
What is better trimmer or electric shaver. Shaving trimmer. Three best modern models


A trimmer is a small device that can solve many problems of caring for facial and body hair: put the “necessary” hair in order and remove unnecessary hair. To forever forget about the unsafe and tedious haircut with scissors, you just need to buy a high-quality and convenient hair trimmer at home.

Criteria for choosing the best hair trimmer

Purpose of the device

All trimmers are divided into beard and mustache trimmers, nose hair removers and 2 in 1 devices that combine the first two functions.

Power type

Trimmers can operate from the mains, from batteries, from the accumulator, or combine power from the mains and autonomous sources.

blade material

The most popular material is stainless steel. In more expensive models steel blades are sometimes coated with titanium, carbon, ceramics.

Battery life

In popular models, the time varies from 30 to 100 minutes.

Hair length range

In different models, the length of the haircut varies from 0.4 to 1.5 cm.

Top Hair Trimmer Manufacturers

When looking for the best hair trimmer, it's best to start with a reputable brand. The list of the best naturally includes companies that have gained fame as manufacturers of equipment for professional hairdressers and stylists, but at the same time do not forget about ordinary consumers. The leading positions among them are occupied by: the famous American brand Wahl, the German Moser (owned by Wahl), as well as the French Babyliss. Philips, Braun, Panasonic, Remington, traditionally strong in the market of home appliances, do not lag behind. But cheap products of little-known brands, in order to avoid discomfort during use and for the sake of saving nerve cells (and money), are best avoided.

In order for a person to have a neat and well-groomed appearance, today it is absolutely not necessary to visit expensive hairdressing salons or have a personal stylist. Just enough to have handy tool for timely trimming of stubble, beard and mustache. The market is able to offer different types devices designed for specific needs. Some devices are universal, others are more narrowly focused. The choice is quite large, and it is quite easy to get lost in the variety. To prevent this from happening, let's figure out what the difference between a trimmer and an electric razor is.

An electric razor for men is as important as a cosmetic bag for the weaker sex. Initially, this device was designed and created as a tool for shaving the head and performing simple hairstyles (boxing, half-boxing, etc.). Over time, technology has improved, and now an electric razor is capable of performing much more functions than an elementary “zero” haircut.

Now this type of device serves simultaneously to perform several functions. For instance, daily shave stubble. The peculiarity of the electric razor is its versatility. Many people ask what is the difference between a regular razor and a full-fledged electric razor. There are a number of benefits.

Of course, like all other devices, the electric razor is not without its drawbacks. The device is not suitable for bristles. Not every model has a trimmer and attachments for it. An electric razor is completely unsuitable for a beard.

device requires periodic recharging may turn off at the most inopportune moment. Moreover, the feature is such that it is impossible to use the device during recharging.

To avoid this shortcoming, it is better to develop the habit of constantly recharging the device without completely discharging it - this will minimize the discomfort from using it.

In addition, it is necessary to regular maintenance. Cleaning, sharpening and balancing knives in inexpensive models, lubrication of parts in cases where the blades are self-sharpening. If the user wonders why to service the electric shaver and stops doing it, then the machine can fail, and quite quickly.

To operate the machine power supply required. Whether batteries, built-in rechargeable batteries or a power cord, an electric razor will always be subject to these additional requirements, while a manual razor is available anytime, anywhere. The price of the device and additional blades is usually higher than the price tag for a regular disposable machine.

All about trimmers

What is the difference between a trimmer and an electric razor? First, you should decide on the classification of the device and its purpose. Trimmers are used primarily for beards and mustaches, their care, trimming, etc. It should be remembered that the trimmer does not imply a smooth shave, and does not have the appropriate capabilities for this. All that can be done with a trimmer is to shorten facial hair to a certain length, but not to shave it off to a smooth and clean skin. For such purposes, a razor is just needed.

As a rule, choosing between two types of appliances (electric shaver and trimmer) is quite difficult. It is best to have both devices on hand. The razor may be needed in everyday use. The trimmer will come in handy if the user decides to let go of the stubble or grow a beard.

Here is a list of the most obvious benefits of using a trimmer.

Despite the impressive list of advantages that the device possesses, nevertheless, it was not possible to completely do without disadvantages. The first thing that draws attention is the inability to shave "cleanly". However, if this feature were fully implemented in the trimmer, it would immediately turn into an electric razor.

Secondly, we should mention the design of the knife blades, which may differ slightly from razor blades. Although the principle of operation, in many cases, will be similar. The blades in the trimmer can quickly become unusable due to loss of balance. It is far from always possible to correct this deficiency with your own hands.

The third thing that needs to be entered in the "flaws" column is inability to work with long hair . Imagine you want to trim your beard, which has become much larger, say 17mm. It will no longer be possible to do this with the help of nozzles, you will have to trim with a trimmer blade to the maximum step (10 mm), and only after that trim the beard at this level. On the eyes of a significant functional limitation.

Another significant drawback is noise from work trimmer motor. For the most part, these devices work much louder than electric shavers, which, of course, puts them far from the most favorable light.

However, in more expensive models, this problem can be partially solved by good noise and vibration isolation, as well as a vibration dampening system.

What is the best trimmer and electric shaver?

Which device is best to use - a trimmer or a razor - depends on the user's request. For example, both devices are suitable for facial skin care. If there is a need to shave every day to a state of smooth skin without bristles, then the answer is obvious - an electric razor.

You should pay special attention to the type of motor installed in the device - the performance and power of the device will largely depend on it.

For other parts of the body, especially for an intimate haircut and for the bikini area, a trimmer is more suitable. First, it is more compact. Secondly, it leaves less irritation thanks to the nozzles, which completely exclude the contact of the blades with the skin surface. Only the selected level of hair is cut off, thereby trimming them. If there is a need to shave in a delicate area, then experts recommend using a manual machine (for example, blades from the vest company) instead of an electric razor, because. with this device it will be quite difficult to work out complex areas. A manual razor in the case of shaving dangerous areas will have an obvious advantage due to its dimensions.

There is a place for women ingrown hair problem which, when shaving, can additionally injure already sensitive areas of the body. Of course, in such cases it is better to use a trimmer or very carefully - a razor.

Usually, women's technique care for intimate areas is limited to the epilator and trimmer. Statistics show that the proportion of trimmer use is much higher. It is quite easy to explain this - it is easier, more convenient and more comfortable to use it. And most importantly, it causes much less pain than an epilator. This distinction is not accidental, because with the help of a trimmer you can also create intimate haircuts using various nozzles (styler).

In any case, most experts recommend using an electric shaver only for facial hair, for all other areas of the body it would be better to use a trimmer.

Electric shaver with built-in trimmer

A trimmer razor is a kind of compromise between these two devices. It is designed primarily for those who appreciate practicality and versatility in the device. Of course, having two types of blades in one device, such a device has much more possibilities than each separately.

The scope of such a device is very wide, from a hairdressing salon to a home haircut and shave. The peculiarity of this type of devices is their extended functionality. In addition, by combining these two devices into one, the resulting unit is deprived of the disadvantages inherent in them separately.

Here is a list of the benefits of using such a device.

  1. Versatility and true versatility. While shaving and beard trimming used to require two separate devices, now only one is enough. Of course, this is much more convenient.
  2. Less time spent. Yes, that's right, the user spends less time, because he does not need to prepare and clean two different devices, now everything he needs is already in his hands.
  3. Availability and prevalence. The price of such devices, as a rule, is quite affordable, although the quality may not always meet the stated requirements. It is important to make sure when buying that the blade is made of stainless steel, and let the machine itself be rotary.
  4. Easy to maintain. Such universal devices are usually designed with a long service life built into them. In other words, after-sales service is not only provided for, but also desirable. It is easy to conduct it, because. it includes cleaning and lubricating the knives, as well as their balancing (in rare cases).

There are also several disadvantages.

  1. If among the pluses was noted easy machine maintenance, then its regularity will be a clear disadvantage. Yes, you will have to service a universal electric shaver a little more often than a regular one. This is explained quite easily, more details, more potential breakdowns.
  2. The second obvious drawback is inherent in all electrical appliances. We are talking about power supply. Everything is simple here: if you forgot to recharge your device or just change the batteries, then it is likely that it can let you down at the most inopportune moment. Imagine the situation: you are in a hurry, you are late for an important meeting and you need to urgently trim your beard that has become sloppy. Half of the work is done, and the machine turned off and stopped showing signs of life. Time does not wait, and the beard still looks unkempt. It is good if there is an additional set of batteries in stock, or the model allows you to use it immediately, as soon as it is plugged into the outlet. Unfortunately, most manufacturers do not provide for the use of the razor until it is fully charged.
  3. Break more often. Unfortunately, this is also a fact. The more complex the device, the more likely it is to fail. Two blades plus a set of universal bits can break much faster than one.
  4. Dimensions. Such a universal device will have larger dimensions than, say, a trimmer and an electric shaver separately. More dimensions, less room to maneuver, therefore, the user will no longer be able to afford some of the things that he does using less bulky items.
  5. Blade quality. Another important aspect to pay attention to. If the blade is made from a poor-quality alloy, the razor will very soon lose balance and begin to bite large hairs, which can lead to skin irritation.


Both devices have a number of undeniable advantages and disadvantages. Choosing one of them is quite problematic, as they have different applications. It is best to have both devices so that when the need arises, each of them is at hand. Oddly enough, the use of 2 in 1 devices is less justified due to a number of disadvantages, which were mentioned above. Ultimately, the main criterion for using an electric razor and trimmer will be the need of the user, which these devices can cover.

Switching from razors to electric facial and body hair products will help you forget about irritation and cuts, the cost of replacement blades, soothing creams and aftershave lotions. It remains to decide which device to choose - an electric razor or a trimmer. There are more differences between these types of techniques than it seems at first glance, although both are produced for the same purpose: to quickly and gently reduce the amount of hair.

Comparison by functionality

To understand how a trimmer differs from a razor, you need to find out:

  • how effectively each of the devices copes with hair on the face and various parts of the body;
  • the more convenient to use;
  • which device is more difficult to maintain.

Shaving stubble with a trimmer

A trimmer and a razor cut hairs, but they do so differently due to the design of their cutting heads. So, a trimmer is similar to a clipper - its knives cut hair at some distance from the surface of the skin. You can set the bristle length in the range of 1-10 mm. The upper threshold different models may differ, and the lower professional devices usually less than 0.5 mm. The height change step for household trimmers is 1 mm, for semi-commercial ones that are used by barbers, it is 0.5 mm.

Important! Trimmers are not suitable for a smooth shave, their purpose is to cut overgrown stubble, evenly and with high precision. This best option for men who wear mustaches and beards.

But the trimmer easily copes with other tasks - it is convenient for them to trim the whiskey, do the edging of the hairstyle, and remove the grown hair on the neck. Special nozzles will help to trim the vegetation in the nose and ears, to correct the eyebrows. On sale there are both universal samples and haircut kits with different combs and removable heads. Models are also produced for one or two tasks, for example, only for intimate areas, which is especially important for women, since the blades do not touch the skin, so you can not be afraid of irritation.

Shaving stubble with a razor

An electric razor cuts hair at the root. The blades of the device are located under the grids, so they do not touch the skin, and the hairs penetrate the holes and shave off due to the tight pressure of the cutting head. Some models are designed only for dry shaving, others for wet shaving, using gels and foams. The procedure can be carried out daily or at intervals of several days.

Important! This option is suitable for those who prefer perfect smoothness, but the electric razor will not cope with too long male stubble or hair. Therefore, a beard or mustache will have to be trimmed with a trimmer before shaving.

Irritation after shaving with an electric appliance is not as strong as after a razor, but it depends on the type of skin. For dry and sensitive skin you can buy a model that is not afraid of water and shaving products, and after the procedure, lubricate the shaved areas with soothing creams and lotions. In addition, with a razor, you can remove hairs on the entire body, but long ones should be cut beforehand.. On sale you can find women's electric shavers that are designed specifically to care for especially thin and sensitive skin, but even with them, discomfort and cuts are possible, especially in the presence of ingrown hairs.

The convenience of use

The hair removal technique should lie comfortably in the hand, not slip, and follow the contours of the face or body well. Often, non-slip plastic, silicone and rubber are used to make the case, the surfaces are made corrugated.

Heads of budget models razors they are fixed rigidly, but in devices of the middle and premium price segment they are floating, and the cutting surfaces can change position to go around all the bulges and recesses. If the razor blades are straight and in the same plane, the user will have to turn their head and shave more slowly to maximize the fit.

At trimmers the working heads do not oscillate, and when shearing, a person also needs to change the position of the head or body. The device glides easily over the skin thanks to the smooth plastic nozzle. However, the comb does not allow you to cut hair shorter or longer than the set value, so you do not need to put pressure on the skin, but you should not lose contact with its surface either.

Instrument Care

Any clipping or shaving device should be cleaned after each use. To do this, the kit always includes a small brush, which sweeps the hair trimmings from the space between the trimmer blades or under the razor nets.

Knives trimmer need to be lubricated with special oils. The cutting edges become dull over time, but they cannot be sharpened in all cases. For a trimmer, this is much easier to do, sometimes even at home, but later the knife blocks will still have to be changed. On most models, the blades are installed very quickly and do not require additional adjustment.

At electric shavers the edges of the holes and blades become dull, the nets can bend, rub, clog with cut hair. Water washes the heads (if such a cleaning method is provided by the manufacturer), but if the drying is poor, bacteria, deposits of insoluble salts (if the water is hard), and rust may appear on the grids and between the parts. Razor blades cannot be sharpened, you will need to change the entire head, and the cost of this part for some models can be up to half the price of the device itself. It is advisable to change the cutting units every one and a half to two years, but for some razors you can separately update the nets or knives.

On a note! To change foils or blades on an electric shaver, you will have to contact service center or workshop.

Advantages and disadvantages

For ease of comparison, all the positive and negative aspects of using trimmers and electric shavers will be summarized in a table.

Type of power tool Advantages Flaws
electric shaver Smooth and close shave. Not suitable for a beard.
Minimal skin irritation. Can't handle long hair.
Wet shave with foam/gel (depending on model). Needs replacement of expensive components.
Compact dimensions and light weight, thanks to which the device can be taken on trips. Volatile.
Simple use.
Indispensable for beards and mustaches. Not able to shave to smoothness.
Suitable for self-correction of temples and haircut contours at home. They do not cope with long hair (a strongly grown beard will have to be cut with scissors or a blade without nozzles and only then put a comb of a suitable height).
Absolutely no damage to the skin.
Suitable for bristles of any length - just select the desired nozzle.
Suitable for intimate haircuts.
Additional nozzles are ideal when removing hair in hard-to-reach places. Blades need sharpening/replacement.
Easy to learn and maintain. Noisy at work.
Lightweight, fits in any bag or cosmetic bag. Depend on the source of energy.

On a note! Nevertheless, the razor will allow you to forget about irritation, cuts, buying disposable machines and replacement blades for them.

However, the compared devices do not replace each other, but complement each other, since they are designed for different tasks that sometimes need to be achieved by one user. For example, shave off part of the stubble and trim the rest.

Electric shaver with built-in trimmer

Buying two devices is not always possible, because the consumer will face additional costs, the need to allocate space for storing and charging two pieces of equipment at once, as well as double the time and effort for maintenance. Therefore, manufacturers, given the need for both types of power tools, combined them in one case.

Device types

Hybrids of an electric razor and a trimmer are produced by different companies, so there are various solutions on sale.

Criterias of choice

When choosing the right stubble remover, there are a few things to keep in mind.

Types of electric shavers with built-in trimmer

Depending on the configuration of the blades, hybrid shavers are divided into:

  • mesh;
  • rotary.

In the first case blades that oscillate from side to side are hidden under a grid (there can be 1-4 pieces), which is shaped like a half cylinder. They are located in parallel. Foil razors are suitable for sensitive skin even in the armpits and groin. In hard-to-reach areas, you need to drive the device more slowly, otherwise not all hairs will be cut off.

In the second case the blades rotate under the flat round meshes. There can be 1-3 such cutting heads, but razors with 2-3 rotors are more common. In some models, the elements are in the same plane, in others the working surface is able to bend in order to adapt to the relief of the body / face. Rotary devices shave cleanly and quickly, but more often they drag the hairs under the mesh and cause pain.

Important! Some devices are designed only for shaving dry skin. Wet shaving involves pre-applying a foam or gel that improves the glide of the head over the skin and reduces irritation. This possibility is indicated in the instructions. Otherwise contact of the device with water is forbidden!

Nutrition methods

The razor, trimmer, or hybrid is powered by a household electrical outlet or a battery. Thanks to the mains adapter, many devices operate on a mains voltage of 220 V or 110 V. Batteries can be built-in (own) or replaceable (type “AA” and “AAA”). Own batteries must be charged, batteries replaced with new ones. With a combined (mixed) power supply, the devices can be used in wireless and wired modes: disconnect from the outlet when the battery charge is sufficient, and connect when the battery runs out.

Note! Battery devices do not work while recharging. Therefore, the condition of the battery should be checked before shaving or cutting. The easiest way is to charge the device immediately after the next use.

The choice by type of food depends on the duration of the haircut or shave: for long procedures it is better to buy wired or combined models. While battery-powered devices are suitable for quick daily care and travel. It is worth noting that some power tools support charging via a USB cable, while in others the battery status (charge percentage, operating time) can be displayed on the display in the body of the device or in the docking station.

Blade material

The cutting heads are made of stainless steel, which is often coated with a layer of titanium or ceramic. This gives the knives hardness, slows down grinding, and reduces the risk of allergic reactions.

Additional functions

Trimmers and razors can be completed with convenient cases for transportation and storage. Devices are available with backlight, overcharge protection, self-cleaning program.

Instrument maintenance

Removable heads take longer to clean and lubricate than a single cutting unit. A retractable trimmer is less whimsical, but a quick replacement of a disposable blade can hit the pocket over time.

Important! A breakdown of the universal apparatus disables several hair removal devices at once. Regular inspections will help prolong the life of the appliance, and careful observation will prevent breakdowns if their signs are not ignored.

TOP 3 best electric shavers with built-in trimmers

Best budget model

The simple design of this rotary device is combined with high quality build and shave. Self-sharpening knives are able to cut stubble that has grown back for more than one day. The trimmer is ready to go in seconds. The device is powered by the mains. Three floating blades shave hair of any thickness. The set includes a carrying case.

On Yandex Market

Best value for money

This unit is similar to the previous model: rotary motor, 3 heads, dry shaving. Power model combined, lithium-ion battery provides up to 50 minutes of work in wireless mode. Full charge time - 1 hour, fast (for one shave) - 3 minutes. The charge level is shown on the display. The sample can be operated from the mains with standard (220 V) or low voltage (100 W).

On Yandex Market

Best Premium Model

This is a 5-piece foil razor with a movable head and a wet or dry shave. It runs on a battery that lasts for 50 minutes when fully charged on the docking station in 1 hour and fast - in 5 minutes. There is a self-cleaning function, a case and a backlit display to inform about the battery status.

So, you can choose an electric razor or a trimmer, the differences between which are in the purpose of the devices, you can pretty quickly. The main thing is to understand what is best for the future owner of the equipment: to shave to smoothness, to care for the stubble, or to solve both problems.

On Yandex Market

As soon as the era of stylish and outrageous bearded men came, the demand for electrical appliances and tools for hair removal, as well as all kinds of cosmetic procedures for the safe removal of excess hair on the face and body, increased. Many men now cannot decide what is the best way to shave to avoid irritation and ingrown beard hairs, as the range of devices is constantly updated.

Each man selects for himself individually the most convenient and acceptable method of removing stubble and mustache. Someone likes standard razors, while someone has long switched to electrical appliances, such as a trimmer, electric razor or a regular clipper with attachments. You can find out how a trimmer differs from a clipper and other hair removal methods if you compare the principle of their work.

For many men, at first the sharp question arises, is it worth it to shave off the hair on the mustache and beard, and only then the ensuing question arises, what is better and safer to cope with such tasks - an electric razor or a machine. Shaving a beard is necessary first of all for those men who, by virtue of their professional activity or hobbies can't afford it. In addition, far from all men, a beard gives masculinity and attractiveness.

For reference! The most common reasons to shave off a beard are that it ages or is made up of more gray hairs. In addition, in some men, the beard grows unevenly, in different shades and even with bald spots.

Many men are not sure about the method of getting rid of stubble, whether to shave their beard or just cut it off under the minimum nozzle with a machine or trimmer. Clean-shaven skin can only be obtained after using machines, but in addition to this result, they cause irritation. While electrical appliances allow you to cut your hair safely without side effects. In addition, there are a number of cosmetic services to get rid of facial hair.

What tools are used to shave a beard?

First of all, you need to stock up on all necessary tools for safe and comfortable shaving of facial hair. Experts advise you to always have the following set of devices with you:

  1. Shaving foam or gel, thanks to which the machine will glide as smoothly as possible.
  2. Shaving brush, namely a brush for whipping and applying shaving products to the desired areas of the face and neck.
  3. Razor for cutting hairs on the face and the keratinized layer of the skin. Manufacturers offer several types of razors:
  • straight razor - a metal blade with a folding handle for quick and maximum hair removal;
  • safety barber razor - the previous version brought to perfection, in which blades can be changed;
  • T-razor - this razor also has an interchangeable blade that looks like a machine with a single blade inside;
  • disposable machine - a plastic case and a pair of blades in the head are designed for a single shave;
  • reusable machine - cassettes with blades from 3 to 7 pieces are sold separately for such a machine;
  • electric razor - an electric tool for safe shaving with rotating blades, shaving is performed without cosmetics.
  1. The trimmer is a handy tool for spot hair removal, thanks to which the shape of beards is modeled with this device, and unwanted hairs are removed in hard-to-reach places.
  2. Clipper. This tool was originally intended for cutting hair on the head, but is now actively used by bearded men to model and shave off beards and mustaches.
  3. Aftershave - balm or cream, lotion or gel for moisturizing, nourishing and soothing the skin after shaving.

Also, the man will need a mirror that will be fixed in a certain position, as well as a couple of towels for a warm compress on the skin of the face and washing after the procedure.

What is better to use a machine or an electric razor?

Most men prefer to use one shaving tool that has already been proven by time and experience, whether it is a regular machine or an electric razor. But there are also those who hesitate and cannot choose from the spirit of the proposed options acceptable and safe for themselves. In order to understand what is better individually for each electric razor or machine, it is worth considering their pros and cons.

Advantages and disadvantages of a razor

The razor is the most common shaving tool for most men, it can be disposable or with replaceable blades for permanent use. To understand what is better for a man, shaving with a machine or an electric razor, you should first familiarize yourself with the advantages of the machine, and then with its weaknesses.

Advantages of the machine:

  • quality - in this tool, sharp blades remove all vegetation from the skin of the face as smoothly as possible;
  • moisturizing - with the machine in parallel use cosmetics for shaving and after, which provides skin care;
  • wide availability - machines can be found in any store, in addition, they are relatively inexpensive;
  • ease of use - any man without skills and experience at any age can use such a tool.

Razor cons:

  • danger of injury - sharp blades can leave abrasions and cuts on the skin, in addition, the procedure often leads to skin irritation;
  • regular costs - disposable machines need to be constantly changed, and you will need to buy replaceable cassettes for a reusable machine;
  • the need to purchase cosmetics - you can’t shave on dry skin with one machine, for this you need to additionally buy shaving products and after it.

Ease of use and low cost of the machine and interchangeable cassettes make this tool in demand. But for him, you also need to select suitable high-quality cosmetics in order to protect the skin as much as possible from the risks of injury from blades.

Advantages and disadvantages of an electric razor

Shaving a beard and mustache with an electric razor is a novelty for many experienced men, since this device has recently become fashionable among the strong half of society. To understand how appropriate its use, you need to familiarize yourself with its advantages and disadvantages.

Pros of an electric shaver:

  • lack of cosmetics - you can use the device to remove bristles on dry skin of the face without the use of foams and gels, even water;
  • speed - you can remove the bristles much faster than with a razor;
  • mobility of the device - you can take an electric shaver with you on any trips and business trips;
  • safety - with such a device it is impossible to damage the skin of the face, respectively, the risks of irritation and injury are zero;
  • low cost in use - the device needs to be cleaned, periodically change the knives in it (once every 1.5-3 years).

Disadvantages of an electric shaver:

  • the need to clean the skin - a regular razor cleans the pores of the skin and removes the stratum corneum, which an electric razor cannot, therefore, additional skin care will be needed;
  • the need for care - the razor must be cleaned of hairs after each procedure;
  • price - unlike machines, the price of electric shavers will be high, depending on the versatility and manufacturer;
  • risks of breakdowns - sooner or later, any device will begin to break down, and accordingly, repairs will be needed;
  • Noise - The shaver makes a buzzing noise during use, which may be inappropriate in some circumstances.

Each man should familiarize himself with the strengths and weaknesses of the machine and electric shaver, and then, according to individual requirements and preferences, lifestyle and needs, choose the appropriate option.

Shaving trimmer

The trimmer is a comfortable device for removing hairs on different parts of the body and even in the most inaccessible places. Most often it is used by beards for a perfect haircut and trimming of mustaches, sideburns and beards, as well as for shaving in intimate parts of the body and in the armpits. To find out how a trimmer differs from a clipper, you should familiarize yourself with its principle of operation and advantages.

Important! The main advantage of the trimmer is its compactness, as well as ease of use during hair removal in the most uncomfortable parts of the body.

Difference from clipper

The device includes several attachments that are easy to remove and clean after each shave, which cannot be said about clippers. In addition, experts call other significant differences between a trimmer and a typewriter, for example:

  • The trimmer weighs several times less, it is small in size and does not take up much storage space.
  • Clippers have many other functions when the trimmer is used only for hair removal.
  • The trimmer can not cope with the task of hair removal everywhere, especially where the hair grows hard and naughty. But the knives of the machine will cope with any vegetation.
  • The trimmer can become an alternative to the razor and depilator.
  • Trimmer attachments are easier to care for and clean than machine attachments.
  • With a trimmer, you can perform curly haircuts, model the shape of a beard, remove hairs in hard-to-reach places.
  • The trimmer only runs on battery power, while the machine also runs on mains power.
  • A trimmer will cost more than a regular clipper.

The trimmer is more often used by hairdressers and stylists to model haircuts and fashionable beard shapes, but clippers and shavers are popular at home. In addition, the machines are cheaper in price, which captivates men who cannot decide which is better, a trimmer or a clipper.

Trimmer or razor

The first difference between a trimmer and a razor is that a trimmer only cuts hair, while a razor removes it completely to the root. The trimmer is used for trimming hairstyles and beards, experiments with appearance, and the razor is used for a smooth face shave. The devices have in common that they are both powered by a battery or the mains. An electric shaver is slightly cheaper than a trimmer.

Pros of an electric shaver:

  • removes stubble cleanly without pain in a few minutes;
  • can be applied in any circumstances;
  • does not need other tools and means.

However, the electric shaver may cause irritation, require parts to be lubricated and cleaned, and may cause dry skin.

Trimmer Benefits:

  • cares for mustaches, sideburns and beards better than any other tool;
  • cuts hair without causing ingrown hairs and irritation;
  • removes hairs in the ears and nose, used for cutting eyebrows and temples.

At the same time, the trimmer is very fragile in use, it must be cleaned regularly and used carefully. In addition, there are models of trimmers that work much louder than an electric razor. Trimmers are more preferred by bearded men and lovers of stylish haircuts, lovers of experiments. But the razor is suitable for men who do not wear a beard and prefer classic looks.

Shaving with straight razor

Regardless of which razor experts advise to remove stubble on the face, many men still adhere to classical traditions, using a dangerous razor. To understand how expedient such a solution is, you should familiarize yourself with the advantages and disadvantages of such a razor.

Pros of a straight razor:

  • the ability to grind the blades independently as needed, which will ensure the fastest and easiest shaving of the bristles;
  • shaving with such a razor is performed using soap, foams and gels, even oils (any vegetable oil), which provides additional hydration and protection of the skin;
  • huge savings, since the device is cheap, does not require cleaning, replacement of parts, repairs and other things;
  • multifunctionality of application;
  • the ability to quickly and clearly make the edging of a haircut or beard;
  • smooth shaving of hairs to the very root.

Cons of a straight razor:

  • danger, especially if a man has problems with coordination of movement or hand tremors;
  • some steel grades can provoke an allergic skin reaction;
  • the risk of injury to the skin is quite high.

Despite this, many men with the experience of a neat and fast shave skillfully use a straight razor, as it is not expensive in terms of finances and time, and most importantly, it removes unwanted facial hair as smoothly and clearly as possible.

What to choose: shaving or sugaring?

V Lately a new service for getting rid of excess vegetation - shugaring - has gained popularity. Moreover, many men already enjoy the privileges of such a cosmetic procedure, removing for a long time annoying hairs. To understand that it is better to choose shaving or sugaring, it is worth considering the strengths and weaknesses of the sugaring procedure, and then compare them with the pros and cons of the usual shaving.

Benefits of sugar depilation

Sugaring is a cosmetic procedure for hair removal using sugar depilation, and many have already got used to doing it at home. Sugaring has significant advantageous differences, due to which the procedure is in great demand. Namely:

  • after the procedure, there are no cuts, abrasions, redness and skin irritation, complete safety of depilation;
  • shugaring can be performed by both men and women of all ages;
  • hairs and their roots are removed deep under the skin layer, even together with ingrown hairs;
  • sugar depilation hypoallergenic;
  • the result, namely the absence of hairs, will last up to 3 weeks;
  • the procedure is easy to use;
  • after the procedure, redness quickly disappears (no later than 2-3 hours), any skin defects are completely absent;
  • sugar protects the skin from pathogenic flora;
  • the pain of the procedure is several times less than that of waxing;
  • the use of simple and affordable materials;
  • new grown hairs will be soft and thin;
  • sugar depilation is a 2 in 1 effect, namely hair removal and skin peeling.

After shugaring, a man can forget about unnecessary body hair for 2-3 weeks, which will allow the skin to rest from constant shaving and irritation. The only disadvantages that can be considered are the duration of the preparation of the depilation paste, an allergy to sugar and soreness.

Pivot table with pros and cons of methods

Type of shaving pros Minuses
1. Machine quality;
ease of use.
risk of injury;
regular expenses;
the need to purchase cosmetics.
2. Electric shaver lack of cosmetics;
device mobility;
low cost to use.
the need to clean the skin;
the need for care;
risks of breakdowns;
3. Trimmer small weight and size;
removes hair in hard-to-reach places;
alternative to depilator and razor;
removes hairs in the ears and nose, used for cutting eyebrows and temples.
one function;
does not cut coarse hair;
works only on battery power;
4. Clipper multifunctionality;
costs less than a trimmer;
Runs on battery and mains.
need for cleaning
the need for lubrication and replacement of knives.
5 Straight Razor the ability to sharpen the blades yourself;
shaving with such a razor is performed using soap, foams and gels, even oils;
huge savings;
multifunctionality of application;
fast and clear edging of a haircut or beard;
smooth shave at the root.
high degree of danger;
allergy to metals;
risks of cuts, abrasions and skin irritation.
6. Shugaring hypoallergenicity;
use of simple materials;
hair removal from the root;
effect up to 3 weeks;
skin peeling;
protection against bacteria;
removal of ingrown hairs;
no irritation, skin trauma and redness.
long preparation of materials;
the duration of the procedure;


Of all the listed shaving methods, the average man most often uses razors and a clipper at home. The next most popular shaving tools are the trimmer, straight razor, and electric razor. But shugaring procedures are still in demand among women, and only in rare cases do men turn to a beautician.

If you already have a beard, then you will have to think about special means and beard shaving tools. Various gels, oils, shaving balms, combs and combs - all this is good and necessary, but not enough. A complete men's beard grooming kit is not complete without special tools. If you want to look neat, masculine and well-groomed, you will need to trim your beard regularly, and it is best to do this at home with a trimmer.

Important! This tool is often confused with or. Don't miss the tool. About how to properly cut a beard with this device and the intricacies of choosing a good beard trimmer - in this article.

If you already know how and are accustomed to cutting your beard with a clipper, you will have to forget about your skills. Because it's not the same thing at all. Here are the basic rules for shaving at home with a trimmer:

  1. All movements should be smooth, while the angle of inclination of the trimmer should remain unchanged. The flat side of the nozzle should fit snugly against the skin.
  2. The device is not used to shave the neck.
  3. You need to move from one side of the beard, starting from the ear, across the cheekbones.
  4. To get short bristles, remove the cap from the device and move from the ear down.
  5. For a longer beard, you need to change the settings depending on the desired length of the hairs.

Do not forget that with a trimmer you need to shave the hair against their growth. If you have a model beard, then you will have to change attachments in the process of shaving. Long stubble is first trimmed with nozzle 3 or 2. Then you can use a trimmer without a nozzle or a straight razor.

See also:

How to choose a beard trimmer

Trimmer for home use

You can know all the subtleties and secrets of how to use a beard trimmer, but shaving will still not be of high quality if the device is not chosen correctly. And to do a good choice, you first need to figure out which trimmer for home use you need.

All such devices are divided into three types:

  1. Professional. If you still do not know how to shave your beard with a trimmer in accordance with all the rules, then you do not need such a device. It is more suitable for barbershops and professional grooming. With it, you can not only tidy up your beard, but also perform a lot of additional actions. It withstands intense and prolonged loads without breakdowns. But in home care, if you do not have special skills on how to cut a beard with a trimmer, you do not need such a device, you will only waste money - and a lot of it.
  2. Home. They cost an order of magnitude cheaper, in terms of functions they are only slightly inferior to professional ones, but it is easier and more convenient to use. Such a device is ideal for those who are just learning how to trim their beard and mustache with a trimmer.
  3. Universal. This beard trimmer is also suitable for cutting mustaches, sideburns, even eyebrows, head and hair removal in hard-to-reach places, you just need to change the nozzle. Again, if you're just learning how to cut your beard with a trimmer, you won't need a huge number of attachments and features. It is better to purchase a device of an average price category from a good manufacturer.

First you need to decide what kind of beard trimmer you need. After that, it is worth remembering a few basic criteria that you need to rely on when buying a device.

  1. Equipment. All modern trimmers are usually equipped with several nozzles and a special brush for cleaning teeth and knives. Think about what exactly you are going to do with a trimmer, and choose the optimal package.
  2. Power type. The device can work from the mains or from the battery. There are models that combine both types of food. This is the best option, especially if you often travel. Then even on the train you won't have to worry about trimming your beard before important negotiations. If, for some reason, a device with a universal type of power supply is not available, then please note that the battery trimmer can operate without recharge for no more than an hour. And for a stationary device, the length of the cord is extremely important, otherwise it will simply be inconvenient for you to work with it.
  3. Blade material. Care of the device and its durability directly depend on what material the teeth and knives are made of. Ceramic, titanium, ceramo-titanium or diamond-coated stainless steel are commonly used. Blades made of titanium and ceramo-titanium are considered the best, they are easy to clean and do not need lubrication.

It is worth paying attention to additional features. For example, some models have a backlight, which is quite convenient, others are equipped with a vacuum-type function - shaved bristles will be sucked up and not scattered throughout the room. There is also such a function as laser marking - if you are just learning how to shave with a device, this will be very useful for you, you will definitely not remove the excess and you will be able to model exactly the shape of the beard that you want.

Three best modern models

Learning how to properly shave a beard using a trimmer is not so difficult, the main thing is patience, accuracy and availability good device. You also already know the secrets of choosing the perfect appliance for home use, and in addition, you have learned which models, according to experts, are considered the best.
Undecided what suits you - a razor or a trimmer? In the video you will find a hint for choosing: