
Description of non-traditional drawing techniques book on the topic. cork impression


Sections: Working with preschoolers

This is true!
Well, what is there to hide?
Children love, love to draw.
On paper, on asphalt, on the wall
And in the tram on the window!
E. Uspensky.

It is known that drawing is one of the most favorite children's activities.

Even Aristotle noted: drawing classes contributes to the diverse development of the child.

The formation of a creative personality is one of the important tasks of pedagogical theory and practice at the present stage.

For the development of children's creativity, certain knowledge, skills and abilities are necessary, methods of activity that they themselves, without the help of adults, cannot master, we are talking about purposeful teaching of rich artistic experience. The teacher is an amazing creative person who is able to educate a creatively developed child. And the love for art, which the teacher instills in his wards in childhood as a leitmotif, will pass through life, enriching it with bright positive emotions. Education should begin as early as preschool. Work experience convinced me that teaching children non-traditional image techniques has a positive impact on the development of children's creativity.

The meaning and value of non-traditional images certainly has a positive effect on the treatment of emotional disorders. This kind of therapy helps children with retarded mental development. It is known that such children do not show interest in drawing, they have distracted attention, poor coordination, impulsive, careless execution of the image. They draw, not always what they see and know, usually the image arises spontaneously, with elements of emotional mood.

At the first stage of learning in the process of artistic creativity, children learn, are not afraid, and this is quite an important factor. It is necessary to teach such children starting with the simplest subjects gradually as they acquire skills and experience. Moving on to drawing more complex subjects. Do not insist on color matching, which can confuse the child and possibly affect his desire to draw.

It is also necessary to form a coherent speech. To do this, we recommend using short nursery rhymes and songs in the lesson. Repeating songs or quatrains in chorus several times while developing memory, attention, and also activating vocabulary.

For example:

First fluffs, first snowflakes
They spin in the air.
And quietly on the ground, fall, lie down.

herringbone, herringbone
Green needle...etc.

Thanks to repeated repetition with a simple melody, children quickly memorize and focus their attention on the object, gaining confidence, becoming more liberated in creativity. In addition, in the process of practical activity, unlimited opportunities are created for spontaneous verbal communication between the teacher and children.

We recommend doing finger gymnastics every time before class or in the form of playing around with the topic of the lesson. At the end of the lesson, summing up all the achievements of the child, it is necessary to welcome, and not suppress, questions of criticism will only interfere with the pedagogical process. Over time, when children learn non-traditional ways of obtaining graphic images, mixed image techniques and their variability can be taught. We offer several types of non-traditional art-graphic techniques for teaching children from 5 to 7 years of age with mental retardation. The order of placement is related to the sequence of learning.

Non-traditional artistic and graphic techniques

Image acquisition methods

1. "Finger painting"(paint is applied with fingers, palm). In this case, the paint is poured into flat bowls, sockets, water is placed. The rule is that each finger picks up one specific paint. Washed fingers are immediately wiped with a napkin.

Picture 1

For palm painting, paint is poured into a saucer. Finger painting produces drawings in the younger groups, in the older groups it can be combined with other techniques.

Figure 2

Figure 3

2."Leaf Seal"- different leaves from different trees are used. They are covered with paint with a brush, leaving no empty spaces, this is done on a separate sheet of paper. Then the painted side is pressed firmly against the paper, trying not to budge. The leaves can also be reused, applying a different color to it, when mixing paints, an unusual shade can be obtained, the rest is drawn with a brush. Get great landscapes

Figure 4

3. "Drawing by poking" -(with a cotton swab) for a poke, it is enough to take some object (cotton swab), dip it into the paint and hit it on the sheet from top to bottom, a clear imprint of a certain shape remains. The poke can be used both along the finished contour and inside it, the depicted object turns out to be an interesting heterogeneous texture.

Figure 5

"Poke (hard semi-dry brush)"- a hard brush is used, it sinks into the paint, and then hits the paper, holding it vertically. The rule is that the brush does not fall into the water. It turns out an imitation of the texture of a fluffy or prickly surface.

Figure 6

4. "Imprint with a cork" - various plugs and caps are used. The image is obtained by pressing the cork to the ink pad, making an impression on the paper. For a different color, both the bowl and cork change. For better expressiveness, you can use the cover on 2 sides. (The rule is to press confidently and rhythmically without moving).

Figure 7

5."Imprint with potato seals" - seals are prepared in advance from potatoes. The child presses the signet against the bowl with thick paint, wiping the excess on the edge of the bowl (you can use a stamp pad with paint) and makes an impression on paper. To obtain a different color, both the bowl and the signet are changed to create more expressiveness, a brush is used to apply a different color of paint

Figure 8

6.“Crumpled paper impression, foam rubber impression and foam impression”- the method of obtaining the image is the same as the one listed above. The rule is no water is used.

Figure 9

7. "Blotography"- drop a blot on a sheet of paper, fold the paper in half and iron it with your hand in order to imprint the paint. Determine what it looks like, finish the missing details.

Figure 10

8. Option 2. Apply a blot by lifting and tilting a sheet of paper with spreading paint, create images. Then another sheet is placed on top and smoothed by hand for a better print. Determine what it looks like, finish the missing details.

Figure 11

Option 3. (blowing paint). Apply paint through a straw and inflate the paint from the center in different directions, creating an image to finish the missing details.

Figure 12

Option 4.(Blot printing with a thread) - threads of 25-30 cm folded in half are dipped in different colors (gouache), placed on a sheet of paper, applied with another sheet and the thread is pulled out. Missing details are drawn. (Threads can be used in different thicknesses and textures.) Finish the missing details.

Figure 13

9. "Stencil Printing"- with a foam swab using a stamp pad with paint, an imprint is applied to the paper using a stencil. To change the color, another swab and stencil are taken. The missing parts are completed with a brush, can be combined with finger painting.

Figure 14

10. "Drawing on wet paper". The sheet is wetted with water, and then the image is applied with a brush or finger. It will turn out as if blurry in the rain or in the fog. If you need to draw details, you must wait until the drawing dries or pick up thick paint on the brush.

Figure 15

Option 2 using a sponge, thick paper is wetted with water. Then, with watercolor crayons, a drawing is applied with an end face or flat. As the paper dries, it gets wet.

Option 2. (Blurred drawing) the drawing is applied to paper with thick paint, after drying, the sheet is lowered for a second or two into a tray of water. The picture is blurry (in the fog, rainy day.)

11. "Splatter"- (drawing with a toothbrush). Paint is collected on a toothbrush (ink or diluted gouache with PVA) and paint is sprayed onto the drawing with a stick. The rule is to move the wand towards you, directing the brush onto the paper. Tip: it is advisable to put on an apron and cover the table with paper (newspaper or oilcloth). You can also use a toothbrush to depict waves, fringe, thick grass, etc. with all the pile.

Figure 16

12. "Monotopia"- (imprint) - a sheet of paper is folded in half, then unfolded, paint (gouache) is applied to one half of the sheet - a landscape is created. After that, the sheet is again folded and printed, it turns out, as it were, a mirror image. After receiving the print, revive the original drawing with paints again so that it has clearer contours than its reflection on the water surface of the reservoir. The reflection on the water does not need to be tinted again, it remains slightly blurry.

Figure 17

Option 2. "Monotopia subject" - In the same technique, you can depict trees, flowers, butterflies, dragonflies. When dry, you can cut out a butterfly or other image from a sheet folded in half.

Figure 18

Option 3. The paint is applied to a piece of cellophane, papers or a piece of glass and applied to the paper on which the image is applied and pressed. Depending on the size of the spot and the direction of rubbing, different images are obtained.

13. "Paper Roll"- paper is taken and crumpled in the hands until it becomes soft. Then a ball rolls out of it. Sizes can be different (small - berry, large - snowman). After that, the paper ball is lowered into the glue and glued to the base.

Figure 19

14. "Paper Cut"- small pieces or long strips come off the paper. Then it is drawn with glue, what it wants to depict. Glue pieces of paper. It turns out a voluminous fluffy or fleecy pattern.

Figure 20

15. "Protruding Drawing"- (wax crayons + watercolor). The conceived plot is made with wax pencils (crayons), then with the help of a brush watercolor paints are applied on top. The watercolor rolls off the image, the drawing appears, as it were, appears.

The rule is that there should be pressure on the wax pencil so that the trace from it is clear, bright. Paint over with watercolor quickly, trying not to spend many times in one place.

Figure 21

16. "Familiar Shape"- (“new image”) - the selected object is circled in pencil (scissors, glasses, fork, stapler, spoon, etc.). Then they turn it into something else by painting with any suitable materials. you can upgrade any items, as well as hands and feet.)

Option 2.(animated objects). Various things from any subject group are depicted: vegetables, fruits, clothes, household items, dishes, plants, etc. Which suddenly came to life. At the same time, keep the shape of the drawn objects, give them a human appearance by drawing eyes, mouth, nose, legs, pens, various details of clothing, bows, ties, hats, etc.

Figure 22

17. "Templateography"- this technique involves the outlining of pre-prepared patterns - geometric shapes - in order to compose and depict a separate object or plot picture. To draw an object, you need to imagine what geometric shapes it consists of.

The rule is to start creating an object with the largest shape and only then move on to the details. The template must be applied to the sheet with one hand, trying not to move it, and with the other pencil circle it around.

Tip: complete the finished composition in color using colored pencils (if the drawing is done with wax pencils, you can paint with watercolors or gouache).

Figure 23

18. "Scratching" (engraving)- a sheet of paper is rubbed with a candle (preferably cardboard or thick paper). Then the entire sheet is painted over with ink and liquid soap - a background is created in a certain color. After drying with a stack or a stick, the drawing is scratched.

Option 2. Multi-colored strokes are drawn on thick paper (or a background in 2-3 colors). Then the drawing is rubbed with a candle and painted over with ink. The drawing is scratched with a stack or a sharp stick. In this case, the drawing is colored.

Figure 24

19. "Photocopy"- the drawing is located with the help of a water-repellent material - a candle or a dry piece of soap, invisible contours will not be painted when watercolor paint is applied over them, but will appear, as it happens when photographic film is developed

Figure 25

20."Plasticineography"- plasticine must be warmed up (it is possible in a container with hot water). Cardboard is used, plasticine is fixed on the surface with a pre-drawn background and contour by pressing and flattening.

Figure 26

21. "Stained Glass" (adhesive pictures)- with PVA glue (from a bottle with a metered spout) a contour of the future drawing is applied to a sheet of paper (you can first make a contour with a simple pencil), time is given to dry the adhesive base of the drawing - stained glass, then the space between the contours is painted with bright colors. Adhesive borders do not allow the paint to spread and mix. Rule - the adhesive contour must be dry. One color for several sections in different places, and only after that change color.

Option 2. The outline for stained glass can be replaced with oil or wax crayons, which will not allow the paint to spread and mix.

Figure 27


1. Davydova G. N. Non-traditional drawing techniques in kindergarten - M .: Scriptorium Publishing House 2003, 2007.

2. Davydova G. N. Plastinography for kids. – LLC publishing house "Scriptorium" 2003

3. Kazakova R. G. Drawing with preschool children. Non-traditional techniques, planning, class notes. - M. Shopping Center "Sphere" 2006 - (Series "Together with children").

Target: The development of the emotional sphere of the child, the formation of trusting relationships, the activation of attention. Introduce children to a new method of drawing with foam.


· Tutorial: To form the ability to navigate on a sheet of paper. Introduce a new drawing technique - foam. Combine several techniques in drawing.

· Developing: Expand vocabulary, develop articulation, develop motor activity under poetic accompaniment.

· Educational: To cultivate interest and respect for the items of theatrical and gaming equipment, to form a desire to transform into the depicted images using various means of expression.



Integrated lesson in theatrical and art activities

(non-traditional drawing - foam impression)

based on the fairy tale "Kolobok"

for children 3-4 years old

Target: The development of the emotional sphere of the child, the formation of trusting relationships, the activation of attention. Introduce children to a new method of drawing with foam.


Tutorial: To form the ability to navigate on a sheet of paper. Introduce a new drawing technique - foam. Combine several techniques in drawing.

Developing: Expand vocabulary, develop articulation, develop motor activity under poetic accompaniment.

Educational: To cultivate interest and respect for the items of theatrical and gaming equipment, to form a desire to transform into the depicted images using various means of expression.

Equipment: attributes characteristic of each character in the fairy tale "Gingerbread Man", yellow, blue, red gouache, sheets of paper (a round template is cut out in advance) for each child, foam pads, napkins.

preliminary work: reading and telling the fairy tale "Kolobok", showing a fairy tale with the help of various types of theater, getting to know all the characters of the fairy tale through sketches, looking at illustrations for the fairy tale.

The teacher invites the children to take a trip to a fairy tale. After the teacher receives the consent of the children, they all go on a journey on a train together.

Finger exercise "Steam locomotive"

The locomotive screams "Doo-doo"(children make circular movements with their hands)
- I - "I'm going - I'm going - I'm going."
(near the belt, imitate the movements of the wheels of a steam locomotive)
- And the wagons are knocking,
(children knock with fists (back side))
-And the cars say
- "Well, well, well!".

Educator: We are with you in a fairy tale. What? Look, the characters of this fairy tale are on the easel.

Children: This is from a fairy tale, Kolobok”

Educator: Lived - there were a grandfather and a woman.

One day the grandfather asks the grandmother

Bake me, old gingerbread man.

Grandma went She swept the barn, scraped the bottom of the barrel, picked up two handfuls of flour. Grandma kneaded the dough, and baked a bun

The teacher takes out a toy - a bun.

Q: What bun?

D.: ruddy, round.

V: Right. The gingerbread man turned out to be fried, ruddy, round. That's right, let's go for a walk in the forest with him.

D.: Yes

V .: The bun rolls, rolls, and the bunny goes to meet him.

What bunny?

D .: Small, gray, ears are long, tail is short.

V .: I saw a bunny kolobok and says. Gingerbread Man, Gingerbread Man, I'll eat you. And the gingerbread man says: Do not eat me, I will sing a song for you (children sing a song)

V .: The bunny really liked it, and he let go of the bun.

The bun rolls, rolls, and the wolf goes to meet him.

Q: What wolf?

D .: Angry, scary, his ears are short, his tail is long, his teeth are sharp.

V .: The wolf saw the kolobok and speaks. Gingerbread Man, Gingerbread Man, I'll eat you. And the gingerbread man says: Do not eat me, I will sing a song for you (children sing a song)

Q: The wolf really liked the song, he let go of the bun

D: Birches, Christmas trees.

Physical education minute:

Guys, let's get up and show by which large trees the bun rolled (stretched on toes), but then the wind blew and the birches and fir trees swayed (swing), and which flowers are small (tilts forward).

Well done, sit down.

V .: A bun rolls, rolls, and a bear goes to meet him.

Q: What bear?

D .: Big, clubfoot, his ears are short, his tail is short.

V .: The bear saw the kolobok and says. Gingerbread Man, Gingerbread Man, I'll eat you. And the gingerbread man says: Do not eat me, I will sing a song for you (children sing a song)

V .: The bear really liked the song and he let go of the bun.

The bun rolls, rolls, and the fox goes to meet him.

Q: What fox?

D .: Sly, red, her ears are short, her tail is long, fluffy tail.

V .: The fox saw the kolobok and says. Gingerbread Man, Gingerbread Man, I'll eat you. And the gingerbread man says: Do not eat me, I will sing a song for you (children sing a song)

V. And the fox was cunning, took and ate the bun. What to do, guys, grandparents will be upset now. Let's draw a bun.

Practical part. Drawing.

And what are we going to draw a kolobok with? (the teacher takes out foam pads).

Music sounds, children sit at the tables. The teacher reminds drawing techniques: shows how to hold the pads (with all fingers). The pillow must be held correctly, otherwise it will be offended, and our bun will turn out to be not beautiful, sloppy. You need to draw like this: dip a foam pad in paint and attach it to paper, then dip it in paint again and attach it to paper again, and so on, until the bun becomes colored (yellow).

Children perform the movements shown by the teacher.

Look, guys, what ruddy koloboks we got. And now let's draw his eyes with a finger, for this we take blue paint and a mouth, we take red paint.

The children do the work as directed by the teacher.

Well done boys. Here grandparents will be delighted, because now they have not one, but many ruddy koloboks.

At the end of the work, the children organize an exhibition of works and consider them. The teacher praises the children.

"Developing environment in the preschool educational institution" - Resistance - the resistance and resistance of the child's body to various kinds of negative influences. The proportion of children with a high and medium level of psychological readiness for school. Creative group No. 1. Project: "Parents - management of an educational institution - quality". Pedagogical council of preschool educational institution.

"Methodology of Maria Montessori" - Teremok. The development of vision. Space development. Clothespins. Hearing development. Montessori fasteners. Magic bag. Writing and reading. Inserts. Water transfusion. Laces. Any child is a normal person. Coils. Natural science and space development. Mathematical terms. The task of the Montessori teacher.

"Tales of Louise Duss" - Sheep. Something has changed with the elephant. Bad dream. Baby elephant. Lamb. The boy returned home. Wedding anniversary. Fairy tale "Chick". Boy. Interpretation of responses. Girl. The projective technique of Louise Duess. Forest. Birdies.

"Training and Development" - Training and Development. Zone of Proximal Development. Three points of view. Learning. Theory. Education. Problem. Learning is only good when it goes ahead of development. Learnability. The concept of the zone of proximal development. The essence of the problem. Approaches to problem solving. Ability to learn. The essence of the problem of the relationship between training and development.

"The process of child development" - Cognitive and speech development. 2. Activity approach. It assumes individual, subgroup and group forms of organization of work with pupils. 4. Gender approach. Communication. Socialization. Artistic creativity. Be based on the complex-thematic principle of building the educational process;

"Crisis of 3 years" - Crisis of 3 years or the age of obstinacy. Depreciation. Crises of development. Despotism. What happens to the child. What is our life. Willfulness. Obstinacy. How to behave as parents to shorten the duration of the crisis. In psychology, there is a whole list of signs of a “crisis of 3 years”. Basic principles of behavior of a parent who wants to accelerate the flow.

In total there are 19 presentations in the topic

A friend approached me with a request to make him a corporate logo

3D logo, styrofoam letters

The choice of materials was wood and foam. the sign needed a decent size (~1.5 meters long) and a thickness of 5 centimeters was needed, so foam was chosen.

I suggest you familiarize yourself with the creation process

First, I needed to print the "stencil" in full size.

It turned out that this task is solved by standard features, in the printer settings > page settings :)

Empirically, you choose how many pages you need to compose the image, I got 3x4 so that the small letters are ~ 20 cm in height.

I circled the contours with a pen so that an imprint remained on the foam, and when finished, I circled it with a marker, in case the foam straightened.

I liked how it turned out. It remains to cut and paint.

At first I thought about what to cut. My first thought was a red-hot nichrome thread, but I decided to try sawing with a jigsaw just in case. I was only embarrassed by the fact that the jigsaw seemed very small, and they would not be able to make such sizes. Unexpectedly for myself, I sawed out the entire logo at a time, "in one breath." Styrofoam is cut softly, quietly, calmly and pleasantly)

Some inaccuracies when sawing out are easily leveled with emery, in sharp corners - with a needle file, i.e. everything is like with a tree, only many times easier.

The next stage of work is to apply a thin layer of putty on the ends, dry, skin.

Next, you have to paint, the first thing that came to mind was to do it with aerosol paint from a can, but this paint contains an aggressive solvent - such as acetone, which corrodes the foam.

I decided to use high-quality water-based paint - Tikkurila, it is tinted in the desired color in less than a minute.

Black and pink were chosen, the paint is thick, it is pleasant to apply, it practically did not smear anything around, as it happens when you have to twist the workpiece to paint in hard-to-reach places.

If such a thick paint is applied with a brush, the corresponding traces and stains will remain, when dried, of course, it will settle down but not completely, you will have to sand it, it is much more pleasant to apply it with a roller, except that in sharp corners it is not possible to crawl everywhere.

The first layer, after drying, we skin the front part, paint again and voila :)

At the installation site, I first pasted the template on the wall, making sure that the distances from the corners to the floor and from the corners to the ceiling are the same, i.e. the template is horizontal, and nothing should visually knock it out in the interior - I cut out the dots above the i and glued the dots on double tape.