
    So that on holidays and weekdays
    You provided us with everything.


    For the servant of Themis
    New Year's greetings,
    So that in the New Year everything is done
    You could win, lawyer.

    And there was always good luck
    On your side
    Together with the salary bonus
    I got you doubly.

    I wish the laws
    You knew up and down
    New year for you, lawyer,
    To make you happy!


    You are not afraid of acids
    And you are friends with salts,
    Both in everyday life and in production
    We need you, a chemist.

    In the New Year, everyone is in the mood
    You will create fun
    Will you pour it into glasses
    You are С2Н5ОН.

    We wish you New Year
    Successful experiments
    So that you please the world
    The formula for happiness.

    For schoolchildren

    Winter holidays,
    The frost stings on the nose,
    Happy New Year to you
    Schoolboy, congratulations.

    Santa Claus with gifts,
    There is a carnival by the tree,
    Joyful, cheerful
    The hour has come for you.

    Abandoned notebooks
    Forgotten all the lessons
    You meet joy
    You are flying on a sled down a hill.

    Wish New Year
    Good luck and fun
    And so that the whole year is beautiful
    There was a mood.


    Happy New Year to the photographer
    A million orders
    Take off near the Christmas tree
    I would like to all at once.

    And you, photographer,
    I want to wish
    With their own
    Surprise the whole world.

    New year fame
    Let it bring you
    To the heights of excellence
    Talent leads you.

    To the surgeon

    On New Years you are a scalpel
    Do not let go of your hands
    Thin circles
    Slice the salami.

    In sharpened movements
    Surgeon's skill,
    Slicing you a table
    Decorated for the celebration.

    Good luck to you surgeon
    I wish you New Year,
    Successful operation
    Let each one pass.

    Let there be patients
    Alive and healthy
    And joyfully you
    Happy New Year.