
TOP of the best gifts for a boyfriend (husband) on Valentine's Day. TOP of the best gifts for a guy (husband) on Valentine's Day An unusual surprise for a guy on February 14


February 14 - the romantic holiday of love - is becoming a problem of choice for many. What do lovers want? First, indeed, to surprise and delight with your present. Secondly, to do something memorable and not the same as everyone else. Thirdly, to enjoy the choice of a surprise, its preparation and the moment of giving. What could be better in this case than a handmade gift? Really made with love and soul.

Gift for February 14 to a traveler

If your significant other appreciates unusual things, and also spends a lot of time traveling, you can make a unique suitcase tag for her. With such a gift, your companion or companion is more likely to get his suitcase back in case of loss. Secondly, such a leather accessory will remind you of the warm feelings of your partner.

What do you need?

Think carefully, you probably also have a bag or other leather item that you haven’t worn for a long time. Unnecessary things will have to be cut. In addition, you will need simple things: thread, scissors, needle, acrylic paints.

How to do?

First you need to cut out two pieces of leather of a rectangular shape. It is best if the tag is the size of a standard plastic bank card. In one rectangle, cut a small window, making only three cuts. Next, you need to sew two blanks together, leaving one edge free. It's time to leave a declaration of love inside the label. You can, of course, immediately insert an address, other contacts or a business card. The next step is decorating with acrylic paints. Come up with something suitable for your taste, and insert a leather cord into a specially made hole for attaching to a suitcase or bag.

Book lovers to enjoy
Does your girlfriend read a lot, love the classics and understand modern prose? A good book for such a person will always be an appropriate gift. Just imagine, on Valentine's Day you give a quality edition. Your significant other is in a hurry to open the book to enjoy the smell of brand new printed pages, and there is a surprise! In a specially cut hole right on the pages of the book, you can put a small gift: a ring, earrings, a pendant, a flash drive with your photos, a declaration of love ... The list of ideas is endless, it all depends on your imagination and the stage of the relationship. If your couple is ripe for a serious decision, a proposal of marriage on Valentine's Day with the help of a surprise book will be touching and original.

What do you need?

You need a book, a cutter (sharp stationery knife), a ribbon, and a gift such as a ring. The manufacturing process will take approximately 10 minutes from you.

How to do?
Open the selected book in the middle, use the ruler to draw a square required size. You can focus on the shape of 3 cm by 3 cm. Next, you need to cut out a square on all selected pages, strictly following the selected outline. The depth should be sufficient to accommodate your gift. It remains only to pass the ribbon through the cut out square and put a ring on it, if you suddenly decide on such a surprise.

Useful crafts
If you have decided that a cute card will not be enough for you on Valentine's Day, and it seems irrational to give balloons to you, you can consider options for the right gifts. Let's get back to the books, because there is so much written about love! An intelligent gift will be sure to be appreciated by your significant other, and creative design and presentation will make you happy on the holiday of love!

What do you need?
It is advisable to pick up 4 novels about love. Of course, you can choose other literature to your taste. It is important that the books are approximately the same size. At the stationery store, you need to buy two sheets of white paper and two sheets of pink. Look at the heart templates, a pencil, a red marker, a paper knife, double-sided tape and a regular ruler there.

How to do?
First, create book covers from pink paper. This is easy to do with a ruler: you need to measure right size. The same must be done with the white paper, as it will be under the pink one. On the spine of the book, use a stencil to cut out a small heart. The four books are perfect for composing the word LOVE, which is recommended. The finishing touch to make the book set look even better is a white congratulations ribbon that will bring the entire collection to Valentine's Day.

Gift for a sweet tooth
for Valentine's Day
A gift with your own hands is unique in that it is always individual. No matter how you follow the instructions, you will still, to a greater or lesser extent, get your own unique version. In addition, you do not have to rack your brains in numerous shopping centers, looking for something unusual. Moreover, opting for DIY crafts is a significant savings in your money, which can, for example, be spent on a restaurant on this romantic evening. For a gift for a sweet tooth, you need, oddly enough, sweets.

What do you need?

Do you need glass jars? different shapes and size, sweets, gelatins, cookies, decorative ribbons, magazine clippings, printed photos, beads, rhinestones - in a word, everything that you think is suitable for decorating a gift for Valentine's Day.

How to do?

Stir the sweet contents in a glass form, close the lid. Then, inspired by other works, come up with an interesting composition of cardboard hearts and joint photos. Feel free to use whatever you see fit.

Original declaration of love with humor

Lovers often think: “Why does he / she love me?”. As a rule, it is difficult to answer such a direct question, and we hear only: “for everything”, “because you are such / such”, “I don’t know”. The holiday of all lovers is a wonderful occasion to tell your soulmate a thousand pleasant reasons for love. This can be done both in a comic form and in all seriousness. Try it and you will appreciate this exciting game in search of the best in your relationships. Just think of a continuation of the phrase: "I love you because ..."

What do you need?
You need a deck of cards, preferably with a red back. So the gift will look "more loving." Do not aim for the largest deck of cards if you feel that there will be problems with fantasy. On the other hand, if you can master the biggest one, you can proudly brag about this fact to your loved one or loved one. Cut out of magazines the right words, pictures, prepare photos. In addition, you will need glue, colored pens, markers, connecting rings (buy in a store or tear off a large notebook). If there is a shortage with the rings, you can always tie a deck of cards with a scarlet ribbon, which will look even more festive.

How to do?
Each card of the deck must be issued in the form of the reason "Why I like you." It is advisable to use humor, let the gift recipient laugh to tears and appreciate your extraordinary mind.

For those in the game
Are you a cheerful couple and do not like to spend time boring? Are you always looking for a way to spend quality leisure time? We propose to do board game with your own hands! The game is known to everyone and everyone, because these are the famous “tic and tac toe”, however, instead of these same tic and tac toe, there will be soft hearts.

What do you need?

You need a huge whatman paper of red thick paper, scissors, a ruler and a marker. In addition, it is necessary to prepare small pieces of fabric (fleece, felt, felt) of pink and red colors. As a filler, it is proposed to use dry beans. You can come up with something of your own or just fill the products with cotton wool. It is important that they are not too light, take care of some kind of weighting agent.

How to do?

Cut out a huge heart from whatman paper. It will become a playing field. It is necessary to draw cells on it in the manner of the Tic-Tac-Toe game. Sew hearts from the fabric, filling them with beans. Voila, the game and the gift are ready!

Valentine's Day is the most long-awaited holiday for those in which love lives in the heart. Girls start preparing congratulations and gifts for their beloved long before February 14th. What can you give your boyfriend for the most romantic holiday of the year?

Dear attention!

You don't have to buy anything for Valentine's Day expensive gifts. On this day, attention, love and affection are more valued than the cost of a donated item. Even an inexpensive trinket in the form of a romantic heart should be presented in such a way that a ray of happiness plays in the eyes of a lover. There are gifts that cannot be bought, but they are very expensive!

The most affordable and most symbolic gift for a guy on Valentine's Day is a Valentine. Beloved guy can buy beautiful postcard with a declaration of love or make a congratulatory heart with your own hands. Looks original balloon in the shape of a heart, if you put in it many, many leaves with words of love addressed to the object of your feelings.

One more unusual idea- love cactus. In order not to destroy a living plant, it is better to fashion a semblance of a cactus from plasticine and fix it in a small pot. From paper you need to cut a few beautiful hearts, glue them to the toothpicks and stick the sharp ends into the plasticine flower. If desired, you can place your photo in the middle of the central heart.

It will not be difficult for talented girls to prepare a song for their beloved and congratulate him with a personal performance. If there is no voice, and the verses in the head do not add up, you can arrange an attack on the guy from declarations of love. For example, every hour send him an SMS with gentle words or whisper them in his ear if a friend is nearby. You can also write a lot of notes and spread them out in prominent places and in the guy's pockets. If the feelings are mutual, then it will definitely give him pleasure.

Tasty gifts

It is difficult to find a man who is indifferent to delicious food. February 14 is a great occasion to pamper your loved one with delicacies and demonstrate your culinary skills to him. You can cook anything: cookies, cake, pizza, pie, pancakes or jelly. The most important thing is to give the dish the shape of a heart, and if this is not possible, draw a heart with cream or mayonnaise.

Girls who can't cook themselves shouldn't be left out either. Even slices of sausage or sushi can be put on a heart-shaped plate, turning them into a romantic dish! In extreme cases, a beautiful cake with hearts from a candy store will do.

Useful gifts for the computer

If a small amount is set aside in your wallet for a gift to your beloved guy, then you should first of all go to a computer store. Most young people cannot imagine their life without a computer, so gifts from this area will always come in handy.

The most win-win option is a USB flash drive, the size in this case matters, but attention should be paid to the size of the memory - the larger it is, the more joy will be in the eyes of a loved one. Despite the romantic mood, you should not buy a heart-shaped flash drive for a guy, it is better to complement the gift with a romantic postcard, and choose a memory carrier in a strict masculine style.

A guy who is still confused about the wires of a computer mouse can be given a convenient wireless mouse for Valentine's Day. If you don’t have enough money for a mouse, you will have to stop at a rug with a cool pattern or choose a rug with an anatomical pillow for your hand.

Now it's easy to pick useful trinket powered by USB. A guy will appreciate a warming cup holder with a USB hub, a miniature keyboard vacuum cleaner, a compact refrigerator for cooling a can of cola, or a desktop air conditioner that saves you in the summer heat. To take care of a dear person, you can buy stylish computer glasses as a gift that prevent eye fatigue.

Gifts for a strong guy

Every girl dreams of seeing a protector in her boyfriend. In order to be able to hide behind the broad back of your lover and walk with him through the dark streets without fear, you need to give a friend an expander, dumbbells, a press device or a horizontal bar that is installed in the doorway on February 14.

For a sports guy, you can buy a T-shirt or shorts for classes on Valentine's Day, good sports socks or leggings for playing football. A necessary gift for any athlete is a body massage gel that reduces muscle tension and fatigue.

More ideas

By and large, on Valentine's Day, you can give almost anything. Favorite guy will be happy to receive as a gift leather belt or an original passport cover, automatic umbrella or wallet, a good keychain or a stylish key holder, cigarette case or lighter.

It is appropriate for a student to give an unusual pen, for a travel lover - a folding knife, a compass or a flashlight. If a friend drives a car, you can buy something useful for the car, such as a car mug, a glass holder, curtains, or an air freshener.

intimate gifts

On Valentine's Day, you can and should give intimate gifts. The most modest of them - beautiful shorts with a cool picture or a symbolic inscription. If desired, personalized shorts with a declaration of love or a photograph can be ordered at the photo salon. They will also be happy to make a T-shirt, T-shirt or mug with any pattern. More eloquent surprises, with which you will definitely be able to pleasantly surprise your beloved guy, are sold in adult stores. Girls who are embarrassed to visit such shopping facilities alone can place an order via the Internet.

Many guys say that giving girls gifts is a pleasure, but choosing is a punishment. But the reverse situation complicates things even more. Really, you won’t give your beloved a bear or a bunny? So the poor girls are tormented, breaking a beautiful head, what to give a guy on February 14, although in reality suitable gifts not so little. You just have to take a good look at the windows.

On a day when everything around is decorated with bright red hearts, you really want to please your dearly beloved with something special ... An individual gift for your beloved guy on February 14 - the one that is prepared long before the holiday itself, is chosen with love and requires attention. Think about the nature of your lover, his hobbies and just preferences - in gadgets, food, clothes. This will make choosing a gift much easier.

The most tender gift for a guy on February 14 - attention

The word "expensive" in relation to such a gift does not need to be interpreted literally, because in this case it is not its value that is meant at all. And this must be taken into account when thinking about what to give a guy for Valentine's Day. A cute bauble that comes with tender words and kisses, will be more pleasant than a status thing presented "without a soul." Bring him a cup of tea with a valentine instead of a napkin, knit a scarf, put a chocolate bar in a briefcase - such tiny signs of attention, but how many feelings they contain!

When they say that some gifts for February 14 cannot be bought for your boyfriend, it means exactly that part of them that does not belong to the material world. After receiving a gift, does your loved one try but fail to hide their happiness? So everything worked out!

The simplest and most traditional gift on this day is a Valentine. If you are thinking about what to give a guy for February 14, consider this as one of the possible options. Of course, you can buy it in the store - on the eve of the holiday, all kinds of hearts just dazzle in the eyes.

But still it will be better if you make even a simple postcard - but with your own hands, with words of love coming from your heart. Homemade gift for yourself best guy on February 14 will come out much more sincere than ready. A bag with hearts can be a great idea for congratulations, and on each such heart there are warm words.

Doubting what to give a guy on February 14? An unusual thing!

Is your boyfriend a big original? Is it simply impossible to pick up a "store" gift for him? So do not give in to him and give ... a cactus. You can use a live plant or its imitation from plasticine. In order for the cactus to become “in love”, on its needles (or toothpicks, if the plant is not real), you need to attach a lot of small or a few larger hearts. This is probably the most unusual of all that you can give a guy for Valentine's Day. At the top, like a Christmas star, attach a heart with your own photo of the giver. Original? Not that word!

A unique gift for a guy on February 14: talents and fans

Can you and love to sing? Use this talent for congratulations. It will be especially impressive if a song of your own composition is presented as a gift. The problem of what to give a guy for Valentine's Day will, in this case, be solved by you. However, a touching work by a famous performer is also quite suitable. Naturally, if it is about love, and certainly happy.

If you don’t have singing abilities, you don’t need to worry - come up with a lot of SMS messages with confessions and send them to your young man with an interval of about once an hour - more often, perhaps, it’s still not worth it - then the question “what to give a guy for February 14”, will grow into a question of how not to get bored. Notes, laid out in conspicuous places in the home and stuffed into pockets, will also become an excellent sign of attention - in the end, let those around you envy such passion.

When you are at a loss what to give a guy for February 14 - choose a yummy!

It is clear to a smart woman what the way to a man's heart lies through. This special day is a great occasion to show off your culinary talents. So if you haven't figured out what to get your boyfriend for Valentine's Day, check out the cookbook. You can cook something sweet (jelly, cake, soufflé or cake), or you can cook something savory (salad, pizza, pie), the main thing in this matter is the shape. Of course, heart.

If cooking is really bad, you can simply cook scrambled eggs for breakfast by making a heart out of sausage and pouring an egg into the middle, and this will also be perceived as a gift for a guy on February 14th. You can also make sandwiches of the appropriate shape - it's really quite simple. Even cakes with holiday paraphernalia bought in advance from the store, served in bed and complemented by a cup of coffee, are a great gift.

Wondering what to get your boyfriend for Valentine's Day? Check out the computer store

Almost all representatives of the stronger sex are very attached to their computer friend and will certainly appreciate some gadget bought especially for them. But if this gift option is chosen, what to give a guy for Valentine's Day?

A completely win-win option is a flash drive with a large amount of memory. Just don't throw yourself at something pink/with hearts. Valentine's Day is just one of 365 of the year, so if you want your gift to be used, buy a smart flash drive. And make a gift from it with the help of the attached valentine, in which you can fully express all the emotions that have gripped you.

If there is enough money, then the problem of what to give a guy for Valentine's Day immediately becomes smaller. So, you can buy a wireless mouse. Even if the young man does not need it yet, the mouse is almost a consumable item, as well as such an accessory to it as a rug. He is also great option for a gift.

Defender and athlete: what to give a guy for Valentine's Day

Sports gifts for February 14 for a guy are also great - they will emphasize what you see in your young man strong shoulder and reliable defender. And the options for such gifts are countless. These are sports equipment (dumbbells, expanders, etc.), and clothes, and a variety of care products (for example, an ointment that helps with bruises, sprains, etc. - this is how you will also demonstrate dear person concern for his health).

If your young man is fond of tourism, then the problem of what to give a guy for Valentine's Day is even easier to solve - a folding knife, a good diode flashlight and even an inflatable pillow will surely please and be useful to your beloved guy.

Wealth of choice: what to give a guy on February 14

In general, for Valentine's Day there are no restrictions in the choice of what is presented. Although a cigarette case, key chain or wallet is the main thing, with a sincere feeling and attention to his personality. So a gift for a guy on Valentine's Day should be chosen taking into account his interests. If you buy something for an avid motorist for a cherished car, a fisherman - tackle, and a football fan - a thing with the symbols of your favorite team, this will be a real declaration of love.

An intimate gift for a guy on Valentine's Day: embarrassment - no!

This is a very special category of gifts that are not customary to show off among friends. What is bought in "adult" stores is intended only for two, so when thinking about what to give a guy for Valentine's Day, discard shyness ... Close the bedroom door and show the gift to the one for whom it was bought - and the day will quietly turn into a beautiful night , so that you will not be left without a present.

Day "X" is approaching and it's time to look for an option on how to make a gift for February 14 with your own hands for your loved ones! We have collected for you some of the most interesting and unusual ideas. Now it will not be difficult for you to give a gift to a boyfriend or girlfriend!

February 14 for men - how to please without platitudes

1. An exciting quest.

Sometimes the essence is not in the gift itself, but in the way it is presented. Take a few small and nice gifts for your husband, and then hide them in different parts of the apartment. Or even on the street! Build instructions for the man: “take a compass, go to the balcony and face west”, “open the first door on the left in the right closet”. The main thing is that the fun does not become tedious, and therefore do not forget about rewards!

2. Piñata!

A child lives in every man - this is confirmed by all psychologists without exception. In this case, it is wise to use children's entertainment! Create a heart-shaped piñata (or any other) with your own hands, fill it with sweets, some nice little things. Hang it anywhere, blindfold your lover, bring it up and start playing! A master class for making a piñata, see the video from YouTube:

3. Collection of warm words.

Have you ever wanted to write a book? Do it! Such a gift to your loved one will definitely please. Start simple: decorate your notebook beautifully using scrapbooking techniques, and put a couple of words or phrases on each page. You can write pleasant memories, your feelings, eleven reasons for love and more.

4. Sweets.

If you don’t often bake, and your partner loves sweets, do the most logical thing: create a chic and original cake for Valentine’s Day. Cool recipe - in the YouTube video below:

5. Postcard-accordion with a photo.

Well, where without a postcard on this day? You can create a traditional valentine card or an original paper art with your own the best photos together. See how such gift ideas for February 14 are done with your own hands on a YouTube video:

How to win a girl's heart: 5 presents for February 14

1. Letters.

Make a dozen envelopes of bright paper, on each write “open when I'm away”, “when it's cold”, “when you need support”, “when there are problems at work”, and so on. Inside you can put photos, letters with warm words.

2. A thousand compliments.

Most girls love to receive compliments. Write pleasant words on small pieces of paper and put everything in a beautiful jar. Or make a garland out of them and hang them around the house. Similar Original gifts have a lot of options! You can also write sweet words, using our lists and .

3. For sweet dreams.

Even if you are not fond of needlework, make a pillow for your beloved. You can embroider it, make an applique with any pattern, write a congratulation with special markers. Such gifts for a girl will definitely be accepted with wild joy!

4. Sweet table.

Lay out a congratulation with sweets on a table or any other horizontal surface. Sweets, lollipops, chocolate chips - you can make a gift for February 14 with your own hands from anything! DIY gifts for Valentine's Day from sweets - on the video from YouTube just below!

5. Box of happiness.

Make a box, decorate its lid with a bow, and put things that are relevant for your girlfriend inside. It may be small Stuffed Toys, sweets, felt-tip pens, and at least a set of wrenches! The main thing is that the recipient can appreciate the gift. How to make a box, see the video from YouTube:

As you can see, making unusual gifts is not so difficult! And do not forget that the main thing in the presentation is its presentation. Come up with your own creative option or use ready-made ideas! Tell us what are you going to present? Write your interesting ideas in the comments!

There is very little time left before Valentine's Day. With great trepidation, all those who sincerely love their soul mate and experience only warm feelings are waiting for such a holiday. In anticipation of such a holiday, many loving and in love people are preparing touching gifts for each other. And the most intelligent, savvy and loving people make Valentine's Day presents with their own hands and strength in order to convey all their love and soul through the gift.

DIY gifts for February 14 for a girl

February 14th is the most suitable holiday to forget about the usual purchased gifts. It will be much more pleasant to receive as a gift a gift that was created with your own hands and saturated with soul and sincere love who gives this gift. Guys, as a rule, bother less with handmade gifts for their beloved, but, believe me, a girl will appreciate a gift that you make yourself much more than a purchased item.

What gift for February 14 can a guy give a girl with his own hands? There are many options. For starters, you can find out (if you don't know) about your loved one's hobbies, preferences, and interests. On this basis, one can come up with interesting gift for her.

Morning breakfast in bed.

Not a bad idea for those who live together already. Any girl will appreciate a gesture from a guy related to the kitchen. She probably cooks breakfast for both of you every morning. So why, in the form of a gift for February 14, does a girl not make a delicious breakfast in bed with her own hands? The idea is excellent. It remains to figure out what to cook on such a day, especially for those guys who do not get along with the kitchen at all?

Give preference to scrambled eggs in the form of a heart with sausage. The option is easy to prepare, will be able to make even the most "inept". Recipe below:

  1. First step: to prepare scrambled eggs, you will need two long sausages, 2 eggs, toothpicks, seasonings and herbs to taste.
  2. The second step: the cooking process itself is simple. To make a heart out of a sausage, cut it along the middle without cutting all the way through. Bend the parts of the sausages into reverse side in the shape of a heart and secure with a toothpick. Your egg mold is ready.
  3. The third step: fry like regular eggs - put sausages in the pan, then break one egg into the sausage and fry until cooked. Sprinkle greens on top, put on a plate and decorate beautifully. As decorations, you can draw ketchup hearts.
  4. Fourth step: Serve your loved one in bed with freshly squeezed juice.

Evening romantic dinner

If a guy knows how to cook, then you can cook a good dinner on your own and really please your girlfriend on Valentine's Day. She will undoubtedly appreciate such a gesture from you, because not every day a man stands at the stove in the kitchen.

Making a heart piñata

Let's understand what a piñata is. This hobby came to us from America. Playing with a piñata can be reminiscent of a game among Russian children, when the child is given scissors, blindfolded, and sent to cut candies tied to a string. The pinata is also suspended (you can hang it at home from the ceiling or on the street, for example, on a tree), give one child a stick or a bat, spin it, and he must hit the hanging object with his eyes closed. As a rule, sweets are poured out after the impact.

Now, how can this be used by a guy as a DIY gift for February 14 for a girl? You can put anything inside - hearts, confessions and gentle words on pieces of paper, small surprises, sweets.

How to create such a piñata? It looks very beautiful and voluminous, and most importantly, it is quite an unusual gift, and your betrothed will definitely remember it for the rest of her life. How to do:

  • You will need cardboard from which you can cut 2 hearts and side edges for the box. "Hot nails" or silicone glue to stick it all together.
  • When all the parts are cut out, they should be glued together with glue. The bottom needs to be made very light so that when hit, the contents of the box easily come out.
  • The design of such a heart is very simple - you will need a lot of stickers of all shades of red, you can pink, you can do any that you or your loved one likes best. From top to bottom, the heart should be carefully sealed with heart-shaped stickers. inside can be cut a large number of paper hearts or make interesting confessions on scrolls. Since the volume of the heart is supposed to be large, then make the scrolls also voluminous.
  • Place the heart on top and prepare an object that will break this heart. Do not show the girl a heart in advance and do not tell about it, let it be a surprise. When she breaks it, she will drop a variety of hearts, confessions, or candies, whatever you choose.
  • Writing a letter. Pretty simple and budget option will be writing your favorite letter about your feelings. Make an envelope out of white paper, decorate it or stick some hearts on it. Insert your letter inside the envelope. Write whatever you feel! Such a gift is especially suitable for those couples who do not yet live together. Don't think the letter's modern world must be sent online. The whole romance lies precisely in writing it on paper with your own hands. On the evening of February 13 or the morning of February 14, put your letter in the mailbox and wait for a response, and believe me, it will come.
  • An interesting message from the keyboard keys. Surely everyone has an old unnecessary keyboard that is lying around somewhere in the closet. So, with its help, you can make an original gift for a girl on February 14 with your own hands.
  • What is needed for this? Remove the required number of buttons from the keyboard, they should be painted over with white varnish or black, you can use regular paint, depending on the color of the keys. Make a stencil of letters (you can find it on the Internet and print it out, or you can just write it yourself carefully with a marker or felt-tip pen on the keys when they dry). When the buttons are completely dry, you can apply a message to them. Glue the finished keys inside the frame. The frame should not be flat, but with a slight indentation. These can be found in photo shops. This frame looks pretty neat.

There are quite a few methods to give a gift for a girl on February 14 with your own hands. All you have to do is turn on your imagination.

DIY gifts for February 14 for a guy

Every person wants Valentine's Day to be something special and unique for a loved one. Creating unforgettable moments for your love story is very simple: love, fantasy and magic gift do-it-yourself for a guy or girl on February 14th.

In some situations, you can simply go off your feet in search of a present for your loved one. Even though each of us knows that attention is the best gift, we still want the memories to be touched and felt. A handmade gift for a guy on February 14 can give such significance - such a gift will be unique. If your boyfriend is a big romantic, then the gifts below are suitable for him.

  • 100 reasons why I love you. V Lately such a gift has become quite relevant. The idea is certainly interesting. All you need is a jar or beautiful box, narrow satin ribbons, paper, pen. Beautifully decorate a jar, box or box and put 100 small scrolls inside with the reasons for your love. Scrolls should be rolled up and tied with a ribbon.
  • Pillow for a guy with his own hands. Have you been puzzling over a gift for your loved one for a long time and want it to be practical and necessary? A do-it-yourself gift for a guy on February 14 is the most suitable option. In this case, you can make a comfortable pillow for the guy, and preferably two at once. One pillow with half a heart will stay with you at home, and the other with him. And if you already live together, then your pillows will be together. This idea has many advantages:

You show yourself from the outside as a talented girl who can create such things on her own;

  • It will be a unique gift, just from you and just for him;
  • Such a gift will not be expensive;
  • You can choose the shape and design of the pillow yourself.

To create such a pillow, you will need, in fact, the pillow itself for the base. You can take any old pillow or stuff a cover sewn in advance with foam rubber. It is only at your discretion. If you have a car, that's great! You can sew everything neatly on your own. If there is no typewriter, take it to the studio, where for a small amount everything will be sewn to you, as you ask. For convenience, do not forget to make a snake at the pillow.

  • Photo frame. In this version, there can be just a huge number of ideas. Many people really like to review photos, returning to those memories. frame can be a good gift on February 14 for a guy, made by hand. Do not make your own frame with all sorts of pink things - make a more masculine version. For example, a good frame will come from a wooden base and a puzzle. To make such a frame yourself, you need to take the wooden base of the frame and glue puzzles on it with glue. Pick up your joint photo and give it to your loved one.
  • Lottery. A gift for curious men, as in lottery tickets - erased and recognized the winnings. To create such an erasable layer, you will need hygienic lipstick and acrylic paint. You can choose any winning options, consider what your man loves.
  • Coupons or certificates for the use of certain services. This is something like the previous gift, but there are much more services here. For example:
  1. Weekend holidays for just the two of you
  2. Massage;
  3. Endless Kissing Day;
  4. Hugs;
  5. Cooking your favorite dish
  6. Scratching back, head, arms and more.

You can come up with options yourself.

Remember that on Valentine's Day you should talk about your own love for the chosen one by all possible methods: words, tenderness, gestures, care. Make this day unforgettable for each other.

DIY gift ideas for your loved one on February 14

Valentine's Day is a time when gifts can be made with your own hands. There are a large number of ideas for this - from small romantic cards to more global ones. But the most important thing is that the soul and all the sincerity of feelings are invested in such gifts. Be sure that if you were presented with a handmade gift, it will be more eloquent than all the highest words about love.

There are quite a few options for DIY gift ideas for guys and girls on February 14th. When choosing something as a gift, be sure to think about the preferences of your soul mate. Surely you already know all the tastes of each other, hobbies and occupations. This article will only help nudge you towards a particular handmade gift.

On February 14, you can make a gift to your beloved with your own hands as follows: decorate the room with hearts cut out in advance, make interesting inscriptions on pieces of paper, declarations of love, and so on. The method is suitable if you live together. And if you do not live under the same roof yet, you can do this in the entrance on the floor, door, mailbox. In this version, of course, a certain courage is needed, because not only your beloved will see this. Such a surprise will definitely not leave your beloved indifferent.

Another option is to give your soul mate a cup with painted confessions or hearts. You should only draw on the cup special paints. Any others will be washed away.

Various crafts on paper using angels, hearts, kisses and other paraphernalia of love. Such postcards, perhaps, will be appreciated only by a girl. But not every guy will sit and cut all this, so they often resort to purchased options.

Girls can prepare a birthday cake in the shape of a heart for their beloved guys with the appropriate decoration. As an option, various cupcakes, pies, cakes, sweets, heart cookies and other culinary delights. There are many options associated with this.

Do-it-yourself gifts for February 14: reviews

Angelina, 19 years old:

Valentine's Day, of course, is an interesting holiday, but it's not our holiday. Well, it has become generally accepted that February 14 is Valentine's Day. The guy gave me the first declaration of love on this day. We met at that time for six months, we had never made confessions “I love you” to each other. And at that moment, when I heard these words, I realized - I love him too. Along with the confession, he gave me a lot of heart-shaped balloons and something nice is written on each balloon. Here's the story, in case anyone needs it.

Egor, 25 years old:

I may sound a little rude, but it seems to me that the gifts in the form of cards from kindergarten with a heart is not at all an option for adults. Most likely it is more suitable for students in the 7th grade. My girlfriend is 23 years old, she decided to give me a heart-shaped tree called topiary on February 14th. It is, of course, beautiful. But in my opinion, this is somehow not at all men's gift. I am grateful to her, but in my harsh apartment it looks ridiculous. Perhaps only with her move this tree will find its owner, and now it is thoughtlessly collecting dust.