
Congratulations on the anniversary of the wedding 15 years original. Congratulations on the Crystal wedding (15 years of marriage). Congratulations to the wife from her husband

breast cancer

beautiful anniversary- 15 years,
We congratulate you on a crystal wedding,
Family life won a ticket
And, happy, we already know it.

Union your bright radiates light,
And the crystal marriage is pure and transparent,
We wish you love for many, many years
May your path be beautiful and successful.

Let your path beautify the Garden of Eden,
Where each fruit is love, care, affection,
May your house be rich in joy,
And your life is happy, like a fairy tale.

Darlings, your laughter is perky now
Drowning in the chime of crystal,
And the swift mountain river
In the souls of tender feelings boil.

Well, friends, happy family anniversary -
For fifteen years, how the marriage is getting stronger!
The taste is open, intoxicating love is stronger,
Than the same exposure cognac.

Let them wait for decades ahead
Dreams and hopes come true
Where to whisper interjection delight
To you among hastily discarded clothes,

Where are your children, after - grandchildren
Joy will only reward
And the hearts of lovers beat
Promise infinity of happiness!

Congratulations, spouses, on your fifteenth wedding anniversary. May the crystal chains of your love become more expensive and stronger every year. Let every link in them be filled with love, tenderness and respect. Be happy for many years!

Fifteen years ago you became a family,
Decided to tie fate together.
Let it come true, what you dreamed about
Anxiety and separation go by.

Do not lead serious disputes for a long time,
Let laughter and jokes sound more often in the house,
Always find solutions easily
Don't give a moment to boredom.

Years passed by inaudible steps,
But happiness is not subject to change,
And your feelings of mutual warmth
Can only cause admiration!

And on this day we will say without embellishment:
All your relationships are perfect
We wish that the fire of love does not go out,
With your wonderful crystal wedding!

Congratulations on your fifteenth anniversary of legal marriage, on your crystal wedding. On this holiday, we wish your life together to be as radiant, crystal clear and flawless as rock crystal. And that for each other you were just as valuable.

I brought you to the expanses of life
Not without reason, I will say, fate once,
And, sometimes, in thought, heated debate,
You were looking for the truth guys.

Half a dozen behind
Years of happy, joyful, anxious,
Let love lead you
You can move any mountains with it.

The sun's light in your firmament
Clouds try to hide in vain,
Let always and in any weather
The house will be clear from smiles.

Congratulations on your crystal wedding
I wish you happy days
And let everything that you dreamed about
Will be done sooner.

Let the mood be bright
From easy life victories,
Love, health and patience
For many, many years!

Today is a crystal wedding anniversary,
You have been together for a decade and a half!
Love is beautiful like a ballroom dance
Living together is a happy secret!
You are also kind to each other,
It will never stop
After all, your life partner and friend -
Love in the hearts that has no end!

Dear “crystal” spouses! Congratulations on a wonderful holiday - fifteenth anniversary living together. We wish your relationships to be as transparent and pure as crystal, and quarrels to be fragile, so that they break on the floor, and only peace and tranquility would soar in your house!

Crystal clinking glasses
Reflected today in the soul.
Today is a happy wedding day
Fifteenth on the turn.
Two hearts in one duet
Fifteenth year beat to the beat.
Two angels touching the shoulders
Keep the contract carefully.
You are always on the road together
In a single harness, bridle.
Keep walking like this - in step!
Forward to the guiding star!

You have a family anniversary -
And every year it gets stronger
I wish you to love.
Let the glass break for happiness
You don't need to feel sorry for him.
May you succeed in everything in life
After all, you just have to want it!

As life shows, if spouses take care of each other, then their feelings will certainly turn into a sweet habit, and ardent passion is replaced by tender love. Tatyana and Igor (names can be changed), you have been protecting each other for 15 years, so I raise this glass for you, with wishes to continue in this spirit!

Oh what a wonderful anniversary!
Yes, our dear friends!
No, think 15 years!
He runs to his beloved for lunch!
And she's getting more and more beautiful!
Our shining sun!
Let today's crystal ring!
Talking about a beautiful couple!

Don't believe that love is gone
Replacing yourself with a habit
She's still alive
Putting all of yourself into care,
In the warmth, sincerity of the hearth
And you created comfort,
In children (the family is strong with children!)
And in faith that they will not betray.
For a decade and a half
You felt the fragility of feelings.
A secret is hidden in a glass wedding
Preservation of family ties.

Loving each other and (names of spouses)! Congratulations on fifteen years of marriage. You have lived together so little, you still have a very difficult road ahead of you. The time is not far off when your children will have children of their own, as it once was with you. We wish you to live in full understanding with each other, patience to you for another 100 years of marriage together! Good health you, which nowhere and never for any money can not be bought!

Like crystal family life,
Fragile, tender, loud.
Over the years, you have merged together,
And this work is complex, delicate.
Let adversity bypass your home
They are afraid, they will not dare to approach.
Only happiness with prosperity awaits
Just trying to find your home as soon as possible.
Let children only please you over the years,
Respect, love, care.
Let life only rarely fall,
Let them take life easier.

Fifteen years together - "Glass wedding",
Bohemian chimes of crystal glasses,
But you, anniversaries, should not forget:
Fifteen years of happiness - not much, but not enough!
Fifteen years together - a milestone, not otherwise!
And to you, who pulled to the "highest measure",
We wish you great luck
And happiness in especially large sizes!

Anniversaries (names of spouses)! Congratulations on your little anniversary! For family life 15 years is a small date. We wish you to live until the big - diamond wedding. May only happiness accompany you, and sincere mutual feelings and great strong love walk in step next to you. Remember, if something happens, you always have a soul mate and true friends who should not be forgotten!

Nobility of crystal
Your glowing family -
Fragile but strong
And beautifully proud
Unearthly beauty -
Husband, and next to him - a wife,
Full of joy, fun
And a love hangover
We wish you only happiness
Only together through bad weather,
Live in friendship and harmony
And love your children!

A fairy tale is bewitched by streams of love,
Crystal wedding rings in the soul
And the warmest, tender fairy tale
Today is spread in your destiny.
May all these years that have been lived together
They will give you the memory of tender days.
On this holiday, you are again the bride and groom,
Sparkle with happiness in loving eyes.
I wish you patience, bright dawns,
Dreams so that all yours come true forever.
And so that love does not keep taboos,
And joy gave, like sunlight.

Today crystal glasses are ringing
Distributed throughout the universe!
He calls about the happiness of the spouses,
He speaks of love beyond measure!
15 years have passed today
Since you got married
And there is no more reason to be sad
During these years you lived happily!
Today we wish you a celebration
That lasts forever!
Health, luck and magic,
And endless joy!

Crystal wedding comes at 15 years of marriage. Crystal, which symbolizes this anniversary, is a very strong material, and besides, it is still sonorous and clear. The same can be noted about married life at the age of 15: the relationship of the spouses is strong and clean, time-tested. However, crystal is still a breakable material, so spouses must be careful not to break it.

The invited guests at the crystal wedding should be relatives and close friends of the spouses. Gifts for this anniversary should be made of crystal or glass. It can be various glass souvenirs or glassware. By tradition on crystal wedding on the table there must be as many glass and crystal dishes as possible, especially for crystal wine glasses.

Having handed over their gifts, the guests raise their crystal glasses, and also say beautiful toasts and wish the spouses to live in prosperity and happiness.

Today is a special day for you -
You've been together for 15 years.
Congratulations on your crystal wedding.
I wish you happiness, warmth.

Let the fire in the soul not go out
Keep your bright hearth.
Let love always help
You survive resentment, fear.

The family is a great sanctuary,
You understood this a long time ago.
As the years go by, the feeling only gets sweeter
Like aged wine.

The sacred vessel became crystal,
15 years already family,
I congratulate you on a glorious date,
Love for both husband and wife.

May the sparkle in your eyes always flicker,
Let your passion not subside
Let the union only flourish
May you have abundance.

I wish to cherish tender feelings,
Do not let resentment into your house,
Let it always be comfortable
You even keep quiet together.

Congratulations on your crystal wedding! Let your relationship be as pure, transparent, sonorous, amazing as crystal. We wish peace, prosperity, good luck to your family. May your home be full of happiness, smiles and warmth.

Happy crystal wedding, my dears!
It's a beautiful anniversary for you.
And let your feelings be
Love will play in the hearts with renewed vigor.

Keep each other warm with warmth,
Do not spare care, support in everything.
And no matter how many difficult periods
You will overcome them all together.

Crystal is reliable. They speak in vain
That it is brittle, that it is only glass.
For fifteen years he grew stronger every hour,
And the time has come to become a diamond!

And your crystal marriage is even more reliable
And it became stronger, not a crack in it.
It is based on a solid life,
And the cozy, sweet home became warm.

Fifteen years have gone by so fast
Like one day, and love is so strong,
What have you become younger during this period,
And passion is alive and insatiable again.

Already have children, good job,
You have built your own special world.
So God bless you and have fun!
In life, love is the only idol.

Can't believe it's been fifteen years!
They went insanely fast!
I wish you to continue to live troubles,
May you always love each other!

I wish you both tenderness and passion,
So that feelings only grow stronger, like steel!
And, of course, human happiness,
And so that your crystal is strong!

Your love grows stronger with age
You look great together
It's been fifteen years now
And you live like in a movie!

And happy crystal anniversary to you,
I want to congratulate you from the bottom of my heart
I wish you happiness for no reason
Love, take care of your family!

I wish that dreams come true
So that you do not know the problems
In each other so as not to doubt
Wish me this is not too lazy!

Crystal is priceless, fragile and beautiful.
Love is more valuable, more fragile and more beautiful.
You lived, keeping the consent,
Fifteen years in love and quiet happiness.

I wish you in the fast run of days -
I'm not afraid of this beautiful phrase -
Shine with love with the sun on a par,
After all, the crystal shines like diamonds!

Happy crystal wedding! Let the candles burn
Let the wine sparkle in crystal glasses,
Crystal let toasts about happiness sound,
Crystal dreams will come true!

May heaven and earth bless you.
Let the crystal rains ring a good song,
And let feelings be more tender than crystal,
Let families not be more wonderful in the world!

Crystal wedding
And a magical sound.
Purity and beauty
He sings glory.
You've been together for 15 years
The kids were brought up.
We wish you to have
Feelings become stronger!
We've been through a lot together
Tenderness of feelings
Still saved.
We wish the road
Then we found a bright one.
Let love light the way
Let your life

The 15th wedding anniversary is one of the significant anniversaries that many couples celebrate on a fairly wide scale. After all, the spouses are still young and full of energy, many problems are behind, the children have grown up - it's time to honor your marriage and accept best congratulations. And, of course, look for a suitable congratulation to a husband or wife in order to ask in the morning festive mood. If your loved ones are approaching such an anniversary, our selection is made especially for you. It contains the best new congratulations on the Crystal Wedding, poems, statuses, SMS, toasts dedicated to this significant date.

Congratulations to husband from wife

Crystal clinking glasses
We've been together for 15 years!
Became wife and husband
Not a bride and groom! ..
And on your wedding anniversary
To you, husband of the heart,
I want to say again:
I love you forever!

Hearts beat in unison
Pigeons are cooing in the sky!
Lips merge into a kiss -
Our souls rejoice again!
Beloved husband, happy anniversary
I congratulate Crystal!
With the best man I live -
This is not a secret for you!
I will give you, as before,
Your affection without a trace!
I will be the most gentle
To make us live so sweetly! ..

15 years side by side
And here's to the Crystal Anniversary
Come! I want to congratulate
You, my beloved man!
My husband, before heaven and people,
My faithful companion in this life!
Take me by the hand -
There is no better touch...
Again, like many years ago,
I want to confess my love to you!
Are you happy to be my husband?
How bitter! Will kiss!

Let's look back and remember
What have we experienced in 15 years...
Give each other vows, we will remind
And again we will make a marital vow -
Love in health, do not leave in illness,
Give care, keep loyalty!
And achieve common goals together,
And forget all the grievances of the past! ..
We came to the Crystal wedding, my love,
And our children are your and my portrait!
May our marriage be long, protected by the Lord,
It will last another hundred years!

Today's our wedding anniversary is very interesting name- Crystal! And, indeed, you and I, my dear husband, have been trying for 15 years to protect those reverent relationships that are so easy to destroy! .. A family is like a crystal glass that can be broken overnight with one rude or inept movement. But you and I, albeit not easy, but still manage to maintain harmony in life together! Thank you for your love and sensitivity, for your tolerance and support, and, of course, for your great work on preserving happy marriage!

Congratulations to the wife from her husband

crystal wedding chime
lit up today
Our home, wife, our sweet home!
I gave you
All your tenderness and love,
For all 15 years
I fall in love with you again and again
You are not more beautiful!
Millions of roses today
And toasts in your honor!
With you all the years are sweeter than dreams,
Their joy is incalculable!

The two wings of an angel are you and me,
Right and left in the sky blue!
Thread with a needle, heaven and earth!
The wedding is unusual, but from crystal -
Congratulations, dear, on our anniversary!
Happiness poured from the eyes of the sun,
And a smile of joy on your lips!
For 15 years I have become more fond of you!

Per festive table family,
Relatives, relatives, friends -
Everyone gathered for our holiday!
Wife, will you give me your hand?
I want to tell you again
About my strong love!
I remember our wedding
And on the anniversary of Crystal
Even more beautiful you, wife!
I can't find words for how much I need you!
15 years, like a moment one -
I love you, we love you!

Quietly, so as not to wake up,
I will put a bouquet on the pillow ...
All 15 years to love you -
No, there is no happier person!
The best wife was given to me,
I have earned you!
How before I meet you, wife,
On Earth aimlessly, stupidly lived! ..
We approached the Crystal Wedding,
How precious are those moments
What happened to you soul with soul,
All minutes in happiness, in beauty!

Dear wife! On the anniversary of the 15th anniversary of our wedding, I want to wish our relationship to continue to be as pure and transparent as crystal! I promise to protect you from all adversity and anxieties as well as the most expensive crystal vase! And I will try to fill our life together bright emotions, joy, happiness and new impressions, as I am now filling this crystal glass with champagne!

Congratulations from parents

Just 15 years ago, you, dear daughter,
She was also a bride! And now congratulations
You with Crystal wedding we! May you have a sweet life!
Be friendly with your spouse - and everything will be in order!
Fate sometimes asks difficult riddles,
But together you can overcome everything, relatives!
Daughter, may your marriage blossom! No, it's thriving!
And every day, let your beloved son-in-law surprise you!

Children, your life together has an anniversary!
Fill your glasses to the brim soon!
As parents, we will say a strong word -
Let the ring on your finger protect your marriage,
So that a strong, impregnable fortress was a house,
To have understanding and reciprocity in it!
Your wedding is not simple, but made of crystal,
Let love in family life be at the helm!

Husband and wife - you have been together for 15 years,
You built your family from scratch!
The son-in-law was the groom, and you, the daughter, were the bride,
Today you have a wedding made of crystal!
Grandchildren are growing up, well, but we are only getting older,
But we just want to give you one piece of advice:
Marriage is strong when two can
In sorrow and in joy to live to gray hair!

On behalf of all dads and moms present, we want you, dear children, our newlyweds, to congratulate you on the holiday - on your Crystal wedding! For all 15 years, on both sides, we have been helping you with advice and deeds as best we can! It is very joyful in my soul, because through all these years you have managed to carry boundless respect for each other and all the same strong love! We wish you to continue your movement in the same direction to a long life together! God forbid, we will also take a walk at the Golden Wedding!

Congratulations from friends

Girlfriend, the table is set in your house today,
Each glass is filled to the brim!
Congratulations to you and your husband - 15 years together
You live in harmony, without quarrels, resentments and troubles!
I envy you sincerely, I would like it myself
I'll live until the Crystal Wedding! After all, it's not empty
Be faithful to each other, maintain the hearth,
And yield to each other seriously and in small things!
I wish you a long, long family life,
And to the gray hairs deep each other you love!

15 years ago as a witness to marriage
I was yours! Though "I ate the dog"
At friends' weddings, but better than your wedding
I didn't see it, no! What would you like?
First, do not grow old either in body or soul,
To always be a young wife,
And, secondly, so that the husband is gentle, romantic,
And he set an example for his children by his personal actions!
There is dust on the white dress, a veil on the chiffonier ...
The suit does not fit the groom, which is to measure ...
But you, friends, family! You are loved by each other!
The husband is in love with his wife, and the husband is loved by his wife!

My sister, I wish you
Live together with your spouse for a hundred years!
kind words to each other
You speak like no one else!
15 years as a family
You live together, loving!
Soar in happiness above the earth,
And take care of yourself!

Holiday today - Crystal wedding,
I, as your friend, so want to wish you
To keep their relationship
To feel sorry for each other, to love,
To cherish and cherish tenderly!
You look at each other, as before,
To make your eyes shine with happiness!
Let your strong marriage bypass bad weather!

Today your wedding song sounds,
15-year-old wedding Crystal!
Friends congratulate your friendly family -
A married friend, a married girlfriend!
For you, we wrote poems with inspiration,
We wish you, friends, be patient!
After all, so many more anniversaries await in life,
So let your heart sing in anticipation!

Your wife is good today
Just like 15 years ago!
And you, our friend, are the company of the soul,
Today, like a child, a small one is happy!
We approached the Crystal Wedding together,
Your life is a fairy tale, sugar, chocolate!
Your love and feelings have not passed,
Once flashed many years ago!

Cool congratulations

We suffered for a long time, wrote you a poem,
It turned out well, not at all trivial!
And happy anniversary to you wife and hubby,
We congratulate you on your Crystal wedding!
And even if the wife is no longer eighteen years old,
And the husband, alas, does not pull on the groom at all!
For you, there are no relatives of each other in this life,
So let the family only become stronger over the years!

Some will say the romance is gone
From family life after 15 years! ..
But just look at your pair,
The correct answer comes to mind:
Those who celebrate their Crystal Wedding Anniversary
Marks now, so he is in love!
But we would like to wish you more
So that romance is not only a day,
So that the nights are hot, like on the beach,
So that a husband always wants a wife and can!
Only a wife will lie down in a cold bed,
The husband will kindle a spark in her heart!

Husband and wife will not be bored,
There is definitely a reason to celebrate -
In the life of a joint Crystal wedding!
We, dear ones, want to wish you
Don't be boring, don't be grumpy
And stay loved, dear!
White dress, groom's suit -
Here is the end of almost a verse!
And as a result, we will shout to you "Bitterly!",
And we’ll knock over a glass quietly! ..

For 15 years you two
We managed to set up the children!
There is a boy, there is a girl -
Everything came true, as you wanted!
May you have a crystal wedding
Gives new hope!
The main thing is that each other
So loved you, as before!

congratulations in a postcard
Scribble beautifully -
You will break into a smile!
May you live happily!
On the day of the Crystal Anniversary
We want you to kiss
Husband - always be a man
And admire your wife!
And the wife is always beautiful
We want to stay!
In life sweet and happy
We want you to swim!

Cake today is the most delicious!
You newlyweds are sad
That 15 years have passed
Ever since you got married?
Don't be sad, don't be sad
And kiss, hug!
At the Crystal Wedding together:
Our groom to match the bride,
Or rather, a husband and wife,
With half of my family!
Let the years run forward
Let another hundred years go by
quarrel - reconcile,
Also hold hands!

SMS congratulations

My poem will be short!
Did you live to see the Crystal Wedding?
I got a shock today
What would you wish for today?
Keep love and loyalty
And live to gray hair!

I won't be original
15 years! I am impressed!
When divorced everywhere -
You are together, you do not care!
I congratulate you on this date,
An example for many you, friends!
And I wish for the Diamond
Come closer to you wedding I!

Walk in step, sing in unison!
15 years flew by like a dream!
The crystal clinking of glasses did not subside,
Sending congratulations in SMS I verse!

A day, another, 15 years...
Here is family advice for you -
How before the wedding Golden
Can you reach? The answer is simple:
At your crystal wedding
Kiss more often!

Let champagne pour into glasses
Let everything in life be easy for you!
You lived happily for 15 years,
I wish you love forever!

We want to congratulate you on the Crystal wedding,
Send your short verse in SMS:
Love each other, cherish, pity,
You know how to forgive each other insults!

Today, the wife, like a rose, blooms -
Crystal wedding, her holiday awaits!
And the husband, like a boy, fell in love with her again,
He is glad that he got married 15 years ago!
Love each other, so many reasons
Celebrate your anniversaries in your life!

Crystal wedding is a special date,
For you, dear, a significant time!
The decision was once made
15 years of love shining light!

Two doves cooed today
Reminds me of the Crystal Wedding!
They conveyed their wishes to you -
So that you would not know separations and sorrows!
And may love reign with you, wife,
Do not look for the soul that you are in each other!

Crystal wedding - 15th anniversary,
The happiest you on the planet!
Live, love, flutter, coo,
Give birth to children, kiss each other!


From husband

I want to compare our family with the ship:
You can’t throw the helm either at dusk or during the day,
I lead our ship to common goals,
Grievances, quarrels, like reefs, I will bypass!
My navigator is with me - my beloved wife,
She will always point you in the right direction!
And let our sea way is not easy and not simple,
I raise a toast to you, wife!
15 years with me you stand at the helm,
Where are you - there I threw anchors forever!
And in our bay called "Love"
I'm ready to dive with my head again and again! ..

From wife

Crystal is today a symbol of our wedding,
We have been married for 15 years!
I would like to say with confidence
What a simple! But, alas, it is not!
Kindle family hearth - work,
And not fun and not pampering!
And even when you want to howl like a wolf,
Kindle the fire - that's a skill!
My crystal glass is full to the brim,
Darling, I thank you
For the fact that our marriage is sweet, not salty!
Thank you for telling fate!
15 years you are near, you are a support,
Shoulder, and the closest person!
I'm ready to move mountains with you
May our family age be long!

From parents

For your crystal wedding
Today I'm raising a toast!
Native, beloved children,
I sincerely congratulate you!
15 years lived together
15 years washed away by time!..
But the best moments in life
Of course, not everyone is forgotten!
Do you remember the first meeting
Wedding, tears of happiness! ..
So hard among the millions
We will meet people with fate ...
And you in the eyes, in the smile
We found each other and got to know each other!
I wish you a red wedding
Celebrate together in the final!

Statuses for 15 wedding years for VK, Instagram, Facebook, etc.

  1. Crystal wedding, 15 years together, as in the passport of the registry office stamped the bride!
  2. Love is purer than crystal! I'm celebrating 15 years of marriage!
  3. As champagne fills our crystal glasses today, so 15 years ago my husband and I filled our lives with meaning! We have a crystal wedding!
  4. Take care of your marriage, because love relationships are fragile, like crystal! We managed not to break them for 15 years!
  5. best woman and the best man Today is the Crystal Wedding Anniversary!
  6. The relationship between husband and wife is like a crystal vase, they are in the main place in the house! And so we have 15 years! Happy anniversary of our life together!
  7. Year + year + year + year we lived without worries! So fifteen years passed better than a husband not in the world!
  8. Clink of crystal glasses, toasts and congratulations! We have a Crystal wedding, 15 years - like a moment ...
  9. Our family has a birthday! For fifteen whole years! Dearer than you, my love, I have no man!
  10. Thank you, dear, for 15 years with me! We have a crystal wedding - how happy I am now!
  11. Fifteen roses in honor of the Crystal wedding! Time to put on my wedding dress!
  12. We came to the Crystal Wedding - we carried love through the years!
  13. With small steps we have come to the 15th anniversary of seed life! But this is only the beginning of a fabulous journey! ..
  14. Weaklings do not reach the Crystal Wedding, because 15 years have passed since the proposal of the heart and hand!
  15. We are ready to receive congratulations all day long! Fifteen years to the family - such a birthday!

For a decade and a half, the spouses have learned to perfectly understand each other and avoid unnecessary conflicts. However, they should remember that crystal is very fragile, and relationships in marriage need to be protected like never before. You can tell about this when you congratulate them on the anniversary of the crystal wedding and, of course, wish the heroes of the occasion long life together, happiness and prosperity.

And all this at the festive table, where wishes of happiness, joy, love, long life together are heard. In addition, memories of happy, funny or touching moments are appropriate. As a congratulations, you can use poems of your own composition, beautiful words from the heart or ready-made wishes in prose.

Of course, marriages are made in heaven! And today is proof of that! You have been together for 15 years! So, we wish you that in family life there is only happiness and a lot of things. happy days! Walk along the road of life for many more long, happy years! Happy holiday to you, because this day is only for you, and the verses will express what I have not yet wished, but would like:

Crystal chime, glasses clink
Fifteen years is a crystal jubilee,
And you are not tired of loving each other,
Only every year closer and dearer.
Have not lost joy over the years,
She is in our hearts and souls forever.
And let everything that you dreamed come true
And only a tear will shine from happiness.

May the crystal jubilee
Dreams come true soon
What you wanted, you will find;
What you lost - return;
What you regret - you will find;
From loved ones - do not leave!
May it always accompany
You love and beauty!

15 years, what a date! -
Opened the door and entered
How nice to look at two
From their love the earth floats.
Crystal fate gave them,
Let them keep it
After all, this long-awaited wedding,
Everyone is very happy from the heart.
Keep tender moments
Appreciate every moment and hour
15 years - what a date!
She is very worthy of you.

Crystal wedding is beautiful
And I congratulate you on it.
I wish you good and good,
And happiness to you here and now!
May every day bring joy
Let everything be easy
Let there be love, tenderness, fidelity,
And let there be good in the house!

15 years is not a date yet
But it's still an anniversary.
You were young once
But the years go by faster and faster.

You spent a little time together
And on that day
We shouted to the bride:
Scold less husband and children.

And you lowered your eyes
And gently caressed the groom.
So we wish you to the sound of chimes:
Live to see the wedding of diamonds!

Fifteen years and dawn again
The same as then, for the first time.
And there's just no distance
And you are young today.
God forbid you break the glass
Your love, fate and honor.
Let it be clear and bright
Always when you are together in everything!

Congratulations on the crystal wedding.
I wish you all the blessings of the earth.
Always be as wonderful
In all things, remain faithful and flattering.
Give each other warmth and comfort.
Do not pay attention to the transience of minutes.
Just swim blindly in love
To make the lights burn brighter in the eyes.

Congratulating you on a crystal wedding today,
We wish you, dear, with all our heart,
So that your relationship, sparkling,
Everyone was impressed with the impeccable cleanliness!
15 years! After all, this is a long time!
And let it happen again and again!
We give you crystal glasses.
Keep them as fidelity and love!

We suffered for a long time, wrote you a poem,
It turned out well, not at all trivial!
And happy anniversary to you wife and hubby,
We congratulate you on your Crystal wedding!
And even if the wife is no longer eighteen years old,
And the husband, alas, does not pull on the groom at all!
For you, there are no relatives of each other in this life,
So let the family only become stronger over the years!

Today is a crystal wedding anniversary,
You have been together for a decade and a half!
Love is beautiful like a ballroom dance
Living together is a happy secret!
You are also kind to each other,
It will never stop
After all, your life partner and friend -
Love in the hearts that has no end!

You have a family anniversary -
And every year it gets stronger
I wish you to love.
Let the glass break for happiness
You don't need to feel sorry for him.
May you succeed in everything in life
After all, you just have to want it!

Your wedding with crystal
You've been together for fifteen years
There were joys and sorrows
But there was also a lot of happiness!

We want to live long
Treasure your marriage
And love each other more
To make it easier for you!

To understand each other
Never offended!
Congratulations we said
And, of course, a gift!

Crystal Wedding! How unusual!
You've been in a relationship for a long time.
Fifteen years of bright and sunny life,
15 years of difficulties and different thoughts.
Today we sincerely wish you
Be faithful: if you love, then to the end!
You protect your family from adversity,
Give each other warmth and care.
Forget insults - they are not worthy.
Always live in peace and respect!
Family life is a difficult task,
But you are great! Like the first day of the wedding!

Fifteen years is a long time.
Well, now, the bride and groom,
Remember our lesson:
Take care of each other,
And don't lose your warmth!
Raise good children
And your dreams will come true!
Let there be tears of happiness in the house,
May great success come to you!
Let all bad weather fly by,
Only music and laughter sound!

Congratulations to the husband from his wife on 15 years of marriage

Fifteen years is a wonderful day, in honor of which guests are invited: preferably witnesses of the marriage, best friends and relatives of spouses. And everyone comes with his congratulations of goodness, happiness, love and prosperity. But on the crystal (glass) wedding anniversary, not only friends and relatives congratulate, but also each other's spouses, for example cool congratulations from wife to husband:

Me, my dear, now there is no time for jokes!
Crystal is beautiful, but very fragile,
And in order to save our marriage,
I will try to love
Soul of the whole beer and football,
So that together we shout - Goal!
And fishing at night
I will fish with you
Your sweet car
I will drive like mine
I will help with the repair -
I can hold a screwdriver
If you want, so be it
I can go to the sauna -
Taking a girlfriend with you
Male decorate team!
And you can be proud of me -
By his advanced wife!
I will share all hobbies -
After all, I love you very much!

Fifteen years, what a date!
Oh, how many years we have been together!
Do you remember, dear, that once
We were the bride and groom!

I'm happy with you, and you know
I am grateful to you for everything!
You shine like the sun
And I sparkle radiantly!

I love you and I know for sure
That you are my love forever!
I wish you and me all the best,
My closest person!

We are our crystal wedding, my love,
Let's celebrate in the family circle.
I know how much you need me
And I can't live without you.

What was, was, passed and sailed away,
But I keep everything in my memory.
I only want to be with you, my dear,
I can not live without you.

You always know how to understand and console
You won't leave me alone
With your kiss you warm me
Because I can't do it without you!

Congratulations on your crystal wedding
You my dear, dear,
Good, and I wish you happiness
Happy all the time, stay with me

You are dearer to me than anyone in the world,
You won't be alone with me
Take it as a gift from me
My humble, gentle kiss.

Congratulations to my wife on 15 years of marriage

On the day of our crystal wedding
I want to tell you -
If I had known before
About such a fate

I would be proud of myself
And I envied myself
So lucky I got married
Honey, on you.

I'm with you, dear, together
It's been fifteen years now!
And a happier person
There is simply no such thing in this world!

Happy anniversary my dear
With our crystal wedding you,
Without your smile, my joy,
I can't even live a day now.

Let the love between us grow stronger
Only in happiness let the days run,
Let our family hearth burn,
May comfort reign in our house.

Crystal wedding, I love you
I hasten to congratulate you dear,
Fifteen years in a place, in the soul a light,
Accept precious, my rhyme of love.

I want to wish you a lot of warmth
So that you, dear, bloom like a rose,
More fun, good luck, smiles,
And do not repeat more mistakes in life.

Congratulations from parents on the 15th anniversary

I congratulate you, dear children, on your crystal wedding. You have successfully and happily walked together for 15 years. May the sun of joy always shine for you, may there be peace and harmony in your family, may every day be a holiday in your house, and every moment be a miracle. I wish you to take care of each other, like the most expensive crystal, I wish you never lose your bright and sincere feelings. And my husband and your father and I congratulate you and want to read a poem:

So glass wedding congratulations to children
We wish them happiness and well.
More to be in harmony
They honored their parents and always remembered them.
Be always cheerful and funny
Kind and full of love for each other.
Let success not leave you
And fortune rolls on its wings.

Like crystal you cherished feelings,
And love carried through the years.
We are proud, children, of your family
May peace and tranquility reign in the house
Let the kids respect, cherish.
May they grow up happy and healthy.
Let them give you reasons for pride
And five only carry home.

Congratulations to our dear children,
You lived the years, the most passionate and dashing,
Now this very important hour has come,
Today you have a crystal wedding.
You take care of tender feelings for each other,
And appreciate every heartbeat of a loved one,
You help each other always and everywhere,
Love each other, take care and respect.

In addition to poems and wishes on 15 years of marriage, you can present video congratulations, toasts and even songs to the heroes of the occasion. The emphasis should be on the fact that, despite the long years lived together, you should take care of your family and each other.