
Pf supplement to the pension for children. The amount and rules for calculating the supplement to the pension for women who have given birth to two or more children. Features of the calculation of surcharges


Women who have one or more children who were born in the Soviet era or a little later than the 90s can count on an increase in their pension payment.

Consider who can receive a cash surcharge in 2018, in what amount and who is involved in the recalculation.

Who is entitled to recalculate the pension for children, and is it worth recalculating the pension taking into account additional payments for children born before 1980, 1990 and later?

The main condition for women who wish to issue a recalculation and receive the due funds is prescribed in the legislation - a woman must retire before January 1, 2015. If a citizen passes this requirement, then she can count on receiving pension points.

In addition, the following requirements and circumstances are taken into account:

  1. The increase can only be accrued for periods spent caring for children up to the age of 1.5 years.
  2. Maternity leave or a break from work must be issued. For example, if a citizen did not work officially, but studied at an educational institution, this period will be counted up to 1.5 years and no more.
  3. Points cannot be awarded for five or more children. By law, points are awarded only for four children.
  4. The amount of wages directly affects the increase. A citizen was supposed to receive a salary at the time of maternity leave, but until 2002, not exceeding the average monthly payments to working citizens of the Russian Federation. Or another option - the salary should not exceed the statistical salary by 20%.
  5. The period of work, when a woman was on maternity leave, can be replaced by a "non-insurance period". In this case, the amount of points increase will be higher.

Judging by the situation at the end of 2017, we can conclude that pensioners do not receive huge amounts of money, even with an increase. Pension payments amount to approximately 10-11 thousand rubles, taking into account the issued allowance. This amount is slightly above the living wage.

Experts assure that if a woman has good reasons for making a recalculation - not one, but several children - then applying to the FIU can be beneficial.

If a pensioner has more than one child, but several, then the number of points awarded will be higher - not for one, but for several adult children at once.

As you understand, the size of the increase is also affected by the income of a citizen that she had during the decree period. Specialists rely, as a rule, on it when making a decision.

It makes no sense to count on an increase in the pension for children for the following pensioners:

  1. Those who receive early retirement . Usually they belong to preferential categories of citizens who have not yet reached the general retirement age, but are no longer working. The applicant must have the status of a working pensioner. If he decides to replace the period of work with pension points, he may lose the status of an early pensioner.
  2. Those who receive state pension payments set at a certain amount. This category also includes citizens affected by the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant.
  3. Those who receive survivor benefits. A pension increase cannot be issued to a pensioner if he receives an insurance payment for a disabled person who was dependent.

In general, it will be up to the FIU specialist to determine whether a citizen can receive additional points.

As a rule, pensioners actually receive an increase in monthly payments for children born before 1990 or before 1980.

The size of the pension increase for women with children is an example of recalculating the pension for children born during the USSR period and later

The size of the points increase, which will then be converted into a monetary equivalent, is influenced by the individual factors of the applicant.

The calculation depends on:

1.Number of children

Please note that points allowances can only be accrued for 6 years, that is, for four children, and no more.

We list how many points can be awarded, in accordance with Article 15 of the Federal Law number 400, approved on December 28, 2013.

2. The total work experience of a pensioner

3. Income for that period of time

The salary that a citizen received greatly affects the size of the allowance.

The calculation is made strictly individually:

  1. Points are awarded for the period when the pensioner did not work, was not officially employed and was on maternity leave for up to 1.5 years.
  2. The period when a citizen was employed can be counted and converted into points for childcare or points for work, experience. No other options are provided by law.

Here are examples of calculating the pension allowance for children

Example 1 Citizen Ivanova gave birth in Soviet times, in 1988, to one child. When she retired in 2014, she asked for a point increase. According to the table above, it can be seen that for 1.5 years of caring for a child, Ivanova is entitled to 2.7 points. We multiply this amount by the cost of 1 point - 78.58 rubles - and we get an increase of 212.16 rubles.

Example 2 Citizen Selevanova applied for a pension recalculation and asked to take into account that before 1990 she had given birth to five children. She was in the general period of childcare for 6 years. She took care of the first three children for 4.5 years (up to 1.5 years), and for the last two - for 2 years (for one year, for another half a year is not included in the calculation).

The increase will be calculated as follows: (2.7 + 5.4 + 8.1 + 5.4) x 78.58 rubles. = 1697.32 rubles.

In the case of high income at the time of maternity leave and the replacement of work experience with points, the increase may be reduced in proportion to the points received.

In fact, it turns out that women receive much less than they should according to established formulas and calculations.

A complete list of documents for recalculating a pension for women for children - where to go to apply for an increase?

It is up to the pensioner himself to apply for the recalculation of pension payments. A citizen must send a personal application to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, its branch.

This form is approved by law, so you can print it, fill it out, sign it - and send it to the FIU.

In addition, along with the application, a documentation package should be sent, which includes:

  1. Copy of the passport.
  2. Copy of SNILS.
  3. Copies of birth certificates of children.
  4. Documents confirming that the child is 1.5 years old. This may be a copy of the diploma of education, a copy of the passport.

You can submit an application and documents at any time. This can be done personally by coming through the public services portal - or using the services of the Russian Post.

Is there a supplement to the pension for children born before 1990 or before 1980?

Welcome to website. In the article we will talk about the additional payment to the pension for children. In July 2017, the pension fund in the regions began to provide explanations for changes in the law, which brought a lot of talk about whether there would be an addition to the pension for children.

Many thought that if a woman is retired, then she has the right to come with an application to the territorial department of the pension fund and receive an addition to her pension if the children were born before 1990. And the amount of such an allowance could exceed several hundred rubles for each child.

Most of the women who applied on their own to the pension fund actually received this allowance, which caused a lot of talk among other mothers of pensioners. As a result, long queues began to form in pension funds, and employees had to give public and detailed explanations to pensioners.

It is worth knowing that now we are not talking about self-payment. The additional payment to the pension for children is made using recalculation. In accordance with changes in the law in 2015, the labor pension began to be calculated according to new rules, both upon reaching retirement age and on disability. And now the size of the pension is influenced not only by periods of work, but also by non-insurance periods, that is, caring for a child until he reaches the age of 1.5 years.

There are a few important things to know about this allowance:

  1. Those pensioners who began to receive a pension after the beginning of 2015 do not need to apply for recalculation, since a profitable accrual option is done automatically. The recalculation is carried out only if, when assigning a pension, a woman did not take into account periods that are considered non-insurance, or they were taken into account according to the old rules, for which points are now accrued.
  2. The terms for writing an application are not limited, that is, a woman can come with an application to the pension fund at any time, documents are submitted not only in person, but also with the help of multifunctional centers (MFC) or when submitting documents through the public services portal ( ).
  3. The allowance that will be after the recalculation is individual, and it is not guaranteed for all pensioners, since replacing seniority with non-insurance periods is not always profitable. According to statistics, only 30% of the women who apply receive an increase in pensions, and the amount of the increase can be from several hundred rubles to several thousand.
  4. If, during the recalculation, the amount of the pension decreases, then in fact this will not happen, since the employees of the Pension Fund will simply refuse to recalculate.

Which of the pensioners will receive an addition to the pension for children

It is worth knowing that the year of birth of children does not play a special role in this case, that is, they can be born before 1990, and at any time after this date.

The opinion that an increase in pensions for children is given only at their birth before 1990 was based on the fact that when the changes were introduced in 2015, a serious increase was made for those pensioners who not only have adult children, but also the so-called "Soviet" experience. It does not particularly affect the amount of the pension, but it gives the most favorable conditions for converting this length of service into pension points.

Such recalculation is carried out to these pensioners in the first place. As a rule, such mothers reached retirement age and went on a well-deserved rest before 2015 and they already have an honorable age, that is, more than 70 years.

But this does not mean that if a woman has children after the collapse of the USSR, then she loses the right to recalculate. Most often, such a recalculation becomes simply unprofitable for a pensioner for other reasons. That is, if the experience of a woman began to take shape already according to the new Russian laws, after the collapse of the USSR.

It is worth knowing that those periods in which a woman cared for children do not automatically increase the size of the pension. Since those working periods that were taken into account make the greatest contribution to the amount of the pension than replacing them with 1.5 years of a non-insurance period. At the moment, there are many options when replacing the length of service with a non-insurance period is profitable or vice versa unprofitable.

Options when replacing seniority with a non-insurance period is beneficial:

  • If a woman has two children whom she cared for until they were 1.5 years old.
  • At the birth of several children at the same time. For example, twins or triplets.
  • If at the time of caring for children the woman was not in an employment relationship or was studying.
  • If retirement occurred with a minimum work experience.
  • If the minimum wage was taken into account when calculating the mother's pension, that is, lower than in the country.
  • If, taking into account all the circumstances, the accrued pension is below the subsistence minimum, that is, the minimum pension.

Options when replacing seniority with non-insurance periods is unprofitable:

  • If the pensioner has only one child.
  • If a woman has a long work experience, which also accounts for childcare.
  • If high wages were taken into account when calculating the pension. But wages, which exceeded 20% in the country until 2002, were not taken into account in the calculation, in other words, the ratio of income for that period does not exceed 1.2, but this is enough for the recalculation for children not to provide additional payments to pension payments.

The law does not specify exactly who is entitled to the additional payment to the pension for children. As a result, it turns out that the pension can be recalculated for those women who have two or more children, and the minimum length of service and low wages are taken into account to calculate the pension.

The recalculation is not made for those women whose pension was assigned on preferential terms. These women include early pension recipients who have not reached retirement age. In this case, when replacing the seniority with a non-insurance period, a woman may lose the right to receive an early pension.

Calculation of points given for each child

In accordance with changes in pension legislation, the main indicator that affects the amount of pension is pension points. They are recorded on the personal account of each pensioner in the pension fund. Reflection of such points is not made in rubles, as it was before, but in relative units, that is, the amount of pension rights to receive a labor pension.

The formation of pension points on a personal account is carried out in two ways:

  1. With the help of insurance premiums paid by the employer. In 2019, the employer pays 22% of the total salary of the employee, 6% of this amount is deducted for the formation of a fixed fee, and 16% goes to the personal account in the form of pension points.
  2. When taking into account non-insurance periods, that is, if the pensioner does not work, and insurance premiums are not deducted for him, then the state is responsible for the formation of the pension. These periods also include military conscription - for men, and caring for children under 1.5 years old.

It is worth knowing that today parental leave is 3 years, but in the non-insurance period, which is taken into account, only half of this leave goes. It is during this period that a woman receives benefits up to 1.5 years. Although this is unfair, due to the fact that children go to kindergarten at the age of three, and a woman is not able to go to work earlier and start providing for herself and the child.

At the time of the appointment of a pension, all points that are on the personal account and those that were accrued for non-insurance periods are multiplied by the legally established amount. In 2019, one point costs 87.24 rubles.

In accordance with the new law, not only working periods are taken into account in pensions, but also those when a woman was on maternity leave, but not more than 6 years in total. In other words, only 4 children are counted towards the pension. But you should know that the amount of points that will be awarded at the time of maternity leave will be different, depending on the order and year of birth of the child.

For one point in 2019, 87.24 rubles are required.

  • For care for one child, 1.8 points are given for 1 year of care, and 2.7 points for 1.5 years of care. Accordingly, the maximum possible surcharge will be 235 rubles.
  • For caring for a second child with 1 year of care, 3.6 points are given, and with 1.5 years of care - 5.4 points. Accordingly, the maximum possible amount of additional payment will be 471 rubles.
  • When caring for a third child, with 1 year of care they give 5.4 points, and with 1.5 years of care - 8.1 points. Accordingly, the maximum possible amount of additional payment will be 706 rubles.
  • When caring for the fourth child, with 1 year of care they give 5.4 points, and with 1.5 years of care - 8.1 points. Accordingly, the maximum possible amount of additional payment will be 706 rubles.

It is worth knowing that the maximum increase will be given only to those pensioners who at the time of maternity leave were not in an employment relationship, and this period was not taken into account when assigning a pension payment earlier.

Also, the maximum that was granted may be reduced in the following cases:

  • An exception from the calculation of non-insurance periods, which were taken into account according to the old rules, since when the pension for children is recalculated, the length of service is replaced by a non-insurance period. That is, the salary that was taken into account when assigning a pension is replaced by points, and such a replacement is not always profitable.
  • The general decrease in the working periods of the pensioner during the replacement.

It is worth remembering that the exact recalculation of women's pensions for children can only be made by an employee of the pension fund. It is produced only on an individual basis, and the size of the increase with the same number of children for all pensioners will be different, since the formation of pension rights also occurs individually.

If at the time of the recalculation, the result becomes negative, then this recalculation becomes unprofitable and the Pension Fund employees will refuse the pensioner, since the amount of the pension will be reduced.

Example of surcharge calculation

The woman began receiving labor pension payments for old age in 2012. As of January 1, 2002, when the formation of a pension in the country began with the payment of insurance premiums, her total work experience was 26 years, and the ratio of maximum earnings was 1.2.

The woman came to the pension fund to recalculate the pension for children born before 1990 during her work in 1979 and 1988. At the time of replacing the already accounted periods of work with two non-insurance periods, that is, caring for children until they reach 1.5 years, 3 years were removed from the total work experience.

As a result, there was a decrease in the seniority coefficient and the amount of valorization, that is, the revaluation of pension rights for the period up to 1991. And the points that were awarded to her instead of this period amounted to: 1.5 years * (1.8 + 3.6) \u003d 8.1 points, in other words, 660.07 rubles.

Since the recalculation led to a decrease in the amount of the pension that she received, the employees of the PF fund refused, and the increase in the pension for 2 children was not accrued. And a woman who raised 3 children in the same situation can get an increase in the amount of 150 rubles.

Registration of an increase in the pension for children

A pensioner has the right to submit an application and all the necessary documents, on the basis of which an increase in the pension for children will be made, at any time convenient for her, the terms of application in this case are not limited.

If the decision, after consideration of the documents, is positive, that is, as a result of the recalculation, the amount of the pension will be increased, then the payment of the pension, taking into account the allowance, will be made from the first day of the next month. But the additional payment to the pension for children for past periods, that is, which were missed after the changes in the law came into force on January 1, 2015, will not be paid.

Submission of documents and applications can be done in one of several convenient ways:

  • With the help of a personal appeal to the territorial department of the pension fund. But due to the fact that there can be a large queue of visitors to the specialists, it is recommended to make a preliminary appointment. An entry is made on the official portal of the pension fund, registration is not required for this.
  • By submitting documents through multifunctional centers, that is, the MFC. This service for receiving documents and applications for recalculating a pension can be provided at the territorial office of the MFC. This requires a working interdepartmental interaction between the pension fund and the multifunctional center itself. Today, this service is provided at the MFC in all major cities of the country.
  • With the help of the Internet and the state portal of services ( In this case, the application and all necessary documents are submitted via the Internet in electronic form on the official portal of public services. But in order to submit documents, you must have a verified account in a unified identification and authentication system, in other words, ESIA. After the submission of an electronic application through the state portal, the pensioner is obliged to bring to the branch of the pension fund to which the application was submitted all the documents necessary for recalculation within 5 working days. If the documents are not provided during this time, the application will also not be considered, and it will need to be submitted again.
  • Registered mail via Russian Post. When using this method, the pensioner will have to independently fill out an application for recalculation, which is provided in the form approved by law. A sample of filling out this application is located on the official portal of the pension fund. But all original documents, on the basis of which the recalculation and additional payment to the pension for children to pensioners will be made, are not sent by registered mail. It is necessary to send pre-made photocopies of all documents and certify them with a notary. It is worth knowing that certification of documents by a notary is a paid service.

Documents that will be required for registration of additional payment

The pension for children born before 1990 and after this date will be recalculated only for those pensioners who cared for children before they reached the age of 1.5 years and retired before 2015. Recipients of the insurance pension and disability pension are eligible to apply for the recalculation.

The recalculation takes place directly on the basis of an application written by a pensioner, which is submitted to the territorial branch of the pension fund, which pays pension accruals. Since it is in this pension fund that the pension file of the pensioner is located, on the basis of which the pension will be recalculated and an additional payment for children born will be calculated.

Since the usual declarative recalculation of the pension payment takes place, it is required to write the usual standard application, which is approved at the legislative level, in particular by Order of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation dated January 19, 2016 No. 14n. this application is indicated in the second annex to the administrative regulation on the provision of public services when assigning a pension.

In addition to the completed application, it is necessary to attach documents that are in the personal custody of the pensioner, these are:

  • The pensioner's identity card is usually a passport.
  • Certificate of compulsory pension insurance, in other words SNILS.

In accordance with the Law “On Insurance Pensions”, Article 23, paragraph 2, an application for recalculation of a pension payment is accepted directly, provided that the pensioner provides all the documents that are required for its implementation.

To begin with, confirmation of the existence of non-insurance periods for a given pensioner occurs on the basis of the documents that are stored in the pension file, stored in the pension fund department, as well as on the basis of the personalized accounting information that is at the disposal of the pension fund employees at that time.

But if the information about non-insurance periods, that is, maternity leave until the child reaches 1.5 years old, is incomplete or absent at all, then in order to recalculate them, you need to confirm them to the pensioner yourself by providing an additional package of documents for this:

  • Birth certificates for each child who was cared for, if they are not available, then you can order a birth certificate for children at the registry office.
  • Documents that will confirm that the children are one and a half years old. Such a document can be any document that was issued to the child in state bodies already at a later age, that is, you can provide a child's passport, a school leaving certificate, a diploma of graduation from a higher educational institution, a military ID or any other document.

If a pensioner submits a birth certificate for children, and it contains a seal confirming that a child has received a Russian passport after he has reached the age of 14, then you will not need to provide another supporting document, since this mark will be enough for employees of the pension fund. And on the basis of these documents, a recalculation will be made and, if the decision is positive, an increase in the pension for children will be assigned to pensioners.

Article 17

a) children brothers, sisters and grandchildren, under 18 years old

Pensioners who are dependent on disabled relatives are entitled to receive a pension supplement. The procedure for calculating the supplement is regulated by Federal Law No. 400 “On Insurance Pensions”.

The law includes not only minor children of pensioners to dependents for whom a monthly increase is due. The state will also pay extra for those who are from 18 to 23 years old. True, provided that the children study at a university or technical school in the full-time department.

The amount of the supplement to the pension for one student child is equal to 1/3 of the fixed part of the insurance pension.

In 2018, the allowance for one dependent is 1,660.9 rubles, for two - 3,321.9 rubles, for three - 4,982.9 rubles. If a pensioner has more than three dependents, then he will still receive 4,982.9 rubles.

1660 rubles

the state will pay the student's retired parents

Old-age and disability pensioners are entitled to a similar allowance. Both retired parents can count on the increased pension.

Conditions for receiving an allowance for a student child

    Student age - up to 23 years

    Form of study - full-time only! In this case, the child can study at a university, college, college or vocational school. The allowance is even for those children who study abroad

    A surcharge will also be given for paid students. To do this, you will need to submit an agreement with an educational institution to the FIU.

    Retired parents can live with their child or separately. This circumstance does not affect the purpose of the payment.

    A pensioner has the right to receive an additional payment both for his own child and for a foster child. Moreover, an increase in pension is possible if the brother/sister, grandson/granddaughter of a pensioner receives education.

    Latest news: Supplement to pensions for children

    True, in the latter case we are talking about dependents left without parents.

Documents for registration of additional payment

    Pensioner's passport;

    SNILS pensioner;

    Birth certificate of the child / children (for adopted - adoption certificate);

    A certificate from an educational institution (or an agreement if the student is studying on a commercial basis).

The pensioner submits these documents and the completed application for the additional payment to the PFR office at the place of residence. An application form will be provided by the Pension Fund.

The law gives the FIU 10 days to make a decision. After that, the pensioner is notified of the purpose of the payment or refusal. If any documents are missing or there are errors in them, the FIU will ask you to eliminate them.

If everything is in order with the documents, then the next month after applying to the FIU, the money will be paid along with the pension.

IMPORTANT! When a student is expelled or transferred to a part-time or evening form of study, the payment of the allowance is terminated. This must be reported to the FIU.

Article 17

Who is entitled to a supplement to a pension for children: types and documentation

Seniority pension supplements

The following increments shall be accrued to the seniority pension granted to the persons specified in Article 1 of this Law (including those calculated in the minimum amount):
a) pensioners who are invalids of group I or who have reached the age of 80 - to care for them in the amount of 100 percent of the estimated pension specified in part one of Article 46 of this Law;

b) non-working pensioners who are dependent on disabled family members specified in paragraphs "a", "b" and "d" of the third part of Article 29, Articles 31, 33 and 34 of this Law:

if there is one such family member, - in the amount of 32 percent of the estimated amount of the pension specified in the first part of Article 46 of this Law;
if there are two such family members, - in the amount of 64 percent of the calculated amount of the pension specified in the first part of Article 46 of this Law;
if there are three or more such family members, - in the amount of 100 percent of the calculated amount of the pension specified in the first part of Article 46 of this Law.
The specified allowance is charged only to those family members who do not receive an insurance or social pension;
c) pensioners - participants of the Great Patriotic War from among the persons specified in subparagraphs "a" - "g" and "i" of subparagraph 1 of paragraph 1 of Article 2 of the Federal Law "On Veterans" who are not disabled - in the amount of 32 percent, and persons from among them who have reached the age of 80 - in the amount of 64 percent of the calculated amount of the pension specified in the first part of Article 46 of this Law.
The allowance provided for in paragraph "c" of part one of this article shall not be charged to the pension calculated with the increase provided for in article 16 of this Law.

Article 29. Family members entitled to a pension

Disabled members of the family of the deceased (deceased) persons specified in Article 1 of this Law, who were dependent on them, have the right to a survivor's pension.
Regardless of being dependent on the breadwinner, the pension is assigned to: disabled children; disabled parents and spouse, if after the death of the breadwinner they lost their source of livelihood; disabled parents and spouses of persons who died due to the reasons specified in paragraph "a" of Article 21 of this Law; spouse, one of the parents or other family member specified in paragraph "c" of this article.
Disabled family members are:

a) children brothers, sisters and grandchildren, under 18 years old or older than this age, if they became disabled before reaching the age of 18, and those who are studying in educational organizations full-time (with the exception of educational organizations, training in which is associated with entering the military service or service in the internal affairs bodies) - until graduation but no longer than until they reach the age of 23. Brothers, sisters and grandchildren are entitled to a pension if they do not have able-bodied parents;

b) father, mother and spouse, if they have reached the age: men - 60 years old, women - 55 years old, or are disabled;
c) a spouse or one of the parents or a grandfather, grandmother, brother or sister, regardless of age and ability to work, if he (she) is engaged in caring for the children, brothers, sisters or grandchildren of the deceased breadwinner under the age of 14 and does not work;
d) grandfather and grandmother - in the absence of persons who are required by law to support them.

If you have reached retirement age, you are entitled to an old-age pension. But if you are busy with the maintenance and upbringing of minor children, you are also entitled to a special allowance for it. Regulates the issue of Federal Law No. 400 “On insurance pensions”, which we will talk about further.

What are the reasons for benefits?

An increase in pension is possible if your children are dependent, which implies the full provision and maintenance of the child. Children must be under 18 years of age, and in the case of their education in higher educational institutions - up to 23 years. Also, after the age of majority, persons with the status of a disabled person may also be dependent.

It should be noted that the fact of dependence of minors does not have to be proved.

The amount of the pension increase

Changes in the amount depend on:

  • the number of minor dependents;
  • the age of the pensioner;
  • the state of his health and the presence / absence of the status of a disabled person;
  • places of residence.

As an example, consider the situation with two children who are cared for by a pensioner up to 80 years old. For 2017, you are entitled to a payment of up to 4270 rubles. If you are over 80, the payment will already be 6832 rubles. If there is a disability, the amount will be from 6440 to 12800 rubles.

The region of residence also influences - residents of the Far North are multiplied by the established coefficients and can be up to 16,800 rubles inclusive.

If the child has reached the age of majority and is studying at a university, the pension will increase by 1,500 rubles. Of course, the above amounts are not solid and can change at any time, but not so drastically. To clarify exactly how much the increase will be, conduct a preliminary recalculation at the nearest PFR authority.


Documents for recalculation are also submitted there.

Required papers

You submit to your branch of the Pension Fund or MFC:

  • recalculation statement;
  • birth certificate of each of the children, if they have already received a passport - show it;
  • employment history;
  • a certificate stating that you have not previously applied for an increase in pension on the same basis;
  • document in form No. 9 received at the passport office;
  • if the child is studying full-time - a certificate from the place of study;
  • if the child has a disability - a relevant certificate of this.

Submitted documents will be reviewed within ten days from the date of registration. Weekends and holidays are not included in this period.

Such a fixed allowance must be confirmed every year, otherwise payments will be suspended. To extend the benefits, you need to provide a certificate from the tax office about the lack of registration as an individual entrepreneur, a certificate stating that you still have disabled persons as dependents and a certificate at the place of study of children. Documents should not be outdated and they should be issued a maximum of a month before applying to the FIU.

In addition to a direct trip to the FIU, you have the opportunity to use the Internet service "Gosuslugi". There you will log in, enter your personal account, select the "Assignment of a pension" section and fill in all the required fields, attach the required copies of the documents, and then send the application. Verification of the submitted data will take no more than a month.

Supplement to pension for children - who is entitled, sizes

Care for the first child accrued 1,8 points for the year of care, for the second child - 3.6 points,

Recalculation in connection with the replacement of periods is carried out at the request of the pensioner. When applying to the territorial body of the PFR, in addition to an identity document, it is necessary to submit birth certificates of children and documents confirming that children have reached at least one and a half years. If the birth certificate is stamped with a passport issuance stamp, it is sufficient to present only the certificate.

Recently, residents of our city have increased interest in recalculating pensions for periods of child care until they reach one and a half years. The Pension Fund (PFR) on its official website tells in detail about who is entitled to recalculate the pension for children, what documents are needed to receive the allowance, from what date it will be made, and also how you can apply for recalculation.

Recall that, starting from 2015, the insurance period, in addition to periods of work, includes the so-called "non-insurance" periods, which include, among other things, parental leave for each child up to one and a half years, but no more six years in total. If the periods of work and non-insurance periods coincide in time, at the request of the pensioner, one of them is taken into account: either work or childcare.

Who is entitled to recalculate the pension for children?

Recalculation can be made to those who can earn points for periods of child care until they reach the age of one and a half years:

- if during these periods there are breaks in work;

- if, by replacing the period of work with a "non-insurance" period of child care, this option will be beneficial for the pensioner.

Care for the first child accrued 1,8 points for the year of care, for the second child - 3.6 points, for the third and fourth - 5.4 points for each year of care. Points are awarded for no more than four children.

Is it beneficial for everyone to recalculate pensions?

No, not everyone. If the periods of childcare coincide in time with the periods of work, one of the periods is taken into account in the insurance period - the one, taking into account which the amount of the pension will be higher. PFR specialists choose the most beneficial option for calculating a pension for a citizen. As a rule, if the pension is above 10-11 thousand and the leave was taken to care for one or two children, accrual of points for these periods is unprofitable.

What bonus can you expect?

Each calculation of the size of the pension, and, accordingly, the size of the increase, will be individual. Basically, it is beneficial to those who have low earnings.

If the periods for accruing points for care coincide, the corresponding period of work is excluded from the length of service. It is possible that earnings will need to be reviewed if they were taken into account for the period that is excluded in connection with the recalculation.

How long does it take to recalculate?

This is a regular recalculation, which is made from the 1st day of the month following the month in which the application was submitted for it.

What documents are needed for recalculation?

Recalculation in connection with the replacement of periods is carried out at the request of the pensioner. When applying to the territorial body of the PFR, in addition to an identity document, it is necessary to submit birth certificates of children and documents confirming that children have reached at least one and a half years.

The amount of the allowance for minor children to pensioners in 2018

If the birth certificate is stamped with a passport issuance stamp, it is sufficient to present only the certificate.

Can I apply for recalculation or make an appointment online?

If you decide that you need to apply for recalculation, then you can make an appointment through the Citizen's Personal Account on the official website of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, where there is a corresponding section "Appointment Appointment". Making an appointment in advance does not require registration with the Unified Identification and Authentication System, so you just need to go to the electronic service and click on the “Make an appointment” option, select a convenient time and day to submit the appropriate application. You can also make an appointment with a customer service specialist through the free PFR Electronic Services mobile application, which is available for IOS and Android platforms.

Additionally, on the Internet portal of public services, the possibility of submitting an application for recalculation of the amount of pension has been implemented. However, here you need to have a verified account in the ESIA.

We also inform you that on the issue of recalculating the amount of pensions, citizens can apply not only to the PFR department, but also by sending an application, the form of which is provided for by the Administrative Regulations for the provision of state services for the establishment of pensions by the PFR, approved by Order of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation dated January 19, 2016 No. 14n, by mail with attaching copies of the necessary documents, certified by a notary.

According to the website of the PENSION FUND of the Russian Federation