
Sample preschooler portfolio. Methodical development "Creating a portfolio of a preschooler How to arrange a portfolio of a preschooler sample


Everything has its finale, including the most memorable part of life - childhood. Most of the children in our country attend kindergarten and spend most of their time there. To leave a memory of this period in a child's life, children's portfolios for kindergarten are created.

Children's portfolio

Now it is not just fashionable, but it has become a necessity to present children's portfolios when entering a kindergarten group. The portfolio of a 3-5 year old baby is a kind of piggy bank of the baby's activities in the main areas of development. The referral criteria have been revised in accordance with the federal requirements for mandatory development programs for children in preschool institutions. They are presented in the general education programs "From Birth to School" and "Origins".

Children's portfolios for kindergarten are designed to help parents establish closer and more trusting relationships with the child, spend free time together, note the success of the baby in a timely manner, and maintain interest in activities in the areas of development:

  • social and personal;
  • cognitive-speech;
  • physical;
  • artistic and aesthetic.

By maintaining a portfolio, parents will help shape the child's self-knowledge, that is, answer the question "What am I?", As well as gain experience that will be useful in the future. Children's portfolios for kindergarten can be useful not only for parents and the children themselves, but also for teachers and tutors.

How small were you

In childhood, the child is immersed in the world of fantasies and dreams, and he is still poorly oriented, where is reality and where is fiction. Therefore, the design of this document is often in bright, colorful colors. Ideally, the portfolio for the baby will be the most beloved picture book and the subject of his pride.

It is necessary to explain to him that you will be collecting this magical book together, and what it is for. Don't be afraid that the child won't understand or will get bored quickly. Already all three-year-old kids love bright books, and a book about themselves is the most fascinating. She will gladly accept creative works, she will treat amazing fantasies with special attention, and after a while she will lovingly help to remind you of how you were, baby.

A child at preschool age actively learns about the world around him, develops and grows rapidly, is engaged in creativity, so children's portfolios for kindergarten contain photographs reflecting the activities of the baby, drawings, photos of crafts, and there is also a place for photos of friends and educators, all those who takes an active part in the life of the child.


The title page is the original face of the entire portfolio. Taking it in your hands and looking around, you can form the first opinion about the child and his family. The title page does not need to be filled with information, for this there are many pages inside the folder, so only information about the owner is indicated: who is it, how old is it, where does it live or study, it is advisable to place a photo. The portfolio of the kindergarten is ready, filled out, includes a title page and six sections, which are described below.

Section One: "My World"

Any information that is important and interesting for the child is placed here.

  • Name. It tells about the meaning of the name, why it was decided by the parents to call it that way, you can also explain the surname, if it is rare, this may also include the meaning of the character according to the horoscope.
  • Name at baptism. Often given a middle name, which corresponds to the religion, if he was baptized.
  • A family. Here the child talks about the names of his family members or draws a family tree.
  • Friends. Photos of friends are posted, information about them is given.
  • Place of residence. Information about the hometown is given, photographs and descriptions can tell about its interesting places.
  • Kindergarten. Information about kindergarten and group.

Section two: "Favorite activities and games"

The portfolio of the kindergarten is ready, filled out, in the second section it describes the activities and games of the baby:

  • Classes with mom, grandmother or in kindergarten, circle, etc.
  • A story about favorite games in the garden and at home (cubes, children's dominoes, mosaics, etc.).
  • Favorite classes according to the systems of Zaitsev, Nikitin, Montessori, Doman (an example of several classes).
  • Favorite books (list of titles and authors).
  • Favorite activities (list, for example, dancing, drawing, reading, etc.).
  • Walks (games and outdoor activities).

Section Three: "Holidays"

This section may include photos from birthdays, holidays held in kindergarten, for example, New Year, Mother's Day, etc.

Section Four: Growth

Portfolio for kindergarten (templates) may have the following headings:

"Physical development"- data of anthropometric measurements are placed. They are presented in the form of interesting diagrams, graphs, tables or figures. Here you can put not only data on the height and weight of the child, but also outline the contour of the palms and feet on the birthday and see how they have grown every year.

"General Development"- social-personal, cognitive-speech.

  • The mouth of a baby. Write down interesting words, statements of the child.
  • learned letters.
  • How a child reads at three, four and five years old.
  • As counts in three, four, five years.
  • Favourite song.
  • Favorite poem.
  • Playing musical instruments.
  • Dance.
  • The world around the child.
  • The world inside the child.

The portfolio of kindergartens includes the heading "Creative Development" - drawings, photos of creative works and participation in theater productions of a children's club or kindergarten are placed here.

  • Drawings in different genres and by different means (watercolor, pastel, gouache, crayons, etc.).
  • Modeling from different materials, for example, clay, plasticine, sculptural mass.
  • Application.
  • Design.
  • Photos of crafts made from natural materials, paper, cardboard, etc. photos of participation in exhibitions.
  • Theatrical performances with a list of roles and photographs.

"Records"- this section is filled with certificates, diplomas received in kindergarten. To encourage efforts and for an incentive, you can arrange an award at home for participating in contests and games with friends. All content in this section is in chronological order. Further, data on participation in sports events, holidays, competitions, etc. are posted. On the basis of these materials, a personal rating of results and achievements is formed, which are necessary to study the dynamics of learning outcomes.

Section Five: "Impressions"

In this section, a portfolio for a kindergarten (templates often contain this information) may include information about visiting theaters, museums, excursions, trips, as well as a description of the child's impressions of them.

  • Travels.
  • Discoveries.
  • Excursions.
  • Impressions about visiting exhibitions.

Section six: "Feedback and wishes"

Reviews of educators, parents, teachers for additional education are drawn up in an arbitrary form. The self-esteem of the child increases due to the efforts noted by the teacher. Here reviews, wishes, recommendations of teachers, as well as parents are written based on the results of the academic year and participation in an organized event.

Portfolio for kindergarten teachers

Why does a teacher need a portfolio? Its purpose is to increase self-esteem and stimulate the professional growth of a teacher of a children's educational institution. As well as an assessment of the qualification level and quality of activity as a professional (for certification, determining the amount of incentive and incentive payments).

The portfolio structure of a kindergarten teacher includes sections:

  • "Introduction" where the teacher reports data on professional status, education, work experience, personal data. (To form this information, the teacher asks for help from the head of the preschool educational institution.)
  • "Portrait" consists of an essay "Me and my profession". In it, the educator in a free form reflects aspects: why he chose the profession, talks about the qualities that are needed for successful activity, describes the stages of formation in the profession, personal and professional interests, prospects and achievements, sets out the credo of pedagogy, analyzes professional competence, identifies topics of innovation , reflects creative achievements.
  • "Folder of achievements in the profession"- this section of the portfolio for kindergarten teachers contains information on the following materials: plans, reports, publications, contains a description of work experience, a list of developed manuals, videos of various forms of work with pupils, colleagues, parents, parent reviews, etc.

  • "Pupil Achievements Folder" also included in the portfolio of a kindergarten teacher. It contains certificates of participation of children in various events, diagnostic data, products of children's creativity. The materials of this section testify to the professional competence of the educator.
  • A completed portfolio of a kindergarten teacher includes a section "Folder documents". It contains certificates of participation in creative and professional competitions, documents on completion of advanced training courses, additional professional education, etc. The materials in this section indicate the official status of the educator.
  • "Folder of expert assessments". It contains letters of thanks, patents, reviews, testimonials, etc. These documents are forms of evaluation of the activities of the educator and stimulate his further growth.

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Slides captions:

Portfolio of a preschooler

"Get to know me" My name: What does my name mean: Date of birth: My mother's name: Dad's name: My hobbies: PHOTO

“I am growing” ……..years, ……………height, weight……….. ……..years, ……………height, weight……….. ……..years, …… ………height, weight……….. ……..years, ……………height, weight………..

“What I learned” ……..years - ……..years - ……..years - PHOTO

"My family" MAMA PAPA

"My friends"

"My works"

"My achievements"

"My graduation"

Portfolio Terms and Conditions Dear parents! You can download the presentation and add your data, if there are not enough slides, you need to right-click on the slide, select the word "duplicate", and you can also print all the sheets and arrange a printed portfolio. GOOD LUCK!


In order for the portfolio to achieve its goal, a number of conditions must be met:

1. One of the main conditions is voluntariness. If portfolio maintenance is made mandatory, then it will often be formal. This will only be an extra burden for both the teacher and the children. The portfolio creator must be interested in creating it. Even the selection of material the child must do on their own. And if he does not agree to place any material in the portfolio folder, then this is not necessary. After all, then the individuality of the portfolio is lost.
2. It is necessary to clearly understand the purpose of collecting information, the purpose of creating the portfolio itself. It can be different:
- to collect achievements that reflect the results of work in some direction (for example, achievements in the visual arts, sports achievements, etc.)
- cumulative, when information is collected for a certain period. Thus, you can see the path of development of the child for a certain period of time (for example, from birth to 3 years, from 5 to 7 years, etc.)
- thematic portfolio; compiled according to the topic. For example, my pet, summer is a fun time, etc.
3. The number of sections and headings, their subject matter is determined individually for each case.
4. Ease of storage. All collected material must be systematized and stored so that it is convenient to use it.
5. If the portfolio of a preschooler, then the type, structure and content is determined either by the teacher or family members. It is impossible to let the collection of information go by itself, but it is necessary to take into account the opinion of the child.
6. Systematism in collecting information. Portfolio implies constant replenishment and analysis of available materials. You can predetermine the frequency of work (for example, at least 1 time per week, 1 time per month, 1 time per quarter, etc.

Portfolio can be divided into several types.
1 Electronic portfolio. This is a fairly new type of systematization of information. It is he who most of all attracts older preschoolers. An electronic portfolio is always a colorful, vibrant spectacle, with many interesting effects.
But not all teachers and parents are proficient in the Power Point computer program, and not every institution, especially in the group, has a computer.
2. Portfolio coloring. This type of portfolio is also attractive to the child. After all, he himself can color the pages. It is also possible to paste ready-made images here. But we must remember that the content of the headings must be filled with information.
An example of a portfolio coloring page. Rubric "The World Around Us". The child can depict the title page of the rubric at his own discretion: he can draw how he went to the zoo, color this drawing, but an adult should write down the story.
3. The printed portfolio is one of the most traditional. It is created in the form of folders, file cabinets.
But any portfolio should attract, first of all, the author himself. Its pages should be designed in such a way that a preschooler who still cannot read can understand what is being said. This is facilitated by photographs, drawings, illustrations.
Portfolios include the following sections:
1. "Get to know me." The section is updated with data on birth, zodiac sign, information about which of the celebrities was born on this day. You can post information about what the name of the child means. As well as a family tree.
2. "I'm growing." This section can be divided into two:
- That's how big I am: weight, height, you can draw the palm of a child at different age stages
- What I have learned: the skills that the child has acquired over the past year are written. For example, I learned to pronounce the sound -p, count to ten, etc.
3. "My family": photographs of family members, drawings of the child are placed. Each image is accompanied by a story.
4. "My friends": similar to the heading "My family"
5. "The world around us": photos or children's drawings of travel, family vacations, walks, hikes.
6. "Golden Pens". This section may contain children's handmade work or photographs if they are voluminous. Be sure to write down the date, the topic of the work.
7. “Tell me about me”: stories about what kind of child is in the opinion of parents, kindergarten teacher, friend, etc.
8. "Thinking out loud": children's statements, interesting speech turns, words, reflections.
9. "My achievements": diplomas, letters of thanks, etc.

How to make a portfolio for a child?

A preschooler's portfolio is:

1. a way of fixing, accumulating and evaluating the individual achievements of the child in a certain period of his development, the most important point of contact in the interaction "teacher - child - parent"; a method for evaluating the real achievements of a preschooler;

2. a collection of students' work that demonstrates their efforts, progress, or accomplishments in a particular area;

3. a kind of exhibition of children's works, the task of which is to track their personal growth;

4. a collection of the child's work and results that demonstrate his efforts, progress and achievements in various fields;

5. a tool for a comprehensive assessment of the level of development of individual qualities, capabilities and abilities of a child, a method for analyzing individual achievements to build a further development trajectory. An important goal of a portfolio is to see a picture of significant educational outcomes as a whole, to track the child's individual progress in a broad educational context, and to show his ability to practically apply the acquired knowledge and skills. The main point of a portfolio is to show everything that a child is capable of.

A preschooler's portfolio is, first of all, a piggy bank of the child's personal achievements in various activities, his successes, positive emotions, the opportunity to relive the pleasant moments of his life once again, this is a kind of child development route. A preschooler's portfolio can be both a form of effective evaluation of a child's creative achievements and a way to develop his abilities. There are a number of portfolio functions: diagnostic (fixes changes and growth over a certain period of time), content (reveals the entire range of work performed), rating (shows the range of skills of the child), etc. The process of creating a portfolio is a kind of pedagogical technology.

If you have enough time and patience,

then here you can see some types of portfolio,

their sections.

Every parent tries to pay attention to the development of their child. Taking into account his individual abilities, circles and sections are selected for him, they are given to music and art schools, trying in every possible way to develop his abilities. And many anxiously try to preserve what is so dear to them, what so clearly reminds of the milestones in the development of their beloved child.

Undoubtedly, a portfolio technology or a folder of achievements of a child can play a special role in this.

The main function that a portfolio performs is to notice something good, positive, and not to focus on what you still can’t, don’t know or don’t know how to do.

It is better to purchase a folder with a hard cover. Since it will be used for more than one year, then you need to draw up the cover slowly, having thought through all the details.

Over time, it will be possible to add new sections, for example, a child will have more than one hobby, and you can write about all hobbies in this album.

Why and who needs this Portfolio, if it has no official force and is not required for admission to a university or other educational institution?

First of all, it is necessary for the child himself, to track the dynamics of his achievements. Also, the collection of material for the Portfolio introduces the child to the creative process, to some creation and the formation of his image. For parents, the Portfolio is a collection of valuable information about your child, allowing you to judge his development.

Portfolio of a preschooler- this is a piggy bank of the child's personal achievements in various activities, a piggy bank of his successes, a piggy bank of his positive emotions, an opportunity to relive the pleasant moments of his life once again.

Before you start creating a portfolio, decide what it is for:

to collect successes and achievements, which reflect the results of work in some direction (for example, in drawing or in sports)
for the long memory, when information is collected for a certain period. In such a portfolio, you can see the path of development of the child over a certain period of time (for example, from birth to 3 years, from birth to school, school period, etc.)
thematic portfolio; compiled according to the topic. For example, my reading family, how I spent my summer, etc.

The number of sections and headings, their content is determined individually for each case, and depends only on you. But if a portfolio is required to be submitted to a preschool or school, then it is necessary to adhere to generally accepted rules.

The portfolio has its own structure, consists of sections. A number of authors offer their own structure and content of the portfolio of a preschool child.

So, I. Rudenko offers an approximate content of these sections, which is filled in gradually, in accordance with the capabilities and achievements of the preschooler.

Section 1 Let's get to know each other. The section contains a photograph of the child, his last name and first name, group number; you can enter the heading "I love ..." ("I like ...", "I love it when ..."), in which the child's answers will be recorded.

Section 2 "I'm growing!". Anthropometric data is entered into the section (in artistic and graphic design): “Here I am!”, “How I grow up”, “I grew up”, “I am big”.

Section 3 "Portrait of my child." The section contains essays of parents about their baby.

Section 4 "I dream ...". The section records the statements of the child himself on the proposal to continue the phrases: “I dream of ...”, “I would like to be ...”, “I am waiting for ...”, “I see myself ...”, “ I want to see myself...”, “My favorite things...”; answers to the questions: “Who and what will I be when I grow up?”, “What do I like to think about?”.

Section 5 "Here's what I can do." The section contains samples of the child's creativity (drawings, stories, homemade books).

Section 6 "My achievements". The section records certificates, diplomas (from various organizations: kindergarten, media holding competitions).

Section 7 "Advise me ...". The section provides recommendations to parents by the educator and all specialists working with the child.

Section 8 "Ask Parents!". In the section, parents formulate their questions to the specialists of the preschool educational institution.

L. Orlova offers such a portfolio option, the content of which will be of interest to parents in the first place , a portfolio can be filled out both in kindergarten and at home and can be presented as a mini-presentation at a child's birthday. The author proposes the following portfolio structure.AtTitle page,which contains information about the child (last name, first name, patronymic, date of birth), the start date and end date of maintaining the portfolio, the image of the child’s hand at the time the portfolio was started and the image of the hand at the end of the portfolio.

Section 1 "Get to know me" contains inserts “Admire me”, where portraits of a child taken in different years on his birthday are pasted in succession, and “About me”, which contains information about the time and place of the child’s birth, the meaning of the child’s name, the date of the celebration of his name day, a short story of the parents, why this name was chosen, where the surname came from, information about famous namesakes and famous namesakes, personal information of the child (zodiac sign, horoscopes, talismans, etc.).

Section 2 "I'm Growing" includes inserts "Growth dynamics", which provides information about the growth of the child from the first year of life, and "My achievements for the year", which indicates how many centimeters the child has grown, what he has learned over the past year, for example, count to five, somersault, etc.

Section 3 "My family". The content of this section includes short stories about family members (in addition to personal data, you can mention the profession, character traits, favorite activities, especially spending time with family members).

Section 4 "I will help in any way I can" contains photographs of the child, in which he is shown doing homework.

Section 5 "The world around us". This section includes small creative works of the child on excursions, educational walks.

Section 6 "Inspiration of winter (spring, summer, autumn)". The section contains children's works (drawings, fairy tales, poems, photographs from matinees, records of poems that the child recited at the matinee, etc.).

V. Dmitrieva, E. Egorova also offer a specific portfolio structure:

Section 1 Parent Information, in which there is a heading "Let's get to know each other", which includes information about the child, his achievements, which were noted by the parents themselves.

Section 2 "Information of teachers" contains information about the observations of teachers of the child during his stay in kindergarten in four key areas: social contacts, communicative activity, independent use of various sources of information and activity as such.

Section 3 "Information of the child about himself" contains information received from the child himself (drawings, games that the child himself came up with, stories about himself, about friends, awards, diplomas, certificates).

L. I. Adamenko offers the following portfolio structure:

block "What a good child", which contains information about the personal qualities of the child and includes: an essay by the parents about the child; reflections of educators about the child; the child's answers to questions during the informal conversation "Tell me about yourself"; answers of friends, other children to the request to tell about the child; self-esteem of the child (the results of the "Ladder" test); psychological and pedagogical characteristics of the child; "basket of wishes", which includes gratitude to the child - for kindness, generosity, a good deed; letters of thanks to parents - for raising a child;

block "What a skillful child" contains information about what the child can do, what he knows, and includes: parents' answers to questionnaires; reviews of educators about the child; children's stories about a child; stories of teachers to whom the child goes to circles and sections; assessment of the child's participation in actions; the psychologist's characterization of the child's cognitive interests; diplomas in nominations - for curiosity, skills, initiative, independence;

block "What a successful child" contains information about the creative abilities of the child and includes: parental feedback about the child; the child's story about his successes; creative works (drawings, poems, projects); diplomas; illustrations of success, etc.

Thus, a portfolio (a folder of the child's personal achievements) allows for an individual approach to each child and is given upon graduation from kindergarten as a gift to the child himself and his family.

Portfolio structure of a preschooler.
Title page(it is obligatory to indicate the NAME and SURNAME of the child, additionally - individual design)
Content(this sheet lists portfolio sections)
Let's get acquainted(photo, you can make a short autobiography)
How it all began(photo from the maternity hospital, paraphernalia left from the maternity hospital: a ring that is put on the baby’s hand, information about the newborn, a patch of hair from birth)
I am growing(height and weight table)
My family(I suggest drawing or making a family tree on a computer)
"My friends": similar to the rubric "My family"
"World around us": photos or children's drawings of travel, family vacations, walks, hikes.
"Golden Pens". This section may contain children's handmade work or photographs if they are voluminous. Be sure to write down the date, the topic of the work.
"Tell me about me": stories about what kind of child is in the opinion of parents, kindergarten teacher, friend, etc.
"Thinking Out Loud": statements of children, interesting speech turns, words, reflections.
Photo from kindergarten ( photo from home collection)
My favorite cartoons(cutouts, stickers, drawings with your favorite characters)
My favorite books(staged photo, drawing, coloring book, sticker, etc.)
My sports achievements(sports awards, photos from sporting events in which the child participated)
My awards(you can include awards that are not included in other sections)
My hobby (if the kid already has a hobby or has a very specific favorite activity, you need to create this personal section).
Soon to school(e.g. kindergarten diploma, graduation photo, graduation medal, etc.)

institutions. Unfortunately, and maybe fortunately (there is room for creativity and imagination), there is no single model for creating a portfolio, which would greatly facilitate my task when creating it. After digging through the World Wide Web, I concluded that a preschooler's portfolio should include the child's personal data, his aspirations, hobbies, achievements, and dreams. In my portfolio, the main participant is my daughter Yulia and our whole family. After creating such a daddy, Yulia told about herself and her family in the kindergarten with great pleasure and pride.

Portfolio of a preschooler

Attention! The article provides an example of a portfolio.

A preschooler's portfolio is a folder in which the child's talents, successes, and preferences are "collected". Portfolios are increasingly required in preschool. Children who do not attend kindergarten, one way or another, become the heroes of the portfolio - in the popular series of photo albums "I was born, I am growing."

Why do you need a portfolio of a preschooler

The attitude to the portfolio of parents is twofold. On the one hand, many consider this an unjustified waste of time and a useless undertaking: they say, if a preschooler has a bad portfolio, then what, will he be expelled from the kindergarten or not accepted to school? Portfolio opponents argue their point of view by the fact that a kindergarten should be engaged in raising a child, regardless of his status, wealth or the epistolary skills of his parents, but here some kind of paperwork is obtained.

The other camp encourages children to have portfolios. Parents understand the importance of compiling a characteristic folder. Portfolios are often required to help educators.

Having learned from the portfolio what games the child likes to play, what toys he likes, what tasks he most willingly performs, the teacher will be able to correctly and competently build a line of behavior with the preschooler, help him quickly adapt in the team.

Having received from the educator as homework to prepare a portfolio of a preschooler, you will have to remember and put together the main points related to the life of the baby: his preferences, hobbies, first creative works, photographs. In the kindergarten, the portfolio will be supplemented with the most successful drawings and crafts, and for the graduation party you will receive back a folder with the child's achievements.

A portfolio can be kept at home as a reminder of a glorious preschool period. The portfolio may be asked to bring to the elementary school. Based on the data contained in the folder, teachers will draw up their own idea of ​​​​the child and decide with whom it is better to put him, what subjects should be paid attention to - that is, by the time the baby arrives, the psychological base for learning in the classroom will be ready.

What is included in a preschooler's portfolio

The portfolio reflects the main indicators of the child:

  • physical (height, weight and others),
  • skills (range of child's skills),
  • life (travel, hobbies, etc.).

There are a lot of portfolio options, but they all differ insignificantly from each other. As a rule, in the garden they say which sections must be present in the folder. Part of the pages is allowed to give under the sections at will.

Ready-made templates are sold in stores, in which accompanying pictures are given, section names are given.

However, more and more parents prefer to prepare a portfolio on their own. Crafty moms manage to include scrapbooking elements and Photoshop skills and turn the folder into a real masterpiece.

Required portfolio pages:

  • General data of the child (name, date of birth, city).
  • Portfolio content (This sheet lists portfolio sections) .
  • Get to know me (baby biography).
  • I am growing (height and weight table).
  • Photo from kindergarten.
  • My family (a separate page can be devoted to each family member, or you can simply place a conditional family tree).
  • That's what I love (children's hobby).
  • How can I help (a list of tasks that can be entrusted to a child).
  • My favorite books (list of favorite authors and works).
  • My travels (photos from travels).
  • I dream (the child's statements about the future profession, home, study are recorded).
  • Golden pens (photo crafts).
  • My friends.

Additional pages can be seasonal: for example, talk about how the child spent the winter and so on; or include certificates obtained in various competitions.

A portfolio can be interestingly designed in the form of a multi-colored book, in which, for example, the child’s favorite cartoon characters are depicted against the background of the pages.

Separate portfolio sections

Parents and educators should first of all understand why a child's portfolio is being created. Based on this, certain topics of the sections are selected. Let's give some examples.

This kind of portfolio is more focused on parents. With its help, parents receive answers to their questions concerning the child.

In the "Portrait of my child" section, adults write essays about the baby.

The section "Advise me" is filled in by educators and teachers working in kindergarten.

The "Ask Parents" page is designed to allow adults to contact educators directly and formulate questions.

V. Dmitrieva, E. Egorova also offer a certain portfolio structure, which reflects an integrated approach to raising a child. The folder is filled in by parents, teachers, and the child himself.

The Parent Information section includes information about the child that is entered by the parents.

The section "Information of teachers" is devoted to the observation of teachers of the child during their stay in kindergarten.

The "Child's Self-Information" section is essentially a first-person story. A preschooler shares his dreams, stories about friends, games that he invented himself, drawings, plans for the future.

L. Adamenko divides the portfolio into several blocks, to which friends, teachers from additional circles visited by the child, and psychologists are involved.

The section “What a good child” includes an essay by parents, thoughts of educators, answers from friends, a “basket of wishes” (thanks to the child for specific actions and for certain traits of his character, for example, for generosity and kindness), letters of thanks to parents for raising such a good child.

The section "What a skillful child" focuses on the skills of the child. In addition to the stories of educators, teachers, friends, various certificates are pasted.

The section “What a successful child” reveals a preschooler from the creative side thanks to drawings, applications, information about projects implemented in a preschool institution, certificates.

Portfolio example:

More details on the website

Preschooler Portfolio - Portfolioprosto!

Unlike a homemade album, which is made in order to have something to remember when the child grows up, the portfolio of a preschooler has completely different goals. A portfolio is needed so that an outsider (teacher, psychologist) can get an idea about the child, his family and the atmosphere in which the little man is brought up.

By collecting a special folder - a portfolio, you can not only record the success of the child, but also trace the dynamics, evaluate the strengths of his development. In order not to get "collecting for the sake of collecting itself", it is necessary to outline the main functions of the portfolio.

These include: diagnostic - captures changes and growth (mental and physical) over a certain period of time;

goal-setting - supports learning goals (what we teach the child and why);

motivational - encourages the results achieved by the child;

rating - shows the range of skills and abilities. Unlike a homemade album, which is made in order to have something to remember when the child grows up, the portfolio of a preschooler has completely different goals. A portfolio is needed so that an outsider (teacher, psychologist) can get an idea about the child, his family and the atmosphere in which the little man is brought up.


Portfolios include the following sections:- "Get to know me." The section is updated with data on birth, zodiac sign, information about which of the celebrities was born on this day. You can post information about what the name of the child means.

As well as a family tree.

- "I'm growing." This heading can be divided into two: 1. That's how big I am: weight, height, you can draw a child's hand at different age stages 2. What I learned: the skills that the child has acquired over the past year are written. For example, I learned to pronounce the sound -p, count to ten, etc.

- "My family": photos of family members, drawings of the child are placed. Each image is accompanied by a story.

- “My friends”: similar to the “My family” section

- "The world around us": photos or children's drawings of travel, family vacations, walks, hikes.

- "Golden Pens". This section may contain children's handmade work or photographs if they are voluminous. Be sure to write down the date, the topic of the work.

- “Tell me about me”: stories about what kind of child is in the opinion of parents, kindergarten teacher, friend, etc.

- "Thinking aloud": children's statements, interesting speech turns, words, reflections.

- "My achievements": certificates, letters of thanks, etc.


Find out! - Preschool Portfolio - How to Make a Preschool Portfolio - Sample Preschool Portfolio

What is a preschool portfolio?

Children's albums with dry and uninteresting photographs are no longer in trend, and they have been replaced by a new fashion trend as part of the comprehensive integrated development of the baby - a preschool portfolio. What does it represent?

A preschool portfolio is a kind of old albums with photographs, which are supplemented with interesting text, descriptions, and comments. All the achievements, every step, the successes of the child are recorded in it.

Such a concentration of childhood memories will allow in the future to feel those moments that were experienced in childhood. This is a kind of chronicle that will allow you to trace the history of the development of the baby from the first breath to the school bell.

How to make a portfolio for a preschooler?

In order for your kid's portfolio to not only arouse his interest, but also become a reflection of his personality, you should think about the original design of not only the cover, but also each page. To begin with, it would be worth getting a special folder that would allow you to supplement your portfolio with new pages.

It can be pasted over with simple gift paper, but it is better to make it more individual. For example, you can use scrapbooking techniques to create a unique composition, where the main element will be a photo of your baby.

Pages can be made of thick paper, they will be attached to special rings in the cover folder. They can also be arranged in accordance with the color scheme of the main page, this will create the effect of unity and completeness. In general, you can come up with just a huge number of ideas, it only takes a little imagination and time.

After registration, it is worth deciding on the sections that will fill your baby's portfolio. But there should be no problems with this, because the child himself will tell you how to fill his life chronicle.

Preschool Portfolio Sample

There is no established structure for this type of handicraft, because each child develops differently, and the parent feels his baby with his own heart. But you can use some design tips that will set a further concept.

The first step is to create a front page, which will indicate the name of the baby and posted his photo.

The next section is devoted to getting to know the baby, which can be called "Get to know me." In this section, you can place two headings - "My photos"

and “About me” (here you can write the place of birth of the child, favorite dishes, toys, parents can write a short story).

Such sections are common in almost every preschool portfolio. Then it all depends on the manifestations of your baby. His first steps, first words, first manifestations of character, etc.

The space for imagination is simply endless.

You can put a section where, for example, monthly record the changes that have occurred in the baby during this period. You can enter the weight and height of the baby at various stages of its development.

In general, there are a huge number of options. The process itself will captivate the whole family - this will unite you, and your child will appreciate the result of your work. To do this, you can create a separate section that will be dedicated to you - adults.

It will be possible to enter a photo of the process of creating a portfolio by you. And call this section "My family." This will keep the memory of you for many years.

A preschool portfolio is a great option to replace old and boring photo albums.

You can also use the following sections:

  • "My Calendar"- a description of the holidays that were celebrated with the baby, emphasizing unforgettable moments.
  • "I help everyone"- this section shows how the child helps to clean up mom, carries tools to dad, winds threads on balls of grandmother.
  • "That's what I can do!"- new crafts for the child, applications, training days, buildings from structures.
  • "My achievements!"- here you can place awards and certificates from the kindergarten, circles, at a young age, parents can do them. You can come up with a large number of such sections: “Golden Pens”, “Funny Fingers”, “Light Head”, “Different Differences”, etc.

As the portfolio of a preschooler grows, you can add content, an afterword, comments, not forgetting to decorate each page.


"Portfolio of a preschooler"

A preschooler's portfolio is, first of all, the first step in a child's discovery of his Self: his own feelings, experiences, victories, disappointments, discoveries. This is a "piggy bank" of the baby's personal achievements in various activities, his successes, positive emotions, the opportunity to once again relive the pleasant moments of his life.

Features of "Preschool Portfolio":

1.1. A portfolio is a way of recording, accumulating and evaluating the individual achievements of a student in a certain period of his education.

1.2. The portfolio complements the traditional control and evaluation tools, usually aimed at checking the reproductive level of assimilation of information, factorological and algorithmic knowledge and skills.

1.3. The portfolio allows you to take into account the results achieved by the pupil in various types of activities - educational, creative, social, communicative and others, and is an important element of a practice-oriented, active approach to education. In the foreign tradition, a portfolio is defined as "a collection of a student's work and results, which demonstrates his efforts, progress and achievements in various fields."

1.4. The portfolio of a preschooler is a promising form of presenting the individual orientation of the educational achievements of a particular pupil, which meets the tasks of pre-profile training and, in the future, profile education.

1.5. The use of such a form of assessment of educational achievements as a portfolio of a preschooler allows the educator to create for each pupil a situation of experiencing success.

Portfolio purpose.

The portfolio of a preschooler is considered as a personal achievement of a preschooler in a variety of activities collected during the child's stay in kindergarten. The introduction of a portfolio will allow the educator to purposefully collect, systematize information about the child, record the individual unique subjective manifestations of children, which is especially important at preschool age, when the development of the child is characterized by unevenness, spasmodicity, individual pace of maturation of mental functions and the accumulation of subjective experience.

Any portfolio should primarily attract the child author himself. Its pages should be designed in such a way that a preschooler who still cannot read can understand what is being said. This is facilitated by photographs, drawings, illustrations.

When compiling a portfolio, you need to proceed from the fact that this is a kind of business card for a child, after reading which, a complete stranger will have to form an opinion about your child, his level of development and abilities. Accordingly, the main task of the parent is to try to make this opinion turn out to be correct. It is worth approaching this difficult task responsibly, because with this very portfolio you will enter the first grade in the near future. In conclusion, I would like to say that the optimal cover for a portfolio of a preschooler is a folder with rings, in which you can put pages in transparent files, and the portfolio of a preschooler must be colorful: with illustrations and drawings.

It is advisable to additionally make a portfolio in electronic form, in the form of a presentation.

portfolio structure.

Title page ("Portfolio", photo, full name)


portfolio for a preschooler - The most interesting in blogs

This is a quote from post v76 Original message

Updated 09/15/15 (portfolio #24 added, the rest in the second part, does not fit here anymore))

How to download for free from file hosting see here

Thank you for visiting my page. Portfolio under the nickname ahmvr is my author's work.You can download (and quote) them absolutely free and free of charge.

I also do portfolio on order- development of a layout of an individual portfolio from 400 rub. From you - the theme, photo and requirements of the school. It remains only to print.

Term 1-3 days. Contact [email protected]

Creating a children's portfolio with your own hands is not difficult. There are a lot of recommendations on the network, and you can download beautiful portfolio templates for both school and preschool for free.

There are ready-made portfolios where you only need to add text and photos, print and fold the sheets into a folder with files. There are blanks in the form of backgrounds, frames and elements from which you can create an individual portfolio according to the requirements of the school or kindergarten.

Here are collected portfolios for school and kindergarten, created by me and found on the net (if possible, authorship is indicated). I hope you find a portfolio to your liking. Wishes and recommendations are welcome. For those who do not have the opportunity or time, below there are links to ready-made portfolios that can be ordered in the online store.


Beautiful portfolio of a student of middle or lower grades -1

25 png | rar | 197mb | Beautiful finished portfolio of a schoolgirl. It remains to substitute or add text and add photos.

There are spare sheets without titles colorful pattern portfolio of a primary or secondary school student -2 22 png | rar |1 88mb | Beautiful finished portfolio of a schoolgirl. It remains to substitute or add text and add photos. There are spare sheets without titles

Beautiful portfolio of a student of middle or lower grades -3

24 png|rar|64.1 mb|Beautiful ready-made schoolchild portfolio template free download It remains to substitute or add text and add photos. There are spare sheets without titles

Material from the site

How to design a portfolio of a preschooler for kindergarten - design samples

The original children's portfolio samples presented on our portal and other similar resources can be a great help for parents who want to create an amazing profile for their wonderful child who attends kindergarten. Indeed, in every family, the baby’s favorite drawings, his original applications and collages, a lot of photos that you want to systematize are carefully stored.

It is best to combine this with the design of a children's portfolio, which can be presented to kindergarten, and when enrolling in various circles, it is not a shame to show it. And how grandmothers and grandchildren love to look at such colorful albums for a long time, reading every word and looking at the smallest details. So why not bring this joy to the family, besides, designing a portfolio for a preschooler will not take much time if you use the templates from our website.

5 simple tips will completely reveal to you the secret of how to quickly and correctly, in an original and unusual, fun and playful way to arrange a portfolio for your little preschooler:

  • Download the colorful pattern you like, just look for it with your baby.
  • Select only those sheets that are needed for registration.
  • Print the selected material on a color printer.
  • Collect the best, most interesting photos to fill the pages.
  • Fill the sheets with interesting entries.

That's it! Now that the preschooler's portfolio is finished, you can lay out the sheets into files and carry the folder to kindergarten.

More details on the website

Portfolio of a preschooler - where to start?

The relatively recently introduced concept of "child's portfolio" has taken a strong position in our educational system. Each student has had a portfolio for a long time, and now more and more often a similar book of achievements is offered to parents of preschoolers.

Of course, many parents, on their own initiative, lead baby development journal. For example, recording the successes of a baby in a special children's photo album is almost a tradition that many parents continue even after their child reaches the age of one.

However, this home child development report is usually intended only for for home use: funny sayings, funny drawings, unusual photographs, the results of children's pranks - this is all the most intimate, and therefore is not designed for a wide circle of initiates.

In a word, the portfolio of a preschooler and his home counterpart (if any) have completely different tasks.

Why do you need a portfolio of a preschooler?

Unlike a home album, which is made so that there is something to remember when the child grows up, preschooler portfolio pursues very different goals. A portfolio is needed so that an outsider (teacher, psychologist) can get an idea about the child, his family and the atmosphere in which the little man is brought up.

From that how right a portfolio will be compiled, the approach to your baby will depend on the people involved in the upbringing and development of the child. Therefore, when compiling a portfolio of a preschooler, one should be guided by somewhat different considerations than when selecting materials for a home archive.

How to make a portfolio of a preschooler?

So, at the next parent meeting in kindergarten, you were informed that it was time to prepare a portfolio for your child. What to do with it?

Firstly, we have already figured out that the materials you have accumulated from your home album are either not suitable for these purposes at all, or they need to be carefully reviewed and selected.

Secondly, requirement to submit a portfolio a preschooler is not a whim at all, but a new trend in the education system, not devoid of common sense. The teacher simply does not have enough time to talk in detail with each parent about his child, while the portfolio (if it is correctly compiled) reflects all the necessary information about the kindergarten pupil.

Thirdly, if you were obliged to make a portfolio of a preschooler, then you should have been familiarized with the appropriate sample: what is needed, what is not needed, how to draw up.

Fourthly, it is worth approaching this difficult task responsibly, because with this very portfolio you will be in the near future enter first grade.

Portfolio structure of a preschooler

When compiling a portfolio, you need to proceed from the fact that it is a kind of baby business card, after reading which, a complete stranger will have to form an opinion about your child, his level of development and abilities. Accordingly, the main task of the parent is to try to make this opinion turn out to be correct.

So, any acquaintance begins with an introduction. Therefore, the first section of a preschooler's portfolio should be a page talking about a child: name, where he was born, where and with whom he lives and, of course, a photo of the baby. This is the basic information that must be present without fail, although at the request of the parents, the portfolio can be supplemented with a description of the child's zodiac sign and the interpretation of his name.

The next section should be completed information about the height and weight of the child illustrating specific data with specific photographs. And then you can go directly to baby skills: what and when he learned to do and what achievements he can boast of now (for example, he counts to 10 or knows all the letters).

To tell about child's leisure will also be useful - did you go to the zoo, theater, circus, rides? Describe your child's experience and include appropriate photographs. In the same section, you can put reports on trips to the sea, abroad, to the country.

If the child has already made friends, then it is simply necessary to devote a separate section to them. Place in section photos of friends and the history of acquaintance (on the playground, in the children's clinic, in kindergarten), describe how often the child communicates with friends.

Favorite fairy tales, cartoons and toys of the baby will also find a place in the portfolio of a preschooler. Ask your child about what and why he likes, and enter this information in the book of achievements.

Diverse crafts and drawings of the child should also be presented in the preschooler's portfolio. Find out from your child what drawings and crafts (they can be photographed and posted in this form) he especially likes and put them in a portfolio.

Of course, the presented portfolio structure is approximate, since each preschool institution has its own requirements for filling out this, I will not be afraid of this word, document.

Finally, I would like to say that the optimal cover for portfolio of preschooler is a folder with rings in which you can put pages in transparent files, and the portfolio of a preschooler must be colorful: with illustrations and drawings.

Svetlana Muzychenko especially for using materials, an active indexed link to is required.

And we'll start by looking at my kids' portfolios. By no means do I think you should create a preschooler's portfolio the same way. If you wish, you can make it even better!

Do not judge my work strictly, I do not pretend to be a professional. I made a portfolio of a preschooler based on my own knowledge and the "poke" method.

My son's portfolio

Lesson three.

Portfolio of a preschooler. How to choose beautiful frames and backgrounds?

Now I suggest you plunge into the atmosphere of creativity, look into the endless expanses of the Internet and find frames to make a portfolio of a preschooler.

Before we begin, we need to decide on the topic on which we will rely in our search. Most often, the theme of a preschooler's portfolio is the name of the group that the child attends, for example: the Teremok group.

If there are no specific requirements for this in the preschool educational institution, choose what is closer to you, it can be some kind of cartoon or a fairy tale.

You should not go to extremes and choose all the cute, but very different in appearance and meaning materials. Bears, hares, Leopold, Mickey Mouse, Masha and the Bear - together they will create the feeling of a hodgepodge in the portfolio of a preschooler.

Portfolio of a preschooler. How to find the right material?

Open any search engine, I used "google" (for convenience, select the "pictures" button) and enter queries:

Portfolio preschooler backgrounds;
portfolio preschooler frame.
Or simply:
tower frames;
frames for children's houses;
frames according to the fairy tale Teremok;
teremok backgrounds;
fabulous backgrounds;
forest backgrounds.

Frames and suitable backgrounds can be found for each request, I advise you to use various requests to find more suitable material.

Immediately decide what the preschooler's portfolio will look like and, based on this, choose frames.
If the portfolio of a preschooler is located vertically, then preference should be given to the same frames and backgrounds. Although some horizontal backgrounds can be stretched vertically, or cut in half.

Lighter backgrounds with more free space are welcome, as they will have to insert fragments of a story about the family and the child, as well as a photo.

Select the frame, background or picture you like in the search engine, click on it. The picture appeared in a new window, you got to the site, where you can now download or save it.

Option number 1

View the page, under the frames (backgrounds) you will be offered to download this material from a free file sharing service, choose any and download.

If you are not familiar with the principle of downloading from a file sharing service, then it is simple:

After, you will be prompted to enter your mobile phone number and download the file for free within a day, click the "Thank you, no need" button. Sometimes, this button does not appear immediately, but after a minute. Wait a little and press;

The next stage is a minute wait;

If you have found more material to download, then use a file hosting service to download, with the help of which files are not currently being downloaded.

Portfolio of a preschooler. We save (download) files for free. Option number 2

Well, if you don’t want to wait until the file is downloaded for free, besides, out of all the proposed ones, you are interested in one picture or frame, then I suggest an easier way:

Select the picture or frame you need on the site;

Increase it if there is an increase button;

If the picture is of good quality, then right-click on it and select the "save image" option;

In the “save as” window that appears, specify the save path, i.e. folder where the file will be stored. In the line "file name" we write its name or leave the existing one. In the "file type" line, select jpeg (ipg) and click the "save" button. The frames need to be saved in the proposed format, it is better if it is suitable for Photoshop - for example, the png format, but if it is in the jpeg format, then it's not scary either.

Not all sites provide full-size images, often thumbnails are used for display. Therefore, if you want to download a high-quality frame that will be easy to work with in Photoshop, then you should use the first method.

Fourth lesson.

Portfolio of a preschooler. How to frame a photo?

I suggest you prepare title pages and design a portfolio of a preschooler, namely, insert photos into frames using the Photoshop program.

I will tell and show you how to insert a photo into a frame without in-depth study of the features of this wonderful program.

Frames will be needed to make portfolio items for a preschooler: 1; 2; 2.3; 2.9; 3; 3.1. By the way, if you do not have this wonderful program, you can use its free version. Just type in the search engine: photoshop online and use it to your health.

Portfolio of a preschooler. Watch a video tutorial on how to frame a photo in Photoshop

Fifth lesson.

How to draw up a portfolio of a preschooler in Word?

Now we will learn how to arrange all the previously collected material into a single whole using the Word program. We will experiment, create, create our own unique masterpiece - a portfolio of a preschooler.

The process of designing a portfolio of a preschooler may require some time from you, but your household and kindergarten teachers will appreciate the result.

We make a portfolio of a preschooler. So, let's start in order:

Adjust the “Word” fields in advance (file, page settings, margins), the optimal size for all printers is 0.5 cm. If you print your portfolio on your printer, then set the margins to 0 cm. agree to this.

Do not forget to check on each page whether the text settings have gone astray, highlight headings and subheadings with color, bold, separate them from the text with a clean line. For headings, the font size is 26-32. Break text into paragraphs for easier reading.

Portfolio of a preschooler. How to arrange the collected material in one document, see this video tutorial:

And now let's take a closer look at each item in the content of a preschooler's portfolio:

1 . Portfolio (title page). Insert the prepared photo of your child in a frame, stretch it to the size of the sheet, write “Portfolio” on the top in the free space, under it the last name, first name of the child. Bottom right or center - kindergarten (number, name), below the number and name of the group. All text on the title page is formatted as headings.

1.1. Content. Choose a suitable background or frame, paste it on a blank sheet, copy the content you wrote earlier and paste it on the page. See that the text settings do not go astray, align the text to the center.

2. Our (a) son (daughter) (title page). Insert a frame prepared in advance with a photograph on a sheet, stretch it, write the heading “Our (a) (son, daughter) name” on top, in the center.

2.1 . Parent's story about the child. Insert the story in the center into a frame or on the selected background, if space permits, then the text can be supplemented with photographs of the child. The title can be made "Parents about the child" or "Our daughter, son."

2.2. Name secret. Choose a background or frame to fit the text in it, if you use a background, then fill the free space with photos. Top heading Meaning of the name "child's name".

3.1 . Genealogical tree. Frame with photos of family members. Title: Genealogical tree.

3.2 . Family composition.
3.3 . The motto of family education.
3.4. National composition of the family.
3.5. Features of national education.
3.6. Family traditions.

Insert a story and a photo in the background. The listed 5 points can be drawn up on two sheets, if you have a lot of suitable photographs and large text, then draw each point on a separate sheet. The titles of the paragraphs are subheadings, so they can not be enlarged, but highlighted in bold and color, this applies to all headings in this section. The main heading - "My family", can be on each page of this section, starting from paragraph 3.2. to end.

3.7 . Family hobbies - headline. Insert a story and photo in the background. If each member of the family has hobbies, then highlight them as subheadings, highlight them in bold and color, for example: Mom's hobby: further description and photo.

3.8. Dreams of family education - headline. Insert a story and photographs of the child in the background.

3.9. Pets headline. Insert a photo of a pet and a story about it on the background or in a frame.

I wish you and your children success in all your endeavors!