
The scenario of the New Year and Christmas performance "When Santa Claus Was Little" for a children's group of different ages, methodological development (grade 7) on the topic. Lesson on the culture of Bashkortostan "Ural winter" When Santa Claus was little


Last year, I took a group of children in their 7th, 10th and 11th grades to rest in a children's sanatorium. The specifics of the team determined the form new year holiday: first, the younger ones played a Christmas tree for adult schoolchildren, and then the older ones showed a Christmas story for seventh graders. It turned out very well.




Lead Adult: Attention! Guests and participants of today's holiday are invited to the hall! Christmas fantasy begins! Maestro, music! (Participants enter the hall, polonaise, sit down. Host 1 and 2 appear)

Presenter 1: Outside the window, white snow is slowly falling in large flakes, a blizzard is sweeping and spinning.

Presenter 2: Before the New Year, the windows are painted with beautiful leaves, flowers, large ears of corn. And every morning these patterns change. (Going aside. Mother and daughter appear (Nastya Shiryaeva and Katya Dryakhlova)

Katya: Mommy, who draws this so beautifully?

Nastya: This is Santa Claus giving you presents.

Katya: Why does he always draw only herbs and flowers?

Nastya: Santa Claus knows that in winter people yearn for summer and really look forward to it.

Katya: Mom, was Santa Claus ever small?

Nastya: Probably was ...

Katya: Where did he live when he was little?

Nastya: I don’t know, my mother answered.

Katya: Why do only Santa Clauses always come, and when the boys Frost never come?

Nastya: Probably, there are no such boys ...

Katya (thoughtfully): No, no, it probably happens ... After all, people do not immediately become grandfathers ... (They go into the hall. The presenters come out1)

Presenter 1: Once everyone was a child: And Santa Claus, and Baba Yaga, and Koschey, and the Winter Queen, and Goblin, and the Snow Maiden.

(He sits in the hall, M. Moroz and M. Koschey appear)

Boy Frost (Kirill): I will probably never understand why they shout to me at every Christmas tree: “De-dush-ka Moroz !!! Grandfather!!! Grandfather!!!". Well, how much can you? What kind of grandfather am I? The sheepskin coat is big for me, the hat generally falls off, I grow, grow, grow, grow, and the Christmas trees do not trust me to lead.

Boy Koschei (Azat): I envy you! For the mind! Let me play for you!

Boy Frost: Why is that?

Boy Koschei: I'll take riddles from you for one minute, they will guess them, and I'll return them to you. I agree? (Frost nods, leaves) (scream game) The chants are announced: You must, dear viewers, finish the poem so that you get a rhyme. For example, Who painted the nose?
Well, of course - and you answer me ...(Father Frost)!

Figure in a white dress
This is the granddaughter ... ( Snow Maiden)!

Here they go ahead
For a fun…(New Year)!

Santa Claus is broad in the shoulders,
Drags behind...(bag).

It contains various toys
Dolls, bunnies, ...(crackers).

Their path was, of course, long
This is what it seemed...(school).

And of course Santa Claus
Your bag for the holiday ...(nes).

Who will tell us a poem
Will open up…(bag).

And for dancing to all of you, children,
Santa Claus will...(for candy).

Have fun honest people
The best holiday... New Year)!

Yaga Girl appears (Lera Zabrodina)

Girl Yaga: Hello, Koshchan! That is, Koschey-annoyed-children-quickly!

Boy Koschey: By the way, I took away magic riddles from Frost! And then I’ll take another wand, and I’ll be the most important winter wizard!

Girl Yaga: You are healthy, brother, brag! Yes, but I will soon be in the forest - the most beautiful Yaga Girl !!! I stole magical ice beads from the Snow Maiden!!! Here, check it out!!! (shows, both say, wow, that's class!)

Boy Koschey: This means that we have taken riddles and beads from them, it remains to get a magic staff and a hat.

The Snow Maiden (Lera Trifonova) appears, Yaga hides beads behind her back:

Snegurka: And what are you hiding there, Yagulechka?

Yaga: And this is me dancing with the guys! Hey, honest people, get into a round dance, do as I do! Hand first...

(dance "Little Christmas Tree")

Snow Maiden: I won’t say anything, a funny song. But it seems to me that something is not right here. By the way, where are my enchanted beads? My mother Spring gave them to me, I should try them on in honor of the holiday! (He rummages in his pockets, can't find it.) Nowhere, mother, mother, what to do? (looks at Yaga) Your job?

Yaga: but I won’t give it back! I announce a competition: "Pass the bag." The main thing in this competition is to pass the bag behind your back so that the Snow Maiden does not see. And let the Snow Maiden try to take it away. Those who dropped the bag go to the Christmas tree.

(Contest PASS THE BAG. Those who flew out of the game play the third-odd one under the tree. They give the bag of beads to the Snow Maiden, she puts them on herself, the presenter explains the rules, “I want to handle it”) (Third-Extra with losses, Yaga and Koschey stand in a circle .

Leshachonok and Snezhinka (Ilya and Natasha) appear.

Snowflake: And don't tell me anymore that there are a lot of snowdrifts in the forest, and that all the trees are covered with snow, and that you have nowhere to run!!! You - the boys - just run!

Leshachonok: And you, snowflakes, just spin, just dance !!!

Snowflake: No!

Leshachonok: And yes!

Snowflake: Oh no!

Leshachonok And yes!

Snowflake: And I say - no!

Leshachonok: And I say - yes !!!

Koschey: I envy you!!!

Snowflake and Leshachonok (in chorus): Envy silently!!!

Snowflake: Let's do this: checkwe will compete with the guys. You get your team, and I get mine. Whose player wins is right!

The adult leader explains the rules of the game. L. and S. recruit 5 participants each, to the left leg of the participants are tied balloon. To the music, the participants must dance and try to burst the opponent's ball with their right foot. The game continues until the winner has one ball left.)

(The Boy Koschey appears. Vasilisa the Wise appears - Anya, Polina, Mariam)

Boy Koschey: That's great! Hey, who are you? Everyone goes here, they interfere with saving good!

Vasilisa 1: - We are Vasilisa-wise.

Boy Koschey - Who?

Vasilisa 1,2,3 (in chorus): - Vasilisa the wise!

Boy Koschei - Where did you come from?

Vasilisa 2- Arrived from different fairy tales...

Vasilisa 3- Because we have a gathering of young Vasilis.

Vasilisa 1, 2,3 (in chorus): - By the exchange of wisdom.

Boy Koschei - What?

Vasilisa 1, 2,3 (in chorus): - By the exchange of wisdom.

Boy Koschey: I do not want! I do not want! At school they teach, they teach. Even here, in a fairy tale, they piled on.

Vasilisa 1: Did you envy Frost? Envy! Got riddles? Carried away!

Vasilisa 2: Are you called to the Christmas trees? Not!!!

Koschey: I can't do anything!

Vasilisa 3: - Well, girls, will we teach?

Vasilisa 1,2,3 (together): - Let's teach.

(Adult presenter) We stood in a circle - we will show Koshchei how they dance christmas toys on the Christmas tree: (Dance of little ducklings) How they dance glass balls, crystal icicles, tinsel, bunnies and squirrels, Christmas tree.

(All the children-heroes go out under the tree, bow, disperse, the leader remains 3.

Presenter 3: Children grow up, and fairy tales change. But there is one that is already 2 thousand years old. (Waving hands, background)Let the magic come true Now on holy Christmas. He leaves, the bearded sage appears.

Sage : The brightest day on earth is approaching, the most beloved Christian holiday - Christmas! Many of you have already lit the lights (points to the tree in the hall) a smart Christmas tree, right?

Sage. And today we will tell you how this wonderful and beautiful custom- decorate the Christmas tree for Christmas. Want to?

Shepherd 1 . But first, let's remember the biblical story about the birth of the Infant Jesus Christ.. The Bible says so. God the Creator saw that people, his beloved creatures, became very unhappy on earth. And such a misfortune happened because people forgot God's commandments and were mired in sins. They became deceitful, greedy, evil. And the Creator decided to send his son Jesus Christ to humanity, commanding Him to become the Savior of all people and teach people to live in kindness and love for each other.
Shepherd 2 By the will of God the Father, the Savior Christ appeared to people as a beautiful Infant. The child was born in Judea, in the city of Bethlehem, and not in a palace, but in a cave-shed. The earthly parents of Jesus were Mary and the carpenter Joseph. The happy mother swaddled the born Son and put Him in a manger, a feeder for animals, as in an ordinary cradle.

Shepherd 3: And the Creator made it so that the first to know about the Baby Jesus were not the rich, but the poor shepherds, the owners of the cave-shed. On the night Jesus was born, they were tending their flocks in a nearby field. Suddenly, a beautiful bright star flashed above them, and angels descended from the sky. The shepherds are scared!

Sage : But the angels said: “Don't be afraid! We have come to tell you great joy: now in Bethlehem a Savior has been born to all people! And here is a sign for you: you will find a Child in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger.” The amazed shepherds hurried to their barn to be the first to bow to the Great Infant.
Palm: And according to one folk legend, near the cave-shed, to which the shepherds hurried, three trees grew (presents in turn): herringbone, palm and olive.

Olive: Now look what the old people say, why we decorate the Christmas tree for Christmas.

Palm tree (to Spruce and Olive). You heard? Have you heard what people say? In the barn is the Child born to save the world!

Olive . Let's carefully look out the window. I so want to look at him.

Spruce . What a wonderful baby! His parents are happy! They call Him Jesus!

The Wise Men appear on the scene. They have gifts in their hands: a golden box and amphoras. Elle notices this..

Spruce. Look! See what noble people are coming here.

Palm . It looks like they are oriental sages.

Olive. Or the kings themselves!

The wise men approach the barn.

1st sage . The star led us not to the palace, but to this miserable barn!

2nd sage . And yet, it is here that we will find the future King Messiah.

3rd sage . Yes! That's what the prophets said. Well, wise ones, let's hurry inside.

Spruce . With what reverence do the wise men bow to the Child!

Palm . They gave him wonderful things!

Oliva ( dragging Palm and Spruce from the window). We, too, must present the Little One!

Spruce . The thought is wonderful! But what can trees give Him?

The trees think for a few seconds.

Olive .I have an idea! I will give the Baby my golden olives! And for adults, He will always find rest in my groves.

Palm . And my dates, Baby will love it! He and his family will be able to feed on my fruits for life. And with my branches I will praise Him!

Spruce . Why am I so unhappy? My buds are bitter and my needles are so prickly! I have nothing to give the Baby. I will die of grief!

Olive . Wait, Christmas tree, don't be sad! We'll think of something now.

Palm . I have an idea! We will ask the stars to decorate your branches.

Olive . Right! You will sparkle and please the Little one no less than an expensive gift!

The Star appears.

1st star . We have all seen and heard.

2nd star (to Eli ). Take our star outfit!

The stars throw a golden and silver rain on the Spruce.

3rd star. And this decoration is for you from that beautiful Star (points to a star in the sky. It was she who announced to the world the birth of the Baby Jesus.

The stars put on the spruce top - a golden crown in the form of the star that shines in the sky.

Spruce . What a priceless gift!

Everything. How beautiful!
What a miracle!

What a wonderful tree!

1st star. It's a pity to leave, but we must return

2nd star. And you, Yolochka, now people will dress up.

3rd star. Every year, in honor of the birth of the Baby Jesus, they will decorate you, light stars on your branches.

Spruce. How happy I am! I will proclaim to the whole world the bright holiday of the Nativity of Christ!

Oliva: Children will be happy around you, and adults and people will call you a Christmas tree!

Palm: The hardest hearts will soften at the Christmas tree. People will forget insults, remember mercy, will gladly help and bestow each other.

Spruce . And all together, happy, we will glorify the birth of the Great Infant!

(The Sage appears in the costume of Santa Claus:

Santa Claus: May the New Year dawn on you,
Will give you success.
And let it sound in your house
Cheerful, ringing laughter.
May a faithful friend be near
Both on holiday and in bad weather.
And let your house
Like a snowball
Happiness always comes!

The little one can do what the big one can’t: ask for hands, demand consolation, increased attention, a gift “out of turn”. And the little one next to the big one always wins in the eyes of an adult - due to its emphasized vulnerability and need for guardianship.

On the other hand, a little one cannot do a lot of things - and often just what they really want. Something really worthwhile, exciting, maybe even risky. As a rule, these are restrictions on independent actions. You can't because it's small.

In general, the word "small" in the child's mind has at the same time directly opposite meanings.

But in relation to book characters, the characteristic “small”, as a rule, immediately makes the hero “one of his own”, “close in spirit”. "Small" - in particular, small in stature - almost always evoke sympathy and sympathy in children - both with their visible vulnerability and their attempts to somehow compensate for this vulnerability - to defeat, outwit or surpass the big ones. And this applies to the children different ages. From the moment when adults begin to justify their prohibitions with the words “You are still too small for this,” the mechanism of identifying the child with “small” and, for this reason, something deprived characters begins to work.
That is why the Little Santa Claus of the German writer Anu Stoner immediately finds herself among the favorite children's characters.

But in general, little Santa Claus is a kind of revolution in children's consciousness. It seems that a certain visual image is “fixed” to Santa Claus from the very beginning: this is a gray-haired DED (that is, an adult). He is a magician, a giver. He brings gifts. But his voice is so loud, and his beard is somehow too thick and long, and the magic staff, and in general ... He seems to be able to freeze. Assurances that he is kind are always accepted with some doubts: who knows! No wonder you have to behave well with him ...

And suddenly something arises that enters into a dispute with this canonical image.
It turns out that there are a lot of Santa Clauses in the world (well, that's okay, we ourselves have long known about this: one Santa Claus will not reach everyone on time). And among them there is a small one. That is, Santa Claus is a child. Or, more precisely, Santa Claus is like a child - with all the feelings and resentments inherent in a child, although outwardly he differs from adults only in size. In all other respects, he is their exact copy - he has the same clothes, boots, and even a beard.
But the beard is not as a sign of old age, but as " required attribute”, associated with “snowiness” and symbolizing involvement in winter.

The beard of Little Santa Claus looks exactly like this in the drawings of Henrika Wilson - like a small snowdrift.

Illustrations are perhaps the most valuable thing in a book about Little Santa Claus. They very "eloquently" complement and reinforce verbal images. What is one spread on which Little Santa Claus is talking with huge boots! That is, in fact, he is talking with the Chief Santa Claus, but our eyes, at the behest of the artist, see this whole scene at the level of the view of Little Santa Claus. And he himself looks at the elder from the bottom up, throwing his head back. And his smallness - which is the reason for the unfair (as it seems to us) attitude of other Santa Clauses towards him - really pierces the heart.

We feel even more acutely the bitterness and resentment of the hero, left at home and excommunicated from the common holiday, looking at another picture: against the background of a huge dark sky, on a narrow strip white snow- a tiny hunched figure in a red cap. And behind it in the snow are the prints of small boots - as a symbol of the first steps towards an independent solution.

In general, knowing the title of the book, you can come up with your own text of the story from the pictures - the pictures are so clear and consistent in terms of the plot.
And they are painted very "correctly" from a child's point of view: recognizable contrasting colors, underlined contours.

Instead of eyes, the characters have dots (“dot, dot, two hooks”), but the faces and animal muzzles are very expressive, and we can easily “read” them emotional condition heroes. If desired, these pictures can be redrawn (or translated using tracing paper).

And the story itself asks for a “stage” - a table theater. Figures of fairy-tale characters are easy, for example, to fashion from any plastic material. The economical attitude of the artist to pictorial details makes this task quite feasible.

A little performance based on a book could turn out to be a good festive action at the Christmas tree.
And after all, what a wonderful solution to the conflict a fairy tale offers: Little Santa Claus, who, due to his height and age, is not yet suitable for adult affairs, decides to give gifts to forest animals - to become a forest Santa Claus.
It turns out that if you wish, you can find someone you can help, bring joy. And this is already a high philosophy.

Marina Aromshtam


Based on the book "Little Santa Claus" by Anu Stoner

“If I didn’t read anything about Bashkiria, except for the books of Mustai Karim, and didn’t see a single Bashkir except Mustai, then even then I could consider that I know Bashkiria and its people.”

Dagestan poet Kaisyn Kuliev.

I live in the small village of Chishmy in the Republic of Bashkortostan, the name of which is translated as "spring". Yes, my native land is famous for its ringing springs, the waters of which have healing power.

But I consider the greatest gift of our land to be kind, courageous people who love their native land without limit, sincere, wise, endowed with talent.

I can proudly call my countryman one of the most famous and respected sons of my native Bashkiria, Mustai Karim, since he was born in 1919 in the village of Klyashevo, Chishminsky district, which is very close to my village.

Here is his portrait in front of me. From the photograph, a man with lush curly hair, touched by noble gray hair, a wise face radiates kindness, sincere cordiality, a smile on the lips, and sad eyes. I found an entry from his diaries dated March 3, 1978. Here is what he wrote about himself: "Perhaps I am the saddest merry fellow." What was this man sad about?

He probably remembered the difficult trials of fate that he had to go through in life. It was not an easy childhood. But even then, as a child, he endured all the hardships of the hungry years steadfastly. This idea was voiced in one fairy tale for children. He wrote: “These troubles did not frighten me. And tempered and taught to be persistent.

In the book “Moments of Life,” the writer told how he and his brother had to sit all day with a fishing rod by the lake, hoping to bring home at least some food. I was especially moved by the fact that he and his brother Ilyas were not childishly patient and even encouraged each other. And when the tired ones returned home, Mustai, who was then 13 years old, carried his six-year-old brother to the house on his back. Much later, he wrote in his book: “If people more often lifted and carried each other, then there would be less remorse.”

And yet, the writer recalls his childhood years with warmth: “Once, in 1932, there was a very hungry year, we plowed late. In autumn. It was raining. I came tired, cold, hungry, and suddenly the house smelled of porridge. Mother took out cereals from somewhere and cooked porridge with pumpkin. That's when I was very happy."

It was interesting to know how Mustai Karim played and had fun as a child. “We, the boys of Cherche Street,” wrote the poet, grew up noisily, together, imitating adults in everything. Outside the outskirts we had our own toy arable lands and meadows, we even organized our own Sabantuy every year with races, wrestling and other competitions; the winners received beautiful wrappers from family tea and soap as a gift, which we collected “from the population” on the eve, bypassing the whole street.”

Mustai Karim was born in the village of Klyash, on the banks of the beautiful Dyoma River. I think picturesque nature has become a source of creative inspiration:

You know how in my homeland

Pearly water runs like tears

White-trunked birches are languishing

In the green frame of the fields?

He began to write poetry from the 6th grade, and at the age of 16 several poetry collections were already published in print. Mustai Karim's first book was published back in 1938 and was named in the spirit of the times "The Detachment Moved". Great was my surprise when I found out that this talented poet and writer, it turns out, was only the second literate person in his family! Mustai's elder brother, who graduated after the revolution, was the first to learn to read and write. primary school. And before that, no one in a large family even knew how to sign, as, indeed, in almost any other peasant Bashkir family. “Instead of a signature, they put a tamga (mark) that looked like either a pitchfork or a chicken paw,” says the writer. - This tamga was like a family coat of arms with us. It could be seen everywhere: on the border of land plots, and on a harness, and on a horse’s rump, even on an ax handle.

When the war began, Mustai Karim had just graduated from the Literary Faculty of the Pedagogical Institute. He immediately went to the front. In the army he was chief of communications and chief of staff of the artillery battalion. The anti-tank artillery battalion operated on the most critical front lines, all the time fought the most fierce battles. But even then, in a combat situation, and later, lying with a serious wound in the hospital, Karim wrote poetry. After the hospital, he became a correspondent for front-line newspapers and remained at the front until last day war.

Mustai Karim began writing and publishing before the war. But real fame came to him with military poems.

Poets - front-line soldiers! How much these two words say! People who fought for their homeland, for the salvation of all mankind - both with military weapons and with a poetic word. People who knew the hardest and most dangerous labor of war and who created such lofty, brilliant and necessary poetry like bread!

In the years since the war, Mustai Karim traveled and wrote extensively. When an artist or a writer paints any area of ​​the earth especially vividly and visibly, he seems to give it to us. This land becomes our home. Mustai Karim gives us Bashkiria in his works. Its generous arable lands and water meadows, its mountains, rivers, lakes - live in his poems in many colors and vividly.

I go through the flowering valley

To your village from a long trip.

I tear strawberries and drink handfuls

Springs of relatives living water.

The poetry of Mustai Karim is sincere and lyrical, and his prose is so wise and understandable.

I am surprised and delighted by the works addressed to us, children. When you read them, you forget that the author is a man of respectable age. Children's experiences, anxieties and doubts are so subtly felt. I am sure that the writer was an excellent psychologist and knew exactly what the child was thinking, what interested him, what worries him. By the behavior and actions of children, he "read" their characters. This is especially vividly displayed in the fairy tale "When Santa Claus was little."

I noticed that in the works for children the writer also raises such important topics as honesty, diligence, endurance, devotion in friendship. I really liked his idea: "When there are real friends, even enemies are not so terrible."

It seems to me that he, like a good mentor, gives us wise, life advice. Mustai Karim is trying to protect us from serious mistakes. In this I see paternal concern for the younger generation. Very instructive are his stories and fairy tales “There or here?”, “Leaf and ant”, “In the birch forest”.

Reading the children's works of Mustai Karim, every time it seems to me that I am talking with a person close to me who wishes me well.

He really was a very interesting, friendly conversationalist. Once Mustai Karim attended a meeting with teachers at our school. It was in 2000. This is what my teacher, Senicheva T. Yu., recalls: “Whatever he talked about: about the profession of a teacher, about politics, about his life, he knew how to arouse the sincere interest of listeners.” Most of all, Tatyana Yuryevna liked the fact that our great countryman perceived life optimistically, instilled confidence, taught to enjoy every day lived. His speech was full of sparkling humor. I wanted to remember every witty phrase, every wise saying. And everyone really liked that in communicating with teachers, the great poet and writer showed sincere respect. Not a shadow of arrogance and a hint of his high position! “It was easy and pleasant to communicate with him, like with an old friend. After such a conversation, my heart was joyful, ”Tatiana Yurievna told me.

long and interesting life lived the great son of Bashkortostan, Mustai Karim. And he lived it beautifully, with dignity, with his head held high:

human born

Do not crawl on it born!

Standing on your feet once, do not fall, hold on!

This talented person has been gone for several years now, but his soul, his thoughts live in his wonderful works. And the more I read about him, the more my interest in his work and in the personality of Mustai Karim himself grows.

I have a dream to visit his native village. Stand at the famous "Well of Inspiration", hug the white-trunked birch trees, so beloved by the poet and writer. Stand on the steep bank of the Dyoma River and feel the feeling of freedom and soaring above your native land. I would like to talk with fellow villagers who knew him not only from his works, but were personally acquainted with Mustai Karim. I think this dream will come true soon!

Once, hundreds of years ago, on the eve of the Winter Solstice, a miracle happened at the North Pole. In deep caves, under a layer of ice, an Elven kingdom arose... Now the kingdom has been destroyed. Thanks to the flying deer, only Nikolai, the last elf, managed to escape. The boy grows up among kind and good people, but he feels that he is not like them... When the ruthless witch Magda, surrounded by goblins and demons, decides to take away childhood from all the children of the planet, only Nikolai can resist her. A gripping story with an intricate plot that takes us all the way to the North Pole. Nicholas and the mystery of the Golden City is a wonderful fairy tale. You will never forget her.

In addition, he is the owner of a small bookstore "The Blue Bunny", the founder of the organization "Fable Vision", whose mission is to help children discover their creative potential, discover their abilities and talents. And all because Peter met a very correct teacher in his childhood - a math teacher, Mr. Matson. Instead of making little Peter listen to the lesson and not be distracted, he let him draw. He even suggested that Peter draw little math stories to make it easier for other students to understand. Inspired, the boy immediately took to drawing a book of mathematical comics, and this turned his views on mathematics: for the first time, behind the faceless numbers, he saw things and actions that could be drawn on paper. When the project was ready, Mr. Matson suggested that Peter make an educational animated film based on comics, and in a couple of months it was ready. Now Peter is doing it professionally, creating educational books and films. In addition, he founded the Fable Vision company, which tries to help children find themselves (after all, not everyone is lucky to meet a teacher like Mr. Matson who sees your potential).

Reynolds, P. Point. – M. : CompassGuide, 2011.

Peter G. Reynolds, author and illustrator of The Point, found an unusual angle to show the creativity in every person. The main character of the book, whose name is Vashti, to prove her inability to draw, pokes a pencil into paper. However, the resulting small dot becomes the beginning of surprises and discoveries.

The drawing lesson is over, but Vashti is sitting at her desk as if she had been glued. Her sheet is empty. She can't draw. To prove this, Vashti pokes the pencil hard on the paper. "Here!" she says. And this small point becomes the beginning of surprises and discoveries...

Years since birth

John Rowe (born 1949) - English children's writer and artist.

Born in Kingston upon Thames, Surrey, England. In 1969 he studied drawing at the Richmond College of Art in London. In 1970 he studied drawing at the Twickingham College of Technology. In 1971 he studied drawing at the English School of Art, Surrey. In 1974 he studied drawing at the Hochschule für Angewandtekunst, Vienna.

In 1990, John Rowe created the first children's book and hasn't stopped since.

Rowe, J. Please Hug Me! - M. : ID Meshcheryakova, 2009.

More than anything, Elvis the hedgehog wanted someone to hug him. But no one dared even touch him, because he was so prickly. Wherever Elvis went, everyone just shook their heads and turned away ... And then, one fine day, his life changed. This book is about how a prickly hedgehog with a good heart found a friend. And also about the need of each person to overcome the distance that separates him from others. English writer John Roe wrote this little story for children, but it has won the love of readers of all ages all over the world.

The book has been translated into many languages. In the spring of 2008, it became one of the main events of the International Children's Literature Fair in Bologna.

Rowe, J. Good thing I'm like this! - M. : ID Meshcheryakova, 2010.

Elvis the Hedgehog was incredibly curious. Once secretly from his best friend, Rocky the crocodile, he went for a walk in the woods. In the forest, the hedgehog suddenly became sad. His new friends - forest dwellers - turned out to be unusually beautiful and talented. Elvis decided that they were all better than him ... The hedgehog was still small and did not understand that each was valuable and unique in its own way.

Keith Summerscale

Kate Summerscale (born 1965) is an English journalist and writer.

Works: 1997 - "The Queen of Whale Cay", 2008 - "Mr. Whicher's Suspicions, or Murder on Road Hill", 2012 - "Mrs Robinson's Disgrace".

Confession: winner of the Somerset Maugham Award (for The Queen of Whale Cay) in 1998.

Summerscale, K. Mr. Whicher's Suspicions, or the Road Hill Murder. – M. : Ast, 2010.

The most mysterious crime and the most unusual investigation of Scotland Yard. Real story, the basis of an amazing, exciting novel! 1860 The rich country mansion of high-ranking official Samuel Kent. It would seem that nothing out of the ordinary can happen there ... But on a summer night, a monstrous murder is committed in the house, the victim of which is the three-year-old son of Kent. The case is entrusted to Jack Whicher - the famous detective of Scotland Yard, the legendary man who became the prototype of the detective Cuff - the heroes of the novel by Wilkie Collins "Moonstone". Whicher immediately understands that a person "from outside" simply could not get into the Kent mansion. And this means that all the inhabitants of the house turn out to be under suspicion - from servants to family members ...

Samuel Johnson Prize.

Ali Smith

Ali Smith (born 1962)- Scottish writer


  • to acquaint children with the peculiarities of the Ural winter, its distinctive features from the winter nature of Siberia and the Crimea.
  • develop the ability to draw conclusions and conclusions.
  • to instill love for the native land.


  • Atlas of the Republic of Bashkortostan edited by M.F. Khismatov, V.N. Gnatishin.
  • Map “Climatic zones”.
  • Textbook "Living springs" 3-4 cells. Authors: Idelbaev M.Kh., Suleymanov A.M.
  • Textbook “Blossoming Land, Blessed”.Author Mavletov B.C.
  • Telegram from Santa Claus.

During the classes

1. Creation of psychological comfort

Teacher. Hello guys! Look out the window! What a wonderful day today. Snow sparkling in the sun creates a good mood for us. I hope that we will keep this mood throughout the lesson also because the most favorite holiday of children is approaching - the New Year.

2. Introduction to the topic

W: Let's start our lesson with a mental exercise. Your attention is invited to fillword. Guess riddles and find clue words in the puzzle. Do not forget that words can be read in any direction (feelwords for each student without answers.) ( Annex 1 .)

  1. Independent work with fillword.
  2. Checking the execution of the task.

- What is the common theme of these riddle words?

Children: All the words of the riddle are associated with winter.

3. Updating knowledge

W: What do you know about winter?

(Children's statements.)

– Winter lasts 3 months. Winter months are December, January, February. Low air temperature. The ground is covered with snow, precipitation in the form of snow.

(Summarizing the answers, fix them on the board. It is better to use cards.)

U: This is how Khabibulla Gabitov describes winter in his poem “Winter”.

(Textbook "Living springs" 3-4 cells) p. 67.

  1. Reading a poem by a trained student.
  2. Conversation about what was read on the questions in the textbook.

4. Post the topic of the lesson.

W: Today in the lesson we will talk about the Ural winter, i.e. about winter in our area. (The topic of the lesson is recorded. The word “Ural” is highlighted).

5. Creating a problem situation

W: Why is the word “Ural” highlighted?

Will the story of winter change if we talk about Siberian winter, about winter in Crimea? Isn't winter the same everywhere?

D: Winter is different in different regions.

W: What does it depend on?

D: From the climatic zone to which the area is located. The closer to the pole is the climatic zone, the colder, because. smaller angle of incidence sun rays. The closer to the equator is the climate zone, the warmer, because. more angle of incidence of sunlight.

6. Solving a problem situation

W: What climate zone is the Urals in?

D: The Urals is located in the temperate climate zone.

(The answer is accompanied by a display on the map "Climatic zones".)

W: By what signs do we determine the arrival of Winter in our area?

D: Water bodies freeze, the ground is covered with snow, it does not melt.

W: Nazar Najmi's poem on page 69 will help us answer this question.

  1. Reading a poem.
  2. Conversation about what was read on questions in the textbook p. 70.

W: Think about in what month signs of the arrival of winter appear in our area and in what month do they end?

D: From November to March, stable snow cover and frozen ponds.

W: What conclusion can you draw about the course of winter in the Urals?

D: The Ural winter lasts from November to March, i.e. 5 months, winter months- November, December, January, February, March.

W: When were we right? look at the writing on the board) when they made the first entry on the board or now.

(Children's statements.)

- In the first case, we are talking about a calendar winter - generally accepted. And in the second case, we are talking about seasonal winter, characteristic of the area. Interesting information about the Ural winter can be found in the Atlas of the Republic of Bashkortostan.

  1. Reading article p. 24-25 in the Atlas.
  2. A student reading an excerpt about winter in the textbook “Blossoming Land, Blessed.” from 87.
  3. Article discussion.

7. Physical education

“Winter exercise”

And today winter has a housewarming party,
You and I are invited to the fun.
And what height?
Here is such a height
White doormat.
And what is the width?
This is the width
Look, the ceilings are ice
High, high, lacy!
We are walking up the stairs.
Above the legs, top top.
We open the doors of the rooms,
Right - clap, left - clap.
Hello, winter!
You are the mistress, bow down:
Hello winter!

8. Work on the distinctive features of the Ural winter from the winter in the Crimea and Siberia

W: What games, amusements do you like to play in winter

(Children's statements.)

- What is the main winter holiday approaching?

D: New Year.

W: With what mood do we meet the arrival of the New Year, Santa Claus, Snow Maiden?

(Children's statements.)

– Askhal Akhmat Khuzha describes the meeting of Santa Claus and children in the poem “Grandfather Frost” very interestingly.

  1. Reading a poem from 67-68.
  2. Content conversation.

W: Listen to I. Makhonina's poem "Santa Claus".

1.Reading by heart the poem by I. Makhonina “Santa Claus”.

Santa Claus is walking in the Crimea,
Santa Claus scolds winter!
He was seriously offended
He was upset to tears:
Warm rain in Crimea
On a winter holiday
In the New Year!
What to do here?
Cry don't cry.
- You have to wear a coat!
He enters the store
Asks for a cloak and hood,
The new umbrella is bright,
To save gifts!
Grandfather walks around the city -
Pulling out the beard...

  1. Content conversation.

W: Why is such a phenomenon in Crimea possible as rain on New Year's Eve?

D: Crimea is located in a hot thermal zone. The air temperature in Crimea in winter is -2 °С +10 °С. There is almost no snow.

W: Santa Claus, traveling around the world, ended up in Siberia and sent a telegram from there.

(Children read the telegram and discuss.)


In Siberia, a clear frosty winter. The lowest temperature was recorded at -71°C. The word "Oymyakon" in translation from the old Yakut means "fierce frost". I fall in the snow up to my hat. ( Father Frost.)

W: Where would you like to be in the New Year. Put a label with your name next to the entry.

  • in the Urals
  • in Siberia
  • in Crimea

- If you met Santa Claus, what would you ask him?

(Children's statements.)

– The little girl Alfiya from Mystay Karim’s story “When Father Frost was Little” was interested in the question “Why do only Santa Clauses always come, but the boys Frost never come?”

  1. Readings of M.Karim's story p.70-75.
  2. Reading conversation.

9. Generalization on the topic

  1. What did you learn about the Ural winter?
  2. How is winter in the Urals different from winter in the Crimea and Siberia?
  3. What do the terms seasonal and calendar winter mean?
  4. Which Bashkir writers and poets created works about winter?

W: We will finish our lesson by listening to the song “First Snow” by D. Khasanshin to the words of S. Alibaev.

10. Homework

Draw a picture based on the content of the poem “Winter” by H. Gabitov.