
How do you know what ring size you need? Buying a ring: we determine the size of the jewelry ourselves. We have put together simple ways to help you quickly find out the size of the ring you need.


Choose ring size? It would seem, what could be easier? Go to a jewelry store and get the help of a specialist or try to determine the size yourself? Both options have their own nuances. Tell GoldPrice consultants.

Why is it important to choose the right ring size?

How correctly you choose the size of the ring will determine whether you will wear it with pleasure, how comfortable you will be in it, and how long it will last. An incorrectly sized ring can fall off, or, conversely, cause discomfort if it is too tight. It’s a shame to lose a piece of jewelry that is dear to your heart simply because you didn’t understand the intricacies in time. Of course, modern technology has come a long way. Often, a ring that does not fit very well is taken to the workshop by many in order to slightly reduce or, conversely, increase the size. But this is not always possible. For example, “path” rings, rings with many stones, intricate and complex work, most likely will not work to fit. A jeweler who gives in to your persistent requests risks deforming the ring or sacrificing inserts. In addition, in most cases it is possible to reduce or increase only by half a size, a maximum of a size without loss. appearance and product proportions.

A ring that is too big for you is more likely to lose its original appearance. A piece of jewelry dangling on your finger, which you constantly touch, twist on your finger, take off and put on the table when you cook or work, will scratch and deform much more than a perfectly fitting piece of jewelry.

How to choose the size of the ring in the store

So, the surest way not to make a mistake with the size of the ring is to take measurements in a jewelry store using a special tool - a ring gauge (or finger gauge).

    What is important to consider here:
  1. Remember that the active hand and the fingers on it are slightly larger.
  2. The size of the fingers varies depending on the time of day, the weather.
  3. Rings with large stones should sit tight.
  4. The finger gauge is designed for the selection of narrow rings with a diameter of up to 3 mm.
  • The right hand for right-handers and the left hand for left-handers are considered active. If you don't know which hand to wear your ring on, measure and write down all measurements.
  • Puffiness, heat and cold affect the size, albeit slightly, by about 0.25 mm.
  • If there is a large stone on the ring, in a loose fit it will outweigh and the ring will rotate around the finger.
  • If you like wide rings, or several pieces of jewelry on your finger at the same time, add a quarter size to your usual.

How to determine the size of the ring yourself

If you do not have the opportunity to measure the size with a finger, you may need a simple, but also quite accurate method.

  1. Wrap your finger with a piece of thread, paper, lace.
  2. The measuring ring must not get stuck on the phalanges.
  3. Make a mark where the edges of the segment meet.
  4. Cut off the excess length with scissors.
  5. Measure in millimeters the length of the resulting segment.
  6. Determine the size by dividing the value by 3.14

How to choose the right ring size in the international size chart

It is important to take into account that different systems for measuring ring sizes are accepted in the world. In Russia, the size of the ring is the diameter of the circle, in Europe, for example, it is its length, and in the USA measurements are made in inches. There is no single dimensional system: along with Russian ones, there are European, American, Japanese, English sizes. So, Russian size 16 will correspond to English size L, American 5 ½, Japanese 11.

To choose the right ring size,

  1. Measure the circumference of your finger using one of the methods described above.
  2. Round the resulting value down if you want to wear thin rings, round up if you want to wear wide rings and you need a size margin.
  3. Find the resulting value in millimeters and compare it with the size of the selected country

How to choose the right ring size for each finger

Most often, when talking about choosing a ring size, they mean the ring or middle finger. But how to choose the size of the ring if you want to wear it on the little finger, on the index or even on the thumb? We understand in order.

  1. The thumb may be close in size to the middle one, but may be much larger due to the wide phalanx. Picking up a ring thumb, be aware that it can be difficult to put on and take off. In this case, it will sit freely on the finger.
  2. The index finger, or the finger that gave the ring its name, will require a wider or larger piece of jewelry that will fit snugly on the finger, but still allow it to bend easily and not get in the way.
  3. The middle finger may be the same size as the index finger. If you are convinced of this, choose rings that you will wear on both fingers.
  4. Engagement or wedding rings are worn on the ring finger. They, of course, should be selected in size especially carefully. As for the rest of the rings, the advice is the same: consider the width and size of the product, then it will be comfortable to use.
  5. Choosing the ring size for the little finger is not an easy task. This is the finger least involved in gestures and daily activities, and therefore the least controlled: the probability of losing the ring is high. Choose small, tight-fitting, streamlined rings.

If you are going to propose to a girl, then you will inevitably face the problem: “How to find out the size of your beloved’s finger without spoiling the surprise?” It's great if you already know the size of the ring in advance. And if not?

The easiest way to determine your finger size

The easiest way is to ask her best friend. She will find out the necessary information from the girl without arousing any suspicion.

For example, she can drag her to a jewelry store to look at rings - just for fun, and remember right size.

When asking for help from a friend, make sure she is not stupid or talkative, otherwise she may spoil the whole surprise.

If there is no suitable candidate among her friends, you can turn to your future mother-in-law.

We select the size ourselves.

When a girl wears rings and takes them off at night, you can:

  • try on the right ring for yourself until she sees. Remember which part of the finger it will reach;
  • take the right ring for a while, go to the store with it.
  • put the ring on paper and circle the inner diameter with a thin pencil.

Every person's fingers are different. Finger sizes for different hands also differ. Therefore, before taking the ring, make sure that she wears it on the ring finger of her right hand.

If you circled the ring on paper, then you can measure the diameter and calculate the appropriate size:

If a girl does not take off and does not wear rings, what to do?

While she is sleeping, take a thick thread, tie it on the girl's ring finger in the form of a ring, mark the size. With the resulting ring of thread, go to the store. The same option is possible with paper, 1-1.5 cm wide.

Make sure that both the thread and the paper pass through the girl's bone.

Measure the length of the paper, get the circumference. The table has an approximate correspondence between the length of the paper and the size of the ring. For thin rings, round down, for wide rings, round up.

You can simply download, print on paper and cut out a special tape.

Here's what it will look like:

You can download the pattern here.

Once the right ring is chosen, it's time to think about how to propose to the girl. The most spectacular ways are collected in. Before proposing to a girl, you need to be sure that she loves you. You can check this.

From time to time, you need to please your beloved.

Do not forget to develop in yourself.

To revive the relationship, you can sometimes make her jealous. You can read about this.

How to correctly guess the right size.

If a girl has a very light sleep, then do not rush to experiment with sleeping pills. There are several other proven methods.

The average finger size of a standard girl is 17. The average is not full, not thin, with not a large bone.

The smallest size is 14. If the girl is thin with small hands.

Take a close-up photo of the girl's hand. Go with a photo to a jewelry store. The sellers have a good eye and will definitely help you choose the right ring, even if you don't know the size.

Any ring can be stretched or reduced by a size if you miss a little.

Finally, an interesting video with the 5 most original marriage proposals:

Jewelry is equally highly valued by both women and men. But sometimes the choice of a gift or for yourself is fraught with difficulty, how to determine the size of the ring on your finger. In Hollywood movies, the grooms are always right about the size of the rings, but in real life things are a bit more complicated.

What you need to know to correctly determine the size of your finger?

You can choose the right ring in a jewelry store with the help of consultants who will offer to try on patterns or “probes”. But you can make a measurement even at home, it will be more accurate.

Reference! Remember that it is more difficult to remove jewelry from swollen fingers. If the jewelry compresses the blood vessels, you may lose your finger.

This is due to how the thickness of the finger changes during the day:

  • Measurements are taken 3 times: morning, afternoon and evening. Is not required condition, but it will help to understand how much the thickness of the finger changes during the day. It's connected with physiological features person. In the morning, for example, excess fluid accumulates in the body, so there is swelling. It is best to measure your finger in the middle of the day.
  • It is impossible to determine the size on the fingers after the load on the body. The loads include sports, illness, severe stress, and for women - on critical days. During these periods, the fingers are thicker, so if you use one of the ways to find out the size of the finger for the ring, the measurements will be incorrect.
  • Pay attention to temperature environment. Cold and heat affect the thickness of the fingers: in the heat they swell, from the cold they become narrower. In the midst of summer or winter, using the services of jewelry stores to try on a ring will not be a good solution.
  • The thickness of the fingers on different hands may vary. This should be remembered when choosing a wedding ring. The size should fit perfectly, so you need to measure your finger with maximum accuracy. In other cases, a little more decoration will not become a threat, because it can be worn on the other finger. The width of the fingers on the hands differs most often in people whose work is associated with physical labor, this is especially noticeable in men. working hand there will be a little more.
  • Before choosing a ring size, decide on the model. Wider rings and rings are bought 0.5-1 points more.

The diameter of the finger in Russia coincides with the size of the ring, as it is determined by the inner circumference of the jewelry. However, in other countries other size charts are used, which should be considered when buying online, where it is more difficult to change goods.

Determining the size of the ring at home

All ways to find out the size of the ring can be divided into tips for those who already have jewel and wears it constantly, and those who have not had such experience before. The first method seems simpler, but keep in mind that fingers swell with age, so if the jewelry is now slightly tight and hard to remove, it is better to measure your finger.

Find out the size of the existing ring using the selection of patterns

The picture shows the circles of the rings with an indication of their size. Print the picture in its original scale and apply your ring to each of the patterns until you find the right one. This method, how to determine the size of the ring at home, is suitable for simple products without massive jewelry that will prevent you from attaching it to the printout.

Find out the size of the existing ring using a ruler

The size of the jewelry is its diameter along the inside. Take a regular ruler and measure the diameter. Reference! Diameter is the distance between two points on a circle that are on opposite sides. If you're not sure you've centered the ruler, run it all over the piece of jewelry until you've got the "widest" spot.

With the help of a thread

The algorithm is simple:

  1. Take a strong, lint-free thread and wrap it around your finger. It is enough to wrap in one layer, but for greater accuracy, make 5 turns.
  2. Get a kind of ring of threads. Try taking it off your finger to make sure the middle knuckle isn't in the way.
  3. After that, you can cut the thread.
  • Measure the length of the thread that wrapped the finger in one turn. Apply the formula for how to determine the size of the ring - divide the length of the thread by 3.14.
  • Round up to 0.5.
  • The total value is rounded up or down. Rounding up goes for rings with a width of more than 6 mm, for thin jewelry rounding goes down.

Watch a video on the topic:


The principle of how to measure a finger for a ring with paper at home is the same as the previous thread method. It is necessary to take a not too wide strip of paper. Wrap it around your finger and mark with a pen where the two ends meet. Find the length of the segment and divide it by 3.14.

This method is not as convenient as with a thread, since it is more difficult to determine the passage of the future product through the joint. Instead of a regular strip of paper, you can print and cut out a pattern (as in the picture below):

  1. Make a cut in the indicated place and insert the narrow end of the paper into it.
  2. Tighten the resulting paper ring around your finger.
  3. At the junction there will be a ready-made value.

Determine the size by the thickness of the finger

Put your hand on a piece of paper. With a thin pen, set perpendicular to the sheet, circle the finger on both sides to the middle joint. Measure the distance between the lines with a ruler, it will be the desired value.

How to work with foreign jewelry stores: size chart

For different countries there are different standards for sizing rings. In Russia, this is the inner diameter; for Japan, it is determined by the formula:

Circumference - 40

There are also nuances in other countries. If you plan to choose a ring abroad, use the size matching table:

Is it possible to secretly determine the size?

Secret ways to pick up a ring may be the same as those described above. Just use them so that the chosen one or the chosen one does not know about it. For example, you can wrap a strip of paper around your finger while a person is sleeping. Or elicit information during a conversation, but not all people know their own sizes.

Much easier if the girl wears jewelry. You just need to guess the moment to get it in your hands. Even if at this moment you do not have a ruler or template with you, there is a way to measure the size of the ring. It is enough to try to put the ring on your finger. Mark the place where it is "stuck", and then determine the diameter of this place. This method will only work if the girl's fingers are smaller than yours.

What to do if the ring does not fit?

You can change the diameter of the ring in a jewelry workshop. Also, a similar service is offered in some stores, along with the individual production of rings. If the product is too small, it is rolled out to the desired size. It becomes a little thinner, but the diameter increases.

It is more difficult to work with large rings. If the ring is too large, the master must cut out part of the ring, and then carefully solder the ends. This procedure is more expensive, as it is more complicated. Therefore, it is better to choose a ring for a girl, a little smaller or change it. But men's rings usually have to be bought a size larger due to the peculiarities of their implementation.

Sometimes even the most painstaking determination of the size of the ring does not help to choose the right one. But jewelry can be exchanged in the store, so use the exchange or return service if you do not want to pay extra for ring fitting.

Anastasia Volkova

Fashion is the most powerful of the arts. It is movement, style and architecture in one.

The ring is a wonderful and appropriate gift for any celebration. Not only the man of his beloved can present it. It is also a wonderful surprise for mom, sister, girlfriend, brother, husband, son. To make the jewelry a pleasant surprise, you need to figure out how to find out the size of your finger yourself. There is nothing difficult in this, you just need to be smart and use the recommendations described below.

How to determine the size of your finger (step by step instructions)

Before you learn how to measure your finger size for a ring, there are a few important points to consider:

  1. During the day, the diameter of the circumference of the finger may change. Due to the water accumulated during the night's sleep, the hands may swell in the morning. The ideal measurement time is noon.
  2. In order not to have to think about how to reduce the ring or slightly increase it, refuse to try on the product in extreme cold or heat. At high temperatures, the fingers swell, and at low temperatures they become smaller.
  3. You should not calculate the diameter if you are very excited or upset, have recently played sports, and during critical days.
  4. It is recommended to choose a decoration of a slightly larger size. So the product will not squeeze the finger in the heat.
  5. The unnamed fingers of the left and right hands are of different thickness, and therefore wedding ring selected strictly by diameter. The desired finger is thinner (0.5 mm) than the middle and index fingers.
  6. If you buy a ring for the whole finger or a width of more than 8 mm, you need to consider that the size of the jewelry must be increased by 25%.

Measure the diameter of the ring at home

There are several proven methods on how to measure the diameter of a circle yourself. Explore each of them in more detail. The first method will require a smooth thread 50 cm long. The sequence of actions is as follows:

  1. Wrap tightly (not tight) with thread desired finger Five times.
  2. Then, without tearing off the warp, cross both ends of the thread and carefully cut them with scissors at the intersection.
  3. Measure the length of the resulting thread with a ruler, tape measure or centimeter. Convert the resulting value to millimeters, divide by 15.7. This will be the desired diameter.
  4. Always round up measurements, for example, 15.2 is rounded up to standard size 15,5.

For the second method, to figure out how to determine the size of the ring at home, a strip (1.5 cm) of ordinary thin paper is suitable. Follow these instructions:

  1. Cut a thin strip of paper and wrap it around your finger.
  2. At the junction of the two ends, draw a mark with a pencil.
  3. Use a ruler to measure the length paper strip to the mark.
  4. Divide the resulting value (translate into millimeters) by 3.14, calculate the required diameter.

Size chart

Today it is popular to purchase costume jewelry and jewelry not only in the jewelry stores of your country, but also in foreign or online catalogs. In addition to Russian, there is also an English and American scale for measuring rings. The platform of online stores Aliexpress, which has a wide range bijouterie and jewelry. Chinese gold rings are no exception. Sizes on this website are based on US scale. The photo below shows a table of international men's and women's sizes.

How to know the size secretly

If you need to choose a ring for another person, but so that he was surprised about it, use the following tips:

  1. Try to discreetly take from your beloved a ring that she wears from time to time. This method is possible if you have access to the girl's jewelry, from which it is possible to choose the right option.
  2. Take measurements yourself. Track when your girlfriend takes off (before going to bed, cooking, washing dishes) the ring she wears all the time. Put the product on a piece of white paper and circle it with a pencil or pen along the inner contour, or make an imprint of the decoration in a piece of soap, plasticine.
  3. Try on the ring of the woman you love on your finger. Mark with a marker or pen the level to which it has climbed.
  4. Ask for the size of the ring by cunning. For example, use a compatibility test, first change the questions in it to the ones you need.

Video how to measure a finger

To order your favorite product on the Internet and not miscalculate, you need to know how to find out the size of your finger yourself. If it is not possible to go to a jewelry store where a specialist will take accurate measurements, use the following video. It clearly shows how to find out your finger size for a ring quickly and easily. Up to a millimeter, the correct indicator cannot be calculated. Remember: almost any jewelry with the help of a jeweler can then be changed to the desired size.

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The size of the ring corresponds to its inner diameter. Therefore, if you have a ring and you simply do not know its size, it is enough to measure the diameter with a ruler.

Method 2

Another option is to find out the size using the existing one. Save and print the picture and attach the decoration to the circles. The one that matches the inner diameter will tell you the size.

Important: print all pictures in their original size (do not fit them into the sheet size).

Method 3

Take a thin strip of paper or a regular thread. Wrap around the lower phalanx of the finger, closer to the joint. Operate lightly, without pressure, so that the paper or thread can slide over your finger.

For paper, mark the seam with a pen. Then cut the strip along the mark.

If using thread, wind it several times and then cut the resulting thread ring.

Print the picture below and attach the blank to the control ruler. The length of the paper or thread should match the length of the colored strip.

Method 4

The case when you come in handy. As you remember, to find the diameter (ring size), you need to divide the circumference by the number π.

How to apply this knowledge in life

Repeat the first tip from the previous method, then use a ruler to measure the length of the paper strip or thread in millimeters. Divide the resulting number by 3.14. The result or the value closest to it (in accordance with the Russian system of measurement) will be the desired ring size.

If the division is difficult, just check the table. On the left is the length of the thread or strip, on the right is the corresponding size. Don't forget to round your result to the nearest value.

Length, mm

Ring size

47,12 15
48,69 15,5
50,27 16
51,84 16,5
53,41 17
54,98 17,5
56,55 18
58,12 18,5
59,69 19
61,26 19,5
62,83 20
64,4 20,5
65,97 21

Method 5

Print the picture, cut out the blank, make a cut on it and insert the end of the ruler into it. You should get a paper ring. By adjusting it on your finger, you can find out the size.
  1. If you are sizing for a narrow ring (up to 5 mm wide), then the measurement result can be rounded up to the nearest value. For a wide ring (from 6 mm), round up or add half a size.
  2. The thickness of the fingers during the day may vary. Therefore, it is better to take several measurements in different time days. Or once in the middle of the day: as a rule, at this time a person is at the peak of activity and the fluid balance in the body is optimal.
  3. Do not take measurements after drinking a large number fluids, exercise or during illness. Also, do not do this if the room is very hot or cold.

Do you know other ways to determine the size of the ring at home? Tell us about them in the comments.