
How to identify gold at home. Methods for determining gold at home. Reaction to the sun


In the 21st century, the problem of the authenticity of expensive jewelry made of precious metals is relevant. A low-quality product may look good. Sellers under the guise of precious metal products can sell a fake or a product of a lower standard than the declared one. Gilding is another way of cheating. Consumers need to know how to test gold at purchase, at home, and through specialized expertise in laboratories.

What sample can be gold

Natural gold is unsuitable in its pure form for making jewelry. It's connected with chemical properties precious metal. Gold is a very soft material. Without adding other components to it, it will not keep the necessary shape. They create a color effect, change its sample, density and hardness mixed in a certain proportion with gold:

  • platinum;
  • silver;
  • copper;
  • bronze;
  • steel;
  • brass;
  • cadmium.

The test indicated on the piece of jewelry shows what proportion of gold is. It is measured in relation to other metals. Gold 999 is taken as a standard. This is pure material. Gold 750 in finished products is considered the maximum percentage. The parameter tells the consumer: from 100% of the materials taken for the manufacture of goods, 75% is pure metal, and 25% is impurities. As the sample decreases, the properties change finished product. Mass jewelry is made from 585 and 583. It is necessary to understand how 375 gold differs from 585:

  • A material with a lower gold content is stronger, more reliable and more durable. 37.5% Aurum is used in the manufacture wrist watch, decoration, inlays, antiques.
  • The price of such an alloy will be lower than using 585 samples.
  • The appearance is more attractive for products containing more base metal. With the addition of others, the color changes - from light yellow to red and green.

In the USA, England and some European countries, the carat system of gold content in the alloy is used. The standard material is 24 carats. The metric system (used in Russia) will differ from the carat system for the end user only in the figure indicated on the product. You can always translate the value of one number system into another. There is a statistical table on the ratio of carats and samples. IN Russian Federation production, quality assessment and sale of precious materials is regulated by law.

How to determine the quality of jewelry when buying (in a store)

When purchasing jewelry in a store, you need to decide how to check gold when buying. Pay attention to the imprint or seal on the product. On a legal product, according to the decree of the Russian Federation, there must be a sample and the letter of the manufacturer's mark. The absence of an imprint indicates the illegal production of jewelry - in front of you is jewelry. The quality of gold in different countries is different, therefore, when purchasing a piece of jewelry not in Russia, you cannot rely only on the sample. Other Features:

  1. Polishing of a quality product should be brought to a shine.
  2. The outer coating and spraying must be uniform, without cracks and scratches. Color is monochromatic.
  3. The stone, if present in the piece of jewelry, should sit firmly.
  4. Each unit of goods must have a tag made of thick white paper with a hole for the thread. The tag must indicate the weight of the product, its sample, manufacturer, name (ring, chain), legal address of the manufacturer.

The color of the jewelry can tell the buyer the quantity and quality of impurities. White color Silver and platinum attaches to the product. Yellow - silver and copper, and the first is more. Red color indicates the predominance of copper. Green - silver, cadmium and copper. Grey colour steel gives the product. It is not possible to purchase an antique item, or any piece of jewelry, on the Internet based solely on a photo. High risk of forgery.

Ways to check gold for authenticity at home

Many are interested in how to check gold at home. Hundreds of years ago, when jewelry was made from pure metal, authenticity was recognized by the tooth. The soft material was checked by pressing with a hard object - a trace remained on it. Now the method won't work. It is difficult to imagine the reaction of a jewelry store saleswoman when a buyer drags an expensive item into her mouth.

The sample indicated on the inside of the product is not a guarantee of authenticity. recognize a precious metal at home, you can do a series of chemical and physical experiments. The test is carried out with iodine, vinegar, a magnet, a lapis pencil and with a touchstone. Happy owners of a musical ear can determine the aurum by sound. The results will become more reliable when conducting laboratory tests.


How to check gold with iodine: rub with a piece of rough material:

  1. With a fine-grained sandpaper, walk over the surface of the product.
  2. Q-tip moisten with iodine, hold at the point of contact of the skin and jewelry.
  3. Gold will react with iodine and will darken. Other metals will not change color.
  4. The disadvantage of the method lies in the appearance of jewelry dark spot. The next question is how to return the product to its original form.


How to check gold with vinegar: pour at the bottom of the glass not a large number of liquids. Lower the gold item. Keep in vinegar for 30 seconds. Observe the progress of the reaction. The right product will not react to liquid. Other metals in contact with vinegar begin to oxidize. The reliability of the experience is reduced if the sample of the product is below 750. In this case, it will contain a large amount of impurities that will react with vinegar.


How to check gold with a magnet: the method is based on the properties of various metals. They show differently physical properties. Jewelry with a high iron content will be magnetized to the source. Good test for this

touch will not respond. When testing, it is important to know if gold is magnetic. This precious metal does not react to a magnet in any way. There is also a drawback to the verification method. Some metals - copper and aluminum - are also not magnetic. The experiment is suitable for checking the iron content in the product.

With a scribbled pencil

The active ingredient in the pencil is silver nitrate. This remedy is used for medical purposes as a cauterizing agent. In fact, this is the opposite of iodine test for the determination of gold. The only metal that does not react with a smudged pencil is aurum. All other metals change color when in contact with it. The purity of the experiment becomes questionable when checking a low-grade product.

Sound check

Determining gold by sound is difficult. With a high degree of probability, only a person with an ear for music in the absence of extraneous noise will be able to conduct a test. Gold is a resonant metal. If it is thrown from a small height onto a smooth hard surface, a crystal vibration will be heard. Other metals will fall heavily to the floor, or the resulting sound will cut the ear.

With the help of a touchstone

You can determine the sample of gold at home using an instrument stone. Before carrying out the experiment, the surface of the “tester” must be lubricated with oil and wiped dry. paper napkin. Next, you need to draw a line with a gold product on the surface of the stone. In parallel with the resulting trace, make a straight line with an assay needle, which in the experiment plays the role of a standard. With the help of a glass rod dipped in a reagent of gold chloride, we draw a line crossing the gold and reference lines. If the golden line has darkened, then the product is of low standard (below 585).

Laboratory tests for checking precious metals (reagents, acid, device, analysis)

Precious metals are given to laboratories for metallurgical examination not so often. This service is in demand in forensics, geology, work with antiques, the entry of inheritance rights. In specialized institutions, they can establish the chemical composition of a metal or alloy, check for damage, and find out the strength characteristics.

It is difficult to distinguish white gold from silver at home. Conduct tests in laboratories. The analysis is carried out using reagents, acid is used. Experts look at a chemical reaction and write a conclusion. Equipment of Russian and foreign production will help to distinguish gold from other metals. The device "Gold Detector" determines the sample of gold and the quality of platinum. "Special detector" shows the quality of silver, copper, base gold.

Video: how to distinguish real gold from a fake

Professional jewelers and self-taught craftsmen can easily determine the authenticity of a piece of precious metals with the naked eye. For an ordinary consumer, the characteristics of a gold product is a complex task that requires attention, certain skills and improvised materials. To avoid being deceived by scammers and protect yourself from acquiring fakes, you need to know how to check gold for authenticity at home.

Before the invention of modern precious metal analyzers, training videos and reagents, experts tested gold items with simple yet effective methods.


The definition "by eye" allows you to determine the presence of a gold marking (up to 999 samples) or the weight of an object in carats.

Checking with a magnifying glass will simplify the task, since the marking on the metal is applied very small. The stamp must be clear, even, with distinguishable designations and proportional edges. Rare exhibits and items made of old gold cannot be visually verified: the sample is deformed.

A visual test allows you to determine the gilded object in the places of bends and fastenings: if there is a different alloy under the precious metal, the product will discolor over time. Genuine gold in places of folds and fastenings becomes brighter, but does not lose its yellowish tint.

Checking gold "by the tooth"

A favorite method for filmmakers to distinguish gold from gilding is effective to this day. Gold is soft, so when biting into the alloy, a slight trace will remain. Its depth depends on the sample: the higher it is, the more the product is prone to deformation.

It is not necessary to bite the product: a small clip or puncture is no less practical. It is forbidden to check goods in stores in this way. Before leaving a mark on the product, you must ensure the consent of the owner.

The time-tested method is not 100%: if the lead is covered with gold, there will be a mark after biting.

Determining the authenticity of metal by smell

Smell test is an easy way to test gold at home. The precious metal is odorless. If a pronounced metallic smell appears when the product is brought to the nose, then this indicates a fake item. To make it easier to recognize a fake, you should rub the product.

solar method

In clear weather, it is easy to distinguish between gold and fake. When bringing the precious metal to the illuminated surface and back, it does not lose its visual advantages: gold both shone and will shine with the same brightness. The gilding will lose its reflectivity and fade.

Music ear rule

The ability of precious items to ring like rock crystal when heavy objects fall on the surface distinguishes them from gilded trinkets. Jewelers note the effectiveness of the sound method in determining the quality of goods, but the appraiser must have an ear for music. You can check this way Golden ring, earrings and other products that do not consist of several links.

Gold vs. Gold - check with another gold ornament

It is effective to distinguish a noble metal from a fake at home if there is a gold product of the same sample and parameters.

It should be carried out with two objects with the same pressure on a hard, even surface. The pressure marks must be identical. If the density, width, depth of the furrows is different, the product being checked is fake.

How to identify real gold using reagents and special items

Reaction or chemical inertness in contact with other elements and substances - effective methods how to distinguish real gold from a fake.

Reaction with iodine

Checking gold with iodine gives a 100% result, but after it, the product should be cleaned of traces (dipping for 5 minutes in a glass of Coca-Cola). Iodine is applied to the inside, having previously scratched the place of application with an abrasive or sandpaper, 1 drop is enough.

The noble metal reacts, the color of the object changes. A fake product does not darken after iodine.

gold and vinegar

After lowering the product for 5 minutes in a container with vinegar, you should wait for the absence / presence of traces on the surface of the product. Testing gold with vinegar resembles the method with iodine: there will be no reaction on the noble metal. Forged metal will turn black.

Nitric acid and gold

How to check the quality of a product with nitric acid? Same as with other reagents. This noble metal does not darken and does not react to acid.

How to identify a fake with ammonia

Ammonia removes traces of darkening on jewelry, therefore, by wiping the item with a damp cloth, experts determine the quality of gold at home. Black marks, surface wear and tarnishing are indicative of gold plating on the alloy. Real gold does not change its appearance when exposed to ammonia, except for the disappearance of dark traces during operation or contamination of the precious metal.

magnetic way

An easy way to tell if it's gold or not is to use a magnet. Precious metal jewelry is not attracted, unlike fakes. To determine the authenticity of gold, special magnets bought in a store are suitable, and not souvenirs from the sea. Copper, bronze or aluminum will also not interact with a magnet.

Ceramic surface as a way to protect yourself from forgery

The unfired ceramic tile method accurately determines whether a product is a fake. Rubbing against ceramics with a ring or other noble metal object leaves a yellowish mark. A fake after the test will give itself out as a dark stripe on the ceramic.

As a tester, a piece of ceramic tile purchased at a home improvement store, or a regular plate, is suitable.

The method is effective if the product is wetted with water before use. After drawing a pencil over the surface, there should be no traces left - they mean a fake.

Folk way

Masters have learned how to fake jewelry in the old days, so buyers have long learned how to distinguish gold from a fake at home. Bread crumb is a faithful assistant for determining the quality of the metal. After leaving the product inside the crumb for 48 hours, the experts of the past looked for the presence of green or dark marks on the surface. They indicate a product made of cheap alloys.

Archimedes method

The great scientist and thinker studied metal using mathematical calculations and formulas. He placed the piece of jewelry in a flask of water and measured the amount of the displaced substance. The data corresponded to the parameters of the noble metal. The method is not suitable for hollow jewelry (“inflated” rings, chains).

The use of touchstone has been known for a long time. It determines the sample of gold and allows you to identify a fake. After polishing the stone almond oil, you should draw a line on its surface. The assay needle puts strokes with samples of products. By dropping nitric acid on the strokes, reaction experts determine the conformity of the declared sample and the nobility of the metal.

Modern precious metal analyzers

Mobile analyzers use X-rays to determine the metal marking, detect fakes and measure the proportion of the ligature. Scope of application - pawnshops, jewelry stores and centers for receiving / returning products from precious metals.

How to distinguish gold from copper

Copper looks like gold, and is often used as a ligature metal. To avoid counterfeiting, you should pay attention to the sample of the product (corresponds to the marking of precious metal jewelry) and appearance. The hue of copper is reddish, gold is yellowish.

Copper tends to darken over time, and gold jewelry never changes color and brightness, but is subject to deformation, since the metal is very soft.

How to distinguish gold from pyrite

Pyrite is called "false gold" because of its resemblance to the noble metal. It refers to iron sulfide, a mineral.

Element differences:

pyrite has a smell of sulfur;
when exposed to a sharp object, a dent will remain on the gold, and pyrite will crack;
Pyrite does not shine in the shadow, unlike gold, which has a constant calm luster outside the light source.

How to avoid fraud when buying precious metals

Methods for determining the authenticity of gold at home are used in the absence of the possibility of a professional study of the goods.

When purchasing expensive jewelry, you should:

buy goods with a label of proper quality.
Pay attention to the availability of supporting documents and certificates.
Visually check quality and price compliance.
Do not react to too low a price. Promotions do not always mean profit: sometimes sellers reduce the price for defects or low-quality goods.

Output: distinguishing gold from fake at home is easy, but independent methods should be used if it is not possible to turn to a professional. You should not purchase goods from unregistered retail outlets or from suspicious persons. Marking does not always mean the nobility of the metal. For an instant determination of authenticity, a visual check is suitable, the absence of smell and abrasions with signs of a different alloy in the product.

Useful information of the world of jewelry

How to find out the sample of gold at home?

Each piece of jewelry has a test that indicates the content of pure precious metal in the alloy. For gold in Russia, the following samples are set: 375, 500, 585, 750, 958, 999. What do these numbers say? Gold with 585 fineness means that for 1000 parts of the alloy being assayed, there are 585 parts of pure gold. The rest is made up of other non-ferrous metals such as copper, silver, palladium, nickel, zinc. They are added to enhance the strength of the product, as well as for a change. colors, decorations acquire thereby pink, reddish, yellow, green shades.

All over the world, unlike the Russian Federation and the CIS countries, a carat sampling system is used, which determines the number of carats of precious metal in 24 carats of the alloy. The highest quality item, corresponding to 100% gold, is valued at 24 carats. If you bought a piece of jewelry abroad, in order to determine what sample the product is, the value of the carat sample must be divided by 24 and multiplied by 1000. Thus, 750 gold corresponds to 18 carats.

Sometimes the stamp on the product is missing. This may be caused by restoration, alteration, handicraft production (production of small series, unique items using manual labor), where the stigma is not put.

Many jewelry owners are interested in how much real gold is in their product, what kind of test they have. Before that, it would be worthwhile to find out the authenticity of the valuable metal. Gold or not, you can determine at home using the following simple operations:

  1. Magnet. If the product is well magnetized, it means that it is made of low-grade gold or gilded, because real gold is weakly attracted to a magnet.
  2. Iodine, vinegar. If you drop iodine on the product, or dip it in vinegar, then the darkening will indicate its fake.
  3. bread crumb. It is necessary to roll up the product into the mashed crumb of fresh black bread, leaving it there for several days. As soon as the bread is stale, it needs to be broken. If traces of oxidation and greenery are present, then this is a fake.
  4. Ceramic unfired tiles. If, when rubbing the product against this tile, gray or dark marks remain, then this is not gold.
  5. lapis, means for cauterization of wounds. After wetting the product with water, it must be rubbed with a lapis pencil. Real gold will remain unchanged, while the copper fake will turn black.
  6. Accurate scales, distilled water, flask. With these items, you can calculate the density of the material jewelry, and how close it is to the density of pure gold (19.32 g / cm 3). Density is equal to the ratio of the mass of the product to its volume. Mass is determined by weighing to the nearest 1 mg in air. To calculate the volume of the product, it is immersed in water, the displaced water is collected and weighed. The resulting mass of water is divided by its density (the known value is 0.998 g / cm 3) and the volume of the immersed body is determined. We divide the mass of the product by its volume, we get the density of the material.

To accurately determine the sample of the precious metal, it is recommended to contact the state inspections of assay supervision, or to the purchase of gold, where specialists conduct assay analysis. The most popular express method of research without causing harm to the product is testing on a touchstone, which is a chert in the form of a black bar. On its surface, a line is applied with the test product, a line is drawn next to it with a reference assay needle. After wetting both features with a test solution and their reaction, the sample of the product is judged by the coincidence of the color of the strips.

It is possible to determine the sample at home only if there are special materials: gold chloride, nitric acid and assay needles, aqua regia. The easiest way is to apply chlorine gold to the surface of the product under test and determine the sample by its reaction. If no changes occur within 2 seconds, then this is gold 585 and above. If the metal turns black, then this is a fake, which includes brass, or silver with copper. If after 5 minutes the stain from the solution turned chestnut, then this gold is below 583 samples.

The emergence of more and more jewelry stores has become a sign of the times, their number is steadily growing, and the quality of the jewelry products offered is increasingly being questioned. But they are well made. Even experts can not always be guaranteed.

In addition, only a small, specific segment of the decoration is subjected to verification. Having superficially checked the product (more is not required from him), the expert confirms its authenticity and a fake containing a minimum of pure metal is sent for sale to the store.

Nobody wants to become a victim of fraud and give money for a fake jewelry. Then it makes sense to learn how to determine pure gold from a fake. First of all, you need to know something about gold itself and its features. Additionally, here you will get some tips on how to distinguish gold from gilding.

rare earth precious metal yellow color. Does not oxidize, does not lose its properties over time. Due to its plasticity and softness, it is easy to process, both by cold methods and by melting methods. Its softness does not allow the production of jewelry from it in its pure form.

For the manufacture of jewelry, harder metals are added to it, giving the jewelry hardness, for example, silver or copper. All so-called gold jewelry is an alloy.

Any jeweler is well aware of the ratio of gold in the alloy. Some of them, especially not burdened with conscience, use this knowledge for their own selfish purposes. But there are some rules that can help determine whether real gold is offered to you or a cheap fake.

Buy gold only in reputable jewelry stores operating from jewelry factories, but not in boutiques and small stalls. The cost will, of course, be more expensive, but there will be less risk of buying a fake.

A real ingot should be marked with data on the sample. A careful study of the tag will tell you about the manufacturer, the price per gram and for the entire piece of jewelry as a whole, weight, and sample. Must be OTC stamp. The test indicates the content of pure gold in the jewelry.

The most popular are 585 and 750. This means that they contain 58.5% and 75% pure gold, respectively. When the sample is found, you should carefully examine the clasp of the bracelet or earring. If there are scratches on them, then you should not take this product.

The reason for this is the following. In bracelets, chains and earrings, the test is put on clasps. And for verification, suppliers send only locks and, after verification, they calmly put them on gilded fakes.

At the end, you should find the logo or imprint of the manufacturer on the wrong side of the jewelry. The method now described relates to the visual evaluation of gold.

But this is also not an indicator of reliability, since in the same Turkey you can be given any sample before your eyes. Yes, and not only there. A fuzzy, blurry sample is the first sign of a fake, you should not take such gold. The second detail that you should pay attention to is the inner side of the product, which should be perfectly mirror-like, without any bumps and roughness.

Now about how to recognize a fake from pure metal.

Long known ways to determine real gold:

  1. To the sound. It is necessary to throw the product on any perfectly smooth, hard surface. For example, a table. Pure, crystal ringing will testify to pure gold. However, this method is not suitable for chains and bracelets.
  2. "To the tooth". This method has been around for as long as gold. It was also used by our ancestors, who checked the authenticity of real metal for a tooth in the literal sense. Fake is always solid. If you scratch it, then under the top layer of gilding there will be a dark-colored alloy.
  3. Vinegar test. When placed in vinegar or processed with vinegar (dropped on jewelry), real gold will remain unchanged. The fake will darken in two minutes.
  4. Iodine test. Drop on the surface of the product. Real gold will not react to this in any way. On a fake, a stain from light to black will remain.
  5. Blood stop pencil (lapis pencil). Moisten the surface a little and apply a dash. Gold will not react, and the fake will instantly oxidize and darken.
  6. solar way. The easiest authentication method. Examine the decoration in the shade and immediately bring it into sunlight and examine it again. Real gold will shine equally in the shade and in the sun. Fake in the shade looks dull and faded, and shines in the sun.
  7. Gilding is quickly determined by silver nitrate(can be bought at a pharmacy). The surface of the product previously moistened with water should be wiped with a cotton swab moistened with silver nitrate. The gold will not react and the gilded surface will darken.

Now you know how to distinguish gold from gilding or fake. The described methods are quite enough to be able to independently determine the authenticity of your gold jewelry.

Before buying a precious metal, and often after it, people think about how to define gold or not. The market is increasingly making you think about this, because gold mining has decreased significantly, and store shelves are filled with new goods at the same pace.

Checking the product before buying

New shops selling gold appear daily, but not all sellers strive for honest earnings. Cases of buying products that have only a small part of gold are becoming more frequent. Fraudsters are finding new methods to bypass inspection services. But how is the sample determined in such cases. Often only a small part of the product is provided for inspection - it can be a link or chain lock, made at a high level of quality, but the rest of the product may leave much to be desired. When checking, only the top layer of the product will be evaluated, and the rest of the composition remains known only to the manufacturer.

Gold is a fairly soft metal that is prone to rapid abrasion, so a quality piece of jewelry is usually represented by an alloy based on a noble chemical element. A high-quality alloy, made in accordance with the technology, will have high strength and durability without losing a pleasant golden sheen.

Before buying gold, you need to check for authenticity

In order not to fall for the tricks of scammers, you need to be more careful until the moment the money is transferred to the seller. It is enough to know two simple rules:

  1. In an effort to save money, you should not purchase gold items in unknown stores. High-quality jewelry is sold only by specialized salons that specialize in the sale of gold and have a good reputation. Of course, prices in such stores will be higher, but the client will always have the opportunity to see a certificate confirming the quality.
  2. Before you buy, you need to study the purchased product well. Well, if the sample together with the manufacturer's imprint are visible to the naked eye - this is a sign of a quality product. The inner parts of the jewelry should be neat, without strong defects, which will indicate the skill of the manufacturer.

Determining the Authenticity of Gold

There are a number of fairly simple techniques to identify the authenticity of gold. You can carry out the check yourself, using only improvised means. All tests are based on the chemical-physical properties of the noble metal and do not require any special training to perform them.

The tricks described below will help distinguish a rough fake from a high-quality noble metal. But if the fake was carried out by an experienced fraudster and has some special impurities, then it is better to entrust the verification to an experienced master jeweler. In such a situation, only a professional is able to give a correct assessment of the product.

Determination of the quality of jewelry in an apartment can be carried out by one of the following methods:

  • sound authentication;
  • verification of strength characteristics;
  • reaction to contact with iodine or vinegar;
  • the impact of a lapis pencil;
  • reaction to the magnet;
  • interaction with a high-quality gold product;
  • response to sunlight.

Each of the methods is good in its own way and is used in certain cases.

Sound check

Many people use this method.

To complete the test, it is enough to pick up a gold jewelry and throw it on a very hard, flat surface. High-quality gold will produce a clear, sonorous sound, similar to crystal.

Experts trust this technique, but note that it is not suitable for everyone. To use this method, you need to have a good ear for music. Also, the disadvantages include the inability to check products such as chains and bracelets with many links. Such jewels will not make the necessary sound.

An ancient way to check gold for authenticity

Strength test

If there is no sample on the jewelry, and its material is in doubt, then you should use the reliable, so-called antiquated method of verification.

In the old days, people checked the authenticity of a gold coin “by the tooth”. If, after checking, the coin acquired a bite mark or a scratch, then it was real.

This is explained by the softness of gold, known from the school curriculum. If a fake was in the hands, then the inspector could even lose a tooth due to the hardness of the fake.

Of course, this cannot be done in a jewelry store, but you can check already purchased products in this way. Just do not bite them - it is fraught with damage to the teeth. It is enough to use some kind of sharp object, scratching the product with reverse side. A fake under a scratch will turn dark or even black, while real gold will retain its hue. Before conducting the experiment, it is necessary to choose a place where the scratch will not be visible, so as not to spoil appearance decorations.

Iodo-acetic experiments

Iodine is often used when testing gold at home, as it is one of the most reliable methods. In addition, iodine is easily purchased at any of the pharmacies.

To conduct the test, one drop is enough, which is placed on the back of the jewelry for 3 minutes. After the time has elapsed, iodine is carefully removed with a soft material from the surface. Real gold will not react, so the surface of the metal will remain unchanged.

With a poor-quality product, iodine will react, leaving a stain from light to very dark shades. If there was no iodine in the medicine cabinet, then a similar experiment can be carried out using vinegar. The decoration or part of it is placed in vinegar for a certain period of time. If there is a darkening of the metal, then the jewelry is fake.

There is also a third method of verification using chemistry. You will need chlorine gold. It is applied to the surface of the tested product. Real gold will not react, and the fake will begin to hiss or darken.

You can check the authenticity of gold with the help of a lapis pencil

Lapis pencil

Checking gold can be done using a lapis pencil. It is purchased at a pharmacy. Usually such a pencil is used to stop bleeding.

To check the gold jewelry, the pencil is wetted with water. Then they draw a small line or dot. The result should appear immediately. Real gold will not oxidize, unlike a fake.

Magnet influence

Now rarely come across scammers who apply a thin gold plating on top of other metals. In the past, this method of deception was popular, so home collections may still contain such jewelry. Before you check the product, you need to find a magnet in the house.

Fake magnets, and real gold will not react.

This method is not effective if aluminum, copper or bronze served as the basis for the fake. These metals do not react to a magnet, and therefore do not allow you to reliably verify the authenticity of the jewelry.

Interaction with other gold

In every house you can find gold items that have a good reputation. Such a jewel could be passed down through generations or is of great value without questioning its quality. Such an original will allow you to check any other piece of gold. The best effect can be achieved if both jewels are made of metal with the same breakdown.

With the help of decorations, it is necessary to draw two stripes on a hard object with the same effort. But how do you know real gold? The trace from the same metals practically does not differ, therefore, by comparing the two features, we can draw the appropriate conclusions.

In the sun and in the shade, true gold does not lose its luster

Reaction to the sun

This is another simple method for determining gold. To check, you need to choose a sunny day. It is better to carry out the test on the street for good direct sunlight on the product.

The controversial decoration must first be considered in the shade, and then taken out under the rays of the sun. Gloss and color should not differ in both cases. A fake jewel in the shade fades significantly and loses its presentable appearance, which appears in the sun.

To draw the most correct conclusions, it is better to use several verification methods at once. If after the tests there are still doubts, then you need to contact the jewelry workshop, where for a small fee the master will determine the authenticity of the product with 100% accuracy.