
What is the minimum and maximum amount of old-age pension in Russia. Minimum pension in the Moscow region Minimum pension for an old-age pensioner

Pathologies of the uterus

Minimum pension in Russian Federation can be considered a relative concept that cannot be defined precisely. But in this case, the main indicator characterizing “minimality” is the size living wage, and for each region of Russia it is set its own.

Citizens whose pension provision is an order of magnitude higher than this figure are “lucky”, but if it is lower, then there is no need to worry, since state policy is aimed at protecting the poor.

The average pension in Russia, what is it?

The Pension Fund of the Russian Federation provided information according to which the average size pension provision for old age until April 1, 2016 was about 9227 rubles. Analysts conducted a comparative analysis of pensions with salaries in Russia, and they came to the conclusion that this amount is equivalent to 40% of the average all-Russian earnings. But here you should indicate the average size of the social pension - this amount is 7067 rubles.

Children with various groups a pension is calculated, the average amount of which is 11,445 rubles. The category of citizens who received pension benefits for disability resulting from war injuries and injuries averages 14,307 rubles. All these pension payment figures will be indexed in April 2016.

Please note that in Russia, in post-Soviet times, pension provision for citizens was considered the highest, and only the countries of the Baltic region could compete with the wealth of our state. But here, too, we can make corrections that in the Baltic countries there is a high level of expenses associated with paying for utilities, and it is they who take most of the “pension earnings.” If we take into account the state pension policy which was carried out during this time, then in comparison with the nineties of the last century, crisis phenomena are practically absent.

At the same time, the average pension is increasing, and according to preliminary calculations, the figure is growing almost twice as fast as inflation in prices for consumer goods. This is influenced by the indexation of pensions, which is carried out by the state twice a year - in early February and April.

The size of the minimum old-age pension in the Russian Federation

After a working citizen reaches the retirement age fixed by law, the question arises about the minimum amount of pension that he has the right to count on. It is worth emphasizing that there is no such concept as a “minimum pension” in the legislation of our country, and its amount is directly related to various circumstances.

The minimum pension amount upon reaching old age should not be lower than the minimum subsistence level, which was legally established for pensioners in the region of his residence. But there is an amendment here: if such a situation is still observed, and the old-age pension with supplements from the state does not exceed the subsistence level, then there is still a way out. Payments will be established for the needy pensioner - their amount should ultimately equalize the pension with the subsistence level established in the region. Those pensioners who work may not count on additional social benefits, but all other pensioners must write an application to receive such bonuses.

In what cases can a citizen count on increasing the minimum pension:

  1. The pensioner has reached the age of eighty.
  2. He has dependents: from 1 to several relatives.
  3. The pensioner decided to continue working.
  4. The insurance pension is being indexed.

If you want to receive a minimum pension in Russia, then your work experience must be at least five years, but what about those who do not have it? Then the state assigns social pensions.

The size of the maximum old-age pension in the Russian Federation

  1. Salary amount.
  2. When a citizen retires (his age).
  3. Length length of service.
  4. The amount of monthly contributions to the Pension Fund.

Let's look at innovations in the field of pension legislation, and specifically to Federal law"About insurance pensions." Let us immediately draw attention to the fact that the age of the citizen is not taken into account. To save the Pension Fund's expenses, officials decided to take the “original” route. For example, if a man, having reached his 60th birthday (retirement age), does not want to retire, but continues to work, then he will receive a significant increase in his pension, which will be proportional to the time he could have spent on a well-deserved retirement. The same applies to women who are over 55 years old. Conclusion: the longer you work after retirement age (the longer you don't retire), the higher your pension amount will be.

PFR pension calculator - how to use it?

If you go to the official website Pension Fund Russian Federation and the Ministry of Labor, then for several years now there has been a so-called “pension calculator”, which allows all citizens to calculate their future pension based on length of service, salary and other indicators. According to the Russian Minister of Labor, this mechanism does not make it possible to determine the exact amount of pension benefits. Using a calculator, you can only make a preliminary forecast taking into account a set of calculated indicators.

For ease of calculation, citizens are provided with a convenient and easy-to-understand form in which they need to fill out the appropriate fields: gender, length of service, salary, length of military service, maternity leave, and so on. But the calculation is carried out in such a way that the preliminary amount is calculated as if for today - that is, if you are retiring now. The calculation mechanism uses the new pension formula provided for by the Law “On Insurance Pensions”, which begins to “work” in 2016.

Not to be missed important point: has a component that can reduce the amount of the pension. This instrument has a name – the cost of the pension coefficient. This indicator depends on a number of indicators, for example, the demographic and economic situation in the country, on the basis of which it is established.

What are citizens entitled to besides pensions?

As you know, a significant part of pensioners do not work, so they can be classified as citizens who are not socially protected. For this reason, the state has developed a set of benefits and allowances that pensioners have the right to count on:

  1. Firstly, this is preferential travel for pensioners on public transport, provided for by the legislation of the constituent entities of the federation and regions.
  2. If we talk about tax deductions, pensioners were given some “indulgences.” The pension is not taxed - that's it. Pensioners do not have to pay property taxes to the state (they are exempt from this). And if a pensioner bought real estate and a property deduction was made, then he can get it back within a three-year period (after retirement), during which he must contact the relevant authorities. That is, after retirement, 3 years may pass during which you can apply for a deduction, but this is impossible for ordinary citizens.
  3. The health care system has also not spared pensioners. They are covered by the compulsory health insurance program, so all pensioners can freely receive medical care without spending a penny. And those people who receive a disability pension or have been accrued a minimum old-age pension can count on a benefit: pharmacies should sell them the necessary medications at half the price - that is, with a 50% discount.
  4. The housing and communal services sector also showed concern for pensioners and introduced a system of compensation for payment for services provided, and if a pensioner is recognized as low-income, he is given the opportunity to receive subsidized assistance to pay for utilities. A set of measures has been introduced in some Russian regions social assistance, and the pensioner can receive compensation for housing costs.

We draw general conclusions: having put together local and federal laws, the following picture emerges: along with a pension, people can receive additional government benefits and subsidies.

What will happen to pensions next year?

Today we can highlight the entry into force of part of the federal law “On Insurance Pensions”, which has been gaining momentum since January 1, 2016. One moment brings joy - retirement age remained unchanged. But now we’ll get to the bleak moments, of which there are quite a few. Firstly, this is a new formula for calculating pensions, secondly, it is an increase in the length of service for calculating the pension, and thirdly, the pension is now recalculated in points.

To receive a good pension, it is now becoming profitable for working citizens to “open” their income and receive a white salary. Now the size of your salary and the amount of your contributions are directly related to the amount of pension you will receive.

New legislation introduced the concept of “annual pension coefficient", which characterizes how the employee worked throughout the year. The question arises, how is it calculated? It is equal to the ratio of the funds paid by the management of the enterprise where you work to the possible amount that can be contributed to the Pension Fund from the maximum salary, multiplied by the pension coefficient. For the calculation, the maximum value of the coefficient is taken.

Insignificant positive thing for women there was such a moment: it was decided to include only 1.5 years of child care in the length of service required to calculate an old-age pension, but no more than 4.5 years in total. But this leave can be added not only to the mother’s length of service, but also to the length of service of the person who was on carer’s leave, formalized by law.

The pension will continue to consist of two components: a funded and an insurance part. According to the current Federal Law “On labor pensions in the Russian Federation" will be calculated accumulative part, and the amount of the insurance portion will be determined by the new law.

What final conclusions can be drawn? Pension reforms and new changes in legislative framework they say that the state is doing everything possible to bring the country out of “critically low” pensions. The guarantor is indexation, which is carried out twice a year. A tangible advantage for working pensioners is the recalculation of pensions taking into account the continuation of labor activity.

But talking about ideal pension legislation it is too early. Perhaps it takes time to “rock” innovations in order to taste the productive fruits after the adaptation period.

Social pension in Moscow For the capital, the cost of living for a pensioner is set at 11,561 rubles. This is the minimum Moscow pension, taking into account social supplements in the region. It is already known that it is proposed to increase the cost of living for people of retirement age, which will increase the pension by 255 rubles, and it will amount to 11,816 rubles. This will be the minimum pension in Moscow in 2018. This minimum amount is established for all Moscow pensioners, those who are registered at their territorial location or place of residence for a total period of less than 10 years. For the capital's old-timers, there is a specific amount that corresponds to the City Social Standard of Minimum Income.

Minimum pension in Moscow in 2018: the size of the old-age pension

  • Citizens of the Moscow Defense - 8,000 rubles.
  • Veterans of labor and service - 1000 rubles, home front workers - 1500 rubles and rehabilitated people - 2000 rubles.
  • Participants and disabled people of the Great Patriotic War up to 2000 rubles, compensation for food.
  • Heroes of the Russian Federation, USSR, labor of the Russian Federation, socialist labor, gentlemen with orders of glory and labor glory - 25,000 rubles.
  • Widows of Heroes of the Russian Federation, USSR, Labor of the Russian Federation, socialist labor, gentlemen with the Order of Glory and Labor Glory, who have not entered into another marriage - 15,000 rubles.
  • Citizens with the title “Honorary Citizen of Moscow” - 50,000 rubles.
  • Pensioners with the titles "People's Artist of the USSR", "Honored Artist of the Russian Federation", "Artist of the People of the RSFSR", "People's Artist of the Russian Federation", "Honored Artist of the RSFSR" - 30,000 rubles.

Citizens who are considered long-livers of Moscow are also entitled to financial compensation.

What will the old-age pension be in 2018: minimum amount

Its formation and payment is made using mandatory insurance payments, which the employer contributes to the pension fund for its employees.

  • Social pension payment. It is formed and paid from the state budget.

It is worth knowing that the assignment and payment of old-age pensions is made to the recipient regardless of the fact of his work activity.

While social pension- this is the minimum old-age pension and is paid to those pensioners who do not have any work activity. That is, in this case, the pensioner does not have an official salary or income from any other activity, as a result of which he is subject to compulsory pension insurance.
About the insurance part of the pension In our country, insurance pensions are assigned much more often than other pension payments.

Minimum pension in Moscow in 2018: amount of old-age payment

Which pension is more profitable - Moscow or the Moscow region Native Muscovites living in the capital receive an additional payment to their pension up to the city social standard, which since the beginning of 2018 has amounted to 17,500 rubles. In the region, such additional payments also work, but the minimum pension in the Moscow region in 2018 is significantly lower than in the capital, and the algorithm for calculating it is much more complicated and individual for each pensioner.

Since, along with joining the capital, they received the right to receive Moscow bonuses to pension payments and all Moscow benefits.

Pension increase in Moscow from January 1, 2018 – to whom and how much?

Its payment is made monthly to those categories of citizens whose work experience and age fully comply with the conditions of the law, including those citizens who do not have other pension payments. The cost of living is calculated based on the parameters of past inflation over the past year, the level of increase in prices for the consumer basket and other indicators of the state economy.

Each region of the country has its own subsistence level, and if the pension does not reach the subsistence level, then the difference is paid from the regional budget. But the question of how much the minimum pension will be in 2018 is differentiated for each category of citizens separately.

As already mentioned, an old-age insurance pension is assigned to citizens upon reaching the retirement age of 55 years for women and 60 years for men.

Minimum old-age pension without work experience

If you move to warmer climes, the size of payments is significantly reduced. Old-age pensions without work experience in Russia increase when a pensioner reaches 80 years of age.

An old-age pension without work experience in Moscow is determined according to general rules. Benefits for mothers of many children upon retirement If single mothers do not have work experience, they do not have the right to count on receiving any benefits.

In order to mother of many children had the right to receive early entry into a well-deserved retirement, it was necessary to give birth to at least 5 children. It is mandatory to comply with some additional important conditions that grant the right to receive pension payments. Based on Art.

What is the old age pension without work experience in 2018?

  • due to disability;
  • due to the loss of a breadwinner;
  • due to lack of necessary work experience.

Work experience may be absent for reasons such as:

  • for health;
  • due to unofficial employment;
  • due to other circumstances.

The main conditions for granting a pension without work experience are as follows: The age of the future recipient of the pension differs from that established for the female category - 60 years, for the male half - 65 years, by the legislation of the Russian Federation. Availability of continuous residence in the territory of the Russian Federation for the last 15 years. For foreigners citizens have no right to receive a pension. According to the established rules, it is possible to receive a pension early subject to official work activity in harmful conditions, for example, in the presence of a hot grid.

What is the maximum old-age pension in Moscow in 2018

In some cases, the payouts may be modest. For example, in cases where a citizen does not have sufficient work experience, he is assigned a pension in the amount of 3,262 rubles. Some factors are taken into account:

  • Indexation carried out annually.

    At the beginning of each year, or more precisely, in April, the size of such a pension can be recalculated. This is done to ensure that government assistance does not lag behind inflation, as well as the cost of living.

    For example, in 2017, the pension was recalculated with a coefficient of 1.03. As a result, the average payment amount became 8.6 thousand.

  • Location. There are regions in Russia where pensions and all kinds of benefits are paid at an increased rate. Of course, if you change your residence, the privilege is lost. Increased pension provided for those who live beyond the Arctic Circle.

Pensions in 2018


For centenarians of the capital Material compensation is provided for centenarians of the capital of Russia. Additional cash rewards await Moscow residents who are 101 years old or older.

They will immediately receive from the state, on occasion own day birth, one-time gift income, which will amount to 15,000 rubles. One-time payment to families of anniversaries of married life The one-time compensation for anniversaries will also increase due to their strong family life together.

More than 15 thousand Moscow families will receive such a reward for love. Based on 2018, it can be seen that the growth of the gift amount will increase significantly.

The comparison is shown in the table: Family one-time compensation for spouses celebrating their anniversary, years Remuneration, rub. for 2018 Remuneration, rub. for 2018

Minimum old age pension

It turns out that there is a slight excess of 255 rubles. above the subsistence level. What additional payments are possible? In addition to the minimum pensions of both categories (according to the city standard and the subsistence minimum), some Moscow pensioners may receive additional payments:

  • if the pensioner lives in a low-income family with children;
  • if the family has many children;
  • if the pensioner is the guardian of a disabled child or several such children;
  • if the pensioner is a long-liver, his age is 101 years or more;
  • if the pensioner is an honorary Moscow citizen;
  • if a family of pensioners celebrates a milestone in their married life in 2018: anniversaries of 50, 55, 60 or more years of marriage.

Elderly Muscovites who are directly or indirectly related to the events of the Great Patriotic War receive special additional payments.
In order to financially protect the population, monthly and one-time payments are officially increasing. social benefits for preferential categories, these include families:

  • large families;
  • low-income people with children;
  • raising handicapped children (new benefit - annual compensation of 10,000 rubles for the purchase of children's school uniforms).

The size of the minimum pension In the capital for elderly people, in addition to the social part established by the federal authorities, there are regional maximum increases. The final amount of the smallest additional payment is determined by the length of the pensioner’s stay in the capital. If you have 10 years of official registration, you can count on additional payment according to Moscow indicators. For the country, the basic indicator is 8,540 rubles, while for the capital it corresponds to the monetary equivalent of 11,561 rubles.

Moscow 2018 no experience what will be the minimum old-age pension

It is also necessary to have a work experience of at least 9 years, this indicator is set for 2018, it will increase until 2024 until it reaches 15 years. The minimum pension for the category of citizens who have fulfilled these conditions will be 8,703 rubles in 2018.

Under the same conditions, Moscow pensioners will receive twice as much; their pension will be 17,500 rubles. Social pension payment is a benefit that is paid to citizens who do not receive an insurance pension, but they need governmental support for other reasons.

This may be disability, loss of a breadwinner, or lack of the required amount of work experience. In 2018, this payment was indexed by 3.7% and the minimum amount since the beginning of April was 8,742 rubles.

Many pensioners are interested in the question of the amount of the minimum pension provided for by law.

There is no concept of “minimum pension” in pension legislation.

Minimum pension - this is the minimum amount of monthly cash payment that is paid by the state to persons who are pensioners.

At the legislative level, only the size of the living wage of a pensioner is determined. Its size varies depending on the region.

The highest living wage is established in Moscow, the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug, Magadan, Sakhalin, Murmansk regions, and the Kamchatka Territory. In the city of St. Petersburg, the Rostov, Leningrad, Sverdlovsk regions, and the Krasnodar Territory, the cost of living of a pensioner is at the average level.

The table below shows the minimum living wage for a pensioner in the Central Federal District.

Minimum living standard for a pensioner in the Central Federal District

Name of the subject of the Russian Federation

2015 (in rubles)

2016 (in rubles)



Overall for the Russian Federation

Russian Federation

8 703

Central Federal District

11 816

Moscow region

10 258

Belgorod region

Bryansk region

Vladimir region

Voronezh region

Ivanovo region

Kaluga region

Kostroma region

Kursk region

Lipetsk region

Oryol Region

Ryazan Oblast

Smolensk region

Tambov Region

Tver region

Tula region

Yaroslavl region

However, in practice there are cases when, taking into account the length of service and earned pension points, the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation sets the pension amount below the pensioner’s subsistence level.

In this case, the law establishes the right to a social supplement to the pension.

The conditions for assigning a social supplement to a pension are:

  • absence of work or other activity during which the person is subject to compulsory pension insurance;
  • failure to achieve the total amount of material support for a pensioner equal to the minimum subsistence level of a pension in the region of his residence.

For reference. When calculating the total amount of financial support for a pensioner, all cash payments that are assigned to him are taken into account, including an urgent pension payment, and cash equivalents of measures social support for payment of telephone, housing, utilities and travel on all types of passenger transport (urban, suburban and intercity), as well as monetary compensation for the costs of paying for these services. Social support measures provided at a time are not taken into account.

If the total amount of material support for a pensioner is lower than the regional subsistence level of the pensioner, which, in turn, is lower than the federal one, the pensioner will be provided with a federal social supplement. If the regional subsistence level of a pensioner exceeds the federal minimum, the pensioner will receive a regional social supplement. The social supplement is set in such an amount that the total amount of financial support for the pensioner, taking into account the supplement, reaches the regional minimum subsistence level for the pensioner, but not lower than the regional minimum as of December 31 of the previous year.

Minimum pension when assigning an insurance pension

Depending on the year of retirement, different conditions are required for assigning an insurance pension.

As a general rule, the right to receive an old-age pension occurs subject to the following conditions:

  • age for men - over 60 years, for women - over 55 years;
  • the insurance period required to assign an old-age insurance pension is increasing gradually from 6 years in 2015 to 15 years in 2024;
  • number of pension points - a gradual increase is established by 2.4 from 6.6 in 2015 to 30 points by 2025. For information on the procedure for calculating pension points, see the article at the link.

For reference. For more information on the appointment of an old-age insurance pension, see the article at the link.

In the absence of the necessary insurance period or the required pension points, an old-age insurance pension is not provided. In this case, a social old-age pension is assigned, which is subject to indexation.

Minimum pension when assigning a social pension

The Russian pension legislation provides for the following types of social pensions:

  • old age pension;
  • disability pension;
  • survivor's pension;

For reference. The social pension is paid only to disabled citizens and people who have reached retirement age.

The following persons permanently residing in the Russian Federation have the right to a social pension:

  1. disabled people of groups I, II and III, including those disabled since childhood (a social disability pension is assigned);
  2. disabled children (a social disability pension is assigned);
  3. children under the age of 18, as well as older than this age, studying full-time in the main educational programs in organizations that carry out educational activities, before they complete such training, but no longer than before they reach the age of 23, who have lost one or both parents, and children of a deceased single mother (a pension is assigned in the event of the loss of a breadwinner);
  4. citizens from among small peoples the North, who have reached the age of 55 and 50 years (men and women, respectively), permanently residing in areas inhabited by small peoples of the North on the day of pension assignment (a social old-age pension is assigned);
  5. citizens of the Russian Federation who have reached the age of 65 and 60 years (men and women, respectively), as well as foreign citizens and stateless persons who have permanently resided in the territory of the Russian Federation for at least 15 years and have reached the specified age (an old-age social pension is assigned).

The size of the minimum pension in Russia in 2018

The size of the social pension ranges from 4,000 rubles to 12,000 rubles, depending on the type of pension.

Thus, the social old-age pension is the minimum pension amount guaranteed by the state.

The social pension for disabled citizens in 2017 is assigned in the following amount (see table below).

Minimum pension amount

Order number

Minimum pension amount (set for 2018 from April 2017)

citizens from among the small peoples of the North who have reached the age of 55 and 50 years (men and women, respectively), citizens who have reached the age of 65 and 60 years (men and women, respectively), disabled people of group II (except for disabled people since childhood), children under the age of 18 years old, as well as over this age, studying full-time in basic educational programs in organizations engaged in educational activities, until they complete such training, but no longer than until they reach the age of 23, who have lost one of their parents

5034.25 rubles

disabled people of group I since childhood and disabled children

12,082.06 rubles

disabled people of group I, disabled people of group II since childhood, children under 18 years of age, as well as older than this age, studying full-time in basic educational programs in organizations engaged in educational activities, until they complete such training, but no longer than until they reach they are 23 years old and have lost both parents (children of a deceased single mother)

10,068.53 rubles

disabled people of group III

4,279.14 rubles

At the same time, during the year the minimum level of pension provision for citizens will continue to be not lower than the subsistence level of a pensioner in the region where he lives. If the amount of the pension, together with other payments due to a non-working pensioner, is below the subsistence level, then he will be set social supplement towards retirement.

Prepared by "Personal"

The minimum pension in Russia is a relative concept and not precisely defined. The main indicator of “minimality” in this case is the size of the subsistence minimum, which is established for each region. If the pension is higher than it, then you are doing well. But even if it is lower, the state will still not abandon you.

What is the average pension in Russia?

According to the Russian Pension Fund, the average old-age pension in Russia as of the end of 2018 - the beginning of 2019 is approximately 14,100 rubles.

If compared with wages, then, according to analysts’ calculations, this pension amount is about 40% of the average earnings in Russia.

The average social pension is 9,045 rubles.

The average pension paid to disabled children is 13,699 rubles.

Pensions received by citizens with disabilities due to military trauma average 30,700 rubles.

It is worth noting that in the post-Soviet space, the Russian Federation is one of the richest countries in terms of pension provision for citizens. The only competition we can have is the Baltic region, but it is worth considering that in the Baltics there are quite high costs for utilities, which “eat up” all the “earnings” of pensioners.

If you pay attention to the pension policy pursued by the state, it can be noted that compared to the 90s of the twentieth century, the crisis in this area has begun to fade away.

What is the minimum old age pension?

Having reached the age established by law, a citizen begins to think about what minimum pension awaits him?

Note that in Russian legislation the concept of “minimum pension” does not exist; its size depends on various circumstances.

The minimum amount of an old-age pension should not be lower than the minimum subsistence level for pensioners established in the region of residence of the pensioner.

But if such a situation nevertheless occurs (a citizen’s old-age pension with all allowances is below the subsistence level for pensioners), then additional social benefits are established for the pensioner: in such an amount that the pension is equal to the regional subsistence level. The social supplement is established based on the pensioner’s application. Working pensioners are not entitled to social benefits.

The minimum pension may be increased in the following cases:

  • a citizen crosses the 80-year mark;
  • one or more relatives are dependent on him;
  • the insurance pension is indexed;
  • pensioner goes to work.

In order to receive at least the minimum old-age pension in Russia, you must have at least 15 years of work experience. But the thing is that not everyone has it. In this case, you will be paid a social pension.

Maximum old-age pension

It is currently impossible to calculate the maximum amount of an old-age pension. It will depend on many circumstances - retirement age, length of service, salary, pension contributions, etc.

Don't know your rights?

Now let's turn to the new pension legislation, namely the Federal Law “On Insurance Pensions”.

from January 1, 2019, the retirement age has been increased: women now retire at 60, men - at 65. And as before, citizens who retire later than the age established by law will receive an increase in their pension in proportion to the time during which they were not retired (but they could have been!).

Accordingly, the later you retire, the higher the pension will be.

Pension calculator

On June 25, 2013, a pension calculator was posted on the official website of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation and the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, in other words, a mechanism by which citizens of the Russian Federation can calculate their future pension.

But, according to the Minister of Labor of the Russian Federation, the calculator is not intended to determine the exact amount of the pension; it can only predict a certain amount given various indicators.

When calculating your future pension, you will be asked to enter the size of your salary, gender, length of military service, etc. in the columns. But the calculator gives the amount as of today, that is, as it would be if you retired tomorrow.

The calculator bases its calculations on the new pension formula, which is provided for in the Law “On Insurance Pensions” dated December 28, 2013 No. 400-FZ, effective from January 1, 2015.

But! It is worth remembering that the pension formula initially includes an instrument that can affect the size of the pension in the direction of its reduction. This is the so-called cost of the pension coefficient, which is set depending on the economic and demographic situation in the country and other indicators.

What do we have besides pensions?

Due to the fact that pensioners (the majority) are not engaged in labor activities, they are considered a socially unprotected category of citizens.

That is why, in addition to pension provision, pensioners can count on other benefits and allowances.

  1. Tax legislation has provided “indulgences” for pensioners in the form of exemption from property tax; the pension is not taxed, and you can also receive a property deduction for the purchase of real estate if you apply for it within 3 years after retirement (pensioners are allowed to apply for a deduction for the previous 3 years, unlike other citizens).
  2. In the healthcare sector, everything is also good: all pensioners are covered by the compulsory health insurance program and have the right to receive medical care for free. Citizens receiving a minimum old-age or disability pension are required to sell prescription medications at a 50 percent discount.
  3. Compensation for payments for housing and communal services. If a pensioner is recognized as low-income, then he is entitled to a subsidy to pay for utilities. In addition, some regions provide compensation for housing costs as an additional measure of social support.
  4. Preferential travel on public transport, provided for by regional legislation.

If we summarize federal and local legislation, we can conclude that in addition to pensions, citizens have the right to fringe benefits which the state provides them.

Pensions in 2018 - 2019

The pension formula, which provides for the recalculation of pensions in points and an increase in length of service for calculating a pension, due to its complexity, raises many questions.

It should reassure current pensioners and everyone who managed to retire before 2015 that their pension rights will not be violated, but will have the same force.

Now it is especially beneficial for citizens to receive a “white” salary and forget about envelopes, since the amount of wages and deductions from it also affect the size of their future pension.

The new law introduced the concept of “annual pension coefficient” (APC), meaning the result of a citizen’s work for the year. The RPC is equal to the ratio of the amount paid by your employer to the amount that can be paid from the maximum contribution amount multiplied by the maximum value of the pension ratio.

Another advantage was that the “working” experience required to assign a pension includes parental leave for up to 1.5 years for a total of 4.5 years. Moreover, this leave is counted not only to the mother, but to the person who was officially on maternity leave.

The pension also remains composed of 2 parts: insurance and funded. Insurance is calculated according to the law “On Insurance Pensions”, and accumulative - according to the law “On funded pensions» dated December 28, 2013 No. 424-FZ, which also came into force on January 1, 2015.

If we take a closer look at pension reforms and latest changes in pension legislation, we will see that the state is trying to gradually “lead” the country out of the hole called “low pensions”. Evidence of this is the indexation of pensions twice a year, recalculation of pensions for working pensioners, etc.

However, it is impossible to make an unambiguous conclusion that everything is fine in the retirement field. It is necessary to give an “incubation” period for new reform and wait to see what kind of “chick” will emerge from this “egg”.

Before completing documents to receive benefits, many citizens are trying to find out what the minimum old-age pension is in 2019.

Old age to a minimum

The concept of a “minimum pension” does not appear in Russian legislation, since the “minimum salary” at the end of a working career is determined by various factors: the level of inflation, the general economic situation, etc.

The state promises that the minimum old-age pension should not be below the subsistence level. In 2018, the average amount for pensioners (!) across the country was 8,615 rubles. It is expected that in 2019 the average cost of living for pensioners in Russia will rise to 8,846 rubles. At the same time, regions individually determine the lower threshold based on the subsistence minimum established by them and can make regional additional payments.

Thus, the minimum old-age pension in Moscow in 2019 is no less than 12,115 rubles. The rules apply to non-working pensioners who have lived in the capital for at least 10 years. At the same time, the capital’s authorities pay extra to those Muscovites whose pension does not reach 12,115 rubles. after indexing.

Similar systems operate in other regions, but local authorities do not always find opportunities to support pensioners. It’s best to find out what minimum old-age pension is guaranteed by the state in the regional PFR branch taking into account the specific situation.

Let us remind you that it was decided to index pension payments to non-working pensioners from January 1, 2019 by 7.05%.

Another relevant question is: “What is the minimum amount of old-age pension if there is no length of service”? In the absence of work experience or lack of the above amount, a social pension is assigned. Since the beginning of 2019, its size is 5108.24 rubles. From April 1, 2019, the social pension will be indexed - 5304.57 rubles. This type of old-age benefit begins to be paid with a five-year delay after the person reaches retirement age.