
When the child can be put in the arena. Psychologist on whether the child needs a playpen? Playpen for mom


Good day to you, dear readers! Manufacturers of children's goods offer us more and more new inventions. Swing chairs, all kinds of mobiles, transforming beds... What is really worth spending money on? Which products are beneficial and which are harmful? And does the child need a playpen?

What is a baby playpen?

Recently I wrote about how necessary the baby is. And now let's look at the situations in which the arena will be useful or harmful.

This invention is somewhat reminiscent of a baby crib. Only without a mattress and a little wider. It is used to limit the freedom of movement of the baby. Simply put - so that you don’t crawl anywhere, don’t drop anything, don’t hit anywhere.

Usually the playpen is very light, it can be constantly transferred from room to room and taken with you to the country. In some situations, it is almost irreplaceable.

Benefit or harm?

It can be unequivocally said that in the arena there is no benefit for the child. And even there is some damage. However, it can be of great benefit to the mother... For example:

  • mom can while the little one is playing in the arena;
  • mother can leave the baby in it for one minute and quickly visit the toilet;
  • a mother can keep a baby there, coming to the country house and other places where there is no adequate children's space.

However, all these pluses are real on one condition: the child agrees to voluntarily sit in the arena!

Unfortunately, it is impossible to predict how your baby will react to the idea of ​​​​putting him in such a “box”. Perhaps it will be easy to play there for 40 minutes. Perhaps - immediately raise op. Perhaps - today he will play, and tomorrow he will raise an op. Unpredictable!

Therefore, if you are going to spend an impressive amount on the arena, be prepared for different options child's behavior.

And what is the harm of the arena?

Baby care experts believe that crawling is the best development for a toddler under a year old. It is natural for a child to learn the world, explore the space. And if we limit it in this, we slow down its development.

Of course, it matters how long your child sits in the arena. Ten minutes a day will not give any negative consequences. But still, it is important to use the arena only in extreme cases, when without it it does not work at all.

Active children, in whom the instinct of exploration is very strong, will not suffer because of the playpen. Just because they won't let you keep them in a cage like that.

And if your child is calm enough, be careful with such devices. Passive children who start crawling late, move little, like to sit in one place - they need to be stimulated, interested in exploring space. And do not limit. For them, on the contrary, it is necessary to scatter something interesting on the floor so that they move more.

Alternative to arena

Can be used in place of an arena in many cases. If you need to take a break or clean up for a while, you can just as well put the baby in a crib. There is only one minus - the bed cannot be constantly moved, you cannot put it in the kitchen.

But if you are competent in your house, hang blockers on cabinets, stick “soft corners”, remove all fragile things somewhere far away – you don’t need a replacement playpen at all. Let the child crawl freely around the apartment. What could be better?


Yes, there are situations in which the arena can be very convenient. And there are children who do not resist games in the arena. This invention is not useful for the baby, but it can help out a young mother.

However, no one will tell you how your baby will react to the arena. It is very difficult to predict whether you will use this purchase.

This thing is not something necessary and irreplaceable. Most families do not need a playpen at all. However, you may have your own circumstances. You may not be able to secure the space in the kitchen in any way. Or you have a renovation in your apartment, the house is not suitable for crawling.

In such extreme circumstances, it is better to try to use the arena. In other cases, it is better to buy something for child development and not to restrict his freedom.

Review of the mother, who came in handy playpen:

“Oh, how convenient it would be - put the child in some device, he would play there, have fun, and at that time I washed the dishes, and lay down in the bathroom, and talked to my friend”.

And it turned out that such devices have been around for a long time - playpens! Will the baby be there? Like it? Isn't it harmful?

In fact, the child does not need playpens. They need parents. So are pacifiers, diapers, slings and walkers. To make your decree easier - find time for household and personal affairs, get less tired and enjoy life. On the other hand, think about whether newfangled things are really needed. Will they do harm?

The arena can help out a lot, and stand idle, collect dust. The child may not want to stay in it, feeling uncomfortable there. His activity is high and the whole apartment is needed for research, and not a small shred of it! However, if your kid likes to look at books, shift toys, the playpen will become a place for him to play, which is also safe.


Whatever you say, it's convenient. The child is busy, which means there is some free time.

So that the playpen is associated only with positive emotions - put him there when he is as calm as possible, full, set to play . If the baby is naughty, and you put him there to calm down, the arena will become a place of "punishment", and it is unlikely that he will play there calmly another time.

The time spent in the arena is a maximum of half an hour . As soon as the baby gets tired of being with himself and requires attention, pull him out and take him to other things.

The arena should not be bright - the child will either get overexcited, or quickly get tired and begin to act up.

Place the playpen so that you (dad, grandmother, nanny) are in sight . Even if he is very carried away, he will look around - and if his mother is nearby. Near? Everything is fine. And you can go about your business without sitting near the arena - everyone will be fine. If you sit the child down and leave (for a long time) - there will be no pleasant associations with him. Therefore, determine the place in that room (in the kitchen) where you need it most.


There are opinions that using the arena is a whim. It is harmful to the development of the child and creates a psychological barrier.

A child needs a large area to learn to crawl. In the arena, the baby will be able to sit, get up, walk, adhering. But doctors recommend not to lose sight of the process of crawling, as it is very important. The arenas do not provide this possibility, with the exception of large arenas, which are half the size of a room. It is especially not recommended to put children in the playpen who have hip dysplasia or any other types of disorders in the musculoskeletal system. Getting up early and walking is a load on the spine and legs.

And pediatricians do not advise even healthy children to stay in the arena for a long time.

But, no one says that the child should be placed in the arena for 24 hours a day. Let it be only 15 minutes, but a very important 15 minutes when mom has time to iron dad's shirts. Reduce the intervals of stay in the arena, let the child spend most of the time outside of it.

The same applies to psychological barriers. This fear is greatly exaggerated. After all, the stroller is a barrier, and the crib is a barrier, but they cling to the arena.

If the child is categorically against being left in the arena, do not put him there. If the baby calmly plays in it, showing that he is comfortable, no psychological trauma is created for him.

Another argument against is that you can do without it.

That's right. Many families do this by adjusting to household chores in other ways.

Always watch the child's reaction. Yes, the playpen can be very useful to your friend, and she will praise him and convince him that the thing is irreplaceable. And your baby won't stay in it even for a second. Don't get upset, just look for another way out of the situation. There are no definitive advices in its acquisition. Consider all the pros and cons, do not panic and always look for the golden mean!

Did you use the playpen? Useful? What are your impressions?

Most parents have a delusion that the playpen is a completely useless and even unnecessary thing. But it's not. Let's see why arenas have earned such a reputation. Why are playpens needed, how and when to use it for a baby, what to look for when choosing? Experts will help us with this.

First of all, the arena is an indispensable means of safety both at home and at a party or in nature. Using the playpen, the mother can not worry about the child when she takes a shower or, for example, is busy in the kitchen. Parents visiting friends or relatives can be sure that their child is protected from injuries, burns, cuts, electric shocks, the risk of swallowing something inappropriate. He will not catch an intestinal disease (not all friends or relatives will agree to disinfect floors and other surfaces before your arrival). Manezh is your reliable assistant in such difficult parental work.

So your child has grown up. He already knows how to sit, stand up or crawl. And you thought about purchasing an arena. Unfortunately, YOU are LATE with the purchase. In order for the baby not to perceive the playpen as an encroachment on his freedom and limitation of research, it is necessary to buy the playpen almost immediately after birth and gradually accustom the baby to it. Your baby should be aware that the playpen is an integral part of his life, and that cute "piece of the house" where he is comfortable and interested in spending time.

It is necessary to start accustoming the child to the arena before the child can sit down on his own. Put the baby in the playpen for just a few minutes and leave alone. At the same time, toys must be in the arena, which he can only find here and nowhere else. Do not give your baby toys from the stroller playpen or other place. After 5 minutes, transfer the baby back to the crib. Do not leave your newborn in the playpen for a long time. Gradually, the baby will understand that he spends certain periods of time in the arena, that his mother has not forgotten about him and will definitely return.

Very carefully increase the interval the child is in the playpen. Your little man should feel that his mother did not abandon or punish him, but left in order not to interfere with his play with his "exclusive" toys intended only for the playpen. For example, in some playpens models, additional play mattresses with a special set of games for your baby are provided. This will only increase interest in the playpen and attract the child with unusual content. And mom (or dad) will definitely return as soon as he has played enough.

Your child will not perceive the playpen as a punishment or a "jail" to get out of as soon as you start putting him in the playpen as early as possible. You will avoid tantrums and scandals, keep a calm emotional atmosphere at home when using the arena in the future for a grown child.

Do not forget that babies are very impressionable. They quickly rejoice at something new, then they also quickly get tired of it. Playing in the arena will help the baby to get additional impressions. He will get tired physically faster and, accordingly, fall asleep faster and more soundly.

Never use a playpen instead of a crib and vice versa. The child must be clearly aware that the bed is a place to sleep, the stroller is a place to walk, and the playpen is a place to play. If the child starts playing in the bed, then she will cease to be associated with him as a place to sleep. Or if you regularly allow your baby to fall asleep and wake up in the playpen, he will no longer perceive the playpen as his favorite place to play. Ultimately, this will lead to the fact that it will be very difficult for you to put your baby to sleep when the time will come recreation.

As for the amount of time that your baby should be in the arena, there is no clear regulation. This question is purely individual and depends on the temperament of your child, his character. Some especially active kids can withstand only 15 minutes, and calm children can play in the arena for an hour. But even these minimum 15 minutes will help mom a lot, free up her time for personal and household chores. In this case, the mother will be sure that her child is safe. There is another plus. When the child gets used to the playpen, even if for a short period of time, then you can safely put him in the playpen several times a day - for example, before and after a nap. And never leave the child in the arena against his will: if he asks his mother to hold him, then you can’t force him to be in the arena by force.

Formally, playpens can be used until your child reaches a weight of 14 kg. But if you find that the baby is already trying to get out of the arena on his own, then you should immediately stop using it.

How to choose the right arena

In order to choose an arena that meets all the criteria of quality and safety, as well as suits your personal requirements, you need to understand the main types and forms of arenas.

There are two types of playpens: simple playpens and playpens-beds. You can use the crib function only for the first 3-4 months after the birth of the baby. For example, in the country and at a party: you don’t need to look for a separate place for your child to sleep, you can simply transform the playpen into a bed.

There are playpens different forms, but most best option- These are rectangular models that take up less space than round or polygonal ones. Rectangular arenas are compactly folded into a bag-case, they are convenient to store and transport.

It is advisable to choose an arena with legs to provide protection from drafts. If the bottom of the playpen is at a level of 10-15 cm from the floor, you will protect the child from.

Structural stability is also of great importance. All playpens are equipped with additional metal legs in the middle, in addition to the traditional four at the edges, which prevents tipping. Even if the child stands on the edge of the playpen, his weight will be evenly distributed and the playpen will not tip over.

It should be noted that all the playpens do not have sharp corners, are well fixed, and the latches and metal parts are hidden from the child by special plugs or casings, which provides additional safety.

Folding playpens and playpens-beds are the best solution for parents who often travel with the baby, visit relatives, friends, like to spend time in the country or simply do not want to give up picnic trips.

In addition to folding, there are also wooden arenas. They can be installed permanently in the children's room or living room. These arenas have some disadvantages. First, the child may hit a rigid structure. Secondly, if the distance between the slats is not chosen accurately, the baby’s handle or leg may get stuck between them. Thirdly, there is a risk of getting a splinter if the quality of the wood or its processing leaves much to be desired. In addition, the hygienic treatment of a wooden arena will take you much more time and effort than cleaning a folding arena from dirt. Therefore, in addition to functions, stability and shape, it is worth paying attention to the hygiene of all materials that are used in the manufacture of the arena.

All playpens are easy to use. You will not spend a lot of time and physical effort to expand or fold the arena. Specialists in any store will show you how to do it in 5 minutes.

Be careful when choosing a playpen and remember that everything that surrounds your baby must be safe!

Comment on the article "Why the arena is necessary"

I will definitely buy a mobile playpen, as I travel abroad, to the mountains, to the country, where there is simply nowhere to put the baby separately for the night. The child is 5 months old, crawls well, sits and stands on his legs. It is very scary to leave a child to play on the bed, and it is unacceptable to spread it “anywhere” on the floor (after all, not at home). I will use the travel arena for sleeping and playing, and upon arrival home, I will put it in a distant drawer until the next trip.

07/01/2016 18:32:49, samijLu46ijMam

Of course, a playpen is needed! And TV too! And a computer! And the most best child It is the one that cannot be seen or heard. So it is necessary to teach the child to study on his own and not to bother his mother !!! First - let him lie in the crib, then - sit in the arena, then - in front of the TV, and grow up - he will press the computer buttons himself.
Yes, you need to feed with a mixture and wrap up warmer !!!

01/23/2009 19:22:11, Echidna

our massage therapist says that children (for unknown reasons) develop better when playing on the floor: they grow up nimble, not shy. so for a week now I have been laying a blanket, oilcloth and diapers (in layers) on the floor for my daughter, and she plays there. It's only uncomfortable that it prevents me from walking back and forth.

17.07.2008 14:54:30,

Total 19 messages .

More on the topic "Why the arena is necessary":

Charitable Foundation "Volunteers to help orphans" invites you to visit the Manege on November 29. On this day, every mother will be able to relax and take care of herself, while it is not at all necessary to leave the child at home. A beauty salon and a lecture hall will operate in the Central Manezh, while the children will be busy with creative master classes and games. You can get a manicure and visit a makeup artist, get an image consultation and update your wardrobe, take part in culinary master classes, try your luck in the lottery and...

The playpen is a convenient and comfortable device where a growing baby can play and stay even without adult supervision. Here he will master the new space, train to sit down, roll over and crawl. And with the help of special ring handles, which some models are equipped with, the baby will be able to get up and take the first steps on his own.

However, not every parent is convinced of the need for this device. In the article we will figure out whether a playpen is needed for a child. Consider the rules for choosing products and a rating that includes the best playpens for children.

Why do you need an arena

The playpen will become an assistant for a mother who is alone with her baby in the house all day. While the child is inside playground she can go about her business in peace. A baby up to a year old will not be able to get out or climb over the sides or partitions of the device. It will be in a fenced safe area.

In the arena, you can create a comfortable area for the baby, where he will be busy with toys. The child will have his own corner, which can be organized even in small apartments. The playpen will delimit the space and become a place for games, while the crib will be designed exclusively for sleeping.

In the arena it is convenient to learn to get up, stand and walk along the side. At the same time, the walls of the products, as a rule, are solid, so the baby will not stick the handle or leg through the bars. And due to the softness of the product, falling, the child will not hit. With the help of playpens for children, you can develop perseverance, imagination, fine motor skills and independence.

With the help of a screen design, they enclose the necessary part in the room. At the same time, it includes several high sections, where one opens. A lock is installed on the gate section so that the child cannot open the playpen and get out. This design is suitable for older kids. Here you need to buy a mattress or play mat. Sometimes these items are already included.

In addition, arenas are distinguished by shape. The most practical are rectangular and square views, since they take up less space than round, oval or polygonal ones. Lightweight, foldable and compact models can be easily moved from room to room, transported in a car, train or plane. Triangular views are used for installation in a corner.

According to the material of manufacture, plastic, metal, rubber and wooden models are distinguished. The tree is not quite suitable for the baby, as the design is rigid, and the baby can easily hit. If you choose the wrong gap between the bars, one day the handle or leg of the baby will get stuck there. In addition, skidding can be obtained from wood. And caring for wood products is laborious.

A suitable option would be products with a frame made of metal and plastic, as well as with fabric walls. Such models are stable and at the same time safe for the baby. Inflatable products are also safe. They are light in weight and easy to use. And inside you can even arrange a small pool. But inflatable models are not durable, for short term break down and not suitable for very young children. And now let's take a closer look at how to choose a playpen for a child.

How to choose a playpen

It is better to choose larger products so that many toys can fit inside and the baby himself can fit. Be sure to pay attention to the height of the arena. It is important that the child cannot fall out of there. In any case, the height must be over 80 centimeters.

Some models already immediately include various toys in the kit. In addition, you can buy a special play mat. This is a useful device that will help to occupy the child, develop motor skills, hearing and vision. Play mats have a positive effect on thinking, mental and emotional, physical and mental development. By the way, they produce models that have been used since birth.

The product must be stable and securely fixed to the floor, otherwise it may tip over. Choose from models with locking castors, mounts and extra feet. Some devices are produced on five legs, one of which is in the center, and some even on six and seven. The arena should not stagger!

For models with mesh or fabric walls, the mesh and fabric should not fail and sag. They must be firmly and securely fixed. The mesh should be fine so that fingers cannot get stuck inside. And choosing transparent walls, you can easily see what the baby is doing. And the child will be able to see the mother.

Cloth or oilcloth is used as a covering. The fabric is stronger, more durable and safer, which is especially important if. Such a baby will definitely want to bite the sides. However, the oilcloth washes better. Therefore, choose the sides from the fabric, and the bottom - with oilcloth.

Many products additionally have handrails, rings, for which the baby can hold on and pull himself up. Due to which he will learn to get up, stand and take steps along the sides. The kit may include various toys, a cover or bag for transporting the arena, a mattress or rug, mosquito net, music block, and so on.

Choose calm colors so that the baby is not overexcited, less tired and tense. Well, if the bottom of the product is located at a distance of about ten centimeters, this will protect the child from drafts and diseases. Pay attention to the weight and age of the child for whom the playpen is intended.

It is important that the product is as safe as possible. Therefore, choose designs without sharp corners. Metal elements must be hidden with special plugs. Don't forget about secure fasteners. Next, we offer a rating best models. Top 12 includes models that differ in design, cost and functionality.

Model Description Specifications Price
Intex My First Gym Multifunctional inflatable playpen for children older than 8 months; can be used as a small pool; soft sides and bottom are springy; safe but not strong enough Compact size and light weight; arc with toys included; soft sides and waterproof bottom

1400 rubles

Fairy Classic

A classic rectangular product, for a child older than six months and up to 3 years; frame made of metal, walls made of mesh textile, oilcloth on the bottom, upper sides made of foam and oilcloth Soft mesh nets and a circular view for the child; easy care and washing; 4 round handles for supporting the baby; develops

2200 rubles

happy baby alex Square model for children from 4 months. up to 3 years, with body weight up to 14 kg; frame made of plastic and metal; textile walls; cozy and comfortable, compact and lightweight Carry bag and mosquito net included. wheels with fixation and handles for support folds quickly and conveniently

3500 rubles

Jetem Sport

Stylish premium model; high strength and durability, original design in the form of a house-tent; spacious space makes it easy to accommodate two children at once; the eyelet on the side is securely fastened Folds up and fits in a bag; transforms into a house; large diameter - 114 cm; stable, reliable and durable; waterproof bottom

7000-9000 rubles

Cam America

Premium Playpen square shape; suitable for a large baby weighing up to 24 kg, twins or two children; frame made of plastic and metal; fabric walls; sides are upholstered with thick leatherette Strong solid bottom and stable massive support legs; spacious, quick and easy to fold; pull-up handles; heavy weight - 15 kg 11500 rubles

Bertoni Lorelli Nanny

Crib-playpen for newborns from the first days of life; suitable for children weighing up to 15 kg; stable and light, rectangular shape; plastic and metal frame, textile walls; not adjustable in height Folds up compactly additional leg in the center and castors with fixation; side hole; mattress included; cover and mosquito net

3500 rubles

happy baby martin

Playpen for active kids from birth to 3 years; for a child weighing up to 25 kg; frame made of plastic and metal; walls made of high-quality, durable textiles; rectangular shape; medium weight, but hard mattress included Soft wheels with fixation; 2 levels of height adjustment; support handles, pockets and side access; carrying bag included; easy care; compact and easy to fold

4600 rubles

Capella Sweet Time

One more playpen, expanded complete set; suitable for 0-3 years old, body weight up to 14kg; average weight of the structure; textile walls and body metal + plastic; happy stylish design, compactly folds into a special bag Large wheels with fixation; 2 levels of height adjustment and 7 stable supports; complete with mattress, cover, changing table; mosquito net; side access, musical accompaniment and vibration

4000 rubles

Hauck Dream`n Play Folding playpen for children from birth to 3 years old, weighing up to 15 kg; spacious and roomy; easy to fold and wash; walls made of transparent textiles; wooden solid bottom with oilcloth; stable, reliable and durable Minimum equipment; additional central leg; double safety locks when folding; convenient case with handles; mattress included 4500 rubles


Simple and affordable square-shaped model; for children from 4 months. and weighing up to 14 kg; durable metal frame and transparent wall on the sides; solid bottom and sides are upholstered with oilcloth; easy to clean Folds compactly and quickly; ring handles for support and soft sides, easy care, but not stable enough

1800 rubles

HAUCK Baby Park

Playpen screen for a child older than six months to three years; includes 5 partitions and one section in the form of a gate that opens in both directions; durable and strong, reliable and safe; polygonal shape, but hard and heavy The width of one section is 61 cm; weight - 13.5 kg, reliable lock for the gate section; soft mattress mat included

7000 rubles

Qiao Qiao Toys

Playpen is a screen house for games, which can also be used as a dry pool; plastic polygonal design; durable and stable Easy to disassemble and assemble; light weight - 9 kg; convenient washing; no bottom and solid opaque walls

6800 rubles

How and when to teach a child to playpen

Be prepared that the baby will not immediately begin to sit quietly and play in the arena. Many children do not like this design. Experts advise not to wait until the baby learns to sit, crawl or stand up, but to buy this product in the first months after birth.

This will gradually accustom the baby to the playpen. Then the latter will become an integral part of the baby's life. It will become its own corner in the house, where the baby is comfortable, cozy and interesting to spend time.

We begin to accustom to the arena,. Be sure to place toys inside, while they must always be here. Do not carry toys into a stroller, crib, or anywhere else. Put the baby in the playpen and leave one for five minutes, then transfer it back to the crib.

Gradually increase the amount of time your child spends in the playpen. Over time, the baby will understand that he spends some hours in the arena, while his mother does not forget about him and returns every time. At the same time, the child will appreciate that here he will be able to play with special toys that are present only in this place. It is important that the baby perceives the arena only as a place for games, and not for punishment.

As mentioned earlier, the playpen as a bed is used only when necessary. Otherwise, the baby will get used to playing in the crib and will no longer perceive it as a place to sleep. Do not force the baby to sit in the arena by force!