
Occurs during childbirth. What does the baby feel during childbirth. How does the cervix prepare for childbirth?


How does the baby understand that labor has begun?

Modern science believes that the birth of the baby, or rather, his body starts itself. Of course, the fetus does not have the experience of giving birth, but in most cases, during childbirth, without complications, it does everything right - this is how nature arranged it. When the first contractions begin, the expectant mother produces oxytocin, a substance that we know as the hormone of love. He comes to the baby and reassures him, because childbirth is also a great emotional and physical stress for a child. However, all the shocks that await the child during childbirth are within the boundaries of his capabilities.

What does the fetus feel during contractions?

Presumably, children feel something like a strong hug, more discomfort than pain. Doctors suggest that adults experience such sensations when they try to crawl under a fence. During contractions, the baby receives less and less oxygen from the placenta (this is normal), and this has a calming effect on him - he falls into a kind of trance, some babies can even sleep while the cervix is ​​​​opening.

What does he hear and see while he is born?

This issue has been little studied. It is known that children hear their mother and other relatives even before birth. During the time spent in the womb, the baby gets used to the mother's voice and can recognize it at such a difficult moment for him as birth. As for vision during childbirth, nothing concrete is known either: doctors say that immediately after birth, the child sees everything indistinctly, the picture in front of his eyes is blurry. However, at a distance from the mother's chest to the face, he already begins to see more clearly - and this is not accidental, as the baby establishes the first eye contact with his most important person.

How does a baby breathe as it passes through the birth canal?

In the womb, the lungs do not work, they are filled with fluid. During childbirth, the baby continues to receive oxygen from the mother, that is, through the placenta. But his lungs are already preparing to take their first breath - the fluid gradually leaves during childbirth, allowing the respiratory organs to expand. After birth, the placenta ceases to perform its function, the pressure drops, and blood begins to flow into the lungs in the required volumes.

How does the baby move during labor?

Shortly before the onset of labor, the baby descends into the entrance to the pelvis, and when the uterus begins to contract, the fetus goes on a journey through the birth canal. During this time, he manages to press his head against his chest in order to squeeze into a narrower part of the pelvis, and then turn over to face his mother's spine. If the baby lies facing the mother's stomach, contractions may become more painful, then doctors may ask the woman in labor to walk so that the fetus still takes a normal position. Before birth, the baby makes a few more movements: he unbends his neck, and when the head is born, he turns sideways (often doctors help the baby do this semi-rotation), and then, starting from the bottom of the uterus, appears entirely.

Is the baby scared?

There is an opinion that children feel discomfort from the fact that life in the womb is over and that the uterus ceases to be a cozy home. Some psychologists tend to believe that because of this, the baby experiences fear of loss during childbirth, is afraid that he will no longer have a mother. But no one knows for sure. It is known, however, that the birth itself becomes a shock for a child, and the intensity of these sensations depends on how noisy and light the room is.

Is the baby in pain during childbirth?

Scientists have found that babies are able to feel pain even before birth, from about the 20th week of pregnancy. However, little is known about the baby's feelings during the birth process. Scientists believe that the child does not feel pain as such, and certainly the labor pain that accompanies a woman does not concern him.

How does he manage to get out through such a small opening?

It's all about the mobility of the bones of the skull. It seems to consist of small tiles that change their position, allowing the baby to move through the birth canal. After a natural birth, the head of any newborn is slightly deformed, but after a couple of days everything will return to normal. In addition, a comfortable position helps the baby to be born (we are talking about children in head presentation) - he tries to shrink so as to become as small as possible.

Absolutely any woman who has given birth will confirm that childbirth is a special work, that it is quite difficult to go through them, that they last a long time, and that sometimes in the process of childbirth it seems that there are no forces anymore, but for the sake of your own child, you need to make every effort. But is this work only for women? Of course not, the child also has a very difficult time during childbirth. Moreover, for a child, the birth is not only a serious test, but also the first in his life, therefore, perhaps, it is much more difficult for him than his mother.

In the mother’s stomach, the child is as comfortable as possible, in principle, everything suits him there, he is warm, he receives nutrients, he feels safe, his mother’s heart beats nearby. As you know, when childbirth begins, the walls of the uterus begin to actively contract, as if pushing the child out of his secluded place. It is not difficult to understand that at this very moment the child experiences an incredibly strong fear, since he, unlike his mother, does not understand at all what awaits him. To calm your child, you need to switch to him, and not think only about yourself and how hard it is for yourself. You can talk to the baby, stroke the stomach, it will really help.

What does the baby feel during childbirth?

The very first stage of childbirth is contractions, in fact it is the longest and rather difficult, especially at the moment when the contractions begin to grow and the woman experiences more and more severe pain, the child also feels an increase in contractions, as he begins to be pushed out of the womb more and more, from the place where he felt so good. The most difficult test falls on the share of the baby's head - it takes the main blow, especially since the baby moves head forward through the birth canal. He is squeezed from all sides, but he has no choice but to move further and further, despite the fact that he would probably like to stay in his cozy house.

Here again, the mother must do everything to help her child, what needs to be done? First of all, relax. The fact is that the stronger the woman is tense, the stronger the child will be squeezed by the walls of his body, respectively, he will not be able to move quickly enough along the birth canal. There are a lot of breathing exercises that are aimed directly at relaxing the muscles, and they should be used during childbirth.

The baby's journey during childbirth

During the attempts of a woman, the child also experiences far from the most pleasant sensations, he passes through a very narrow hole, everything presses on him, he gets stuck, he has little oxygen, so the task of any mother is to do everything possible so that the child is born as quickly as possible, that is, he needs help. In order for this to happen, it is very important to listen carefully to the doctor and fulfill all his requirements, only the doctor sees exactly where the child is, only he knows when the woman in labor needs to push and she must push with all her might at these moments to bring the appearance of the child closer into the world.

When a child is born, the child does not at all feel relieved, because a bright light shines in his eyes, it becomes cold, there are a lot of people around, of course, he is scared, so the only thing that can calm him down is his mother’s breast, to which you need to attach the child as quickly as possible, give to feel to him that he is not alone in this world, that he will be protected and taken care of.

Today, with the help of the book “Yoga for Pregnant Women,” we will find out how a child behaves during childbirth. Everyone has heard that he moves through the birth canal - but how exactly does this happen?

In order to understand what happens in childbirth, it is important to realize that it is hard work for your baby, commensurate with the pain you are experiencing. The intensity and frequency of contractions are simply necessary for the child, since in order to be born he must make six basic movements. As he makes his movements, the nature of the contractions changes, and they become more intense so that the baby can fit into the tighter places in your pelvis.

So, in the first (contractions and opening of the cervix) and the second (and expulsion of the fetus) periods of childbirth, your baby makes six main movements:

  • descent;
  • bending;
  • rotation inward;
  • extension;
  • outward rotation;
  • extrusion.

In order to provide space for these movements, three important changes occur in the cervix:

  • smoothing;
  • disclosure;
  • tilt forward.

When the baby and the cervix work together, childbirth proceeds naturally. Let's take a look at this process in detail.

How does the cervix prepare for childbirth?

Already a few weeks before the onset of labor, you may feel weak contractions. They are called Braxton Hicks contractions and are considered a false onset of labor. However, these contractions are necessary for the walls of the cervix to begin to soften and mature in preparation for dilatation. With the onset of true labor, regular contractions will help the process of smoothing and opening the cervix. Each subsequent contraction will help the cervix to open, flatten and reach its full diameter of 10 cm; the walls of the cervix at the same time become thinner. Dense walls should become thin, like paper; this process is measured as a percentage from 0 to 100. In addition, the cervix should tilt forward.

As the cervix goes through these changes, your baby also works with her in unity, making her basic movements.

Baby movements during contractions

First, the baby's head should be inserted into the entrance to the pelvis. This happens when its head descends into the pelvic cavity and aligns with the ischial spines.

Thus, the child becomes at zero in the pelvic cavity. The first movement made by the child during childbirth is the descent. The child must move down the birth canal and overcome the zero mark. This occurs in the interval between the latent and active phases of the first stage of labor.

After that, the child makes the second movement - flexion. To squeeze into a narrower part of the pelvis, he must press his chest to his chin. Bending over, you can move on to the third movement - this is the rotation inward. The baby will have to turn half-turn from a position facing the side of the mother's body to a position facing the mother's spine. Sometimes it takes time, and sometimes it just doesn't happen.

When the baby turns his back to your spine (facing his stomach), this can lead to very intense and painful spinal contractions. A sign of spinal contractions is pressure in the lumbar region on the right or left. This pain is felt even in the intervals between contractions. Some midwives and doctors let the woman wait and advise her to move and change positions so that the baby still rolls over to face the spine. The inward rotation of the baby occurs somewhere between the active and transitional phases of the first stage of labor.

Movements of the child during attempts

When the baby is ready to be born, he makes the last three movements. These movements coincide with the second period of childbirth - attempts. The child extends the head in the birth canal. When this happens, we are talking about the appearance of the head in the pelvis at +3. You can really see the head when you start pushing.

As soon as you succeed in pushing the head out, the baby makes another movement - an outward rotation. When the head appears, the baby turns to face sideways. Usually the doctor helps him to make this movement. At this stage, the child is ready for his last movement - pushing out. Birth completed!

Comment on the article "Childbirth: what happens to the child during contractions and attempts"

More on the topic "How does a baby go through the birth canal during childbirth?":

I was fully conscious during childbirth, I don’t remember any turbidity, I clearly felt everything - what was happening. the first - with an epidural (I didn’t ask by the way) - 2 injections, the result - no labor activity, I didn’t feel any attempts, gave birth without contractions, the baby was squeezed out ...

It is better to make a list of things in the hospital long before the birth. And not just compose, but cook, plus collect everything you need. In addition, one more list of things in the maternity hospital needs to be compiled for the husband (mother, grandmother, girlfriend). If you have several close people, so much the better. Let everyone know in advance what you would like to have brought to you. Childbirth is a responsible process for a woman in labor. But she understands what happens to her during contractions, the birth of a child and after. It is not at all easier morally for those who love ...

Like one of the many mothers, she wanted to give birth on a certain date 03/13/13 ... the bags were collected, the shower procedures were carried out, the documents were on the shelf, the husband was at the start ... but the miracle did not happen .... the next day she was all waiting ...what a day. pulled the lower back, every 5 minutes she ran along. small, if before I was afraid to give birth, then at the end of pregnancy I was already screaming, well, when !!! it’s hard to walk, it’s uncomfortable to sleep, if you don’t sleep, the belly dancer dances boogie-woogie in your stomach ... in the evening of the 14th, I threw back thoughts about childbirth ...

I gave birth to my third child in Germany. I got real pleasure. I really regret that I didn't think of this sooner. Giving birth here in the 4th maternity hospital, they pierced my bladder and squeezed out the baby (I don’t know why, usually I give birth in 3-4 attempts), and paramedol was injected. My children were born blue, flabby, with a score of 6-7. When I gave birth in Germany, my daughter was born full of energy, immediately suckled to the breast, received a rating of 9/10. I can't put into words how happy I am! Thank you...

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Section: Childbirth (can the baby move during contractions). Can the baby move during contractions? Actually, that's what I wanted to ask, if these are not workouts, but real contractions, is the baby moving at this moment, or rather, in between them?

Second birth. The waters broke at 13.30, at 14.30 they were transferred to the delivery room, there were no contractions, I began to wind circles around the ward, contractions began to appear, during strong contractions I hung on the windowsill, I could not stand at 6-7 hours. She gave birth at 22.55 from the third attempt ...

increase in the number of patients with cerebral palsy Lately indicates an increase in birth trauma. This is directly related to the use of RODOSTIMULATION. Rodostimulating agents have been used abroad since the beginning of the 50s, and in Russia since the beginning of the 60s. Since that time, there has been a sharp increase in the number of children with cerebral palsy.

I vomited during contractions. And unexpectedly, at the peak of the fight, I didn’t even have time to run to the washstand. My girlfriend had two births with vomiting, and all the contractions and attempts were vomiting.

If there are no such indications or the caesarean is related to the mother's indications (narrow pelvis, retinal detachment, etc.), reasonable doctors suggest that a caesarean should be performed during childbirth (that is, already during contractions, but before attempts).

Conference "Pregnancy and childbirth". Section: Childbirth (pooping during childbirth). I really want my husband to be with me during childbirth. Namely, during contractions and after the very birth of the child, while trying, let him go for a smoke break :-) When he puts his hand on my sore spot ...

I was stimulated for the first birth, the waters broke, there were contractions, the second birth was according to the plan. If this does not happen, after 2-3 - an information project on family issues: pregnancy and childbirth, parenting, education and career, home economics, recreation, beauty ...

At the beginning of labor (with both children), my contractions were irregular and "fuzzy". Those. at the beginning of labor, contractions may not have a clearly defined beginning, peak, end, or pause. But if this is childbirth, then after a while the contractions become clear ...

The birth of a baby is a happy event for every family. However, many women have to recover for quite a long time due to the healing of the stitches, and the joy is overshadowed by poor health, discomfort and pain. Those who have already given birth to one or more children have an idea of ​​labor activity, but primiparous mothers are especially interested in how to behave during childbirth and contractions in order to give birth easily and without breaks.

The fear of a woman before the upcoming birth is quite understandable, but we should never forget that this is, first of all, the joy of the appearance of a long-awaited child. Therefore, first of all, a woman in labor should push aside negative thoughts and try to think positively. Of course, there is hard work ahead, but the reward will be a meeting with your baby.

In fact, the mood of the mother is transmitted to the baby in her womb, and when fear rolls over, the child also starts to get nervous. There is no need to think about pain - this is a transient phenomenon, it is better to remember those who are worried about their mother and are looking forward to her return from the hospital.

You should know how to behave during childbirth and contractions, and then, thanks to the presence of the spirit, childbirth will be easier and faster. Usually, labor activity is divided into three main stages:

  1. Preparation of the uterus and baby for birth during labor;
  2. The birth of a child, through attempts;
  3. The final phase with the departure of the placenta.

In this regard, during the preparation for childbirth, a woman should:

  • Master the technique of correct breathing;
  • Find the most good posture helping to give birth, and, at the same time, safe for the condition of the fetus;
  • Learn how to push correctly so as not to injure the child and avoid tears.

Primiparous mothers may not know, but it is not advisable to scream during childbirth, since in this case the baby may experience oxygen starvation, and it is also difficult for him to move through the birth canal. In addition, fear, although it is a psychological state, can exacerbate real pain.

Proper breathing, pushing and posture

It is better for a woman to learn about how to breathe in advance, moreover, you need to learn this, so you will have to practice during pregnancy.

This can be done by enrolling in special courses that she can attend with her husband. It is important that certain breathing should correspond to each stage of labor activity.

Of course, the doctor will also tell her how to behave, but a woman must master three basic techniques in advance:

  • In the initial contractions, breathing should be applied with a count - inhalation must be taken during a spasm, and exhaled very slowly in just a few seconds. Usually count up to four when inhaling, and up to six when exhaling.
  • When strong and painful contractions are present, one should breathe like a dog - inhalation and exhalation should be quick and rhythmic.
  • During the birth of a child, breathing is characterized by a deep inhalation and a strong exhalation with the direction of pressure on lower part abdomen - uterus and vagina.

Proper breathing provides the fetus with normal access to oxygen, reduces pain, and contributes to the rapid completion of the birth process.

When discussing how to behave during childbirth and contractions, this applies not only to breathing, but also to the optimal posture of the woman in labor. There is no single ideal position for everyone for the most convenient expulsion of the fetus, since the body of each woman has its own characteristics, both physiological and anatomical.

But it has been noticed that it is more convenient for some women to give birth in a position on all fours, though still in the same horizontal position - for this, the woman in labor should try to take this position on her back, pulling her knees as much as possible and tilting her face forward to her chest. Sometimes a woman can intuitively feel how she should turn or lie down. If this does not threaten the child, the doctor during the contractions will tell you how best to do this.

It is very important to make attempts correctly. The intensity of pain, the appearance or absence of gaps depends on this. Also, pushing incorrectly can result in injury to the baby.

What not to do when trying:

  • When trying, you can not strain the muscles, as this slows down the passage of the child through the birth canal - if the muscle tissue is relaxed, the uterus opens much faster, and the pain is not so strong.
  • Do not put pressure on the head or rectum - only in the lower abdomen.
  • It is forbidden to push with all your might until the uterus opens, as this leads to perineal tears and damage to the child.

On average, one contraction should have two or three attempts. A woman in labor should not rush things - in any case, the child will be born at the right time, but the mother must unquestioningly listen to the doctor's instructions.

How to behave during childbirth and contractions to give birth easily and without breaks

So, the very first stage is, in fact, contractions, the purpose of which is to open the cervix in order to let the baby through.

How to behave during fights

This period can take from 3-4 to 12 or more hours. In women giving birth for the first time, the process can drag on for 24 hours. Usually, in the beginning, contractions occur every 15-20 minutes, gradually increasing in time. At the same time, the intervals between them are shrinking. A woman needs to control their onset, since the doctor can derive a certain algorithm of childbirth from these calculations and help the woman in labor in time. If the contractions are repeated every 15 minutes, it's time to go to the hospital.

When uterine contractions are repeated every 5 minutes, this may mean an early expulsion of the fetus, that is, the birth of a baby. Usually severe cramps occur in the lower abdomen, as well as in the region of the lumbar spine. Expectant mothers at this moment should not eat - you can only drink water.

The third phase of contractions can last up to four hours or more. A woman must definitely rest in short intervals between them. When the pain is especially strong, you can muffle it with frequent breathing.

How to properly push during childbirth so that there are no tears

Attempts are the most important and crucial moment when the baby is born. Contractions accelerate, repeating every minute, and the woman in labor begins to feel powerful pressure on the anus. At this time, a woman needs to get together and make every effort to help her child. To hold on, the woman in labor can take hold of the special handrails of the table. Next, she will need to take a deep breath, hold her breath, and press her head in an elevated state to her chest.

It happens that the attempts are weak, in which case the doctor usually allows one or two contractions to be missed. At the same time, a woman should relax as much as possible and breathe often. Later, she will be able to perform the most fruitful expulsion of the fetus.

Doctors say that during childbirth future mother voluntary urination or even bowel movements should not be taken into account, since restraint and tension can harm both the baby and herself. We must not forget that childbirth is a difficult natural process and a huge burden on internal organs, including on bladder and intestines. Moreover, during labor, a woman has more important work than wasting extra energy on unnecessary thoughts and embarrassment.

After the birth of a child, it is still too early for a mother to relax, although, of course, the departure of a child's place is the most painless stage during childbirth. After some time, contractions begin again, but they are very weak. During the next attempt, ideally, the fetal membranes and placenta should separate. This may take different time- from several to 30-40 minutes. It happens that the afterbirth does not come out completely, and then the doctor will have to remove its remnants. If the child's place has departed completely, an examination by a gynecologist of the birth canal will follow. As a rule, this process passes without complications.

A woman needs not only to know how to behave during childbirth and labor - in addition, she should follow all the recommendations of the obstetrician, undergo vaginal examinations, if they are necessary to determine important points generic process. Often, women in labor refuse to stimulate weak labor with the help of drug therapy, but sometimes such a doctor’s decision is made not without reason. There are cases when appropriate drugs helped the child avoid injuries and health complications in the future.

Women who cannot get rid of negative thoughts about upcoming trials, pain and breakups can be advised to undergo training using special gymnastics, massage and breathing exercises so that she feels more confident. A good psychologist will also help, who can set up future mother in a positive way. In the end, the pain will pass, but the most precious thing in a mother's life will remain - her beloved child.

How to breathe properly during childbirth and contractions: video

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Stages of childbirth or how natural childbirth goes in time

In order for a woman to more easily endure the process of giving birth, not to interfere with her actions, but to help medical personnel, she must clearly know what stages of childbirth she will have to go through. Having an idea about the physiological changes taking place in the body, a woman reacts less emotionally to what is happening, is less afraid, experiences moderate pain. When the first stage of labor has already begun, it is too late to conduct training. Difficulty focusing on new information. We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the three stages of childbirth in advance in order to fully prepare for the upcoming difficult, responsible work.

  1. Stage one: preparatory
  2. Birth of placenta
  3. Duration of labor

The first stage is preparatory

At the end of pregnancy, a woman may experience discomfort in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe abdomen, lower back. Is it possible to confuse them with the beginning of real fights? Women who already have children argue that this is almost impossible. The painful sensations of training fights can be weakened and completely stopped if, at the moments of their appearance, you distract yourself with something interesting:

  • watching a movie;
  • taking a warm shower;
  • a cup of fragrant tea.

If this is not a “training”, but the first stage of childbirth, then the body can no longer be deceived by any means. Soreness slowly and gradually increases, the intervals between contractions are even periods of time, which are getting shorter. Stage 1, in turn, is divided into 3 time periods, during which there is a consistent preparation for the expulsion of the fetus. Of all the stages of childbirth, this is the most painful and lengthy period. Attempts to speed it up are fraught with injury to the mother and baby. The cervix does not have time to open properly.

Three phases of the first stage:

  • latent (opening of the cervix up to 3-4 cm);
  • active (opening up to 8 cm);
  • transient (full disclosure up to 10 cm).

By the second phase, water usually departs. If this does not happen, the doctor who controls the stages of labor activity pierces the fetal bladder, due to which the cervix opens faster.

By the end of the second phase, the woman enters the maternity hospital. She already has quite intense contractions, going at intervals of less than 5 minutes. The third phase takes place under the supervision of doctors. Every 3 minutes there are undulating contractions lasting up to 60 seconds. Sometimes a woman does not have time to rest between them, because they roll one after another. At this stage of labor activity, the fetal head descends into the pelvic cavity (on the pelvic floor). A woman may experience fear, even panic. She needs specialist support. Sometimes there is a desire to push, and here the help of obstetricians is indispensable. They will tell you when it is time or should be patient until the neck opens to the desired size.

In the early stages of labor, close women in labor can play a huge role. It is important to talk to her, calm her down, do a light massage of the lower back, hold hands, help to take those positions in which a woman can easily endure pain:

  • be on all fours;
  • while moving vertically;
  • stand on your hands.

The first of the three stages of labor is the period when the fetal head moves downward under the pressure of the uterine muscles. Head - oval shape, the birth canal is round. On the head there are places where there is no bone tissue - fontanelles. Due to this, the fetus has the opportunity to adapt and pass through the narrow birth canal. - this is a slow opening of the cervix, smoothing the birth canal and the formation of a kind of "corridor", wide enough to let the baby through. When everything is prepared, the second stage of childbirth begins - pushing.

The second stage: the panting period and the birth of a child

If we consider everything 3 stages of childbirth, then the straining one is the happiest for a newly-made mother, who can finally forget about the suffering she has endured and for the first time press her little blood to her chest.

At the beginning of this stage, if natural childbirth is planned (without caesarean section), the woman is asked to sit on the birth chair. The most important and responsible work begins. By this time, the woman in labor is already very exhausted by prolonged pains, her main task is to focus on commands medical personnel and follow them exactly. The child turns several times during the passage of the birth canal and, finally, approaches the exit. The head is shown first (it may hide back several times). In order not to harm the child, it is necessary to push strictly on the command of the doctors. The head of the child with force presses on the rectum - and along with the next fight, there is a desire to push.

After the birth of the head, the doctor helps her to free herself from the perineum. The shoulders are born, and then (very quickly) the whole body. The newborn is applied to the breast. A woman at this moment has a powerful release of the hormone oxytocin, she experiences a state of euphoria. There is some time for rest. The work is not finished yet - you need to wait for the birth of the placenta.

Birth of placenta

When describing the 3 stages of childbirth, this last period is given a minimum of attention. But it is extremely important for a woman's health. It is necessary that the "children's place" be separated on time and completely. The third stage begins with rather weak (compared to everything that the woman in labor has already experienced) contractions. Normally, there will be very few of them, you still need to push and help the uterus expel the placenta. If the placenta does not separate on its own, doctors resort to surgical intervention. The uterus must be cleansed. Otherwise, an inflammatory process occurs, prolonged bleeding. The last stage is completed, the young mother and child are left under observation for a while. Then they are sent to the room.

Duration of labor

Stages of childbirth are different in time. The duration of each of them is different in those giving birth for the first time and again. Let's see how the birth goes on in primiparas and in those who have already passed (more than once) this path.

Table 1. Duration of 3 stages of labor

Categories of women in labor First period Second period Third period
Primiparous From 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. 45–60 min. 5 to 15 min.
Those who give birth again 6–7 o'clock 20–30 min. 5 to 15 min.

Those who give birth to the second and subsequent children, the first two periods pass much faster. Therefore, it is very important for multiparous people to call in time " ambulance”, so that childbirth is not caught at home or on the way to the hospital.

What to do if a woman in labor feels: the baby's head is about to appear, and there is no time to get to the hospital in time? In this case, others will have to take delivery at the pre-hospital stage.

Such situations are possible in case of premature pregnancy, in multiparous, when walking, with rapid delivery. It is necessary to prepare warm water, sterile gloves, napkins, diapers. The person assisting the woman in labor should carefully support the perineum when the fetal head comes in to prevent tears. Only when the suboccipital fossa of the child is under the pubic joint of the mother, you can carefully help the child to get out into the light. After delivery, the mother and newborn should be taken to the hospital as soon as possible for examination.

Childbirth is a process that women have always treated with understandable fear. But if you are prepared for each stage, you will be able to manage childbirth, that is, from a passively suffering patient, turn into an active participant in difficult but joyful work. All fears will be immediately forgotten as soon as your small copy appears at the chest. For the sake of the birth of the most beloved creature in the world, it is worth suffering!