
How to take care of yourself during the winter months. How to take care of yourself in winter? Winter self care


Now you need to not only use special cosmetics, but also monitor your own. For example, it is worth leaning on foods rich in protein: lean meats, nuts, beans, dairy products. Do not forget about the green ones, which stimulate the immune system. In addition, the substances contained in green vegetables have a beneficial effect on the skin, as a result, it does not dry out and crack so much.

Do not drop and physical exercises. After all, they improve blood circulation, help maintain harmony, and even strengthen the immune system.

Face and body care
We change the cream. In winter, our skin needs not so much hydration as nourishment.
Therefore, it is worth choosing products that are intended for use at this time of the year, or with a denser (does not mean heavy and clog pores) texture.

Try to use beauty products that do not contain alcohol. Give preference to cleansers in the form of milk or cream. Well, if they contain cocoa butter, essential oils, beeswax and vitamin E.

Be sure to use lipsticks or lip balms. And in no case do not lick your lips in the cold.

Not only the face needs, because wearing warm clothes, temperature changes dry out the skin of the body. As a result, you feel discomfort and itching. Therefore, for the body it is also worth using special lotions and creams that nourish and moisturize the skin well. And don't forget the hand cream.

You can apply on the skin, it is great for skin care. You just need to apply it either a few minutes before you take a bath, or after water procedures on wet skin. If the skin is very dry, then try coconut oil. This is a recognized remedy in the fight against dry skin. Moreover, it will come in handy for hair and nail care.

People with dry and normal skin suffer the most during the cold season. Therefore, it is useful for them to make masks. Here are the recipes we recommend:

- Sea buckthorn mask. Mix 1 tsp. cream or sour cream with 1 tsp. sea ​​buckthorn oil. Apply to cleansed face and leave on for 15 minutes.

- Rowan mask. Mix 1 tbsp. butter with 1 tsp. rowan juice. Apply to face for 20 minutes and rinse.

- Tomato mask. Mix 2 tbsp. tomato juice and some flour. Apply to the skin of the face, leave until dry or for 15-20 minutes. Wash off with water.

- apple mask . Grate half an apple, add 1 tbsp. honey, 1 egg yolk, 1 tsp ascorbic acid and 1 tsp. vegetable oil. Mix everything well and leave for 15 minutes. Rinse your face with cool water.

- pumpkin mask. Grate a small amount of pumpkin and wait until it releases juice. Add 1 egg yolk and apply a thick layer on the face and neck. Leave for 15 minutes. Then rinse with water and wipe your face with facial tonic.

Nail care
Our nails require no less careful care. good protection- varnish base. Also, be sure to wear gloves. And always have a cream with you, which should be nutritious. Many manufacturers produce seasonal skin care products that are higher in vitamin E and botanicals.

Hair care
It is imperative to wear a hat so that the cold and other things do not affect the hair roots and scalp.

During this time, do not wash your hair too often. Use dry shampoos or experiment with hairstyles. Many of them work well on second-day hair.

Don't forget to moisturize your hair. Do nourishing mask once a week. You should not indulge in such products too often, as the hair loses its ability to withstand the environment.

You can use coconut oil and aloe juice to protect your hair. Never wash your hair before going outside. And you also need to dry your hair at least 20 minutes before going out, so that they have time to “come to their senses” and cool down. Sudden changes in temperature lead to brittle hair.

Taking care of yourself is hard work. Year-round, requiring a system. But when you look in the mirror and see the result, you understand that it was worth it.

Winter brings us a lot of joyful and positive - New Year, Christmas, gifts, light snow swirling outside the windows, frosty freshness, the feeling that warmth and comfort awaits us at home ... However, our skin and hair are not always happy in winter.

In the cold season, we are threatened by two main enemies of beauty: frost with wind on the street and dry indoor air. The skin of the face, constantly withstanding temperature changes, often becomes dry and lethargic, wrinkles and defects appear more clearly on it. But do not be afraid of the upcoming winter: there are many proven remedies against wind, frost and dryness!

Skin on the face

In winter, the sebaceous glands produce less protective fat, so the skin of the face, exposed to all winds and cold weather, needs protective equipment. These include fatty creams - for example, containing goose fat, wax, mink oil. When choosing a cream, pay attention to its consistency: the cream should be light enough not to leave a greasy shine on the face and easily absorbed. Too thick cream will settle on your face, causing some inconvenience. Also, make it a rule to apply protective cream no later than an hour before going outside, otherwise the cream that has not had time to be completely absorbed will create a thin crust of frozen water on the face. This will lead to chapping and roughening of the skin.

If you had to spend on the street for a long time, the skin can turn red and chapped, even a protective cream is not able to protect the skin indefinitely. In this case, remove irritation and restore previous view regular green tea will help, which you need to wipe your face with. Even better - put gauze soaked in green tea on your face and lie down for 15-20 minutes, then wipe your face with kefir or serum.

When cleaning your face from makeup, try to use gentle products that do not contain alcohol - delicate cream and milk for sensitive skin, gentle lotions. Except cosmetics bought in the store, feel free to use natural remedies: wash your face with mineral water, milk, wipe the skin with apple slices, vegetable oil, kefir.

Particular attention should be paid to night care: at this time, the skin is defenseless against exposure to overdried batteries, air conditioners and heaters. Use night face creams that will restore the skin and saturate it with all the necessary substances. Choose a cream that contains chamomile, sage or yarrow extract (they prevent inflammation), grape, sea buckthorn or green tea (natural antioxidants), the presence of hyaluronic acid in the night cream is very useful.

Don't forget to pamper your skin with homemade face masks. oatmeal, honey, cottage cheese, raw eggs, potatoes. Steam baths, in which herbal decoction is added, perfectly refresh and tone the skin tired by cold weather.


Lips in winter need especially careful and thorough care: they can crack in the cold or in windy weather, and cracks cause pain and can lead to inflammation. To protect your lips and make them soft tender, always use oily lipstick- especially when going outside. It's great if the lipstick is enriched with vitamin E. Your lips will thank you for daily massage: in the morning, after brushing your teeth, wash your toothbrush with boiled water and rub your lips with light movements. After three minutes, smear your lips with a fat cream.

If, nevertheless, the skin on the lips is cracked, lubricate them with zinc ointment at night: it will relieve inflammation and help the lips heal faster. During the day, periodically smear your lips with honey or vegetable oil, but lipstick will have to be removed from your arsenal until the skin on the lips is completely restored.


Hair also suffers in winter: from a warm, dry room you go outside, where wind and cold immediately begin to act on your hair. The roots of the hair do not get enough nutrition because the rate of blood circulation is reduced. The ends of the hair become dry and brittle, the hair quickly becomes dirty, the hairstyles do not hold… What should I do?

Let's start from the inside. Vegetables, fruits, cottage cheese, as well as meat and sea fish, which contain a lot of fatty acids, should be on your table every day. It would be nice to support the body as a whole and the hair in particular with various vitamin and mineral preparations.

As for external care, get a special winter shampoo for washing your hair, and if that doesn’t work, then choose a shampoo for dry hair: your hair, which is dehydrated, needs the nourishment that such a shampoo provides. When washing your hair, make the water warm, but never hot. And do not go outside with a dry head - you not only risk catching a cold, but also expose your hair to the danger of becoming brittle and dry: the water on your hair quickly freezes and turns into ice, thereby destroying the hair structure. In winter, take pity on your hair, do not expose it to frequent exposure to hair dryers, curling irons and other devices - they dry out your hair.


The skin of the hands, as well as the skin of the face, suffers in winter primarily from a lack of moisture and nutrition. When you get outside, the skin of the hands quickly dehydrates. Returning to the warm and dry air of the room, you again expose your hands to the danger of drying out. That is why the main thing in winter care behind the hands - moisturizing. Try not to wash your hands with hot water, especially with antibacterial soap: use warm water and a mild, neutral soap. Moisturizing hand cream should always be in your purse, apply it at every opportunity, several times a day and always at night. Sudden changes in temperature are especially dangerous for the skin of the hands, so buy warm gloves and put them on when going outside, even in the stairwell or at home.

Make nourishing and moisturizing hand masks once or twice a week. Here is one of these masks: mix one teaspoon of honey, one teaspoon of any herbal infusion, three tablespoons of butter. First, hold your hands in a warm decoction of herbs for 10-15 minutes, then apply a mask and put on plastic gloves on top, and on them - warm mittens. After 20-30 minutes, release the handles, rinse with room temperature water and grease with a fat cream.

On the proper care not so much time is spent on your appearance in winter. The main thing is to take care of yourself daily, systematically and not be lazy, then you will remain the most beautiful and irresistible in winter.

Winter is not only the picturesque beauty of the Russian forest and an abundance of spectacular fur accessories, but also a difficult test for the skin. But, if you find the right approach to winter, you can easily avoid many problems.

If autumn is a time of exacerbation of mental torment in a special category of people, then in winter stress, depression and Bad mood can hit everyone. And this is quite understandable. Cold, howling wind, blizzard, ice, eternal darkness outside the window, reddened hands, flaky skin and, as a result, dissatisfaction with one's appearance... Yes, only the most inveterate optimists can love winter. However, thanks to simple ways, you can learn to enjoy this prickly season.

Sleep my skin

Throughout the winter months, we are haunted by the condition. We can not swing in the morning and constantly yawn. The reason for this is the cold winter air, which contains less oxygen than our body needs to be active. But, even if we sleep the prescribed 8 hours, we often wake up broken. According to somnologists, this happens because in winter period our biological clock is set to fall asleep earlier, but we still go to bed on a regular schedule. Therefore, even if you are an inveterate owl, try at least for half an hour, but go to bed early. And also make sure that the air temperature in the bedroom does not exceed 18 degrees. Do not forget that when we sleep, there is an active process of restoration of the body. It is no coincidence that many great actresses who look great in their 55, 60, 70 ... call sleep their secret of beauty. And they are not lying at all. The processes of cell regeneration occur most intensively in the skin at night, when you sleep.

Leading Clinique Dermatologist David Orentrek urges: "Take the time to sleep. This will have the most positive impact not only on your well-being and mood, but also on the condition of your skin. The skin should get enough sleep!"

Also, do not forget about the main cosmetic rule of going to bed - night cream must be applied to the skin at least an hour before the longed-for meeting with a blanket and pillow. There are several reasons for this. The most obvious is that your cream will remain on the same pillow, and she does not need such nutrition at all! In addition, the cream simply does not have time to work at full strength, because our skin is most receptive to care products in a short period from 22 to 24 hours. And moisturizing creams applied just before bed can only provoke morning swelling.

Changing habits: winter care

In winter, it is worth reconsidering not only the daily routine, but also self-care habits. This harsh time of the year dictates its own rules. From the frost we find ourselves in a well-heated room with dry air. The skin of the face, which just a few minutes ago had to resist the cold, now needs to fight the heat. But adaptation is not always successful, and as a result we get peeling and even slight swelling. Flirty hats, showy scarves and stylishly turned up collars, in contact with the skin, can also irritate the epidermis.

"The skin is exposed to intense natural and dermatological stresses, which accelerates the destructive processes and contributes to the appearance of visible signs of aging," says Dr. Daniel Maes, Vice President of Research and Development, Estee Lauder Corporation. That is why in winter it is necessary to treat yourself with increased attention and tenderness, because, according to Dr. Maes, "the most effective and vital mechanism for combating external aging of the skin is to help and promote its own natural ability to recover."

In winter, skin, especially sensitive skin, needs to be properly protected from wind and frost, as well as UV radiation. To care for her, you will need: protective moisturizing and night anti-inflammatory regenerating creams. In cold weather, apply a thick protective cream to sensitive skin 15-30 minutes before going outside to prevent chapping and irritation. A small amount of powder will also protect the skin from frost. Choice winter remedy cleansing directly depends on the type of your skin. Lotion containing alcohol is best not to use in any case. For dry and normal skin milk is ideal, but for oily skin the best remedy there will be a non-alcoholic tonic.

Cleansing during this period should be gentle, and cleansers contain moisturizing ingredients, because with each wash we remove the protective film necessary to retain moisture. If you have sensitive skin, try to eliminate water-based products from your beauty diet and replace them with creams and serums containing moisturizing oils. And if there are bitter frosts outside the window, then in the morning it is better not to wash your face at all, but to wipe your face with a cotton pad soaked in cosmetic milk.

Attention: delicate areas

Frost and wind dry the skin much more than the hottest sun. Take care of the most vulnerable areas - eyelids and lips (especially if you like to spend your free time on the ski slopes), because in these areas the skin is the thinnest and most susceptible to external stimuli. Do not forget about nourishing eye creams, contour creams and hygienic lip balms. The latter protect the skin in frost and wind, soften it, preserve its beauty, because there is nothing more unattractive than cracked lips.

Despite the fact that the winter sun almost does not heat, ultraviolet radiation penetrates the skin no worse than in July, so you need to overcome stereotypes that sunscreens are needed only in summer and do not go out without cream or foundation with a mark of at least 15 SPF.

With redness, peeling and dryness, additional care will help to cope. In the cold, it is recommended to apply nourishing face masks at least once a week. They perfectly nourish, smooth and moisturize dehydrated, dull, devoid of energy skin.

Let's take care of the body

In winter, the skin of the body feels no better than the skin of the face - it suffocates and dries under warm clothes, experiencing a deficiency of ultraviolet radiation. In winter, it is not recommended to take a too hot bath - long bath procedures deprive the skin of natural fatty substances and dry it out. It is best that the water is warm and the procedure is short. If you still want to warm up and relax in the bath, add essential oils to the water instead of salt or foam, which help moisturize the skin and prevent dryness.

Scrubs and gommages will help remove dead skin cells, however, owners of sensitive skin should not use them too often. We advise real gourmets to take a bath with rose petals, which contain incredibly beneficial rose oil. After water procedures, do not forget about nutrient-rich milk or oil. Walk without clothes for a few minutes - let the body breathe a little and absorb the cream properly.

Our hair also needs increased attention, care and protection. First of all, in winter it is better not to highlight, tint or dye your hair, that is, do not expose it to chemical procedures in order to avoid dryness and unhealthy hair. appearance. But beauty, as you know, requires sacrifice, so if you continue to dye your hair in the winter, then do not forget to nourish it with conditioners with every wash and masks a couple of times a week. Try to use a hair dryer equipped with an ionic air conditioning system that neutralizes static electricity.

And, of course, winter requires a hat. Let it be a scarf, a unisex wool hat or a fur masterpiece, like Barbara Brylsky in "The Irony of Fate", but it must be. The same applies to gloves, which are better not to take off even in the car. Before going outside, apply a nourishing cream on your hands that will protect them from dryness or a car stove, you can take care of your hands at night (oh, this healing dream!), if you don’t just apply a nourishing cream on them, but also put on special cotton gloves. In the morning you will rejoice at the tenderness, softness and smoothness of your hands.

In winter, our skin is under real stress: frost, wind, exposure to heating appliances, lack of vitamins. The skin is flaky, reddens and with all its appearance cries for help.

Proper care on cold days

Improper care in winter or its complete absence weakens the protective functions of the skin, which leads to loss of moisture and fragility of blood vessels. If, with the onset of spring, you do not want to find stars, for example, near the wings of the nose or on the cheeks, a flaky forehead, skin care should be daily.

Three whales

Regardless of the season, you must follow the three main steps of daily care - cleansing, toning and moisturizing ( food). In frost, any skin becomes drier. You need to remember this when choosing care and change your usual products for cosmetics for a drier skin type.

. Facial cleansing in winter. Avoid soaps and gels. You need to cleanse the skin in the morning and in the evening with the help of cosmetic milk or creamy cleansers. It is advisable to choose a "cleaner" marked "for sensitive skin." Instead of scrubs with large abrasive particles in cold weather, use soft peels.

. Winter toning. Don't give up tonics! This stage prepares the skin for hydration and enhances the action of the cream. But do not use products containing alcohol. They dry out already dry skin.

. Hydration. In winter, you need to not only nourish, but also moisturize the skin. The colder it is outside, the thicker the cream should be. True, it is better to use it at night or at least 2 hours before going out into the cold. Choose thermal water creams, they will protect against irritation and relieve redness.

Something that your skin will love

Winter is the most fertile time for all kinds of cosmetic procedures. Therefore, if you have been putting off a visit to a beautician for a long time, now is the right moment for this. However, any procedure can be carried out at home. Do not forget to saturate the skin with nourishing and vitamin masks, they will help maintain water balance. If the skin is sensitive, then a nourishing mask can be done two to three times a week. For all other skin types, once is enough.

Mask of cottage cheese and chamomile soothes and revitalizes the skin.

1 st. l. rub cottage cheese with 2 tbsp. l. decoction of chamomile medicinal until a homogeneous mass is formed. Apply the resulting mass for 20 minutes, then rinse with warm or cool water.

In order to prepare a decoction of chamomile, pour 1 tbsp. l. chamomile flowers with a glass of boiling water, cover tightly and leave to cool.

Diet for beauty

Any skin care will not give visible results if you do not eat a balanced diet. Be sure to include as many varied vegetables and fruits as possible in your winter diet. Important for skin cell renewal vitamins A, E and C. Their deficiency will lead to premature aging. In addition to foods rich in the above vitamins, it is important to take special vitamin complexes.

How to take care of lips in winter?

The lips are the part of the face that suffers most in winter, and they need special protection. First of all, you need to get rid of the bad habit of licking your lips on the street. This makes them dry out even more. A special fortified lip balm or hygienic lipstick will perfectly cope with chapping. Before going to bed, apply a nourishing cream to clean lips.

How to take care of your hands in winter?

On the cold hands turn red and peel off. These factors accelerate the aging process, which we absolutely do not need. And therefore, in winter, you can’t forget about your hands in any case.

In addition to the usual moisturizer, it is necessary to use oily, preferably glycerin-based. Apply it half an hour before going outside.

Use to wash your hands liquid soap with moisturizing ingredients.

Before washing dishes, wear rubber gloves or apply a glycerin cream that creates a protective film.

Never go out into the cold with wet hands.

Do not exclude baths from the “menu” for hand care, oil ones are better.

If the skin of the hands is too dry, dip your hands for 10-15 minutes in warmed vegetable or olive oil, in which you first add a few drops of lemon juice. Then pat your hands dry with a tissue and apply a nourishing cream.

How to take care of your nails in winter?

Nails in winter also need additional protection from the cold - so do not neglect medical varnish for nails that will perform protective function. Do not forget to wear gloves or mittens in winter - and you need to put them on even before leaving the house to avoid a sharp temperature drop.

goddess body

The need to constantly wear warm clothes, changes in temperature and humidity lead to dryness of the skin of the whole body. Various relaxing and tonic baths in cold weather will be a real salvation for your body.

Wheat bran bath will help soften the skin.

Before you draw water into the bath, pour 2 tbsp into a gauze bag. l. bran and hang it on the faucet so that a jet passes through it.

After the bath, be sure to apply a nourishing cream or ordinary vegetable (or olive) oil to the skin of the body. The oil is applied with a cotton swab and rubbed in properly, the residue should be washed off with warm water.

How to take care of your heels?

In winter, the skin on the feet often becomes excessively dry, hard, and flaky. Regular hygiene procedures and pedicures help, but not for long. The problem can be eliminated by the daily use of special cosmetic creams and medicinal ointments, which include substances that cause active exfoliation of dead cells - salicylic (up to 6%) and lactic (from 5 to 12%) acids, urea (from 10 to 30% ). As a rule, these components are combined with moisturizing agents. Do not neglect foot scrubs. Give preference to products with polyethylene granules.

And a special bath will give tired legs after a working day a real pleasure. Pour warm water into a bowl, add 1/4 cup freshly squeezed lemon juice, a pinch of cinnamon, 2 tbsp. l. olive oil and 1/4 cup milk.

For the third winter I can not do without "Intensive Nutrient Shake" firms Lumene.

Feels oily to the touch, but very easily absorbed, not sticky. And the skin becomes like a baby doll. An excellent remedy in winter for those with normal or dry skin. Almost does not smell, but if it smells, it has a subtle natural aroma.

The product is free from artificial fragrances, parabens free and contains more than 90% natural ingredients.

I have been using it for the third year and I can say that the skin now looks better than 3-4 years ago. Neither CHANEL nor Clinique could cope with the winter, the skin still looked dehydrated and lethargic.

This remedy will appeal to those who love everything natural. This product contains cloudberries, which detoxifies, and cranberry seeds, which revitalizes the skin. The cost is about 500 rubles. Almost a gift.

And also the company Lumene there is a super tool. Ambulance for dry and irritated skin. Restores in 5 minutes healthy skin condition, removes dryness, peeling, relieves irritation, soothes, heals minor damage. Suitable for any kind of skin in need of protection.

What is important - without parabens, silicones, mineral oils, artificial flavors, dyes, alcohol. Contains more 95% natural ingredients. And most importantly, no smell.

It was with this tool that my acquaintance with the company began. Lumene. I was given a sample of this product in the store and it was in winter, when I got a little frostbite on my face, that I removed all the discomfort.


In winter, it is better to apply cream on glycerin base. Firm VICHY there is a good cream that quickly nourishes, moisturizes the skin of the hands, and is suitable for winter, so in this cream the hands are like gloves. Not suitable for summer, hands sweat.

Not sticky, quickly absorbed, but there is a floral smell, I would say intense. Good cream for winter.

Don't go outside with wet hands. In winter it is better to wash dishes with gloves.

Nails also require your attention and additional care. Be sure to buy nail oil, and if you do not use varnish, then buy a healing colorless varnish.

If the hands are already running, the skin is dry, cracked and with pimples, then make a hand mask.

Honey-egg mask

It will quickly restore smoothness and softness to your hands. Gotta whip one egg white add one teaspoon of honey to the foam, apply on your hands after steaming your hands in the bath.

Leave on for 5 minutes, then massage for 2 minutes and rinse with warm water. Then apply hand cream.

Can also be added to any hand cream vegetable oil or a few drops. The oil nourishes the skin very well and makes it smooth.


Lips also need to be protected. In winter, without care, they crack, become rough, and age.

Previously, I could not do without hygienic lipstick, but now I use Argan oil from the company and completely forgot about problems with my lips. French firm that is a pioneer in the field of organic cosmetics.

Wood argan grows only on the coast of Morocco. From its fruits, an oil rich in essential fatty acids and styrenes is obtained. It has long been known for its regenerating, moisturizing and protective properties. Also, this oil is excellent. against wrinkles.

This organic cold-pressed oil, without dyes and preservatives, is practically odorless.

Lips become soft and tender, with regular use you will not remember any peeling. If you like bright lipstick, then it can only be applied to well-groomed lips. You can also use this oil not only on the lips, but also on any part of the skin that needs moisturizing.

Available in rolls, the format is very convenient, you can take it with you. The cost is 500 rubles. Very economical.

And also interesting fact that the company uses fruits hand-picked and processed by the women of Unarchy in Essaouira to produce Argan oil. They split the fruit and squeeze out the oil by cold pressing. By purchasing Argan Oil from a women's cooperative, Melvita supports the principles of fair trade: purchasing raw materials at a fair price, preserving environment and rational land use.

Very good cosmetics.

You can also use any lip balms with the content of jojoba, olive, shea, coconut, almond oils. They quickly heal wounds on the lips and make them soft and young.


The skin of the body also dries and dehydrates in winter. Take showers and baths more often. I used to think that water dries the skin, it turns out that the more often you shower in winter, the better your skin becomes. After all, up to a liter of water is absorbed through the skin when taking a bath.

Also use more fatty creams for body.


Firstly, you need to take care of your hair and not go outside without a hat, in the cold blood vessels narrow and nutrients do not reach the roots, this can lead to hair loss.

It's best not to let your hair out hard frost from under clothes. After all, hair is alive, it will lose moisture and become dry and brittle. Be attentive to yourself, like a flower.

If your hair is normal or dry, then use oil on the ends of your hair, especially if you are blow-drying or using curling irons.

I am very satisfied with the company's oil Lee Stafford all with the same argan oil. In general, this company has very decent hair care products.

This oil is non-greasy, non-sticky, lightweight and suitable for all hair types. Hair becomes smooth, shiny well-groomed and simply luxurious, in the summer I use it so that they do not fluff and do not curl excessively.

It is very easy to use. I rub 5-7 drops between my fingers and apply from the middle to the ends. No oily sheen. And even on the second and third day.

But I have normal hair, dry at the ends. A small consumption is enough for a long time, I have been using it regularly since April, only now it has begun to end. The cost is about 700-800 rubles. Almost for a year. If you haven't used hair oil yet, be sure to give it a try, especially in winter.

And remember, self-love begins with mindfulness and respectful attitude to your body. All information on companies and funds can be easily found on the Internet, each company has its own website.

Tatyana Dzutseva

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