
Status about a beloved girl. Statuses for your girlfriend


Love is when you look at her, no matter who she is, what she is, what others think of her, she is the only one for you, she is the one with whom you will feel better. BECAUSE YOU LOVE IT!

Today I was asked if I miss you. I didn't answer, I just closed my eyes tightly so as not to cry, turned away and whispered - crazy!

If you ask if I feel good with you, I will answer: "Yes." But if you ask if I can live without you, I will answer the same.

"... you are my girl, which I'm crazy about .... thanks to my parents for raising you this way ... I adore you and your shyness ... my little me will be there for eternity ... "

We are too similar and too different. We cannot be together and we die without each other. We love each other, but we are afraid to show it because of stupid pride in front of us!

You and I are on different ends of the planet, but I miss you so much that I want to shout at the top of my voice: I can't live without you!!!

When I first met you, I thought that you are my dream... And now I know for sure that dreams come true!

Sometimes you insult me ​​and ask me to forget you forever, but how can I forget you if there is only a place in my heart for you!

My girlfriend is the one who loves me, not the one I am!

I love you like chocolate, I breathe you like nicotine, without you I melt like a snowball in the palm of my hand, without you I fade like a candle flame!

He put his phone closer to the speakers so that he would know about her call 2 seconds earlier.

I will stop loving you only when the artist can paint the sound of a falling tear.

You are so beautiful, so tender, you are incomparable as a goddess. I miss you very much, I need you now ...

A beautiful girl is visiting you, sitting on the couch, and your hand is reaching out to do what you love ... Comb her hair!

Beloved woman must be loved ... just love ... that's all .. if you want to educate someone - buy a dog.

I fly in the clouds when she is near. I want to be kind when she is around. I'll forget how to love if I can't be near her.

My beloved, I adore you, I don’t see you for an hour, I already miss you very much, I miss your lips, your eyes, your sweet smile ...

Kitty!!! When you are sad - I suffer, when you are happy - I laugh, when you are near - I melt all over, a little more and I will fall in love!

Favorite girl looks best in the kitchen. Barefoot, in his shirt, pouring him coffee.

Lord! Give her happiness! And I don't need anything at all. Enough that she was happy - that's all I dream about.

We met eyes and I suddenly realized that a dream has a color.

A happy girl, not the one who has many admirers, but the one who has one, besides whom, she does not need anyone !!!

The trouble is when you shaved in the evening, and got up in the morning and you have stubble again, and she asks you to kiss!

Let everyone hear what you are talking about, but as soon as I hear what you are silent about, because I really love you ...

  • The only ones do not meet twice.
  • Why is simple human happiness always so fragile, quivering, anxious, why does it strive to disappear like water in sand, to dissolve like fog at the dawn of a new day?!
  • A man who is able to constantly pleasantly surprise a woman will never lose her interest in himself.
  • Stupid girls, when they drink, call the former, and smart girls call the future.
  • Statuses about your girlfriend - If someone else likes your girlfriend, this is not a reason for jealousy. So you did right choice. This is a reason to be proud - someone's dream is in your hands.
  • Dance only for me. Look only into my eyes. You know you are the only one for me. For you, all the lines about love!
  • The girl is easy to find. It is difficult to find a girl worthy of becoming a wife ...
  • Don't underestimate a girl in love. She wants to know everything about the one she loves, she wants to bind him to her. And no one will be allowed to approach him. This is what a woman's love is about.
  • You can always look at three things, at the stars, at how others work and at you, dear!
  • If a girl is very offended, she will still say: “It's okay,” but with an expression on her face, as if she cursed you four times.
  • My sun, you are everything to me. I love you, I can't. I'm waiting to meet you.
  • When you move your mouse over my page, you do not know that you are moving a thin blade over my heart ... so that's why it constantly hurts!
  • A girl should be a girl for only one guy, and for the rest - just a good person.
  • You are not mine, not with me ... I would give everything to hear your voice again, my angel ...
  • If a girl is silent, this does not mean that she has spoken enough. It means you've said too much.
  • I miss. I love. Kiss. Thinking of you. Mentally, I draw meetings with you in a dream ...
  • And even though she is not perfect, I know that she is real, sincere, that she loves me. As do I her!
  • The girl is a harmless creature that can destroy your heart...
  • Let's move on to "WE" shall we?
  • Love is when you look into the eyes of your beloved and see your reflection there!
  • You are like a star in my window, What gives me a ray of light! I love a star! I love you even though you are far from me!
  • A man who was able to put his pride at the feet of his beloved deserves the most devoted love.
  • I love her so much that my heart is breaking into pieces! No one has ever hurt me as much as she did. But I still love her...
  • You are a reason for someone to smile...
  • The sun misses the sky, the sky misses the moon. And I'm beloved, dear, I miss only you!
  • You are my muse, you are my angel, you are always by my side!
  • How painful it is to be a friend with someone you love...
  • He put his phone closer to the speakers so that he would know about her call 2 seconds earlier.
  • Why so many pretty girls, and you fall in love with one, the most ordinary, so sweet, beautiful, the best, with such eyes, a nose ... I want to hug, kiss and not let go!
  • Statuses about your girlfriend - Everyone breathes oxygen, and I breathe you.

Quietly adore a girl and keep silent about it is like swimming in a coat. And there is no pleasure, and you will drown soon.

If a guy is constantly looking for an excuse not to date, then he doesn't need you. Who appreciates and loves, he will always call, and find, and come.

Why don't you ever call me by my first name? Am I not the only one? - What are you, my love ... What name can the one that is everything to me have?

My sun, you are everything to me. I love you, I can't. I'm waiting to meet you.

Best Status:
If a guy constantly pokes at your shortcomings, then there is reason to think about whether he loves?

It is impossible to love others without loving yourself. It is impossible to hate others without experiencing self-hatred. Everything is relative.

You will sit in front of the computer for a long time and yell at the whole apartment, you will not notice how she leaves and does not return.

Do you know how love is different from clay? If you share it with her, then it will not become less anyway.

Love is like air. When it is - you do not notice it, when it is not there - it suffocates, when it is clean - you feel dizzy, and when it is dirty - be afraid to get infected.

Luckily, he and she never met. Now they are very happy...

You are not mine, not with me ... I would give everything to hear your voice again, my angel ...

It always seems that we are loved for being good. And we do not guess that they love us because those who love us are good.

I miss. I love. Kiss. Thinking of you. Mentally, I draw meetings in you in a dream ..

Let's just be with each other, shall we? Please... I need it, don't lose me completely. No need…

Love is when you look into the eyes of your beloved and see your reflection there!

A man who was able to put his pride at the feet of his beloved deserves the most devoted love.

The sun misses the sky, the sky misses the moon. And I love, dear, I miss you only !!!

She is for someone the whole world and happiness in the morning.

I hate everything about you, so why do I love you?

He put his phone closer to the speakers so that he would know about her call 2 seconds earlier.

Everyone breathes oxygen, and I breathe you.

You can always look at three things, at the stars, at how others work and at you, dear!

When you move your mouse over my page, you do not know that you are moving a thin blade over my heart ... so that's why it constantly hurts!

And even though she is not perfect, I know that she is real, sincere, that she loves me. As do I her!

Let's move on to "WE" shall we?

You are like a star in my window, What gives me a ray of light! I love a star! I love you even though you are far from me!

You are a reason for someone to smile...

Love is the only thing in nature where even the power of imagination does not find a bottom and does not see a limit!

Such a beautiful girl and smoke ...... - such an ugly guy also talks ..

It's easier to say that everything is for .. beat ... Than to explain why you want to bang your head against the wall ..

and I increasingly forget this strange word - love - especially if I feel that I love

The hostess abandoned the bunny. The bitch deceived the bunny. I played and forgot, I broke the heart of a zaykino. He took revenge on her cruelly, chopped her into cabbage. Because it was necessary to respect other people's feelings!))

Today I say to the chick: don't fuck my brains. take it and blurt out: it doesn’t get on my brains ...)))

I advise you to call me today. Otherwise, I will call, but not to you ...

Yes, I'm a witch. Yes, I'm evil, but there are others. Just know, my dear, that you made me like this :))

How painful it is to be a friend with someone you love...

You're fickle, I know! BUT now I realized that it’s better to doubt that you love me than to be sure that you don’t ....

And she buried her nose in what he gave soft toy and wept softly...

Dance only for me. Look only into my eyes. You know you are the only one for me. All lines about love for you!!!

Chocolate will replace the sweetness of your lips, a cup of coffee will fill the bitterness of insults, and cigarettes will fill the warmth of your hands ... Do not think that you are irreplaceable ...

It's a pity you are so far away. It's so hard for me without you. Thoughts fly in the darkness, But come quickly to me!

You can sympathize with hundreds, get carried away by dozens, admire a few, and love only one ...

If a guy loves, he will always look for an extra reason to meet, and not excuses why he cannot meet ...

Try to get what you love, otherwise you will have to love what you got.

The girl is a harmless creature that can destroy your heart...

When you lie next to your loved one and you are not worried about what is between his legs, but how he breathes, how his heart beats ... This is Love.

One morning you will wake up and realize how much you need me. And at this moment I will wake up with someone who already understood this.

You bitch hurt me. But I am grateful to fate. That we can no longer be together. But it's all bullshit, we'll survive!

I'll put a password on my heart. Sit, bitch, hack!

He who does not adore the shortcomings of the one he loves cannot say that he is really in love.

I wanted to call you. But even more I wanted to hear a call from you. That's why we never talked.

Living with the person you love is as difficult as loving the person you live with.

It is much easier to love someone you really want to get. But usually you have to learn to love the one you already got.

invite beautiful girl come to visit, sit on the sofa, turn your back to yourself ... and do what you love ... braid her hair in a pigtail.

We girls are gentle, delicate creatures. In love, they are all-forgiving and understanding, unlike guys who are jealous of every pillar ...

A beautiful girl pleases the eye, and a kind girl pleases the soul. Young woman beautiful thing at first glance, but if you look into the heart, you can find a real treasure.

Smile even in moments of sadness, suddenly right now someone will be conquered by your smile ...

Best Status:
Do not try to find meaning in love - it threatens to lose your mind ...

I’m very sad… I can’t sleep at night… let you do as you like… but I love…

Do you have a dream come true? - Yes! – What is it? - Beautiful ... She walks beside her and falls asleep with questions ...

She: “Oh, and you will wear out my nerves with me ...” He: “I could not even dream of this ...” - Love ...

I feel when you are near, your breath on my cheek, how you pierce me with your eyes and gently stroke my hand ... there is no more life without you ... I love you ... I love you ...

For a girl to be happy, one thing is enough - to know that she is madly loved.

Hey, boys, stop pouring for me, I'm already the way you want!

I don’t need someone who will say “everything is fine”, but someone who will say “everything is fucked up, but I'm with you.

I'm ready to kiss the cursor that you drove here ... 🙂

I want not to part with you, Neither day, nor night, nor in a dream, So that there was nowhere to go, So that even there she would come to me. I want to feel the touch And caress gentle hands yours, so as not to forget later moments, 43

Smile when there are clouds in the sky. Smile when your heart is in trouble. Smile and you'll feel better in no time. Smile, because you are someone's HAPPINESS!!!

I? ?I love? ?you.

And you tell him what you want. Anyway, you commit a sin because you want to ...

That time has passed when we met !! I fell in love with you, I don’t know if you love ???

It always seems that we are loved for being good. And we do not guess that they love us because those who love us are good.

What difference does it make which legs, the main thing is that the borscht cooks well.

- You know, there are people who borrow, and then abruptly disappear, do not call, do not write. - Well? - Do you need money?

Love is the strongest of all passions, because it simultaneously takes possession of the head, heart and body. Voltaire

She didn’t love… And that’s the whole point, she didn’t breathe, she forgot everything… But she skillfully set fire to the Parliament, and for a long time, eagerly smoked it…

Do you know how she breathes? Breathing without you You know? Have you thought about her? How often does she smile when she remembers you? You enjoyed the way she laughs and touches your hands, how she breathes into your hair, how she tickles your ear with soft lips. You wanted her?.. You don't know how she can love..

Just remember that consumption without return leads to failure, and think not only about your needs, but also about your obligations to yourself and your loved one.

Love is a temporary state and often ends in marriage

Damp bench in the park. One. Far from everyone. Cigarette after cigarette, breath after breath, thought after thought. I miss you dear..

I want to be like chocolate - melt in the hands of someone who loves you ...

I would look at you forever when you smile, you are so sweet and beautiful, you are a miracle. But damn, how I hate myself when you cry because of me!

Why should a guy love a girl for who she is, but the girl of the beloved guy in life, damn it, wants to remake?

love, heart Put your phone closer to the speakers to find out about her call 2 seconds earlier)

A person should not be attached to anything. He must love, love madly, with all his heart, but not become attached. (c) D. Yemets

The girl is the only divine intellect that does not know what she wants))

- It is impossible to hide love and cough.

Don’t lie to those you love… Trust is so hard to get back… Here he is: he left and promised not to come back… but I love him and I can’t do anything…

There is a big difference between being in love and being loved.

We will mature precisely when, after each quarrel, we stop removing each other from everywhere.

In a roadside cafe, someone's violin was playing softly.

The sun misses the sky, the sky misses the moon. And I'm loved. I only miss you dear!!!

God make her happy. Don't worry about me. She smiles, I smile too...

Tears down my cheeks… tears… Love is prickly like roses… sometimes in arms… sometimes in separation… why is love such a bitch???…

I am happy for you, my love! You are very important to me, mysterious and so sweet ...

Flowers in the morning, like kisses, opened their petals in a dream)) why are you leaving, because you love, and I miss you !!!

Love gives you a unique opportunity to live your life with meaning, acutely feeling every moment of it.

If you cry, then ... from happiness ... If it's daytime, then ... night ... If you live, then ... brightly ... If you feel, then ... sincerity ... If you look, then ... beloved eyes ... If you walk, then ... by the hand ... If you hope, then TO2

Some people don't do it at all. Some people do it once a month, some people do it once a week, but I do it all the time, my love. I miss you: that's what I do!

He just invited me to go for a walk, and I can already imagine how we are preparing dinner together ...

And I don’t know how you could do it, because I loved you ...

Girls, if your boyfriend is in the army, wait for him! So you can check your feelings. It's really very difficult! But they will appreciate it! I know from my experience.

Fate is not a fool, in vain will not reduce people.

Distance is a reason for pain, but not a reason for change.

Embracing a woman, do not remember her wings.

I'm leaving for the army! Darling, will you wait for me? PS. I'll take a spare cartridge with me ...

I miss you like the desert misses the rain

I'm not holding you, but I'm not going to let you go, and in general, I won't give you to anyone.

Each of us has his own person who holds his hand and does not let you fall when you are standing on the edge of a cliff.

although I’m not a fortune teller, I can say that you will live a long and happy life, albeit without me ... but it’s a pity =(

I love you, but not with my heart, but with my soul, because one day the heart will stop, but the soul lives forever ..

“I want to be behind my husband, and not hide him behind me ...” - I want to.

I am an adult, I have not liked people for a long time with “suns”, “cutes”, “babies”. I love people with silence and dots.

You are one of my bad habits, easily addictive, and later breaking.

If you ask if I'm fine with you, I will answer: "Yes." But if you ask if I can live without you, I will answer the same.

Success in love always depends on us girls! Guys are meant to be loved, not bullied!

I want to love you until the very end And this sinful earth will never separate us.

Save from partying - take as a wife.

Let's flip a coin Eagle - we will be together! Tails - we throw again. 🙂

Tomorrow I will see my beloved, I will give her the most beautiful rose I will hug you tightly, kiss you and love you for all eternity. My love, I love you very much...

Feel the difference between me and the rest. If I'm not the one, then stay with them.

My beloved, I adore you, I don’t see you for an hour, I already miss you very much, I miss your lips, your eyes, your sweet smile ...

Come closer to me I want to smell your body, hear the silence of your thoughts, how your heart beats. Honey, I'm sad without you.

Loving eyes do not look around.

Write in contact anonymously so as not to lose me, dear ... Remember more often how beautiful you are ...

I'm allergic to changes in your mood.

Guys, can you really exchange your girlfriend for some kind of game?

Wanting and wanting are different things, you should want a bottle of beer, but you should only want me.

and why do you keep reminding me of yourself??? do you dream, text me, call and ask how you are? why are you doing all this if you really don't care about me and you have a girlfriend???

Love or hate ... I can't understand ... I'm afraid to find, I'm afraid to lose ... I need and don't need you ... my heart is ready to scream !!!

Whatever it is, nothing bad will happen. The heart beats under the ribs, the air in the lungs, the brains also seem to be in place. Everything is exactly as it should be. Smile, dear.

Advice to girls: never argue with your favorite guy, cry right away! Tip for guys: never argue with your girlfriend, kiss right away!

for you beloved. I am writing to you, my hand is trembling, my love for you is running. I'm writing three lines to you, let's answer me as soon as possible

You should not give up what is dear to your heart ... we are still people, not robots, but only people know how to LOVE ...

I want to be a daisy in your hands, so that you, wondering: I love you, I don’t love you, would tear off my clothes like its delicate petals! and in the end I would understand that I LOVE!

You are so beautiful, so tender, you are incomparable as a goddess. I miss you very much, I need you now ...

My heart burns alone, I think about you in a dream and in Java, I don’t understand my life, no matter how much I wait, I live alone.

even if you find me in a stranger, I will be glad .. because I love you and there is still hope in my heart ..

God created women in different ways to be beautiful, and created men with different tastes so that everyone would be loved!

Beloved, look at the sky... Look at the stars? You hear how they sing about how I love You!

Only in dreams and dreams next to us are those whom we truly love.

just don't cry... just don't break loose... just smile... just smile...

I thought I took it for a show off ... supposedly struck me for jealousy .. no, my dear ... I just ran out of money)) xdd

You can - smile and shake your head ... You can - swear and quarrel for a long time ... You can remain silent at all ... You can even turn around and leave ... But it’s a hundred times harder to pretend that everything is in order and say: 8

Living with the person you love is as difficult as loving the person you live with.

Happy Holidays, darling, I love and miss you, and open the door by the way ...)

“We sin for a moment, but we repent all our lives!” (Shiller)

I grew up, changed, became cool. But now you can no longer brag to your friends that this cool girl is yours ... You know ... It's your own fault ...

Are you weak to wait for a guy from the army? My love has been waiting! 🙂

Giving yourself is not the same as selling. And sleeping next to each other does not mean sleeping. Not taking revenge does not mean forgetting everything. Not being around doesn't mean not

But it seems to me that love is when your loved one calls you at 3 a.m. and asks what are you doing? And you can’t send him XD

And all I have left of him is just a photo that I look at every 2 minutes sitting at the monitor ... (

Sun, please forgive me! I am very sorry that I lost you. I miss you terribly! I love you madly! Come back, please!

Dear, if you print on paper all the compliments worthy of you, then Russia will be left without trees.

How cruelly we trampled, smashed ... And crucified everything that was so expensive ...

I'm choking on tears... I'll never, never show my tears to anyone... I want to at least pretend to be strong... I'm sorry, it's boiling over...

I miss. I was a fool for losing you. I need you. Let's be together again?

Hello my little bunny, know that I love you, And I can’t live without you and a single day

- But we can't right here. - Physiologically - we can. - But we're not animals. - Biologically - animals. - But we have some kind of moral - ethical principles. - Theoretically - there are.

FEMALE LOGIC: a kiss on the lips is, by the way, already a Relationship!

Do you love me? Yes. What yes? I love. Whom do you love? You. What's me? Love you. That's the same

We girls are a little strange creatures, we love and cannot tell him about our feelings, just because he has a different one. We do not think that maybe he also loves you, but is dating someone else because he wants to replace you. Don't be afraid to reveal your feelings.

A girl is a sweet and harmless creature that can break your heart.

Often, it seems that we are loved because we are good. And we do not understand that they love us because those who love us are good.

A girl's dignity can be measured by the guy she's in love with.

Petty is love, which is not afraid of the appearance of charity for the beloved.

One morning you will wake up and begin to understand how much you need me- And I will wake up at the same time with the one who already understood this.

I'll put a password on my heart. Sit down, bastard, try to pick up.

I know that you are not permanent. But I realized that I'd rather doubt whether you love me than know for sure that you don't-

Love is looking into the eyes of your beloved, you see only your reflection there -

Everyone breathes air, and I breathe you

Once a man asked God a question: "That's why all the girls are so affectionate, sweet, gentle, and women are bitches and bitches?" And I heard the answer: “I create girls, and you yourself make women out of them!”

And I love her, more than anything in the world, and I don’t care who is there and what they say about us - The main thing is that I love her!

So many reasons to leave. And only one to stay together - I love her -

I'm madly in love with a girl with very beautiful, bright blue eyes - Yes, I'm talking about you -

I love her .. And I meant your opinion.

I love her so much that my heart is torn to pieces! No one has ever hurt me as much as she did. But I still love her-

Girls! Be beautiful! So that the current ones would not be disappointed, so that the future would wish, and the former would bite their elbows.

Yes, I'm young and naive, but please, use it while I still allow it-

I clearly remember that day - It was snowing, and my mascara flowed - We kissed - And then I wiped it off your cheeks for a long time, so that SHE would not notice -

Do not trust the heart - it knocks -

We change hair, perfume, phone numbers, clothes, neighbors, place of residence, cities- We get pets, flowers in pots, male friends, cars-

Just because I'm smiling at you doesn't mean I'm very glad to see you- Maybe I just imagined a paver driving over you-

Occasionally, we cry with laughter, but now we often start laughing in order not to cry-

Happinnes exists!!! And I know her! I know her phone number, I know what color her eyes are and how she laughs-

Women's logic: say no and nod your head.

Men hang noodles on the girls' ears, and they carefully remove them and hang them on their horns.

Silence is perhaps the only thing made of gold that girls hate.

Passers-by see you as a beautiful, self-confident girl. But none of them even realizes that a defenseless little girl lives in it, who really wants to love-

When I saw her eyes, I couldn't forget them. And she looked at mine and scoffed -

Life has no meaning if your love is not in it -

Sometimes love can be without hope but without faith true love never happens.

A girl, like a cellular connection, is either out of coverage or not available, then there is not enough money for communication or is constantly busy.

A girl is like a rose - even after you have injected yourself, you continue to love her.

The more time I spend with her, the more I realize how much I love her and will never give her away to anyone.

The sweetness of your lips can replace chocolate for me, the bitterness of your words, coffee will replace me, and the tenderness of your hands - cigarettes ... And don't even think that you are irreplaceable ...

“I never noticed that while we are nearby, the sun is shining ..” - and she is right .. I thought that it only seems to me ... But it cannot seem to both. I hate the time of parting... When there is a reason to leave, then there is a reason to return.. And I will return... And I will turn around more than one... I love her, everything is short and clear...

It seems she is still so small, but already so brave. I'm her first and she's my first, honestly, too. I'm a little frivolous, but she's loyal. I'm restless and she's quiet. A little jealous, but she can do it. If only someone knew how much I enjoy forgiving her. I'm sitting by the window and miss... After all, she loves me- And I constantly ask myself the question: "Why?"