
Logic tasks for preschoolers. Logical tasks for preschoolers and advice to parents. What does not burn in fire and does not sink in water


In order for a child to grow and develop in the right direction, it must be constantly trained. Developing drawings, crafts, purchased toys and designers are used. We diversify the ways of teaching a preschooler by presenting to your attention logical tasks for children 6–7 years old with answers.


We present to your attention compilation for children 6-7 years old. You can find the answers on the same page, right under the logical task.

  • The chicken stands on one leg. Her weight on one leg is 2 kg. How many kilograms will a chicken weigh if it stands on two legs? (2 kg.)
  • Two dads, two sons and a grandfather and grandson dropped in at the cafe. How many men entered the cafe? (Three)
  • There were five sons in one family. Each has one sister. How many children are in the family? (Six)
  • Three walked along the road, found ten nails. If six people follow, how many nails will they find? (None - the previous three took everything)
  • Three girls played with dolls for an hour. How many hours did each girl play? (One hour)
  • One young man said that he would predict the score of a basketball match before it started with a 100% chance. How will he succeed? (Before the start of any match the score is 0:0)
  • Vanya wandered into a room in which there is a candle, a gas stove and a kerosene lamp. What to light Vasya in the first place? (match)
  • Anton broke the branch into three parts. How many breaks did the boy make? (Two)
  • Where it is impossible to jump on the go, but can you jump? (on the plane)
  • Katya lit five candles, and later extinguished two. How many candles are left? (Two, the rest burned out)
  • Grandmother gave the children a braid with pears. In total, there were 5 pears in the braid - there were also five children. How to divide pears between children so that one pear remains in the braid? (Give the child one pear with a basket)
  • Who can not be lifted from the floor by the tail? (ball of thread)
  • Zhenya tied five knots on the thread. How many segments are on the thread? (Six)
  • Which word does each person misspell? (The word "wrong")
  • How many months have 28 days? (In all)
  • Masha tied rattling cans to the cat's tail. How fast does a cat need to run away so that the cans are not heard? (The cat needs to stand still)
  • The bear was tied to a 20-meter rope, but he managed to walk a kilometer. How did the bear do it? (The rope is not tied to the support)
  • Anya closed her eyes. What can Anya see without opening them? (Dreams)
  • How to jump down the stairs without breaking your knees? (Must jump from the bottom step)
  • Oleg saw a green man. What does he need to do? (Cross the road. Green man - permission sign of a pedestrian traffic light)
  • Name the five days of the week in such a way that their names or numerical sequence do not sound in the answer. (Today, tomorrow, the day before yesterday, yesterday, the day after tomorrow)
  • How to say correctly: "I will not find a white yolk" or "I will not find a white yolk"? (yolk yellow)
  • How to light a match while being at great depths under water? (Light up in the submarine)
  • When is it easier for a ginger cat to get into an apartment? (When the door is open in the apartment)
  • Grey, small, looks like an elephant. What kind of animal? (Baby elephant)
  • Do children stir sugar in a glass with their right or left hand? (Stir with the hand in which the spoon is)
  • At what point can a person stay in a room and still not have a head? (At the moment when the head sticks out of the window through the window)
  • What question no one can answer in the affirmative? (Are you sleeping now?)
  • How to make seven girls stay in one shoe? (Remove each shoe)
  • Anya talks a lot: when does she do it less times a year? (In February: it has 28 days)
  • Katya sits in one place. But you cannot take it. Even if Katya leaves, you still cannot take this place. Where is Katya? (On your knees)
  • What kind of rocks are not found in the ocean? (Dry)
  • Can a turkey call itself a bird? (Turkey can't speak)
  • Kolya and Sasha fought in a chess battle 3 times. Each of the boys won three times. How can this be? (They played with different partners)
  • What kind of comb can not comb your head? (Petushin)

Try to develop the child in various areas and directions. The materials from our website will help you with this, including an article with logical tasks for children 6-7 years old (with answers).

An attentive mother devotes a lot of time to teaching her baby. The development of logic does not require much effort - just 20 minutes of daily practice is enough. Today, there is no need to purchase expensive teaching aids - a variety of logic tasks for children are freely available on the Internet. Let's talk about the stages of development of logical thinking in a child and give examples of tasks.

The concept of logical thinking

Logical thinking is a physiological process, as a result of which a person comes to conclusions based on evidence and reasonableness.

There are three types of logical reasoning.

  1. abstract judgment. A person builds conjectures on concepts and properties that cannot be felt. They are invalid, they are in abstraction.
  2. Figurative judgment. A person connects the imagination and imagines specific images that are encountered in life.
  3. Verbal judgment. People often share their opinions with others. In the course of the conversation, a mental analysis takes place, leading to specific conclusions.

Logical thinking begins to develop at an early age. The stages of the formation of thinking in the process of a child's growth will be discussed further.

Age features

The stages of the formation of human thinking have long been no secret to modern science. As the baby grows, changes occur in the nervous system, speech and consciousness improve. For harmonious development, the help of parents is necessary.

You need to start playing educational games with the baby from the second year of life. At the same time, it is important to take into account the age characteristics and the degree of readiness of the baby to solve logical problems.

The features of the mental activity of preschoolers include:

  • comparison of objects according to their qualitative and quantitative characteristics;
  • the predominant visual perception of objects;
  • the ability to correlate the properties and features of objects;
  • having a general idea of ​​common words.

In accordance with the age of the child, the following types of mental activity are inherent.

Age Types of thinking
2 – 3 yearsChildren develop visual-action thinking. The kid is able to visually perceive what is happening. This period is suitable for the first classes in teaching logical thinking.

The child acts spontaneously, thoughtlessly, learns from his mistakes. For example, to open a door, he will examine it for a long time, knocking on it. The door can only open randomly.

At two years old, the child tries to master the process of comparison, which is based on opposition. The main categories of comparison are color, size, temperature features, shape, age.

Age-appropriate tasks: grouping objects by property (large - small), drawing a real object (for example, a house).

34 yearsFigurative thinking is the priority. The child begins to think through his actions. To open a door, he remembers the types of doors and how to open them. He will try to find the doorknob.

The little one learns generalization by dividing objects into groups.

Age-appropriate tasks: find an item according to the description, guess the profession or animal.

5 -7 yearsLogical thinking prevails. Children's curiosity reaches its peak. This is a time of endless questions to adults and a thirst for new knowledge.

Questions are of three types:

· request for help;

· knowledge of the world;

emotional support.

The child is already able to draw an object and describe it. Unlike the previous level, it can highlight the characteristics of the object that it needs in this case.

Logical thinking is manifested in the ability to draw conclusions and reason. The kid is trying to catch the relationship between different objects. He actively replenishes the treasury of his own experience.

By the age of 5, an expanded classification appears: the child is able to answer the questions “what is this?” and which?". The classification parameter is chosen randomly.

Age-appropriate tasks: answer a question about the world around you, describe an object according to a model, describe your day.

Examples of logic exercises

Sculpting and drawing will serve as a start to learning the logical thinking of a little one. An important role is played by communication with the child outside the classical lesson: at home or during a walk. Sometimes we do not notice ourselves how often we explain the actions of others, natural phenomena, describe objects and their purpose. Such impromptu lessons serve as the basis for the development of logic in children.

At the age of 3-4 years, pay attention to board games. Approach the selection of exercises in detail. The main principles of the development of logic at this age are diversity, semantic content and a playful form of activity.

The following tasks won the greatest popularity among children.

  • Tasks for matching pictures of the same kind. For example, "Find a couple."
  • Composing a word from a group of letters. For example, Starlight.
  • Game "Find the three differences."
  • Find an extra object that differs from others in properties. For example, "The Third Extra".
  • Cut a geometric figure known to the baby into large fragments and ask them to assemble this puzzle.
  • The game "Guess the riddle".
  • Game "Edible-inedible".

For children aged 5-7 years, it will be interesting to solve logical problems for preschoolers. Here are some examples of questions with answers.

  • The dog had a bell tied to its tail. How does she need to move so as not to hear his ringing?

(No way).

  • Sharik was put on a collar and put on a leash 10 meters long, but Sharik walked 200 meters in it. How did he do it?

(He walked with the owner).

  • Masha and Liza wanted to draw. One of them drew with a pencil, the other with crayons. Masha did not want to draw with crayons. How did Lisa draw?


  • The two boys were eating apples. Vitya came across unripe and yellow, Kolya - yellow and sweet. What was common between the guys' apples?


  • The horse, cow and goat lived in three different houses. The horse did not live in blue or red. The goat did not live in blue or green. What color houses did the animals live in?

(The horse lived in green, the goat lived in red, the cow lived in blue).

  • Nastya, Tanya and Olya are girlfriends. Nastya is taller than Tanya, Tanya is taller than Olya. Which of your friends is the tallest? Which of your friends is the shortest? (Nastya is above all, Olya is below all).
  • There is a pear on the table. It was cut into 4 pieces. How many pears are on the table now?


  • In a clearing in the forest, 2 Christmas trees grew. Each tree has 3 branches. Each branch has 1 tangerine. How many tangerines grew on Christmas trees?

(Mandarins do not grow on Christmas trees).

  • Egor's father's name is Nikolai Anatolyevich, and his grandfather's name is Alexander Nikolaevich. What is the middle name of Yegor's mother.


Solving non-standard logic puzzles at senior preschool age is an easy way to develop logical thinking. Systematic classes will be a good help in preparing for the development of the school curriculum. Over time, you will increase the complexity of the game exercises, which will warm up the interest in their implementation.

Dear parents and teachers!

The tasks are designed for classes with children 5-6 years old.

Going to school is one of the most crucial moments in the life of a child and his parents. It is extremely important that the baby comes to the 1st grade psychologically and intellectually prepared. That is why senior preschool age is a special period in a child's life, when a lot depends on the adults around him, primarily parents.

Performing the proposed tasks, the child will learn to think and reason logically, compare and analyze, find different ways to solve a particular problem.

And in order for the classes to bring the expected result, use our tips.

1. The attention of a child of senior preschool age is unstable - the duration of one lesson should not exceed 20-30 minutes (no more than two tasks in one lesson).

2. The child must be interested in learning. Therefore, classes are best done in a playful way. Try to create an emotionally rich atmosphere: use expressive facial expressions, intoned speech. Do not force the child to study if he is tired, upset, passionate about something else.

3. Take care of the child systematically, teach him to complete the work to the end, beautifully and accurately.

4. Do not back down if the task is too difficult for the child. Help him explain the mistake. Take a break and return to the same task after a while.

5. Encourage the child even with minor successes, never compare him with another, more successful student - let the child feel confident in himself and in his abilities.

Good luck to you and your children!

Logical tasks, tasks in mathematics.

Logic tasks.

1. Sasha ate a large and sour apple. Kolya is big and sweet. What is the same in apples, what is different?
2. Masha and Nina looked at the pictures. One in a magazine, one in a book. Where did Nina consider if Masha did not consider it in a magazine?

3. Tolya and Igor painted. One is a house, the other is a branch with leaves. What did Tolya draw if Igor did not draw a house?

4. Alik, Vanya and Vova lived in different houses. Two houses were 3 floors, one 2 floors. Alik and Borya lived in different houses, Borya and Vova also lived in different houses. Who lived where?

5. Kolya, Vanya and Seryozha read books. One is about travel, another is about war, the third is about sports. Who read about anything if Kolya did not read about the war and about sports, and Vanya did not read about sports?

6. Zina, Liza and Larisa embroidered. One is leaves, the other is birds, the third is flowers. Who embroidered what, if Lisa did not embroider leaves and birds, and Zina did not embroider leaves?

7. The boys Slava, Dima, Petya and Zhenya were planting fruit trees. One is apple trees, the second is pears, the third is plums, the fourth is cherries. Who planted what, if Dima is not plums, apple trees and pears, Petya is not pears and apple trees, and Slava is not apples?

8. Two girls planted trees, and one planted flowers. What did Tanya plant if Sveta and Larisa and Marina and Tanya planted different plants?

9. Three girls drew two cats and a hare. What did Asya draw if Katya and Asya and Lena and Asya drew different things?

10. Two boys bought stamps, one a badge and one a postcard. What did Kolya buy if Zhenya and Tolya and Tolya and Yura bought different things, and Misha bought a badge?

11. Two boys lived on one street, and two - on the other. Where did Petya and Kolya live if Oleg and Petya and Andrei and Petya lived on different streets?

Serious tasks

1. Kolya fashioned 4 soldiers, and Slava - 1. How many soldiers did the guys fashion in total?

2. There were 6 white mushrooms and 3 boletus in the basket. How many mushrooms were there?

3. There were 6 mushrooms in the basket, 1 mushroom turned out to be inedible and was thrown away. How many mushrooms are left?

4. 5 roses blossomed on the bush. Mom cut 3 pieces, how many are left?

5. There were 3 roses in a vase. Mom cut 2 more. How many roses are in the vase?

6. There were 5 red cups and 1 blue cup on the shelf. How many cups were there?

7. 8 tomatoes ripened on the bush. Picked four tomatoes. How much is left?

Comparison tasks.

1. Galya is more fun than Olya, and Olya is more fun than Ira. Who is the funniest?

2. Inna's hair is darker than Olya's. Olya's is darker than Anya's. Who has the lightest hair?

3. Tolya is taller than Igor, Igor is taller than Kolya. Who is the highest?

4. Katya is faster than Ira, Ira is faster than Lena. Who is the fastest?

5. Sasha is sadder than Tolya, Tolya is sadder than Vanya. Who is the funniest of all?

6. Misha is stronger than Oleg, Misha is weaker than Petya. Who is the strongest?

7. A hare is weaker than a dragonfly. The hare is stronger than the bear. Who is the weakest?

8. Sasha is 10 years younger than Igor. Igor is 2 years older than Lesha. Who is the youngest?

9. Ira is 3 cm below Klava. Klava is 12 cm taller than Lyuba. Who is the highest?

10. Tolik is much lighter than Seryozha. Tolik is a little heavier than Valera. Who is the lightest?

11. Vera is a little darker than Luda. Vera is much lighter than Katya. Who is the brightest?

Hello my dear readers!

We all know that the mental development of a preschool child is important for his preparation for school. Thinking is a cognitive process.

Children don't think like adults. We already have a lot of ready-made knowledge. And the child learns everything for the first time. In this unfamiliar world, he still does not understand everything, he asks a lot, he studies something himself, draws conclusions for himself. The child is entertaining and interesting. And the development of logical thinking in a child plays no small role in preparing him for school.

Logical thinking is thinking by reasoning. This is the linking of different knowledge to each other, so that in the end the answer to the question posed is obtained. All types of logical thinking are closely related to speech.

Development of logical thinking through riddles and tasks.

In education and training, entertaining games and tasks are of great importance. They are interesting for children, capture them, and in order to find the right answer, you need to think.

Logic tasks These are exercises that develop thinking, the ability to think, to catch the connection between concepts. Such tasks teach children to connect cause and effect, teach them to guess the result.

Today I want to offer you logic tasks-jokes for children. Many of us have known each other since childhood. And now let's try to answer these puzzles with the children. They are more suitable for older preschool children. After all, they already know how to reason and think well.

Tasks-riddles for ingenuity.

* Five apples grew on a pear, and only two on a Christmas tree.

How many apples have grown? (Answer: none. Apples do not grow on these trees.)

* What will happen to a white handkerchief if it is lowered into the Black Sea? (It will get wet.)

* How many nuts are in the empty glass? (Not at all. The glass is empty.)

* In February, three daisies and two roses bloomed in our yard.

How many flowers are in the yard? (Not at all. Flowers do not grow in February.)

* There are three daisies and two tulips in a vase.

How many daisies are in the vase? (Three daisies).

* From what dishes it is impossible to eat anything? (From empty.)

* Andrei poured three piles of sand together, and then poured another one into it.

How many piles of sand are there? (One big pile.)

* Grandmother knitted scarves and mittens for her grandchildren for the winter. In total, she knitted three scarves and six mittens. How many grandchildren does grandmother have?

(Three grandchildren)

* The children made a snowman. After that, six mittens dried on the battery. How many children made a snowman? (three)

* Seven ducks swam in the pond. Three of them dived. How many ducks are left in the pond? (seven. Four are swimming, and three are underwater.)

* Eight dog paws are visible from under the gate. How many dogs are outside the gate?

Two dogs.)

* What is heavier - a kilogram of cotton wool or a kilogram of stones?

The weight is the same.)

Mom cut the chocolate bar into three pieces.

How many incisions did she make? (Two cuts.)

* How to bring water in a sieve? (Freezing her.)

* The long-awaited January has come. First, one apple tree blossomed, and then three more plum trees.

How many trees have blossomed? (trees do not bloom in winter)

* 9 ships sailed in the sea. Two steamboats docked at the pier.

How many ships are on the sea? (nine steamers)

* The animal has two right legs and two left legs, two front and two back.

How many legs does an animal have? (Four)

* Why did the hedgehogs laugh?

The groove has two boogers

They sell pins to hedgehogs.

And let's laugh!

Everyone can't stop...

(..Eh, you stupid boogers,

We don't need pins

We are stuck with pins ourselves.)

Here are some interesting tasks for logical thinking. When you ask the children, let them think carefully, do not rush them. And if they answer, let them say why they answered that way, and not otherwise.

And do not forget to praise the child, because he still tried very hard and thought.

Did you like the puzzles?

Write in the comments. And don't forget to click on the social buttons. networks.

Sincerely, Olga.