
Synopsis of the lesson of part of the day 2 junior group. GCD summary for the second junior group on the topic: “Day-night. That the sun does not shine at night

Pathology of the uterus

Target: Continue to introduce children to temporary concepts: morning afternoon Evening Night


1. Educational: Form elementary mathematical representations. Continue to introduce children to temporary concepts: morning afternoon Evening Night. To consolidate knowledge of geometric shapes, colors.

2. Developmental: Develop the ability to combine words with movement; continue to expand your active vocabulary; develop the ability to talk about what they did.

3. Educational: To cultivate friendly relations, mutual assistance, a culture of behavior.

Activities: game, communicative, motor, cognitive-research.

Forms of organization: group (joint activity of an adult and children) and individual activities of children.

vocabulary work: enter into children's active dictionary the words: morning afternoon Evening Night.

preliminary work: talking about the time of day, playing "Determine the Shape"

Individualization of learning: help with tasks when difficulties arise.

Teaching methods and techniques: method of stimulating and motivating interest in the lesson, method of independent work, visual method, praise, verbal method (conversation, partly - search method.

Type of occupation: repetition and consolidation of previously studied material.

Demo: presentation: with the image of parts of the day; toy - Bunny, window - clock; squares: white, yellow, blue and black

Handouts: clock window. squares: white, yellow, black and blue, glue, napkin, glue brush.

Lesson structure:

1. Introductory part - 2-2, 5 min.

Target: creating interest, emotional mood of children for the upcoming work.

2. Main part - 11-12 min.

Target: implementation of the tasks of the program material.

3. Final part - 1-1, 5 min.

Target: sum up the GCD, get a sense of satisfaction from the work done.

GCD progress:

1. Introduction to the educational-game situation


Good morning girls!

Good morning boys!

And everyone becomes kind, trusting -

Let the good morning last until the evening!

Guys, a guest came to us today, I'll give you a riddle, and you guess who he is?

He is afraid of everyone in the forest:

Wolf, owl, fox.

Runs from them to escape

With long ears... (hare).

That's right, this is a bunny, his name is Stepashka.

2. The main part.

caregiver: Stepashka, why are you sad and crying? What happened?

Stepashka: My friends told me that they walk at night, play, and sleep in the morning. In the evening they wake up, wash themselves and go to the forest garden, and in the afternoon moms and dads come for them. And I tell them it's not right. Help me, please, to figure out something I'm completely confused.

caregiver: Of course, we will help you Stepashka, right, guys? You sit next to us and listen carefully, today we will just talk about what and when to do.

Look at the picture (Slide 2) .

caregiver: What is in the picture?

caregiver: When the sun rises, what comes?.

caregiver: What else do we do with you in the morning?

caregiver: We wash, dress, go to kindergarten, well done.

caregiver: (Slide 3) What is in this picture?

caregiver: Children are walking on the street, the sun is already shining high in the sky, what has come?

caregiver: And what do we do in kindergarten during the day? .

caregiver: Walking, playing, doing. (Slide 4). And in this picture, we can see that the sun has already gone down, and hides far, far behind the clouds, the sky becomes colorful: pink, blue.

caregiver: What do you think is shown here?

caregiver: What do we do in the evening in kindergarten?

caregiver: We remove the toys, the arrival of mom and dad is behind you. (Slide 5) Look guys, the sky is dark blue here. (Slide 6)

caregiver: What appeared in the sky instead of the sun?

caregiver: Month, moon, what has come?

caregiver: What do we do at night?

caregiver: At night we sleep, well done. All have been told correctly. (Slide 7)

(Slide 8) I remember Stepashka. when what should be done? Guys, let's play a game with Stepashka so that he remembers better what to do when.

The game "Day Night" (play 2-3 times)

caregiver: Now let's show Stepashka how we can solve riddles. Then listen! Need to guess when happens: day or night.

1. The moon looks out the window to us,

Small children are not allowed to sleep (at night)

2. The sun hid for a long time,

The house is quiet and dark (at night) .

3. One, two, three, four, five!

We are going to walk! (afternoon)

4. The hour of dinner has come,

The children sat down at the table (afternoon) .

caregiver: Well done, you guessed all the riddles. Let's play one more game.

The game « Parts of the day»

Morning - do exercises.

Day - marching.

Evening - tired.

Night - sleep.

caregiver: Well done boys. See what's on your tables?

caregiver: These are not simple windows, and the windows are hours. They show when it's morning, afternoon, evening or night. But they don't work, someone broke them. Let's fix them and give them to Stepashka and his friends. caregiver: What is it? (Squares) And why are they called squares, who remembers? (Right angles and all sides are equal) And how many squares? Let's count.

caregiver: What color are the squares?

caregiver: Yellow, white, blue, black. These squares need to be glued on our clock, what color do you think morning can be? To make the clock work, you need to correctly stick these squares on the clock. What color do you think morning is?

caregiver: White, the sun rises, everything becomes bright. Take the first white square and glue it to the top left corner. (children's work)

caregiver: What is the color of the day?

caregiver: Day sunny, light-light. Let's take the yellow square and stick it on our watch under the white square. (children's work)

caregiver: What is the color of the evening?

caregiver: Evening, we will designate in blue. Glue a square in the lower right corner. (children's work)

caregiver: What is the color of the night?

caregiver: It is dark at night, so we will mark the night with black. Let's take a black square with you and stick it on our watch, above the blue square. (children's work)

caregiver: So our watch was repaired. Now, with the help of an arrow, we can show when we have morning, afternoon, evening or night.

caregiver: What does white mean? .

caregiver: After the morning, what comes?

caregiver: What color did we mark the day?

caregiver A: After the day, what comes?

caregiver: What color did we designate the evening?

caregiver: What comes after the evening?

caregiver: What color did we designate the night?

caregiver: Well done boys! Look what funny windows we got, now Stepashka will remember what and when to do!

Stepashka: Thank you, guys, you are so great, you told everything so interestingly, and even gave you a watch. Now it's time for me to visit my friends. Goodbye.

(Children say goodbye to the bunny)

caregiver: Guys, what did you learn today? What did you like?

Topic: Introduction to temporal concepts

Program content:

1. Introduce children to temporary concepts (morning, afternoon, evening, night);

2. To form temporary concepts about the parts of the day in the organization of the life of children.

3. Vocabulary activation: morning, afternoon, evening, night, use sentences and temporary concepts in speech.

4. To develop children's attention, intelligence and activity in the classroom.

Lesson progress:

Hello guys! Children, today I invite you on a journey to the magical "Country of Time". Do you want to visit there?

This country consists of small islands, where part of the day lives. I think this trip will be interesting. But where are we going on our journey? (On a train).

Children sit on a train and sing a song.

We go, we go, we go to distant lands, we learn part of the day.

Today we are friends (we arrived, we are leaving the train) - Guys, look, it seems we have arrived at a small island.

Dawn rises over the river

The rooster crows in the yard.

kittens wash,

Guys wake up.

When does it happen? (children's answers). Right in the morning. Guys, look, it's already morning, the sun has risen, and the lazy cat Vaska is still sleeping, he has long had to go to kindergarten. Let's wake him up (children wake up). Guys, tell me, what should Vaska the cat do in the morning: brush his teeth, wash his face, have breakfast and go to kindergarten.

Let's help him.

Do you brush your teeth in the morning?

The sun is high in the sky

Far from sunset

A mouse drags grain into a mink,

The kid is learning the alphabet.

When does it happen? Right during the day.

So our cat Vaska came to study, and will soon have dinner. And when do you have lunch? (afternoon).

Guys, tell me, what are you doing in the afternoon? (play). So the cat Vaska wants to play.

Let's play physical minute "Tick-tock"

Tick-tock, tick-tock The clock is ticking

Step forward, step back

Step forward, step back.

Tick-tock, tick-tock.

Our journey does not end and we need to move forward.

Look, here is our third island.

The red sun has set

The squirrel hides in a hollow.

Drema is coming to visit us,

He carries the story with him.

This island called "evening" and tell me what we do in the evening? (we have dinner, play a little, spread the pastel, put on pajamas, brush our teeth).

Guys, which island did you visit? (evening). Correctly.

But we still have to visit one more magical island. Which? Listen carefully.

Stars are burning in the sky

The birds sleep and the fish sleep

Sleeping flowers in the garden in the beds,

Well, we are in our beds.

Of course, at night all people and animals sleep and dream. How do you sleep? (kids are sleeping). Yes, that's right, the cat Vaska is already sleeping and the kitten is dreaming.

Guys, which island did you visit? That's right, on an island called "night".

Well done, today we visited the country of "parts of the day", On the island "Morning", "Day", "Evening", "Night". All together we call the day - the children repeat.

And now it's time for us to go back to kindergarten. Let's go, let's sing a song.

Here are the children, we returned to our kindergarten from a trip to the "Country of Parts of the Day".

And let's play a little game "When does it happen?". Listen carefully, I will show a picture with parts of the day, and you have to say when it happens. Let's try.

1. Morning: The flowers woke up in the meadow, we stretched in our beds.

2. Day: a cat laps milk, compote is waiting for us in the kitchen.

3. Evening: the birds began to sing quieter, we sat down to watch a cartoon.

4. Night: mice rustle behind the wall, toys and children sleep.

Guys, today we visited the magical land of parts of the day. We visited the island morning, afternoon, evening, night. Would you like to visit there again? (Yes) I think that your wish will come true and you will visit this wonderful country more than once.

Yarullina Venera Ravilevna

Integration of educational areas Keywords: cognitive development, speech development, social and communicative development.

Program content:

Formation of elementary mathematical representations, continue to acquaint children with objects of inanimate nature: the sky, the sun, the month, the stars. Name the time periods: morning, afternoon, evening, night. Continue to introduce geometric shapes with colors. Learn to count within 4.

To develop the speech of children with movement; continue to expand your active vocabulary; develop the ability to talk about what they did.

To cultivate friendly relations, mutual assistance, a culture of behavior.

Activities: game, communicative, motor, cognitive-research.

Forms of organization: subgroup, 8 - 10 people (joint activity of an adult and children) and individual activity of children.


Demo material : pictures depicting parts of the day, stars, moon, sun, a toy - a hare.

Handout : window templates.

Vocabulary work: enter the words into the children's active dictionary: morning, afternoon, evening, night.

Conduct form: Team work.

Preliminary work: conversation, viewing illustrations: day, night, morning, evening.

The course of direct educational activities

Children enter the group, sit on chairs in a semicircle near the blackboard.

Educator: d good morning, smiling faces!
Good morning, animals and birds!
And everyone becomes kind, trusting -
Let the good morning last until the evening!

Look out the window - morning is coming! And how can we determine that it is morning?(Answers of children).

Educator: right, brightens n ebo, turns blue, the sun rises. The sun has risen, and together with the sun all our toys have risen, they are waiting for you to start playing with them! Just look, for some reason our bunny is sitting separately from his friends, sad. Let's find out what's the matter?

Educator: bunny, why are you sad and crying? What happened?

Bunny: my friends told me that they walk at night and sleep in the morning. In the evening they work out, and in the afternoon you have to have dinner. And I tell them it's not right. Help me, please, to figure out something I'm completely confused.

Cognitive development, speech development, social and communicative development, artistic and aesthetic development, physical development.

Program content: Formation of elementary mathematical representations, continue to acquaint children with objects of inanimate nature: the sky, the sun, the month, the stars. Name the time periods: morning, afternoon, evening, night. Continue to introduce geometric shapes with colors. Learn to count within 4.

To develop the speech of children with movement; continue to expand your active vocabulary; develop the ability to talk about what they did.

To cultivate friendly relations, mutual assistance, a culture of behavior.

Activities: game, communicative, motor, cognitive-research.

Forms of organization: subgroup, 8 - 10 people (joint activity of an adult and children) and individual activity of children.


Demonstration material: pictures depicting parts of the day, stars, moon, sun, a toy - a hare.

Handout: window templates.

Vocabulary work: enter the words into the children's active dictionary: morning, afternoon, evening, night.

Conduct form: Team work.

preliminary work: conversation, looking at illustrations: day, night, morning, evening.

Children enter the group, sit on chairs in a semicircle near the blackboard.


Good morning, animals and birds!

Look out the window - morning is coming! And how can we determine that it is morning? (Children's answers).

Educator: right, the sky brightens, it becomes blue, the sun rises. The sun has risen, and together with the sun all our toys have risen, they are waiting for you to start playing with them! Just look, for some reason our bunny is sitting separately from his friends, sad. Let's find out what's the matter?

Educator: bunny, why are you sad and crying? What happened?

Bunny: my friends told me that they walk at night and sleep in the morning. In the evening they work out, and in the afternoon you have to have dinner. And I tell them it's not right. Help me, please, to figure out something I'm completely confused.

Educator: Of course, we will help you bunny, right, guys? You sit next to us and listen carefully, today we will just talk about what and when to do.

Look at the picture

Educator: h is it shown in the picture? (Children's answers).

Educator: right, the sun has risen, and when the sun rises, what comes? (Children's answers).

Educator: morning came. All right. What else do we do in the morning? (Children's answers).

Educator: wash, have breakfast, going to the garden, well done.

Educator: what is in this picture? (Children's answers).

Educator: bear, getting ready for dinner, the sun is already shining high in the sky, what has come?

Educator: right, day. What do we do during the day in kindergarten? (Children's answers).

Educator: walk, eat, work out. . And in this picture, we can see that the sun has already gone down, and hides far, far behind the clouds, the sky becomes multi-colored: pink, blue.

Educator: what do you think is shown here? (Children's answers).

Educator: right, evening, what are we doing in the evening in kindergarten? (Children's answers).

Educator: we have dinner, put away the toys, for you the arrival of mom and dad. Look guys, in this illustration the sky is dark blue.

Educator: what appeared in the sky instead of the sun? (Children's answers).

Educator: month, moon, what has come? (Children's answers).

Educator: night, right. What do we do at night? (Children's answers).

Educator: at night we sleep, well done. All have been told correctly.

Educator: and now let's show the bunny how we know how to guess riddles. Guys, but, you need to not only solve riddles, but also find a picture with a clue and attach it to an easel.




Adults and children know

That the sun does not shine at night.

Chubby and pale

There is always one among the stars.Children guess, put the correct drawing on the easel)


Educator: well done, all riddles solved.

Educator: well, bunny, now we'll show you how the sun rises in the morning.

Educator: guys, sit down at the tables. Look at the empty windows in front of you , look through such windows is not interesting and boring. Let's decorate the windows with you, and we will decorate them with squares that are on your table. How many squares do you have on the tables? (Children's answers).

Educator: what color are the squares? (Children's answers).

Educator: yellow, white, blue, black. These squares need to be glued on our clock, what color do you think morning can be? (Children's answers).

Educator: yellow, let's take a yellow square and stick it on our clock in the lower left corner.

Educator: What color is the day? (Children's answers).

Educator: it is light during the day, we will designate the day in white. Let's take a white square and stick it on our clock above the yellow square.

caregiver: what color can you designate the evening? (Children's answers).

Educator: evening, we will mark in blue. Let's take a blue square and stick it on our clock in the upper right corner. (The square is pasted with Velcro, children's work) .

Educator: What color is night? (Children's answers).

Educator: it is dark at night, so we will mark the night with black. Let's take a black square and stick it on our watch under the blue square. (The square is pasted with Velcro, children's work) .

caregiver: Now let's see what we got. (Children look at the clock).

Educator: what does yellow mean? (Children's answers).

Educator: in the morning we have the sun still low above the ground, let's take the sun and fasten it on a button low - low to the ground.

Educator: after the morning, what comes? (Children's answers).

Educator: What color do we mark the day? (Children's answers).

Educator: Children's work).

Educator: after the day, what comes? (Children's answers).

Educator: what color did we designate the evening? (Children's answers).

Educator: in the evening, the sun is red, it sets and hides behind the horizon, so we will fasten the sun with you on the button low.

Educator: what comes after evening? (Answers of children).

Educator: what color do we represent the night? (Answers of children).

Educator: At night, the moon and stars shine in the sky. Let's "dress" the stars and the moon on our square.

Educator: Well done boys! Now look at what funny windows we got, now the bunny will remember exactly what and when to do!



Integration of educational areas:cognitive development, speech development, social and communicative development, artistic and aesthetic development, physical development.

Program content:Formation of elementary mathematical representations, continue to acquaint children with objects of inanimate nature: the sky, the sun, the month, the stars. Name the time periods: morning, afternoon, evening, night. Continue to introduce geometric shapes with colors. Learn to count within 4.

To develop the speech of children with movement; continue to expand your active vocabulary; develop the ability to talk about what they did.

To cultivate friendly relations, mutual assistance, a culture of behavior.

Activities:game, communicative, motor, cognitive-research.

Forms of organization:subgroup, 8 - 10 people (joint activity of an adult and children) and individual activity of children.


Demonstration material: pictures depicting parts of the day, stars, moon, sun, a toy - a hare.

Handout: window templates.

Vocabulary work:enter the words into the children's active dictionary: morning, afternoon, evening, night.

Conduct form:Team work.

preliminary work: conversation, looking at illustrations: day, night, morning, evening.

The course of direct educational activities

Children enter the group, sit on chairs in a semicircle near the blackboard.

Educator: good morning smiling faces!

Good morning, animals and birds!

And everyone becomes kind, trusting -

Let the good morning last until the evening!

Look out the window - morning is coming! And how can we determine that it is morning? (Children's answers).

Educator: right, the sky brightens, it becomes blue, the sun rises. The sun has risen, and together with the sun all our toys have risen, they are waiting for you to start playing with them! Just look, for some reason our bunny is sitting separately from his friends, sad. Let's find out what's the matter?

Educator: bunny, why are you sad and crying? What happened?

Bunny: my friends told me that they walk at night and sleep in the morning. In the evening they work out, and in the afternoon you have to have dinner. And I tell them it's not right. Help me, please, to figure out something I'm completely confused.

Educator: Of course, we will help you bunny, right, guys? You sit next to us and listen carefully, today we will just talk about what and when to do.

Look at the picture(the teacher hangs the picture on the board, on it, the sun is just rising, the bear is doing exercises).

Educator: h is it shown in the picture?(Children's answers).

Educator: right, the sun has risen, and when the sun rises, what comes?(Children's answers).

Educator: morning came. All right. What else do we do in the morning? (Children's answers).

Educator: wash, have breakfast, going to the garden, well done.(Shows the second illustration, in which the sun is already high, the sky is blue).

Educator: what is in this picture?(Children's answers).

Educator: bear, getting ready for dinner, the sun is already shining high in the sky, what has come?

Educator: right, day. What do we do during the day in kindergarten?(Children's answers).

Educator: walk, eat, work out.(The teacher exposes a tritium picture of the evening). And in this picture, we can see that the sun has already gone down, and hides far, far behind the clouds, the sky becomes multi-colored: pink, blue.

Educator: what do you think is shown here?(Children's answers).

Educator: right, evening, what are we doing in the evening in kindergarten?(Children's answers).

Educator: we have dinner, put away the toys, for you the arrival of mom and dad. Look guys, in this illustration the sky is dark blue.

Educator: what appeared in the sky instead of the sun?(Children's answers).

Educator: month, moon, what has come?(Children's answers).

Educator: night, right. What do we do at night?(Children's answers).

Educator: at night we sleep, well done. All have been told correctly.

Educator: and now let's show the bunny how we know how to guess riddles. Guys, but, you need to not only solve riddles, but also find a picture with a clue and attach it to an easel.


Shines in the sky and sparkles, warms everyone with rays?(Children guess, put the correct drawing on the easel) (Sun)

During the day they are not visible at all, they shine only at night.(Children guess, put the correct drawing on the easel)


Adults and children know

That the sun does not shine at night.

Chubby and pale

There is always one among the stars.Children guess, put the correct drawing on the easel)


Educator: well done, all riddles solved.

Educator: well, bunny, now we'll show you how the sun rises in the morning.

That's how the sun rises, higher, higher, higher.

(Children stand near the chairs and pull themselves up high)

By nightfall the sun will go down, down, down.

(Children slowly squat down and cover their heads with their hands)

Well, well, the sun is laughing.

(Children stand up, hands on the belt, turn the torso to the right - to the left)

And we all have fun under the sun.

(Hands on the belt, turning the head to the right - to the left)

Educator: guys, sit down at the tables. Look at the empty windows in front of you(teacher demonstrates a window template), look through such windows is not interesting and boring. Let's decorate the windows with you, and we will decorate them with squares that are on your table. How many squares do you have on the tables?(Children's answers).

Educator: what color are the squares?(Children's answers).

Educator: yellow, white, blue, black. These squares need to be glued on our clock, what color do you think morning can be?(Children's answers).

Educator: yellow, let's take a yellow square and stick it on our clock in the lower left corner.(The square is pasted with Velcro tape, children's work.)

Educator: What color is the day?(Children's answers).

Educator: it is light during the day, we will designate the day in white. Let's take a white square and stick it on our clock above the yellow square.(The square is pasted with Velcro, children's work) .

caregiver : what color can you designate the evening?(Children's answers).

Educator: evening, we will mark in blue. Let's take a blue square and stick it on our clock in the upper right corner.(The square is pasted with Velcro, children's work) .

Educator: What color is night?(Children's answers).

Educator: it is dark at night, so we will mark the night with black. Let's take a black square and stick it on our watch under the blue square.(The square is pasted with Velcro, children's work) .

caregiver : Now let's see what we got.(Children look at the clock).

Educator: what does yellow mean?(Children's answers).

Educator: in the morning we have the sun still low above the ground, let's take the sun and fasten it on a button low - low to the ground.(The work of children, the sun is fastened to the square with a button).

Educator: after the morning, what comes?(Children's answers).

Educator: What color do we mark the day?(Children's answers).

Educator: in the afternoon the sun is high, the sun we fasten the button high in the sky. ( Children's work).

Educator: after the day, what comes?(Children's answers).

Educator: what color did we designate the evening?(Children's answers).

Educator: in the evening, the sun is red, it sets and hides behind the horizon, so we will fasten the sun with you on the button low.

Educator: what comes after evening?(Answers of children).

Educator: what color do we represent the night?(Answers of children).

Educator: At night, the moon and stars shine in the sky. Let's "dress" the stars and the moon on our square.

Educator: Well done boys! Now look at what funny windows we got, now the bunny will remember exactly what and when to do!

Galina Sosunova
Lesson on familiarization with others in the II junior group "Day and night"


1. Develop children's ideas about parts of the day (day, night) .

2. Continue to develop visual-figurative thinking, visual perception, imagination.

3. Contribute to the development of coherent speech of children, replenishment of the active and passive vocabulary on the topic « Day and night» .

4. Cultivate emotional responsiveness through living.


Doll, a circle divided into two parts (white and black, containers with semolina; drawings showing the behavior of children in the dark and daylight hours ( day, night, sound recording of cricket, cockerel.

preliminary work:

1. Viewing the album "Parts of the day".

2. Individual conversations with children in the morning and evening.

3. Finger painting "Heavenly Stars".

Lesson progress:

A doll comes to visit the children.

- Hello children!

- My name is Katya. I know what happens day, but it happens night. Please teach me what to do during the day and what to do at night and I get confused all the time.

- Sit down Katya. Our children will help you.

/post a picture/

« Day came and the sun warms

I feed chickens

I call them tsy-tsyp-tsyp-tsyp.

- It's bright outside during the day. The bright sun shines. Birds are singing.

/sound recording sounds/

Guys, what do you do during the day? (play, walk).

The day has passed and the night has come(image displayed).

- What is in this picture? What sky? What is the girl doing? What do people do at night? (sleep, rest). Tell Katya a poem about night.

Meadows sleep, forests sleep

Fresh dew has fallen.

The stars are burning in the sky

In the river, the streams say

The moon looks out the window to us,

Tells small children to sleep.

Soon the night will light all the stars,

Dreams will come to you, to me.

And the moon is a yellow flashlight,

Shine in the sky"

- Hear how at night the cricket sings / a sound recording sounds /.

/There are containers with semolina on the tables/.

Katya asks you to draw the sun for her. What kind of sun did you get, Alina? (bright). What about you, Mark? (beautiful).

- The sun illuminated the earth, everything became light and joyful.

– When does the sun shine? (afternoon).

The sun has set, it has become dark. Has come night.

- What is in the sky at night? (moon, stars).

- Draw Katya the night sky. What is it with you Dima? (moon).

When does the moon and stars shine in the sky? (at night) .

- Kate liked the way you draw day and night.

She invites you to play a game « Day and night» .

- When Katya speaks « night» you show what you do at night if Katya says « day» you show what you do during the day (the game is repeated 3-4 times).

- Well done! Now Katya knows what it is day and night. And her dolls - girlfriends do not know. Katya asks you to make a watch for them.

– Look, what is it? (a circle).

- It is divided into two parts. What color is this part? (white).

What about this part? (black).

- On the white part you will put pictures of what people do during the day. (Children take turns going out and choosing the right pictures on the table, sticking them to the white part of the circle).

- Alina, why did you put this picture here? (children play on it).

- On the black part, put pictures of what people do at night.

Thanks kids for the watch. The dolls will be very happy. Now they will know when to play and when to go to bed. We will place the clock in the doll house.

- Guys, tell Katya, what did we do today?

- Katya gives you a little sun as a keepsake. (I distribute paper "Sun" each child).

- Katya says goodbye to you.

- Goodbye, guys!