
Defender of the Fatherland Day: history of the holiday, poetry. Event dedicated to the celebration of Defender of the Fatherland Day Peaceful rest, peaceful labor


Sports and entertainment event dedicated to the Defender of the Fatherland Day "Forward, boys!"

Target: improvement of physical education, development of physical culture and sports. This activity is designed for older children before school age and can be useful in the work of kindergarten teachers, instructors physical culture.
Equipment and materials: decals - circles of red and of blue color; skittles, hoops, large rubber balls ", 2 plastic baskets, tennis balls, 2 brooms, 2 scoops, 2 buckets, small pieces of paper; 2 Whatman paper, paper flowers, petals, glue; cards with military ranks.

Event progress:

To the music, the girls enter the hall and sit on the chairs. Then, marching proudly, the boys enter. They walk around the music hall with a marching step and also sit down.
1 girl: Another snowball sparkles like winter,
The creak of the sleigh is still sharp,
But every morning the song of the titmouse
It becomes softer and longer.
Girl 2: So February is almost over.
More and more often we hear funny drops.
And river ice is not so strong now
And we are not afraid of a snowstorm
3girl: The sun ray makes us laugh and teases,
We are having fun in the morning.
Winter gives us a resounding holiday
What a holiday, kids?
4 girl: Holiday of all our Soldiers -
This is what this day means!
Day of the brave defenders
And just all the guys!
After all, any of them dreams
Protect children, family,
Conquer at least something in the world
And find your destiny!
Host: We congratulate all men
With such a wonderful day for men!
Rich life pictures!
Happy, difficult, long roads
We want to wish you all!
Host: Today we have gathered in this hall to celebrate a special holiday - Defender of the Fatherland Day. On February 23, all of Russia will congratulate men - your dads, brothers, grandfathers on the birthday of our army. Show presentation
1st child: Russian warrior protects
Home country peace and glory.
He is on duty, and our people
It is proud of the army by right.
2nd child: Birthday of the army today.
There is no stronger her in the world.
Greetings to the defenders of the people.
Russian army.
3rd child: For everything that we have now.
For every happy hour we have
Thanks to the valiant soldiers,
That the world was once defended.
The song "Walking Like Soldiers" is being performed

Host: How proud the words sound: "Defender of the Fatherland"! Our soldiers, officers, generals are ready to defend our Motherland and you and me at any moment. Our boys really want to be like them, to become as strong and courageous.
Let us now congratulate our future defenders of the Fatherland. With all our hearts, we wish them to grow up strong, courageous, courageous, kind and noble. And always remember about the high rank of men.

Host: Now we will conduct funny contests to make sure once again that all the boys are already preparing for military service. To make the contests fun and perky, we will divide the boys into two teams. To do this, we will attach them decals - red and blue circles, so that everyone can find their team.
Host: As you know, a soldier's day begins with getting up. They get up, dress quickly and quickly get in line. Come on and we'll try.

Relay "Rota, rise!"
At the command of the leader: "Rota, rise!" the boys get up from their seats and quickly line up in lines according to the color of the circles.

Host: After breakfast, the soldiers will have different activities: drill and physical training, study of the charter, competitions in strength and dexterity, and much more.

Moderator: Business is time, hour is fun.
Team one - to the right,
Then get on the second!
The competition began.
1 competition "Train the legs"- go with a goose step to the finish line, back at a run.
2 competition "Who is faster?"- crawl on their bellies to the finish line, run back.

3rd competition "Crossing". There is a river in front of you, and you need to cross to the other side. The first participant - swimming (running), holding a ferry (hoop) in his hands, grabs the next player, runs back. Remains on the shore. And the second runs after the third, etc.
4th competition "Minefield". In front of you is a field with mines (hoops in which pins stand). You must clear it - hit the hoop with the ball.
Leading: A soldier must be able to shoot well, to hit directly on the target. I invite recruits to the shooting range.
5 competition "Sharpshooter"(relay race). All teams are built in two lines.

Host: A plastic basket is placed in front of you, at some distance, and balls (tennis or similar) are given to you. Each of you must throw the ball into the basket. Which team gets the most number of times, that one wins.
(Each participant throws one time. Throw in pairs - the participant and his opponent).

Host: All defenders of the country
Today we congratulate you.
This dance, without a doubt,
It will cheer everyone up.
And so, a musical pause.

Children are performing a dance. "White peakless cap"

6 competition "Put things in order" (one of the team)
Host: Small torn pieces of paper are scattered on the floor (in two places), the boys are given brooms, scoops and a trash can for each team. Your task is to quickly collect trash. The winner is the representative of the team that will quickly remove everything and put them in a bucket. (The difficulty is that small pieces of paper fly under the scoop and are more difficult to remove. In addition, you can be allowed to help the rest of the team.)
7 competition "Report to the headquarters". You have to go unnoticed. Apply agility and dexterity. Take turns with the package to crawl through the hoop without touching the bell; walk on a gymnastic stick; jump over the cube; running back. Then transfer the packet to the next one.
Host: Well, our boys did an excellent job with this task. The main thing is that there are no losers today. Now you can relax! Boys, invite your wonderful fans to the Polka dance!
Host: Well done, guys! Serving is not easy. Soldiers must be strong, agile and enduring. But no matter how difficult it is, it always helps good song.

1st child: Our grandparents
Nice soldiers too.
We will grow up and you and I
We will be in the army, dear
2nd child: To become a better soldier
It's not enough to be big
Nothing that is small in stature,
But cheerful and daring!
3rd child: Congratulations to Dad
Happy men's holiday:
In my youth, I know
He served in the army.
4th child: So he is also a warrior,
Not a commander, though.
Worthy of the holiday
Protected the whole world!
5th child: You are the main one for me.
You will not give me the abyss:
I am the glorious Motherland
Small part.
6th child: I will try to be smart
And I can be cheerful
I will be the best lead singer
In our company and in the regiment!
Children perform the song "About Dad"
Host: And now the floor is given to our girls.
1st girl: On a February day, frosty day
Everyone is celebrating the holiday.
Girls on this glorious day
The boys are congratulated.
2nd girl: We will not give you flowers -
Boys are not given them.
Girls have a lot of kind words
They will leave you in your hearts.
3rd girl: When to your fights.
We look at your fights,
We believe: with your preparation
We will always defeat the enemy!
4th girl: Let it bloom under the eye
Bruise blue-purple
Learning is hard.
The fight will be much easier
5th girl: Therefore, friends, let's
With all my heart, without further ado
Protect us from all adversity.
But just, mind you, no bruises.
6th girl: Listen, boys, us.
We know this day and hour
It's almost your birthday!
7th girl: We wish you forever:
So that life is not shy.
May it be with you forever
Boyish courage!
8th girl: And all the obstacles on the way
Overcome you amicably!
But first, grow up
And you need to grow up
9th girl: Our quarrelsome half
We send our congratulations.
There are reasons for congratulations
Hurray for the defenders of the country!
Girls: Hurray! Hooray! Hooray!
Girls invite boys to dance. "Katyusha"

Elena Kitaeva

Project dedicated to the Defender of the Fatherland Day

Project type: short

Project objectives:

Expand, generalize and systematize the knowledge of preschoolers about the Russian Army and public holiday"Defender of the Fatherland Day";

Arouse the desire to be like strong, brave, brave warriors, their dads;

To acquaint and expand the knowledge of preschoolers about military professions;

To foster respect, gratitude for people, defenders of the Motherland;

Develop cognitive activity, Creative skills, communication skills.

Project goals:

To foster moral and patriotic feelings in preschool children;

Involvement of pupils' parents in active participation in the project.

Project participants:

Children of the older group;


Parents of pupils;

Musical director.

Project stages:

I. Preparatory - creating a problem.

II. Organizational - developing an action plan.

III. Practical - project implementation.

IV. The final one is the results of the work on the project.

Social and communicative development Role-playing games "We are sailors", "Military parade", "Pilots"

Didactic games“What a sailor, border guard, pilot needs” (pick up a picture); "Whose military uniform"

Creation of a mini-museum " Military equipment»

Creation of the wall newspaper "We are proud of our dads"

Cognitive development Examination of illustrations and posters "Military equipment", "Our Army"

Speech development Conversations “Why do we need an Army”, “Where did my dad serve”, “February 23 - Defender of the Fatherland Day”, “Military professions”

Guessing riddles about the military.

Reading fiction: A. Markusha "I am a soldier and you are a soldier", A. Belyaev "I want to be a military sailor", N. Nikolsky "What tankers can do", pp. Mikhalkov "We are military too"

Memorizing poems, preparing for the holiday.

Artistic and aesthetic development Painting: "Portrait of the Pope".

Paper construction:"Airplanes", "Ships".

Application: making greeting card for dads and grandfathers.

Teamwork:"Military equipment"

Listening to songs:"Katyusha", "Military March" G. Sviridov.

Learning songs"Daddy can", " Brave soldiers»Sl. T. Volgina, music. Fillipenko; "We will serve in the Army"

Physical developmentConversation"How to get strong"

Outdoor games"Snipers", "Sharpshooter", "Who is faster", "Obstacle course"

The final product of the project.

1. Joint leisure "Our Army is strong, it protects the world"

2. Exhibition teamwork"Our Army"

3. Exhibition of works "Portrait of Pope"

4. Wall newspaper "We are proud of our dads"

5. Organization of a mini-museum of military equipment.

Related publications:

On February 19, our group hosted the "Gentleman Show" holiday dedicated to the Defender of the Fatherland Day. My "Bees" prepared diligently.

Concert dedicated to Defender of the Fatherland Day Holiday "Defender of the Fatherland Day" Children enter the hall. Ved. 1: Hello, holiday! Hello holiday! A holiday for boys and dads! Everyone.

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"We are all sailors." Holiday dedicated to the Defender of the Fatherland Day Goals and objectives: Purpose: To form children's ideas about the Russian army, about the soldiers who guard our Motherland. Objectives: To attract.

Scenario of the holiday dedicated to the Defender of the Fatherland Day"I WANT TO SERVE THE BOYS IN THE ARMY!" The hall is decorated with flags and balloons. There is a flag on the central wall Russian Federation... Music sounds, children.

Sports and music festival dedicated to the Defender of the Fatherland Day Form: sports and music festival. Venue: music hall. Participants: children, parents, teachers. Objectives: 1. To consolidate the presentation.

February 20 passed sports festival dedicated to the Defender of the Fatherland Day. Children and parents of the Kuvshinka group took part in the holidays.

Each of us celebrates the holiday on February 23, but does everyone know what is behind it? Having come to the holiday, we will make you real men, so that you can celebrate Defender of the Fatherland Day without a twinge of conscience! Scenario for adolescents for the Defender of the Fatherland Day.

Scenario for February 23

A holiday is approaching, which our men are looking forward to - February 23, Defender of the Fatherland Day, and many want to celebrate it somehow especially. We bring to your attention interesting scenario holding this wonderful, purely male holiday.

Scenario "Strong, brave, dexterous, skillful!"

Sports and game festival "Strong, courageous, dexterous, skillful!" dedicated to the celebration of February 23 by children of primary school age. The contests will require the participation of not only boys, but also their dads. During various competitions, participants will be able to demonstrate their courage, agility and resourcefulness.

Defender of the Fatherland scenario

The script for adults can be applied in various corporate organizations or just in a friendly company. The holiday begins with the presentation of gifts and congratulations. Then the banquet begins, everyone sits down at festive table... The party program continues with fun tests and contests.

Scenario "How heroes rescued a magic chest"

Scenario for the Defender of the Fatherland Day for children. Baba Yaga stole a chest with fairy tales from Kuzi the Brownie. Children and their dads go to help him out, showing their skills in various contests along the way. But it turns out that good always triumphs over evil, and even strength is not needed here.

Scenario "February 23 - it's time to congratulate men"

Scenario for solemn event dedicated to February 23rd. Designed for holding an event as part of a corporate party. February 23 - Defender of the Fatherland Day. Any team is in a hurry to congratulate the representatives of the stronger sex of each enterprise. This scenario will tell you how to do it beautifully and tastefully.

Scenario for children "In Search of the Knight"

So the day has come, dedicated to our wonderful men, the day of February 23. On this day, we can give them maximum care and attention, and try to do only what they like.

Scenario for February 23 for a corporate party "Oh this holiday"

Corporate - significant event in the life of the company, contributing to team cohesion. There are plenty of holidays in winter, but February 23 can be called one of the most important, since it is on this day that we congratulate our dear and beloved men. With this scenario, you can spend a memorable holiday for a small team (15-20 people).

On February 23, we pay tribute to those who defended their native land from the Nazi invaders. But in peacetime, many of the guys continue to carry out a difficult and responsible service. Therefore, special attention should be paid to boys, who in the near future will stand up to defend the Fatherland. Today it is a holiday not only as the birthday of our Red Army, but also as the day of real men.

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Attention! Slide previews are for informational purposes only and may not represent all the presentation options. If you are interested in this work, please download the full version.

Goals and objectives of the event:

  • To foster patriotism, a sense of civic duty, honor, dignity.
  • Develop interest in Fatherland history, to broaden the horizons of students in the field of historical knowledge, to foster the continuity of national combat traditions.
  • To foster humanism, a tolerant attitude towards people of other nationalities.
  • To improve the cultural and moral level of students.
  • To preserve the continuity of memory as a moral obligation, human and historical duty.

Equipment: computer, projector, screen, speakers, presentation (application1).

Registration: along the walls there are stands with information about fellow countrymen who participated in the hostilities in Afghanistan and Chechnya, newspapers and drawings of students, dedicated to the Day Defender of the Fatherland.

Event scenario

1. Introductory remarks by the teacher.(Slide 1)

We salute everyone in this room for a lesson in courage that we have called “The Moment Between Past and Future”. Soon we will celebrate Defender of the Fatherland Day, and on February 15 the whole country celebrates the Day of Internationalist Warriors. And today, sacredly honoring the memory of our grandfathers who won the Great Patriotic War, we will talk about those who had to take up arms in peacetime, fighting in Afghanistan and Chechnya.

2. Against the background of the song "Combat is awarded the order" performed by M. Muromov slideshow 2 - 10 presentations, reading a poem (Slide 11):

Peaceful dawn again, silence.
And silently walks the planet
Spring returned to the people!
A life of dreams and fulfillments
Both beautiful and difficult is our path!
But a generation that has not known wars,
Nothing, forget nothing.

3. Literary and musical composition.

Host 1: There are events, the meaning of which does not fade from the inexorable running of time and which, after decades, are not erased from the memory of people. The memory of these events is timeless - carefully preserved and passed on from generation to generation, it survives for centuries. Memory is the link between the past and the future.

Host 2: Almost 69 years have passed since the end of the Great Patriotic War. Many different events happened during that troubled time. The world remembers the unyielding courage of the Brest Fortress, Moscow, Leningrad, Kiev, Minsk, Odessa, Sevastopol, Novorossiysk, Kerch, Tula, Smolensk, Murmansk, Stalingrad. But cities become heroes only when their defenders become heroes.

“Father, tell us about the last war,
I asked, playing with a shoulder strap.
How did you ride a horse in Berlin
With a dashing Cossack squadron ”.
Taking out of his pocket an unstitched tobacco pouch,
rolling the cigarette very quickly,
The detailed father gave me the answer,
How he fought with the fascist pack.
How the Fritz killed a dashing horse,
As he walked through the war thunderstorms ...
And for a long time they stood in my eyes
Covetous fatherly tears.

Further, materials are given about the Great Patriotic War (slides 12 - 23), about residents of the area - participants in hostilities, partisan movement, home front workers. The floor is given to the guest of honor - a veteran of the Great Patriotic War.

“Father, tell us about the last war, -
My son once asked me. -
They drove you from Afgan on armor,
You have been presented to the order twice. "
Taking out fragments of pomegranates from a handkerchief,
Where do I keep them all the time
I told my son that there is a city of Gerat -
The pearl of Afghanistan.
And there, defending the Afghan people,
We with "spirits" fought to the death ...
He and I remembered my lost platoon
And they hugged each other tightly.

(Slide 25) Lead 1: February 15 marked the 23rd anniversary of the withdrawal of Soviet troops from Afghanistan. This war left a deep mark on the hearts and souls of people in each of the former Soviet republics: almost 14.5 thousand dead, about 54 thousand wounded, more than 400 people were missing or were captured by the mujahideen.

(Slide 26) Lead 2: Afghan war ... Despite the fact that the attention of the world community is more focused on other regional armed conflicts, the Afghan problem still remains one of the most acute in the world.

(Slide 27) Student 1: It is hard, difficult to remember the service in Afghanistan. Few returned home. We paid dearly for this world. But we must look at this war as a part of the historical past and draw useful conclusions.

(Slide 28) Student 2: The guys who passed the test by Afgan probably got something in return. A person who looked into the face of death and, God forbid, treason, knew better the value of life, love, friendship. We recognize those who served in Afghanistan not only by their order stripes. We recognize them by their calm and firm faces. These are people you can always rely on.

(Slide 29) Lead 2:

This time is mine.
I do not know more beautiful times.
This will is mine.
I don't know the will more freely.
It's driven into the desert
Airborne home battalion
And pain in the homeland -
There is no worse and sweeter pain.
I'm not asking for anything.
And will anything be given from the earth?
We are your schoolboys.
Lessons are commanded to the heart.
At a dead end
Where the nomads passed in darkness,
The desert makes noise to me
That my formidable dates will come
Take me to your last breath
Time is mine!
So that my cause may serve those who remain at home.
Let the crows fly by the side, not knowing feasts,
Crane nests are crowned with native mansions.
And when the fall of the sleepless
And reared mouth
We'll hit the night
Lighting up the signal candles
Us love and hope
On the black sands he will lead
Leaving our bloody notches on the dunes.
And for a fraction to live and stand in the iron wind,
And for the bitterness of the fields of yellow-eyed Afghanistan,
Nameless fog on the old border I will die.
Nameless star!
You are in Tambov, forgive me, mom ...

(Slide 31) Lead 1: Among the Afghan warriors there are also our fellow countrymen. Our guest....

(A word to a participant in the Afghan war).

(Slide 32) Lead 2: The Afghan war is heroic and tragic not only because of the obelisks, it lasted 2.5 times longer than the Great Patriotic War. Announced by no one and no one, it requires deep understanding.

Lead 1: Battles are over, and history is eternal. The Afghan war has also gone down in history. But for a long time the voices of the dead and the living will worry all of us - wars do not pass without a trace.

Demonstration of a video clip about military operations in Afghanistan against the background of M. Muromov's song "Afghanistan"

“Father, tell us about the last war, -
My grandson is addressing his son. -
After all, you fought in this very Chechnya,
The bandit shot you in the back. ”
And my son told his son,
How he fell, covering a soldier,
How death was deceived helped him
Doctors of the field sanitary battalion.
How the battalion commander took him out of the battlefield,
And the forces saved the young ...
Three women, listening, sit silently,
All three are gray-haired for some reason ...

(Slide 34) Lead 2: It is difficult to find another state on the planet, which had to fight as much as Russia in the past millennium. Our compatriots spent 334 years in battles and campaigns out of 537 years from the time of the Battle of Kulikovo to the moment of withdrawal from World War I. At the same time, out of 170 war years in the X-XIX centuries, they fought on their own land, defending themselves from aggression, more than 150, and in the XX century out of 15 - 9, including the Great Patriotic War. And the military operation of the Russian army and internal troops in Chechnya has not yet been erased in our memory, continues to excite our souls, makes us comprehend what is happening in history today.

Student 3:

I'm looking for a tiny point on the map,
Poured with lead and blood, a whirlpool.
To insert into a political line
The short name is Bamut.
Close the atlas, open it again ...
My heart is in pain and heaviness.
So here it is - that fatal point.
Who knew her yesterday? She is Chechnya.

(Slide 35) Student 4: The beginning of the first stage in Chechnya dates back to December 31, 1994. It ended in August 1996. And during this period the hostilities either subsided or flared up again with renewed vigor. The assault on Grozny cost our troops more than 1,000 killed and 2,500 wounded. Argun, Gudermes, Shali, Samashki were taken. in just one day, losses reached 50 killed and 250 wounded.

(Slide 36) Student 5: In war, everyone has their own path and their own destiny, although not everyone manages to choose it on their own. There were those who died with honor and there were those who killed dishonestly. There were winners, 6 there were losers. There were simply survivors.

(Slide 37) Lead 2: War is a grave calamity to the very essence of the human person. A test that is difficult even to imagine without experiencing it personally.

Host 1: Today our guest is a participant in the hostilities in Chechnya ...

(A word to the guest).

Student 6:

Everything has its own time ... And maybe that's the point
Everything will live. The country will heal the wounds.
And therefore leaves early
A squad of friends on an unsafe journey.

Host 2: There were many victories for our troops ...

And our columns burned regularly on the roads in the gorges ... At the end of May 1996, they started talking about peace.

Host 1: The Chechens have returned to a peaceful human life. There was light in the houses. Buses run along the destroyed neighborhoods.

(Slide 38) Lead 2: Too mournful price for the world - human lives. Human losses on both sides (military, civilians, militants) amounted to 12.7 thousand people killed, about 15 thousand injured. More than 60 missing ...

More than 60 thousand residential buildings and administrative buildings, 20 km of railways were completely or partially destroyed.

Host 1: Many families of servicemen who died in peacetime live in our region today. The wounds inflicted by the war are too fresh and deep.

(Slide 39) Presenter 2: The twentieth century is often called turbulent, tough. This is how it became for Russian history. Wars, one way or another, touched every generation: someone fought with weapons in their hands, someone accompanied their loved ones to the war, someone mourned the dead.

Host 1: Today, the task of combating terrorism is urgent for our country. Russia is faced with a global explosion of crime. Terrorism is not familiar to our generation from history. The scale of casualties and destruction is growing.

(Slide 40) Student 7: The massacre in Beslan is a sabotage and terrorist operation, the direct goal of which was the public destruction of the maximum number of Russian citizens, and precisely the most defenseless - children and women, and precisely in front of their relatives.

(Slide 41) Student 8: The terrorists persistently demonstrated brutality. Their actions were clearly planned and prepared. At present, the issue of terrorism is becoming more and more global in nature. What awaits humanity if terrorist attacks follow in other regions of the world?

(Slide 42) Lead 2: Years will pass. Much will be forgotten, wounds will heal. There will remain poems and songs telling about the strength of spirit and courage of the Russian soldier.

Student 9: We, the younger generation, must not forget what our fathers and grandfathers went through during the war. We must honor the memory of those who did not return from the front and died defending our lives in peacetime.

Lead 2:

Let's keep quiet over the memory of friends,
Those we don't see again
We will not hear those who with their whole life
Together with us, he entered the world to come.
Let's keep quiet, not because we
Nothing to say about the departing ...
We will call them by name ...
As living, living in the present!
Let's keep quiet to say about them
Not a cold, indifferent word.
So that they are resurrected even for a moment
With all the sound of the voice of the living!

Host 1: A minute of silence.

(Slide 43) Lead 1: I believe that each of us has a duty. Even if we very rarely think about it. Duty to the country, duty to comrades, duty to conscience ...

Host 2: Debt? And if a person's heart has not been warmed by love for his neighbor, for the Motherland, if the heart does not know the warm word “motherland”? If your conscience is swollen with fat, and you don't give a damn about your loved ones ... What to do then?

Host 1: Let's put on one side of the scale the ideal that our people have been striving for for centuries, and on the other - laziness, indifference, satiety, in a word, our modern egoism. What will outweigh? Listen to these verses!

Lead 2:

But life will pass, scattered like smoke.
The dying moment will leave me as a gift
For courage - an example to the young.
And the memory of the remaining stub
Will illuminate me a second of life -
The border between life and death
And then only I will have the right
Talk as equals with immortality.
And standing at the source of purity
And turning to the past and to eternity,
I AM I will ask the world of beauty,
And for people - sincere cordiality.

Host 1: Let our meeting be a kind of monument to everyone who gave us the opportunity to live on this earth, arrange our happiness and carry the baton of goodness, peace, humanism, the baton between the past and the future! ( Presenting flowers to guests).

(Slide 44) Demonstration of a video about the Russian army "Our Army"

(Slide 45)

List of materials used

  1. Kolotiy S.V. Literary and musical composition “Between the past and the future” / “Lessons of courage: Methods of organization, scenarios; Grades 5-11 ”. Compiled by T.M. Kumitskaya, O.E. Zhirenko / М: 5 for knowledge - 2008.
  2. N.I. Eremenko. " Cool watch... Grade 11 ”(Class hour“ The young men of Russia take the oath ”) / Volgograd: Teacher - AST, 2005.
  3. Internet resources:
  • photographs and drawings of the relevant subject;
  • video clip “Afghan - 200”;
  • the video "My Army";
  • music files;
  • separate fragments of presentations:

4) “Afghan War 1979-1989. Scenario 2 ”/ unknown author / (slides 26, 29, 30, 31).

Note. A file with a video clip “Afghan-200” with an inserted audio file “Mikhail Muromov. Afghanistan".

Classroom hour,

dedicated to the Defender of the Fatherland Day.

Game - competition

"Ats - bats, there were soldiers!"

Goals : Create a festive atmosphere in a competitive game.

2. Develop interest in the history of the Fatherland; observation, curiosity.

3. To foster a sense of patriotism, solidarity, responsibility

Preparing for class time:

  1. Making souvenirs for dads, grandfathers in labor lessons.
  2. Learning poems, songs, riddles for participants in the game on a military theme.
  3. Girls are preparing congratulations for the boys.

Class hour

  1. introduction

Good afternoon, dear guys. We are happy to greet you. Our entertainment"Ats - bats, there were soldiers!" dedicated to the Defender of the Fatherland Day.

The history of this day goes back over 90 years. Back in 1918, famine and devastation reigned in the young Soviet republic. Numerous formations of the White Army operated in the country. They sought to strangle the young Soviet country.

In this difficult time, the workers 'and peasants' government decided to create its own army, which would defend the interests of the common working people. This army was called Red.

In the frosty days of February, the first detachments of the newly created Red Army won a victory near Pskov, Narva and defeated parts of the German army that helped the White Guards.

February 23, 1918 was the birthday of our native Red Army and Navy. Later this day became known as Defender of the Fatherland Day.

  1. Main part

Boys enter to the music of "Soldiers, Brava Children".


We wish you good health! Let me introduce myself, the future defenders of the Motherland have arrived for the holiday dedicated to the defenders of the Fatherland.

Our motto : “We have one motto for all:

"Don't step back"

It is not for nothing that they say:

A soldier is always a soldier "

A long time ago, on the high hills stood Kiev - the city. It was surrounded by an earthen rampart, surrounded by ditches. From the green hills of Kiev you could see far away. Suburbs and populous villages, rich arable land, pine forests were visible. And beyond the forests, the steppes stretch without end and without edge. A lot of bitterness came from these steppes to Russia. Nomads raided the villages from them - they burned and plundered, took the Russian people away. To protect the Russian land from them, heroic outposts were spread along the edge of the steppe. The heroes tirelessly rode around on mighty horses, vigilantly peering into the distance: not to see enemy fires, not to hear the trampling of other people's horses. There are many feats of arms on the hero's account! On the glory, strength, courage of Russian soldiers!

Who is this?

Who is the hero in the Russian army?

Understandable without a clue,

And if not, then our advice is -

Read bedtime stories.

Who cooked soup from an ax,

The devil has been fooling around more than once.

I gave them such heat,

Check who wants to.

Who is this? Without whom there is no army in the world? That's right, it's a soldier!

That is why today, on the holiday of Defender of the Fatherland Day, we decided to remember with you about the deeds of war, about heroic honor, about valiant prowess, about Russian soldiers, so that the blue sea calms down, so that good people obey, so that the fellows become thoughtful that for centuries it does not fade Russian glory!

Our holiday is dedicated to our boys! Everyone knows that our heroes, Russian soldiers have always been famous for their strength, ingenuity, courage. And I am sure that such people will grow out of our today's boys.

To begin with, we want to congratulate our boys - future warriors on the upcoming holiday.

Girls want to congratulate you:

On a February day.

Freezing day

Everyone is celebrating the holiday.

Girls on this glorious day

The boys are congratulated.

They don't give you flowers:

Boys are not given them.

Girls have a lot of kind words

They will leave you in your hearts.

To our quarrelsome half

We send our congratulations.

There are reasons for congratulations

Hooray! Defenders of the country!

When on your sweats

We look at changes

We believe: with your preparation

We will always protect the country.

We congratulate the boys

And we wish them health.

To grow big

And they were excellent students.

We wish you strong friendship-

This is very necessary in life.

So that friends are next to you,

So that you do not quarrel with us.

Good health

We want to wish you.

Best of all to ski

And beat everyone in football!

The song "My grandfather told me"

1 verse

My grandfather told me

I served as a sailor

How interesting in the army

He lived at this time.

My grandfather told me

How early he got up

In just three minutes

I managed to get dressed.


The army is a harsh school for soldiers

The army makes the guys men.

Verse 2

My grandfather told me

How sailors live

How they wash their decks

How they dance and sing.

My grandfather told me

As in the war he was,

For courage and fortitude

He received the order.


So, be equal! Attention! We begin!

For each correctly performed competition or correct answer, you get an "star". Ready!?

Competition 1. Warm-up.

Each game starts with a warm-up, so we will not break the tradition. Everyone should answer the question in turn. If you cannot answer, then you can give the following answer:

1) I hold him by the leash,

Although he's not a puppy at all.

And he fell off the leash

And flew away under the clouds. (air ball)

2) On the squares of the board

The kings brought the shelves together.

Not for battle at the regiments

No cartridges, no bayonets. (chess)

3) He is not a pilot, not a pilot,

He is not driving a plane.

And a huge rocket

Children, tell me who is this? (astronaut)

4) A person who loves to dispose.

Head of the military unit. (commander)

5) When a person runs fast, they compare him to this.

A small projectile enclosed in a cartridge for shooting. (bullet)

6) The forest protects,

Helps animals

Protects them from poachers.

Who is this? (forester)

Competition 2.

They say: "The Russian soldier is rich in mind and strength"

In turn, you must continue the adage:

  1. Going quieter….
  2. Under the lying stone….
  3. You can't take it out without difficulty ...
  4. It's time ...
  5. Get lost yourself, and….
  6. Do you like to ride, love….
  7. Who reads a lot, then….

Competition 3 "Porridge from an ax"

Each participant must name one of the ingredients:

  1. semolina
  2. what foods are included in the soup?
  3. Name 5 edible mushrooms.
  4. Name three inedible mushrooms.
  5. Dishes made from meat.
  6. Dishes made from potatoes.

Competition 4. Military aviation.

Everyone, on a signal, should make airplanes from a prepared sheet of paper and launch it. The viewer must catch the airplane and lift it up. All planes must be caught. Then, who caught them, unfolds and answers the question written inside. The correct answer counts towards the person who made it. (Manufacturing speed, flight range and viewer response are assessed)

Competition 5. "Chauffeurs"

It is known that every man would like to drive a car. The army also has a special category - military chauffeurs. Let's see if you have a driving ability. Participants are 2 people.

There are 2 toy cars on the floor, to which ropes with sticks at the end are tied. At the signal, the participants begin to wind the rope around the stick. The winner is the one whose car comes to the finish line first.

Competition 6. "Artillerymen"

Very often the outcome of a battle depends on the accuracy of the gunners. You can't do without them on our holiday!

Stage 1 - The cannon suddenly ran out of shells. You need to make them yourself: crush a sheet of newspaper into a ball with one hand (do not help with the other) - this will be the shell.

Stage 2 - Artillery preparation. Our gunners must hit the target with their own shells. We throw paper balls In garbage. For each hit - a point.

Competition 7.

The soldier must be able to give commands loudly and clearly. Here's a task for you: quickly pronounce a tongue twister.

  1. The cap is not sewn like a cap.

It would be necessary to repack that cap.

We ought to re-pack it.

  1. Karl stole the corals from Clara,

And Clara stole the clarinet from Karl.

  1. Sasha walked along the highway and sucked drying.
  1. Greek rode across the river,

He sees the Greek: there is cancer in the river.

He put his hand in the river,

Cancer for the hand of the Greek - Dzap!

  1. Dahlias grow at Agrafena and Arina.
  1. Boria gave Ira to Irish, Ira to Bor - a barberry.
  1. Bagel, donut, loaf and loaf

The baker baked the dough early.

3. The final part.


So our holiday has come to an end. Guys, you have shown yourself to be strong, agile and courageous. To be the defender of the Fatherland means to be strong, dexterous, courageous and honest. Prepare yourself now for military service. Go in for sports, cultivate courage, resilience, and, of course, study well!

Neither children nor adults need war!

May she disappear from our planet!

Let the peaceful stars burn over the world

And friendship knows no boundaries and barriers!

We want to live under a peaceful sky

And rejoice and be friends!

We want everywhere on the planet

Children did not know war at all!

Girls: 1. Boys!

Congratulations on the holiday,

We wish you never to get sick!

Grow up quickly and grow up quickly!

2. We wish you forever:

So that life is not shy,

May it be with you forever

Boyish courage!

3. May good luck be with you.

Only you are friends with us.

You help us in everything,

Protect us from others!

Presentation of gifts.

Song "I will be military"

1 verse

I will grow up and will certainly become

I am a fit and competent military man,

And the military needs to know a lot

I will get A's at school.


Military, military,

Great workout.

Military, military

Both strength and dexterity.

Military, military,

Tightened up in everything

Military, military,

We sing about you.

Verse 2

I will shoot accurately from a machine gun,

And I will be proud of the soldier's bearing.

I will study war machines

I'll be strong if I just want to.


Verse 3

I will train my character

And study military sciences.

I don't cry and I never whine,

And I will come to the rescue if the trouble is.