
Which eyebrows are suitable for the oval face. Ideal eyebrow shapes for an oval face. Eyebrows for oval faces


There are some nuances on how to choose the shape of the eyebrows for oval face... Correction is carried out to make the look expressive. In this case, it is required to remove excess hair and give shape, dye the hair with chemical or natural dyes. Different techniques are used to perform the action.

Modeling is carried out taking into account the distance between the eyes, the original shape of the arc. There are several basic techniques for line correction and removal. unwanted hair... One of them is shugaring.


This method involves removal using a sugar paste. Another option is to pull out the excess with wax, thread.

Most often, the shape is created using tweezers. The correction should be performed on clean skin that is free of fat. All instruments must first be disinfected. If the skin is sensitive, irritation and redness may persist for a while. Before you change the shape, you need to grow your hair without plucking it for a while.


The problem of choosing the shape of the eyebrows, suitable for the oval face, is popular. It is believed that it is not difficult to choose a geometry with such an oval, since it allows any experiments to be carried out. However, there are several options that are considered the most appropriate.


These are straight lines with a high kink, or in the form of an arc.


Horizontal emphasizes the proportions of the oval, makes the face visually wider. In physiognomy, it is noted that such arcs indicate a strong character and the presence leadership qualities... You should not reduce the lines too much to the bridge of the nose, so as not to make the look frowning.

The beginning of such an arc is located low, and this can lead to a heavier look. This shortcoming is quickly corrected - the width is adjusted with tweezers. The tip of the arc is made longer, if necessary, it is drawn with a sharp pencil. The head is rounded. For painting, a neutral, dull shade is used; it should not be dark.

Arcs can be made with slight kinks.


This geometry is classic. It is suitable for any age, makes the eyes open, visually rejuvenates. When shaping, it is important not to make too much kink, so as not to get a surprised look. The tail should be thin and sharp. The arched line makes the face more feminine and softer, smoothes the corners. It is required to choose the right heights. The average width is chosen.

To get the result, you need to correctly shape the lines. First, the beginning of the eyebrow, the end and the bend are determined. You can mark these points with a cosmetic pencil. After the width is determined - if the features are small, an average or small width is suitable, if they are large, it is allowed to make the arcs wide.

There are four main ways to correct curves for an oval face:

Plucking... This method is the most common, hair removal is done with tweezers. The procedure is quick, but painful. The technique is used at home.


Removal by wax... Considered the fastest option, but will irritate the skin. It is used in salons to remove even fine hair.


Threading is one of the oldest methods, often used in salons. By capturing the hair with a twisted thread, removal occurs.


A painless method with a short duration of the result. May cause allergies.


After performing the correction, the arches need to be looked after. To maintain the shape, hair is regularly removed in any of the ways. The hairs need to be combed with a special brush. When choosing tweezers, it is better to pay attention to those with round ends. The action is carried out in a lighted room in front of a mirror. The instrument is pre-disinfected, hands must be washed.

Before determining the type of eyebrow that is most suitable, an oval should be set. The oval face tapers towards the forehead and chin, with the widest point at the cheeks. The jawline is not wide, without sharp corners.

An elongated face suggests a significant excess of length over width. There are high cheekbones, forehead, sharp chin. The round type has no hard corners, the length is equal to the width. With a square face, there are hard angles, the width of the forehead, cheekbones, and cheeks is the same.

The inverted triangle suggests a wide forehead and a narrow, pointed chin.


The shape of the eyebrows for an oval face should match the outline. A suitable line makes the eyes more expressive, visually proportions the forehead and other features. When choosing a suitable eyebrow shape for an oval face, you need to take into account not only the type of face, but also the location of the eyes, the size of the features.

Unkempt eyebrows, bulging hairs and wide or too narrow lines are not in vogue. The shape of the eyebrows for an oval face is usually done with a slight curve, or straight.


If the selected outlines are different from the natural ones, it will be difficult to make adjustments. It is better to choose geometry that is closest to natural.

The lines should not create the effect of surprise or gloom. Ascending lines imply no bend, with the tail positioning above the base. This geometry is suitable for oval or rectangular types.

@ emily.bobyleva

The arcuate line suggests that the tail is slightly above the base, with a smooth bend. This kind of geometry is considered universal and is suitable for almost all types, including oval. House-shaped arcs have a break. They are mainly used for round face.

@ magazova_brow174

The horizontal outlines have almost no bend, the beginning and end are on the same horizontal line. They are used for oval, square type.


Tweezers are most often used to make adjustments. To pain were minor, anesthetic ointment or ice cube was used. The skin can be pre-steamed. In the upper part of the arc, it is undesirable to pluck the hair, however, if they significantly go beyond the contour, then they need to be removed.

If noticeable hair appears on the bridge of the nose, they should also be removed, otherwise the arcs will not look well-groomed. After making the adjustments, make-up is done. Lines are painted over with a pencil, shadows of the correct shade.

The owner of an oval face is envied by many, because this form is classic, and, accordingly, almost all types of haircuts and eyebrow contours are suitable for such a girl. It is generally accepted that an oval face has perfect proportions, therefore, it practically does not need to be corrected with makeup.

Before choosing eyebrows for an oval face, you need to familiarize yourself with a few important recommendations by plucking them out:

  • To begin with, you should pay attention to three ideal points that define the inner, outer border and the place of the bend.
  • Correction should only be carried out on a cleansed face. Otherwise, it will be difficult to pluck the eyebrows.
  • It is advisable that the treated area and instruments are always moistened with antiseptic preparations. Otherwise, unwanted acne and pimples may appear on the skin.
  • If there is a need to draw eyebrows, then it is better to use a special pencil or shadows. In this case, it is desirable that the color does not differ much from the eyebrows (it is possible for it to be a shade darker or lighter).

Correction methods

Many girls ask: "What kind of eyebrows are suitable for an oval face?" In fact, such a face is almost perfect, so any eyebrows will look good with it. But first of all, it is necessary to find out in what ways their correction can be performed, and only after that it is necessary to decide what shape of eyebrows will be created.

Of course, the most popular way that you can make eyebrows for an oval face is plucking. Any girl knows what the essence of this method is: hair removal is carried out with tweezers. Another way is wax. With its help, you can remove all unwanted hairs in a matter of minutes, but this procedure is very painful. Therefore, many do it in beauty salons, and not at home. Getting rid of hair with a depilatory cream is very quick and effective remedy... But it must be remembered that if the dosage of this agent is incorrect, irritation may appear on the skin.

Straight eyebrows

Horizontal eyebrows for an oval face will help round it visually. This shape is suitable for those girls whose face oval is too elongated. But such eyebrows should not be frowned, as the look will seem inhospitable. At the same time, if they rise and fall during a conversation, then the interlocutor will understand that you are in a friendly mood. But you need to understand that improperly plucked eyebrows will also look unaesthetic. The look will seem especially gloomy if the head of the eyebrow is too low. This drawback can be corrected by rounding it a little, and lengthening the ends of the eyebrows with a pencil. It is also very important that the eyebrows are completely symmetrical. Particular attention should be paid to the choice of eyebrow cosmetics. Too dark shades can visually emphasize all the flaws in your face. Therefore, it is better to give preference to natural colors.

Arched eyebrows

Such eyebrows for an oval face, photos of which can be seen a little lower, outwardly resemble an arc. Wearers will look serene and balanced as these brows soften the facial features. If there is a desire to create just them, then you need to be prepared for the fact that this form will require care in working out all the lines. It is very important that there is a clear balance: length-thickness-height. If the transitions are moderate, then the eyebrows look very natural.

Broken eyebrows

Most correct eyebrows for an oval face have a broken shape. They are ideal for romantic, feminine girls, because thanks to them, the look will become frank and sincere. In addition, their owner will look much younger (therefore, this form is suitable for older women). Ideally similar shape of eyebrows is combined with almond-shaped eyes. However, the fracture should be soft, not very curved and raised. Otherwise, the look will seem constantly surprised, predatory, angry.

How to shape the eyebrows?

If you are modeling your own eyebrows for an oval face, then first of all you need to decide on their length. To do this, you should take a pencil. With one side, you need to attach it to the sinus. In this case, the second end should pass through the inner corner of the eye. At the point of intersection with the eyebrow, its inner point will be located. The outer border can be determined if the pencil will go through the outer corner of the eye. Almost all women know that to distract attention from the wrinkles in the corners of the eyes, it is necessary to shorten the brow ridges. Much attention should be paid to the width of the eyebrows. As a rule, it is she who determines the expression on the face. If it is narrow, then it is better to use medium width eyebrows. If the eyebrows are thin, sparse, then this defect can be corrected with a pencil. Great importance should be given to the choice of its color. It must be sure to match the skin tone.

If the eyebrows are unruly (hairs grow in different directions), then you can apply a special fixing gel. Moreover, their direction can be changed with a special brush. Beautiful eyebrows for an oval face will highlight all its advantages. If there is no need to correct them, then you should still carefully look after them.

Correct care

Many girls are interested in what kind of eyebrows are suitable for an oval face. But they forget that it is important not only to choose a shape, but also to be able to look after them. As a rule, young girls may not have to correct their eyebrows, since they are already beautiful. But if some changes have already been made, then you should not run them. You need to regularly look after eyebrows with absolutely any shape. It is especially important to constantly remove newly grown hairs beyond the line of the created contour. If you do not do this, then the eyebrows for an oval face will look ugly. If you have not done this before, then it is better to seek help from a beauty salon. Here the specialist will make a high-quality correction. But you need to remember that correction is quite expensive, so not everyone will be able to constantly pay for it.

Depilation should be done only taking into account the direction of hair growth. If plucked against their growth, then ingrown hairs may appear in the future. In addition, there is a risk of injury to the bulbs, which can cause irritation on the skin. It is best to use tweezers with rounded tips, which grab the hairs much faster.

The shape of the eyebrows for an oval face cannot be any, some lines can upset the balance, make the face excessively elongated. For the first time, it is better to create an eyebrow shape not by yourself, but by contacting a specialist. He has sufficient experience to determine the contour that suits the type of appearance, highlight its advantages and reliably hide the flaws.

The best forms

Eyebrows for an oval face can be very different, but it is best to prefer one of three options:

  • horizontal eyebrows ;
  • outgoing;
  • arcuate.

The curvature of the eyebrows may vary, but lines that are too sharp are unacceptable.

Asking which eyebrows are suitable for an oval face, it should be understood that for a face with a large forehead, too bright, pronounced eyebrows standing "house" are unacceptable, they will give the face an always surprised expression, unnecessarily emphasizing the flaws.

Straight or horizontal

What shape to choose for an oval type of face so that the brow arches look natural, harmoniously completing the image? The horizontal shapes of the eyebrows will perfectly emphasize the proportions, make the image rounder, the face a little shorter.

According to psychologists, the presence of horizontal eyebrows in a woman is an indicator of a strong spirit, independence of character. When a woman talks, she should slightly raise her eyebrows, showing interest in the interlocutor, her own softness. If you reduce them to the bridge of the nose, then the gaze will be threatening and angry.

The beginning of the arc line should not be located too low, but it is better to lengthen the tip by drawing on with a cosmetic pencil.

The main secret is symmetry, as well as the use of neutral tones. Too black tones will attract a lot of attention, highlighting the existing imperfections.

With a break or outstretched

Which eyebrows are suitable for an oval face? A slight break is required, this is a classic design option that should not be avoided.This method allows you to slightly open your eyes, emphasize the shape of the eyes.

During the formation of a kink, one must not get carried away, otherwise the look may turn out to be by no means gentle, but predatory, angry.


When deciding what shape of eyebrows suits an oval face, one should not forget about the arched architecture. Such lines will make the look soft, feminine. The main thing is that the form should be created with careful study. A balance is required between the thickness and length of the arc, as well as their arch. The height can be anything from low to high.

How to shape eyebrows correctly

Only a properly shaped eyebrow is able to give expressiveness to the look, in order to create it with your own hands, a number of rules should be observed:

  1. Find the starting point, from inner corner eyes, the point of contact of the pencil should come to the wing of the nose. This will be the foundation.
  2. Move the cosmetic pencil to the outer corner, this is where the brow ends.
  3. Find the highest point of the bend by placing the pencil on the middle of the pupil.
  4. Connect each marked point with the next one to get a smooth line.
  5. Decide on the width: it is better to prefer its average size.
  6. The shade inside the eyebrow can be created with the help of shadows, and the hairs can be smoothed with a special transparent modeling gel, having previously combed them with a special brush.

How to adjust the shape

To correct their shape, you can use one of the following methods.

  1. Plucking with tweezers: the procedure is quick, with frequent use, it is practically painless. It is great for home care, the main thing is to stop on time and not remove the vegetation that does not interfere.
  2. Using wax or wax strips: the method is quite effective, getting rid of unwanted vegetation for a long time. It is painful, it is better to carry out the procedure in the salon. In addition, in some people, the use of this method can provoke a serious allergic reaction.
  3. The use of threads, a method used since ancient times. To use this method, you should visit the salon several times in order to visually see the whole process. It is not difficult to remove hairs with virtually no pain with a long-lasting effect.
  4. Application of a cream for depilating the skin. This agent can also cause allergic reactions, before applying it to the face, an allergy test is carried out (in this case, a drop of the composition is applied to the wrist or the bend of the elbow). If, after 48 hours, there is no reaction on this area, the agent is allowed to be used.

Eyebrow care is very important, it involves the following manipulations:

  • regular maintenance of shape by removing excessively growing hairs in the chosen way;
  • daily brushing of vegetation with a special brush;
  • depilation along the hairline to avoid damage to the follicles;
  • using tweezers with rounded tips;
  • carrying out the correction procedure with sufficient lighting, using a magnifying mirror;
  • regularly make caring masks using castor, burdock, almond, coconut oil;
  • before carrying out the correction, treat the hands, the affected area and the instrument with an antiseptic composition;
  • try not to stretch delicate skin to avoid premature wrinkles;
  • for a one-time hair removal, grab it strictly at the base;
  • to reduce pain from the procedure, pre-steam the skin by applying a compress or run an ice cube over the skin;
  • act on the brow ridges massage movements to increase blood circulation and accelerate hair growth.

Effectively designed eyebrows can decorate an oval face, make it more strict, decisive, romantic or even completely serene. You just need to choose their correct shape, as well as choose the most effective color for staining. So that you can do that, let's figure out what is the ideal eyebrow shape for an oval face.

Which eyebrows suit an oval face?

Experts in the field of cosmetology believe that the oval suitable for the face absolutely any shape of eyebrows. You can choose for yourself the following varieties of it:

  • Arched eyebrows. This type allows you to soften facial features as much as possible. They can be chosen by those ladies who want to make their eyes more open. When creating just such a shape of eyebrows, it is very important to observe their symmetry and make the lines as clear as possible, only in this case they will look beautiful.

  • Kinked arcs, especially popular in recent months. This shape works best with almond-shaped eyes. It makes the face visually younger, softens its features. When choosing this particular option, make sure that the break in the arc is smooth enough, otherwise you can give your face an overly predatory expression.

  • Winged eyebrows. This option is very similar to the previous one, but it has a smoother bend and base. Especially to take a closer look at this type of eyebrow design is those ladies who are not completely satisfied with the shape and size of their eyes: if you choose just such a shape for your eyebrows and make their tip slightly raised, you will be able to visually enlarge your eyes, and you will make your look significantly more open.

  • Horizontal eyebrows. These are most suitable for owners of a slightly elongated face, as they can balance it. To make them look good and not make your look gloomy, you should slightly round off the head of such an eyebrow and make sure that the arcs are strictly symmetrical. Otherwise, they will make you too strict, which for female image not very good.

Advice: in order for any of the above forms to look good on your face, contact a specialist cosmetologist who can create it for you, select the desired type or eyebrow tattoo if necessary, and then regularly correct the brow arch. This is the only way you can achieve the perfect shape of your eyebrows the first time.

How to learn to select the shape of the eyebrows?

A few words must be said about those design variations. brow arch which you need to avoid. So the oval face is completely unsuitable for too thin plucked eyebrows (especially since they are completely irrelevant now), as well as eyebrows with short tails. They will visually make your face elongated, and your eyes less expressive. Avoid such forms by all possible ways otherwise your image will be spoiled.

How do you choose your ideal eyebrow shape? Read on.

What else to consider when choosing an eyebrow shape?

When deciding which eyebrow shape suits an oval face, it is also important to take into account some additional factors in order to make the right choice. These include:

Also speaking about which eyebrows are suitable for an oval face, it is necessary to take into account the possibility of a woman

You look with envy what shape of eyebrows Cara Delevingne and Megan Fox have, but yours don't cause such delight? To find the perfect one, you don't have to go to the salon, and today you will see for yourself!


Professional make-up artists claim that the shape of the eyebrows can completely change the face as in better side and vice versa. And he says that if there is not enough time for a full-fledged make-up, it is imperative to make up the eyebrows, it is they who give the face character. But how do you find this correct shape? We have prepared detailed instructions for you!

The shape and shape of your eyebrows is primarily determined by the shape of your face.

Eyebrow shape for oval face

Eva Mendes and Heidi Klum have oval faces

The oval face shape is considered ideal, and the main task of the eyebrows is not to disturb the beautiful natural proportions. If you are the lucky owner of the correct face shape, choose horizontal eyebrows. You can round them a little, but do not raise the break of the eyebrow too high. This will visually stretch the face.

Correct form eyebrows for oval face

Eyebrow shape for a long face

Sarah Jessica Parker and Liv Tyler are elongated faces

The elongated face needs to be made visually wider. This problem is solved by absolutely straight eyebrows. By the way, this form is also considered the most trendy this season. Straight horizontal lines round the face, giving it a soft feel.

Straight eyebrows for a long face

Selena Gomez and Kirsten Dunst - actresses with a round face

Opposite elongated face- round. Accordingly, the task is the opposite - to visually stretch the shape of the face and bring it closer to the oval. For owners of a round face, eyebrows with a noticeable break, raised high, with a thin tip and a slightly wider beginning are suitable. It is very important here not to overdo it and not make a comma instead of a beautiful eyebrow.

Angelina Jolie and Olivia Wilde square shape faces

The square face is the straight, hard lines of the jaw and cheekbones. To soften the transitions, the eyebrows need to be made arched, without a clear break. High, rounded eyebrows will suit you, you can even make them wide enough and noticeable.

Arched brows for a square face

Eyebrow shape for face in the shape of a heart

Scarlett Johansson and Reese Witherspoon have heart faces

The face with a heart has sharp corners in the area of ​​the cheekbones and chin. The correct shape of the eyebrows will help soften them and visually even out the width of the face. You want raised eyebrows with a smooth, even curve. This is the classic "spread" eyebrow shape.

Correct eyebrows for a heart-shaped face

Taylor Swift and Jennifer Aniston have diamond-shaped faces

The diamond face is a combination of square and heart shapes. Therefore, the task is the same - to soften the contours and make the zygomatic part less wide. The classic shape of the eyebrows with a soft curve will do just fine. Only, unlike the face-heart, shape the eyebrows a little wider than the natural shape.

Eyebrow shape for a diamond-shaped face

Focusing only on photographs or diagrams in pictures, you will not be able to choose the correct shape of the eyebrows one hundred percent. To do this, you need to conduct an experiment. Buy eyebrow stencils or draw and cut different eyebrows out of paper. Sit in front of a mirror in good light, tidy up your hair, wash off your makeup, and open your neckline. Apply stencils one at a time and study your face carefully. In this case, a selfie or an outside opinion helps a lot. When you find the shape that suits you best, draw it directly on your eyebrows with a dark pencil. If even in such a comical form the face looks good, feel free to pluck and tint the eyebrows in this shape. This is your ideal!