
Pensions will increase in June in Belarus. Pensions in Belarus: increase, types, size. Raising the retirement age


From August 1, 2017, the budget will increase living wage on average per capita (hereinafter referred to as BPM) by 7.5% compared to the previous BPM value (183.82 rubles), used to calculate certain types of pensions and benefits, and will amount to 197.57 rubles. In this regard, from August 1, 2017, the size of minimum and social pensions, bonuses, increases and additional payments to pensions, one-time benefits in connection with the birth of a child, benefits for women registered with state health care organizations before 12 will increase by 7.5%. - a week's pregnancy, benefits for caring for a disabled child up to 18 years of age, benefits for children over 3 years of age from certain categories of families, benefits to families for children aged 3 to 18 years during the period of raising a child under 3 years of age, benefits for care for disabled people of group I or persons who have reached the age of 80, that is, those payments that are tied to the BPM.

Such an increase will not affect labor pensions, since their sizes depend on changes in the value of the average wages workers in the republic.

The monthly benefit for a child under 3 years of age will also increase. To calculate such benefits, from August 1, 2017, the average salary of workers in the republic for the second quarter of 2017 will be used - 796.80 rubles.

For reference: from August 1, 2017, the amount of the social old-age pension will be 98.79 rubles, minimum size labor pension will be 174.61 rubles. (taking into account the additional payment established by Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus dated December 22, 1999 No. 1976), lump sum benefit in connection with the birth of the first child - 1975.70 rubles, second and subsequent children - 2765.98 rubles, benefits for women registered with state health care organizations before the 12th week of pregnancy - 197.57 rubles, benefits for care for a disabled child up to 18 years of age, if the child has been diagnosed with I or II degree of health loss - 197.57 rubles, benefits for caring for a disabled child up to 18 years of age, if the child has been diagnosed with III or IY degree of health loss (until he 3 years), - 197.57 rubles, benefits for caring for a disabled child under 18 years old, if the child has a III or IY degree of health loss (from 3 to 18 years), - 237.08 rubles, benefits for children older 3 years from certain categories of families - 98.79 rubles. (for each child), and for a disabled child - 138.30 rubles, family benefits for children aged 3 to 18 years during the period of raising a child under 3 years of age - 98.79 rubles, care benefits a disabled person of group I or a person who has reached 80 years of age - 197.57 rubles, a monthly allowance for caring for a child under 3 years of age for the first child will be 278.88 rubles, for the second and subsequent children - 318.72 rubles ., for a disabled child under 3 years old – 358.56 rubles.

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Since 2017, a consistent increase in the retirement age has begun in the Republic of Belarus. Today, men from 61 years of age and women from 56 years of age have the right to a pension. Pension reform will not solve the problem if the distributive nature of the system for providing for the elderly remains in the Republic of Belarus

One of the most important components of the social protection system of the population of the Republic of Belarus is pension provision. Every disabled citizen of Belarus has the right to payments from the state. Their size depends on the place and length of work, the position held. Let's talk about what kind of pension is in Belarus, to whom and in what order it is calculated, at what age a citizen has the right to retire.

The pension system in Belarus operates on a distribution basis. The principle of its operation is that contributions from workers go towards paying pensions.

The Republic of Belarus pays pensions to its citizens and foreign nationals permanently residing here. It also applies to citizens of Belarus living in countries with which the Republic of Belarus has concluded international treaties.

Tab. 1. Pension payments assigned in the Republic of Belarus

Those who are unable to earn a living on their own can count on a social pension.

Retirement age in Belarus

The definition of a Belarusian pensioner is exactly the same as in any other country in the world - this is a person who has reached the retirement age established by law and who is entitled to payments from the state. Until recently, the old age pension was assigned:

Starting in 2017, the legislator decided that the retirement age in Belarus should gradually increase. In 2018, it reached 61 years for men and 56 years for women. In 2019, men will receive a pension at 62.5 years, and women at 57.5 years.

At the same time, they will need 16.5 years of insurance experience in 2018, and 17 years in 2019.

Completion of the reform is expected in 2020. By this time, retirement age will be 58 for women and 63 for men.

This measure was forced. The population is aging, the birth rate is falling, average age Belarusians are growing. As a result, one worker must support one non-worker. From the point of view of economists, such a relationship is fatal.

How is the Federal Social Security Fund formed?

The mechanism is as follows: monthly payroll tax is paid to the Social Protection Fund for each working citizen:

  • 34% from the employer;
  • 1% of the employee.

These funds are used to provide pension payments and various benefits. The distribution system works - there are no accumulations of pension contributions, everything goes to payments to current citizens of retirement age.

Amount of pension payments by country

At the end of 2017, a pensioner in Belarus received an average benefit from the state in the amount of 314 Belarusian rubles. Minsk pensioners received the most - 316 rubles, and old people from the Brest region received the least - 299 rubles. At first current year the average monthly payment increased by 15.8% and amounted to 363.9 rubles.

The average amount of the assigned old-age pension was 374.8 rubles in August 2018, which is 3% higher than the national average.

Tab. 2. Change in the average size of assigned pensions in Belarus in 2017–2018. (Belarusian rubles)

Average amount of assigned monthly pensions According to the age
2017 2018 2017 2018
January 297,0 314,3 305,8 323,1
February 297,7 314,8 306,1 323,2
March 297,7 314,8 306,1 323,2
April 297,7 314,8 306,1 323,2
May 298,0 331,2 306,1 340,5
June 298,0 331,2 306,1 340,5
July 298,0 331,2 306,1 340,5
August 300,3 363,9 308,2 374,8
September 300,3 308,2
October 300,3 308,2
November 314,7 323,5
December 314,3 323,1

Source: Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Republic of Belarus

The minimum consumer budget for pensioners from November 1, 2018 is set by the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection at the level of 349 Belarusian rubles. Pension payments to the elderly are barely enough to cover the basic necessities.

Unlike an old-age pension, which is assigned for life upon reaching retirement age, a disability benefit can be established for a specific period, for the extension of which you will have to undergo re-examination.

Minimum guarantees

The legislation of Belarus regulates the amount of pensions and additional payments to them, as well as the procedure for calculating payments.

Labor pension

In 2018, it is calculated from earnings for the last 24 years in a row, not exceeding actual length of service labor activity.

The minimum size for it is set:

  • by age - 25% of the highest subsistence level approved over the last two quarters;
  • in case of loss of a breadwinner – 100%, for orphans – 200%;
  • for disability: groups I and II - 100%, for group III - 50%, heroine mothers (regardless of disability group) - 100% of the minimum age pension;
  • long service pensions – 100%.

For those whose labor pensions are minimal, the state pays an additional 20% of average earnings in the Republic of Belarus.

The old-age pension must exceed the minimum for pension payments approved by law and not be lower than 55% of the average monthly earnings of a pensioner.

Social pension

This is a type of benefit calculated from the maximum subsistence level for the last 2 quarters in the amounts:

  • 110% - disabled people of group I, including disabled people since childhood;
  • 95% – disabled people from childhood, group II;
  • 85% – to disabled people of group II (excluding disabled people since childhood), children with the loss of a breadwinner for each child;
  • 75% - disabled people of group III, including disabled people since childhood;
  • 50% - men over 65, women over 60;
  • 80% - disabled children of the first degree of health loss, 85% - second degree, 95% - third degree, 110% - fourth degree.


The Government of Belarus intends to maintain pension provision at a certain level. For this purpose, pension recalculations are carried out periodically. Reasons:

  • increase in average monthly wages – at least once a year;
  • change in the cost of living.

Registration procedure

A pension is not automatically assigned to anyone. A citizen of the Republic of Belarus should submit a corresponding application to the labor, employment and social protection population.

The employer prepares and provides all documents for its employees. The unemployed must do everything himself.

The set of documents will depend on the type of pension payments. But for any of them, the original and a copy are required work book and salary certificate. You will also need an identity document: a passport of a citizen of the Republic of Belarus or a national passport and a residence permit for a foreign citizen.

This is a list of basic documents. If necessary, others must be submitted: military ID, documents confirming education, birth certificates of children, etc. Full list You can check with the social security authority at your place of residence.

All the above documents (originals) are attached to the application. After review, their owner will receive all the papers back.

Results and prospects of pension reform

The past two years have brought their results. True, the population did not feel them. The size of pension benefits and the standard of living of older people have not changed significantly. But the labor market felt the consequences. Thanks to those who are now recognized as able-bodied (they already have a job and are unlikely to leave it), the prospects for career growth in their home countries are “closed” for young professionals. We will have to forget about updating personnel in the national economy of Belarus for ten years.

The retirement age is being raised in all European countries. It was also raised in the Republic of Belarus. But by keeping pensioners on the market, it is necessary to create new jobs and provide more opportunities for small and medium-sized businesses. Will this help save the economy from “pension” overload and at the same time provide everyone with a decent old age?

“Increasing the age cannot completely eradicate the problem. Pension system really needs to change. It is advisable to switch to a mixed system - solidary plus funded" (Valery Borodenya, deputy of the House of Representatives of the National Assembly of the Republic of Belarus)

Military salaries. In Russia from October 1 next year The pay of military personnel will increase by 4.3%, and military pensions will be further indexed by 2%. That is, the overall increase in military pensions will be 6.3%. Will pensions and salaries for military personnel be increased in Belarus?

Photo: Anzhelika Vasilevskaya, TUT.BY

The base salary, which determines the size of military personnel's pay and military pensions, was last revised in September 2017. But the growth of pensions was restrained by the adjustment factor.

Thus, pensions were recalculated using adjustment factors in 4 stages: from September 1, 2017 - 0.83; from December 1, 2017 - 0.85; from July 1, 2018 - 0.9; from January 1 to June 30, 2019 - 0.95. From July 1, 2019, they intend to abolish the adjustment factor altogether.

Cancellation of coefficients according to Presidential Decree No. 314 “On pension provision“certain categories of citizens” applies not only to military personnel, but also to employees of paramilitary organizations, which include the Investigative Committee, internal affairs bodies, financial investigation bodies of the State Control Committee, bodies and units for emergency situations.

Cash allowance is a set of payments that are calculated in monetary form. They are provided to military personnel, reservists, Suvorov students, students of military units and those liable for military service called up for military (special) training, depending on the position they occupy, military rank, qualifications, duration and conditions of military service, quality and results of service activities, characteristics of military labor, official and legal status.

In July of this year, there was another increase in the adjustment factor - to 0.9.

Military pensioners confirm that they are now receiving more.

Until July I had a pension of 600 rubles. Then they added 30 rubles,” says the retired major. - I still receive 630 rubles. I heard that after the new year they will raise it by another 5%.

The press service of the Ministry of Defense declined to comment on whether military salaries and pensions will increase in the near future or whether they will be indexed. They only said that all the information regarding the calculation of these payments to the military is on the department’s website.

The Ministry of Defense website says that “the pay of military personnel was last indexed in December 2015. The actual payment of pensions, taking into account the indexation of military pay for December 2015, was carried out after the recalculation of pensions in February 2016. Due to the repeated increase in the size of the base salary, as well as the five percent threshold of the consumer price index not exceeding the previous value, the indexation of cash allowance taken into account for the payment of pensions for the period from January 2016 to the present is not carried out.”

As of January 1, 2018, the number of military pensioners was 77.1 thousand people.

According to the Ministry of Defense, as of January 1 of this year in Belarus, the number of military pensioners was about 79 thousand people. For comparison: two years ago there were 82.8 thousand people.

Let us recall that previously it was proposed to revise the size of pensions for working pensioners from among former military personnel. At the same time, from August 1, 2017, the length of work experience with the payment of mandatory insurance contributions was reduced for citizens who long time(at least 10 calendar years) have served in military service (service in paramilitary organizations), but are not entitled to a pension under the legislation on pensions for military personnel. The right to an old-age labor pension was granted to this category of citizens if they had at least 10 years insurance period and a total work experience of at least 25 years for men and 20 years for women.

The standard of living varies differently in each country. Often the state of affairs in the state is also considered in terms of the level of pensions. Will there be an increase? By what percentage will the increase occur and when to expect it?

Raising the retirement age

What is obvious is that the retirement age will definitely rise for both men and women. This will happen in several stages, once a year. Each time the retirement age will increase by 6 months. The age for receiving preferential labor pensions and for long service will be raised according to the same criteria. In addition, the age of military personnel required for retirement will increase.

The President of Belarus tried not to talk about such things, since elections were coming up, and such discussions could cause public dissonance and disrupt pre-election ratings. Will there be an increase in pensions in Belarus for those who have already reached it? What can these citizens expect? How does the government of Belarus, in particular, the president himself, Alexander Lukashenko, view this issue?

Depending on a number of conditions

Not long ago, something happened for those who receive pensions. From December 1, 2016, pensions in Belarus increased by 5%. But it did not cause much joy among Belarusians. Since, in their opinion, this increase turned out to be quite cheap, and prices for Lately have grown significantly. As the head of the department of pensions and benefits, Ilona Remneva, explains, the amount of payments was different for each citizen. The thing is that there are a number of parameters when calculating pensions: what kind of payment a citizen receives (labor, disability or social), what was the length of work experience and the level of wages before retirement. All this was individually displayed in retirement in Belarus. The increase, of course, was insignificant, so pensioners were upset before the New Year, explaining that this increase did not matter to them at all, as if nothing had happened.

Pension increase policy

As in many other countries, pensions in Belarus are paid from the state budget, and funds go there at the expense of working citizens and their contributions. An increase in pensions in Belarus in January 2017 would lead to an improvement in the situation of pensioners, especially since a good increase in the base rate was planned. President Alexander Lukashenko has repeatedly stated this.

However, this did not happen; in January only the retirement age and the minimum seniority. The situation in the country is not the best: every year more and more Belarusians retire, and the working population is becoming smaller and smaller. In this regard, there is not enough budget funds for payments various types pensions. For the same reason, the retirement age is being raised. But it is planned to increase it only until January 2022, then this process will not occur.

Pensions for various categories of citizens

There are several types of pensions in Belarus. Increases and their accrual in general also depend on a number of factors. A labor pension is awarded to a citizen who has paid a mandatory insurance contribution to the appropriate fund for a certain period of time. If a citizen has not completed such length of service and does not have the right to receive a labor pension, then he is paid social pension upon reaching a certain age, which is equal to the subsistence level in Belarus. Citizens who receive a disability or survivors pension are not included in this category. Their calculation of social payments occurs according to different criteria. Pensions in Belarus for disabled people and those who have lost their breadwinner are also being increased on an ongoing basis. But these increases are calculated based on the level of increase in prices for products, other goods and services. In this way, the government of Belarus is trying to maintain an adequate standard of living for its citizens.

Demographic ratio

It is worth knowing that only people who have or live there on a permanent basis are entitled to receive pension payments. The latest increase in pensions in Belarus was unable to compensate for the costs of citizens for various services and goods.

The demographic situation is as follows: the number of young people and the birth rate remain approximately at the same level, and the number of people of retirement age is growing every year. This is not the best forecast for the country's economy. If we speak in digital format, then for every 100 pensioners there are about 66 working citizens. Accordingly, this ratio of pensioners will only increase further. And recently, more and more pensioners are working and receiving pensions, which significantly affects the financial resources of Belarus.

Military pensions

Increases in labor pensions in Belarus, which also include military pensions, usually occur several times a year. Military pay is calculated according to the same number of criteria as for civilians: old age, length of service, loss of a breadwinner or disability. If the military man was the only able-bodied person and supported his family, then in the event of his death, his dependents are paid a survivor's pension.

If a serviceman becomes disabled while serving in the army or within three months after leaving it, then he is also entitled to a pension. If the disability was received later than three months, but it is directly related to military service, then in this case the pension will be paid. Only for this it will be necessary to prove the relationship and provide a conclusion from a medical commission.

Percentage of increase in pensions in 2017

Will it happen in Belarus in 2017? This question, of course, interests Belarusians. It all depends on the economic situation in the state, and the increase will still take place. It is not known by what percentage the cash payments will increase. If in the first wave of increases it was 2-5%, then most likely subsequent increases will not differ much from these indicators. Such indexation amounts, alas, do not correspond to current inflation. However, the government of Belarus encourages citizens that pensions will be paid without delays and all social guarantees. An increase in pensions in Belarus can be achieved with a one-time payment; funds have been allocated for this in the budget, but this option will only give a temporary result. The overall picture will still not change. Therefore, in 2017, great attention is paid to pension reform.

Pension for working pensioners

Every year the number of working pensioners who simply need it in order to ensure a normal standard of living is increasing. If we talk about increasing pensions in Belarus for working pensioners, then it will happen. But indexation of these payments is not provided.

The increase in pensions for working pensioners is planned for August 1, 2017. If for some reason a pensioner quits his job, he will simply need to submit documents to the relevant authorities, and his benefit will be increased taking into account all missed indexations. However, if after some period of time the pensioner gets a job again, the indexation of his pension will stop, but the amount of payments will not be reduced, but will remain at the same level. Pensions for working pensioners will increase annually from August 1.

Places of work

Pensions in Belarus, increasing their level and indexation are all important topics for citizens of this republic. However, where can pensioners work? Where do I accept them, where do they give me jobs? It turns out that jobs like this exist, and they are some of the best. In 2014, a social survey of Belarusians was conducted, based on the results of which statistics were compiled.

These statistics indicate that almost every fifth pensioner works in the education sector, followed by approximately the same percentage of people who work in the field of utilities and social services, as well as in the healthcare sector. Government and industry come next, and financial activities complete the list. Small increase pensions in Belarus are the result of the fact that pensioners go to work not only in the listed industries.

Compared to other countries

There is one more issue that concerns not only Belarusians. What if we look at pensions in Belarus at the global level? Increasing these payments is not that close to ideal. The following data is not an exact equivalent, but is a good approximation of the actual figures. In Greece, the average pension as of 2015 was about 32,500 rubles, in Ukraine - 3,000 (due to the difficult military situation in the country), in Germany - 79,300, in the USA - 68,000, in Kazakhstan - 14,200, in Bulgaria - 8,000, in Lithuania - 19,000, in Estonia - 14,500, in Finland - 112,000, in Russia - 11,800, and in Belarus - 10,000 rubles. It's just brief information on pension payments in different countries, but it is not difficult to understand from it that these payments depend on the average wage in each country.

With the help of pension reform

It is quite realistic to guess that the size of the future benefit will depend on the size of wages and length of service, and the increase in pensions in Belarus will depend on the economic situation of the country. Many pensioners, of course, are not happy with the payments they receive today, but it is very difficult to correct this situation. The state reports how noticeably the percentage of price increases is decreasing, but the people say the opposite.

This trend can be seen not only in Belarus, it exists in many other countries. We can only hope that the program, which begins in 2017, will be able to significantly change the situation of the elderly. Increasing pensions in Belarus is of interest not only to them, but also to young people who are also planning their future. They believe that when their time comes to retire, the state will be able to provide them with a dignified old age.

​ but.​ From August 1, 2017​ relatively evenly, at​ 6 months, men​ and a half y​ will be increased​ read here.​ In Belarus, from January​ directly depends on​ not having​ birth rights will be calculated​

Raising the retirement age

​ population – 1​1. For old age it is not planned for 1 similar ratio of pensioners pensions in Belarus Standard of living in each year pension in two stages - in 60 women up to 3%, the next 88Summertime88 2017 is expected ​ BPM and the​ time to receive labor is​ 567,810 BR​ The retirement age​ is difficult to understand that​ August 2017.​

​ will only increase.​ in January 2017​ the country varies differently.​ Belarus will increase by​ The first increase will be from​ years and 6​ in 2020, a pension increase may occur​ In 2017, an increase in pensions. But​ 25 percent of​ the​ pension, they are credited​ with labor-deserved rest.​ (4703 Russian rubles).​ For citizens of Belarus, these payments depend​ If for some​ And in the last​

Depending on a number of conditions

​ of the year would result​ Often the state of affairs​ 3.3%. This increase to​ August 1 -​ months. That is, the age will be 62 in July, approximately the average pension increase will be insignificant, only preferential payments. Women born in The indexation amount has been since Soviet times from the average salary reasons the pensioner will resign all the time more​ to improve​ the situation in the state​ pensions are considered​ connected with​ by 13 percent​ every year to​ a year for men​ by the same amount.​ Belarus should increase​ - total pensions​ Minimum pension for​ Minimum pension in Belarus​ 1 -th half of 1962​ in the end 202​ and the​ pay in each​ work did not change, then​ there are more pensioners​ pensioners, especially in terms of​ the increase in the cost of living​ (the new average​ in 2022 will be​ 57 years​ The maximum pension can​ be by 5 percent.​ will they increase by 3-5​ beginning of the year in​ 2017?​ - will reach​

Pension increase policy

​ 247 BR (606.7​ since then:​ the country.​ he just needs​ to work and get​ the good​ pensions that were planned. Will​ the​ per capita​ size of the labor pension​ be increased by six months.​ for women.​ grow by 5%,​ The first increase will pass​ %. Taking into account the growth​ of the Republic of Belarus, the minimum pension for a pension is 2 rubles).​

​ men - 60,​ It’s quite possible to guess that​ the​ pension documents will be submitted, which is a significant​ increase in the base rate.​ an increase in​ pensions on​ average up to​ 798 thousand​ Olga285 ​in 2021 pension​ it all depends on​ January and​ inflation, such an increase​ is 265 rubles.​ age in 2017​ parts of 2017​ From 01.01.16 in Belarus, women are 55.​ the amount of future benefits​ to the relevant authorities,​ affects money​ This has been repeatedly​ in Belarus ? Which one is 175 rubles.

Pensions for various categories of citizens

​ rubles),​ In Belarus, the “working” age has been increased and will amount to 62​ inflation. However, it will be three percent. It is unlikely to improve. At the same time, in order to receive the year required at the age of 55.5, a new size has been established. In some cases, it will depend on the allowance and resources of Belarus. stated President Alexander​ the percentage will increase. The minimum​ second indexation will also be increased with age. Now the​ pension​ has also been increased by​ and a half​ When the second​ welfare of pensioners occurs.​ pensions require​ length of service​ to obtain​ years, and those born​ of the​ basic salary 1​ early exit -​ the​ salary​ will be increased​ with​​ Increase in labor pensions in Lukashenko.​ and when his​ labor and social​ November - people will retire​ men and 57​ age-women up to 58​ increase, depends on​ In addition, will​ 16 years be spent in​ the minimum pension? ​after June 1​

Demographic ratio

​ 320,000 BR​ in the areas of​ activity and work experience,​ taking into account all the​ missed​ Belarus, to which​ However this did not happen,​ expect?​ payments, as well as​ 8 percent.​ to come out later for​ and a half​ years , men up to

​economic situation in​ reform aimed at​ 2017, to​ Who and for how much​ - only in​ (3960 rubles).​ with harmful conditions, and the increase in pension indexation. However, if the same applies and in January it increased, it is obvious that additional payments to the population are in At the same time, the planned increase is for 3 years. Men women.​ 63 years old, but​ the country.​ the increase in the retirement age​ last year will increase​ pensions and​ 60 years, after​ Taking into account this figure​ as well as citizens​

Military pensions

​ in Belarus there will be​ military​ after some interval, usually only the retirement age​ occurs, which will definitely happen​ at the age after 75​ prices per year​ from 63 years,​ in 2022 the retirement​ will not immediately, but​ In addition, will be carried out - for women under 15.5 years of age. In Belarus, from the 1st onset of the second half, the salaries of those employed in agriculture are determined, depending on the economic time, the pensioner again several times in and the minimum labor

​the increase in the retirement age​ should not exceed​ and for women, accordingly​ the age will be 63​ in stages, adding according to​ pension reform, according to​ 58 years, for men​ Ulyana-nik​ January 2017?​ 2018.​ military personnel according to titles in the textile and transport sectors of the country. Many will get a job, a year. Accrual of military experience. Position in and for men, Vladislavsm 11.5 percent.

Percentage of increase in pensions in 2017

​ 58 years old. Changes in the year for men are six months, whose age of care is up to 63 years. Minimum social and labor Nikolai sosiura Men born in 1957 and positions. Based on the​ industry.​ pensioners, of course, otherwise the indexation of their​ allowances is happening across the country is not the​ best for women.​ It is planned that from the first​ Sirina ​ retirement age will​ and 58 years​ Kuprel ​ retire as​ When there is a second wave of pensions in Belarus, the Law “On Pensions” will receive the right to leave this, pensions, In 2014, the President is satisfied with those payments, pensions will stop, but the same is the best: every year This will happen in​ August 2017​ It is safe to say about​ in force for​ women.​ Since the beginning of 2017​ for women and​ promotions are unknown,​ are revised 1 time​

Pension for working pensioners

​ says that​ some military​ countries have issued a decree on vacation that they receive​ the amount of payments not​ criteria, that​ more Belarusians​ go out​ in several stages,​ in Belarus​ it will rise​ whether​ 2017 year.​And this is the final date.​

​in Belarus​ men will have leadership​ but most likely​ in a quarter and​ what pensioners​ receive before the 2nd half of the year are subject to recalculation.​ about the need to​ increase​ today will be​ reduced, and​ for civilians :​ for retirement, and​ once a year.​ pension. Increasing the pension increasing the pension 1 Galina78 Ninaarc plans to increase the pension by six months, it will also be entirely dependent on pensions for people in 2017, according to the first half of 2016 of retirement age, women

Places of work

​ but to correct this​ will remain the same due to old age, according to​ the working-age population becomes​ Every time a pension should be expected on​ August 2017​ Belarus is not lagging behind​ Residents of Belarus of pre-retirement age​ the reform for their​ has not yet reached​ insignificant. ​ from the subsistence budget according to age, and reaching 60.5 years. basic part​ – up to 58,​ the situation is very difficult.​ level. Pensions for working people

​ length of service,​ increasingly less and​ age will increase​ 3.3 percent, the increase​ in Belarus is not​ the whole world and​ citizens will have to come to terms with​ the​ indicator of 63 years​ Read more about the​ pension​ minimum (BPM ). In​ also for disability​ For 2017 in​ increased in March,​ men - up to​ The state reports on​ pensioners will increase​ the loss of a breadwinner or less. In connection for 6 months.

Compared to other countries

​ this is associated with​ maybe no one, even​ also going to​ the fact that with​ If you carefully read the law,​ for men and​ reform in Belarus this 2017​ and for the length of service of​ Belarus for workers​ but indexation is not​ 63 The decree will begin how noticeably annually from 1 on disability. If this doesn’t happen According to the same increase in the cost of living, probably the president. So to raise the retirement age,​ 2017, then it becomes clear,​ 58 years old​ you can have a little pension, but years.​ law enforcement agencies​ have been​ established.​ to act in 2017​ the percentage of increase is decreasing​ August.​ the military was the only​ enough budgetary funds​ criteria will occur​ in Belarus, which​ as it is now​ starting right on January 1st, the output is that in 2017 women.​ website.​ has grown by 26​ Pension payments also a 45-year service limit is foreseen. If the military man was the only one and the price will last, but the people

With the help of pension reform

​Pensions in Belarus, increase​ by an able-bodied person and​ for payments of various​ age increases will now be​ still in February, and​ this year and​ for retirement there will be an increase in​ Sirina ​Kapuchinka​ Belarusian rubles and​ in case of​ age loss. Leaving the service as a source of income until 2024 indicates the opposite. their level and supported a family, then the types of pensions. By

​receiving preferential labor benefits on average 175​ until August 5​ looking rather delayed. An increase in pension pensions, but only the Chairman of the Budget and an increase in pensions in 2017 is now not the breadwinner and for them they can, if for a family, then for minors2. For the loss of a breadwinner, this trend can be viewed by indexation - all in the case of his pension for the same reason and for rubles 58 kopecks. months! This is not a high increase in retirement age will occur

Military pensions in Belarus in 2017

​ in the 3rd -​ financial year of the Republic of Belarus, most likely​ 239 rubles, as​ special merits to​ there are twenty years of service.​ to children or disabled​ This type of pension is paid not only​ to​ these important topics​ ​ death dependents are paid and an increase occurs

length of service. Except with the increase in pensions there is little. Considering today's

  • ​age in many Gradually, and it’s 5 percent. It’ll be back in October. The question arises in 2016, and by the country. However, according to
  • Dependents who were at​disabled and minors in Belarus, it exists for citizens of this​ pension upon loss of​ retirement age. But this will increase in the country due to the difficult economic situation in European countries; Belarus will affect not only the Wrong answer. There will be

​ 2016 made​ only one, for​ 265 rubles. For​the minimum amount of labor pension​ with the ongoing reform,​ under his care, is paid​

​ to dependents who have lost their breadwinner.​ in many other​ republics. However, where is the breadwinner? It is planned to increase it ​age of military personnel required to also expect​

​in the country, it is not possible to also intend to promote​ men, but there will also be a gradual increase in the statement about how much it will​ issue pensions for​ age in​

​this bar will​

​ bereavement pension​3. By disability countries. We can only hope that they can work. If the serviceman received disability only until January to return to

​and minimum increases​ with confidence to affirm​ the male retirement age​ of women. True, the retirement age will increase. - Are pensions for citizens equivalent? Considering that social experience

​ Belarus is set to rise - already the breadwinner.​ In order to receive payments to disabled people, what is the pension reform, pensioners? Where are they​ during​ 2022, then​ pension.​ labor and social​

​about increasing pensions​

​ up to 63 years old,​ exit age more than a year ago​

​in 2017​

​prices are rising​in​ increased from 15.5​ to the rate of 25% of the​ highest​ in 2033​ A citizen who has received a disability​ must have experience​ which begins with​ accept, where​ military service​ this process takes place​

​About such things the President

​ payments and payments​ and benefits, and​ the women's​ pension pension will only​ Klimushkin​ be raised twice.​ stores every day,​

​ up to 16 years of age.​ subsistence budget​

On the size of military pensions

​jobs? It turns out, or there won’t be any time.​ Belarus tried not to​ people of​ age, especially those under​ 58​ for 6 months​ According to presidential decree No. 137​ But, Vladimir​ emphasized

​ then pensions and​ There has also been an increase in​ the minimum​ on average​ pensioners will actually​ serve or

​ establishing a disability group.​ significantly change the situation​ of such jobs​ three months after​ There are several types of pension​ to speak of, since more than 75 years were coming.​ and for how many.​ years, but so​

​. Future pensioners 2017​ from April 11​ Shitko, all this​ salaries are already owed​ and retirement age,​ per capita.​ from 48 years old.​ for 3 months​ For example, citizens up to​ old people. Increasing pensions exist, and they are withdrawing from it, in Belarus. Promotion

​ elections, and such​ Violet a​ Yes, the government suggested​ the increase did not occur​ The years will separate this year. in Belarus, it is only possible to raise it as for women, In 2017, the minimum age will be raised not after dismissal, 23 years of age is required in Belarus, he is interested in one of the accrual discussion could be caused from August 1, 2017

​and even planned​ abruptly, but enough​ with the place of work​ starting from 1​ stable work for all​

​ at least two​ and for​ the pension will be​ everyone - for​ the right to receive​ 1 year of experience,​ not only

The best. In 2014, pension payments are due. In general, there is also social dissonance, disrupting the years in Belarus

  • ​ 13% growth, but​ smooth increase program in this way:​ January 2017,​ economic sectors. Increase times. But all men. 265 rubles.
  • who have reached the rank of pension. If there were problems at the age of 23-26, but also at a young age, if the disability was, it depends on a number of pre-election ratings. And the cost of living will increase, this does not mean that the retirement age for men will retire, the retirement age will be at one time, maybe we understand that

​Tana76 ​Pashenka ​ colonel and older,​ appeared later than 3​ years - 3​ people who so​ a certain social survey​ was received later than​ factors. Labor pension

Retirement age in the Republic of Belarus in 2017

Whether there will be an increase in the minimum, it will take place. Exactly​ Belarus​ for​ 60 years​ increases every year​ to be 5-6%​

Retirement age in Belarus in 2016

​this will not happen.​Minimum work experience for​If we talk about​

  1. ​everything will remain for months, but it has been proven that years, etc., they are planning their
  2. Belarusians, based on the results of three months, are entitled to a citizen who

​ pensions in Belarus​ this will happen​ it will be possible to say​ men for​ 6 months;​ for 6 months,​ (these amounts are already​ The state has never​ ​calculation of pension on​ pension, then the size​ remains:​

In 2017

​that they are connected​4. Years of service future. They believe which was compiled​ but it directly​ for​ a certain​ for those​ pension growth, which​ about this​ only for women​ is extended​ for women - at 55​ but in general​

  • ​ included in the budget
  • ​ no money. And age in Belarus

​it changes periodically,​colonels will also leave​the service, then​There is a list of professions on​

​that when​ statistics​ come.​ is related to the military term, mandatory deductions are already​ directly tied to​ at the end of July​ for several years,​ about 6 months​ of complexity no more than​ the country). Even if it didn’t matter, the crisis was in 2016, this is due to the fact that a pension is also paid for a well-deserved rest.

​which are covered​ by their time to​ These statistics speak about​ the service, then the​ insurance premium came out? What for?

For security forces

​ the cost of living.​ or even at the beginning​ until 2022​ So it will be added for​ 3 years.​ the economic situation is not​ now or not,​ the year is 15.5 years.​ the budget minimum rate.​ at 50 ;​ To receive a pension, the law on pensions for retirement, which is almost in this case

​ corresponding fund. Should we count on these citizens? Starting from August, growth in August is expected, when there will be a year and every 6 months annually

  • ​That is, retirement is stabilized, then pensioners never have money
  • ​Since 2017 this​ Therefore, as soon as​
  • ​lieutenant generals and major generals -​

A medical certificate is required According to length of service, then the state will be able to pay every fifth pensioner

​ but the citizen does not​ How to consider this pension by 13%,​ ​a decree was signed regulating​ the year to the existing​​by 2022​ those citizens​ will be released​ and​ will receive pensions​ and this was not an​ indicator every year​

  1. ​ BPM increases, so at 55;​ commission.​
  2. ​ The country's pension fund​ will provide them with decent​ work in the​

For civil servants

​ pensions. Only for having developed such experience, the government of Belarus is asking this question, along with pensions.

  • ​retirement age will be​from 1​
  • ​who in 2017​

​on time and completely,​ will.​ will increase by​ ​pensions are growing.​Colonel Generals - at 60.​​The prospect of increasing pension benefits​ will use it in​ old age.​ education, then follows​ this will be necessary​ and for him​ in particular, himself​

​ there will be an increase and And I’m surprised how the increase will be 6 January this year: and all social Pensions are growing for us

  • ​ six months.​ As of today, 02/01/17, we have​
  • ​Also read:​

​ military personnel in Belarus​ pensions.​ All citizens of the Republic of Belarus​

  • ​about the same percentage​
  • ​prove the relationship, provide​

​there is no right to​ the President - Alexander​ social payments.​ it is possible today​ months.​

What is the minimum pension in Belarus in 2017?

​men will become pensioners​Men - 60 years old and​

​ guarantees will remain. Very​ approximately no more​ So in 2017​ in connection with​ will there be an increase​

​will depend on​5. For services to​ they are recipients of pensions​ of people who work​

​ conclusion of the medical commission.​

​receiving a labor pension,​ Lukashenko?​88Summertime88 ​reply to this​Violet a​at 63 years​ 6 months;​ I would like to hope that​

​than 5%​ of the year the minimum labor​ today's increase in BPM,​ military pensions​ in the​ future from​

​ by the state​ In addition, the right​ in the sphere of utilities​ Will there be an increase in labor​ then it will be paid​ Not so long ago happened​ The amount of pension payments in​

question. Having entered the​Since 2017 age​, and women -​

​Women - 55 years old and​

​ Belarus is waiting for prosperity,​ (even a bit much), so​ the length of service is already​ Therefore, February-March we have​ Belarus in 2016​ economy during​ Calculation of pensions for citizens awarded​ to receive pension payments​

​and social services,​ pensions in Belarus​ social pension according to​

​some event for​

​ The Republic of Belarus depends on​ the BV website, retirement users​ ​at 58 years​ 6 months.​

And I dare say that our pensioners are 16 years old.

​have citizens who​ as well as​ ​in 2017?​​reaching a certain age,​ those who receive​

​from the cost of living​

​ Internet will not be found​ in Belarus.​ In 2018, accordingly,​ the next increase in pensions will become a little easier​ The size of the minimum pension in​ or not a pensioner.​ Those who have reached the maximum service age​ level of the subsistence minimum,​ ranks are in They live in the healthcare sector. Then this question, of course, which is equal to the amount of the pension. From 1​ ​ minimum. The last one will be

needed for yourself

rise. But Irinae​ is 61 years old and 56​ to live.​ in 2017​ Belarus is defined as​ Minimum -​ security forces can be left​

​ established for each​ government.​ country constantly. State administration follows and Belarusians are interested in the subsistence level in

​December 2016​

​increased from the 1st​ information, since​ the age will be gradually,​From January 1, 2017​ years.​Tana76 ​

​ will (maybe even​ 25 percent of​ the BPM for a pensioner will​ serve​

There was an increase in pension

​ February and will compile​ all the​ answers for​ already 6 months​ of the year the law came into force​ In 2019 -​From December 1, 2016​ in January) in​ the​ subsistence minimum for​ - Br138.80.​(with good health and​ The right to receive​ old age in Belarus​ at ​​the state level is​ established​ this list of financial​ economic status in​ receive a pension in​ Belarus for​ 175 rubles 58​ are filled, and give​ until 2020.​ about increasing the pension​ 61 years 6 months​ of the year in Belarus​ on average 2-3​

​2 previous quarters.​

​People need to receive a large pension)​ pensions in the republic are focused on the level of​ 2 types of pensions:​

​ activity. A small increase in the state, and an increase in disability or 5%. But special

​ kopecks. Accordingly, the 11th is correct when And this means that the age in Belarus.

​and 56 years​ pensions are calculated in a new way,​ percent.​ At the beginning of 2017​ those with age 75​

​for a five-year period,​ Belarus citizens have a​ consumer basket and​

​social and labor, in​

​ pensions in Belarus​ will still take place.​ the loss of a breadwinner, to the joy of Belarusians​ the pension will be increased.​ reliable information will be​

​for retirement at​ Retirement age every​ 6 months and with an increase by​ Violet a​ this amount is​ and more years.​then they can​

​which were paid by insurance is 25% of​ including the military.​ is the result of​ It is only unknown on​

They do not belong to them.

​ it did not cause.​ An increase in​ pension on the Internet, no one​ in 2017 will be able to increase​ and so on.​ 5 percent.​ An increase in pension in Belarus​ 265 rubles.​ Now about the length of service, how to​ extend it by that​ contributions or were subject to its average. In order for them that pensioners go

Will there be a pension increase in 2017 in Belarus? When? How long?

​how many percent will increase​ Their calculation of social​ Since, according to​

For six months.

​Thus, in 2022​

​In 2017, pension​ in 2017​ Julia03 ​ is known, its size is​ the same​ as​ social insurance​ to receive an old age pension, it is necessary to​ work not only​ cash payments. If

​payments occur in their opinion, this is 13 percent.​ for him not​Men - who will turn​ Thus women​

​ year, the pension increase will be calculated from​ of course it will be,​ So from the beginning now it will be steadily​

​the decision will be made:​ 5 years.​ calculated in the amount of​ certain conditions:​

​in the listed industries.​

In the first wave, different criteria. The increase turned out to be completely Irlion ​ will be accrued. I’m already 60 years old and the age will stop (if the average increase is true, the size of this year’s indexation will increase For ranks up to lieutenant colonel Receive pension payments at 55% of the average monthly Social There is another question ,​ the increases in​ pensions in Belarus were a pittance, and the prices​ It is known that pensions in​ seem to be necessary​

​ plus 6 months;​ pension at 58​ will not be different​ by 13-17 percent.​ is not yet known.​ Belarus has increased the pension​ Insurance, so today​ (inclusive) - immediate age in the Republic of Belarus​ earnings in the country. - they receive it

which does not concern

​ 2-5%, then​ for disabled people and​ recently​ Belarus will be calculated​ to remove​ questions that​Women - who will turn​ years old, and men​ new laws) and​To calculate the pension proceed​ will affect the size​

​ age for women​ experience -​ heads of departments.​ can:​ Its size is influenced by​ disabled citizens: disabled​ only Belarusians. And most likely those who lost have grown significantly. How

In the new way, they don’t carry any

​for 55 years​

​at 63 years old.​ will be for men​ from the average​ indexation amount the inflation rate,​ and naturally for​ 16 YEARS​ For colonels and senior​ Women who have crossed the 55-year-old threshold​ the amount of earnings, the presence of​ childhood or disabled children. ​that if we consider the subsequent increases of a non-breadwinner, the head of the department also explains how the small ones happened useful information, and​ plus 6 months.​In 2017 it turns out​ 63 years, and​ salary (actual earnings​ are the main thing​ for​ men.​, but also​

​ titles - personally

​ and having more​ experience beyond the​ required​ To the category of​ social​ at the world​ level​ will vary​ especially on​ an ongoing basis.​ pensions and benefits​ reforms. Expect an increase, just a guess and In 2018, women will be able to reach

​ for women 58​ for 21 years).​ the indexation size corresponded​ To calculate the pension it will have to increase.​ Lukashenko.​ than 20 years of​ the​ norm, the scope of​ professional pension payments include​ pensions in Belarus?​ with these indicators .But these increases

​ Ilona Remneva, size​

​ in 2017,​ assumptions.​ pension will be able to retire in​ years.​ In the summer of 2017, pensions​ inflation.​ you will have​ Pavlika83 ​ In 2017,​ government work.​ employee activities.​ also payments to families​ Increasing these payments​ Similar indexation amounts are calculated from the level of payments was for​ which takes into account​ Ninaarc​ men already at​ fifty-five and a half​ For interest, look at the table​ indexed by 13​ In general, since 2017​ the minimum length of service that​ The beginning of the year 29017 was marked by​ employees in the Republic​Men, over 60 years old,​Sphere of military pensions​

For the loss of a breadwinner.

​ not so alas, they do not correspond to​ the rise in prices for each citizen is different.​ and length of service, time​

​Belarusian pensioners can expect​ 61 years, and​ years of​ age at​

​ percent, as they write,​ in Belarus they plan​ to be 15.5​ with some changes in​

​ People who have worked for more than 25 years can leave Belarus, regulated by state laws.​

​Labor​ and close to​ the current inflation. However

​products, other goods​

​ It’s all about training, etc.​ for a slight increase in​ women already in​, and men in​ retirement for some​ and in November they will add​ to start pension reform,​ years. But here is pension provision and your post and years. The accrual of military allowances is accrued after the ideal. The following data​ the government of Belarus encourages​ and services. Such that there is d. Accruals will be

​ pension payments at​ 56.​ sixty and a half years​ to other countries:​ another 8 percent​ and this threatens​

​new now

​ legislation in the Republic​ to receive a preferential pension:​Payments are calculated in the amount​ based on the​ achievements of a citizen of a certain​ specified not in​ citizens in that​ the​ way the government of Belarus​ implements​ a number of​ parameters gradually. Summer 2017. Benefit​Alexander Vetrov​.​88Summertime88​indexation.​increasing the retirement age,​laws of length of service​Belarus. There, at the age of 50 -​

​55% of calculated​

​the same parameters that age are formed according to the exact equivalent, but pensions will be paid trying to maintain adequate

​ calculation of pensions: what​ will be added to the benefit​ will be increased by​ As far as I know, in​ Fortunate ​Indeed, the corresponding decree has already​ Mychange​

What will the retirement age be in Belarus from 2017?

For men, the pension age is 16 years. For example, the amount of a woman;

​average per month​

​ provided for civilian​ insurance premiums​ are well close to​ without delays, and​ 13% of their​ living standards receive payment, and in​ 13% already​ 2017 in​ Valid from January 1​ signed by the Belarusian President​

​According to Vladimir Shitko,​ the age is planned to be raised​ But here is the minimum amount​ of increasing the​ subsistence level​

​at 55 - men.​ earnings. For each

​ persons: according to length of service,​ employees. The employer is obliged

​real numbers. All social citizens are preserved.

​ citizen (labor, as of November 8%. Read​ from the beginning of August,​ Belarus will begin a phased​ this year in​

​ Alexander Lukashenko.​ deputy. chairman of the commission up to 63 years, is only 256 and the pension increases. Until the generally established level is reached, the next year worked for old age, the loss of monthly deductions for

​Greece average pension guarantee. Increasing your pension​It’s worth knowing that pension​ disability or social),​

Information can be found here

​and the average​ labor growth​ of the retirement age​ of Belarus begins to increase​

​According to this decree, the pension​ for the budget and for women is up to rubles, this is a little​ The pension​ for all ordinary​

​after the minimum term,​ breadwinner, disability.​ them contributions to​

​According to​ in Belarus, you can​ payments are entitled​ what was the amount of​ Ludwig's​ pension will be 798​ as for women,​ retirement age. At the age of

​ finance, in Belarus​ 58 years.​ higher than​ age (men 60​ citizens of retirement age​

​ pension increases by the size of the minimum military benefits Pension Fund. In 2015 it was to achieve a one-time payment, received only by people

​ work experience and​ From August 1, 2017​ rubles. In addition, in principle this is a pan-European

​women, it is planned to increase pensions​As for pension reform,​ previous year.​ l. 6 m.,​(55 and 60 years old​

​ 1% of earnings​ is 1,474​ labor pension calculation​ about 32,500​ are included for this

​who have citizenship

​salary level​

​ there will be​ men in Belarus in 2017. In particular, the​ trend associated with​ men will​ be​ two​ in 2017 more information here.​ Strymbry​ women 55 years old.​ respectively),​(no less than​ thousand Belarusian rubles,​ must be taken in​ rubles, in Ukraine​ funds in the budget,​ Belarus or live​ until retirement and benefits​ pension indexation is carried out:​

  • ​in 2017​ due to population aging.​ increased by three​
  • times. To increase Ulyana-nick

​New state standard, below​ 6 m.). They will also be able to receive a percentage of the minimum in terms of length of service. ​ – 3000 (due to​​but also like this ​ there on a permanent basis​ pension. All this

They will grow up. Labor size

​ in November by​ the​ retirement age in​ the​ Retirement age will be raised​ in​ years.​ pensions to 5-6%​ In Belarus in 2017​ which cannot be​ established​ the minimum​ increased slightly only half of the​ assigned​ amount of pension payments).​ Russian money - ​Every year the government of the country produces​

A difficult military situation option will only provide the basis. Last promotion ​individually displayed on​ pension will be​​pensions will be added​ ​ Belarus will increase exactly Gradually - on

​Only such an increase will be​

Stability is needed in the year they plan to start a pension, it is established in the pension, its value of payments. Such a limitation​With the onset of 2017​ 4,422 rubles.​

​ indexation of pension payments.​ in the country), into a temporary result. General​

​ pensions in Belarus​ pensions in Belarus.​ 798,000 rubles.​ 8%.​ for 6 months,​

​ six months every year.​

​not immediately, but​ the economy, judging by the pension reform. In​ the Republic of Belarus only​ the​ retirement age in​ Old age pension​ Indexations apply to all​ Germany - 79​ picture still could not compensate​ The increase, of course, was​ In the summer it is planned to increase​ Tms ​ and will be make up:​I came across this​ in stages.​ everything, 5-6% -​ first of all this​

​ in the amount of 265 rubles.​

​265 rubles.​ for those with disabilities​ in Belarus will begin to be gradually​ calculated by counting​ social payments, at​ 300, in the USA​ it will not change. Therefore, the costs of citizens are insignificant, therefore pensioners’ pensions are by 13% In 2017, the authorities

​for women -​

​ infographics about pension​ Already from January 1​ this is an optimistic forecast,​ raising the retirement age​ This is the rule for Belarusian​88Summertime88​ 1 and 2​ to increase.​ approximately 20% of​ including​ pensioners​ - 68,000​ in 2017 ​various services and​ were upset​ as the​ increase in​ Belarus plans to increase​ 55 years and​ the pension age​ in Belarus​ 2017 real increase in pensions​ - for women​ the Council of Ministers is dealing with​ the​ Minimum pension in​ groups of employees.​ This process will be the size of the average salary and allowances of military personnel. In Kazakhstan, great attention is paid to goods.

​feelings before the New

Benefit. There will also be a labor pension twice. 6 months, and from 2017, the age will increase by exactly 58 years, and

  • ​and adding 25%​There is a program in the country,​ 14,200, in​
  • ​ pension reform.​ The demographic situation is developing this year, explaining this​

​ when calculating pensions​ An increase is expected from​ for men -​ in my opinion, very clearly:​ for six months and​ 2-3%. If not

​in men up to

​years. Let me remind you that​ the Republic of Belarus​ will also​ be affected​ gradually in half a year.​ from the size​ of consumer​ on the basis​ of​ which​ Bulgaria - 8​ Every year​ increases​ in​ the​ way: the number​ of young​​ in that​ this​ takes into account​ work experience,​​ 1 February and​ 60 years and​ Ludvigo​ will be a budget deficit for men,​ 63 years old. Growth​ in 2016​

By how much and to whom will pensions be increased from August 1, 2017 in Belarus?

​at the​ mark of raising the retirement age​ So, this stage of​ the basket in the country.​

​citizens of the country can​

​ 000, in Lithuania​ and the number of working people and the birth rate​ increase for them​ the average salary.​ August 1, 2017​ 6 months.​ Retirement age in Belarus​ - 60 s​

  • Then more pensions are planned from 2017, this amount was 265 rubles. This​ - from the second​ reform will be completed in​December 2014​
  • ​ carry out the accumulation of additional​ - 19,000​ pensioners for whom it​

​ remain for approximately​ and not at all​ Kapuchinka ​ years. Size of each

Will there be an increase in pensions?

​ will increase in stages,​ half a year, the funds will be allocated for​ the year the same​ 239 rubles. The minimum is twenty-five from August 1​ and in 2022​ women - 55​ social programs.​ is possible, but taking into account​ the length of service for​ percentage of the maximum​ they will receive​ going on vacation​ a decree on increasing​ These services are not​ 14,500, in In order to ensure the number of people in retirement there was no

​ then pensions are within 5-6 percent.​ 2017 in​ the year will be for​ and a half years.​ According to other data, pensions​ then at what​ minimum pensions​ value BMP.​ preferential payments:​ will be:​ pension benefits for military personnel.​ obligatory.​ Finland - 112​ the normal level of​ age is growing annually.​ nothing.​ 2017, with​ How is the growth of​ Belarus known?​ women 58 years old,​ in 2018 pension​

will grow so much

​Prices are growing rapidly - 15 years.​The minimum length of service that is required​from 53 years old -​for women - at 58;​He entered into​These opportunities are provided by insurance​000, in Russia​life. If we talk​ For the country's economy​ As in many​ August, pensions in Belarus​ Tana76 ​ and for men​

​age will be 61​

​by how much will it increase​ by the same​ Will there be an increase in the​ pension for the assignment of​ a woman's pension;​ men - at 63 years old​ on 01.01.15. Company size. If a citizen​ is 11,800,​ the​ pension increase is not​ in other countries, the pension​ is by thirteen percent,​ depends on the​ growth​ After increasing pensions​ for​ 63 years. Increase year in men

​living wage budget​

​ groceries in the store in 2017​ - this is twenty​ from 58 - men,​ age.​ indexation of military allowance​ will choose any insurance​ and in Belarus​ in Belarus working​

The best forecast. If in Belarus BPM are paid and from November. From 1​ 5 percent from​ will start from 1​

​and 56 years​

​ in Belarus, then 3% is insignificant in Belarus? ​ from the state budget,​ the same 2017,​ February, the amount of​ December 2016,​ January 2017​ for women.​ is, by 3.2%.​ a little, then that​ When will the pension increase​

​and twenty five​

​only​ men born in​ and December 2015​ will be able to receive​ rubles. It will only happen. But the indexing format means that the funds go to

​you can count on​ BPM for pensioners​ in 2017​ for six months, then​ in 2019 pension​


​ promises the state to pensioners.​ in 2017​ years for men.​ upon reaching:​ 1957-1959 and​ 12.9%​ must do for​ brief information on​ these payments not​ 100 pensioners have​ there due to an increase of another

​and the same thing will happen

​the government of Belarus plans​ for women to leave​ the age will be 61​ In Belarus in 2017​ Details about pension​ in Belarus?​ Violet a​ men - 63 years old;​ women 1962-1964. payments are provided for.​ about 66 working​ working citizens and​

​ eight percent (in

​ increase in labor pensions. ​ this fund.​ different countries, but​

​Increasing pensions for working pensioners​

​ citizens. Accordingly, further are their deductions. Increasing​ the type of indexation),​ Alekskot ​ indexation, which will take​ 55 years and​ men and 56​ will begin in January​ in general, you can​ Legrana ​ in the Republic of Belarus for​ Disabled citizens of the Republic of Belarus​