
We need to find a congratulation on the day of the border guard. Congratulations on the day of the border guard - cool, official, retired, pictures. Toasts on the Day of the Border Guard


The concept of "defender of the Motherland" can be interpreted in different ways. Defenders are called both young soldiers of the Russian Army, and men, and all military personnel. However, among them there is a special category of people who have made the defense of the borders of the Fatherland their profession and their life.

These are border guards - those who literally, without closing their eyes, monitor the inviolability of our borders. The glorious Russian border guard is worn by thousands of young guys and already experienced professionals. This title has been living in our country for almost a hundred years. Border guards are proud of their relatives, the country, all of us. A separate holiday on May 28 is dedicated to the enormous work and courage of these people.

On this day, congratulations on the Day of the Border Guard are accepted by everyone who serves or once served in the troops guarding the Russian cordons. Mothers, fathers, families of border guards convey congratulations to their loved ones. Already served "border guards" meet and exchange funny postcards, short humorous poems, jokes. On this day, solemn congratulations on the Day of the Border Guard in prose are heard from the government and from the leaders of the regions of Russia. The whole country congratulates its permanent defenders of our tranquility and guarantors of a peaceful sky.

Cool congratulations on the Day of the Border Guard on May 28, 2018 to the guys who served in verse

A sense of humor helps the border guard to cope with the stress and constant pressure of work. Anyone who knows what constant concentration of attention, vigilant vigilance and observation of minimal changes around is worth, will understand why the “border guards” value rest, humor and relaxation so much. Jokes and funny congratulations to each other on the Day of the Border Guard - The best way relieve stress.

You guarded your
You served on the border
And deserved today
Congratulations thirty commercials! I want to wish you
In life, only positive
Always be on top
Let troubles pass by!

One morning, at dawn,
The border guard went out into the garden,
There are two dushmans by the net,
Gathering grapes.

He blushes, he turns pale
I wanted to give them
But he twisted them in a second,
Our border squad.

It's the boys, that's the way it is
Be brave as a border guard
And believe in this day
I'm not too lazy to congratulate you!

Put on your coat quickly
And grab your phone!
Make an appointment with all co-workers
Border guard day - here it is!

Don't forget to take your guitar with you
After all, without your song anywhere!
And set the heat around:
To remember the day forever.

May you be surrounded today
Only better lives friends,
Only best girls near,
Live this day for yourself!

Best congratulations on the Day of the Border Guard to your beloved man in verse

Almost every border guard serving, or who has already served, has the closest woman - mother, wife, sister, girlfriend. It is they who worry and worry about the guys vigilantly guarding our cordons, most of all. On the Day of the Border Guard, they send congratulations to their loved ones.

Border guard day in spring
And on the edge of summer!
Let the joys flow like a river
And happiness is a bright light!

Good luck be with you
Always, day and night
Proud of you my hero
I love you very much!!!

You protect my peace
My border guard, knight, my hero.
You stand up for me.
And I don't know a better hero.

I want today, on a holiday, to wish
Not only the sky is bright blue,
Not only more favors from God,
But get your star from heaven!

Beloved, you serve on the border,
That means an honest person
You are faithfully friends with our law,
Let this verse, as a talisman, keep you during the service,
Will bring you good luck
I want real service
Don't forget, the bride is waiting.

Solemn and official congratulations on the Day of the Border Guard in prose to colleagues

The responsibility that lies on the shoulders of the Russian border guards is incredibly great. It is they who make sure that neither from the air, nor from the land, nor from the sea, the enemy enters our country. Hundreds of terrorist threats were prevented precisely thanks to the attention and vigilance of the Russian border guards. The defenders of our borders accept solemn congratulations on the Day of the Border Guard in prose. Words of gratitude are heard from the government, and in the media, and in military units.

Not everyone is honored to stand as a reliable guard on the border, and those who are proudly called border guards carry out their service with dignity and honor. The peace and tranquility of the country depend on them, on the brave border guards, therefore, on their holiday, on the day of the border guard, all citizens congratulate everyone who was and is in the border service with honor! Today, the border guards are wished to always remain steadfast, firm, loyal to the oath and to the Motherland as soldiers! Let your service cause pride among your relatives and friends, and let not a single enemy pass through our borders, thanks to you! Happy border guard day guys!

So that the native country could sleep peacefully, brave and brave guys - border guards - carry out their service on the border. They steadfastly and vigilantly monitor the borders of the Fatherland and, of course, deserve to hear today on their holiday - the day of the border guard, sincere words of great gratitude for their service! Let these guys always have peace of mind for their people and their Fatherland, let every border guard know that it is he who provides security and peace in the state, and of course, let them feel the sincere gratitude of their citizens for their hard work, for their worthy service! Happy border guard day, our dears!

Russia has more neighbors than any other country. And they are not always peaceful. Therefore, the service of the border guard is honorable. You need to be able to use the latest technology and find an approach to the dog, know languages ​​​​and be a psychologist, have stamina and sniper weapons.

Sincere congratulations on the Day of the Border Guard to dad in verse

Border Guard Day is celebrated in Russia on May 28. It is on this warm spring day that the most my sincere congratulations from relatives, friends, leadership, from ordinary citizens, our wonderful warriors-defenders receive.

It's the twenty-eighth of May...
Putting on a green attribute,
Listening to the rampant spring
Border guards go around the world ...
Yes, it's forever! It's holy
And the city can't escape
Traditional parade!
Happy Border Guard Day, guys!
After all, you are the same! Keep it up!

Happy Border Guard Day! This is destiny
And you owe her luck.
Let her continue to support
Opening up all the possibilities at once!

So that the bright sun gives warmth,
And the sky, flowing down the roofs,
Rain knocked on your window
And it got brighter and closer.

Let everything that you went through burn in your soul -
Filled with good hope!
Stay yourself, be true to fate
And you will be happier than before!

Oh, how many years have passed since then
When in the heat, and in the rain, and in the cold,
You did not take your eyes off the borders,
Carrying a responsible service!

We congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts
Happy Border Guards Day,
May good luck await
Tranquility brings every day!

May health embrace you
And happiness will give a hand forever,
Let joy surround now
Souls of a huge man!

Short congratulations, SMS and poems on the Day of the Border Guard to dad, colleagues, friends who have served

"Pograntsy" - people who do not tolerate either relaxation or loss of time. Even in your professional holiday most of the guys do not leave the service, continuing to do their duty and their work: the protection of the state borders of Russia. Send to your dear border guards short congratulations in SMS or read a short verse on the phone, the site writes. It can be cool, and sincere and parting words: choose for yourself.

Congratulations friend, congratulations
With your true May day,
On the day of the border guard, I wish you
Always be the first in everything!

You served, gave a debt to the country,
Defending valiantly the borders,
Never stay away
Remember the life of the page with honor!

The border is always under control
The enemy will definitely not pass here.
Border guards today
Special respect from all.

Congratulations on your day
Always be vigilant
Under your valiant protection
The whole country sleeps peacefully.

Fortress, wisdom, strength, tranquility,
Always enjoy the service.
Let the wife be a faithful stronghold at home,
And the work often pleases with a prize,
Brings you joy and will be easy.
Today is Happy Border Guard Day!

On May 28, congratulations on the Day of the Border Guard become support for those who vigilantly guard the integrity of our borders. Do not forget to congratulate your loved ones on the holiday. Let your good words in prose will help to serve the guys. Served "border guards" can with great pleasure play each other on this day: a joke, cool short poems and messages to young border guards will amuse the current defenders of the border.

On May 28, our country celebrates the day of the border guard. Congratulations on this day are accepted by both active employees in the border troops and retired border guards. Border guards celebrate their day noisily and cheerfully. And vodka with songs and swimming in fountains - all this is an integral part of the festive festivities of the border guards. So it was, so it will be this year. And in order to congratulate our friends and relatives who defended our homeland in the border troops, we have prepared for you beautiful, touching and funny congratulations on the Day of the border guard in verse.

Beautiful congratulations on the Day of the border guard in verse

Border guard day today
Not just a holiday - it's a date
When we honor our heroes
Who serves and served once.
The country always needs protection,
Can't do without your service
After all, we are neighbors to many countries
And you are the guarantors of our friendship.
We praise you - the sons of the Fatherland,
Ready at any time
Sparing neither strength nor life,
Duty to fulfill your official duty.
We are proud of you, we believe, we know
That you can handle any challenge.
We heartily congratulate you,
And God bless you and good luck!

Happy Russian Border Service Day
We congratulate you honestly, from the bottom of our hearts,
Happy most faithful, brave, kind, necessary,
real day, true men!

May good luck always accompany you
Career growth, health every day,
Well, and of course, in addition to this -
Love of all people around!

We congratulate you on the day of the border guard
And we want to wish a peaceful sky
But the main thing is that, protecting the country
You knew that your loved one would be waiting.
That birch trees have already blossomed at home
The lilac has blossomed, soon the apple blossom will bloom,
Hiding the longing of expectation and tears,
In a hurry to convey the native land hello.
You swore an oath to your homeland once
Keep the border under control at all times.
Good luck, strength and patience, guys,
And let the guiding star shine.

Border guard at the post -
This is service to the Motherland,
Because this picture
Causes respect!
Congratulations to you today
From the heart and soul helmet,
Congratulations guys
With your border day!
And we wish you very boldly
Do a good service
And with dignity and honor
Serving in the army!

Today, those who serve on the border
Thank you so much I say!
Thank you for letting us sleep peacefully
I thank heaven for you.
Thank you guys for your courage
The state appreciates faithful sons.
Today is a significant date for everyone
I hasten to congratulate you guys, hurry up!

Thank you, border guard!
Works severe excellent student!
Per peaceful days, for peace,
Live peacefully with you!
May your spirit grow stronger over the years,
So that the mischievous look does not go out!
See joy in ordinary things!
Live with a smile on your lips! Happy holiday, vigilant defender!
The border guard is a brave border guard.
The whole country glorifies them today,
After all, the border is important to everyone.
You have a lot of health and success,
Happiness to you and joyful laughter.
Let always - and in the cold, and in the heat -
All things will be on your shoulder!

Be healthy and happy, border guard,
Bold and firm, and hold on to your friends!
After all, with his unusual work,
Peaceful life you protect
You cover the whole country
With a heart as kind and big.
And for such a faithful service
We thank you from the bottom of our hearts!

Today the sun has lost its rays,
When in the morning it ran through the dew.
Let only these red scouts
Drifting around the control lane

There is always order and peace
On the border entrusted to the Fatherland,
And waiting for continuous lives of pleasure
With boundless love in my heart!

You have served a long time, gray hair at the temples,
But your soul is there, in the border troops.
And you will always remember your native outpost,
After all, it never happens to be a former border guard!

Congratulations on your Border Guard Day.
Be happy, healthy, do not regret anything.
Honor and glory to you, dear border guard,
You are a real hero of your Fatherland!

You honestly guarded the border from troubles
And he stood guard with his faithful dog.
You were a soldier and you are a hero.
I wish you not to break
About the sharp teeth of insidious fate,
So that there are no barriers and troubles in life.
So that the sun always shines in the window.
And so that every day passes with a bang!

There are no former border guards at all,
Who guarded the border knows about it!
Accept congratulations on this glorious holiday,
You served well in the border troops!
You do not lose your skill, always be agile,
In civilian life, the border guard is the same brave warrior! You served honestly and with dignity,
Borders defended countries
We wish you, border guard,
To never know war.

Years of service have passed
But this holiday is always yours,
You carry the memories
About this service through the years!

You served once in a glorious past,
In the border valiant troops.
May fate multiply all that is good,
What did you carry on your shoulders.
You gave peace to the country regularly,
May peace always reign in your soul.
May everything in life be very glorious,
Happiness will always be with you.

You guarded your
You served on the border
And deserved today
Congratulations thirty commercials!

I want to wish you
In life, only positive
Always be on top
Let troubles pass by!

For the fact that it is peaceful in the native land,
For the fact that we are all healthy and alive,
For the clear sky above your head -
Thanks to the border guards!
You boldly performed your holy duty,
Long nights without sleep are familiar to you,
We are proud of our army, country
And every serving border guard!

Was still green
When he joined the army
Be a border guard
Your turn has come then!
You served, demobilized,
And not a fighter for a long time!
But in my heart you will always be
The same brave frontier!
And so your holiday
You celebrate today!
For people like you - green,
Raise your glass!

You served as a border guard
And this holiday is well deserved!
Didn't sleep, didn't eat
Defended our border!
Let me congratulate you
And send wishes.
Stay as brave
Don't give up on any problems!

Border guard day today
We celebrate all over the country.
You have served honorably
We gave back to our country!
For all young people, now you are an example -
The border is firmly guarded.
On behalf of the native state,
We want to wish you peace.

Funny congratulations on the Day of the border guard

The streets are crowded today
The greens do not appease the cap,
It's easy even for kids
Understand the reason for this
They go in a merry crowd;
Their soul is full of holiday;
They are also waved from the windows of the school,
And from the tram window;
Step by step in a chased march,
And a good cup in hand ...
Perhaps someone started earlier;
So the border is closed!
I know, though not a border guard,
That it's time to congratulate
You and all the great guys
Happy Border Guard Day! Hooray!

You have been serving on the border for a long time,
And you're not afraid of shooting, not a damn thing!
We wish you a fun holiday,
After all, being a border guard is such an honor!
Take a glass with pickled cucumber,
Which is green like your shoulder straps!
Happy Border Guard Day, stay strong there!
And even if you suddenly run out of ammo,
You will tear the enemy apart with your bare hands,
If he planned to encroach on his homeland!
Scare him with a hangover with your face!
Well, now - you have a happy rest!

Yes, what happened
That spring is raging again -
Cap covered with greenery
Today is completely country!
Let them smile as usual
All those who did not serve at all,
But every border guard knows:
Our holiday has not outlived itself!
We protect what is sacred -
Beloved Motherland frontier!
Happy Border Guard Day, guys!
And ignore the ignorant!

On the border of the clouds go gloomily,
You stand and freeze in the wind
Day and night, in heat and bitter cold
The border guard is always on duty!
Let the thought of home warm you,
O beautiful girl yours
The memory of a loved one every hour
Gently you wound in your soul!
Be, border guard, you are cheerful,
Be kind, brave and happy
But my family, my native village
In distant countries, you do not forget!

To serve conscientiously is not a trifle,
How many days have you not drunk?
Today you can, somehow,
Your holiday has arrived!
All men on the border -
Outposts honor honor,
There is only one motto: “No passaran!
Strangers will not pass!

The border is closed, but still,
Today is your holiday, hero!
After all, even a border guard can
Quite relaxing at times.

And for the dog, for service
There is a festive bone today.
To the owner - one hundred grams of magic
In the service it is easier to live.

We congratulate you, relatives,
We wish vigor always
So that our working days
The enemy never violated!

And in the heat, and in bad weather,
In crisis, in heat and in snowfall,
The border guards do not sleep
So that the enemy does not invade the country.
I congratulate you on the holiday
And all the best, with all my heart,
Of course, I wish you
Summit achievements.
Sea of ​​happiness and health,
Peace in the home and family,
If your life is ok
We are calmer in the country!

Who is worth it
From the landscape is not different?
This is a formidable guard
Our border service!

He is in the cold and in the heat
Vigilantly vigilant in other people's distances,
To early in the morning
Suddenly we would not be attacked.

Congratulations! duty and honor
Guard your limits.
So that we do not dare to climb
An evil enemy behind a vile deed.

Congratulations on the Day of the border guard short

Let everything be calm on the border,
A hurricane of happiness roars in the soul,
We wish you to meet the holiday with dignity,
And may good luck ahead always await you.

Dedicated to the defenders of the border
Today congratulations words.
And on this day we sincerely wish you
So that the service goes on under a peaceful sky!
We wish you in your border service
Successes, achievements and victories!
And also happiness in your personal life,
Prosperity, health, long life.

Happy Border Guard Day to you, soldier,
Peaceful sky above your head!
May your land be rich in the world,
Well, the war will pass by.
Happiness, health, good luck, kindness
And always a quiet border.
May you always be warm
The thought of a peacefully sleeping capital!

We wish in your difficult service,
To be healthy and not get sick,
So that everything in life turns out as it should,
Our soldier would be alive!

Your service is both dangerous and difficult,
And from a civilian it is not visible at all!
But we know you are so good
Real brave soldiers!
To serve as a border guard - it's a class,
Congratulations on this day we send for you!
And we wish you health, prosperity,
And from the girls of great attention!

In heat and cold, and in a blizzard
You stand guard
And it will become in difficult times, the enemy
Your courage is a barrier!
On the Day of the Border Guard for you
Let brighter sun shining,
Wish you happiness at this hour
You adults and children!

Whether in heaven, on the sea, on dry land
Among deserts and foreign cities,
In hot heat and in cold cold,
And leaving your home for a long time -
There is such a difficult service,
There is such a debt to the Motherland.
I wish that only friendship grew stronger
And nobody broke the borders!

My border is locked
If, dear, you serve!
What bird will fly
A girl will slip by,
I know for sure, they suck!
Even flies don't fly
Over the border for a long time.
They circle around in a friendly swarm,
They know the border guards!
To live hunting all the same!

Congratulations to the border guards
Sons, husbands, fathers,
Who is strong, who is not afraid
Defend the peace of the border.
We wish that in the service,
The rear was strong, strength in friendship,
To have a peaceful life
And Russia flourished.

You serve proudly
Guard the border of the country.
Your profession is respected
And features are very important.
How thankful you are
Can't even express in words.
Border, it would be true to say
In safe and strong hands.

Always guard the border -
Your favorite challenge!
I want to wish you
Good, health and good luck!
Let the service pass easily
So that you smile more often!
Let there be everything that is needed in life,
And all dreams will come true! Problems in the border service
I wish to close with a bolt,
And in life, let it be purely personal
Love knows no boundaries
And happiness faithful dog at the feet
Home guards the threshold!

Our border guard, don't be bored
We congratulate you!
Any let your sadness
Leaving with May!

So that you are full every hour
warrior spirit,
And so that, as in the song: "Past us
Not even a fly will fly!”

Congratulations on the Day of the border guard to your beloved guy

You stand on the border, and I'll wait
Goodbye, dear protector!
You will understand - I love you with all my heart
And looking forward to returning!

Health to you and soldier's luck,
To ensure that the service runs smoothly and smoothly,
To have less dashing bad luck,
To keep things in order!

Let the heart beat with fate in unison
And let the wind bring warmth
And the service will pass like a minute, like a dream,
Leaving good luck!

My favorite border guard
I send you congratulations now.
In it - in love is my confession,
Sadness and thirst for expectation
Wishes for the soul.
Hurry to read them.

You are excellent in all things
My favorite border guard!
Brave, strong and courageous,
You can't say otherwise.
Happy to congratulate you
And that you chose me!
Keep me safe from pain
Inspire with your love!

Let him keep you, my love, on the border
my faithful angel sincere love!
And on every page of your life
You keep your luck!

I congratulate you, my border guard,
Happy Profession Day! I wish
To be the first to be an excellent student in his work,
So that fate indulges every day!

Border guard day in spring
And on the edge of summer!
Let the joys flow like a river
And happiness is a bright light!

Good luck be with you
Always, day and night
Proud of you my hero
I love you very much!

To congratulate all those who defended and are defending our homeland on the border, Darlaik prepared congratulations on the day of the border guard in verse. Pay attention to those who bravely guard the borders and, despite the weather conditions, do not leave their posts so that our citizens can sleep peacefully.

Also on our website you can send them through social networks to your acquaintances, friends who celebrate this holiday on May 28.

Border guard day today
Not just a holiday - it's a date
When we honor our heroes
Who serves and served once.
The country always needs protection,
Can't do without your service
After all, we are neighbors to many countries
And you are the guarantors of our friendship.
We praise you - the sons of the Fatherland,
Ready at any time
Sparing neither strength nor life,
Duty to fulfill your official duty.
We are proud of you, we believe, we know
That you can handle any challenge.
We heartily congratulate you,
And God bless you and good luck!

They always stand guard over the Motherland!
And its border is kept with dignity!
They work not for themselves, but for the people,
So that we are not afraid of adversity.

Today is their professional day.
And we want to congratulate them for their work,
Which they are desperate and bold
Perform for the people every day.

Not a step back - behind your homeland
Your eyes will not miss any beast or bird
Although peacetime on the street seems to be
But you guard the border day and night.
You can be proud of your service
After all, you are a border guard, and our country
Lives calmly, even though the borders are open,
And let there never be a war.
To you, no matter where you are,
Let the light of distant stars illuminate the darkness
And gloomy clouds do not roam the sky,
When you are on duty at your post.

Happy Border Guard Day to you, soldier,
Peaceful sky above your head!
May your land be rich in the world,
And the war will pass by.
Happiness, health, good luck, kindness
And always a quiet border.
May you always be warm
The thought of a peacefully sleeping capital!

We congratulate you on the day of the border guard
And we want to wish a peaceful sky
But the main thing is that, protecting the country
You knew that your loved one would be waiting.
That birch trees have already blossomed at home
The lilac has blossomed, soon the apple blossom will bloom,
Hiding the longing of expectation and tears,
In a hurry to convey the native land hello.
You swore an oath to your homeland once
Keep the border under control at all times.
Good luck, strength and patience, guys,
And let the guiding star shine.

A harsh path, incredibly long,
And the hard one you always go through.
But the title of "real men"
Will not fade even after a year!
Let them say that you only dream of peace,
But everyone needs your service!
I wish they were on the borders
Calmness, order, silence!

Stand guard over the state border
Some of the best privates and officers
They only dream of rest in civilian life
Their service is at risk under the gun.
The lives of civilians depend on them,
The tranquility of his native country.
The brave guys are on guard,
To protect the border at any hour.
Congratulations to you border guards today
Serve faithfully and faithfully to the Fatherland,
We wish you health, courage and happiness
Reliable friends both in the service and in life.

Whether in heaven, on the sea, on dry land
Among deserts and foreign cities,
In hot heat and in cold cold,
And leaving your home for a long time -
There is such a difficult service,
There is such a debt to the Motherland.
I wish that only friendship grew stronger
And nobody broke the borders!

The one who served in the army on the border
Who, without sleep and rest, sparing no effort,
I quickly got used to the unknown area
Risking his life away from home.
Who is in the endless steppe and in the sultry desert
Always carried out public service with dignity
Who is in the mountains, who guarded the country from the shore
He received a medal for courage, and more than one.
Our border guards - we are proud of you
May good luck be with you
So that health is strong and nerves of steel,
And the mood was always right and true in everything.

Feast of green caps,
The day of the border guard is yours.
Gad will be immediately defeated,
Just facing you.
If you are on guard,
The country sleeps peacefully
Let it be just calm
Silence is disturbing.
May health be strong
Loving friendly family,
Peacefully on all frontier zones,
So! On another it is impossible.

To cheer up your fellow border guards, we recommend that you download free pictures on the day of the border guard and send them to in social networks. Let these courageous people know that you are proud of them and appreciate everything that they have done and are doing for our country.

You protect your native borders -
Performing tasks well
We hasten to congratulate you on the day of the border guard,
We wish you courage and good luck.
Let the enemies know that you cannot be deceived,
What is on the alert "green caps".
So let your difficult path be glorious,
And the machine gun shoots without a miss!

You serve proudly
Guard the border of the country.
Your profession is respected
And features are very important.
How thankful you are
Can't even express in words.
Border, it would be true to say
In safe and strong hands.

You guard the peace of your country,
You are her rear and powerful protection.
Your grandfathers and fathers are proud of you,
After all, honor and glory are not forgotten by you.
Wise and experienced you are all beyond your years,
But in your case, it cannot be otherwise.
Happy Border Guard Day, guys! Happiness to you
Quiet service, peace and good luck!

On the border of the Fatherland you carry out your service,
And you won't find another like it on earth.
If the enemy turns up, he will be rebuffed,
To the violator there will be a male conversation.
On the border guard day I wish you
To have a peaceful life on our land,
To be healthy and successful in everything,
Frontiers for you are the same as a house.

Let the clouds frown over the border,
The wind is strong and it is raining.
Impartial military faces,
The intruder will not crawl here!
Congratulations on the holiday, guys!
What to say? You are just great!
Let everything be as it should be for you!
Happiness and luck, border guards!

You are our country's guard
On the border with the shield.
No dangerous wanderer
It will not pass into our common house.
You are tireless and sleepless
You stand at your post at night
The country is being protected
Russian heroes.

How are your shoulder straps!
What a bearing and become!
Undoubtedly - the honor is huge
To get to you in the border troops!
Peacefully let the service pass
May fate keep you
May luck and friendship
Never fail!

Quiet on the border
And it's time to rest
But any border guard
Can't sleep
If suddenly on the border
There will be no post
But this is possible
Only in the area of ​​sleep.
We are children and loved ones
Let's cover it warmer
Don't worry about anything
The world is under control!

Border guard, congratulations!
Time to celebrate.
On this day I wish you
Walk with all my heart.
Get your uniform on,
Friends are waiting for you
Give everyone a head start today!
I hope for you!

Border guards are brave people,
Patient and fearless
And attentive, which are few,
If only the country would fall asleep peacefully!

So let's congratulate them guys
And thank you very much
These are our main soldiers,
May they have a bottomless god of happiness!

May the service always be calm,
Let love surround and friendship!
Border guards are worthy people,
And the native country needs people!

On the day of the border guard, I wish
Only good and joyful days.
This is your holiday! I congratulate!
Volleys of fireworks in a hundred lights!

You are a defender. I know it's safe
You guard our peace and tranquility.
Always be so careful
And come home soon!

Courage and courage - with you through life
They beat in unison with the heart.
You are forever faithful to our fatherland.
Thank you dear! The world is amazed!

Border guard day in spring
And on the edge of summer!
Let the joys flow like a river
And happiness is a bright light!

Good luck be with you
Always, day and night
Proud of you my hero
I love you very much!!!

They always stand guard over the Motherland!
And its border is kept with dignity!
They work not for themselves, but for the people,
So that we are not afraid of adversity.

Today is their professional day.
And we want to congratulate them for their work,
Which they are desperate and bold
Perform for the people every day.

You guarded your
You served on the border
And deserved today
Congratulations thirty commercials!

I want to wish you
In life, only positive
Always be on top
Let troubles pass by!

Lovingly, we wish good luck to the border guards,
Excellent service, joys - do not count,
Cause it means a lot in life
Be able to save your energy.
We sincerely wish honor to the border guards,
It is true to the fatherland, from sincerely with love to serve,
And all fates sharp turns
Pass with dignity and courage.

Happy Border Guard Day, best of the best!
The Motherland has no more reliable barrier.
The scout bites his nails from impotence,
Again, the "bear disease" of the spy.

Let the traces only from the paws of sparrows
On the strip remain control.
To be your most beloved,
The happiest and most contented life!

Shine of various awards and medals
I wish in a military career,
And the general stars fell
So that on your shoulder straps as soon as possible!

The streets are crowded today
The greens do not appease the cap,
It's easy even for kids
Understand the reason for this
They go in a merry crowd;
Their soul is full of holiday;
They are also waved from the windows of the school,
And from the tram window;
Step by step in a chased march,
And a good cup in hand ...
Perhaps someone started earlier;
So the border is closed!
I know, though not a border guard,
That it's time to congratulate
You and all the great guys
Happy Border Guard Day! Hooray!

Silence on the edge
War does not thunder anywhere,
Because border guards
Well done in your business!
Protect us from trouble
We are protected from enemies!
Our boys are fighting
border guards,
Congratulations to the whole country,
Thank you for our peace!

Not more important than work,
How to protect the motherland
Glory and honor to you
And in the bright stars of the shoulders.

Let there always be a border
Will be impregnable.
Smile to your faces
Let it be available.

Let every border guard
Satisfied with the service
You have a harmonious life,
Love, kindness and friendship.

Happy Border Guard Day to you, soldier,
Peaceful sky above your head!
May your land be rich in the world,
And the war will pass by.
Happiness, health, good luck, kindness
And always a quiet border.
May you always be warm
The thought of a peacefully sleeping capital!

The service of the border guard is not easy,
Always at your post
And on a professional holiday,
A sea of ​​wishes.

May the family live well
And my career is going great.
Happiness, love and longevity,
Live happily until the century.

Border guard today
Congratulations with all my heart
Be pleasing to the authorities
Think more with your head

And advance in the service
Never be sad
Smile to your loved ones more often
Let the service be - paradise.

On this warm May day
We are not too lazy to congratulate you.
And thank you to say
That we can sleep peacefully.

Peace in the country, peace in the family
After all, the border is closed.
Glory and praise to all of you,
Border troops!

We are strong in spirit and calm:
The border is closed, my friend.
We celebrate the day with dignity
So, only louder heart beat,
Words for a man's ear
Yes, blush the faces ...
Eh, be healthy! For strength of spirit
And strong border locks!

It's time to celebrate
All border guards to walk,
My friend, I want to tell you -
It's time to congratulate.

May you be lucky in everything
Sorrows will be nothing
May joy and love come
And life will only bring happiness.

They make it possible to sleep peacefully!
Today their posts are all over the country.
And farsighted from high towers
They carefully look into the steppe.

They do not know rest and sleep.
They work around the clock.
The task is to protect the borders from the enemy.
So that we can live in peace.

Day of the border guard is celebrated by the whole country today.
Let's raise our cups full of wine.
And for their health, happiness, friendship
In one gulp, we will drink everything to the bottom!

Congratulations! I wish you success
In personal life and service to bear.
At the post you follow very vigilantly,
So that the enemy does not pass the border.

I wish, I was waiting for the bride,
So that love helps to serve,
And so that everything has a place in life,
And have time to relax and joke.

It just doesn't happen at the border -
Border guards are always needed.
The integrity of the Fatherland is protected,
And the peace of his native country.
I want to wish you guys
Honest service, do not forget your duty,
To live happily, richly,
Love your homeland with all your heart!

You protect my peace
My border guard, knight, my hero.
You stand up for me.
And I don't know a better hero.

I want today, on a holiday, to wish
Not only the sky is bright blue,
Not only more favors from God,
But get your star from heaven!

Protect your borders
The country has instructed you
So that strangers, evil army,
We were not threatened with trouble!

You are on duty night and day
The border is protected
Notice any shadow
The enemy will not infiltrate us!

On the day of the border guard, we will
Congratulations from the heart
Your work, the highest class,
We are rating!

I want the border guard
Did a great job
To value work
And he was always happy.
I wish you faithful service
Congratulations on your day.
Let adversity rush away
Don't break through the border!

Beloved husband, I'm on a wonderful holiday
I want to congratulate you at this moment with all my heart,
Let the work of a border guard be very dangerous,
But the guardian angel will come with you.

Punish violators strictly and boldly,
Fight for the defense of your native side,
And at home I will caress you skillfully,
You will only dream best dreams!

A harsh path, incredibly long,
And the hard one you always go through.
But the title of "real men"
Will not fade even after a year!
Let them say that you only dream of peace,
But everyone needs your service!
I wish they were on the borders
Calmness, order, silence!

All is calm on the border
We have no reason to be afraid
We always sleep peacefully
After all worthy men

Save our sleep steadfastly,
With honor, with courage - beautiful,
And the country lives in peace
Take care of Russia!

The border guard is proud
You are worthy of admiration.
We wish you only
More courage, patience!

This world is so beautiful in every way
You are a military service excellent student.
With your help we live peacefully
And thank you, border guard!

On this day I want to wish
Achieve worthy of your goals
And avoid curved paths
Just hurry forward on a straight line!

The border is in safe hands today,
That is, in the strong - yours.
The enemy will not pass by you,
You know yours by sight.

You keep the border shut
And you save the dream of the Motherland.
You are a border guard, you are like in a war,
Don't close your eyes at night.

Today is your holiday
When can you rest?
Celebrate the day with your friends
And breathe peacefully.

Let me congratulate you, friend,
And thank.
For the fact that they don’t jump on us “suddenly”,
After all, you are on guard!

Congratulations on the day of the border guard!
With a worthy holiday for men!
And may they always be calm
The borders of our entire country.

May the service bring success:
Career, prosperity, peace,
Let everyone feel care
Protection behind you.

May there be peace in your personal life,
Kindness and love in the family
We wish you happiness, good luck,
Without measures, without borders, without edges.

Our border is locked
And you, my friend, are part of it.
You keep your finger on the trigger
Ready to tear the enemy apart.

Always be happy and healthy
Live up to a hundred under a peaceful sky.
Good luck, happiness, good dreams,
And so that the separation was not long!

On all edges of native Russia,
In the mountains, taiga and on the sand,
You stand as an invisible shadow
Our border is closed!

Let the mouse not slip past you,
The spy and the "spirit" will not pass there,
To calm all the nights
And the family front was strong!

Hey, hey, Green Caps!
Time to remember fighting friends
Take a guitar, and with a "fuel" flask:
Make the mood more fun.
To boast of heroic strength,
Dance with a fighting girlfriend,
Enjoy every breath of life
Nose to the wind and do not lose heart.
So that only the sky is clear
On the border of silence - peace,
To breathe, enjoy
Full chest peaceful spring.

We want to congratulate you guys!
Let everything be calm today
So that by right every soldier
The long-awaited said "At ease!".

Let the violators have today
There will be a lot of important things at home,
So that none of them to our homeland
Didn't fly, didn't climb, didn't look.

You take a look abroad -
Is the enemy army crawling, -
Lock up the border
And sit down to celebrate!

In the border guard work,
Not very easy.
It is necessary to guard the cordons
From an envious enemy.

Day and night stand watch
young boys,
For the country to sleep peacefully
And that there was no war.

So let's go on this holiday
Let's drink to those guys
What's in the heat, frost, showers
They are harrowing their land!

Who is the territory of the country
Seriously guarding?
Faithful sons of the fatherland,
I wish you good luck!

Let the house be a full bowl
Success is knocking on your door.
I wish the sun - outside the window,
In the hands - good luck bird!

With a gun, in a jacket:
Stop, the border is locked!
You carry faithful service
And you are honored.

Word, deed - everything is fine
You are doing great!
We are not afraid of any enemy
With such a border army!

"Neutralka", outpost, detachment,
And now the guys have a holiday.
They guard the frontiers
And they do their military duty.

You guys have a great service
After all, the Motherland is Mother, it is sacred.
You are serving today
You live as one family.

And every morning a divorce
And again, bypassing the borders.
My son, soldier, "border guard",
Father is proud of you!

When the whole country fell asleep
The border guard does not sleep,
After all, for the peace of our borders
He answers personally.
Outpost always demands
Attention and diligence
And only on a holiday to you in full
We want idleness!
have fun, relax,
Listen to congratulations.
And in the morning back to your post

Problems in the border service
I wish to close with a bolt,
And in life, let it be purely personal
Love knows no boundaries
And happiness is a faithful dog at the feet
Home guards the threshold!

Today the sun has lost its rays,
When in the morning it ran through the dew.
Let only these red scouts
Drifting around the control lane

There is always order and peace
On the border entrusted to the Fatherland,
And waiting for continuous lives of pleasure
With boundless love in my heart!

May your life erect reliable boundaries so that such violators as troubles, envy and tears can never break them, because happiness and joy will watch vigilantly.

Let everything be calm on the border,
A hurricane of happiness roars in the soul,
We wish you to meet the holiday with dignity,
And may good luck ahead always await you.

So that there is always silence on the border,
You protect her without rest and sleep,
In rain and cold, in heat or severe frost
You will repulse the enemy without concessions, seriously.

Take care of yourself, our border guard is dashing,
The whole power is now behind you,
Everyone wishes you success and good,
It's time for awards and salutes!

Protecting the borders of the state is a difficult task. But you, brave border guard, cope with it successfully, having consciously chosen such a responsible service. May happiness and good luck stand next to you at your post, helping you fulfill your duties with ease!

I am sincerely happy with the day of the border guard
Congratulations, my friend!
I wish you true friends
And there are fewer enemies around!

Those who guard the borders of the country,
We send congratulations on May Day.
Let our brave border guard know
We are close by heart, night and day.

Peacefully, calmly, let the service go on,
And there will be no combat worries in it,
In a word, we wish what everyone needs -
Peace, health, happy roads.

Congratulations on the Day of the border guard! Let it be served simply and easily, calmly and amicably, proudly and courageously. I wish you rapid career growth, rise to the rank of general.

We wish that the eyes do not get tired
And violators so as not to get you,
So that your service goes smoothly,
And in life you were pleased with love and friendship.

Always let the service be easy
Let friendship grow stronger with colleagues,
To be a favorite of luck
He solved all the difficult problems.

You are our great homeland
You keep the border and peace,
So every day and every year
May the Lord protect you.

We wish excellent service, boundless energy and joys of life to all border guards. May all the steep and unexpected twists of fate be passed with dignity easily and boldly.

Congratulations on the day of the border guard -
The service will be easy, let yours be on it,
So that even birds do not fly without demand!
I wish you many sunny days!

Day and night on the border
Our vigilant guard stands,
Often they dream of their home,
Where familiar trails pattern ...

Peacefully let the service pass
On your holiday, longing will go away,
Happiness to you, kindness and friendship,
Border troops!

Our peace is the main indicator of your responsible service, for which we are very grateful to you, may the Lord send you good health, indefatigable vigilance and reliable comrades behind.

Alina Ogonyok