
Summaries of classes the world around 1 junior group. "Journey to the world of toys." Summary of GCD on familiarization with the outside world in the first junior group. Learning about the outside world

Pathology of the uterus

The child and the environment. Program and methodical recommendations. For work with children 2-7 years old Dybina Olga Vitalievna

The first junior group (from two to three years old)

Subject environment

Children are introduced to the names of objects in the immediate environment (toys, clothes, shoes, utensils, furniture, vehicles), ways of using them: functions (“They drink tea and compote from a cup”; “People take the bus to work, to visit”).

Naming objects, children are introduced to their color (red, yellow, blue, green, black, white), shape, size, they are taught to distinguish and name parts of some objects (a car has a cab, a wheel; a dress has pockets, buttons, a collar) , the material from which they are made (paper, wood, fabric).

When getting acquainted with the material, it is necessary, first of all, to ensure its active perception by children. Individual properties and qualities of the material are perceived more easily if the child tries it repeatedly (crumples, strokes, tears, etc.).

So, in the game-lesson "Teremok" children are introduced to the tree. Children stand in pairs facing each other, holding hands, and recite a poem, imitating the movements made when sawing logs with a saw (move their closed hands back and forth):

We are now sawing the log.

We saw, we saw, we saw, we saw,

One-two, one-two!

There will be firewood for the winter.

E. Blaginina

The teacher draws the attention of the children to wooden blocks (for each child), offers to touch them, knock them on the table and asks questions: what kind of wood? ( Rigid, hard, knocking, not beating.) What is made of wood? Then he invites all the children to build a common house-teremok from the blocks. In conclusion, the teacher specifies what material the children met: “What is it, a tree? What have we built? ( Wooden house.)

It is necessary to form in preschoolers the ability to distinguish familiar objects and actions in pictures and name them. For a baby, this is a serious mental task: recognizing actions in a picture is one of the manifestations of the ability to generalize. When choosing subject pictures, it is important to pay children's attention to the clarity of lines, the brightness of color, the realism and proportionality of the image; this will help them perceive objects adequately.

Showing plot pictures, conducting dramatization games (“What happened, happened”), the teacher draws the attention of children to the state and mood of the characters (feared, crying, burned his paw, consoles, regrets, etc.), helps to figure out what what is good and what is bad.

For the successful development of surrounding objects, gradualness and systematicity are required, therefore, many didactic games and exercises, with the help of which children learn to correctly name objects and their signs, are repeated repeatedly and with successive complication. Such games and exercises include the following: “Guess and name” (“Recognize and name”), “Wonderful bag” (“Wonderful box”), “Let's dress the doll for a walk”, “Let's teach the doll to undress”, “Bathing the doll” , “Let’s arrange a room for the doll (bear cub), “Who left and who came?”, “What has changed?”, “Who eats what?” and etc.

For games like “Recognize and name”, objects of the same type are first selected, for example, mittens. This allows you to simultaneously introduce children to several features: color, shape, size, material. (“And Kolya took out a mitten from a wonderful bag. Only Kolya’s mitten is red and fluffy. Which mitten? Kolya, show the children the mitten. And show Olya. And Andrey. And Sasha. Which mitten did you show?” - “Red, fluffy.”) From " Miraculous bag» children take out cups different color(white with flowers, red with white peas, green, etc.). Further, for games and exercises, they select various items(for example, a cup, saucer, mug and teapot), with which babies perform various actions: they give the doll milk from a mug, put a cup on a saucer, pour tea from a teapot into it, etc. Can be used as natural objects (dishes, mittens , hats), and toys (doll clothes, furniture, cars).

The assimilation of new words is more successful if the child has the opportunity to compare objects according to the indicated (selected) features (the paper is wrinkled - it is soft, and the wooden ball is not wrinkled - it is hard, etc.). Therefore, in the learning process, attachment, insertion of objects, that is, a visual comparison based on a specific feature, are widely used. Game techniques are also used. For example, having decided to dress a doll in a white dress, the child makes a mistake and takes another one. The doll protests: “You made a mistake, baby! The dress you hold in your hand is as green as grass. And I asked for white. White as snow. Try to find a dress as white as snow!” The memorization of material often depends on the emotional appeal, brightness, sonority of objects, etc. That is why children remember the characters that adults include in surprise moments for a long time.

V life situations children are often faced with the need to focus on the color and size or shape and material of an object at the same time. Therefore, in the classroom, they should be exercised in performing tasks that teach them to hear and understand adult appeals that are different in form and content. For example, he suggests: “Katya, give tea to a tumbler in a red dress (there is a similar doll nearby, but in a green dress). Vova, pour milk into the big blue cup for the bear (there is another big red cup). Nastya, drive a small white elephant in a car (a small gray elephant is standing nearby). Tanya, feed the bear with a small wooden spoon (there is also a small metal spoon), etc.

Effective in working with children of the third year of life and didactic exercises such as "Who is doing what?", Which are carried out using simple plot pictures. Having learned and described the depicted action, the child (on the instructions of the educator) reproduces it with the help of real objects. For example, it shows how a boy is watering flowers from a watering can, a girl is cradling a doll, a mother is washing clothes in a basin, a cook is trying soup that is being cooked in a saucepan (pictures are prepared in advance). Such exercises satisfy the child's need for improvisation, form the ability to act with toys and objects in accordance with their purpose.

With children of this age, wall paintings are examined in special classes. This contributes to the accumulation and refinement of ideas about the environment.

A special series of paintings has been developed to familiarize children with the environment. They include subject and plot pictures, as well as wall paintings. In the first junior group classes are held on the following plot pictures: “Playing with a doll”, “Children playing with cubes” (authors V. Ezikeyeva, E. Radina), “Saving the ball”, “Rolling balls” (author E. Baturina).

A child of two years old should continue to be taught to play with a doll. For these purposes, you can use the games “Let's help the doll get ready for a walk (undress after a walk)”, “Bathing the doll”, “Let's put the doll to sleep”, “Let's sing a lullaby to the doll”, “Show the doll pictures”, etc. Such games give the child the opportunity to feel yourself in the position of another, to experience his joys as your own.

Phenomena of social life

Children are interested in the phenomena of social life: family, kindergarten, home country, labor of adults. The teacher, getting to know the children, should conduct individual conversations with each child about the members of his family, about himself (“What is your name? And what is your mother affectionately calling you? Who else lives with you?” Etc.). Particular attention should be paid to the fact that the child lives in a house or apartment with close people: mom, dad, grandma, grandpa. For example, the dog Pushok comes to the child, says that he lives in a family, names his family members, then invites the child to name his family members and their names. Thus Fluff finds out with whom the child lives.

Education of emotional responsiveness to the state of loved ones is promoted by didactic games and exercises such as “How to help mom”, “How to cheer up mom”, “How to feel sorry for grandma”, “How to please dad”, etc.

Children spend a lot of time in preschool, so it is important to show them that both in the family and in kindergarten there are adults who love children and take care of them. Together with the children, it is necessary to inspect the group and its premises. It is better to start from the dressing room, then go to the group, bedroom and washroom. Effective in working with children are orientation exercises in the premises of their group and in the kindergarten area such as “Who will find their locker faster”, “Where is our washroom, bedroom?”, “Let's play with dolls in the play corner”, etc.

It is necessary to form in children a sense of sympathy for their peers, in the process of performing the exercises “Smile to Katya”, “Play with Sasha”, “Pity Kolya”, “Hug Tanya”, they should be brought to the understanding that it is impossible to fight and offend other children.

It is difficult for children of this age to imagine a city (village), a street, to remember their names, since their life is limited to a house (apartment), a kindergarten. Therefore, they are only reminded of the names of the city (village), streets.

In the first younger group, they begin to awaken interest in the work of close adults (mothers, fathers, grandparents). For example, in the lesson “Moms at home - cooks”, children are given the idea that their mother is hardworking, skillful, caring, cooks food for the whole family.

Here are some examples of games-classes.

Game-lesson "Porridge Magpie-white-sided"

Target. Introduce children to the process of making rice porridge, let them compare dry rice and rice in porridge.

Material. A pot (pan) with rice porridge. Disposable plates and spoons (according to the number of children). Dry rice, a carton of milk, butter, sugar, salt.

Preliminary work. Teacher's stories about cereals. Reading Russian folk nursery rhymes "Forty, forty", "Forty-white-sided".

Lesson progress

The teacher reads the nursery rhyme “Forty, forty” to the children, shows them a magpie (large illustration by Yu. Vasnetsov). The teacher, followed by the children, have the following conversation with the magpie:

- Magpie, magpie, did you cook the porridge?

- Welded.

- Will you treat us to porridge?

- I’ll treat you if you guess which porridge is in my pot.

- And you open the lid, we'll see the porridge.

- It is forbidden. Kashka still reproaches, gaining strength. Be patient a little and look at the table. What do you see?

Children name: milk, butter, salt, sugar.

- What's on the tray? - the teacher clarifies and invites the children to touch, mash rice in their fingers.

“Rice is white, plump, hard, tough,” the children say.

- Will you eat this rice? the teacher asks.

“We won’t, we need to cook rice,” the children answer.

“I cooked forty rice,” the teacher continues the conversation. - She poured milk into a pot, boiled it. Rice washed, then dipped in boiling milk, added a little salt and sugar. Porridge is cooked, rice grains swallow milk, get fat, swell. And I also added oil to the magpie in a pot. Porridge with butter - overeating!

The teacher shows all the listed actions to the younger subgroup of children (except for boiling). Children of the older subgroup listen to the story without showing actions.

The teacher removes the lid from the pot (pot), inhales the smell of porridge and says: “Rice porridge has boiled down, boiled down. Take spoons, plates - we will try. She gave it to Sasha, she gave it to Olya, she gave it to Kolya, and so on.” She puts porridge on plates, the children try it and confirm that the rice grains have become plump, soft, tasty; they thank the magpie for the treat, ask her to cook semolina, millet and buckwheat porridge.

Game-lesson "Moms at home - cooks"

Target. Help children understand how important the work of mothers in preparing food for the family is, what delicious dishes (food) they cook.

Material. Photos showing the mothers of the group's children at work in the kitchen. Magpie-white-sided.

Lesson progress

The teacher shows the children a white-sided magpie (toy or illustration) and reads a nursery rhyme:

The teacher asks: “Forty, forty, will you cook porridge for our children?”

- I won’t, - the magpie answers, - I flew in to find out what your mothers cook, fry, bake at home.

Children take turns approaching the teacher's table, taking a photo of their mother, telling what is captured on it. For example, the first child shows a photo and says: “This is my mother. She cooks cabbage, onion, carrot, potato soup.” “Dima's mother cooks soup from vegetables: cabbage, onions, carrots, potatoes - vegetable soup,” the teacher explains and asks: “Whose mother cooks delicious borscht?” cabbage soup? Pea soup? Wuhu? And who likes what soups? The teacher listens to the answers of the children, supplements them.

Then the teacher invites the next child to the table. He shows a photo of his mother frying potatoes. “And which of you eats fried potatoes at home? the teacher is interested. What else can you fry in a pan? ( Pancakes, cutlets.)

The teacher calls the next child to the table, who shows a photo in which he and his mother are making pies. “Did you bake delicious pies? the teacher asks. - And what were the pies with? With what filling? Which of you bake pies at home? What else can you bake? ( Buns, cheesecakes, cookies, cake, etc.)

Magpie admires the mothers of babies: “Your mothers are wonderful, they work both at work and at home. At home they cook, fry, bake. They know how to cook different and very, very tasty dishes for the whole family. Today I learned a lot from your moms. Now I will also cook various delicious meals for my children, forty."

Photographs of mother cooks are displayed on an easel, children examine them, tell what is depicted on them, to the educator and to each other.

It is necessary to draw the attention of preschoolers to the most characteristic labor operations and the result of the work of an assistant educator. “Olga Sergeevna washed the dishes - our plates, cups became clean,” says the educator, summing up the joint observation. The knowledge acquired by children is refined and consolidated in didactic games such as “Know and Name” (tools and labor actions of the mother, assistant teacher), “What are these things for?” (vacuum cleaner, broom, towel, plates, scoop; needle, thread, fabric, scissors; pan, spoon, cup, stove, etc.).

This text is an introductory piece. From the book Moral Education in Kindergarten. Program and methodical recommendations. For children 2-7 years old author Petrova Vera Ivanovna

The first junior group (from two to three years old) To contribute to the accumulation of experience in friendly relationships with peers: draw the attention of children to a child who has shown concern for a friend, expressed sympathy for him; instill confidence in the child

From the book Child Development in Preschool Childhood. Handbook for teachers of preschool institutions author Veraksa Nikolai Evgenievich

Second junior group (three to four years old) Provide conditions for moral education children. Create game situations that contribute to the formation of kindness, attentive, caring attitude towards others. Teach children to communicate calmly, without shouting.

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The first younger group (from two to three years) In many children of the third year of life it is still difficult to detect the need for communication with peers. Although they have initiative actions aimed at attracting the attention of their peers, for example, to

From the book The Child and the Environment. Program and methodical recommendations. To work with children 2-7 years old author Dybina Olga Vitalievna

Second Younger Group (Three to Four Years) Children aged 3-4 are independent enough to take care of themselves. This gives them confidence in their abilities, gives rise to the desire to do what seems interesting, attractive. Restriction of the child's independence, deprivation

From the book Game activity in kindergarten. Program and methodical recommendations. For children 3-7 years old author Gubanova Natalya Fedorovna

The first junior group (from two to three years) early age social situation development is characterized by the fact that children develop various forms activities such as play, drawing, construction, which prepares the transition to preschool

From the book Design and manual labor in kindergarten. Program and methodical recommendations. For children 2-7 years old author Kutsakova Lyudmila Viktorovna

The second younger group (from three to four years old) The social situation of development in given age characterized by the appearance of a number of new features. First of all, it must be pointed out that a child of the fourth year of life can separate the person performing the action from the person himself.

From the author's book

The younger group The program for the younger group includes two sections: the development of the phonetic-phonemic side of speech in order to prepare children for learning the sound analysis of words and the development of movements of the hands and fingers in order to prepare the hand for writing.

From the author's book

The first younger group (from two to three years old) Object environment Continue to acquaint children with objects of the immediate environment. To promote the appearance in the dictionary of children of generalizing concepts: toys, dishes, clothes, shoes, furniture. Learn to name color, shape, size

From the author's book

The second junior group (from three to four years old) Object environment Continue to acquaint children with objects of the immediate environment (toys, household items, modes of transport), their functions and purpose. Learn to determine color, size, shape, weight (light, heavy)

From the author's book

The first younger group (from two to three years old) Object environment Children are introduced to the names of objects in the immediate environment (toys, clothes, shoes, dishes, furniture, vehicles), ways of using them: functions (“Tea and compote are drunk from a cup”; “On bus

From the author's book

The second younger group (from three to four years) Subject environment In the second younger group, they continue to expand children's knowledge about household items, develop the ability to highlight their essential essential features, differentiate and group

From the author's book

The first younger group (from two to three years old) Role-playing game Satisfy the need of children for a variety of communication with adults. Introduce children to the object world, revealing the ways of using objects and their purpose. Learn to perform several actions with one

From the author's book

The second younger group (from three to four years old) Role-playing game Contribute to the emergence of games on topics from the surrounding life, based on literary works (rhymes, songs, fairy tales, poems); enriching children's play experience by combining individual

From the author's book

The second younger group (from three to four years old) Plot-role-playing game In the first younger group, in leading a holistic plot, the teacher paid special attention to the game action, through which he included the child in a joint game. At the same time, the prerequisites were laid

From the author's book

The first junior group Designing While playing with desktop and floor building materials, continue to acquaint children with the details (cube, brick, trihedral prism, plate, cylinder), with options for arranging building forms on a plane. Continue

From the author's book

The first younger group In the third year of life, children develop perception, thinking, memory and other cognitive abilities. Thinking in babies is visual-effective, objective activity is leading. Attention in babies is still involuntary. They are fast

Summary of classes with children of the first junior group

"Such Different Friends"

Educational area"Cognitive Development"

(acquaintance with the subject environment, with the social world)

Target - createdingjoyful mood from the lesson.


    Educational:Pgain knowledge about domestic and wild animals and their differences; consolidate knowledge about the concept of an animal; activate the speech of children; to consolidate the ability to answer the teacher's questions.

    Developing: to develop physical activity, thinking, perception of size.

    Educational: to educate moral qualities: goodwill, friendliness.

Integrated areas:

    Cognitive development: expand children's knowledge about domestic and wild animals and their differences.

    Speech development: activate and expand the vocabulary and speech of children on the topic "Domestic and wild animals"

    Physical development: to exercise children in the ability to do a physical exercise according to the model.

    Social and communicative development: to form a desire to communicate with peers.

Activities: communicative, cognitive-research, game, motor.

Conduct form : subgroup.

Methods and techniques:

    Practical: execution finger gymnastics, physical culture pause.

    Visual: look at illustrations.

    Verbal: answers to questions, repetition according to the model of the educator.

Preliminary work: learning finger gymnastics, physical culture pause.

Materials and equipment: pictures with illustrations, bumps, bear and kitten toys, friendship icons.

Lesson progress:

- Guys, look who came to our group? Guests? We must say hello to our guests!

D- Hello.

Come into the group, sit on the chairs.

Guys, can you hear someone knocking? Where does this sound come from? I think it's from a locker. Let's see who's hiding there. Guys, who is this?

D- A kitten and a bear cub.

We need to say hello to them!

D- Hello.

The children, along with the teacher, enter the group.

Children sit on chairs.

The teacher knocks on the locker, then takes out the toys of the kitten and the bear cub from the locker.

Main part

The teacher speaks on behalf of the kitten:

I wasn't tired at all, I slept through the night. The teacher turns to the teddy bear:

And you, little darling, why are you sighing so heavily?

I'm tired of walking through the woods all night.

Guys, look how different the kitten and the teddy bear are, but despite this, they are friends. Who's to say how they differ?

Children's answers.

A kitten is a pet, lives at home with people. The bear cub is a wild animal and lives in the forest.

Guys, let's repeat, where does the kitten live? Where does the bear cub live?

Educator on behalf of a kitten:

Well done boys! You all correctly understood how smart and good you are. And now I want to play with you.

Shall we play with the kitten?

Children's answers.

finger game"Kittens"

All the kittens washed their paws, Like this, like this!(rubbing hands together)

They washed their ears, washed their bellies: Like this, like this!(rubbing your ears, then your stomach with your palms)

And then they got tired, Like this, like this!(put palms on face and rub eyes with fists)

We fell asleep sweetly, Like this, like this!(put your palms together, tilt your head to the side, putting it in your palms)

Well done boys! Or maybe the teddy bear wants to play with us?

The educator on behalf of the teddy bear:

Of course I want! Get on your feet.

Physical pause "Bear clubfoot"

The clumsy bear walks through the forest.

(They walk in place, waddling from foot to foot)

collects cones,(collect cones)

Sings songs.

Suddenly a bump fell - Right on the bear's forehead!(Slap hand on forehead)

The bear got angry and kicked the top.

(Stomp foot.)

Oh, the bears are tired, we need to sit down, let's rest a little bear-bear.

(children sit on chairs)

The children were walking in the forest(clap on knees)

The children collected cones(took cones in each hand)

(twist cones in front of you)

That's how the bumps knock, all the guys are amused(knock bumps on each other)

These are the cones We will give the bear!(twist cones in front of you)

We will show the bumps to the bear(hold out to the bear)

And then hide behind the back(we hide the cones behind the back)

Look - ka bear(shake shoulders)

Where are our bumps(bear is looking)

And here they are!(children show bumps)

Admire the bear, that's what bumps! (twist cones in front of you)

We put the cones in a bag.

The teacher puts the kitten toy on his lap and shows that the kitten is washing himself. And he puts the teddy bear's toy next to him on a chair and shows that the teddy bear is very tired.

The teacher shows illustrations where the kitten is depicted in the house, and the bear cub is in the forest.

The teacher, together with the children, performs a finger gymnast.

Children, together with the teacher, perform a physical pause.

Final part

Oh, how well we played with the teddy bear! Thank you,MThumbs up for such interesting games.

And what are you going to do kitten Timka?

Educator on behalf of a kitten:

I will rest on the sofa.

What are you going to doMetwo cubs?

The educator on behalf of the teddy bear:

I will go for a walk in the forest.

The guys, the teddy bear and the kitten want to thank you for playing so well with them and want to give you friendship badges. To always be friendly and good.

Guys, what should I say?

D-Thank you!

Let's say goodbye to our new friends.


And now guys, we need to say goodbye to the guests.


The teacher attaches badges to the children.

Acquaintance with others in the first junior group.

Program content:

Continue familiarity with vegetables;

Learn to recognize vegetables appearance, use the generalizing word "vegetables";

Enrich the dictionary with adjectives that characterize the qualities of objects;

Activate children's ideas about where the animals they know live (in the forest, with a person);

Develop memory, thinking, attention;

Material: vegetables, basket, animal cubes, bag. Characters: bear, fox, kolobok, small koloboks for a surprise moment.

The course of classes: - Guys, now someone will come to visit us. He has already arrived.

Bear: - Hello, guys?

Hello bear.

Bear: - Guys, I did not come to you empty-handed. Here's the bag he brought, found in the forest.

Bear, why is it so heavy in your bag?

Bear: - And there are vegetables, but I completely forgot what they are called.

Mishka: - Guys, please help me remember their names.

Guys, help Mishka?

That's what a heavy bag Mishka has.

I wonder what vegetables are in the bag.

Guys, what is this? (tomato, carrot, cucumber).

What colour is he? (red, orange, green).

Tomato, what? (round, long, long).

Guys, how can all this be summed up in one word?

Right on the table are vegetables.

Guys vegetables want to play hide and seek with us. Look at them and remember what is where.

And so close your eyes. Opened.

What vegetable, hid? (tomato, carrot, cabbage, potato, beet, etc.).

Honey, do you remember everything? Now let's check.

Let's play the yes or no game.

Is that a tomato? (no cucumber).

Is it fruit? (no vegetables) and. etc.

And now we will collect the vegetables in the basket one at a time.

Well done, Mishka, you remember everything well. Guys and you guys taught Mishka.

Fitness minute.

Guys, there's something else in the bag.

What is it guys? (dice)

- Animals are hidden in each cube.

Nail find a red cube and look for who is hiding in the red cube? (Bunny)

Where does the bunny live? (in the forest)

Is she right in the woods?

Do you know a poem about a bunny? Read.

Oh, how badly his mistress did. He must have been quite cold in the rain.

Show how the wet bunny sat in the rain.

And now let's jump like bunnies, and everyone will be in a good mood.

And who is hiding in the green cube? (bear).

Where does the bear live? (in the forest).

Do you know the poem about the bear? Read.

You will not offend the bear? (we will not).

who hid in blue cube? (cow).

Where does the cow live? (at home, next to us).

What does the cow give us? (milk).

Do you know the poem about her cub? About the bull?

Well done!

And who hid in the yellow cube? (Horse).

Where does the horse live? (at home).

Click like a horse.

Tell a poem about her.

Cow and horse are pets. They live next to humans. Our fathers, mothers, grandfathers and grandmothers take care of them. They feed them, build houses for them. A bear and a bunny are wild animals. They live in the forest. No one feeds them, they find their own food.

Thank you honey for such a wonderful gift.

Guys, who is that rolling down the path?


From whom did the bun run away? (from a hare, from a wolf, from a bear).

Who couldn't get away from? (from the fox).

In a fairy tale, the fox caught him and ate him. And we will not give this bun to the fox.

Bear: Guys, a cunning fox is walking somewhere close.

Let's hide it from the fox under a handkerchief on the forest lawn. And we ourselves will turn into funny bunnies.

1,2,3, turn children into funny bunnies! And let's play a game "On the Forest Lawn"

Bunnies ran across the forest lawn.

The bunnies sat in a circle, digging a root with their paws.

Here are some bunnies, runaway bunnies!

Here is a fox running - a red-haired sister.

Looking for where the bun is

Looking for where the rosy side

The fox did not find our kolobok and ran away into the forest. And we will return this bun to grandpa and grandma.

And for the fact that you returned their kolobok to them, they baked many small koloboks for you.

Explanatory note

Work on cognitive development children 2-3 years old is built in accordance with their age psychological features, adequate forms, means, methods and techniques of interaction with kids are selected. Introduction to the objective world involves the formation of ideas about the subject, and in familiarizing children with the phenomena of social life, the core theme is the life and work of children. At the heart of familiarizing children with nature is helping the child to realize himself as an active subject of nature. The implementation of program tasks is carried out in the process of both everyday communication with children and in the process of educational activities.

This program is compiled taking into account the main educational program preschool education PEI, for implementation during 2017 - 2018 school year and is aimed at familiarization with the subject environment, familiarization with the social world and the natural world of children 2-3 years old.

Directly educational activities in the first junior group in the section "familiarization with the outside world" is held once a week, lasting up to 10 minutes, with a subgroup of children. The adaptation period of September and October is excluded. Total 28 in year.

Realized directions

  1. Acquaintance with the subject environment
  2. Introduction to the natural world

Main goals and objectives of the program

- form ideas about the simplest connections between objects of the immediate environment;

Continue to acquaint children with the names of objects in the immediate environment: toys, dishes, clothes, shoes, furniture. Encourage children to name the color, size of objects, the material from which they are made (paper, wood, fabric, clay); compare familiar objects different hats, mittens, shoes, etc.), select objects by identity, find the same one, pick up a pair), group them according to the method of use (drink from a cup, etc.).

Uncover a variety of ways to use items

Exercise in establishing similarities and differences between objects that have the same name (same blades; red ball - blue ball; big cube - small cube). Encourage children to name the properties of objects: large, small, soft, fluffy, etc.) Contribute to the appearance in the dictionary of children of general concepts (toys, dishes, clothes, shoes, furniture, etc.). Familiarize yourself with the vehicles of the immediate environment.

Introduction to the natural world

To teach to recognize in nature, in pictures, in toys domestic animals (cat, dog, cow, chicken, etc.) and their cubs and name them; recognize some wild animals in pictures (bear, hare, fox, etc., name them.

To acquaint children with accessible natural phenomena.

Watch for birds and insects on the site (butterfly and ladybug)

Teach children to feed the birds.

Learn to distinguish vegetables (tomato, cucumber, carrot) and fruits (apple, pear, etc.) by their appearance.

Help children see the beauty of nature different time of the year.

Cultivate respect for plants and animals. Learn the basics of interaction with nature (examine plants and animals without harming them; dress according to the weather).

To promote the development of responsible respect for nature; develop a sense of responsibility for their actions in relation to representatives of wildlife.

Introduction to the social world

To form elementary ideas about the growth and development of the child.

Strengthen the ability to say your name. Develop the ability to name family members. Develop ideas about the positive aspects of the kindergarten, its commonality with home (warmth, comfort, love, etc.) and differences from the home environment (more friends, toys, independence, etc.). To develop the ability to navigate in the room of the group, on the site.

Remind children of the name of the city (village) in which they live.

Forms of work

Group form of organization of training (individual-collective). The group is divided into subgroups.

  • viewing, observing
  • demonstration of visual aids
  • game-experimentation
  • research activities
  • construction
  • educational game
  • excursion, situational conversation, story, integrative activity, conversation, imaginary problem situation.

. Features of the development of children of the target group

In the development of mental functions of children 2-3 years old, perception dominates. Children of this age are maximally connected with the current situation, all their behavior is impulsive.

Thinking in children 2-3 years old is visually effective. Children of this age develop intellectually under the condition of visibility of objective activity. In interaction with adults, children learn ways to act with a variety of objects.By about 2 years of age, children begin the primary form of self-awareness. A sign of this self-consciousness is the recognition of oneself in the mirror. Further, the children call themselves by name, and closer to three years, the pronoun “I” appears.By age three years in children, objective activity has already been formed, at least in relation to those household items that children of this age use.Most children at the age of 2-3 years begin to move from the absolute performance of an action to its symbolic image. Children 2-3 years old begin to use the functional purpose of the object to their ideas and design of the game with a focus on it. physical properties and quality.Children 2-3 years old have developed sensations, perception, attention, memory, thinking (effective, practical), elements of the imagination, which are developed through objective activity.

Planned results of the development of the program.

Can form a group of homogeneous objects.Distinguishes between one and many objects.

Distinguishes between large and small objects, names their size. Distinguishes and names objects of the immediate environment. Names the names of his family members and caregivers.

Recognizes and names some domestic and wild animals, their cubs. Distinguishes some vegetables, fruits (1-2 species). Distinguishes some trees of the nearest environment (1-2 species). Has elementary ideas about natural seasonal phenomena

Assessment of the individual development of the childheld twice a year (October, April)

according to the method of Korotkov N.A., Nezhnov P.G. "Tracking the development of a child - a preschooler in the educational process."


Acquaintance with the subject world

Introduction to the natural world

Introduction to the social world


Perspective calendar - thematic planning


A week


Program content


"Friendly family"

To acquaint children with the concept of "family"; develop communication skills; general motor skills; nurture interest in the game-staging.

Game "Find and name"

To acquaint children with objects of the immediate environment - toys; learn to answer questions, describe the toy and actions with it, compare and distinguish between plastic, rubber, fabric toys by touch; develop speech; tactile sensations; enrich vocabulary on the topic.

Game "Find bowls for the cat and kitten"

Introduce children to pets: a cat and a kitten, learn to answer questions, pronounce onomatopoeia, compare objects according to several criteria (size, color)

Fairy tale dramatization

K. Chukovsky "Chicken"

Exercise children to listen to a fairy tale in a staged version; to acquaint with poultry, with the appearance of a rooster, its habits; continue to reinforce the concept of "family"; cultivate interest in fairy tales.


"Forest dwellers"

Clarify ideas about winter, its signs; learn to mark weather conditions, distinguish between seasonal clothes (winter), help memorize the sequence of dressing for a walk; develop attention, speech, general motor skills

The game "What are


Exercise to distinguish between the number of objects (one-many); learn to listen carefully and observe; to form the ability of children to dialogic speech; learn to answer questions with a word and sentences consisting of 3-4 words; exercise in onomatopoeia to the voices of birds, enrich and activate the vocabulary on the topic; to cultivate a caring attitude towards birds in winter.


Let's warmly dress the doll

Exercise to consider the plot picture, answer questions on the image, reproduce specific actions with movements. accompanying them with speech; develop auditory perception, correlation skills visual image with auditory; activate the dictionary on the topic "Winter".

Clothes for dolls. Game "Guess by description"

Introduce the concept of "clothes"; items of clothing; teach the sequence of dressing for a walk, develop attention, perception, speech, general motor skills; cultivate a neat attitude to clothes and a desire to put things away; enrich the dictionary with the names of items of clothing and footwear, definitions.


Soon New Year's


Refine and enrich ideas about the upcoming event - new year holiday; learn to consider objects (Christmas tree, Christmas decorations) and answer questions during examination, develop attention, speech, fine and general motor skills, perception, activate vocabulary on the topic "New Year's holiday".

"Find a Christmas tree for every snowman"

Exercise when observing to highlight the most striking characteristic features; to form the ability of children to dialogic speech;


Practice listening and observing carefully; to form the ability to dialogic speech; activate the dictionary on the topic; learn to compare objects, select and arrange them by size, understand the words "big", "small".

"Winter fun"

Clarify ideas about winter games, learn to consider the plot picture, answer questions on the image,


The game "What do they do


To give an idea of ​​wintering birds, learn to watch birds, compare them, develop attention, speech, memory, cultivate love for living beings and a desire to help (feed) them.

Examination of the painting "Birdyard"

To acquaint children with the names of poultry; exercise in onomatopoeia of the voices of poultry; enrich and activate the vocabulary on the topic; cultivate a caring attitude towards animals.

Examination of cars, buses, trams (toys)

Exercise to distinguish in appearance and name trucks and cars, buses, trams, as well as their main parts: cab, steering wheel, body, wheels, windows.

Compilation of the story "The driver is driving a truck"

To give children an idea of ​​the profession of a driver, to develop vocabulary, horizons, to learn to group words into simple sentences, to name the color and size of objects, to promote the development of speech as a means of communication.


"Mother's day"

Give an idea about the holiday, cultivate a desire to help mom.

"Mom's Helpers"

To give an idea that the mother takes care of her family; give an idea of ​​the helper items (broom, dustpan, mop, bucket, basin) and their purpose; learn to group objects according to the way they are used. Raise the desire to help mom.

"Matryoshkas away"

To acquaint children with objects of the immediate environment - toys; learn to answer questions, describe the toy and actions with it, compare and distinguish between plastic, rubber, fabric toys by touch; develop speech; tactile sensations; enrich vocabulary on the topic.

"Urban Professions"

To create conditions for listening and observing carefully, to form the ability of children to dialogic speech, to enrich and activate the vocabulary on the topic.


“Who needs what?” (cook, doctor, driver)

To acquaint children with the work of adults; exercise in the name of objects and their qualities, the correlation of labor with the profession; to activate in the speech of children the names of tools and professions (cook, doctor, driver); develop auditory perception; group objects according to the way of use, select objects by identity.

"Signs of Spring". We dress the doll for a walk.

Learn to distinguish and name the signs of the seasons (spring, it’s warm outside, the snow has melted, the sun is shining brightly, etc.), changes in people’s clothes, select objects for their intended purpose, name colors, expand vocabulary.

"Forest Animals in Spring"

Clarify children's ideas about who eats what (birds, hares, mice). Learn to distinguish between adult animals and their cubs, compare in size (large - small; long - short). Activate the dictionary on the topic. Promote the development of imagination)

"Birds in Spring"

Identify and systematize children's knowledge of birds, expand vocabulary, auditory attention, horizons, promote the development of speech as a means of communication ..



Exercise to observe insects on the site, acquaint with the behavior of insects and birds in the summer; Expand words knowledge. Cultivate respect for nature, promote the development of speech as a means of communication

"Bugs and Spiders"

Practice listening and observing carefully. Cultivate respect for nature, promote the development of speech as a means of communication

"Summer Ahead"

To form elementary ideas about summer, seasonal changes in nature, people's clothes.

"Summer Plants"

Exercise children to compare plants, expand knowledge about berries and fruits. Expand knowledge about plants in the kindergarten (tree, bush, grass), consolidate concepts (high-low, thick-thin, a lot).


1. Dybina O.V. The Objective World as a Means of Forming Creativity in Children, 2002.

2. Kozlova S. A. My world: introducing the child to the social world, 2000.

3. Main educational program preschool education / Ed. NOT.

Veraksy, T.S. Komarova, M.A. Vasilyeva. - 3rd ed., M .: corrected. and additional - M .: MOZAYKA

SYNTHESIS, 2016.-328s.

4. Pomoraeva I.A., V.A. Pozina Toolkit"classes on the formation

Elementary mathematical representations. – 2008

Current page: 1 (total book has 6 pages) [accessible reading passage: 2 pages]


100% +

Olga Dybina

Classes on familiarization with the outside world in the second junior group of kindergarten

Lesson notes

Library "Programs of education and training in kindergarten" under the general editorship of M. A. Vasilyeva, V.V. Gerbovoy, T.S. Komarova


This manual will help teachers to successfully organize work to familiarize children of the second younger group with the outside world (objective environment and phenomena of the surrounding life).

The manual includes classes, games, activities, didactic games for children 3-4 years old.

In order to make it easier for teachers to plan work to familiarize children with the outside world, we present the content of the work by topic. For the disclosure of each topic, an approximate course of the lesson, game-lesson or game is proposed. This gives teachers the opportunity to be creative when planning classes, to include variable game, problem situations. It is desirable to complete the study of each topic with a final task, which can be used as puzzles, riddles, guessing drawings, etc. game tasks presented in the manual by O.V. Dybina "I know the world": Workbook for children 3-4 years old. - M .: TC Sphere, 2005.

Teachers should pay special attention to the fact that when introducing children to the outside world, it is impossible:

To be limited only to a monologue-story about objects, phenomena of reality - it is necessary to include as many actions as possible in classes (sit on a chair, sofa, put on clothes and walk around in it, invite your mother, treat your grandmother, etc.);

Overload children with a lot of questions;

Use in the work only the form of cognitive classes.

Work to familiarize 3–4 year old children with the outside world must be built in accordance with their age-related psychological characteristics, choosing adequate forms, means, methods and techniques of interaction with babies and striving to make this process more accessible and effective.

The manual presents additional material- options for games, activities, exercises that can be used in working with children outside of class, on a walk.

To familiarize the children of the second youngest age group with the outside world (objective environment and phenomena of the surrounding world) 3 lessons per month are assigned.

The pedagogical team of preschool educational institution No. 179 "Snowdrop" of the city of Tolyatti, the head - Palenova Nadezhda Petrovna, the methodologist - Kuznetsova Natalya Grigoryevna, participated in the development and testing of classes on familiarization with the work of adults.

Distribution of material for the academic year


Lesson 1

Theme "Transport"

Software content. To teach children to identify and distinguish between transport, modes of transport, main features (color, shape, size, structure, functions, etc.)

Lesson 2

(subsection "Subject environment")

Theme "Furniture"

Software content.

Lesson 3

Theme "Dad, Mom, I am a family"

Software content.

Lesson 4

(subsection "Subject environment")

Theme "Clothes"

Software content.

Lesson 5

(subsection "Subject environment")

Theme "Wonderful Pouch"

Software content. To give children the concept that some objects are made by human hands, other objects are created by nature.

Lesson 6

(subsection "Phenomena of life around")

Topic "Who lives in the house?"

Software content. To teach children to remember the names of comrades, to pay attention to their character traits, behavioral features.

Lesson 7

(subsection "Subject environment")

Theme "Help Dunno"

Software content. Encourage children to identify, distinguish and describe objects of the natural and man-made world.

Lesson 8

(subsection "Subject environment")

Theme "Teremok"

Software content. To acquaint children with the properties of wood, with the structure of its surface.

Lesson 9

(subsection "Phenomena of life around")

Theme "Barbara-beauty, long braid"

Software content. To acquaint children with the work of a mother, to give an idea that a mother takes care of her family, her beloved child. Build respect for your mother.

Lesson 10

(subsection "Subject environment")

Theme "Find objects of the man-made world" Program content. Encourage children to identify, distinguish and describe objects in the natural world and the man-made world.

Lesson 11

(subsection "Phenomena of life around")

Theme "It's good in our kindergarten"

Software content. Teaching children to navigate in some rooms preschool. To cultivate a benevolent attitude, respect for the employees of a preschool institution.

Lesson 12

(subsection "Phenomena of life around")

Theme "Our bunny got sick"

Software content. To give children an idea that a mother takes care of her family, her beloved child; Mom knows how to inspect the throat, skin, put a thermometer, measure the temperature, put mustard plasters. Build respect for your mother.

Lesson 13

(subsection "Subject environment")

Theme "Wooden block"

Software content. Continue to introduce children to some of the properties of the tree; learn to highlight the signs of a tree.

Lesson 14

(subsection "Phenomena of life around")

Room Adventure Theme

Software content. Continue to acquaint children with the work of mothers at home (cleaning, washing dishes, cleaning carpets, rugs, caring for indoor plants, dusting, washing and ironing clothes). To form respect for the mother, the desire to help her with housework.

Lesson 15

(subsection "Subject environment")

Theme "Radio"

Software content. Encourage children to compose stories about an object based on an algorithm (conditional symbols: material, purpose, components, belonging to the natural or man-made world), determine a generalizing word for a group of objects.

Lesson 16

(subsection "Subject environment")

Funny Drawing Theme

Software content. To acquaint children with the properties of paper, with the structure of its surface.

Lesson 17

(subsection "Phenomena of life around")

Theme "My Hometown"

Software content. Teach children to name their hometown (village). Give basic ideas about your hometown (village). To bring children to the understanding that there are many streets, high-rise buildings, different cars in the city. Cultivate love for hometown(village).

Lesson 18

(subsection "Phenomena of life around")

Theme "That's how mom, right golden!"

Software content. To continue to acquaint children with the work of mothers and grandmothers, to show their business qualities; to form respect for mother and grandmother, the desire to talk about them.

Lesson 19

(subsection "Subject environment")

Theme "Golden Mom"

Software content. To acquaint children with the properties of fabric, with the structure of its surface.

Lesson 20

(subsection "Phenomena of life around")

Theme "How Funtik and I carried sand"

Software content. To give children the idea that dad takes care of his family; dad knows how to drive a car, transport cargo and people - he is a driver in his house. Build respect for your dad.

Lesson 21

(subsection "Phenomena of life around")

Theme "What do we do in kindergarten"

Software content. Continue to acquaint children with the work of preschool workers - educators, teach them to call educators by name, patronymic, address them to "you". To cultivate respect for the educator, for his work.

Lesson 22

(subsection "Subject environment")

Theme "Clay plate"

Software content. To acquaint children with the properties of clay, with the structure of its surface.

Lesson 23

(subsection "Phenomena of life around")

Theme "Nanny washes the dishes"

Software content. Continue to acquaint children with the work of preschool workers - assistant educators; teach them to call them by their first name, patronymic, address them to “you”; show the attitude of an adult to work. To cultivate respect for the assistant educator and for his work.

Session 24

(subsection "Subject environment")

Topic "Which is better: paper or fabric?"

Software content. To consolidate children's knowledge about paper and fabric, their properties and qualities; learn to establish relationships between the material from which the object is made and the way the object is used.

Lesson 25

(subsection "Subject environment")

Theme "Gifts for a teddy bear"

Software content. Strengthen children's knowledge of properties various materials, their surface structure. To improve the ability of children to distinguish materials, to perform various actions with them.

Lesson 26

(subsection "Phenomena of life around")

Theme "Gift for Crocodile Gena"

Software content. To introduce children to the work of a cook, to show the importance of a positive attitude of an adult to his work. Cultivate interest in labor activity adults.

Lesson 27

(subsection "Subject environment")

Theme "Describe the subject"

Software content. To improve the ability of children to isolate the essential features of an object, to establish elementary causal relationships between objects.

Sample class notes


Lesson 1

Theme "Transport"

Software content. To teach children to identify and distinguish between transport, modes of transport, highlight the main features (color, shape, size, structure, functions, etc.).

Material. Pictures depicting an airplane, car, bus; flannelograph, toys - plane, car, bus.

Lesson progress

A cat comes to visit the guys (child preparatory group to school in a cat costume). The cat came with gifts: he brought riddles, subject pictures.

caregiver. Our cat loves riddles. Try to guess them.


Doesn't fly, doesn't buzz
The beetle runs down the street.
And they burn in the eyes of the beetle.
Two brilliant lights.

The teacher invites the children to find a clue among the subject pictures laid out in front of them and raise the desired picture. Children find a clue, one child puts a picture of a car on a flannelograph.

What a miracle - a blue house,
There are a lot of kids in it.
Wears rubber shoes
And it feeds on gasoline.

The teacher invites the children to find the answer and raise the desired picture. Children find a clue, one child puts a picture of a bus on a flannelograph.

The cat makes the following riddle:

Boldly floats in the sky,
Overtaking birds flight.
The man controls it.
What is this?

The teacher invites the children to find the answer and raise the desired picture. Children find a clue, one child puts a picture of an airplane on a flannelograph.

The cat and the teacher invite the children to talk about the car, the bus, the plane, but first the cat asks the children to listen to how he can talk about transport: “This is a bus, it is blue, it has wheels, a cabin, windows, doors, the driver drives the bus.” Then each child talks about their favorite modes of transport. The cat and the teacher praise the children and give them pictures of transport (children are allowed to take the pictures home).

Lesson 2

Theme "Furniture"

Software content. To teach children to identify and distinguish between furniture, types of furniture, to highlight the main features of furniture (color, shape, size, structure, functions, etc.); group objects according to characteristics.

Material. Parcel box, doll furniture (chair, table, bed, sofa, wardrobe); doll room, doll Katya in the crib; models of vegetables (cucumber, carrot, turnip) and fruits (apple, pear, banana), 2 trays.

Lesson progress

The teacher draws the attention of the children to the elegant doll Katya, says that the doll has a birthday today. There is a knock on the door. The postman comes and brings a parcel for Katya's doll - a birthday present from friends. Doll Katya and the children are looking at the package. The parcel box contains doll furniture and treats for the festive table.

Doll Katya asks the children to help her arrange new furniture in the doll's room and put treats on the tray.

Children divide all objects into groups, accompanying their actions with generalizing words (“this is furniture”, “this is vegetables”, “this is fruit”). Children arrange the furniture in the doll's room, naming all the types of furniture presented. Then vegetables are laid out on one tray, fruits on the other.

The teacher invites the children to talk about a piece of furniture (for example, a bed, a table), about its color, shape, size, structure and method of use. For example: "This is a bed, she white color, she has a back, legs, a mattress.

Then the children set the table, congratulate the Katya doll on her birthday. Further, at the request of the children, it unfolds role-playing game"Birthday".

Lesson 3

Theme "Dad, Mom, I am a family"

Software content. Form initial ideas about the family. To educate the child's interest in his own name.

Material. Doll Katya, photo album with family photos of the children of the group.

Preliminary work. Individual conversations with children on the topic “Your family” (Who do you live with? Do you have a grandmother, grandfather? What is the name of your mother, father? Do you have a brother, sister?)

Lesson progress

Created game situation: children, together with the teacher, look at the photo album "My Family" with family photographs of the children of the group. The Katya doll “enters” the group, greets the guys.

The teacher draws the attention of the children to the Katya doll, her frustrated voice. The children, together with the teacher, ask Katya why she is upset.

Doll Katya tells the children that she is angry with her mom and dad because they did not buy her the desired toys.

The teacher invites the children to ask the Katya doll about her mom and dad, ask them to name her parents. Doll Katya tells the children the names of her parents and asks the children to name their mothers and fathers.

Children find photos of their loved ones in a photo album, show the doll to Katya and call their names (“My mother is in the photo, her name is Valentina”, “This is my dad, his name is Mikhail”, etc.).

Doll Katya invites the children to remember situations when their parents could not buy them the desired toys, and tell how they acted in this situation. Children, with the help of a teacher, talk about situations (they were offended, cried, screamed, stamped their feet if their parents did not buy toys, etc.).

The teacher invites them to think about whether the children are doing the right thing when they demand toys, and leads them to understand that parents take care of them, and when the holidays come, moms and dads delight their children with gifts-toys.

Doll Katya says that when she had a birthday, mom and dad bought her a set of children's furniture. Congratulating her, they called Katya "daughter, Katyusha, Katya." The teacher invites the children to remember what their parents gave them for their birthday and how affectionately, with love they congratulated (for example, “I was given beautiful doll, and they called me “daughter, Mashenka, sun””).

The teacher, together with the children, examines their family photos. Asks to name all family members, their names. Brings children to the understanding that mom, dad, daughter, son are a family; that there are families small and large. The teacher asks each child to remember and determine which family he has - small or large, call all family members by name. For example: “We have a big family: mother Tanya, father Kolya, I am Sveta, brother Olezhek, grandmother Nina and grandfather Seryozha”, “We have a small family: mother Irina, father Sasha and me, Denis”.

Then the teacher conducts the game “Whose things?”, In which the children must identify the items belonging to their loved ones. The children examine the items brought from home: beads, glasses, balls, books, napkins, etc. At the teacher’s signal: “Sveta, find your grandmother’s things” or “Denis, find your dad’s things” - children find the right things. The winner is the one who quickly and correctly found the things of his family members.

At the end of the lesson, the teacher leads the children to the conclusion: dad, mom, children, grandparents - this is a family, all members of which love each other, care and help each other.

Educator. Guys, our dolls also have their own doll family and today they have a family holiday - the birthday of their youngest daughter Katya. They invited us to the party.

Lesson 4

Theme "Clothes"

Software content. Exercise children in the ability to identify and distinguish clothes, highlight the main features of clothing items (color, shape, structure, size); group objects according to characteristics.

Material. Parcel box, doll clothes (shirt, dress, fur coat, skirt, jacket, trousers), vegetable models (carrot, tomato, cucumber, turnip), tray, box, subject pictures (furniture, clothes, transport).

Lesson progress

A postman comes to the group, brings a package and a letter from Dunno to the children. In the letter Dunno asks the guys to help him sort the items into two groups: "Vegetables" and "Clothes". The teacher opens the package, invites the children to examine the items and get them.

Children divide all objects into groups, accompanying their actions with generalizing words (“these are clothes”, “these are vegetables”). Children lay out clothes, naming all types of clothes presented; lay out the vegetables, naming them.

The teacher invites the children to talk about the item of clothing (for example, a jacket, dress, shirt), about its color, shape, size, structure and method of use. For example: “This is a shirt, it is white, it has a collar, sleeves, buttons, it is made of fabric, it is put on the body, etc.”

The teacher conducts a game: “Who is faster?”, In which children practice the ability to combine objects into groups according to the way they are used. The teacher distributes subject pictures to all players depicting pieces of furniture, clothing, vehicles, etc. Offers to consider the images in the pictures. Introduces the rules of the game - at the signal: “One, two, three”, children must perform the following actions:

“One, two, three” - everyone who has pieces of furniture, run to me!

"One, two, three" - everyone who has items of clothing, run to me!

“One, two, three” - everyone who has transport items, run to me!

Lesson 5

Theme "Wonderful Pouch"

Software content. To give children the concept that some objects are made by human hands, others are created by nature.

Material. A bag with items: doll utensils (pot, frying pan, ladle, knife, spoon, fork) and models of vegetables (carrot, cucumber, radish, tomato); two trays with the symbols "man-made world" and "natural world".

Lesson progress

The teacher shows the children a tied bag and says: “Look what bag the bunny sent us. Bunny asked us to help him. Here is the story that happened to him. Grandfather was driving from the market through the forest. He was carrying purchases for his old woman in a bag, but did not notice how he dropped the bag. There is a bag under a bush, and a bunny jumps past. The bunny is curious: what is in the bag? I looked into it and decided: what has grown in the garden, I will take for myself, but what is bought in a china shop, let it remain in the bag. Grandpa will look for a loss, he will find it and take it to his grandmother. She can't do without these items in the kitchen. What do you think was in the bag? (Vegetables, dishes.) Why do you think so? Where did the vegetables in the market come from? (They grew up in the garden, they were brought for sale.) Why did the bunny decide to take what grows in the garden? (It's edible.) What are vegetables for? (Children's answers.) Guys, objects that a person receives from nature and does not make with his own hands can be called "objects created by nature." They can be attributed to the natural world.

Why didn't the bunny need dishes? (He is a beast, lives in the forest, does not cook food, eats raw vegetables.) What is the utensils for? Where did she come from in the store? (She was made by metal craftsmen and brought to sell.) Guys, objects that a person makes with his own hands can be called "objects created by human hands." They can be attributed to the man-made world

This is the bag the bunny found in the forest. Let's help him find out what is in the bag, and divide the items like this: put the objects of the natural world - vegetables - on one tray, that is, leave the bunny, and put the objects of the man-made world - dishes - on another tray, and then put them back in the bag for grandmothers."

Children take turns approaching the bag, put their hand into it, grope for the object, listing the identified signs, name the object, determine which world it belongs to: man-made or natural.

The teacher asks leading questions to make it easier for children to determine the size of the object, its shape: “Which object: hard or soft? Long or short? Small or big? Is this item round? What parts does it have? What can be done with this item? What is it for? What is the name of? Does this object belong to the natural or man-made world?

The child takes out an object, makes sure that he named it correctly, and puts it on the appropriate tray.

After all the items are named and laid out on trays, the teacher sums up: “What did we put on this tray? Are these objects of the natural or man-made world? Why do you think so? What tray shall we leave for the bunny? What tray shall we give for grandmother?” (Children's answers.)