
Abstract of the lesson in the dow theme air. Summary of the lesson "air and its properties". Didactic game "Where is the air hidden?"


middle group

Teacher of MDOU "Kindergarten No. 217" Kovaleva T.G. Saratov 2011



Lead to the understanding that there is air around and inside us;

To give an idea that it takes up space and has properties (invisible, light, odorless), and also to give an idea that the wind is the movement of air;

Contribute to the mastery of some methods of detecting air;

To promote the formation of cognitive interest in children;

Summarize, clarify previously obtained knowledge about the properties of air;

Learn to work in a team and individually during experiments.


Develop curiosity, observation, mental activity;

Develop thinking, memory, speech, interest in cognitive activity;

Develop visual and auditory perception.


Cultivate interest and desire to expand your horizons;

To cultivate curiosity, mutual assistance, respect for the environment,

To cultivate a positive attitude towards the world around us, the desire to explore it in all available ways.

Vocabulary work: Enrich the vocabulary of children with words: laboratory, transparent, invisible, experiments.

Previous work:

wind observations;

Conducting experiments proving the lightness of air;

Experiments with water and objects made of metal, plastic, stone, glass, sand;

Manufacture of boats with sails, fans.


Polyethylene bags (according to the number of children);

Glasses with water, cocktail tubes (according to the number of children);

Soap bubbles (according to the number of children);

Toys, jars and other objects are dense and hollow (empty inside);

2 trays;

Chest Kuzi;

Toy "Brownie Kuzya" and a screen;

Styrofoam boats with paper sails;

Vessel - "sea" for boats;

Paper napkins (according to the number of children);

Fans (according to the number of children);

Orange, garlic, garlic press;

Balloons (according to the number of children);

Plates with numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 on the tables for experiments

Lesson progress

Educator: Guys, listen carefully and guess the riddle:

We need it to breathe

To inflate the balloon.

With us every hour

But he is invisible to us!

Children: Air!

Educator: That's right, it's air! Today we will talk about air, we will do experiments like real scientists. For this we have a laboratory.

(go to the lab)

Brownie Kuzya(appearing from behind the stove): Hello guys! What are you going to do here?

Educator: The guys and I want to talk about air.

Kuzya: About air? And who saw it, this air? Maybe it doesn't exist at all? Personally, I have never seen air! What about you guys?

caregiver: Tell me, guys, Kuze, do you see the air around us?

Children: No, we don't see.

Educator: Since we do not see it, then what kind of air?

Children: Air is transparent, colorless, invisible.

Kuzya: Exactly! Invisible! So it doesn't exist at all!

Educator: Wait, wait, Kuzya! I haven’t seen the air either, but I know that it is always around us!

Kuzya: Oh, you know everything! And I don't believe you! Prove that this same air exists!

Educator: Guys, let's prove to Kuza that there is still air! To see the air, you have to catch it. Do you want me to teach you how to catch air?

Children: Yes.

Experience 1 With a plastic bag

Educator: Take a plastic bag. What's in it?

Children: It's empty.

caregiver: It can be folded several times. Look how thin he is. Now we draw air into the bag and twist it. The bag is full of air, it is like a pillow. The air took up all the space in the bag. Now untie the bag and let the air out of it. The package is thin again. Why?

Children: It has no air.

Educator: Look, Kuzya! Conclusion: the air is transparent, in order to see it, it must be caught. And we were able to do it! We caught the air and locked it in the bag and then let it out.

Kuzya: And this bag reminded me of something! In the summer, I saw people use such "locked" air! On the river! It looks like it was an air mattress! And I also saw children wearing rescue sleeves and even a life buoy!

Educator: Of course, Kuzya! After all, air is lighter than water! And if there is air inside the mattress, then, of course, it floats!

Kuzya: So if there is air inside something, it will float? Guys, help me sort out the toys: which ones will float and which ones won't? Where is the air hidden?

Didactic game "Where is the air hidden?"

(children take out toys one by one from Cousin's chest and lay them out on 2 trays)

Educator: Well done boys! Help Kuze! Now you know, Kuzya, that objects with air inside will float. But be careful, if water gets inside and pushes air out, then this item may sink.
Kuzya: Now I know: inside the objects, where it seems empty, air is hidden there. But I wonder if there is air inside a person?

Educator: What do you guys think. Let's check?

Experience 2 Blow into a tube lowered into a glass of water.

Educator: Blow into a tube dipped in a glass of water. What's happening?

Children: Bubbles come out.

caregiver: You see! Conclusion: it means that there is air inside us. We blow into the tube and it comes out. But in order to blow more, we first inhale new air, and then exhale through a tube and bubbles are obtained. Guys, what bubbles can you still blow?

Children: Soapy.

Educator: Let's blow bubbles too.

F/m "Soap Bubbles" (to the music)

caregiver: Kuzya, what do you think is inside the soap bubbles?

Kuzya: Of course, soap!

Educator: Guys, is Kuzya right? Why? Of course, every bubble has air inside. This soap film is filled with air and comes off the loop. Light, air-filled bubbles float in the air.

Kuzya: Clear! You exhale air. So it is within you. But how does it get to you? Through the nose?

Educator: Of course! All people breathe through the nose. Guys, let's show Kuze how our noses breathe. When we simply inhale and exhale air, do we see it?

Children: No.

Experience 3. With a napkin.

Educator: Can you see it with a napkin?

Children: Yes.

Educator: You have noticed that when we inhale and exhale air, the napkin moves like leaves on trees in summer. And we said that the leaves sway in the wind. Where did the wind come from here, now?

You inhaled and exhaled, the air moved and you got a breeze. So when air moves, wind is produced. Do you want to make the wind?

Game "Ships"

Educator: The breeze created by the flow of air from the chest inflates the sails, and the boats sail. Ships catch the air with sails. Air can move objects.

Kuzya: You are blowing, you are pushing the air. And if you don't blow, how else can you make wind?

Experience 4. With a fan.

Educator: Guys, let's try to arrange the wind with a fan! Wave the fan first at yourself, then at each other. What do you feel?

Children: The wind blows on your face.

Educator: Look, even boats can sail from my fan. The wind not only helps sailboats sail. He can spin the turntable. Look: the air is not moving, and the pinwheel is not spinning. I wave the fan, I push the air, it turns out the wind, and the pinwheel spins.

Kuzya: How this spinner looks like a windmill! We had one in our village. There, at the mill, flour was ground. And then pies were baked from this flour. I love the smell of pies!

Educator: Guys, what do you think the air smells like? Smell. But how is it that when pies are baked, we smell? It turns out that the air moves and brings these smells to our noses, although the air itself has no smell.

Experience 5. With orange and garlic.

Kuzya: Oh-oh-oh! What a smell of garlic! I don't want that smell! I'd rather close my nose and not breathe.

Educator: What are you, Kuzya! Without air, you will suffocate. All life on earth needs air: people, animals, and plants! Without air, they will die.

Experience 6. “I don’t breathe”

caregiver: You see, not even all the sand was poured into the hourglass, you could not live even one minute without air!

Educator: Kuzya, if you don't like the smell of garlic, we'll help you. Let's open the window, and fresh air will fly in here. And it's easy to breathe in the fresh air.

Kuzya (speaks, and the teacher shows illustrations):

Well, thank you! How much I learned about air today!

That the air is colorless, so we can't see it;

To see the air, it must be caught (Fig. 1);

That air is lighter than water (Fig. 2);

That there is air inside empty objects;

And even inside people (Fig. 3);

Without air, nothing living can live;

And I also learned that the air does not smell and can transmit odors (Fig. 4,5);

And I finally learned what the wind is! Wind is the movement of air (Fig. 6);

Educator: And in the next lesson I will talk about why some balloons remain on the ground, while others fly high into the sky (Fig. 7). And more about how you can travel through the air in balloons (Fig. 8).

Kuzya, where did you disappear to? What are you doing over there?

Kuzya: I'm here! (blowing). I inflated balloons. I want to give these balloons to all the guys who helped me understand what air is. Thanks guys! I'll go now and tell my friends everything I've learned today. Goodbye!

Educator: And it's time for us guys to return from the laboratory to kindergarten. Let's get dressed and go outside - breathe fresh air!

Integration of educational areas:cognitive development, social and communicative development, physical development.


1. To form children's ideas about the importance of air for humans and all living things.

2. Continue to acquaint children with the properties of air (invisible, odorless, can move, take up space, etc.) and ways to detect it. Develop cognitive activity in the process of experimentation.

3. Cultivate a friendly attitude, a desire to help each other in game situations, respect for the air.

Manuals and materials:plastic bags, toothpicks, water containers, plastic cups, straws for a cocktail (by the number of children), symbol cards, soap bubbles, parachute cloth, scientists' hats by the number of children, a pointer, flower-scented toilet water, a picture about air pollution .

Conduct form:subgroup.


1. Org. air game "Parachute"

Educator:Guys, I have a surprise for you. Look how big my piece of fabric is. She is light, airy, obedient to the air. Do you know who skydivers are? What do they reveal above their heads when they jump from an airplane? Let's try to make a parachute, stand all in a circle and take hold of the edges.

Together we all stood in a circle,

Let's do a parachute.

We follow each other

We carry a parachute in our hands.

We all raise our hands,

We inflate our parachute.

Here is our parachute

Inflated with light air.

Educator:What helped us inflate our parachute? (air)

Watch as the parachute fills with air. This helps the skydiver to land slowly and smoothly and not hit the ground.

Guys, let's turn into real scientists, we will conduct experiments to find out the secrets of the air. Do you agree? (children wear hats)

Where else do you think the air is located?

Children: He is everywhere (he is everywhere: on the street, in the room, in the ground, water and even inside us).

Educator:Have you ever seen air? (No). Why don't we see it? (it is transparent, colorless, invisible).

Educator:How can we check if he is in our group? (speculation)

Educator:And I propose to catch with the help of packages (distributing packages to children, the children, at the same time as the teacher, open the packages, make a movement with them and sharply close them with their hands).

What happened to the packages? (they puffed up like a pillow)

What is in them? (air)

Guys, do you know what items also have air trapped in them? (ball, wheel, inflatable circle, mattress, armlets, ball, inflatable toy.)

How can you check if there is air in the bag? Take a sharp stick and carefully pierce the bag. Bring it to your face and press it with your hands. What do you feel? (breeze, air goes)

Wind is the movement of air.

- So we discovered the first secret of air : (air cannot be seen, but it can be felt).

Well done! I want to tell you that scientists record the results of their research. For what? Let's do it with the help of pictures - symbols.

1. - Air is transparent, it has no color, it is invisible, and this property of it is denoted by such a card.("crossed out color spot")

(a card is placed on the board - a symbol)

And now let's go and take our jobs in our laboratory.

2 . Experience "What's in the glass?"

Guys, look what's in my hand? (cup)

Is there anything in it? (no, it's empty)

Let's check. Turn the glass upside down and slowly lower it into the water. (must be kept straight).

Does water get into the glass? (No)

We get a glass. Look, the outside of the glass is wet, but inside? (children touch the glass)

Children: Dry!

Why is the glass dry? (there was air in the glass, and he did not let the water in).

And now, tilt the glass a little and try to lower it into the water again. What's happening? (air comes out of the glass, and water takes its place).

That's right, water gradually displaces air from it, taking its place.Well done, they discovered the second secret of air (there is air inside the objects, even if they seem empty).

Let's write down our observations with the help of such a card.("empty glass")

Do you think there is air in a person? (children's answers)

3. Experience "Air in Man"

(children sit at the tables, on the tables there are cups of boiled water and straws)

Dip the straw into a glass of water and blow into it. What's happening? (bubbles come out)

Why did bubbles appear? (air comes out)

You see, it means that there is air inside us. We blow into the tube and it comes out. But in order to blow more, we first inhale a new breath of air, and then exhale through a tube and bubbles are obtained. So we learned the third secret of air.

- Write down the results of the experiment using a card. ("image of a person")

And now let's rest a bit, play with the breeze.

Physical education minute

The wind blows in our face

(wave hands)

The tree swayed


The wind is quieter, quieter,


The tree is getting higher and higher

(get up on your toes).

4. Y/n “Does the air smell?”

Guys, while we were playing, I had a question: “Does the air smell?” (children's answers)

How can we check this? (sniff the air)

Let's try to suck in air through the nose. Does it smell?

The fourth secret: Air is odorless. ("nose")

5. Offer to stand in a circle and turn away.

Guys, you feel that in our laboratory it smelled so delicious. What smells? (the teacher imperceptibly sprays toilet water)

But where did the smell come from? We just found out that the air has no smell, right? (the smell has reached us) It turns out that the air can move and can convey various smells to our noses. What can the air smell like? Do any smells reach our group? (flowers, food prepared in the kitchen, smoke from a fire, perfume, laundry detergent, etc.).

Can we see air movement? (answer options)

The movement of air is clearly visible in windy weather, because.

wind is the movement of air (trees sway, grass leans, clouds quickly float, curtain in the wind).

We have learned the fifth secret (air can move).

Let's write it down with this card.("tree swaying in the wind")

Dear scientists, we have talked so much today about the properties of air, but we have not said anything about the importance of air for humans and all living things.

Can a person live without air?

6. Experience "I don't breathe"

Close your mouth and pinch your nose with two fingers. (pause)

Why did you remove your hand and open your mouth? (started to choke)

What did you miss? (air)

Did you feel good without air? (no, a person without air will die)

D / and "Who needs air"

Educator: Guys, remember, who else needs air?

Painting depicting living and inanimate nature. Children name who needs air.

Who needs air? How can it be called in one word? (wildlife or all living things) Why is air needed? (breathe, grow, live).

The sixth secret of air. Let's add one more to our records:

All living things need air.

In our lab, guys, I found a painting.

See what happens to the air? (plants and factories pollute the air, cars pollute the air with exhaust gases, forest fires, people pollute the air by arranging various dumps).

Can we take care of clean air? (do not burn fires, do not litter, drive in serviceable cars, water roads in summer, plant as many flowers and trees as possible, because they purify the air, they release oxygen, clean air).

That's right, so we need to protect our planet, take care of the purity of the air and not pollute it.

7. Generalization of knowledge about air by cards - symbols:

For today, our research is over, let's go to the blackboard and remember from our notes (cards) everything that we learned about the air.

Outcome of GCD:

Dear scientists, you all did a great job in the laboratory and learned a lot of new and useful things about the air, and I have prepared a gift for you.

What's this? (blows a bubble)

What's inside them? (air)

We will take one jar with us for a walk and watch how the breeze plays with them,

Do not freeze whether the bubbles on the street.

Now you can play with bubbles:

If you blow harder

There will be a lot of bubbles!

One, two, three, four, five,

No way to catch them.

Alena Sadchenko

Lesson for children of the senior group on the topic« Air» developed and presented in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard. In the educational field "Cognitive Development" section "Development of cognitive research activities» .

Organization of directly educational activities is carried out in accordance with SanPin and health-saving technologies. The design component is presented in full for children age groups.


Enrich and systematize children's knowledge about air and its properties through the organization of a joint activities.


1. Introduce the concept « air» , its properties.

2. Contribute to the development of the ability to establish causal relationships based on elementary experimentation and draw conclusions.

4. Promote the development of the organ of vision, hearing, smell.

5. Promote the development of intelligence, attention, curiosity.

6. Activate speech and enrich children's vocabulary.

Integration of educational regions:

cognitive development; Social and communicative development; Speech development. Safety.

Use of technology: ICT technology, research technology activities(experiments, health-saving technology (physical education minute).Safety.


Balloon, bathrobes and badges for each child; plastic bags for each child, water bowls for each child and disposable cups, water cups 1 for each, cocktail straws for each child; 1 card of 2 colors - green and red.

Organizational Component

(Children enter the hall, greet the guests, a cartoon appears on the screen "Wind", the sound of the wind sounds in the recording, the wind brings us a balloon).

caregiver: Guys where did the ball go?

caregiver: Kindergarten, a ball, this is a place where children come to play, have fun and learn a lot of new things. Today we want to find out what surrounds us and also what is inside your ball.

caregiver: And if you want to know, then stay with us, we will tell you!

caregiver: Guys, in order to find out what is inside the ball, we need to become researchers and get into the laboratory. Shall we become explorers?

Children: Yes.

caregiver: Then we change into bathrobes. (Children put on bathrobes)

And let's remember how to behave in the laboratory. Pictures appear on the screen "Behavior in the Lab".

(Schematic drawings-tips appear on the screen)

1. Keep quiet in the laboratory.

2. Do not push your neighbor during work.

3. First think, then do.

4. Clean up your workspace.

caregiver: Well done! Now let's go to our laboratory, put on your coats and come to the tables.


The teacher puts a light napkin on the edge of the table and with a wave of the book sets the napkin in motion, the napkin falls off the table.

Why did the napkin fly off the table? I didn't even touch her. (the breeze blew it away). That's right, the breeze is air which is moving.

Wanna feel it moving air? Look, you have fans on your table, let's wave them. What did you feel? (observe movement air) .

We draw a conclusion: Wind is movement air.

Children, what's in the glass? (nothing). You say there is nothing. Then watch focus.

The teacher turns the glass upside down and slowly lowers it into a plate of water. The glass does not fill with water.

What keeps water out of the glass? (air) . Experience is offered to repeat to children.

Now tilt the glass. What appears in the water? (bubbles air) .

Where did they come from? it air comes out of the glass and water takes its place. It's interesting to see how air, getting into the water, quickly rises with bubbles to the top. They are lighter than water.

We draw a conclusion: Air is lighter than water

And to see you need to catch the air take a bag. What's in it?

Children: Nothing

And now we collect air and roll up the bag. Let's see who caught the most air? What did the package look like? Now let's release air what was the package like? Why? To see air, what need to do?

Children: It must be placed in "shell"

We draw a conclusion: To detect air, you need to catch it in a shell.

And now another experience (children are offered a glass of water and a straw.)

Blow into a straw. What appears on the surface of the water? Why do bubbles appear? (air comes out of the water) . Where does it come from air? Of us.

We draw a conclusion: Air is within us.

The guys we worked, and everyone was tired. Let's have a rest, go out on the carpet, do a physical exercise.


We took a deep breath

We breathe easily.

Gradually raise your hands up

And they waved their brushes.

We put our hands on our shoulders

And they turned their elbows.

We did five jumps.

And everyone is ready to work!

Guys, if you and I close our mouths and noses and don't breathe, do you think we'll survive?

Children: No

We draw a conclusion: Man can't live without air

Guys look around you see air, what colour is he? (colorless)

Breathe in through your mouth air and try what does it taste like? (tasteless).

Breathe in through your nose air. What smell does it have? (without smell).

Conclusion: Clean air has no color, smell, taste.

And now guys, I want to show you that the air can smell.

I have prepared surprises for you with various smells, try to guess what it will smell like air, if you leave this item lying in the room.

The teacher prepares odorous substances in kinder surprises (garlic, orange, onion, lemon, spruce branches, etc.).

Children guess smells.

caregiver: And now let's conclude, we said before that pure the air is odorless, and when the air will smell(So ​​we do conclusion: Clean the air is odorless, but can transfer the smells of other objects.


caregiver: Let's recap what we know about air. I propose to take 2 cards - one red, the other green. I will say statements, and you will show colored cards instead of an answer. If you agree with me, raise a green card, if you do not agree, then red, but be careful!

-Air surrounds us on all sides.

-The air is transparent so we don't see it.

-Air is heavier than water.

Man cannot live without air.

wind is movement air

Detection method air"to catch" it into a shell.

Clean the air has a smell.

Well done guys, good job (if the answer is wrong, the children correct)

(distribution of balls)

Related publications:

Summary of the lesson on experimental activities "What is air?" Synopsis of GCD on ecology in the preparatory group with elements of research activities. Purpose: the formation of elementary ideas.

"Saving Cheburashka". Abstract of the lesson on experimental activities in the senior group"Saving Cheburashka". Abstract of the lesson on experimental activities in the senior group. Purpose: To acquaint children with a natural phenomenon.

Summary of experimental activities for the senior group "Air and its properties" Integration of areas: physical culture, speech development, the formation of a whole picture of the world. Purpose: To form children's knowledge of the air. Tasks:.

Synopsis of the integrated GCD on cognitive and experimental activities "Invisible Air" in the preparatory group Synopsis of the integrated GCD on cognitive and experimental activities "Invisible Air" in the preparatory group. Purpose: Clarification.

Program content1. Educational tasks: - to clarify children's ideas about dangerous natural phenomena, to give elementary scientific knowledge.

Abstract of the lesson in the senior group on the topic: Air and its properties

Zolotoreva Tamara Alexandrovna, teacher of the MBDOU kindergarten No. 17 "Ladushki" of the city of Novoaltaisk.
To create conditions for the development of children's interest in experimental activities.
Program tasks:
- expand children's ideas about the importance of air in human life;
- to acquaint children with some properties of air and ways to detect it;
- Activate and expand the vocabulary of children.
- develop cognitive interest in the process of experimental activities;
- develop the ability to draw conclusions.
- develop interest in the environment.
Use of ICT
Handout: cups of water, straws, a fan, for each child; jars with "smell" and odorless, musical wind instruments, polyethylene bags, paper, a basin of water.
Observation progress:
Hello guys! I'm glad to see you! My name is Tamara Alexandrovna. Let's join hands and shake hands, so we said hello and smile, so that we would be in a good mood all day today.
Guys, today we will have a difficult lesson, you will be real researchers. Do you want to be researchers? And what will we explore, you will learn by guessing the riddle.
Passes through us into the chest
And back keeps the way
he is not visible, and yet
We cannot live without it!
What's this?
Children: Air
Educator: Today we have to find out what air is, how to detect it and what properties it has.
Guys, do you know where people conduct various studies and experiments?
Children: People conduct experiments in laboratories.
Educator: We will also have our own small laboratories. I suggest going to the first laboratory. (children approach the table and stand in a circle around it). In order for us to succeed, we need to listen to me carefully and follow the instructions. OK?
But before we begin our first experiment, let's take a deep breath and then exhale.
How do you think you breathed?
Children: Air
Educator: Can we see the air?
Children: No, we don't.
Educator: So what kind of air?
Children: Invisible.
Experience No. 1 (air can be seen)
caregiver: To see the air, you need to catch it. Do you want me to teach you to catch the air. Take a plastic bag, what's in it? (it's empty)
Let's doubt it. Look, it creases easily, why? (because it's empty)
Now we will make a ball out of it, twist it.
What's in the package? (air)
What do you think the package has become like? (children's answers)
Try squeezing the package. Why doesn't it work? (there is air)
Where can this property of air be used? (summer: air mattresses, life buoy)
Conclusion: Air takes the form of the object into which it enters.
Now look at the hand through the bag. Do you see your hand? (we see)
If we see our hand, then what kind of air? (transparent, invisible)
Conclusion: The air is transparent.
Experience No. 2 (Air takes up space)
Pick up a glass with papers inside.
Feel it, is it wet or dry? (children's answers)
Turn the glass upside down and slowly lower it into the water. Most importantly, the glass must be held straight, without tilting until it touches the bottom. See if the strip of paper gets wet (Answers children)
Take the glass out of the water, check the strip of paper.
Is she wet or not? Why is there paper?
Let's try again, but now tilt the glass a little.
What appeared in the water? (visible air bubbles)
Where did they come from? (air leaves the glass and water takes its place)
It was air coming out of the glass.
Check the paper strip again.
What is she now? (wet, the water displaced the air and occupied all the space in the glass)
Conclusion: There is air in the glass and therefore it prevented the strip of paper from getting wet, which means that air takes up space.
EXPERIENCE No. 3. (the air has no smell)
Educator: Do you think the air smells? (children's answers)
Educator: Now we will check it. Close your eyes, and when I tell you, you will slowly inhale and say what it smells (the teacher comes up to each child and gives them a sniff of perfume (orange, lemon, garlic). One child simply inhales air. All that they felt it, only Sasha didn’t feel anything. Why do you think? That’s right, Sasha didn’t feel anything, because I didn’t let him feel anything.
Conclusion: the air is odorless, objects smell.
EXPERIENCE No. 4 (air is lighter than water)
Educator: Pour carbonated water into a glass. Why is she called that? It has a lot of small air bubbles. Air is a gaseous substance, so water is carbonated. Air bubbles rise quickly and are lighter than water. Throw a grape into the water. It is slightly heavier than water and will sink to the bottom. But bubbles, similar to small balloons, will immediately begin to sit on it. Soon there will be so many of them that the grape will pop up. Bubbles will burst on the surface of the water, and the air will fly away. The heavy grape will again sink to the bottom. Here it will again be covered with air bubbles and resurface. This will continue several times until the air from the water is "exhausted". Fish swim in the same way with the help of a swim bladder.
Conclusion: Air is lighter than water.

EXPERIMENT #5 (air can be heard)
Educator: Guys, did you know that you can hear the air? Musicians who play wind instruments often hear it. Why do you think? (The musician blows into the hole of the instrument. The air trembles, sounds are made.) Sounds propagate through the air. For example, on the Moon, where there is no air, nothing is heard, it is useless to talk - sounds are not transmitted. Take musical instruments and blow into them. What did we hear? (sound) Why did the sound come about? (when the air trembles, and then we can hear it).
Conclusion: sound occurs when the air trembles, and then we can hear it.
EXPERIENCE No. 6 (air is vital)
Educator: What are we breathing? (by air). Let's test this by first inhaling deeply and then exhaling. What do you think we inhaled and exhaled? (air) Take the straws and put them in cups of water and blow, what's going on?
Children. We exhale air and bubbles appear in the water. So we have air inside us.
Educator: Now try not to breathe. Take a deep breath and hold your breath. How long can a person not breathe?
Children. No, without air, a person will die.
Educator: What conclusion can be drawn?
Conclusion: Man cannot live without air.
That's right, a person needs air to breathe. If a person can live without food for many days, without water - a few days, then without air he can live only a few minutes.
Educator: Does a person only need air? (plants, animals)
But human health depends not only on how he breathes, but also on what he breathes.
Let's go to the computer and sit on the chairs. (Pay attention to the seating of the children)
Look closely at the screen. (presentation, images of nature)
What is the air like in the forest? (children's answers)
Why is he clean? (children's answers)
(there is clean air, there are no substances that emit waste. The air contains a large amount of oxygen. Oxygen is a gas that people and plants breathe. The merit of plants is that they produce oxygen. More plants - more oxygen)
How can plants be named? (our helpers, rescuers).
(continuation of the presentation of photos with factories, cars, a smoking person.)
What do you think, near garbage, factories, cars and a smoking person, smoke from fires, what kind of air? (children's answers)
Conclusion: So the air is clean and dirty.
And now I suggest you build your own city in which you would like to live. Here is a layout of the city, look carefully and think about what is missing in it, what would you add? Here are various pictures, choose what you would like to see in your city. Why? (pictures with trees, flowers, birds, cars, factories, bicycles, horse-drawn vehicles)
Let's go to the chair, do not forget about how to sit correctly.
EXPERIMENT No. 7 (air can move)
Educator: Do you think air can move?
Let's check. I will take a fan and wave at you. How do you feel? (wind)
Conclusion: So air can move.
I'll wave my fan again and tell me what kind of wind? (cold)
Now bring your palms to your mouth and lightly blow on them. What did you feel? (warm wind)
Where do you think the warm wind is? (near the stove, fire, if you turn on the hair dryer)
Conclusion: air is cold, warm and hot.
Educator: You said that air can move, who do you think helps it? Air has a good friend, and guess who? Listen to the riddle: If you find out what we are talking about, you don’t need to shout out, listen to the end, and then answer. Okay?
I will swing the birch
I'll push you
I'll fly, I'll whistle
I'll even take off my hat.
And I can't be seen.
Who am I? Can you guess? (Wind)
Educator: Yes, it's the wind. We love to play with him, play pranks. What is wind? (Children's answers.) Wind is the movement of air. He is around us. And what is the wind like? What can the wind do? (Children's answers.) Well done, how can you find out which way the wind blows? (With the help of sultans) The wind is strong and weak.
Slide depicting a hurricane, tornadoes
A strong wind is a hurricane, a tornado, storms, a tornado.
Can the wind harm a person? (Children's answers.)
Invite the children to watch a film of the influence of wind on human life (a house after a hurricane, a broken tree, ships during a storm.)
Educator: And the wind helps us, the wind is beneficial. It helps plants and animals. How?
Children: Spreads seeds, helps animals to hunt.
Educator: And so, we found out that the wind is the air. Let's save the air. After all, it is necessary for all living things on earth. Without it, there is no life. We need to learn to love our home, protect forests and be friends with beauty.
nature slideshow
Now our lesson has come to an end. What have you learned about air? What is air? (Children's answers: air is a gaseous substance, invisible, transparent, has no form, but we can detect and feel it with movement, it is in all objects, we can inhale and exhale it, it has no color, clean air has no smell, but it can convey the smell of objects). And what did you like most about our lesson?
I really liked the way you conducted laboratory research. You were all attentive. They showed curiosity. Were active. Well done. Let's smile at each other and all together we will go to the group.

Tatiana Suvorova
Summary of the lesson "Air and its properties"

Synopsis of GCD

in the middle group

« Air and its properties»

(cognitive development)

Target: Formation of ideas about air, his properties and meaning.


Develop children's curiosity about air, his properties and value.

Introduce children to the concept « air» , his properties(invisible, light, transparent, elastic, takes up space, has no smell, role and meaning air in human life and living organisms.

To form the skills of setting up elementary experiments and the ability to draw conclusions based on the results obtained.

To develop in children mental operations, cognitive interest, observation, the ability to draw conclusions, emotions, imagination.

Cultivate interest and desire to expand your horizons, a positive attitude towards the world around us, respect for nature, a desire to explore in all available ways.

Expand and activate children's vocabulary.

Integration of educational regions: "Cognitive Development", "Social and communicative development", "Physical development", "Speech Development", "Artistic and aesthetic development".

preliminary work: outdoor observation, game "bubble", reading fiction, talking with children on topic: "How air helps people» , looking at illustrations about phenomena air in an encyclopedia for children.

Equipment and materials: balloon, soap bubbles, tubes according to the number of children, cups, fans, items for the game "Sinking - not sinking": wooden cube, stone, rubber ball, coin; tree magnets.

Members: children, teacher

Methods and techniques:

verbal (conversation, answering questions, guessing a riddle, reading a poem);

Gaming (game situations, surprise moments - a magic box with a breeze);

Visual (demonstration of experiences and experiments);

Practical (independent experimental - experimental activity).

GCD progress


Guys, I brought you a balloon.

What do you think is inside it?

Correctly, air, that's why it's called balloon.

My balloon can fly. I push it lightly and it flies.

Why do you think he flies like that? (it's light). So and air, which is inside the ball is also light.

-Let's say it together: the air is light.


And now I will untie the balloon and release air. What did you feel?

(a breeze, and a breeze is also air which is moving.

What did you hear? How air comes out of the balloon? Let's do it together let's say: sh-sh-sh-sh.

Did you see him?

So it turns out that air invisible or transparent, since it is not visible.

-Let's say it together: the air is transparent.

Guys, do you want to play with air: feel it, catch it, feel it?

Then get ready. Today we will go to our laboratory and be scientists. Who are scientists? We will conduct experiments and experiments with air.

Now let's get up and do a physical exercise.


The wind gently shakes the maple,

Tilts left, right.

Times - Tilt

And two slopes.

The maple rustled with leaves.

Working with a fan

Here is our wind.

Do you want to feel the breeze and call him? He hid in my box.

Take a fan and call the breeze, and you can also think of a name for it (each child calls the name of his breeze).

So, did you feel the breeze?

And now we put on bathrobes and go to the laboratory, we are scientists.

Work in the laboratory


Children, what's in the glass? (empty)

Let's check.

The teacher turns the glass upside down and slowly lowers it into a plate of water.

Look, the glass remained empty, the water did not go there, but what does not let water into the glass, what is in it?

And now I will tilt the glass a little so that the water goes there, let's see how it will come out air(bubbles?

it air comes out of the glass upward - it is also very light, and water takes its place.


Tell me, children, is our glass empty, or is there something in it?

What does it have?

Breathing exercise "Wind"

And the wind blew thick cheeks, blew, blew,

And on the tall trees he blew, blew, blew.


Now we will conduct another experiment with you. We have glasses of water and a straw on the table. Come on, breathe in air and blow once into the tube.

See what appears on the surface of the water?

Why do bubbles appear? We have inside air.

Let's go harder, shall we? How many bubbles appeared?

Where else is there air? (around us, on the street, inside of us)

Didactic game "Sinking - not sinking"

We will now check which items have air? If the subject has air- it will float like the air is light, if not air - sink(children take turns coming up and lowering the object into the water)

Name the items that have air?

Name the items that no air?

What did we find out by doing experiments?

Where there is air?

What colour is he?

What does it taste like? Breathe in, try it.

What air smell?

Soap bubbles game

Guys, a air wants to play with us. He sent us his friends - soap bubbles. They hid in this little bottle.

(music plays, children catch bubbles)

What's inside these bubbles, why do they fly?


Passes through the nose to the chest

And the reverse is on its way.

He is invisible, but still,

We cannot live without it.

We need it to breathe

To inflate the balloon.

With us every hour

But it is invisible to us.

What is this?

Meaning air for humans

Children, tell me, can a man live without air?

A person needs to breathe. Let's see if we can live without air? Inhale and hold your breath - do not breathe. Without air it is impossible to live long.

Who else can't live without air?

What do you think, how air Is it better to breathe - clean or polluted?

How many people, animals, birds live on earth and everyone needs a clean air.


Close your eyes, we'll rest.

The sun shines brightly. Light breeze blowing. I breathe it clean, fresh air. The grass sways in the meadow. Birds are circling proudly up to me. I feel good and happy. I am very glad that I met with the amazing world of nature. I want to live in peace with nature.

Look at the pictures, what a beautiful city we live in. It has a lot of cars that pollute air.

And we have a clean city air?

What pollutes clean air? (cars, factories, people)

And where can we get a lot of clean air.

Reading a poem by a teacher

How nice to admire

Blue seas.

How wonderful to admire

Flower bed at the door.

But not eternal nature,

She suffers so much evil!

And less and less every year

On the oxygen planet

Happiness, peace and warmth.

To make the earth more beautiful

We need to be more careful.

I will tell you a secret to the air was clean need to plant trees and other plants. They absorb dirty air, and give - clean.

Tree planting

I suggest that you plant a tree right now so that the air was clean. Each of you will take a tree and attach it to the board. (Bird calls)

Look how beautiful it turned out.

What needs to be done to the air was clean?

And if each person will plant trees, then it will be easier for us to breathe, the air will be clean.

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