
DIY handbag organizers. Master class Craft product Sewing Bag organizer Threads Fabric. Organizer "shoulders" in the closet


Like many mothers, and women in general, I have encountered such a problem that it is absolutely impossible to find anything in my own bag (especially in a nursery, because the manufacturers of strollers, in addition to which there are bags, do not particularly bother about this) . Completely annoyed by the eternal mess in my children's bag, I decided to sew an organizer where all the children's personal belongings that you constantly carry with you would fit without any problems. And here's how I did it.

To begin with, I measured my children's bag so that the organizer would fit in it without any problems. As a result, I got the following details: 2 front walls, 1 rib that serves as both side walls and bottom, 3 internal dividers, 2 external pockets (one for each front wall) and two pockets per rib. In all cases, the fabric is folded in half.

When I was thinking about the organizer, the question arose - how should I strengthen the walls so that they keep their shape (otherwise my organizer will simply turn into a bag that only adds chaos to the bag). I'm not really such a seamstress and all sorts of doublers-non-woven fabrics and something else happens - for me it's darkness, especially since I have absolutely no way to look for them in stores. Therefore, in a well-known store, where everything is at the same price, I purchased such a shopping bag of a material unknown to me. It holds its shape well and is not thick at all. from it I cut out 2 more front walls and a rib.

I prepared the internal partitions and pockets - I sewed it from the inside out, turned it inside out and stitched it again from above (while sewing up the place where I turned it inside out)

I unfolded the front wall (it turned out the fabric in one layer) and sewed on the side pocket, dividing it with a line into three separate pockets. I did the same with the second front wall.

On the other half of the front wall I sew internal partitions. The photo is not very visible, but when sewing on the partition, I made only one straight line (on the right).

Then she unscrewed the partition and sewed the second one in the same way.

And the third.

Then you need to sew partitions to the second front wall. We lay out the unfolded halves side by side and alternately, starting from the extreme left, we sew all three partitions. Then we fold our front walls so that the fabric again lies in half.

The end result is something like this.

We insert our duplicate material between the halves of the front walls and stitch it so that it does not move. It turns out here is such a detail.

In the same way, we flash the understudy and the edge. Don't forget the side pockets.

You can sew it in a matter of minutes, and then put it in your purse, thus making it a functional storage for everyday little things. Your daily routine will also become more organized.

Necessary materials

  • Rug or piece of thick fabric 30 cm long and 45 cm wide
  • Thick sewing machine needle
  • Threads in the color of the fabric
  • pins
  • All the necessary little things that are usually carried in a purse


  1. Take the most long object, which will lie in the organizer, and attach it to the bottom edge of the fabric to determine the depth of the pocket. It could be, for example, a smartphone. The edge of the fabric will need to be folded up to a comfortable height.
  2. Sew the edges of the resulting pocket as close to the outside of the fabric as possible.
  3. Put items in the organizer to mark the sides of the pockets for storing them. If the pattern of the fabric allows, it is enough to mark these lines with pins. Otherwise, you can first mark them with chalk or special soap, but then the organizer will need to be washed. If all the necessary little things on this moment No, you can take what you already have. Many items are interchangeable.
  4. Take out all the items and sew the pockets along the marked lines.
  5. Place necessary items organizer and put it in your purse.
  6. If the bag is small, the organizer can be twisted. If the fabric of the organizer is dense, it can be taken out of the bag and placed on a table or nightstand.

9 items to carry in your purse

Before sewing an organizer, you should think about all the things that will be in it. The contents of each handbag is individual, but there are necessary little things that are equally important for everyone.

  • Phone charger. A dead phone can cause a lot of problems.
  • Lip balm.
  • Moisturizing hand cream. It is useful in cold weather, when the skin of the hands is especially vulnerable and quickly becomes dry. A cream with a pleasant smell can be an alternative to perfume.
  • Medical plaster.
  • Wet wipes: a handy thing on different cases life. Helps to cope with dirt on the hands, face or on different surfaces.
  • Pens. Sometimes it is necessary to sign a document or receipt. A small notepad will also help.
  • Hand sanitizer. It is especially needed when there are children around who do not always wash their hands thoroughly.
  • Water bottle. Thirst, it happens, catches at the most inopportune moment.
  • Cereal bar or candy. Snacking is important in moments of hunger and bad mood.

Each of us has so many essentials in a handbag that it is sometimes difficult to quickly find what you need. And if you have to change the bag, then the “move” takes a lot of time, and how much time then you need to spend to remember where and what lies, because in different bags the location of the pockets and their number are different. Therefore, when I first saw the organizer for handbag, I realized that this thing is simply necessary for me. And I decided to make it myself. The whole process took two evenings.
(all pictures are enlarged)
To begin with, I decided on the dimensions and drew a sketch.
dimensions 26 X 17 X 8 (cm)

Consumables : fabric of two colors, 0.4m x 1.4m each, a small piece of lining fabric for the inside pocket, a 20 cm zipper, adhesive fabric or adhesive interlining to strengthen the sides and bottom (if necessary), threads to match the fabric.

We cut out blanks (taking into account seam allowances of 1 cm on each side) :
28 cm x 19 cm - 4 pcs. - large sidewalls of the outer and inner parts
10 cm x 19 cm - 4 pcs. - small sidewalls of the outer and inner parts
10 cm x 28 cm - 2 pcs. - bottom
and strengthen, if necessary, all parts with an adhesive cloth.

Double pockets with top fold .
Cut out () 2 blanks for large outer pockets 40 cm x 26 cm, 2 blanks for large inner pockets 40 cm x 22 cm. For small sidewalls, cut out blanks in the same way. The blanks for the pockets should be wider than the side parts so that the pockets can be formed with an overlap. Along the fold, stitch all blanks with one or two parallel lines.

On each of the side parts we form pockets according to the sketch, cut off the excess, put the overlap into folds, thus the pockets are voluminous.

Then sew the details of the outer part into a ring . We start the line from the top edge of the blanks and finish without reaching 1 cm to the bottom edge. This is necessary in the future for stitching the bottom.

Steam and iron the seams . As a press for wet heat treatment (WTO) I use a small smoothly ground birch bark.

Now sew in the bottom . Let's start with the short part. It is necessary to bend the 1 cm unfinished allowance in the lower part of the sidewall and pin the bottom to it with pins ().

Then we lay a line along the chipped short side without reaching 1 cm to the edge on each side.

Now we turn off the allowance along the long side of the sidewall, cut it off with pins with the long side of the bottom and attach it also without reaching the edge of 1 cm. We connect the remaining sides in the same way. As a result, the corners of the unfinished allowances will look like this. In the corners we cut out the fabric and cut off the allowances at all seams up to 0.5 cm.

The inside of the organizer is done in exactly the same way as the outside, only first on one of the large sidewalls you need to do inside zip pocket .
How to do it according to all the rules of tailoring, I honestly don’t know, so I figured it out and did it.
First, from the wrong side, I marked the place of entry into the pocket, cut it, folded it to the wrong side, swept and ironed the allowances. I put a zipper on the wrong side, pinned it with pins and stitched it.

Then I processed the wrong side with a lining (also as I could). First, I sewed small pieces of lining to the short edges of the zipper, and then larger patches to the long edges of the zipper without grabbing the main fabric of the sidewall. Here's what it looks like in the end:

Only after that we form and sew a pocket on the front side of the inside of the sidewall, bending the lining up .

Again we turn this part down “face down” and cover it with another layer of lining fabric, pin it off and sew this “pie” around the perimeter close to the edge. We cut off the lining fabric protruding along the edges and as a result we get such a nice pocket, which is as beautiful inside as it is outside (I love a beautiful inside).

Now you can sew all the details of the inside and sew on the bottom.

The resulting "boxes" put into each other , close the top edge of the organizerinlay and lay a line along its edge.

That's all! Organizer is ready! Please love and respect!

Now in my bag I will find everything with my eyes closed.
And changing bags has become a pleasure, you just need to shift the organizer from one bag to another! Second business!

You can do it too, you just have to want it! Good luck!

A bag organizer is an indispensable thing for any girl. With it, you can easily put things in order even in the most chaotic pile of ladies' accessories. Thanks to him, your bag will always be in perfect order and there will be much more free space, and finding and getting something will be much easier than before.

Every woman faces such a problem as the difficulty in getting something out of her purse. Necessary and not very things in it are always either dumped in one heap, or stuffed into all the pockets in a row. This creates a lot of obstacles in the way of the hand in the expanses of the insides of the accessory.

And when the time comes to take another bag and put everything you need from the old one into it, the “move” is long and painful. After that, you still need to remember what lies in which pocket, because in each accessory their number, size and location are different.

Therefore, in order to simplify her life, every girl needs a special bag organizer. Doing it with your own hands is not too easy, but it is quite possible. Consider an example detailed instructions for the manufacture of such.

Parameters and materials

The work begins with the definition required sizes. When choosing the parameters of a craft, be guided by the fact that it fits into any of your bags, is moderately compact, but at the same time roomy.

A fairly versatile option: length 26 cm, height - 17 cm and thickness - 8 cm.

Now we collect the materials necessary to create the product. You will need:

  • regular (two colors) and lining fabrics;
  • zipper with lock;
  • adhesive interlining (you will strengthen the sides and bottom of the product with it);
  • needle, thread.

We work out every detail

The organizer pattern for a bag consists of several parts - departments of the future accessory.

Cut blanks with the following parameters:

  • 4 large side pieces for inside and outside - 28 x 19 cm.
  • 4 small edges - 10 by 19 cm.
  • Bottom - 10 by 28 cm.

After cutting, reinforce each prepared element with interlining.

External pockets

It is impossible to imagine a bag organizer without pockets. Cut out 2 blanks for large outer ones, 40 by 26 cm in size, and the same number for inner ones - 40 by 22 cm. For side elements, cut blanks according to the same principle.

Make sure that they are wider than the walls of the organizer themselves. So you can make the pockets more spacious. Sew all the workpieces along the fold. You can use one or two parallel stitches for this.

Form pockets, cut off unnecessary from them and collect them in a fold to add volume to them.

After that, combine the blanks for external decoration into a ring. Sew them from top to bottom. In this case, it is necessary to leave about 1 cm free so that the bottom can be attached to it.

Steam and iron all the stitching lines well with an iron so that they look neat. You can use a small press to increase the leveling effect. For this purpose, for example, a smooth birch bar is suitable.

We fix the bottom

Next, you need to insert and fix the bottom into the organizer for the bag. First, pin it to the allowance left earlier with the help of safety pins.

After that, sew the material along the narrow sides. At the same time, leave at the end of each row of stitches 1 cm of free space.

Unscrew the allowance for long edges blanks, fasten them to the bottom using all the same pins. Sew, leaving a margin of 1 cm at the ends. Combine the remaining sides in the same way. After that, remove the fabric from the corners and cut all the allowances in half.

The entire organizer for the bag is sewn according to this pattern. On the inside, you must perform the same actions as on the outside. The only difference is the preliminary creation on one of the large sides of the pocket with a zipper.

Inner pocket

Mark on the inside the place where the entrance to the pocket will be located. Then cut it, overcast and iron the edges. On the inside, put a zipper, fix it with pins and sew.

Then tidy up reverse side lining, attaching small pieces of it along the edges of the snake. In this case, you can not grab the fabric from the side elements of the craft. Now shape the pocket and sew it on the outside of the inside of the side, while folding the lining up.

Turn the part you are working on right side out and cover it with an additional layer of lining. Use pins for preliminary fixation, and try to place the seam as close to the edge as possible. Trim off any excess fabric that sticks out from under the stitching. This completes your work on this pocket.

Now you can safely begin to combine all the details located inside the future accessory. Put all the formed departments together and sew the right places.

If you do it right, you will create the accessory your bag needs. An organizer for a bathroom or any other place can be made according to the same principle.