
Speech at the MO Theme "Keeping individual speech therapy notebooks as an important condition for successful correctional work" consultation on speech therapy (senior group) on the topic. Individual notebook of a child Individual work notebook of a speech therapist with deaf children


They are started for each child, the speech therapist writes down the date of the lesson, its approximate content. Notebooks are decorated colorfully: a speech therapist, educators or parents (on assignment) stick pictures, write down poems and stories. On weekends, these notebooks are given to parents so that they repeat the tasks at home, and during the week, educators work with children on these notebooks.

7.4.3. Notebook of the relationship of a speech therapist and educator

In this notebook, the speech therapist writes down tasks for the educator for speech therapy work with individual children (from 3 to 6 people). For example, individual articulation exercises, analysis of subject and plot pictures specially selected by a speech therapist, repetition of texts and poems previously worked out with a speech therapist. Can be turned on various options exercises to develop attention, memory, distinguish sounds, the formation of lexical and grammatical components of the language. All types of tasks should be familiar to children and explained in detail to the teacher. In the accounting column, the teacher notes how the material was learned by the children, who and in connection with what had difficulties.

Working with parents

The joint work of a speech therapist with parents also determines the overall success of remedial education. The speech therapist is obliged to systematically meet with parents, inform them about the successes and difficulties in working with their children. To this end, the following are carried out: parent meetings, consultations, open speech therapy classes, workshops; special stands, folders-movers are made out.

First parent meeting held at the end of August or in the beginning of September. On it, parents are introduced to the structure of this institution, the tasks and content of work throughout the school year, as well as the rules and daily routine in kindergarten. As a rule, this meeting is held by the head of the kindergarten together with speech therapists of all groups.

The second meeting is held by each speech therapist in their group in December. By this time, he had already completed the examination of children and acquaints parents with his results, gives a detailed description of the general and speech development of each child. It is important to disclose to parents in an understandable and accessible form the main deviations in speech development children, the reasons for their occurrence, to show the degree of lagging behind the norm and the need for joint efforts to overcome this defect. The speech therapist talks about the work plan in the first period of training, its tasks and content.

The third parent meeting is held in January. It sums up the results for the first half of the year, reveals the main ways of further remedial education. A characteristic is given of the speech and general development of each child, it is told about the successes of children and the difficulties that arose in the process of remedial classes and to which relatives should pay special attention.

The final parent meeting is held in May, the results of the training for the year are summed up, recommendations are given for consolidating the material covered. The speech therapist acquaints parents with the decision of the commission on the further education of children in a mass or speech school or, if necessary, a repeated stay in a special group. The committee's decisions are justified in detail.

Parents who have difficulties in the process of work are invited to open days, which are held weekly. The speech therapist introduces parents to the basic techniques for setting sounds, tells and shows what exercises to do at home, explains how to complete the tasks recorded in the child's notebook. Great help to parents will be provided by "Tales of the Merry Tongue", which in game form help to create favorable conditions for the timely successful speech development of children.

Parents attend open speech therapy classes throughout the school year (at least once every 3 months). In these classes, a speech therapist introduces parents to the basic teaching methods, the selection of visually illustrative and speech material, as well as the requirements for children's speech in the classroom.

Stands for parents are designed jointly by a speech therapist and educator during the year. They contain information regarding the development of the child's speech in the norm, various types of speech anomalies, and a list of recommended literature. The material on the formation of sound pronunciation, coherent speech in children of this group is periodically updated. We can recommend the design of special stands that reflect the state of children's speech. This helps to monitor changes in their speech development. In a special section of the stand for parents, the dates of parent meetings, the time of consultations of specialists are indicated, information about the invitation for a conversation with a speech therapist is placed.

Speech therapist's report

At the end of the year, all speech therapists write a report on the effectiveness of the work done, hand it over to the senior speech therapist, who submits a summary report to the city education department. These reports provide the following data:

1. Picking date.

2. The number of children admitted to the group (their distribution by diagnosis).

3. The number of released children, of which:

with good speech

With significant improvement

without significant improvement.

in a public school

· v speech school;

in an auxiliary school;

in a public kindergarten.

5. The number of children left for a repeated correctional course, and their distribution by diagnosis.

6. The number of children who dropped out during the year.

7. Implementation of activities included in perspective plan work.

The column "Note" indicates for what reason the child was left for a second course of study.


1. A senior speech therapist is appointed by order of the education department from persons with organizational skills, special defectological education and work experience in the specialty for at least 3 years.

2. The senior speech therapist assists the education department in the methodological guidance of special preschool institutions for children with speech disorders and speech therapy groups.

3. The main functions of a senior speech therapist:

knowledge of instructive and methodological documents, orders, letters from higher organizations;

Participation in the conduct of the MPPC for the selection of children and the acquisition of speech therapy groups;

study, generalization and dissemination practical experience work of speech therapists among colleagues;

Regular information of speech therapists of the district about ongoing speech therapy events on a city scale, responsibility for attending these events;

- Planning and organizing events for academic year in collaboration with speech therapists of the district;

Conducting regional methodological associations at least once every 2-3 months;

Regular visits to speech therapy classes to provide practical assistance on the ground;

· Assistance to managers in monitoring the maintenance of special documentation of speech groups;

preparation of a report on the effectiveness of work for the year, which is submitted to the city methodological office preschool education;

Maintaining working contact with the education department, the chief speech therapist of the health care system.


First 3 weeks go by comprehensive examination of children of speech therapy groups.


IV week

1. Development of perseverance, imitation, auditory and visual attention, memory:

a) development of interest and attention to the speech of others (fulfillment of one or two instructions in one instruction in the game "Assignments");

b) selection of paired pictures (lotto "Kids").

2. Vocabulary and grammar.

Topic: "Parts of the body and face."

Purpose: practical assimilation of the forms of word formation ( didactic game“Show on yourself, on the doll, name it”).

3. Development of motor skills:

a) imitation movements (arms to the sides, up, forward, down);

b) imitation movements with flags (to the sides, up, forward, down);

c) jumping on two legs, on one (right, left);

d) development work fine motor skills hands (“Mosaic”, inserts, nesting dolls, split pictures).

4. Expansion of mathematical representations:

a) the presence of many objects and one object in the environment (in the indicated places); agreement of the numeral "one" with the noun in gender, number;

b) learn to use the words "one", "many".

Work on sound pronunciation: articulation gymnastics, staging sounds, their automation.

5. Homework:

b) coloring the drawn vegetables (carrots, turnips, cucumbers), development of fine motor skills.


I week

1. Development of perseverance, imitation, auditory and visual attention, memory.

a) selection by analogy of paired geometric shapes (by shape, color, size);

b) the game "Guess what sounded" (drum, tambourine, pipe, bell, metallophone, piano).

2. Vocabulary and grammar.

Theme: "Vegetables".

Purpose: looking at vegetables in pictures; Generalizing the concept of "Vegetables".

Fixing singular and plural nouns of the nominative case on the topic "Vegetables".

Didactic game (lotto "Vegetables").

3. Development of motor skills:

a) imitation movements with and without objects in combination with speech and movement:

We'll wave the flags like that

And quietly dance

Now drive faster

And dance more cheerfully;

c) the development of fine motor skills of the hands: coloring stripes, tracks in different colours(red, blue, yellow, green).

4. Expansion of mathematical representations: a) counting within 1-3 (on the material "Vegetables");

b) comparison of stripes contrasting in length (use the words "long", "short").

5. Work on sound pronunciation:

a) general articulatory gymnastics;

b) differentiation of syllables and words with paired consonants T and d .

6 Homework:

a) general articulatory gymnastics;

b) consolidation of the generalizing concept of "Vegetables";

c) tracing and coloring vegetables.

II week

1. Development of perseverance, auditory and visual attention:

a) the game "Monkey", use a handkerchief or other items;

b) the game "Guess what the Masha doll is doing."

2. Vocabulary and grammar.

Theme: "Vegetables".

Purpose: fixing the singular and plural nouns on the topic "Vegetables";

a) practical assimilation of forms of word formation of nouns with diminutive suffixes on the topic "Vegetables";

b) riddles on the topic "Vegetables";

c) didactic game "Let's treat the big and small bears", classification by size.

3. Development of motor skills:

a) ball games (“Kick the ball along the path”, “Hit the target”);

A drop - one, a drop - two, Very slowly at first, And then, then, then - All run, run, run. Drops began to keep up, Drop drop to catch up. Cap-cap, cap-cap. Let's open our umbrellas soon, We'll cover ourselves from the rain;

c) the development of fine motor skills of the hands: stringing balls; game "Who is faster?" (winding a cord on a wooden rod), lacing, fastening buttons.

a) counting items 1-3 (vegetables);

b) comparison of stripes contrasting in length and width, activate: “long-short”, “wide-narrow”.

5. Sound pronunciation:

a) general articulatory gymnastics;

b) differentiation of paired consonants and and b.

6. Homework:

a) general articulatory gymnastics, dashed;

b) drawing and coloring vegetables, hatching wide and narrow stripes.

III week

1. Development of perseverance, imitation, auditory and visual attention:

a) the game "Where did you call?";

b) didactic game "What has changed?" (based on vegetables).

2. Vocabulary and grammar.

Theme: "Fruit".

Purpose: looking at fruits in pictures, generalizing the concept of "fruits", differentiating the concepts of "Vegetables-fruits".

3. Development of motor skills:

a) playing with the ball (“Knock down the mace with the ball”);

b) imitation movements with flags and without flags;

c) a combination of speech with movement (“Flags”, “Drop”, “Clock”);

d) outdoor game "Overtake";

e) work on the development of fine motor skills of the hands: lacing, tracing drawn fruits.

4. Expansion of elementary mathematical concepts:

a) score 1-4 (on the topic "Fruit");

b) agreement of nouns with the words “one”, “many” and with numerals 1-4 on the topics “Fruits”, “Vegetables” (one plum, four plums, many plums);

c) the concepts of "circle", "square", "triangle"; finding shapes according to the model, converting geometric shapes into vegetables and fruits.

5. Sound pronunciation:

a) general articulatory gymnastics;

b) staging a sound with;

c) differentiation of voiceless and voiced consonants td, p-b in syllables, words, poems.

6. Homework:

a) repetition of exercises for setting the sound with;

b) modeling, applique, drawing vegetables and fruits.

IV week

1. Development of visual and auditory attention:

a) selection of stripes, circles by color:

2. Vocabulary and grammar.

Theme: "Autumn".

Purpose: expansion of the vocabulary denoting the signs of autumn, the use of nouns in the accusative case (the game “Who or what did you see?”).

3. Development of motor skills:

a) an outdoor game ("Autumn Swallows");

b) combination of speech with movement:

Beat the drum

Beat the drum!

Beat the drum louder!

Tra-ta-ta, tra-ta-ta!;

c) work on the development of fine motor skills: cut pictures (compose a whole from three parts), drawing up patterns from leaves.

4. Extension of elementary mathematical representations:

a) fixing the account 1-4;

b) consolidation of ideas about geometric shapes: circle, square, triangle;

c) finding geometric shapes by touch according to a visually perceived pattern (game "Wonderful bag").

5. Sound pronunciation:

a) fixing the sound with in syllables, words and tongue twisters;

b) vowel emphasis a from a range of sounds.

6. Homework:

a) fixing the sound with (syllables, words, tongue twisters);

b) tracing, drawing and coloring autumn leaves or mushrooms (printing a letter with and without a stencil).

Sample Plan classes with children 4 years old with general underdevelopment of speech

Target: expansion of ideas about the environment (development of visual and auditory attention), vocabulary enrichment, development of motor skills, mathematical concepts.

Lesson progress:

Organizing time.

Development of visual attention: selection of multi-colored stripes by analogy (red, blue, green, yellow). Task: find the same stripes, match by color.

The development of auditory attention: the game "What sounds?". Sounding toys are offered: tambourine, metallophone, drum, pipe. Children listen to how they sound, then guess the toy by the sound.

Enrichment of the dictionary: work on the painting "Autumn". Clarify the characteristic natural phenomena: wind, leaf fall, cold snap, rain, departure of birds.

Development of mathematical representations: consolidation of the concepts of many-one-none; many-few, find one object, many and few objects in the environment.

Development of general motor skills: up, down, forward, sideways, etc.; speech with movement: “clock” - tick-tock, tick-tock, always like this, always like that (body tilts left and right) - 2-3 times; “drop” - drop - one, drop - two, very slowly at first, and then, then, then - all running, running, running (clapping hands for every word).

7. Homework: draw and color four colorful paths.

Approximate work plan for a week with children 5 years old with general underdevelopment of speech

Main directions The content of the work
Phonetics Work on educating the correct pronunciation of hissing sounds, differentiation sh-zh in isolation, in syllables and words
Development of visual attention and memory Games: “What is missing on the table?”, “What has changed?” with a selection of toys, in the name of which there are sounds "sh" and "g"
Vocabulary Consolidation of vocabulary on the topic "Winter": 1) a conversation on the painting "Winter"; 2) conversation: who winters where and how (hedgehog, hare, fox, squirrel, bear); 3) Practical mastery of word formation skills: mom - fox, dad - fox, fox, fox; 4) riddles about wild animals (Who is furry and big sleeping in a den in winter?; White and fluffy, lives in the forest, jumps jumping; Under the pines, under the fir trees, a bag of needles runs, etc.)
Grammar Nouns agree with adjectives in gender, number and case
Mathematical representations Consolidation of the account to 5, consolidation of the concepts one - many, more-less, the same, front-back, long - short
Development of general motor skills Imitation moves: snowball games (throw and catch, hit the target)
Movable speech games A little white bunny sits and moves its ears: like this, like this; it’s cold for a bunny to sit, you need to warm up your paws: like this, like this; it’s cold for a bunny to stand, a bunny needs to jump: like this, like this. 1. "A little white snow fell." 2. Round dance game "Hares"
Modeling, application, drawing snow woman, herringbone, animals of our forests

In accordance with the Nomenclature in the system of the Ministry of Education, preschool institutions and groups for children with impaired hearing, vision, intelligence (mentally retarded), with disorders of the musculoskeletal system, speech (with intact hearing).

An individual notebook (diary) is issued for each child speech therapy group. Tasks are recorded in it to consolidate the knowledge, skills and abilities acquired in the classroom. Considering that the child is engaged under the guidance of educators, parents, the speech therapist in this notebook gives methodological recommendations for completing the proposed tasks.

At present, a large number of printed workbooks have appeared for individual work with children with speech disorders 3 . The speech therapist has the right to make a choice: either he, together with the parents and the child, brightly and colorfully draws up an individual notebook, or uses a printed publication, making adjustments to it, taking into account the individual characteristics of the child and the dynamics of his development. If a speech therapist prefers ready-made printed publications, then a notebook of relationship with parents is attached to individual notebooks, where the date, task numbers, pages, and additional types of work with the child are recorded.

At the end of the week, individual notebooks are handed over to parents for homework on weekends. On working days, the educator and speech therapist work with the child in notebooks.

Notebook for children's attendance at speech therapy classes

To record the attendance of speech therapy classes by children, a special notebook is started. On the left side of the second page, a list of children of the speech therapy group is drawn up. On the rest of the second and third pages, the month and date are indicated at the top and the “Note” column is highlighted, in which the speech therapist indicates the number of missed classes by the child in each month and makes other notes. The notebook is filled out before the start of classes. The letter "n" marks the absence of the child in preschool.

The record book also allows you to coordinate individual work, namely: to regulate the number of lessons per week with each child (a speech therapist with a “+” sign determines a group of children for individual work every day), alternate the days and times of individual lessons so that there are no problems in mastering general education programs, analyze the organizational aspect of individual lessons for any period of study in order to increase the effectiveness of the logo corrective work.

Notebook of working contacts of a speech therapist and educator

A speech therapist and an educator jointly solve many tasks for correcting speech activity: the formation of phonetic and phonetic processes, the lexical and grammatical structure of speech and coherent utterance, the development of the communicative function of speech, higher mental processes, etc. The leading role in the organization of correctional and pedagogical work belongs to the speech therapist. It forms the skills of correct speech in children, and the teacher reinforces them. The practice of work shows that the effectiveness of overcoming speech disorders in preschoolers largely depends on how productively, skillfully and competently the educator includes the spent speech material in the situation of natural communication of children and systematically controls the delivered sounds in the child's speech.

In the afternoon, the teacher conducts special individual classes with children, the content of which is determined by the speech therapist. Tasks are recorded in the notebook of working contacts of a speech therapist and educator 4 individually for each child, subgroup (from 3 to 6 people) or the entire group. Evening classes include articulation and finger exercises; pronunciation of words, phrases, poems, texts previously worked out by a speech therapist in order to automate, differentiate the set sounds; games, tasks on the formation of phonemic processes, lexical and grammatical components of the language; examining specially selected subject, plot pictures and compiling stories based on them; different kinds exercises for the development of attention, memory, thinking. All types of tasks should be familiar to children and explained in detail to the teacher.

Approximate form of maintaining a notebook of working contacts of a speech therapist and educator 5


Surname, name of the child

Relationship with parents


Phonemic processes




Connected speech

Development of the psychological base of speech

Automation of sound [s] in phrases (p. 15-21 *)

AND fa “What has changed?” (based on the topic "Mushrooms") Card No. 2

Petrov Andrey (ONR)

A set of articulation exercises for sound [ iuj(p. 3-10)

Enrichment of vocabulary on the topic "Mushrooms". Card No. 2

The use of possessive pronouns (mine, mine, mine). Card number 10

Invite parents to talk on 21.10

Working with the whole group

Analysis of the sound series (a-y, a-y-i, etc.)

Drawing up proposals for the plot picture "Autumn in the Forest"

Interaction plan of a speech therapist teacher with participants in the correctional and pedagogical process

The success of joint correctional and pedagogical work with children with severe speech disorders largely depends on the properly organized interaction of a speech therapist, educators, psychologist, music director, physical education and a specialist in fine arts, medical workers, a social educator and parents. Each of them, solving their tasks, defined by educational programs and regulations on the preschool educational institution, should take part in the formation and consolidation of correct speech skills in children, the development of the sensorimotor sphere, higher mental processes and health promotion.

The speech therapist organizes the interaction of specialists in the correctional and pedagogical process of the preschool educational institution. He plans and coordinates the psychological and pedagogical support of children with severe speech disorders.

The rational organization of joint activities helps to properly use human resources, work time, determine the main directions of correctional and developmental work and skillfully implement personality-oriented forms of communication with children.

Examination of impressive speech in a child - Name and first letter of the child's surname and age (Kirill G. 6 years old)

5 techniques

Method 1. Contextual speech

Purpose: revealing the contextual understanding of phrasal speech

10 questions (dialogue) to ask questions over the following principles: Are you 6 years old? And the child answers you either by nodding his head, or somehow letting you know that the speech and your question were understood by him.

We write down for ourselves somewhere% of correct answers and draw a conclusion about this technique

Conclusion: we can assume that the child understood the % of the answer, this is an average / high / low level

Method 2. Understanding the meanings of words

Purpose: identification of a passive vocabulary in a child

You need 60 cards, 30 items are the part of speech of creatures. And 30- glalols

1 group of entities + 1 group of verbs - words from children's speech that do not have symantic and phonetic similarities

Apple, cubes, bucket

Works, jumps, feeds

2gr. Essence + verb - a group of medium frequency with phonetic similarity

Bear, bowl, mouse

Reading, counting

3 gr. beings + verb - words included in one semantic field



Before the child, we put 1 group of existing 10 pieces - and say show where the apple is, where the bucket is ... we write down how many correct cards we took

1 group of verbs 10 pieces - show where he feeds, and we also notice everything for the child

Conclusion: it can be assumed that the child owns%, this is the level of average high, low.

Method 3: Understanding sentences

Purpose: to investigate how well the child understands sentences

Simple plot pictures with an unambiguous interpretation of 5-6 cards

She gave a stupid example: while the picture is where the book is in the package, where the book is on the package, where the package is in the book

We display % of correct answers

Conclusion: we can offer ...

Method 4: Understanding instructions

Purpose: to investigate how well the child can follow instructions

10 instructions that an adult asks a child to follow

The picture on it is mom and daughter (show where the mother's daughter is, where the daughter's mother is)

The correctness of the answers is calculated in%

Conclusion: it can be assumed that the child scored an average level ... understanding all the instructions offered to him

Method 5. Phonetic hearing

Purpose: study of phonetic hearing

All tasks will be directed to 2 sounds, З and Ш

1 sound perception option in a row with maximum contrast

B, k, w, t, r, w, d, w, d

Ba, kA, sha, ta, ra, sha, ha, sha, yeah

Option 2 with low contrast

P, w, x, f, w, k, t, w

Pa, sha, ha, fa, sha, kA, ta, sha

3 option with minimum contrast

S, w, w, w, w, w, x, w, w

SA, sha, zha, sha, for, sha, ha, zha, sha

With sound recognition in words

1 with maximum contrast

House, school, bag, fisherman, hut

2 with low contrast

Sledge, hat, beetle, knife

3 with minimum contrast

Bag, drying, car, snowballs, kettle, brush, cup, bunny

All tasks, so that we do not invent ourselves, she gave someone to scan, they should put them here.

Tasks are anywhere from 86 to 88 for impressive speech.

Annotation: In the present article, the author proposes the idea of ​​creating an individual logopedic manual "Logodomik" in order to correct the sound-producing side of speech, makes an overview of the advantages of creating and using such a manual in the process of speech therapy work compared to using ready-made manuals and notebooks. The creation of this manual is carried out in the context of project activities, since, in fact, "Logodomik" is the product of a full-fledged project implemented as part of the cooperation of all participants in the correctional process - a speech therapist, a child and a parent in order to correct sound pronunciation. The author formulated specific goals and objectives that are set for all participants in the correctional process, describes the process of accumulating the necessary visual and didactic material, its diversity, as well as the basic principles for selecting material.


"Logodomik", individual speech therapy manual, project activity, sound pronunciation correction, gaming methods and techniques.

"Logodomik" - an alternative to an individual speech therapy notebook

Correction of the sound-producing side of speech is one of the main and topical areas of speech therapy work.

The objectives of this direction are the formation of the correct speech exhalation, the normalization of the tone of the articulatory muscles, the development of motor skills of the speech apparatus and phonemic perception, the development of clear diction.

Given the characteristics of modern preschoolers, it is far from always possible to achieve good, stable results in the course of speech therapy work. To improve the effectiveness of classes for the correction of sound pronunciation, the speech therapist is constantly in search of interesting techniques, new technologies and modern techniques.

In modern conditions, a wide range of speech therapy aids and techniques is available to a specialist. In stores and on the Internet, a huge number of speech therapy manuals and educational literature for children are presented. All these manuals are modern, very bright, interesting, some of them are interactive. They are presented in different pricing policies - from free to very expensive.

Despite this, it is impossible to choose one benefit that is completely suitable for a particular child. In my practice, there was not a single case when I used a ready-made manual from beginning to end.

Since modern speech therapy work implies the need for an individual approach to each student, I created individual speech therapy manual "Logodomik". It is a modern lapbook.

Now on the Internet there are a huge number of lapbooks on various topics. "Lapbook" (lap - knees, book - book) - knee book. The purpose of a lapbook is to bring together material on a particular topic. In my case, this is the systematization of material to correct only those sounds whose pronunciation is impaired in a child.

On the this moment v preschool education according to the Federal State Educational Standard, the method of project activity is widely used. This allows you to effectively implement a system-activity approach to learning. Individual logopedic benefit "Logodomik" is the result (product) of project activities. In the process of creating "Logodomik" there is a gradual achievement of the goal and control of the achieved results. Creation of a "Logodomik" is quite a long and laborious process, but the result is worth the effort!

The main goal of creating "Logodomik" is to increase the effectiveness of sound pronunciation correction.

Using "Logodomik" in individual classes, a speech therapist solves many problems.

1. Increases motivation for speech therapy classes.

2. Develops the muscles of the articulatory apparatus.

3. Develops phonemic processes.

4. Forms a stable skill of correct pronunciation.

5. Creates favorable conditions for interaction between parent and child.

An integral part of the creation of "Logodomik" is the work with parents. The interest and activity of the parent largely depends on the specialist. An important role is played by the preliminary establishment of cooperation with the parent. Parents' attention should be drawn to the child's pronunciation defects, consultations, seminars, parent meetings on relevant topics should be held.

What are the advantages of "Logodomik"?

  1. Firstly, a child with increased interest treats his house (as a property). He can decorate it with his favorite characters, choose color scheme to your liking. With a great desire to demonstrate the accumulated material to friends and relatives.
  2. Secondly, by attracting parents (mainly mother), the child "reads" the information that this is important not only for him and the speech therapist, but also very important for the parent (authoritative opinion at preschool age).
  3. Thirdly, the repeated use of the selected material allows you to form a stable sound pronunciation skill. In the course of working with the "logo house" it becomes understandable to the child, "native" and loved.
  4. Fourthly, the great advantage of "Logodomik" is the variability of the classes. The child can independently determine the theme and sequence.

Principles for creating a "Speech Therapy House":

- Individuality. The material is selected taking into account the individual defects and characteristics of the child. Based on the results of the examination, the speech therapist builds a sequence of corrective work, based on the psychophysiological capabilities of the child. Takes into account his interests and hobbies.

- Dynamism. In the process of work, the “logo house” is replenished with new material. Cards are changed sequentially in accordance with the relevance of the lesson. The structure can also change (additional pockets or a whole field appear). At each lesson, the child takes out, lays out, shifts, paints pictures - cards.

- Aesthetics. All material is carried out in a certain format, preferably on thick paper. Accuracy appearance generally supported by the specialist and parents.

"Logodomik" may differ in volume, depending on the number of violations in the child. But if the number of disturbed sounds is more than five, then it is better to divide the material into groups (whistling, hissing, sonorous). In this case, there will be either several houses, or one, but at a certain stage, the entire content of the house will change.

Following the methodology, the "logomic" is built on the basis of three stages of sound pronunciation correction:

  • preparation of the articulatory apparatus;
  • sound setting;
  • automation and differentiation of sound.

From the first lessons with the child, there is a process of accumulation of material.

1. Starting to learn articulation exercises, the child, together with his mother, prepares cards-symbols of exercises. The speech therapist prepares the basis for the future house, conducts master classes and consultations with parents. At this stage, the pocket for additional tasks becomes active. This is where we put the text. finger gymnastics, individual sound profile, recommendations for parents.

2. When the sound is delivered, the sound symbol and letter are added. You can imagine a diagram of the main features of sound (articulatory position, tactile sensations, characteristics in terms of sonority - deafness, hardness - softness.)

3. At the initial stage of sound automation, we use various tracks (graphic tasks, ropes, beads, etc.). To fix the sound in syllables, we add vowels.

In words, we fix the sound, based on the pictures that the child and mother pick up at home. You can use accordions and coloring books. For further automation in sentences, we use various tongue twisters in pictures, story coloring pictures, etc.

4. In a separate pocket we add games and exercises for the development of phonemic perception, lexical and grammatical structure. There may be such games: “Remember and repeat”, “Say a word”, “Define the 1st or last sound”, “Rhymes”, “Count”, “Tell me how much”, “What is missing?”, “4 th extra”, “Guess”, “Call it affectionately”, etc.

In order to stimulate the child, to support his interest in classes with the “logo house”, it is necessary to keep a “diary”. This can be an insert or the back side of the “house”, where you can stick “five” stickers, put stamps or encouraging marks.

During the entire period of study, the material is fixed and accumulated. The child receives the product, literally in the first lessons. So dry, oral speech therapy lesson turns into a productive activity. And for any child it is always more interesting. It is also worth noting the involvement of the parent in the correction process, he sees the work of a speech therapist, which is very important! The introduction of this form of work is justified and fully meets the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard. Speech therapy laptop can be used both in the institution and in the private practice of a speech therapist. From the part "Logodom" can become an alternative to the traditional speech therapy notebook.

The child's individual notebook is a notebook of the relationship between a speech therapist, educators and parents. It is a convenient form of organization of work. Initially, the notebook is drawn up by a speech therapist, then parents and educators participate in the design.

On the first page of the notebook, the speech therapist records the last name, first name of the child, date of birth, group number, consultation schedule, and violations of the child's sound pronunciation.

The individual notebook consists of four sections:

· Correction of violations of sound pronunciation;

· Development of the lexical and grammatical structure of speech;

· Development of gross and fine motor skills;

· Preparing for literacy.

Chapter "Correction of violations of sound pronunciation" includes articulation exercises, systematic records of a speech therapist about the progress of individual correctional work.

Chapter "Development of the lexical and grammatical structure of speech" is filled in by parents and caregivers gradually, regularly in accordance with the prospective thematic plan speech therapist (see card " advice for parents ») taking into account the program of T.B. Filicheva, G.V. Chirkina "Correctional education and upbringing of children with general underdevelopment of speech".

Chapter "Development of gross and fine motor skills" includes thematic poems, nursery rhymes, tongue twisters (see card " recommendations for parents). Children can memorize this material on weekends with their parents, and in the future it is used when conducting physical minutes or dynamic pauses in various classes.

Section material "Preparing for Literacy"

During the correction hour (according to the schedule age group) the teacher is engaged in individual notebooks, uses the notes and recommendations of the speech therapist in the section "Correction of violations of sound pronunciation". The teacher can independently select games and exercises to implement these recommendations.

For instance( entry of a speech therapist in a notebook):

C-automation of sound in words in reverse syllable

- Write down the words from the aid of A.I. Bogomolova on pages 39 - 40. First, we work out the words in which the sound “C” is at the end of the word.

The educator, using this speech material, prepares and conducts games and game exercises with the children (“Remember and name”, “Speech-loto”, “Fun account”, etc.

If necessary, the teacher draws up an individual notebook in accordance with the thematic card of the speech therapist (see the card "recommendations for parents").

In the evening, educators pass individual notebooks to parents so that at home they can consolidate the material covered with the child, see the dynamics in the child's speech development.

Control over the maintenance and design of the notebook is carried out by a teacher-speech therapist.