
Russian gingerbread. Abstract of a lesson on testoplasty in the preparatory group. Perspective work plan of the circle on testoplasty Testoplasty program for the older group


Explanatory note.

Testoplasty is one of the folk crafts. Dough crafts are a very ancient tradition, but in the modern world, everything that is made by hand is highly valued. Salt dough is a very popular modeling material lately. The dough is elastic, it is easy to process, products from it are durable.

It was believed that any piece of salt dough in the house is a symbol of wealth and prosperity in the family. And bread and salt will always be on the table. That is why these figurines were often called very simply - "hospitable".

The revival of this old folk tradition expanded the use of salt dough. It turned out to be an excellent material for children's creativity, because. develops fine motor skills of hands, creative imagination.

Folk art contributes to a deep impact on the child's world, has moral, aesthetic, cognitive value, embodies the historical experience of many generations and is considered as part of material culture.

Modeling classes are also classes for the development of speech. In the process of playing out the plot and performing practical actions with the test, there is a continuous conversation with the children. Such a game organization of children's activities stimulates their speech activity, causes speech imitation, and subsequently organizes a real dialogue with a toy character or with an adult. We can say that classes are a special situation that stimulates the development of the communicative function of speech, contributes to the expansion of the active and passive vocabulary of children.

The process of mastering certain performance skills not only liberate artistic thinking, but also to a greater extent leave an imprint on the worldview and the system of life orientations, goals and values. Modeling classes contribute to the development of "manual skill" for the child to enter school.

Relevance . Why does a modern child need modeling? Children love to sculpt. Modeling is one of the most tangible types of artistic creativity, in which three-dimensional (sometimes relief) images and entire compositions are created from plastic materials. The modeling technique is rich and varied, but at the same time accessible to anyone. Classes in the testoplasty workshop provide a unique opportunity to model the world and your idea of ​​it in spatially plastic images. Each child has the opportunity to create their own wonderful world.

Expediency. Testoplasty is a tangible form of creativity. Because the child not only sees what he created, but also touches, picks up and changes as necessary. The main tool in modeling is the hand, therefore, the level of skill depends on the mastery of one's own hands, on the motor skills that develop as you work with the dough. The modeling technique can be assessed as the most artless and the most accessible for independent development.

Modeling classes have a complex effect on the development of the child:

    They increase sensory sensitivity, that is, it contributes to a subtle perception of shape, texture, color, weight, plasticity;

    Synchronize the work of both hands;

    Develop imagination, spatial thinking, fine motor skills of hands;

    They form the ability to plan work to implement the plan, to foresee the result and achieve it; if necessary, make adjustments to the original plan.

    And also contribute to the formation of mental abilities of children, expands their artistic horizons, contributes to the formation of artistic and aesthetic taste.

Another specific feature of modeling is its close connection with the game. The volume of the completed figurine encourages children to play with it. Such an organization of classes in the form of a game deepens children's interest in modeling, expands the opportunity to communicate with adults and peers.

According to their content, the classes are aimed at developing individuality, intuition, educating organization and accuracy. Sculpting includes sensory and other modal-specific factors of development, while eye-hand coordination, concentration of attention and perseverance, and development of voluntary regulation are worked out.

In the process of learning, interpersonal relationships are established among the children, friendship is strengthened.

Salt Dough Benefits

    You can cook at any time without spending extra money;

    Easily washes off and leaves no residue;

    Safe if swallowed, if no glue is added - usually after tasting the dough once, the child no longer tries to put it in his mouth - tasteless !!!

    If it is properly mixed, it molds wonderfully, does not stick to hands;

    You can dry in the oven, or you can just air dry;

    Any paint sticks, and the possibilities for painting are almost unlimited;

    It’s good to varnish over the paint - it lasts for centuries;

    You can play with the finished dough without fear that it will lose its shape.

Targets and goals


1) educational:

    broadening my horizons in arts and crafts.

    mastering the system of knowledge on Russian folk art and small genres of culture.

2) developing:

    development of cognitive interests through familiarization with folk toys, the history of the emergence of folk crafts; through sculpture.

    disclosure of intellectual and creative abilities through the development of memory, thinking, attention, volitional processes, the ability to plan one's activities, to foresee the result; revealing the personality of the child in his creative development

3) educational:

    to cultivate the ability to appreciate, respect the heritage of the Russian people through arts and crafts

    information and cognitive competence to raise interest in the study and knowledge value-oriented competence of arts and crafts different types of clay toys for small sculptural genres

    regulatory and behavioral competence to cultivate a culture of behavior in society with children and adults

    communicative competence to teach children the culture of verbal communication, expressive speech, emotional mood

    to attach cultural and social competence to respect for the work performed by children, self-respect for the result of activities, accustom to the assessment and self-assessment of activities.


1) educational:

    formation of ideas about folk crafts

    familiarization with the methods of activity - clay modeling toys, bas-relief, sculpture

    mastering the basics, skills of working from a whole piece of dough, creating images from separate parts

    formation of the ability for creative disclosure, independence, self-development

    enriching children's knowledge through the study of arts and crafts - dough modeling

    mastering the skills to apply the acquired knowledge in later life.

2) developing:

    development of interest in the study of folk crafts

    increasing the level of skills and abilities in the mastery of children as a result of their work

    activation of existing experience based on the knowledge gained about the world around us in a preschool educational institution, in a circle, putting them into practice daily with complications

    formation of the ability to independently search for methods and techniques, ways of performing

    development of experience and creative activity in creating new forms, patterns, searching for new solutions in creating compositions

    development of the ability for personal self-determination and self-realization in later life.

3) educational:

    education of responsibility in the performance of work, preparation for fairs, exhibitions

    compliance with regulations compliance with safety regulations

    active participation in trade fairs, exhibitions

    striving for exploration, independence

    understanding the need for high-quality execution of the image

    constructive interaction with aesthetic education, speech development, fine motor skills, eye

    acquisition of readiness to independently perform all types of toys required by the program, as well as sculpture

    to independently acquire knowledge in arts and crafts - molding folk toys from dough, sculptures in arts and crafts - molding folk toys, sculptures from dough.


    Seasonality: building and adjusting the cognitive content of the program, taking into account the natural features at the moment of activity.

    The principle of enrichment of sensory experience.

    Sequence and systematic.

    Person-centered approach.

    Cultural enrichment of the content of testoplasty activities, in accordance with the characteristics of the cognitive development of children of different ages.

    The principle of the relationship of productive activity with other types of children's activity.

    The principle of organizing a thematic space (information field) is the basis for the development of figurative representations.


    Game learning

    Cooperation Pedagogy


    Visual (show, samples of crafts, illustrations);

    Verbal (conversation, explanation, questions, art word)



    salty dough




    paint, gouache


    dough molds

    silk ribbons, lace, beads

    magnetic strips

Modeling techniques used:

    Kneading - pressing with hands and fingers on a piece of plasticine or dough.

    Pinching - separating small pieces from a large piece of plasticine or dough with the help of the thumb and forefinger. To do this, first pinch a small piece of plasticine or dough from the edge of a large piece, and then tear it off.

    spanking - energetic patting on the dough with a tense palm with straight fingers. The range of motion can be varied.

    flattening - squeezing a piece of dough (plasticine) in order to give it a flat shape. A small piece of plastic material can be flattened with your fingers.

What should a child be able to do at the end of the year?

2 junior group:

    to separate small lumps from a large piece

    roll out a lump of dough with direct movements;

    roll out a lump of dough in a circular motion;

    roll up the columns rolled up with direct movements in the form of a ring;

    connect ends;

    flatten a lump of dough between the palms;

    connect 2-3 familiar shapes;

    pinching the edges of the mold with your fingertips.

Calendar-thematic plan


Topic of the lesson

Purpose of the lesson


Sample for execution


"I'm baking, I'm baking..."


To acquaint children with the technique of modeling from salt dough, with the properties of salt dough.

Show how to make a dough product.

Colored salty dough, product illustrations, napkins, individual boards.

2, 3


Continue familiarity with the technique of testoplasty.

Teach children to roll the dough into a round and oblong shape.

Cultivate accuracy

Salty dough, illustrations, colored cardboard, individual boards.


Strengthen the skill of rolling. Show the technique of making cakes from dough. Learn to shape.

Salty dough, illustrations of bakery products - cheesecakes, napkins, individual planks


Cakes for grandma.

Improve skills and abilities in the manufacture of simple elements from salt dough. Encourage different ways of connecting parts.

Salty dough, illustrations of bakery products - kalachi, napkins, individual planks, poppy or sesame.

Fruits in a bowl.

Improve skills and abilities in the manufacture of simple elements from salt dough. Learn to flatten details.

Cultivate accuracy

Colored salty dough, illustrations, napkins, individual boards.


Colored salt dough, illustrations, colored cardboard, individual boards.

Plush curls.

To teach how to use the dough to manifest the creative abilities of children, to teach how to convey a conceived idea when making a product, to reveal the creative imagination of children in the process of modeling, to develop the flexibility of the fingers.

Salty dough, food poppy, illustrations, napkins, individual boards.


Let's decorate the plate.

Introduce children to the technique of decorating products.

Strengthen the skills of rolling and flattening the dough.

Develop a sense of composition.

Salted dough, buttons, beads, dried watermelon seeds, tubes for juice, napkins, individual boards


To introduce children to the manufacture of crafts based on cardboard.

Strengthen the skills of rolling and cutting out parts from the dough.

Green cardboard, salty colored dough, cookie cutters, satin ribbons, beads, sequins, napkins, individual planks


To develop in children a cognitive interest in nature. Develop fine motor skills. To teach children to reflect the impressions received when observing winter nature, based on the content of familiar works and reproductions of paintings. To improve the ability of children to flatten, flatten the dough, creating an image in a semi-volume.

Colored salt dough, illustrations, beads, colored cardboard, individual boards.



convey an idea

children's creative imagination

process of work, to teach to see the end result

intended work.

Colored salt dough, illustrations, beads, sequins, satin ribbons, colored cardboard, individual boards.


Christmas decorations.

To introduce children to making crafts for the holiday, to teach children to decorate an object using various elements for decoration, to develop color perception.

Dough salty blue, red, yellow. Napkins, individual boards, beads, sequins.


To acquaint children with the manufacture of a medallion. Show several techniques for decorating a product - print, color elements. Cultivate accuracy.

Colored salty dough, satin ribbons, individual boards, tubes for juice, buttons, beads.


manifestations of creative

children's abilities to teach

performance of the product, disclose

children's creative imagination

fingers, teach to see

final result.

Colored salty dough, cardboard with the image of grass, individual boards.


Learn how to use the dough

manifestations of creative

children's abilities to teach

convey an idea

performance of the product, disclose

children's creative imagination

sculpting process, develop flexibility

fingers, teach to see

the end result of the


Colored salty dough, illustrations, napkins, individual boards, toothpicks.



To consolidate the ability to decorate objects that are simple in shape, applying to the entire surface of the object. Develop a sense of composition.

Colored salty dough, napkins, individual boards, beads, dry peas, dried watermelon seeds.


To consolidate the technical skills and techniques of sculpting from dough. Sculpt from parts, divide a piece into parts, maintain the ratio of proportions in size, tightly connecting them. Develop fine motor skills.

Colored salty dough, sunflower seeds, napkins, individual planks, stack.

Gift for dad.

To acquaint children with making crafts for the holiday, to consolidate the ability to decorate objects that are simple in shape, applying to the entire surface of the object. Develop a sense of composition.

Colored salty dough, red beans, watermelon seeds, napkins, individual boards.


keep the ratio

writing a story about your


Colored salty dough, illustrations, toothpicks, individual boards.


Gift for mom.

To introduce children to making crafts for the holiday, to consolidate the ability to decorate objects that are simple in shape, applying to the entire surface of the object. Develop a sense of composition.

Colored salty dough, napkins, planks, individual tubes for juice, buttons, beads, sequins, ribbons.

Miracle tree.

Build technical skills and

dough molding techniques. sculpt

from parts, divide a piece into parts,

keep the ratio

proportional in size, tight

connecting them. Develop small

motility. develop creative

imagination, coherent speech

writing a story about your


Colored salt dough, illustrations, cardboard, individual boards, stack.


interest in nature.

creating an image in

semi-volume. Develop small

motility. Develop

creative imagination, connected

speech when writing a story about

your craft.

Colored salty dough, illustrations, napkins, individual boards, beads.


Develop children's cognitive

interest in nature.

Improve children's skills

flatten, flatten the dough,

creating an image in

semi-volume. Develop small

motility. develop creative

imagination, coherent speech

writing a story about your




Learn how to compose

individual details; use

knowledge and understanding about

appearance features

plants; reinforce the skills

obtained in modeling classes;

develop aesthetic perception;

cultivate love for nature,

the desire to convey its beauty in their work.

Colored salt dough, illustrations, colored cardboard, individual boards.

Flowers bloom in the garden...


Introduce children to making a flower from dough, develop the skill creating a composition from

individual details. To consolidate the ability to decorate simple-shaped objects with details, to cultivate accuracy.

Flower meadow illustration. Colored salty dough, colored cardboard, individual boards, dough molds - a flower.


Develop children's cognitive

interest in nature. Improve children's ability to roll dough,

creating an image in


Colored salty dough, illustrations, napkins, beads, toothpicks, individual boards.


Develop children's cognitive

interest in nature.

Improve children's skills

flatten, flatten the dough

creating an image in

semi-volume. Develop small

motility. develop creative

imagination, coherent speech

writing a story about your


Salty dough, colored, illustrations, colored cardboard, individual boards.


Bunch of grapes.

Consolidation of technical skills and

dough molding techniques. sculpt

from parts, dividing a piece into parts,

keep the ratio

proportional in size, tight

connecting them. Develop small

motility. Develop creative thinking.

Salty dough, colored, napkins, individual boards, illustrations.


Develop children's cognitive

interest in nature. To improve the ability of children to roll and flatten the dough,

creating an image in



Develop children's cognitive

interest in nature. Improve children's skills in rolling and flattening dough, sculpting

from parts, divide a piece into parts,

keep the ratio

proportional in size, tight

connecting them. Develop small

motor skills, creating an image in


Salty dough, colored dough, napkins, individual boards, illustrations, beads.

By design.

Improve skills and abilities in free experimentation with the test.

Salty dough, colored dough, napkins, individual boards, cork seals, toothpicks.


    Anistratova A.A., Grishina N.I. "Crafts from salt dough." Onyx Publishing LLC, 2011

    Zaitsev V.B. Salt Dough Toys. LLC Group of Companies "RIPOL classic", 2011

    Kiskalt Izolda "Salty dough: fascinating modeling". - Profisdat, 2002.

    Kazakova T.G. Children's fine arts. - M .: Karapuz-Didactics, 2006.

    Komarova T.S. Children's artistic creativity. M, 2005

    Lapteva T.E. "Salty dough. Original ideas for fun creativity. LLC "Publishing House" Eksmo ", Moscow 2010.

    Lykova I.A. We sculpt, fantasize, play. A book for preschool children. M., 2000.

    Silaeva K., Mikhailova I. "Salty dough", M., ed. "Eksmo", 2004.

    Khalezova N.B. Decorative modeling in kindergarten. M., 2005.


One of the main priorities of the MDO CRR kindergarten No. 15 "Eaglet" is the artistic and aesthetic development of children. In the preschool years, the child develops a sense of beauty, high aesthetic tastes, the ability to understand and appreciate works of art, the beauty and richness of native nature. This contributes to the formation of a spiritually rich, harmoniously developed personality.

Scientists who study the development of children's speech argue that the movement of the fingers is very closely related to speech function. The development of the function of the hand and speech goes in parallel. Approximately the same course of development of the speech of the child. First, subtle movements of the fingers develop, then the articulation of syllables appears. All subsequent improvement of speech reactions is directly dependent on the degree of training of finger movements.

Modeling is of great importance for the education and upbringing of preschool children.

It contributes to the development of visual perception, memory, imaginative thinking, instilling manual skills and abilities necessary for successful schooling.

Modeling is one of the most useful activities for children. By plastically reproducing this or that object from life, from memory or drawing, children get acquainted with its shape, develop their hand, fingers, and this, in turn, contributes to the development of children's speech.

Modeling is a favorite and exciting pastime for children and many adults. You can sculpt the old fashioned way - from clay and plasticine, but it is interesting to try something new, for example, salt dough.

Dough is a good material for modeling. It is a pleasant, pliable, plastic and environmentally friendly material. Anything can be sculpted from it, and after drying and coloring, leave it as a souvenir for many years. The result can be seen, touched. It is interesting to show it to others and get approval. Thanks to this, the child feels like a creator and feels satisfaction and pride in his achievements.

The program is also a kind of potential of the society of tomorrow, it is on how a person learns to organize his leisure time in childhood that the fullness of his entire future life depends.

Scientists have proven that the development of logical thinking, coherent speech, memory and attention is closely related to the development of fine motor skills and coordination of finger movements. The level of development of fine motor skills is one of the indicators of intellectual readiness for schooling. Hand movements are of great importance for mastering writing. If the speed of movement of the fingers is slow, then the accuracy of movements is also impaired. In such cases, children try to avoid situations in which they feel they are not successful.

This activity is relevant because at preschool age it is important to develop the mechanisms necessary for mastering writing, create conditions for the child to accumulate motor and practical experience, and develop manual skills. Modeling classes contribute to the development of "manual skill" for the child to enter school.

To create and create are magnificent moments of our life, it is joy and light in the soul. Sculpting from dough is an affordable activity for both adults and children. This hobby brings in addition to pleasure and invaluable benefits for the health of the body and soul. The work of the fingers, the brain is activated and there is a complete relaxation of the body and soul.

Modeling is of great importance for the education and upbringing of preschool children. It contributes to the development of visual perception, memory, imaginative thinking, instilling manual skills and abilities necessary for successful schooling. Sculpting, like other types of visual activity, forms aesthetic tastes, develops a sense of beauty, the ability to understand beauty in all its diversity. Sculpting as an activity, to a greater extent than drawing or appliqué, leads children to the ability to navigate in space, to the assimilation of a number of mathematical concepts.

Another specific feature of modeling is its close connection with the game. The volume of the completed figurine encourages children to play with it. Such an organization of classes in the form of a game deepens children's interest in modeling, expands the opportunity to communicate with adults and peers.

Modeling classes are closely connected with familiarization with the environment, with teaching the native language, with familiarization with fiction, with observing living objects.

Creating even the simplest sculptures by a child is a creative process. And creative creation is a manifestation of the productive activity of human consciousness.

Salt dough is becoming more and more popular in our country, successfully competing with traditional materials - clay and plasticine. In working with it, many are attracted not so much by accessibility and relative cheapness, but by the endless possibilities that this material provides for developing the creative abilities of preschoolers.

Salt dough is a wonderful craft material. It has a number of advantages: leaves no residue and is easy to clean, safe for children, environmentally friendly natural material that does not cause allergies. You can even eat it. Both children of 5-6 years old and the smallest can sculpt. The dough is very plastic and allows you to work out small details. On the test, wonderful prints from any objects remain - buttons, palms, forks, cloves, combs, fabrics - any object whose relief is of interest to you.

Observations of children in the younger group showed that 60% of children have a low level of development of fine motor skills of the hands. They do not know how to use scissors, draw poorly with pencils and paints, and hardly hold a spoon and fork. Children are timid and shy, unsure of their abilities.

Working with dough is a kind of exercise that helps in the development of fine differentiated movements, coordination, and tactile sensations in children. Everything that is so necessary for a child at school: education of perseverance, accuracy, patience; development of manual dexterity and accuracy of the eye; mastery of technological operations and, above all, a creative approach to any work, the joy of creativity through self-expression through the manufacture of products from salt dough.


You can cook at any time without spending extra money;

Easy to wash and leaves no residue;

Safe when ingested, once tasted

The dough tastes good, the child no longer tries to put it in his mouth - tasteless!

If it is properly mixed, it molds wonderfully, does not stick to hands;

You can dry in the oven, or you can just air dry;

Any paint sticks, and the possibilities for painting are practically unlimited;

It’s good to varnish over the paint - it will last for centuries.

You can play with the finished "product" - without fear that it will lose its shape.

PROGRAM FOCUS: Artistic and aesthetic, dominant area: "Artistic and aesthetic development."

PROGRAM OBJECTIVES: to give children the joy of creativity, show salt dough modeling techniques, help develop a child’s creative and communication skills through the manufacture of salt dough products.

Raise interest and desire to engage in arts and crafts.

Develop aesthetic and artistic taste in children.

Introduce testoplasty.

Develop fine motor skills.

Learn the techniques of working with dough and improvised tools.

Familiarize yourself with the methods and techniques of the image.


1. introduce methods of activity - modeling from salt dough;

2. teach to follow safety rules;

3. teach strives for search, independence;

4. to learn to master the basics, the skills of working from a whole piece of dough, from separate parts, creating images;


1. to develop experience in creative activity, in the creation of new forms, samples, the search for new solutions in creating compositions;

2. develop constructive interaction with aesthetic education, speech development, fine motor skills, eye;

3. formation of the ability for creative disclosure, independence, self-development;

4. formation of the ability to independently search for methods and techniques, methods of implementation.


1. to bring up responsibility in the performance of work, preparation for exhibitions;

2. to cultivate the ability to clearly observe the necessary sequence of actions.

3. educate the ability to organize your workplace, clean up after yourself.


Correction-developing - development and correction of all mental functions (perception, attention, thinking, motor skills and coordination of movements, etc.)

Educational - expanding knowledge and ideas about oneself, others, the world around, revealing the creative abilities of children, the ability to see the unusual in the subject of study.

Communicative - development of skills of positive communication and cooperation.

Relaxation - the transformation of destructive forms of energy into a socially adaptive form of activity, the removal of psycho-emotional stress

Educational - the development of the moral aspects of the child's personality, love for work, the process of creativity and knowledge


Formation of an integrated quality “Able to solve intellectual and personal tasks adequate to age” and through deepening the content of the educational field “Artistic and aesthetic development” by teaching children how to sculpt from salt dough.

This program is implemented through the "Young Sculptor" circle with children of primary, middle and senior preschool age.

Leads the circle "Young sculptor" educator Epifanovskaya O.V.

The duration of the program is 5 years from 2012 to 2017.


· the principle of systematicity and consistency: setting and/or adjusting the tasks of aesthetic education and development of children in the logic “from simple to complex”, “from close to distant”, “from well-known to little-known and unfamiliar”;

The principle of cyclicality: building and / or adjusting the content of the program with a gradual complication and expansion from age to age;

· the principle of optimization and humanization of the educational process; the principle of the developing nature of art education;

the principle of natural conformity: setting and / or adjusting the tasks of the artistic and creative development of children, taking into account the “nature” of children, age characteristics and individual abilities; principle of interest: building and / or adjusting the program based on the interests of individual children and the children's community (group of children) as a whole.

the principle of cultural enrichment (amplification) of the content of visual activity, in accordance with the characteristics of the cognitive development of children of different ages;

the principle of the relationship of productive activity with other types of children's activity;

the principle of integration of various types of fine arts and artistic activity;

· the principle of an aesthetic reference to universal human values ​​(education of a thinking, feeling, creative, reflective person);

the principle of enrichment of sensory-sensory experience;

· the principle of organization of the thematic space (information field) - the basis for the development of figurative representations;

the principle of the relationship of generalized ideas and generalized methods of action aimed at creating an expressive artistic image;

The principle of natural joy (the joy of aesthetic perception, feeling and action, maintaining the immediacy of aesthetic reactions, emotional openness).


Classes are held once a week, the group is completed according to the age principle. The optimal number of children in a group is 10 people. The duration of the lessons is 15 - 30 minutes (depending on the age of the children).


1. Creation of a game situation (fairy tale character, riddles, games).

2. Explanation, demonstration of modeling techniques.

3. Modeling by children.

4. Physical pause.

5. Refinement of the product from additional material.

6. Consideration of finished works.

When organizing games-classes, the teacher must remember the following rules:

1. Do not interfere with the child to create.

2. Encourage all the efforts of the child and his desire to learn new things.

3. Avoid negative assessments of the child and the results of his activities.

4. Start with the simplest, most accessible task, gradually complicating it

5. Support the initiative of children.

6. Do not leave without attention, without encouragement, even the smallest success of the child.


1. Constructive - sculpting an object from separate pieces (roll out, stretch, flatten, pinch, join together).

2. Sculptural - from a whole piece. Turning it into a figure.

3. Combined - a combination of different modeling methods in one product.

4. Modular molding - making up a three-dimensional mosaic or designing from individual parts.

5. Modeling on the form - the use of ready-made forms for the base.


Rolling with circular movements of the hands, rolling with direct movements of the hands, pressing the balls with a finger from above, smoothing, flattening, pinching.


Build a general awareness among children

Enhanced technical skills and abilities

Hand motor skills will develop

Children will be creative in the process of sculpting

Interest in art in the classroom and independent activity will become stable.


Demonstration of technological methods.

Examining toys, sculptures, etc.

Examining illustrations from books, photographs, paintings, etc.

Game techniques (the arrival of a hero, etc.).

Exercise children the skills to use modeling tools (stacks, seals, etc.).


Audio recordings, videos, presentations.

Use of samples (models, toys, salt dough crafts, sculptures, models).

The use of visibility (photos, paintings, drawings of children, illustrations from books, etc.).


Additional material for creating an expressive image (beads, beads, fishing line, sequins, pieces of fur).

Modeling tools (stacks, seals, modeling tournet, marker caps, etc.).


Joint activities of the teacher with children.


Rolling with direct movements;

Rolling in circular motions;


Connection in the form of a ring;

Pinching the edge of the form;

Modeling from several parts;


Pulling a part from the main form;

Smoothing the surface of the form;

Part attachment;



Indentation to obtain a hollow shape;

Stack usage.


Flour - 300g (2 cups)

Salt - 3oog (1 cup)

Water - 200 ml.


Mix flour and salt thoroughly. Then add water and mix thoroughly until smooth. Like regular dough. The modeling dough should be pretty cool.


WEEK ONE: That's the dough!

WEEK TWO: Journey to the Round Country #1

WEEK THREE: Roundland Journey #2


WEEK 1: Fruits


WEEK THREE: Mushroom #1

WEEK 4: Mushroom #2

WEEK ONE: "Little Doll" (Tumbler) #1

WEEK TWO: "Little Doll" (Tumbler) #2


WEEK 4: Tree #2

WEEK ONE: "Winter Fun" (Snowman) #1

WEEK 2: "Winter Fun" (Snowman) #2

WEEK THREE: "Winter Fun" (Snowman) #3

WEEK 4: Bowl of oranges

WEEK ONE: Gift for Dad #1

WEEK 2: Gift for Dad #2

WEEK THREE: Mommy Gift #1

WEEK 4: Mommy Gift #2

WEEK ONE: Caterpillar #1

WEEK 2: Caterpillar #2

WEEK THREE: Caterpillar #3


WEEK 1: Pine cone hedgehog #1

WEEK 2: Pine cone hedgehog #2

WEEK THREE: Ladybug #1

WEEK 4: Ladybug #2

WEEK ONE: Turtle #1

WEEK 2: Turtle #2

WEEK THREE: Dandelion #1

WEEK 4: Dandelion #2


WEEK ONE: Harvest #1

WEEK 2: Harvest #2

WEEK THREE: Sunflower #1

WEEK 4: Sunflower #2

WEEK 1: Mouse #1

WEEK 2: Mouse #2

WEEK THREE: Fly agaric #1

WEEK 4: Fly agaric #2

FIRST WEEK: Christmas tree #1 was born in the forest

SECOND WEEK: Christmas tree #2 was born in the forest

WEEK THREE: Christmas Toys #1

WEEK 4: Christmas Toys #2

WEEK ONE: Candlestick #1

WEEK 2: Candlestick #2


WEEK 4: Cat #2

FIRST WEEK: Valentine

WEEK 2: Gift for Dad #1

WEEK 3: Gift for Dad #2

WEEK 4: Gift for Dad #3

WEEK 1: Flowers for Mom #1

SECOND WEEK: Flowers for Mom #2

WEEK THREE: Egg Rack #1

WEEK 4: Egg Stand #2

WEEK ONE: Aquarium #1

WEEK 2: Aquarium #2

WEEK THREE: Aquarium #3

WEEK 4: Sad Clown

WEEK ONE: Fun Clown

WEEK 2: Chicken #1

WEEK THREE: Chicken #2

WEEK 4: Chicken #3


FIRST WEEK: Smesharik "Nyusha"

SECOND WEEK: Smesharik "Nyusha"

WEEK THREE: Smesharik "Nyusha"

FOURTH WEEK: A plate of fruit.

FIRST WEEK: Smesharik "Krosh"

SECOND WEEK: Smesharik "Krosh"

WEEK THREE: Smesharik "Krosh"

WEEK 4: New Year's toys

FIRST WEEK: Santa Claus hurries to the Christmas tree

SECOND WEEK: Santa Claus hurries to the Christmas tree

WEEK THREE: Snow Maiden

FOURTH WEEK: Snow Maiden




WEEK 4: Cat

FIRST WEEK: Valentine

SECOND WEEK: Valentine

WEEK THREE: Gift for dad

WEEK 4: Gift for dad

WEEK 1: Gift for Mom

SECOND WEEK: Gift for Mom



WEEK ONE: Rocket


WEEK THREE: Butterfly

WEEK 4: Butterfly



WEEK THREE: Hedgehog

WEEK 4: Hedgehog


WEEK ONE: Mushroom Glade

SECOND WEEK: Mushroom meadow

WEEK THREE: Apple Harvest

FOURTH WEEK: Apple Harvest

WEEK 1: Bird in the nest

SECOND WEEK: Bird in the nest

WEEK THREE: Bird in the nest

FOURTH WEEK: Santa Claus

FIRST WEEK: Snow Maiden

SECOND WEEK: Snow Maiden

WEEK THREE: Christmas Candlesticks

FOURTH WEEK: New Year's candlesticks

WEEK ONE: Christmas decorations

WEEK TWO: Christmas decorations

WEEK THREE: Decorative plates

WEEK 4: Decorative plates

FIRST WEEK: Decorative plate as a gift in honor of Defender of the Fatherland Day

SECOND WEEK: Decorative plate as a gift in honor of Defender of the Fatherland Day

WEEK THREE: We can’t live without jewelry, mom, you and me wear them

FOURTH WEEK: We can’t live without jewelry, mom, you and me wear them

WEEK ONE: Photo frame

WEEK TWO: Photo frame

WEEK THREE: Vase of flowers

FOURTH WEEK: Vase of flowers

WEEK ONE: Spaceport

WEEK TWO: Spaceport

WEEK THREE: "Rooster" (panel)

FOURTH WEEK: "Rooster" (panel)

WEEK ONE: Ladybug and her friend

WEEK 2: Ladybug and her friend

WEEK THREE: Fish in the aquarium

FOURTH WEEK: Fish in the aquarium.

Educational and thematic plan


No. Topic Program content Equipment Practical work Number of hours Note

1. "That's the dough!" Introduce children to the dough, teach them to knead the dough with the fingers and palms of both hands; to form their interest in working with the test; develop fine motor skills. Salt dough, bowl of water, wet wipes, pads Kneading 1

2. "Journey to the" Round Country "Arouse children's interest in modeling from dough, introduce them to the shape of the ball; teach shaping movement - rolling rounded shapes, develop tactile sensitivity, learn to mix paint on a palette to draw thin lines. Salt dough, gouache, bowls of water, brushes. 1. Examination of rounded objects of various sizes, molding balls of various sizes, flattening balls into circles.

2. Examination with closed eyes of spherical and round objects, coloring circles and balls stuck together in the previous lesson 2

3. "Sun" To introduce children to the shape of a circle and a ball, to find the difference between them; teach shaping movement - rolling the flagellum, develop fine motor skills, thinking, imagination Colored dough, water, brushes Modeling the sun. one

4. “Fruits” Learn to sculpt wide, low dishes in a certain sequence (roll a ball, flatten it into a disk, bend the edges, learn to roll balls of the same size. Colored dough, fruits (dummy), stacks, bowls of water, brushes. Modeling fruits from colored dough 1

5. "Bablis" Learn to roll out the dough with direct hand movements, roll the stick into a ring, connect the ends, pressing them together, divide into parts, recognize and name the round shape; to cultivate a sense of satisfaction from the fact that he brought the work to the end. Colored dough, bowls of water, brushes, string. Modeling from colored dough. one

6. "Mushroom" Learn to roll columns from small balls of dough and combine them with additional material, form interest in working with dough, develop fine motor skills. Dough, boards, water, brushes, toothpicks, pictures of mushrooms Day 1: Modeling.

Day 2: coloring 2

7. “Little Doll” (Roly-Poly) Sculpt an object consisting of two parts of a round shape, of different sizes, consolidate the ability to roll the dough between the palms in a circular motion, connect the two parts. Salt dough, soft toy, bowl of water, brushes, boards, napkins. Day 1: Salt dough modeling.

Day 2: coloring product 2

8. "Christmas tree" (stuck from dough). Continue to teach children to use familiar methods of work in modeling, to consolidate children's skills in rolling small balls out of dough and attaching them to a Christmas tree, to learn to choose and create a festive color scheme by mixing on a palette. Salt dough, stacks, beads for decoration, tassels, cardboard. Day 1: modeling.

Day 2: decoration. 2

9. "Winter fun" (Snowman) To develop in children the ability to independently examine a familiar object and convey its shape and structure in modeling; develop imagination, thinking, fine motor skills; develop the ability to apply familiar modeling methods in work: rolling, rolling, flattening. Colored dough, cardboard, tassels, bowl of water Day 1: Background for the snowman.

Day 2: frame for the snowman.

Day 3: making a snowman. 3

10. “Bowl with oranges” Learn to sculpt wide, low dishes in a certain sequence (roll a ball, flatten it into a disk, bend the edges, learn to roll balls of the same size. Colored dough, stacks, bowls of water, brushes. Sculpting oranges from colored dough. one

11. "Gift for dad" To make children want to make a souvenir with their own hands as a gift to loved ones, develop attention, fine motor skills. Salt dough, bowl of water, felt-tip pens, gouache, palette, cardboard. 1 day: modeling

Day 2: coloring 2

12. “Gift to Mom” To instill in children love and care for loved ones (mother, grandmother, arouse a desire to please them with a gift; consolidate modeling skills, develop imagination, fine motor skills. Salt dough, cardboard, felt-tip pens, cardboard, a bowl of water, brushes .1 day: modeling

2nd day: coloring 2

13. "Caterpillar" Continue to learn how to roll balls of various sizes (from large to small, learn to create the necessary image from balls of various sizes; select colors to convey character. Colored dough for a leaf (green, white dough for a caterpillar, gouache, tassels, stacks, felt-tip pens, water Day 1: sculpting a leaf from colored dough

Day 2: caterpillar molding

Day 3: coloring 3

14. Easter egg stand. Develop imagination and the ability to work independently according to the model. Colored dough, stacks, bowls of water, brushes. Modeling coasters from colored dough. one

15. “Hedgehog from a cone” To teach children the shaping movement - rolling a droplet, to develop the ability to create a leaf shape when flattening a droplet, to develop the ability to sculpt small details, to continue to develop compositional skills by placing a hedgehog on a sheet. Colored dough (yellow, green, a bowl of water, a cone, a stack, an old felt-tip pen, a soft toy. Day 1: sculpting a leaf from colored dough

Day 2: modeling a hedgehog (body from a cone). 2

16. "Ladybug" Develop skills to work with a spherical shape, continue to learn how to mix different colors on a palette. Dough, old felt-tip pen, stack, palette, gouache, bowl of water. Day 1: modeling a ladybug

Day 2: coloring. 2

17. "Turtle" Develop skills to work with a spherical shape, continue to learn how to mix different colors on the palette. Dough, old felt-tip pen, stack, palette, gouache, bowl of water. Day 1: modeling a turtle

Day 2: coloring 2

18. "Dandelion" To develop in children the ability to use familiar modeling methods in work: rolling, rolling, flattening, develop attention, fine motor skills. Salt dough, bowl of water, felt-tip pens, gouache, palette. 1 day: modeling

2 day: coloring


19. “Harvesting” To consolidate children's knowledge of the generalized concepts of “vegetables”, “fruits”, exercise in rolling, flattening, stretching techniques, use stacks, natural material to decorate crafts, continue to teach children, mix new colors on the palette. Fruits, vegetables, (models, pictures), salt dough, gouache, palette, brushes, cardboard, water. Day 1: looking at pictures of vegetables, fruits; modeling vegetables

Day 2: coloring 2

20. "Sunflower" Develop skill on a cardboard basis with the help of dough, break off in small pieces and flatten on cardboard, make a background, continue to teach children to roll and flatten the ball (for the middle of a sunflower, work with palms and fingers to create the necessary shape (leaves, petals ); to develop the ability to work in a stack, working through the details. Salt dough (colored), sunflower seeds, stacks, brushes, cardboard under the base, water. 1 day: sculpting a background with a frame

Day 2: sunflower molding. 2

21. "Mouse" Learn to convey fabulous images in modeling; to teach children to apply the ability to sculpt an oval shape when depicting objects and animals; to consolidate the ability to convey the character of the form Salt dough, a piece of string for the tail, felt-tip pens, water, brushes, gouache, palette. 1 day: modeling

Day 2: coloring 2

22. "Fly agaric" Modeling a fly agaric in a constructive way from four parts (hat, leg, "skirt", clearing, develop compositional skills, with the location of the fly agaric in a clearing. Colored salt dough, foil for a frame for mushrooms, a stack, water, brushes. 1 day: sculpting a clearing

Day 2: molding fly agaric. 2

23. “A Christmas tree was born in the forest” To teach children how to sculpt a Christmas tree in a modular way, to educate children in love for the environment, to convey the beauty of the Christmas tree, to achieve an expressive form. Salt dough (colored), felt-tip pens, cardboard under the base of beads for decoration, sparkles, bright beads. Day 1: sculpting a Christmas tree

Day 2: Christmas tree decoration. 2

24. "New Year's toys" To learn how to independently use familiar methods of work in modeling, we learn to choose and create a festive color scheme by mixing on a palette. Salt dough (colored), stacks, molds for cutting toys, felt-tip pens, beads, multi-colored foil, PVA glue, brushes, glitter gel. Day 1: modeling stars and Christmas balls from salt dough.

Day 2: coloring 2

25. Candlestick. Develop imagination and the ability to work independently according to the model. Salt dough, stacks, bowls of water, brushes. Day 1: candlestick molding

Day 2: coloring 2

26. "Cat" To develop aesthetic perception in children, love for animals; we develop the skills of work by all the methods of modeling studied in previous classes. Colored dough, rectangular cardboard blank, stacks, felt-tip pens, water, dough brushes. Day 1: background modeling

Day 2: modeling a cat. 2

27. "Valentine" To develop the skills of rolling droplets of various shapes, to learn how to form hearts from rolled droplets, to arouse interest in molded products, the joy of work. Colored dough, stacks, felt-tip pens, water, brushes. Sculpting a heart from colored dough. one

28. "Gift for Dad" Modeling an aircraft in a constructive way from parts of different shapes and sizes. Clarification of ideas about the structure and method of movement of the aircraft, develop love for loved ones. Salt dough, stacks, water, brushes, base cardboard, foil, stars. Day 1: background modeling

2nd day: aircraft modeling

Day 3: coloring 3

29. “Flowers for Mom” To develop the ability to make a background on a cardboard basis using a colored test, to develop in children the ability to fill in a round format by arranging a flower on it. Colored dough, round-shaped cardboard blank for the background, stack, felt-tip pens. Day 1: sculpting a background from colored dough

Day 2: modeling a flower in a round background. 2

30. "Egg stand" Develop imagination, the ability to work independently on the model, Continue to teach how to sculpt the main shape of the object with the brushes of both hands, and work out the details with your fingers, use the stack to work out the details for decoration. Dough, stacks, felt-tip pens, brushes, water, kinder surprise egg. Day 1: sculpting an egg stand.

Day 2: coloring 2

31. "Aquarium" Arouse interest in creating an "aquarium" composition, develop a sense of form and composition; develop the skills of mixing the necessary colors on the palette, we consolidate knowledge about warm and cold tones. Dough, markers, gouache, palette, brushes, water. Day 1: background modeling

Day 2: sculpting fish, algae.

32. "Sad clown" Develop the ability to roll a droplet and flatten it to the required size, learn to arrange small details (eyes, nose, mouth, hat decoration); learn to convey the mood by means of modeling. Dough, stacks, boards, a bowl of water, brushes, felt-tip pens. Sculpting a sad clown from colored dough. one

33. "Merry clown" Develop the ability to roll a drop and flatten it to the required size, learn to arrange small details (eyes, nose, mouth, hat decoration); learn to convey the mood by means of modeling. Dough, stacks, boards, a bowl of water, brushes, felt-tip pens. Modeling a cheerful clown from colored dough. one

34. "Chicken" To develop aesthetic perception in children; we develop the skills of work by all the methods of modeling studied in previous lessons. Colored dough, rectangular cardboard blank, stacks, felt-tip pens, water, dough brushes. Day 1: background modeling

Day 2: sculpting a chicken

Day 3: coloring the product. 3


35. “Smesharik “Nyusha” To develop aesthetic perception in children; we develop the skills of work by all the methods of modeling studied in previous lessons. Colored dough, rectangular cardboard blank, stacks, felt-tip pens, water, dough brushes. Day 1: background modeling

Day 2: Smeshariki modeling

Day 3: coloring the product. 3

36. "Plate of fruit." Practice rolling, flattening, stretching, using stacks and natural material to decorate crafts; we develop the ability to mix the necessary colors on the palette. Dough, stacks, planks, bowls of water, brush, old felt-tip pens, cloves (seasoning). Sculpting fruit on a plate. one

37. Smesharik "Krosh" To develop aesthetic perception in children; we develop the skills of work by all the methods of modeling studied in previous lessons. Colored dough, rectangular cardboard blank, stacks, felt-tip pens, water, dough brushes. Day 1: background modeling

Day 2: Smeshariki modeling

Day 3: coloring the product. 3

38. "New Year's toys" Learn on your own, apply familiar methods of work in modeling, learn to choose and create a festive color scheme by mixing on a palette. Salt dough (colored, stacks, molds for cutting toys, felt-tip pens, beads, multi-colored foil, PVA glue, brushes, glitter gel. Modeling stars and Christmas balls from colored dough. 1

39. “Santa Claus hurries to the Christmas tree” To educate children in interest in fairy-tale images, teach them to convey them in modeling - create a human figure, show the features of clothing. Dough, stacks, water, boards, brushes, gouache. Day 1: modeling.

Day 2: coloring 2

40. "Snow Maiden" Continue to teach children to sculpt a human figure, convey the characteristic outfit of the Snow Maiden, using a stack to paint fur on clothes with strokes. Dough, stacks, bowl of water, brushes, gouache, markers. Day 1: modeling.

Day 2: coloring 2

41. "Angel". Learn to sculpt a human figure, convey the characteristic outfit of an Angel; when working on small details, use the stack, consolidate the skills of working with the stack. Stacks, planks, strainer, water, brushes, cardboard, gouache. 1 day: modeling

2nd day: coloring 2

42. "Cat" Learn to sculpt a cat figurine from several parts, connecting them with a match and wetting technique. Planks, stacks, brushes, matches without sulfur, water, cardboard, gouache. Day 1: modeling a cat.

43. "Valentine". To consolidate the ability to make a heart from a droplet, to decorate using well-known techniques (sticking, indentation, etc.) Dough, planks, stacks, brushes, bowls of water, felt-tip pens. 1 day: modeling

2nd day: coloring 2

44. "Gift for dad" To make children want to make a souvenir with their own hands as a gift to loved ones; to consolidate the known techniques of sculpting from dough. Dough, stacks, water, brushes, gouache, palette, cardboard for the background. Day 1: modeling.

Day 2: coloring 2

45. "Gift for Mom" ​​To educate children in love and care for their mother, grandmother, to arouse a desire to please them with a gift; consolidate familiar modeling techniques; develop a sense of composition and imagination. Colored dough, cardboard for the background, stacks, felt-tip pens, water, brushes, peppercorns (for decoration). Day 1: sculpting the background with a frame.

Day 2: Modeling a chicken with a flower. 2

46. ​​"Hare" Learn to sculpt a hare figurine from several parts, connecting them with a match and wetting technique. Dough, boards, stacks, brushes, bowls of water, gouache. Day 1: sculpting a hare

Day 2: painting the figurine. 2

47. "Rocket". To create in children an interest in social phenomena; continue to develop skills in working with a teardrop shape; roll up droplets of the required size. Colored dough, cardboard for the background, felt-tip pens, brushes, water, stacks. Day 1: Background (from colored dough)

Day 2: Modeling a rocket. 2

48. Butterfly. Introduce children to the concept of "symmetry", develop skills in sculpting symmetrical details, continue to teach how to paint a figure after drying, consolidate the ability to work with warm and cold colors to create a butterfly mood. Cardboard, dough, felt-tip pens, brushes, water Day 1: modeling.

Day 2: coloring 2

49. "Bee" To develop the ability to roll up spherical shapes and create the necessary image from them, fastening the details; develop compositional skills in the location of the bee. Colored dough, stacks, strainer, felt-tip pens, cardboard, water, brushes. Day 1: sculpting the background.

2 day: modeling

50. "Hedgehog" Develop the ability to determine the whole and parts; continue to learn how to roll droplets of the required size (for the body, leaf. Dough, boards, stacks, a bowl of water, brushes, a Hedgehog toy. Day 1: modeling a leaf and a hedgehog.

Day 2: coloring 2


51. "Mushroom Glade" Develop compositional skills, consolidate the ability to sculpt mushrooms, achieve great accuracy in the transfer of form (deepening the bend of the cap, thickening the legs, developing imagination, general manual skill, fine motor skills, aesthetic taste. Salt dough, gouache, modeling boards , bowls with water, stacks, brushes, foil Day 1: molding a meadow, mushrooms

2nd day: coloring of the product. 2

52. "Harvest of apples" To teach children comparative analysis, while studying the shape and

colors of different varieties of apples, develop the ability to sculpt a background on

cardboard base; the ability to sculpt small details, to develop the ability to mix the necessary colors and shades on the palette. Salt dough, base cardboard, stack, felt-tip pens, palette, bowl of water, cloves (seasoning, gouache, brushes. Day 1: sculpt background and frame

Day 2: making a basket with apples

Day 3: coloring the product. 3

53. "Bird in the nest" Introduce children to the tape method of modeling; teaches how to connect a ribbon-like shape with a disk (bottom, develop skills in sculpting egg-shaped parts; use rolling, stretching, flattening techniques when sculpting a bird; continue learning to paint figures after drying. Dough, stacks, felt-tip pens, cardboard, gouache, palette, water. 1 day : sculpting a nest and eggs in it.

Day 2: sculpting a bird.

Day 3: coloring the product. 3

54. "Santa Claus" Raise children's interest in fairy-tale images, teach them to convey them in modeling, using the acquired skills (decorate clothing details, use a stack to paint fur on clothes with strokes, etc.). Colored salt dough, foil, cardboard, felt-tip pens, stacks, water, brushes. Modeling of Santa Claus. one

55. "Snow Maiden" To instill in children an interest in fairy-tale images, to teach them to convey them in modeling, using the acquired skills. Salt dough, foil, cardboard, felt-tip pens, stacks, gouache, water, brushes Day 1: modeling the Snow Maiden

Day 2: coloring, decoration of the product. 2

56. "New Year's candlesticks" Learn to sculpt a candlestick and decorate it using well-known techniques

sculpting (sticking, indentation): continue to learn how to paint crafts

gouache after drying. Candle, metal bottle caps, salt dough, water, gouache, brushes, markers. 1 day: product modeling

Day 2: coloring 2

57. “Christmas decorations” Learn to roll out the dough with a rolling pin, cut out the stars according to the pattern, process the edges with a brush, decorate crafts, paint after drying, develop imagination, creativity. Salt dough, boards, felt-tip pens, gouache, brushes, stacks, beads. 1 day: product modeling

Day 2: coloring 2

58. "Decorative plates" To consolidate the skills of various modeling methods, to develop fine motor skills, imagination, creativity, the ability to beautifully arrange objects on a plate. Salt dough, boards, felt-tip pens, gouache, brushes, stacks, beads, round cardboard. 1 day: modeling

Day 2: coloring 2

59. “Decorative plate as a gift to relatives and friends in honor of the Defender of the Fatherland Day” Arouse in children the desire to make a souvenir with their own hands as a gift to loved ones; develop compositional skills, continue to learn how to paint crafts with gouache after drying. Salt dough, cardboard for the base, stacks, gouache, brushes, stars (for decorating the tank, etc. 1 day: modeling

Day 2: coloring 2

60. “We can’t do without decorations, mom, you and me wear them.” Teach children to sculpt according to pre-prepared sketches and combine the ornament with the shape of the product, make a relief by sticking. Carry out the work carefully. Salt dough, stacks, gouache, planks, cardboard, brushes, water, felt-tip pens, beads. Day 1: decoration for mom

2nd day: coloring products. 2

61. “Photo Frame” To teach children how to choose their own composition, continue to develop the ability to mix the necessary colors and shades on the palette, learn to select colors to create a mood at work. Salt dough, frame cardboard, stacks, felt-tip pens, water, brushes, gouache. Day 1: molding the frame (sticking, decorating the frame with flowers);

Day 2: coloring 2

62. "Vase of flowers" (panel) Develop the ability to sculpt a background on a cardboard base and decorate it,

to consolidate the ability of children to convey the shape of a vase, to observe proportions, the structure of the form, to apply a pattern on the surface of the form with a stack, to continue to teach children to sculpt flowers (we roll up droplets and flatten them). Colored salt dough, rectangular cardboard, stacks, felt-tip pens, water, brushes. Day 1: sculpt a background, a vase (from colored dough)

Day 2: flowers (color dough). 2

63. "Cosmodrome" To teach children to create specific plastic images in constructive and combined ways: to transform and complete the cylindrical shape to get a spaceship, to transform and complete the shape of a ball to get a satellite. Colored dough, foil, felt-tip pens, stacks, photographs, buttons, water. Day 1: sculpting the base from colored dough

Day 2: sculpting a spaceship, satellite 2

64. "Rooster" (panel) Continue learning to sculpt a background on a cardboard base, decorate it, develop the skills of mixing the necessary colors and shades on the palette, create a contrasting color scheme. Cardboard, salt dough, markers, rice, gouache, water. Day 1: background modeling

Day 2: rooster modeling

Day 3: coloring 3

65. "Ladybug and her girlfriend" Continue to develop compositional thinking, develop observation, imagination, sense of color. Salt dough, stacks, water, brushes, markers, gouache. 1 day: modeling

Day 2: coloring 2

66. "Fish in an aquarium" Develop compositional skills when placing algae and fish against the background, convey in modeling the expressive features of a fabulous fish: a rounded or elongated body with beautifully shaped fins and a tail, with large eyes and rhythmically arranged scales. Salty colored dough, cardboard, stacks, water, gouache. Day 1: aquarium modeling

Day 2: modeling fish. 2


HIGH (creative) - seeks a solution on its own, strives for expressiveness of images, creates a successful composition, conveying the features of form, proportions, dynamics.

MEDIUM (according to the sample) - examines the sample, compares his work with the image, brings the work to the end, the work causes satisfaction.

LOW (at the level of perception) - not independent in the process of work, does not complete the work. Does not respect proportions, creates unsuccessful compositions.


1. O. A. Gilmutdinova. Sculpting with children of preschool and primary school age. 74s.

2. I. A. Lykova. We sculpted, we played. LLC "Karapuz - didactics" 2007

3. N. P. Sakulina, T. S. Komarova, visual activity in kindergarten. M. : "Enlightenment", 1982 -2005s.

4. T. O. Skrebtsova, L. A. Danilchenko. We make crafts and souvenirs. Rostov-on-Don "Phoenix", 2009 -250 p.

5. E. Zhadko, L. Davydova. Salt dough crafts and accessories. Rostov-on-Don "Phoenix", 2006-217p.

6. I. Kiskalt. Salty dough. M.: "Ast-press", 2002 - 142 p.

7. V. A. Khomenko. Best DIY. Step by step. Kharkov, 2009

8. V. A. Khomenko. Salt dough step by step. Kharkiv 2007 -63s.

9. .B. Khalezova, N. A. Kurochkina. Sculpting in kindergarten. M. : "Enlightenment", 1985 -140 p.

10. I. N. Khananova. Salty dough. M.: "Ast-press", 104 p.

11. A. V. Firsova. Miracles from salt dough. - M. : Iris-press, 2008 -32s.

12. O. V. Korchinova. Children's applied art. Rostov-on-Don "Phoenix", 2005-316s.

13. Mary Ann Col. Preschool creativity. Minsk -2005 - 252s.

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

Kindergarten No. 39



Head of MBDOU No. 39 of the Pedagogical Council of MBDOU No. 39

Kutkina I.L. Protocol No. 1 dated "___" ________ 2015

"____" _____2015

Program circle work

in testoplasty


for children 4-5 years old



Izrailova Olga Pavlovna

City of Leninsk-Kuznetsky


Explanatory note

Salt dough as an art, the craft is not as new as it might seem at first glance. Dough crafts are mentioned on the pages of books on ancient history. Since ancient times, it was believed that handicrafts made from salt dough in the house are a symbol of wealth and prosperity in the family.

Nowadays, salt dough modeling has become a very popular pastime.

Making products from salt dough is fashionable, original and cheap. crafts

made of dough have their own special healing aura, bring feelings of comfort and peace to our world.

I was inspired to make products from salt dough with children by the fact that, compared to plasticine, salt dough is pleasant to the touch, environmentally friendly and non-allergenic material. It can be kneaded at any time. It washes off easily and leaves no residue. Subject to manufacturing technology, it does not stick to hands and is very plastic. Therefore, a piece of warm, soft dough can be entrusted to any child.

The main direction in the work of the circle is artistic and aesthetic development. Educational field: artistic creativity, work.

An unsatisfactory level of development of fine motor skills is manifested in the inability to draw sufficiently clear and straight lines when drawing samples of geometric shapes, tracing letters, in the inability to accurately cut paper figures along the contour, and much more.

There are many reasons leading to insufficient development of motor skills, but among them we can single out the main, most common, reflecting the general conditions for the development and upbringing of modern children. Along with poor health and a reduced indicator of the general physical development of children, psychologists explain the lag in the development of motor skills by a number of social factors. Children often have very little experience in performing graphic tasks, drawing, coordination of hand movements is imperfect, the level of hand-eye coordination, spatial perception and visual memory is low.

The purpose of the circle work:

Disclosure of intellectual and creative abilities through the development of memory, thinking, attention, volitional processes, the ability to plan one's activities, to foresee the result; formation of the personality of the child in his creative development.

Main goals:

  1. Expand children's understanding of the world around them.
  2. Learn to compare. Establish cause and effect relationships.
  3. To instill in children the basics of ecological culture, respect for the environment, the development of cognitive interest in it.
  4. To develop the relationship between aesthetic and artistic perception in the creative activity of children.
  5. Develop fine motor skills of hands, coordination of hand movements, eye.
  6. Cultivate perseverance, accuracy in work, the desire to complete the work begun to end.


  1. From simple to complex.
  2. The connection of knowledge, skills with life, with practice.
  3. Scientific.
  4. Availability.
  5. Systemic knowledge.
  6. Educational and developmental orientation.
  7. Comprehensiveness, harmony in the content of knowledge, skills and abilities.
  8. activity and independence.
  9. Accounting for age and individual characteristics.

Schedule of classes and working hours:

Classes are held once a week throughout the year.

Lesson form: thematic joint activity.


1. FLOUR. Inexpensive varieties of wheat flour are best suited for salt dough.

2. SALT. Salt is best used fine, "extra". Coarse salt should not be used, as the dough may tear when molded, and when dried, it may crack.

3. WATER. Water is added only cold, it is possible from the tap.

4. GLUE. Glue gives the dough elasticity, and finished products strength. Dry wallpaper glue is most suitable, which is diluted in slightly warm water before being added to the kneaded dough (2 tablespoons of glue in a small amount of water).

5. PAINTS. To color the dough, it is best to use food or natural dyes (cocoa powder, beet juice, etc.). For coloring finished products, gouache or watercolor paints are used.

6. LAC. To fix the paints and protect the product from moisture, you need a transparent varnish.


  • wooden rolling pin or rubber roller
  • stacks, fork, comb
  • molds for baking cookies or from games
  • spadeweed
  • strainer
  • toothpicks
  • brushes
  • threaded plugs
  • a glass of water (for gluing parts together)
  • buttons, beads, braid and other things

Salt Dough Recipes:

First option: universal dough

1 glass of salt

1 cup wheat flour

1 tbsp vegetable oil

half a glass of water

Pour a glass of salt and a glass of flour into a large bowl. Mix with a spoon. Pour half a glass of water and a tablespoon of vegetable oil. Mix with a spoon and knead with your hands until smooth, like regular dough. To make the mass more plastic, we replace the water with jelly from starch. To prepare jelly, dissolve a tablespoon of starch in 1/2 cup of cold water. In a small saucepan, bring another glass of water to a boil. While stirring, pour the starch solution into the boiling water. When the contents of the saucepan become transparent and thicken, turn off the heat, let the jelly cool, and then add it to the flour and salt mixture instead of water. If the dough is too soft, at the bottom of the bowl, mix a tablespoon of salt with a tablespoon of flour. Press the dough ball into the mixture and knead. If necessary, repeat the procedure.

Second option: salt dough for simple patterns

200 grams of flour

200 grams of salt

125 milliliters of water

2 tablespoons of glue for simple wallpaper (before adding to the dough, the glue must be diluted in warm water to the consistency of sour cream)

Third option: salt dough for large models

two glasses of flour

one glass of salt

2/3 cup water

You may need a little more water, the amount depends on the type of flour. In terms of density, the modeling dough should resemble softened plasticine. To prepare the dough, pour salt into hot water, wait until the salt is completely dissolved and the water has cooled. Add flour (the second grade is quite suitable) and knead the dough thoroughly.

Fourth option:strong salt dough for tiles and boards

200 grams of flour

400 grams of salt

125 milliliters of water

Fifth option: salt dough for fine work

300 grams of flour

200 grams of salt

2 tablespoons plain wallpaper glue

4 tablespoons of glycerin

Testing can be done in several ways. Firstly, you can roll out a layer of dough, cut out various flat figures from it, and then make a composition out of them. However, in order to get a three-dimensional product, it is better to mold individual parts, and then combine them into a conceived composition. Wet the joints with a brush and gently press with your finger. A toothpick will help attach the head to the body.

To create a picture or a plate based on the board, first we roll out the dough with a thickness of one to one and a half centimeters, cut out the desired shape from it, let it dry for several days and only after that we apply the rest of the details, we use the same salt dough diluted to mushy as glue states. Fresh parts are held together with a brush and water.

When working with volumetric vertical figures, a wire frame should be used. Inside large bulky products, you can put tightly formed baking foil balls, boxes or jars, carefully tightened with dough so that there are no holes or cracks. In this case, the manufacture of the product will require less material, it will not deform during drying and will dry much faster.


1. Dough kneading







To color the dough, it is best to use food or natural dyes (cocoa powder, beet juice, etc.). To achieve the desired shade, you should proceed from the following calculations:

For blue dough: 2 drops of blue dye - per 100 g of dough;

For pink dough: 5 drops of red dye - per 100 g of dough;

For yellow dough: 2 drops of yellow dye - per 100 g of dough;

For green dough: 2 drops of green dye - per 100 g of dough;

For purple dough: 3 drops of red dye and 1 drop of blue - per 100 g of dough.

In cases where they want to give the dough a more intense warm natural shade, natural dyes are used, such as cocoa powder. Before adding to the dough, it is diluted in a small amount of warm water.


Dough products are dried either in the oven or in the air.

Drying in an electric stove oven: a 5 mm thick dough product is dried for 1 hour at t - 75, then 30 minutes at t - 100, 30 minutes at t - 125 and 1 hour at t - 150.

Drying in the oven of a gas stove: it happens in the same way as in an electric stove, only it takes twice as long. If the product shows that the temperature is still high, it can be adjusted by leaving the oven door ajar to a certain width.

Air drying: This drying method is the most economical, but also the longest. For 1 day, the product is dried no more than 1 mm thick. In winter, products should never be placed on the battery!

Combined drying: it is most suitable for voluminous moldings: the product is kept in the sun for several days, then dried in the oven.


Products from white salt dough are painted. Do this with water-soluble paints - gouache or watercolors.

Starting to stain, you need to think about what colors will be used. An unsuccessfully painted product loses its originality.


After the product is completely ready, it is varnished. Lacquer not only adds shine and completeness to the product, it protects it from moisture and crumbling. For varnishing products use a transparent varnish. Be sure to varnish the painted products - under the protective layer of varnish, the paint will not crumble, crumble, stain your hands and fade.

List of used literature

  1. Antipova M. Salty dough. Unusual crafts and decorations. Beautiful things with their own hands. - Rostov n / a: Vladis: M .: Ripol classic, 2008.
  2. Classes for older preschoolers: the formation of graphic skills and temporary representations / comp. V.V. Moskalenko. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2009.
  3. Sineglazova M. O. Amazing salt dough. Moscow: SME Publishing House, 2006.
  4. Salty dough. Crafts, toys, souvenirs, panels, photo frames / comp. S. Yu. Rashchupkina. – M.: Ripol classic, 2011.
  5. Salt dough: decorations, souvenirs, crafts / comp. K. Silaeva - M .: Eksmo Publishing House, 2004.
  6. Firsova A. Miracles from salt dough M .: Iris-Press, 2008.

Advanced work planning

mug for testoplasty


First year of study


Topic: Introduction to salt dough.

Target: To introduce children to a new material for making crafts - salt dough, its characteristic features (soft, elastic, durable during heat treatment), materials and methods of kneading. Show finished work - samples. Stages of production of products from salt dough.

Material: Salt dough, enamel cup, flour, salt, water and wallpaper paste.

Topic: Salt dough secrets

Target: To acquaint children with the desktop equipment, materials and tools necessary for practicing testoplasty and the rules for using them. Reveal the secrets of making salt dough.

Material: A plastic board, a wooden rolling pin, stacks of various shapes, a fork with four cloves, a flat comb, a garlic press, toothpicks, a soft brush, threaded corks, blank templates for product elements, various molds for baking cookies, an enamel cup, flour, salt, water and wallpaper glue.

Topic: Salt Dough Secrets (continued)

Target: To acquaint children with the methods of dyeing salt dough products and suggest trying to master them and how to properly dry the product.

Material: Salt dough, food coloring.

Topic: How does the dough come to life?

Target: To acquaint children with modeling techniques: rolling, flattening, greasing, pinching, pulling. Strengthen the ability to work with a stack.

Material: salt dough, stack.


Topic: "Apples and Pears" (shopping game)


Learn to sculpt apples and pears for further use in the game "Shop".

Exercise in rolling a ball, oval, flattening, using natural material to complement crafts.

Material: Salt dough, fruit replicas, twigs, cloves, peppers.

Topic: Coloring with paints of apples and pears.

GOAL: Learn to paint products after drying.

Practice mixing colors. To develop the creative imagination of children in the process of work.

Material: Gouache paints, brushes.

Theme: "Prickly hedgehog".

Target: Sculpt a hedgehog from a whole piece, pulling the muzzle.

Separately, sculpt needles in the shape of a cone, connect the parts, wetting with water. Supplement the work with mushrooms, apples.

Material: salt dough, apple seeds, cherries, brush, water.

Topic: Hedgehog coloring.

Target: Teach children to color the hedgehog after drying, using black and gray, mixing paints. Cultivate accuracy in work, provide all possible assistance to comrades.

Material: Gouache paints, brush, varnish.


Topic: Autumn leaves.

Target: Learn to roll out the dough with a rolling pin, cut out the leaves according to the template, process the edges with a brush moistened with water.

Material: Salt dough, birch, maple or oak leaves, or leaf templates, knife, brush, water.

Topic: Coloring the leaves.

Target: Continue learning to paint. Choose your own color, learn how to mix paints to get the right shade. To develop aesthetic perception in children, a sense of color.

Material: paints, samples of autumn leaves.

Topic: Decorative plate "Rose".

Target: Learn from separate parts, sculpt a rose, roll out balls, flatten, make a flower from 6-8 petals. Develop finger flexibility, learn to see the end result.

Material: Salt dough, stacks, thick cardboard.

Topic: Coloring the decorative plate "Roses" with paints.

Target: Continue to learn how to paint products after drying, select paints, mix, to obtain the desired shade.

Arrange the work on a plate.

Material: Gouache paints, plate.


Theme: "Snowmen".

Target: To teach children to coat pieces of foil, of different sizes, with salt dough, to use water to connect parts. Learn to reflect the impressions received when observing winter nature. Develop artistic and creative abilities, complement the work with a hat, scarf.

Material: salt dough, scarf, hat, foil.

Topic: Coloring with paints "Snowmen".

Target: Exercise in the ways of working with paints, develop aesthetic perception, a sense of color. Learn to see the end result of the planned work.

Material: Paints "Gouache", brush.

Topic: "Christmas Tree"

Target: To teach children how to cut a Christmas tree using a stencil, smooth the edges with a brush moistened with water, and independently invent decorations - balls, toys, beads. Develop finger flexibility. Use familiar sculpting techniques in a new creative situation.

Material: Stencil "Yolka" made of cardboard, stack, seeds of various fruits, beads.

Topic: Coloring with paints "Elegant Christmas tree".

Target: Learn to paint the Christmas tree with paints, to form the skills of accuracy when doing work. Develop creative imagination, coherent speech when compiling stories about the Christmas tree. When decorating a Christmas tree, use various additional materials.

Material: Gouache paints, brushes, glue, threads, beads, confetti.


Theme: Santa Claus.

Target: Teach children to use familiar modeling techniques - stencil cutting, rolling. Be able to use a garlic press for squeezing out dough for hair and beard. Entertain children.

Material: Salty dough, garlic, stack, sprig of spruce, stencil.

Topic: Coloring with paints "Santa Claus".

Target: To teach children how to color the finished product from salt dough with paints, how to work with them. Develop the skills of accuracy in the performance of work. Develop fine motor skills of hands when working with a brush. Learn to enjoy the fruits of your labor.

Material: Gouache paints, brush, sprig of spruce, confetti.

Topic: "Penguins on the Ice"

Target: Learn to sculpt a figure from a whole piece, using the techniques of rolling, stretching, flattening, cutting in a stack, conveying their characteristic features and proportions. Use foil when sculpting the body. Develop children's imagination, ingenuity.

Material: Salt dough, foil, polystyrene.

Topic: Coloring with paints "Penguin on an ice floe."

Target: Continue to teach children to paint the figures after drying, combine them into a common composition.

To teach children to accurately convey the conceived idea when coloring the product.

Material: Gouache paints, brush, glue.


Topic: "Mug for Dad"

Target: To teach children to sculpt a mug, roll out the dough in the form of a strip, a ball, press a recess in it, pinch the edges.

Sculpt the initial letter of the name for decoration.

Develop fine motor skills of hands, fantasy in decorating a souvenir.

Material: Salt dough.

Topic: Coloring mugs for dad.

Target: Continue to teach children to paint the mug after drying, choosing the color on their own. To cultivate accuracy in work, the desire to do something pleasant for a loved one.

Material: Gouache paints, fruit seeds, brush.

Topic: "Dog Bug".

Target: Continue to teach children how to sculpt animals using a stencil, a garlic press for squeezing wool dough. Cultivate interest in work, creative imagination. Supplement the work by treating the dog with a bone.

Material: Salty dough of white and beige color, garlic, stack, brush, water.

Topic: "Frame for a dog"

Target: To teach children to coat a thick cardboard frame with salt dough, cut off excess dough with a stack, level the edges of the frame with a brush with water. Complete the work with bones for the dog, placing them along the edges of the frame. To instill love for animals, a desire to help them.

Material: Colored salt dough, stack.


Topic: "Basket of flowers".

Target: Continue to teach children to roll out the dough with a rolling pin in an even layer, cut out the basket according to the stencil, scratch it with a fork. Intertwine the flagella among themselves for the handle, bottom. Sculpt familiar flowers and leaves. Develop imagination, desire to give joy to others.

Material: Salt dough - brown, red, yellow, green, fork, basket stencil, stack.

Topic: Coloring baskets and flowers.

Target: Lay out the flowers, after drying, glue in the basket, varnish (spray). To cultivate interest in creativity, collectivism, aesthetic perceptions,

Material: Gouache paints, varnish, brush.

Topic: "Mice on Cheese"

Target: Learn to use knowledge about the features of the appearance of animals in their work. To consolidate the skills and abilities acquired earlier (rolling, pulling, smoothing edges). Develop creative imagination, interest in work.

Material: Salt dough, stack, tassel, thread (for the tail).

Topic: Coloring with paints "Mice on cheese".

Target: To teach how to accurately convey the conceived idea when coloring the product, to reveal creative imagination in the process of work. To develop the flexibility of the fingers when working with a brush, to see the end result of your work.

Material: Gouache paints, brush, glue, threads of different colors.


Subject: Teddy bear.

Target: Learn to make a teddy bear figurine from several parts, observing proportions, use toothpicks to fasten parts.

Be able to apply the skills and abilities acquired previously.

Material: salt dough, toothpicks, stack.

Topic: Teddy bear coloring.

Target: Learn how to mix colors to get the right shade.

To form the skills of accuracy when coloring finished figures.

Material: paints, brush.

Topic: Candlestick "Octopus".

Target: Sculpt an octopus using the rolling technique, conveying proportions and characteristic features. Cultivate interest in creativity. Learn to enjoy the fruits of your labor.

Material: salt dough, toothpicks, ready-made elements in the form of shells, algae.

Topic: Coloring candlestick "Octopus".

Target: to consolidate the ability to color the finished product from salt dough with paints, how to work with them. Develop the skills of accuracy in the performance of work. Develop fine motor skills of hands when working with a brush. Learn to enjoy the fruits of your labor.

Material: Paints, glue, base for a candlestick.


Topic: "Horseshoe for happiness".

Target: Learn to roll out the flagellum, bend, giving the shape of a horseshoe.

To consolidate the ability, from separate parts, to sculpt a rose, or other flowers.

Develop fine motor skills of hands, imagination in decorating products.

Material: Salt dough, stack, beads, paper clip (loop), brush.

Topic: Coloring with paints of horseshoes, flowers.

Target: Continue to teach children to paint crafts after drying, choosing the right colors. To teach how to accurately convey the conceived idea when coloring the product, to reveal the creative imagination of children in the process of work.

Material: Gouache paints, brush, fruit seeds, beads.

Theme: Personalized pendant.

Target: Learn to roll out the dough with a rolling pin, cut out a heart according to the pattern, process the edges with a brush moistened with water. To consolidate the skills and abilities acquired earlier (rolling, pulling, smoothing edges). Develop creative imagination, interest in work.

Material: Salt dough, thread or braid,

Topic: Pendant coloring.

Target: Continue to learn to deftly act with a brush, develop fine motor skills of the hands. To develop aesthetic perception in children, a sense of color.

Material: paints, brush.

Gulshat Vafina
Plan of the circle on testoplasty

This material is intended for leaders mug for testoplasty. Designed plan weekly work with children. Classes are held once a week. Children first sculpt in a playful way, form the skill of various modeling techniques. After drying the product, the child, playing around, proceeds to coloring the craft. Circle plan

on testoplasty

"Magic box"

Supervisor: Vafina Gulshat Salavatovna

2015 – 2016 academic year

Target: Develop creativity and artistic taste by means of testoplasty to help children in the awareness and development of their individuality and self-realization. To support the cognitive interest of children and use it in order to develop artistic creativity.


Enrich and expand the artistic experience of preschoolers;

To form the ability for visual activity;

Develop fine motor skills of fingers, imagination and creativity.

Organization of the educational process.

Classes are held once a week, the group is completed according to the age principle. The optimal number of children in a group is 20 people. Duration of classes 15 - 20 minutes

Lesson structure.

1. Creating a game situation (fairy tale character, riddles, games).

2. Explanation, demonstration of modeling techniques.

3. Modeling by children.

4. Physical Minute.

5. Refinement of the product from additional material.

6. Consideration of finished works.

Modeling methods

Constructive - sculpting an object from separate pieces (roll, stretch, flatten, pinch, join together) .

Sculptural - from a whole piece. Turning it into a figure.

Combined - a combination of different sculpting methods in one product.

Modular molding - making up a three-dimensional mosaic or designing from individual parts.

Modeling on the form - the use of ready-made forms for the base.

Basic sculpting techniques.

Rolling with circular movements of the hands, rolling with direct movements of the hands, pressing the balls with a finger from above, smoothing, flattening, pinching.

Benefit of Salty test

You can cook at any time without spending extra money;

Easy to wash and leaves no residue;

Safe when ingested, once tasted

dough to taste, the child no longer tries to put it in his mouth - tasteless!

If it is properly mixed, it molds wonderfully, does not stick to hands;

You can dry in the oven, or you can just air dry;

Any paint sticks, and the possibilities for painting are practically unlimited;

It’s good to varnish over the paint - it will last for centuries.

Recipe modeling dough:

Flour - 300g (2 cups)

Salt - 300g (1 cup)

Water - 200 ml.

Vegetable oil (0.5 tsp)

Mix flour and salt thoroughly. Then add water and mix thoroughly until smooth. as usual dough. Dough for sculpting it should be pretty steep. After manufacturing, the craft can be dried in an open place or in the oven. After the product dries, it can be varnished or painted. Coloring crafts gives the child a more confident state than drawing on a simple sheet.

Important rules when working with children!

Do not interfere with the child to create!

Encourage all the efforts of the child and his desire to learn new things.

Avoid negative assessments of the child and the results of his activities.

Start with the simplest, most accessible task, gradually complicating it

Support children's initiative.

Do not disregard, without encouragement, even the smallest success of the child.


1. O. A. Gilmutdinova. Sculpting with children of preschool and primary school age. 74s.

2. I. A. Lykova. We sculpted, we played. OOO "Karapuz - didactics" 2007

3. N. P. Sakulina, T. S. Komarova, visual activity in kindergarten. M.: "Education", 1982 -2005s.

4. T. O. Skrebtsova, L. A. Danilchenko. We make crafts and souvenirs. Rostov-on-Don "Phoenix", 2009 -250 p.

5. E. Zhadko, L. Davydova. Crafts and accessories from salty test. Rostov-on-Don "Phoenix", 2006-217p.

6. I. Kiskalt. Salty dough. M.: "Ast-press", 2002- 142p.

7. V. A. Khomenko. Best DIY. Step by step. Kharkov, 2009

8. V. A. Khomenko. Salty dough step by step. Kharkiv 2007 -63s.

9. .B. Khalezova, N. A. Kurochkina. Sculpting in kindergarten. M.: "Education", 1985 -140 p.

10. I. N. Khananova. Salty dough. M.: "Ast-press", 104s.

11. A. V. Firsova. Miracles from salty test. - M .: Iris-press, 2008 - 32 p.

12. O. V. Korchinova. Children's applied art. Rostov-on-Don "Phoenix", 2005-316s.

13. Mary Ann Col. Preschool creativity. Minsk -2005 - 252s.

Explanatory note

A significant part of the cerebral cortex is occupied by representations of our hands. And this naturally- after all, we receive information about the world through our hands, through our working body, with the help of which we explore, create, build. “The process of social and cultural growth develops normally only when the hands teach the head, then the wiser head teaches the hands, and smart hands again and more strongly contribute to the development of the brain,” wrote M. Gorky.

Dough- good material for molding. It is a pleasant, pliable, plastic and environmentally friendly material. You can sculpt anything from it, and after drying and coloring, leave it as a souvenir for many years. The result can be seen, touched. It is interesting to show it to others and get approval. Thanks to this, the child feels like a creator and feels satisfaction and pride in his achievements.

List of group children

2. I'm Artem

3. M Damir

4. A Maxim

8. Z Bulat

11. K Azalea

12. E Bogdan

14. R Timothy

15. And Ulyana

16. B Nikita

17. G Arseny

19. E Danil

22. N Samira

23. G Timur

Planning work for 2015-2016 academic year

1 week 2 weeks 3 weeks 4 weeks

October "Autumn has come to visit us" (manufacturing)

Clarify the idea of ​​who such changes occur in the fall. Show how from test sculpt leaves of different shapes using various modeling techniques. "Colorful leaves" (coloring)

To form an idea of ​​the variety of shapes and colors of autumn foliage. Learn to paint a dried blank. "Gifts of Autumn" (manufacturing)

To consolidate children's knowledge about the gifts of autumn, continue to teach how to use the pinching and stretching technique in modeling.

"Gifts of Autumn"


test. Learn to enjoy personal results.

November "The sun is radiant" (manufacturing)

To expand knowledge about inanimate nature, to learn to name the qualities of an object, to form the ability to roll objects of a rounded shape.

"The sun is radiant"


To form the skill of coloring crafts from salty test.

"Gift for Mom" (manufacturing)

To learn to achieve a more accurate transfer of the shape and proportion of parts, using the learned modeling techniques. "Gift for Mom" (coloring)

To form the skill of coloring crafts from salty test.

Learn to enjoy the result.

"Christmas Toys" (manufacturing)

(L. 100) "Christmas Toys" (coloring) To form the skill of coloring crafts from salty test.

Learn to enjoy the result. "White bears"

(manufacturing) "White bears"


To form the skill of coloring crafts from salty test.

Learn to enjoy the result obtained against the background of teamwork

January "Snowman Postman"


Learn to create figures, use the stack when working, develop coordination of hand movements. "Transport" (manufacturing) to teach children to create models of objects in modeling, conveying their ideas about their appearance by plastic means, to show the possibility of modeling a product based on a finished form. "Transport"


To form the skill of coloring crafts from salty test.

Learn to enjoy the result.

February "Aibolit's Magic Suitcase"


Develop interest in various professions, clarify modeling techniques, creating objects of medical activity.

"Aibolit's Magic Suitcase"

(coloring) To form the skill of coloring crafts from salty test.

Learn to enjoy the result. "Tools for Dad" (manufacturing)

Learn to create figures, use the stack when working, develop coordination of hand movements "Tools for Dad" (coloring)

To form the skill of coloring crafts from salty test.

Learn to be happy with what you get.

March "Panel for my mom"


To teach to invent a plot, to carry out a plan, attracting previously acquired skills and abilities, to develop creative abilities "Panel for my mom"


Improve the ability of modeling, develop the eye, imagination, creativity. "Ducks in the Pond" (manufacturing)

Exercise in creating figures that correspond to the original coordinate the movement of hands and eyes "Ducks in the Pond"


To form the skill of coloring crafts from salty test. Learn to enjoy the result.

"Favorite characters of fairy tales" (manufacturing)

Develop the ability to create an image from memory

April "Favorite characters of fairy tales"


To form the skill of coloring crafts from salty test



Learn to convey the shape of a rocket using the symmetrical sausage rolling technique. "Rocket"


To form an idea of ​​the variety of shapes and colors. To consolidate the skills of coloring the dried workpiece. "Waterman and her comb" (manufacturing)

Learn to convey the shape of a scallop, using the technique of cutting strips in a stack.

May "In the World of Insects" (manufacturing)

Continue to fix with modeling techniques, cultivate the desire to achieve a good result.

"In the World of Insects" (coloring)

To form the skill of coloring crafts from salty test, to choose the right color scheme.

"Undersea world" (manufacturing)

To teach children to create models of objects in modeling, conveying their ideas about their appearance by plastic means, to show the possibility of modeling a product based on a finished form.

"Undersea world" (coloring)

To form the skill of coloring crafts from salty test.

Learn to enjoy the result.

Synopsis of the joint activities of the teacher and children in testoplasty for the preparatory group (6 - 7 years old).
"Journey to the Palace of Fantasy".

I bring to your attention a summary of the joint activities of the teacher and children in testoplasty for the preparatory group (6 - 7 years old) on the topic "Journey to the Palace of Fantasy". Joint activities are aimed at assessing the level of personal achievements of preschoolers in the field of testoplasty and related disciplines, such as fine arts and mathematics. The material will be of interest to teachers of preschool education and teachers of additional education.

Target: development of creative skills of children in the field of testoplasty.
educational: to identify cognitive growth in testoplasty, skills of coordination of movements, fine motor skills of hands;
developing: identify the level of personal development, attention and imagination;
educational: educate the aesthetic culture of the individual, communication skills, self-esteem.

Lesson form: journey through the labyrinth.
Lesson type: summarizing activity.
Equipment: multimedia projector, musical accompaniment, worksheets for children, “medals”, workplace accessories (glasses, brushes, water, paints, palette, modeling boards, stacks, napkins), salt dough, envelopes with sets of geometric shapes for each child .

Lesson progress
1 . Greetings
- Hello guys! How are you feeling? Are you ready to travel? Good. Then let's start by telling you a story.

On a high hill among mountains and valleys in a certain kingdom in a distant state stands a golden palace on a silver pillar, a canopy over the palace of semi-precious stones, mother-of-pearl stairs, like wings, the Palace of Fantasy rises. Once it was very beautiful and full of various colors and colors. All sorts of artists and dreamers from all over came there along the paths and paths. They worked in the palace from morning to night, creating it. Because there was always life in full swing. But one fine day, a strong hurricane covered the paths and paths, filled up with trees and stones. The paths to the Fantasy Palace all got mixed up, became almost impassable and turned into a real labyrinth.
Artists and dreamers strayed, strayed in this labyrinth, and so they went home without finding the right path. The palace is dark and deserted.

This is how this fairy tale could have ended sadly, but we can help revive the Fantasy Palace again and fill it with our colorful crafts.

Dialogue with children.

So, our goal is to get to the Fantasy Palace. Reaching it is not easy, you need to overcome a number of trials and always move in the right direction. If we carry out all the tasks together, together, together, then we will succeed. So, let's go on an exciting and dangerous journey!

2. Updating knowledge:
“Before we set off through the labyrinth, we need to equip ourselves with everything we need to use on our journey.

Organization of a workplace for modeling - a board, a glass of water, a stack, scissors, a brush, paints, a piece of salt dough, a sheet of paper, a pen (the teacher discusses with the children why they need all these items and what they are for).

Physical education minute:
We are walking, we are walking.
We raise our hands higher
We don't lower our heads
We breathe evenly, deeply.
Suddenly we see: from the bush
The chick fell out of the nest.
Quietly we take a chick,
And put it back in the nest.

3 . Journey through the maze
Obstacle 1 - "Steps".
- Climbing stairs is not easy. We will try to do this by splitting into two teams and completing all the tasks that the Dreamers from the palace have prepared for us.

1st team "CIRCLE"
Your motto:
In a circle of friends it is better to count
It's easier to decide and win!

2nd team "SQUARE"
Your motto:
At our "Square"
All sides are equal.
And all our guys
Friendship is strong.

The first stage is "Warm-up".
Teams are offered fun tasks that the guys must solve together in 30 seconds. After that, the captain raises a card with the correct number. The teacher is actively involved in each stage together with the children. After completing each task, the children put the used cards and tasks on the edge of the table.
1) 6 cubs
Mom put me to bed.
One can't sleep at all.
How many people have a good dream?

2) Marina plucked into a mug
10 raspberries,
6 gave to my girlfriend.
How many berries are in the mug?

3) Nadyusha has five notebooks,
Blots in them and a mess.
Nadia needs a draft.
Vasya, the first student,
Gave another notebook to Nadia
How many notebooks does she have?

4) The squirrel sisters were sitting
Six of us in a hollow on a spruce.
Another one rushed to them -
She escaped the rain.
Everyone is now warm.
How many squirrels are in the hollow?

The second stage - "Geometric fantasy"
Each team receives an envelope with geometric shapes.
Task: collect an animal from them while the music is playing.
During the task, music plays (for 3 minutes)

The third stage is "Pick up a couple."
Each participant is given a mitten on which an example is written. Task: solve the example on your mitten and find the second mitten with the same answer. The colors of the mittens vary.

The fourth stage is "The Seasons".
Answer the questions:
1) How many months are there in a year? Name them.
2) How many days are there in a week? Name them.
3) How many seasons are there?
4) What are the seasons?
5) What are the autumn months?
6) What are the winter months?
We have successfully climbed the last step.

Obstacle 2 "Rockfall"(Maths).
- It is simply impossible to go further, the road is blocked by a rockfall. You need to dismantle the stones to clear the way. Our task is to sort geometric shapes into groups (squares, circles, triangles, rectangles).

Children and the teacher paste geometric shapes in the desired column of the form. "Geometric shapes": circle, square, rectangle, triangle.

Obstacle 3 "Flower meadow"(Art).
- Look where we're at! Our path is full of flowers. To find the path, we need to figure out how these colors came about. The palette will help you with this.
On the palette, children and a teacher from four colors (blue, red, yellow, white) "extract" the desired colors: orange, green, purple, pink, blue.
(The teacher helps in the work).
We have done our job and we can move on.

Obstacle 4 "Tunnel"(Sculpture dictation).
“It’s dark in the tunnel and you can’t see anything ahead at all. We need to go through it, completing the task, not knowing at all what will happen in the end.
The teacher dictates to the children the steps to work with salt dough.
1. Blind the ball, flatten the ball - you get a round cake;
2. Take a small piece of dough, roll a ball out of it, roll it back and forth on your palm, bend the resulting sausage with a crescent moon, glue it with water on the finished cake in its lower part;
3. Take two small pieces of dough, at the same time roll balls out of them with both hands, glue them on the finished cake in its upper part.
Key: should get a smiley.
- You did a good job with this task. The tunnel is behind, and the last obstacle is ahead.

Obstacle 5 "Children's Workshop"(Salt dough handicraft).
“Oh, what is this building? Is it a palace? Something doesn't look like it. Yes, this is the "Children's Workshop"! Here, artists and sculptors created their masterpieces and brought them to the Fantasy Palace. Well, we'll work with you a little here too. And we will decorate the palace with handicrafts when we reach it.
The children make their own crafts. Their task, using their imagination and fantasy, is to come up with a name for their product, color it and present it to the group.
- We've done a great job! (The teacher comments on the results of the children's work).

4. Summing up the results of joint activities. Evaluation of work by pupils.
— This was the last obstacle of the labyrinth. Guys, we have reached the Fantasy Palace! He came to life again and was filled with joy and your colorful crafts. And since you coped with all the obstacles and did not get lost, it means that you are real dreamers who are able to overcome all obstacles in order to reach the goal.

Analysis of direct educational activities.
The purpose and objectives of the GCD correspond to the main general education program, age characteristics and the level of development of children. GCD was carried out in accordance with the synopsis.
The duration of the NOD meets the sanitary and hygienic requirements, the air sanitary regime was observed (ventilation before class). All moments of the GCD are logical and consistent, subject to one theme. In the course of educational activities, a dynamic pause was carried out in a timely manner, a variety of methods and techniques of educational activities were used: gaming techniques, techniques for attracting and focusing attention, activating independent thinking, techniques for presenting something new based on the knowledge available to children.

In the course of all direct educational activities, children are included in the dialogue and evaluate their actions and achievements.

Title: Summary of joint activities on testoplasty "Journey to the Palace of Fantasy"
Nomination: Kindergarten, Lesson notes, GCD, modeling, mathematics, Preparatory group for school

Position: educator
Place of work: MADOU "CRR - Kindergarten No. 210"
Location: Perm