
Rituals fulfillment of one's desires using the simoron technique. Simoron is an effective way to change your life for the better Simoron how to make a wish come true


The enthusiastic reviews of practitioners of the Simoron rituals make people more and more interested in this teaching. Its simplicity and spontaneity win over even harsh critics. Before you start getting acquainted with unusual rituals and ceremonies, you need to understand what Simoron is.

  • Simoron magic - changing life for the better

    Simoron is a school of wizards, only the teachers in it are not strict professors, but funny and mischievous sorcerers. A kind of Hogwarts, founded in 1988 by a married couple of psychologists Petra and Pyotr Burlanov. This is how they themselves explain the strange name of their school:

    What does any name mean at all? A set of sounds that should help somehow distinguish one object from another. Let's say - "kangaroo" ... What is drawn to us when we hear this word? A funny animal with a woolen pocket on the belly and a springy tail. This is translated: "I do not understand you ...". So the Australian aborigine answered the Englishman, who asked about the unprecedented beast. The concept of "simoron" is from the same opera.

    The main idea is changing the usual pictures of the world... A person who believes that something cannot be should understand that this would be the reaction of people in the middle of the last century to mobile phones and video conferencing via skype. But, as life shows, anything can be. Get rid of stereotypes, let the subconscious mind itself determine what is real for it and what is not. Think only about what is really needed. The Universe itself will find hundreds of ways to help and the desire will be fulfilled in an unexpected way.

    You can't wait for the result in simorona, the process of creating magic is important. Any result is good according to the principle "whatever is done is for the best." You should not think in patterns and try to plan the future within the framework of the usual picture of the world. The basis of simoron is in free creativity, not limited by convention. The spontaneity of actions leads to a wide choice of options for the development of the situation.

    According to the law of attraction, like is attracted to like. Therefore, it turns out good or evil, depends on your own thoughts. Do not think about problems, otherwise they will be transferred to the category of an equal opponent, with whom you need to fight. Don't feed them with your energy. Problems are the fruit of an attitude towards life, change your approach, they will disappear. As they say: “Do not be sad because of nonsense. Nonsense does not grieve because of you. "

    For a better understanding of the work of the Simoron techniques, we will give a comparison. A problem is a doll that a person plays with, fools around, worries about her, performs daily activities, feeds or puts to bed. That is, he constantly scrolls the same scenarios in his head. And as soon as it plays enough and stops remembering, it will immediately disappear from thoughts and the whole world.

    Pay attention to the signs. Simoronists claim that over time, intuition becomes sharper, they begin to notice what they did not pay attention to before. These are called support signals. When you receive a negative, it is worth repeating the ritual or checking if it is performed correctly.

    Important 27. To the questions: "When or after how much the wish will come true", the Simoronists answer: "After 27".Days or hours, it is not necessary to specify. Only the Universe knows how soon it will be able to help. This number is considered magical, very significant. In numerology it symbolizes success, in Feng Shui it is favorable, and in ancient civilizations it is key. Therefore, 27 is actively used in many rituals.

    With the help of Simoron techniques and rituals, you can influence any situation, solve problems. They can do everything to arrange their personal life, attract money. The only condition is to wish yourself and others exclusively good.

    Techniques are not the same. Each relies on individual sensations, so the adherents of simoron adapt the rite for themselves or come up with a new... Lack of understanding of further situations means not understanding the idea of ​​practices.

    Act as you want, follow the subconscious, most importantly, do it emotionally and fun. The perplexed look of others is considered a good sign. It means internal innovations that people began to feel. Following this, it will change and the world.

    Remember the words of Jankowski in the role of Baron Munchausen: “I understand what your trouble is. You are too serious. All nonsense on earth is done with this expression on the face ... Smile, gentlemen ... Smile ... "

    The main enemy of the Simoron rituals is doubt. Catching yourself thinking that nothing will come of it, change your technique or come up with another.

    To make the presented images brighter and clearer, use associations. Creativity is released when something is created. For example, writing on the teapot the word "love", each time pouring from it, say: "I revel in love." When spending money, identify it with a boomerang. A very interesting association is life as a zebra. Paint the black stripes in the picture every day with white paint.

    Words and expressions sit firmly in the subconscious. It believes unconditionally that they are right. Therefore, the phrase “swimming in money”, which implies wealth, can be used in a simple ritual. Take a bath with coins or bills. To improve financial well-being, the phrase "money is like mud" is used. But "what has fallen is lost" will help get rid of problems and unnecessary things. are very popular.

    Self-hypnosis formulas, supported by action, work many times more efficiently. Acting and playing a mini-performance is nothing more than creativity.

    To embark on a new path is as difficult as taking the risk of changing something in yourself, at home. Try to turn from a critical realist into a magician. Only in this way can life be improved beyond recognition.

  • Quite recently, I got into my hands an amazing and, at first glance, it would seem, even absolutely not logical book, in the end, after reading which I was very pleased and even intrigued.

    The title of this book, with esoteric knowledge and practices relatively new to me, sounds like " A beginner's wizard course. Luck textbook (Simoron)". Authors: V. Dolokhov, V. Gurangov (Dad and Beard).

    As it turned out, these trends are not so new and quite a few people are familiar with the ideas outlined in this book, and with the Simoron practices in general, but few people understand why they work so easily, and indeed "what, where, when". I will talk about this in more detail here, while trying to explain the regularity of this "phenomenon" and why these techniques are capable of changing your reality in principle.

    I think, before moving on to the topic itself, it would not be fair not to mention also Pyotr Terentyevich Burlan, who created the Simoron system. He is also the author of his own series of books in this direction, but it just so happened that initially I came across the result of the work of Dolokhov and Gurangov. Therefore, their book will be discussed further.

    The difference between Simoron and other esoteric directions

    One of the most important points in the Simoron system - this, unlike many other esoteric trends and knowledge, not just an empty explanation of the universal principles and laws according to which reality "functions", but a clear interpretation of the technology of influencing the material world and a direct incentive to practical action... That is, having read this or that book with all sorts of esoteric directions, in most cases, we seem to begin to understand all the truths and principles by which the surrounding reality changes. Sometimes, even while reading such knowledge, we experience breathtaking positive emotional outbursts (euphoria) - the feeling that this is what I have been looking for, something that will allow me to be the master of my reality. But after reading the book to the end, such euphoria immediately evaporates, leaving behind a feeling of emptiness and hopelessness, and the slightest result in the overwhelming majority of people does not appear. And the point here is not at all that these methods do not work, but in the following.

    Why, unlike Simoron, many other esoteric knowledge do not give a tangible result :

    • Many people immediately forget about everything they have written and return to their former rhythm of life, the intention to put into practice everything they have read. And in most cases, this is facilitated by the principles and techniques that are set out too strongly in these books, which are hidden behind a large number of monotonous pages, where not everyone understands words and expressions are used, also veiled at the same time in supposedly some kind of the greatest wisdom or deep , by no means opening to everyone, universal meanings. And all this could be easily and clearly explained in several main chapters. For example: Why and how it works; What and how most people do; What exactly and how (in detail) the reader needs to do, so as not to be frightened and to see the first results in the near future. But the problem is that in today's age of consumption, such a mini-book is practically not published, since it will most likely resemble a training manual, rather than a full-fledged book and will not be able to recoup even the slightest part of the money spent on it. Therefore, the authors have to turn around as soon as possible, and as a result, a lot of important information is forgotten, the rest is mixed into a "mess" creating the impression that all this is difficult and "not for me."
      The truth is always so simple that it is even insulting for it!

      © V.Palevin "The Hermit and the Six-fingered"

    • The rest of the people, those who still have the intention to use new knowledge, are likely to "jerk" a little, trying to apply any of the techniques they have read, but in the end they will simply give up because of the completely unconscious and incomprehensible statements of esoteric principles , about which they read with such zeal not long ago (it seems that all the principles by which the surrounding reality is being modified are understandable, even if you go and start preaching these secret truths to the people, but to take something practical that actually realizes some tangible effect in of your reality, what is really positive - it turns out that it was not there: there remains a lot of all kinds of ambiguities, understatement, unconsciousness, mental blockages and unforeseen difficulties). Indeed, most of these areas contain many different theories and explanations, but not what is really important, what should ultimately affect the layer of your world - the practice itself: what to do, how to do it, what "misunderstandings may arise "what pitfalls are encountered and the like. Therefore, very often, on the basis of such esoteric directions, highly specialized training centers are created. Without them, on your own, it is very, very difficult to achieve certain results. With Simoron, everything is much simpler, and if you also want to enhance the result and sensations, you can visit one of the seminars.
    • There remains only a small percentage of people who are not used to giving up. They seemed to be able to nevertheless figure out something for themselves, and even realized most of the new information and, perhaps, determined what and how to apply from it in practice. But it turns out that in order to be able to follow everything learned in theory and practice it in life, you also need to have incredible will, fortitude, extreme awareness, attentiveness, powerful energy, clarity of mind and an irresistible intention to achieve results. And now the question: how often do you see such people in today's times of all kinds of physiological and mental disorders, stress, lack of sleep, malnutrition, sedentary lifestyle, fears, radiation and much more.
    Well, now about the differences:

    A) So, the most important thing the difference between Simoron techniques from most of the rest- this is as little theory as possible, and as many explanations of practical material as possible: what and how to do. And in addition, there are also a bunch of examples demonstrating how successfully these techniques were used by other people, so that everyone can find a situation similar to the one that has developed in his life and thus be able to understand how he can now effectively act (refers directly to the book discussed here, but and outside of her, like me, Simoron's technique is more focused on results).
    b) The second important point: the ability to influence not only your personal layer of reality, but also positively influence the eventfulness of the life of the people around you, their health, mood, material and spiritual well-being. For example, in most other esoteric directions, unless, of course, this is some kind of negative magic and not rare exceptions, it is argued that you cannot consciously influence any changes in the layers of reality of other people. The maximum that you are capable of is to change the result of the manifestation of another person in your world: for example, to reduce the number of meetings with some unpleasant individual for you, to change your attitude to any actions that annoy you on his part, thereby reducing the manifestation of these actions relatively you like. Simoron techniques, for example, provide an opportunity to change the negative habits of people close to you (people from whom you cannot turn away), influence the improvement of their health, well-being, change their attitude towards themselves in a positive direction, and so on.
    c) The next point that distinguishes the Simoron technique from all the others is to work not so much with your inner worldview (with your thoughts and emotions), but with your projections, your reflections in the external world, warning signals from the environment.

    The Simoronist is not concerned with his personality, he is concerned with himself exclusively in his projections, in reflection on the external screen.
    b) Well, the last one is: there must be a most humorous, even paradoxical view of your life and everything that happens to it, without which most aspects of manifestation Simoronsky trace will simply lose its power. Of course, it is present in almost every method for the conscious transformation of personality and reality, but how to achieve such an effect, when all sorts of negative aspects of your existence are pressed from all sides, is rarely explained. It is impossible to simply stop thinking about what worries or frightens you greatly, it is not always possible to transfer your attention to something else, but to bring fears and anxieties to absolute absurdity in your own mind (which we will learn from the Simoron techniques) , and then sincerely smile at them, gives the result of almost complete neutralization of these worries in the layer of their reality. All that remains is to continue to "soar" and "absurd" everything around.

    What is Simoron and how does it work

    So what is Simoron and why does it work?
    From the explanation of the main Simoron principles, we learn that the Simoronsky footprint is present in each of us. This is a manifestation of the One Beginning, the Absolute, Truth, Infinite Creation, Pure Consciousness, Creative Energy that created us and everything around us. - this is an endless complex of positive universal energies, which is within ourselves without any restrictions. Initially, this trace was given to us in all its infinite quantity, but over time we begin to lose it. This happens due to the fact that we unconsciously prevent the penetration of this life-giving light from ourselves into the surrounding reality, closing the spaces for its penetration by inventing mental packages for ourselves and everything around us, and also blocking its manifestation with our negative thoughts and emotions. We create a kind of imbalance. Here is an excerpt from the book:
    Simoron or life-giving principle is in each of us. It resembles something like a juggler who takes parts of his personality and throws it from one hand to the other. We transfer the natural, creative Self to each other, and as a result, a productive exchange is formed, which contributes to the establishment of life on earth. If the juggler stops throwing and starts picking up from one hand to the other, then, ultimately, an imbalance will arise and one of the hands will be empty or less full. Observing catastrophes, troubles, accidents, life problems, we see exactly this picture - too much has been taken from one hand.
    That is, our consciousness (our true I) every second is filled with an incredible amount of positive life-giving energy and we must realize it, manifest, continue, radiate it on our external screen, in our layer of the world, transmit it further: we are initially filled with goodness and grace, therefore we need broadcast them in your world and we will again be filled with them in much larger quantities; prosperity and success have come to us - manifest it in your life, radiate success and enjoy life, give joy to others, breathe deeply. But if we begin to look not inside ourselves, but at our reflections in the external world, the reflection of our soul, reflecting our inner sensations in the mirror and consider it the main source of events, then we will unconsciously lead ourselves into a deep delusion: we need to take “YOURSELF” as as much as possible otherwise "ME" will not be enough; "I" is better, which means "THEY" are no match for me; how "SOMEONE" can do this to "ME", after all, this is "I"; you cannot trust "ANYONE" - there are deceivers around "ONE" who want to take away something "MY". But what can be "MY", who is "I" and who are "THEY", if life is just a "GENERAL" collective illusion, although for each it is purely individual. This is just emptiness, it is nobody's and you can only continue it, develop it, manifest, give the light coming to you further, thereby expanding it. If you do not do this, then Simoron stops flowing through your cracks, thereby oppressing certain areas of your reality with dark, unpleasant tones. And since this is so, then there is no need for you this light - the creative energy. It ceases to come to you because it is unnecessary, because you do not emit it or use it, it simply burns out without a trace.

    If someone is not clear about what I am here about, then I will try to explain in simple language: you have Simoron, in some sense it is your infinite soul. She is capable of anything without any restrictions. The reality around you is the most detailed reflection of the state of your soul in this moment in all the little things and "packages". When the soul rejoices, laughs and has fun, when it creates (uses the energy coming to it), when it creates, thereby manifesting itself in reality / expressing itself, when it gives joy and hope to other people, then the life-giving light will never cease to it act and reality will reflect in detail its positive state. If, on the contrary, the soul is forced to create what it does not like, if it only brings harm and negative to others, if it is forced to experience fear and anxiety, anger and hatred, greed and pride, if it does not show (does not continue) itself in the external world, does not bring something of her own into it, if she is forced to only take without giving in return, then the light in her stagnates and does not illuminate the background of the external world, as a result of which it changes to a terrifying one, transforming the original heaven into hell.

    When a person, instead of transmitting life-giving energy into a collective hologram (the surrounding world), will only take it away, then he will suffer to a much greater extent than the rest of the surrounding world. The more I identify myself, the more closely I engage in "self-salvation", the more I destroy myself and others.

    In fact, as has already been written, the world around us is our projection. And it is beneficial for us to broadcast goodness and success, to do good to our own projections and to radiate happiness - this is also our personal "selfish" interest. What we clog our inner screen (our thoughts and emotions) with will manifest itself on the outer screen - in the layers of reality around us.
    This principle of the world order creates an important and very necessary aspect that accurately reflects and warns a person about the danger that unconsciously arises in his inner world. If you are experiencing either conscious fear, then warning signals will be reflected in the outside world in the form of all kinds of bad news, for example, on television. Or maybe you will pass by strangers and accidentally hear them talking about some anxieties, fears, dangers, and the like. In general, any negativism arising within you, according to its emotional color, will immediately begin to be reflected a little in the outside world. If a person does not react in any way to such warnings, does not change the course of his thoughts, does not stop suffering or fear, does not thank the universe for warnings about a negative change in his mental world, does not stop directing his attention to negative aspects of life and the like, then these warning signals will only intensify: if before that they concerned only distant layers of reality / people and society, which does not interact with a person directly, now little by little these warnings will penetrate into the personal environment, at first they will be reflected by certain problems in lives distant acquaintances, after, if the person still does not react, in relations with close friends and family, until they completely fill his life, making it unbearable. That is, negative or positive pictures on the external screen, even if they do not relate directly to me or my environment, are a warning signal of what may happen to me after a while. If something negative is reflected, then you urgently need to change something in yourself or work out this signal, if, on the contrary, something positive, then continue in the same spirit, then you are on the right track.

    One of the most significant observations of the Simoronov school is to work from pictures on the second screen, generated by the people themselves, as with warning signals.

    From the book:

    So, I am personally responsible for what happens in my field of vision. And if the picture outside of me does not meet my expectations - something destructive, some kind of misfortune, misfortune - then who else could have done it besides me? "There is no need to blame the mirror when the face is crooked." Since I, and only I did it, then I can fix it. Therefore, the simoronist first of all tries to stop playing the game called "who is to blame?", Which is played by almost all of humanity.

    Immediately notice, and then also suppress these warnings - this is the main principle of the wizard, the main task of the "Simoronavt".

    From the book:

    Due to the fact that the world around us is nothing more than a hologram, an illusion that unfolds depending on the ray of light emitted by us (Simorona), thereby creating for each his own individual layer of the world. What we radiate, what we create, that will be around us.
    At the initial stage of the Simoron system, elementary methods of correcting the external environment as a mirror reflecting myself - a conscious personality - are mastered. To change any negative manifestation, you need to change your attitude towards it. Simoronauts do this (hereinafter I will give how it happens) by correcting the signal coming from outside (negative reflection in the mirror).

    I hope that you at least a little, but were able to understand what is meant by the word "Simoron" and now you can safely proceed to explaining its basic techniques and principles explaining why in most cases they are so effective.

    Founding Principles of Simoron

    So, in Simoron there are several very important points, without which any techniques you use will simply lose their power or be extremely ineffective. They are taken as a basis, a springboard for further changes in the surrounding reality.

    The world is a mirror
    Any external manifestations and events are nothing more than incredibly accurate reflections / projections of our inner personality: certain emotions, thoughts, feelings, expectations, perception models. This important principle must be understood for yourself once and for all. Otherwise, not only Simoron, but any other esoteric techniques and practices will not bring you any result.

    In any projection (situation) of the external world, even the most negative, there is always positive point, an element of creation.
    In every destructive phenomenon that you may encounter, you can find a spark of hope, a positive moment in itself, because this spark was created by our own personality, Simoron. Having begun to unconsciously destroy something, in the mental or material world, a person simultaneously leaves a spark of rebirth and restoration. The Simoronist always tries to find this spark, tries to support in their projections what they have positive. He does not correct shortcomings, does not eradicate troubles, but finds everywhere and in everything an element of health, success, prosperity, happiness, joy and confirms them.

    In order for Simoronov techniques to always work flawlessly, it is imperative to learn how to enter vaping state... This state is one of the basic concepts, moreover, it is indescribably important, in Simoron system... To live in such a state is one of the main aspirations of the simoronist. When a person "hovers", can problems arise in his life or on his emotional background negative emotions that require his attention? As stated in the book itself, the state of vaping is rather difficult to describe, because for each person this state is subjective and individual. But something can still be said: when you soar, you are in harmony with yourself and the whole world around you, you should not be disturbed by anything, you enjoy the world around you and treat life as an exciting game. In the book " A beginner's wizard course. Luck tutorial"the following metaphor is given, which, in principle, describes the state of vaping:

    Once in my childhood I learned to ride a two-wheeled bicycle "Veterok". I couldn't keep my balance. After passing a couple of meters, the bike, as if bewitched, once again fell on its side, and I flew onto the asphalt, getting bruises and abrasions.
    And then one day I managed to "catch" the balance, and I, desperately wagging the steering wheel, drove off! Gradually I straightened my bike and felt the navy blue Mustang listen to me. It felt like I had merged with him and, almost without spending any effort to pedal, rolled forward. The world around me: the gray asphalt of the sidewalk, and the long shadows from the setting sun, and the lilac bushes, and the old hollow pear, and the chirping of birds, and the gentle summer breeze - all this has acquired some other, elusive, inexplicable meaning. In this new world, and every next moment was unique and absorbed me entirely.
    Any other person many times in his life also experienced the state of soaring, when, for example, he learned to walk, dance, paint, swim, and so on and so forth ...
    In addition, you need to add that in order to keep yourself on the wave of "soaring", you must first of all not set this task for yourself. After all, waiting for the result is planning, focusing on the destination, that is, premature departure from the soaring orbit. When a person stops planning for a specific result and for the time of its achievement, he also ceases to limit creativity and the possibilities of nature, which very often can exceed even our most daring calculations. One of the main aspects in the ability to "hover" is to live in the here and now, to live in a given period of time and always remember that you are just playing.

    Powerful energy
    And one more important point in the Simoron system, which for some reason is not disclosed in this book, this is a powerful energy that must necessarily be possessed not only by people who practice something from esotericism and the like, but also by any other person who wants to be at least to some extent master of your life. After reading the book, one can indirectly understand that the authors and many other people who practice Simoron techniques also practice all kinds of techniques for, but for some reason this important point is not directly mentioned. Perhaps something is written about this in other books by the author V. Dolokhov and V. Gurangov dedicated to the Simoron series, which I will definitely read, but this is omitted in this book.
    Of course, if you learn to be in a state of vaping, then your energy will automatically begin to increase, just because you stop wasting it on all sorts of worries, stresses, anxieties, fears, tensions and the like. Also, by practicing the Simoron system, you will begin to spiritually fuel your energetic potential even more, as you become convinced of your ability to control your world. But quite often, for a number of reasons, this is not enough.
    Energy (I will describe how to raise it to the transcendental level in THIS ARTICLE) is generally the most fundamental foundation possible. She is the basis of everything. Possessing a sufficiently strong charge of your spirit, you and without all kinds of esoteric practices you will be able to feel how reality begins to obey your will, creative and constructive power will overwhelm everything in your body and mind, and a positive mood and even causeless happiness will not leave you.
    My emphatic advice to you: if you want to drastically change your life, while adding to it a lot of new positive sensations, moments of joy, happiness, and, first of all, you need to work on your energy. Unfortunately, intentionally or not, this moment is not always highlighted in such books or on the Internet. And in vain - many techniques and methods sometimes turn out to be inoperative for some people precisely because of ignoring this point.


    Read the continuation of this article at the following link: " Simoron Techniques and Why They Work". Where we will dwell in more detail in practice: the four stages of signaling; how to work with signals; why Simoron is so effective; And the techniques themselves.


    Simoron: wish fulfillment effortlessly

    Friends, I would not be surprised if you have already heard about red shorts on a chandelier to attract money, about recharging your wallet and calling Vovan, who will fulfill your every wish.

    After all, all this and more - differently.

    If you are one of those who hear this "absurd" for the first time, below I will tell you about these techniques, and more. Stay with me, and you will read a lot of interesting and unthinkable in this article.

    Important! If you are skeptical and do not believe in the possibility of getting what you want easily and pleasantly, this is normal. I also doubted until I got an unambiguous

    Simoron: fulfillment of wishes with humor

    What is it - simoron?

    Simoron- this is, first of all, the fulfillment of desires. And this happens with the help of fun and positive thoughts that create your reality.

    Simone- means finding a way out of problems playfully, using funny and ridiculous rituals. It means turning everything upside down, going beyond the usual and seeing everything in a new light.

    With the help of Simoron techniques, you will achieve the fulfillment of any of your desires.

    Our life is a game. And simoron is also a game. This is a funny psychological play technique for joyful people.

    Remember the famous phraseBaron Munchausen:

    All the greatest nonsense in the world is done with a serious expression. So smile, gentlemen, smile!

    I believe this is the same quote that describes the Simoron techniques well.

    Make wishes come true

    Think about why it is easier for a child to get what they want than an adult?

    You answer: "The desires of adults are more difficult to fulfill than children." I disagree. The difference is that when any "want" occurs, an adult immediately begins to think over a mechanism for getting what he wants.

    And here his subconscious begins to look for and invent obstacles and obstacles, which, as it seems to him, will have to be overcome before his wish comes true. And only by this does he attract, first of all, not what he wants, but what will interfere with the realization of his desire ...

    Those who try to analyze simoron do not do this magic well. So tell yourself, "I'm playing!" and let any inventions happen.

    Do you want your desires to be fulfilled effortlessly? And at the same time be in a continuous stream of fun and sparkling humor, not thinking about the obstacles that may arise on the way to getting what you want?

    Then welcome tosimoron: wish fulfillmentplayfully!

    An attitude to life with a smile will allow you to live happily, almost like heroes, loved ones from childhood, fairy tales, and even better.

    The fulfillment of desires using the Simoron technique is possible in any area. , meet love, get money, attract good luck, increase self-esteem, whatever! All in your hands.

    Why does simoron work?

    Being in game situation, not subject to the laws of logic, we abandon the "internal controller" and release what is hidden in the subconscious. And this usually works for the benefit.

    Performing Simoron techniques for fulfilling desires, we take responsibility for ourselves, make certain decisions and allow ourselves to receive gifts from the universe.

    Getting used to living with the flow of what is happening, we often do not even try to resist it. Each simoron technique is going beyond the usual, which means the manifestation of progress in its development. A person who has stepped out of their comfort zone at least once never returns to their previous position. This is the essence of physical and spiritual growth.

    If you believe the fact that everything around us is energy, then

    any ritual of Simoron for the fulfillment of desires is a connection to a huge flow of creative, positive, creative energy of the Universe.

    The creators of the Simoron teachings offer to look at the world like a child with wide-open eyes.

    Who invented to simulate?

    By itself, the word "simoron" does not mean anything at all - it isa toy word, an invention that successfully reflects the essence of the practice: a cheerful and childishly open outlook on life.

    This technique was born in 1988. It was invented by the director Pyotr Burlan and the actress Petra Burlan, who live in Kiev.

    To this day, this couple performs at live trainings, inspiring people to be frivolous and easy to fulfill their desires. They created their own school of play psychotraining, or, as they say, the “school of wizards” Simoron.

    And, of course, they released the book “Simoron at First Hand, or How to Achieve What is Impossible” which is freely available on the Internet.

    At first, simoron was used as a psychological technique, but, as befits real magic, it quickly went beyond this framework and became something of a practical technique for fulfilling desires.

    Some researchers call simoron a modern kind of shamanism.

    Others argue that this is the legacy of European ritual magic. Still others compare the Simoron exercises to the "controlled folly" practiced by sorcerers from the Latin American tradition of Carlos Castaneda.

    You can read how I used the teachings of Carlos Castaneda in my article

    If you ask the Simoronists themselves what they are capable of, you will hear many incredible stories.

    According to them, they know how to change the weather, call the necessary transport, establish a personal life, solve any material problems and treat diseases. Dozens of books have already been written about Simoron, and it has branched out into several schools. It is practiced practically all over Europe.

    For all its magic and "frivolity," the Simoron practices are indeed capable of changing those who are ready to change.

    How to simulate?

    There are no ready-made recipes in Simorona, there are only wishes and examples. Exercises can be thought up.

    It will be great if you are smart and add or change the content of the technique for yourself. Being creative is another step towards your desire. After all, using the techniquesimoron, wish fulfillmenthappens as easy and carefree as the life of a happy child.

    And now, as I promised, Simoron techniques for fulfilling desires.

    How to attract money with the help of Simoron?

    Simoron jam ritual

    For this ancient and reliable ritual to attract money into your life, you need:

    Any laminated document with your photo.

    It can be a driver's license, an all-Russian or foreign passport (pages with photos are laminated there).

    Something sweet and sticky - honey, jam, yogurt, condensed milk, melted chocolate. The options can be very different.

    For the best financial success you need:

    1. Take your laminated document in your left hand.
    2. Take a spoon with something sticky and sweet in your right hand.
    3. Spread something sweet and sticky over your photo on your document.
    4. The most important thing! Thoughtfully lick your tongue with a photo that's sweet and sticky. "We pour cash straight from the person"

    Everything! Cash guaranteed!

    Simoron ritual "We charge money with batteries"

    Take a few banknotes (preferably a large denomination), since after the ritual they will attract even more of their kind to you.

    In addition, finger-type batteries will be needed. Wrap each battery in a paper bill, hide in a secret place for a couple of days.

    After that, get the money - and you can spend it. A powerful charge will attract a lot of such pieces of paper to you !!!

    Also use batteries for their intended purpose.

    Another very known way- put your wallet on charge.

    Just as you charge your smartphone (phone) from the mains. In the evening, connect the charger to the mains and insert the other end into your wallet. Leave the wallet like this overnight.

    Red panties on a chandelier to attract money

    You just buy beautiful red underwear, or take the one you already have.
    Throw it on your chandelier and that's it!

    The important point is that you just need to throw the panties over the chandelier. You may not be able to do this the first time, but by your efforts you will show your intention to receive money.

    And have fun at the same time.

    And red linen will start attracting money into your home.

    How to attract a man with simoron?

    Simoron for love using a computer

    For this ritual, you will need a photo of some handsome man, on a white horse. With the help of the computer software, we narrow it (make it narrow). Then the options are possible:

    1. Print it out and ask someone to hide it. After that - look for and be sure to find this narrowed one.
    2. Place a photo of your betrothed on the Internet, for example, on a free page in Yandex, and then search. Using search engines Yandex, Google, etc.
    3. Print a lot of such photos, hide them everywhere, so that your narrowed one will come across you everywhere, wherever you stick!

    You can still think of it, but the essence is the same: hide your betrothed so that you can always find him! So that you even develop such a habit - to find a narrowed one.

    Simoron for weight loss and beauty

    We are on a diet. We take a sheet of paper and write on it in large size - Diet. Every time we eat we sit on this sheet. Helps control food intake. Don't like just Diet, write Effective Diet.

    At night, a bottle of water on a piece of paper with the inscription - water for building. We drink during the day.

    Go to bed and ask the gnomes to vacuum your ass (well, if you want to remove excess cellulite or weight there). And then the work begins. Gnomes take a ladder, vacuum cleaners, various gadgets and start vacuuming, leveling, pulling, etc. So it is possible with any part of the body and any task. They are very responsible in this sense and hardworking. You fall asleep, visualizing this picture, the gnomes then quietly leave themselves. And the most interesting thing, every time they will come running with joy and with new persistence will take on a new task to improve your body.

    When you go somewhere, say: “With every step I’m getting slimmer, healthier, and getting richer”.

    When you drink water or tea, start talking liquid in a cup: Vodica vodica help liberate from fat. So many kilograms down with this water. Don't think too much at once. Better split your excess weight into portions and gradually slim down. First, they dropped 5 kg, then 5 more.

    The main thing is to believe!

    Simoron beauty affirmation

    I'm such a Honey! I'm such a Tsatsa!

    You can't stop looking at me as a beauty!

    I'm so smart! I'm so Kralia!

    You have never seen such a beauty!

    I love myself and cherish!

    Oh, what a hanger! Oh, what a neck!

    Wasp waist, velvet leather.

    More beautiful every day, every day younger!

    Teeth like pearls - stronger every day!

    Legs are a feast for the eyes, slimmer every day!

    Hair is gorgeous - you never dreamed of!

    They cooked for three - I got one!

    I don't listen to anyone, Kohl they are ashamed and hayut!


    Simple Simoron Health Rituals

    1. Make an airplane out of a piece of paper, then write our illness on it and send it out the window.

    "My disease is goodbye forever, because I am a healthy person."

    1. We get under the shower, imagining that we wash off our ailment and say:

    "The water washes my illness, it cleans my negativity."

    1. We brew tea, take a lump of sugar and call it our ailment. And then we put sugar in a mug and say: "As tea dissolves sugar, so my illness disappears." Then we drink to the bottom. Something similar happened here:
    2. Turn on the vacuum cleaner at its lowest setting. Move the tube to the area you want to heal and visualize the vacuum cleaner sucking up the disease.

    How to solve problems?

    Has the white stripe changed to black?

    Take finally a flashlight and light your way! Yes, the most common lantern. The brighter the better. Light up everything around, walk along the "moon" path.

    Things are not going well?

    You will need two folders with a serious inscription "Case". If they are embarrassed by their excessive pomp and severity, draw flowers on them. And what? Let our affairs suddenly smell, become tender and airy!

    Take glue, apply it to the back of each folder and glue it so that it becomes completely inseparable. During this important procedure, imagine that your affairs are getting better, problems are being settled, and in general that everything is now going as it should.

    Relationships don't go well?

    Draw two funny people. One of them is you, the other is the person with whom you are in a quarrel or with whom you cannot find mutual language... Glue the little people to each other with the "front side", thinking that now everything is all right between you. And so it will be.

    Health, love, money or work are not glued together?

    Yes, here it is already globally, because you will have to glue ... yourself. To limit yourself from pain and other unpleasant surprises, I suggest taking ordinary honey. Its viscous and sticky structure is just perfect for solving the tasks at hand.

    You can "glue" everything, you can stop at certain parts of the body, for example, palms. But the meaning is the same: we take honey and pat it with our hands, as if gluing an invisible "substance" with the help of honey. To heighten the effect, say: "I glue-glue, I glue love (health, money) to myself"

    Do you have any problems? Flush them down the toilet!

    Everything is very simple: in general, when you go on business to a secluded room (toilet), take a pen or some other writing object with you, and write your problem on toilet paper ... you can even write your mental anguish about this problem ... and you don't have to write - it's up to you ... and then, having done the job, flip this piece of paper down the toilet. That's all!

    How to attract good luck and success?

    Each of us has heard at least once in our life the phrase “in full swing”.

    So let us attract good luck and activate each of our "keys".

    Take the key in your hands - an ordinary door key. A little clarification - the key should be yours. I don't think there is at least one person who will have problems with this.

    And with the key in hand, think about the situation or event in which you want to be successful. And ... be in full swing. Don't be surprised, just hit the key on anything - wall, floor, table, door. And say: "My life is in full swing" or "My affairs are in full swing" or as your heart desires, just be sure to use the phrase "in full swing". You can beat as much as you want. And to increase the power of the ritual, you can open the tap with water, thereby creating the effect that your life is already boiling and boiling.

    The ritual can be repeated as many times as you like. Just remember about important rule- success comes at the right time, at the right place and at the right time.

    To attract the perfect job

    Simoron's Ritual: Toffee

    Take a toffee and dip it in something sweet, like honey. Then put it on a beautiful saucer and place it in a place of honor. Talk to her, compliment her, ask her to attract good work for you.

    Employment contract for a new position

    It is necessary to write an employment contract for a new position in accordance with all the registration rules, sign from both parties, put it in your pocket - that's it, the position is in your pocket!

    Honey shower

    Before you shower, take some honey and brush a little over your body. Say, "I am so sweet, so attractive, for a good job I am very attractive!" Repeat this ritual every day and you will soon receive a very good deal!

    And, finally, I share with you the Simoron oddities that change your vibrations!

    - I wasted it, but the money just got bigger ...

    - I will make my dreams come true - for change!

    - The apartment has eight rooms, where are the slippers?

    - I'll drive my hips a little - they bring me money in buckets

    - What a strange feeling - here I am a millionaire ...

    - I will breathe in .. As I exhale I lose weight ...

    - Relax! Everything will happen by itself

    - That's how I live: everything for nothing, plus a salary

    - I decorate my work. They pay a large salary for this.

    - My wallet just swells with money ...

    - Again the banker calls, wants to marry ...

    - Well, the salary is being raised again!

    - The diamond ring was presented again ...

    - And here's mine - in a white Mercedes ...

    - Beloved is waiting with flowers near the registry office ...

    - How good it is for me to live in a large apartment!

    - There is so much room in the minibus in the morning ...

    - I stroked the cat's paws - so tomorrow there will be "grandmas"!

    - I stuck cotton wool in my ears - the salary was increased

    - I read "Moidodyr" - there will be a new apartment!

    - One chamomile, two chamomile - money is jumping into the pockets!

    And this is only a small part of all the techniques of Simoron ...
    Well, how do you like these very unusual methods?
    In my opinion, it is simple, playful and positive.

    This is another portion of frivolity, which is so lacking in our time to all of us.

    remember, that

    Differing from other methods of materialization, Simoron rituals for the fulfillment of desire are different in that in them there is an opportunity for a person to come up with his own rules, and magically influence the development of his life. These rituals are very powerful and work great.

    We have prepared for you a selection of the most interesting and powerful Simoron rites from forums on the Internet.

    Simoron's technique is conditioned by visualization, as well as the mentality in working with images. In order to practice a skill, it is best to train on the little things. For example, to find lost thing need to:

    1. Formulate a cherished wish.
    2. Close your eyes and try to look up..
    3. It is very good to present the subject and say: “ (subject), appear!"Or" Agreement, sign! ".

    At the same time, you should pay attention to your inner feelings. Saying words in this state, you can feel something exciting. It can be regarded as a reaction of the Cosmos.

    Although this ritual, as they write on the forums, is designed for small requests, it is not forbidden to try this technique on a global desire. Who knows what will happen if you say “Darling, come!” Every day, representing a man.


    The meaning of constant expression, proceeding from the quality of the sheet to adhere to intimate place , is clear to absolutely everyone. Why can't this be turned to your own advantage?

    • made of thin paper the sheet should be cut;
    • it's pretty clear on it write a goal;
    • fragment strengthens at a certain point;

    Alternatively, you can take the original from oak or birch, where you can add words with a marker. This kind of "tattoo" is worn for a couple of hours.

    If you use for this another part of the body that located closer to the brain, the results of such creativity will not disappoint either. With an eyeliner (or even lipstick) on the forehead, one should record the result of what a person is striving for: to be a beloved wife, mother, a famous person. The reflection in the mirror from time to time will remind of the goal.

    Happiness in the border

    This ritual of performance is based on Bender's phrase about a saucer with a border. To the bottom plates with blue kai mine you need to put the symbol of your dreams:

    • who wants to get married - a ring;
    • money - a paper note;
    • babies - pacifier;
    • your house - his little model b;

    It is necessary that, at the request of a person, this should be given to him. To enhance the effect of the ceremony, you can cut out a bright shiny star(from ordinary foil) and hang where the person spends the most time (on the chandelier in the kitchen). It will be easier to live under such a lucky star.

    Simoron Birthday Ritual

    The technique of fulfilling desires according to Simoron consists of such nuances.

    • On his birthday, a person needs to get raspberry jam. Since this berry is a true panacea for 7 diseases, and is associated with a delicious life, a jar with such a delicacy will be a guide to the world of real hopes.
    • On the jar you need to stick a sticker "Not a chef, but a raspberry" or another kind of allegory.
    • After 27 days (the magic number in Simoron), the jam should be eaten. All that remains is to wait for a change.

    Magic mirror

    • Need to use powder box with mirror... It needs to be washed with water and salt to cleanse all negativity.
    • After that, the powder box will become a real tool for transforming thoughts into happy moments. With an eyeliner or brow pencil, write on the glass a short phrase like "I am happy", "I am healthy"... You should very briefly and rather succinctly tell about your request.
    • Looking at the reflection, you need to say the innermost phrase out loud.
    • And do this every time you open the powder. This moment be in bad mood and not believing in the power of magic is strictly prohibited.

    Another interesting way health ritual:

    25 dreams

    The main condition: all "desires" must be prescribed twice in a certain amount ( 25 wishes twice each)... After very quietly, one should say such magical expressions: “ All desires will come true on their own. It will be as I wish!».

    In the next ten days, you should pamper yourself: buy good lipstick, update your clothes, forget about your diet, and also attach importance to all those little things that lift a person's mood. Experts have noticed that the Cosmos very well and quickly fulfills the dreams of those who are in good mood and gives himself joy.

    Simoron Leaping Tiger Ritual

    Tiger in the foreign version of the cartoon "Winnie the Pooh" with joy high jumped on the tail... It's time to draw conclusions and:

    1. Find in your closet anything striped(or take a vest from your husband) or buy knee-highs and panties with horizontal stripes.
    2. In the absence of such things, you can make your own body art (with a lip or eye pencil).
    3. In addition to such an interesting outfit, the hair should be fluffed up and laid in extreme "hairstyle".

    The actions taken should match the image and plot of the cartoon. High jumps can be accompanied by the following words: "I will fly on my tail to the sky, and on the way I will also get money."

    For the fulfillment of each specific desire, there will be its own rhyme.

    Need to implement 27 jumps(as already mentioned, 27 is a magic number). Riding with friends will be much more fun and better quality, as the collective energy makes real miracles.

    "Magic Potion"

    You need to put on the stove saucepan (best red) with water. Place next to spices, as well as herbs and garlic... Adding components to it in turn in the container, you should reflect on your desires, and while adding a fresh portion, speak them out. Each new phrase should end with something like this: "I agree to any positive outcome"... The more seasonings there are, the more often they will need to be scored.

    The secret of this Simoron rite is that the vibrations of the voice create by themselves in some way an energy field(as in a conspiracy), which helps to quickly implement what was said. It is important to feel well that very moment, without missing a single detail.

    Cooked "soup" can be improved with sauce, sour cream, lemon or other tasty things, but remember that the dish must be edible. At this moment, all desires gain strength again. Then the soup should be poured into a plate with a gold rim, and three spoons are put in the mouth. The process is needed to activate the necessary program, which should be consolidated a little later with a second portion of broth.

    Knot ritual

    A lot of people admire the results from the "tied" desires. For a simple acting ritual, you will need laces(only not black). The technique is very easy: holding the laces in your hands, you need to say your desire. The words "wish", which must be formulated in the present tense, negative particles cannot be pronounced. The proposal should be very succinct and specific. After the main phrase, another phrase should be said: "As the lace is tied, so the desire is tied"... A knot is tied. After that, the rope clings so that it hangs a little (from the handle of a door or chair). How many wishes, so many loops need to be imposed.

    Dream in a matter of days

    You can check this in practice. This will take about 20 minutes. Need to:

    • Make a wish and write it down.
    • Go into another room, close the doors and attach a leaf with tape to a canvas made of wood.
    • Read the text with enthusiasm and boldly go beyond the threshold.
    • Then go back and repeat the whole process. And do this 27 times.

    The goal is to compose the ease where the welcome lightness, laughter and naturalness. The door portal will be a real guide to new life where everything comes true.

    Rite of passage with assistants

    Virtual assistants can also help you make your wishes come true. First you need to prepare photographs of famous personalities who created monetary empires or distinguished themselves in another area... At the same time, with their participation, problems, including love ones, can be resolved. It is better not to consider the personas of the artists, since almost all of them have very scandalous stories. Pictures can be cut or printed.

    A photo of one millionaire should be in the wallet, the second should be sprinkled with semolina, the third should be in the safe, or it can be attached to the table. Once a week, all posters should be placed in a bowl with cereals for the night. In this case, you need to follow the events, deservedly praise or reproach yourself.

    Amazing rituals of simoron can be called absurd, but they are very interesting and of high quality, and also quite simple to perform. Moreover, according to reviews on the forums, they work quite well.

    The technique of fulfilling desires called simoron is a little familiar to you. You have already tried some with cabbage, flowerpots, red panties, soda, semolina or with a charger stuck in your wallet. Someone has everything POPERLO, and someone with surprise is indignant “until now nothing happens”.

    Questions arise: What is the secret of the Simoron techniques, why do they work? Are there magical principles in everyday life?

    Take a notebook and write down magic recipe for happiness for daily use!

    From the point of view of psychology, the goal of Simoron is to overcome the destructive psychological attitudes, as usual, fed by the classic adolescent inferiority complex. Often, after all, caring relatives with the best intentions explain to their children: "Well, who are you such a muddler, lazy,?" (Underline whatever applicable). A person grows up, hypnotized by these attitudes ... And where, pray tell, will happiness come from in his life?

    Technique "Minus" - for "plus"

    It's time to change something in life! But what? Quit work, wife (husband)? Swap a dog for a cat? Moving to a place where it is still good, since we are not there? All of the above is a classic example of the destructive habit of thinking in negative terms. The universe exists thanks to the eternal law of harmony, which says: "Like gives rise to like."

    Let me remind you of one anecdote:

    A man goes to work in a trolleybus, immersed in thoughts: “The wife is a drinker, the children are idiots, the boss is a bastard ...”, and the angel behind his back writes down and thinks: “What a sacrifice! And every day he orders the same thing! "

    How not to click through your happiness?

    The technology for success is extremely simple. It has three main components:

    1. wish
    2. positive
    3. action

    If you don't like something in life, immediately ask yourself a question: "What do I want?"... And formulate your request not as a complaint, but as a positive statement!

    In the morning we woke up and, lying with our eyes closed, we immediately perform the ritual: "Today is my joyous day, three miracles will happen to me." We click the fingers of our right hand: "Allow me!" We click the fingers of our left hand: "I will cancel all obstacles!"

    We are not lazy - we repeat the ritual every day.

    At first, miracles will be small: the transport arrived on time, the weather makes me happy, my colleagues are smiling. Have you noticed a small miracle - thank the Universe in your mind and ask: "How can this get better?"

    Your soul will tune in to the positive, you will begin to broadcast it into space, and the space will reflect the positive back, to its source - to you!

    Is loneliness a torment? Sorry, do you generally like men?

    If you think about why you are still single and honestly answer this question, the answer will surprise you. As a rule, a woman thinks that she "is not needed by anyone." And if you investigate the immediate environment, it turns out that there are many people who simply need you. Another thing is that they do not suit you!

    What to do?

    Change minus to plus! From this moment, we tune in to our own: we determine for ourselves what qualities your chosen one should have, and we attract male energy and love into our life:

    “My beloved man is a great companion, an excellent host, a generous breadwinner, a reliable friend, a wonderful lover, I adore him!”

    The fact that your betrothed has not yet reached you does not mean that he does not exist in nature. He is, just a little busy. The task is to meet the declared qualities itself. After all, like attracts like - remember? Show patience and improve yourself!

    All women are like women, and I am a fairy!

    Who are you - an offended and disappointed depressed person? From this moment we rename ourselves: beloved, happy, lucky, beautiful, adored, delightful, energetic, successful. And no one says being a sorceress is easy. Even the simplest technologies only work when they are actively used.

    In order for the red braid to grow to the waist, it is not enough to buy a comb, you need to regularly comb the braid with this comb!

    So, we scratch, dear ones, we scratch, we apply the magic techniques of simoron in practice, we scratch our happiness on the silk sides, and it grows, personal, huge, sugar! And I almost forgot, learn it right.

    That's the whole secret of the work of the Simoron techniques! Have you recorded it? Are you ready to start?