
Twenty-fifth week of pregnancy sensations. Twenty-fifth week of pregnancy: the hormone prolactin and its effects on mother and baby. If the expectant mother caught a cold

Pathology of the uterus

25 obstetric week pregnancy begins the third trimester. From this moment on, all processes occurring in a woman's body will be subordinated to one goal - preparation for the upcoming birth. Gradual restructuring hormonal background and the formation of a generic dominant are the main cause of mental and physical changes in the last trimester of pregnancy.

Fetal development

At the 25th week of pregnancy, the baby continues to actively gain weight and height. The length of his body at this time is 30-31 cm, and the body weight approaches 700 g. In the body of the fetus, its own growth hormone begins to be synthesized, which explains the rapid pace physical development in this period.

The placenta gradually increases in size. Its thickness at the beginning of the third trimester is 27 mm. With a low location, the placenta begins to migrate to the bottom of the uterus, so that after a few weeks it will take the most favorable position.

The development of subcutaneous fat continues. The body of the baby acquires the roundness characteristic of every healthy child. Characteristic folds of skin appear under the buttocks and on the limbs.

At the end of the third trimester, the formation of the bone marrow is completed. Now this organ completely takes over the function of hematopoiesis in the body of the fetus. In the lungs of the baby, the accumulation of an important substance - surfactant continues. Thanks to the surfactant, the alveoli of the newborn do not stick together at the first breath, and the baby can safely exist outside the mother's womb.

Woman's condition

By the 25th week of pregnancy, the total weight gain is up to 6 kg. Fast growth fetus leads to a rapid increase in the size of the abdomen and noticeable changes in the figure. The uterus rises 1 cm above the navel. The center of gravity of the body shifts, which inevitably leads to an increase in the load on the spine and the appearance of discomfort in the lower back and pelvic bones.

The beginning of the third trimester means the transition of the nervous system into the phase of inhibition. This process will take a long time, but already at the 25th week there is some decline in strength. General weakness, daytime sleepiness and even apathy await a pregnant woman. There is no need to be afraid of this. This condition is completely normal and once again emphasizes the prosperous course of the third trimester.

Fetal movements at week 25 are felt very well. At this time, the baby actively moves in the womb, rolls over and kicks with small legs. On average, a pregnant woman can feel up to 4 fetal movements within an hour. Absence active movements within 4-6 hours should not frighten the expectant mother. At this time, the baby may sleep or simply not feel the desire to communicate with the outside world. It is necessary to consult a doctor if the child does not make itself felt for more than 6 hours in a row.

Vaginal discharge should still be light, clear or milky, of a uniform consistency, and without an unpleasant odor. A change in the color of the discharge may indicate the development of a genital tract infection. In this case, you should get an appointment with a doctor and undergo the necessary examination. Bloody discharge at any stage of pregnancy should not be.

Possible problems

Increased vaginal discharge does not always indicate an infection of the vagina. Under this symptom, a formidable complication of pregnancy can be hidden - leakage amniotic fluid. Normally, the amniotic fluid surrounding the baby in the uterine cavity is poured out with contractions in the first stage of labor. The outflow of water before this period is a very unfavorable sign and can lead to premature termination of pregnancy.

The release of amniotic fluid is not always noticeable. In some cases, the amniotic fluid flows out drop by drop, remaining on the linen in the form of watery, yellowish or transparent discharge. The woman's well-being does not suffer. It is possible to determine that it is the amniotic fluid that is leaking with the help of special tests. In case of any suspicion of the outpouring of water, you should immediately consult a doctor.


In terms of pregnancy management at week 25, no special tests are provided. At this time, a woman is advised to visit her doctor twice a month and inform the doctor about any changes in her health. During the next visit, the doctor will evaluate the weight gain, the height of the fundus of the uterus and the circumference of the abdomen. Blood pressure measurement is mandatory. The fetal heartbeat is heard with an obstetric stethoscope. The proposed monitoring scheme is sufficient to detect any deviations in the state of health of a woman and her baby in time.

By twenty-five weeks of pregnancy, the lungs of the fetus have all the necessary structural elements:

The lungs of the fetus are in a "deflated" state, how air balloons. And like balloons, their walls do not stick together.

Inside the unspread balloons talc is located, and in the lung tissue its role is played by a special substance located in the spaces between the alveoli.

The synthesis of surfactant is regulated by the hormone prolactin, which is produced by several organs simultaneously:

  • the anterior pituitary gland of the mother;
  • placenta (tissue prolactin, synthesized in the decidual tissue of the uterus after conception);
  • anterior pituitary gland of the fetus.

Functions of prolactin in the fetal body:

  • stimulates the production of surfactant to create an erogematic barrier (acting throughout a person's life) - the border between the lung tissue and capillaries;
  • produces specific receptors, which determine sexual characteristics: in girls - in the mammary glands and ovaries, in boys - in the genital organs (maturing of the testicles and the process of their lowering into the scrotum).

All target tissues of the fetus, "marked" by prolactin at twenty-five weeks of pregnancy, will begin to respond to the hormone, starting from puberty.

Changes in the mother's body

Cardinal changes in the mother's body at twenty-five weeks of pregnancy are also predetermined by the action of prolactin.

The mechanism of action of prolactin in a pregnant woman:

  • growth of the mammary glands and their preparation for development;
  • a decrease in the production of estrogens - growth hormones for the predominance of fetal maturation processes;
  • the formation of parental instinct;
  • anti-stress factor.

The effect of prolactin is noticeable increase mammary glands . The increase in bust size is temporary - for the period of breastfeeding.

From the nipples of most pregnant women starts to stand out. It is recommended to change the bra to one or two sizes larger in order to prevent education on the chest.

To prepare the mammary glands for feeding the baby, a rigid fabric pad should be placed between the bra and the nipple.

With flat or inverted nipples no active actions and actions are required.

Massage and mechanical stretching of the nipples leads to irritation of the receptors of the uterus, as a result of which the contraction of its walls begins, that is, a threat develops.

When feeding, the child should be given not only the nipple, which he will use as a dummy, but the entire areola (the areola).

At proper attachment to the chest, the child never injures the nipples with the upper palate, which in an infant is sharper than a razor.

Due to the growth of the uterus, the location changes internal organs: bowel is pushed back, .

Normally, this does not bring any discomfort. With the existing chronic, it occurs, aggravated at night.

Due to the activity of prolactin the level of estrogen in the blood of a pregnant woman drops sharply, which creates favorable conditions for a repeated hormonal surge of testosterone.

Due to the increased synthesis of prolactin, an increase in the volume of the bust is observed. Possibly branch colostrum that should not be expressed.

A few drops left on a pad in a bra will not bring a lot of trouble. It is enough to change the gasket or an item of women's wardrobe.

Ultrasound examination

Special attention when ultrasound examination given to the state of the placenta.

The degree of maturity should be regarded according to tabular data as “zero”, and the thickness should correspond to the gestational age and be the same number of millimeters.

twenty-fifth week of pregnancy 25 mm.

Increase over 180-190 beats per minute- a sign of oxygen starvation of the fetus.

If necessary, a Doppler study of the state of blood flow in the umbilical arteries is performed, which makes it possible to suspect the incipient insufficiency of placental blood flow.

Examination of the internal organs of the fetus allows you to assess the compliance of their degree of development with the intrauterine age of the child, and nothing more.

Probability of accurate determination of the sex of the fetus increases to 80-90%.

Factors affecting the fetus

The following substances are prohibited:

  • alcohol in any form, quantity and strength, since ethanol is a cell-destroying poison for the embryo);
  • - spasm of blood vessels (including uterine) leads to oxygen starvation (suffocation) of the fetus;
  • chemicals, including air suspensions (paint and varnish products);
  • anabolic steroid;
  • the effect of ionizing radiation in any of its manifestations.

After the formation of the placental barrier, the knowledge of medicines that are not prohibited, but permitted and harmless to the fetus, becomes of great importance.

The group of safe and relatively safe, when the effect of their use exceeds the risk to the fetus, includes the following drugs:

Of course, the permitted drugs affect the fetus, but in a positive quality and used only as directed and under the supervision of a physician.

The intensity of physical activity during this period of pregnancy should be reduced to reasonable limits - you should not give up the usual homework and spend free time in bed.

Possible complications of pregnancy

Failure may contribute to the development of rickets in a child.

Washout from the walls of venous vessels leads to the development and


The site provides reference information for informational purposes only. Diagnosis and treatment of diseases should be carried out under the supervision of a specialist. All drugs have contraindications. Expert advice is required!

From the twelfth week of pregnancy, only the obstetric gestational age is indicated, since the normal limits of various parameters, on the basis of which the compliance of the development of the fetus with the norm is determined, are calculated specifically for the obstetric period.


By the end of the 25th week of pregnancy, the body weight of the fetus ranges from 650 to 850 g, averaging about 700 g, while the body length is 31.7 plus or minus 1.4 cm, and in "tall" babies it reaches 35 cm. Body weight and growth of the fetus at the 25th week can vary significantly, since these indicators are determined by both hereditary factors and the nutritional habits of a pregnant woman. For example, if the parents of an unborn child are people of strong build and tall stature, then both the weight and height of the fetus can be significant, quite significantly exceeding the average. If the parents of the unborn child are short and thin people, then both the height and the weight of the fetus on the 25th week will fluctuate in the region of the lower limit of the norm, and sometimes a little less than the norm.

At the 25th week, hematopoiesis (the formation of blood cells) is already almost entirely in the bone marrow, and only partially in the liver. That is, the process of formation of blood cells in the fetus is almost the same as in a newborn child.

In boys, at the 25th week, the testicles descend into the scrotum from the abdominal cavity, where they were located earlier. And the girls have this period pregnancy is the complete formation of the vagina.

The visual and auditory analyzers of the fetus are already superbly developed, as a result of which the baby perfectly distinguishes various sounds and reacts to light penetrating the skin of the abdomen and the wall of the uterus. So, if you bring a brightly burning lamp to the stomach, then the fetus closes its eyes and covers its eyes with a hand, although they are still covered with eyelids and do not open. If a sharp, loud and unexpected sound is heard in the surrounding world, then the fetus instinctively shudders or even tries to cover its ears with its hands.

In addition, the fetus at the 25th week acquires the ability to distinguish between the mother's emotions - he feels her joy, sadness, determines her mood, etc. Moreover, the baby is already able to show emotions with facial movements, for example, wince with displeasure or smile with joy.

The active development of the brain and movements continues - the fetus is already able to easily perform complexly coordinated movements, for example, grabbing his hand by the leg. Moreover, the fetus already understands what kind of movement he wants to make, and makes it exactly. In addition, on the 25th week, the leading hand is finally determined - left or right. And this means that already from the 25th week of pregnancy it is laid, whether the child will be right-handed or left-handed. During periods of wakefulness, the baby actively plays, sucks his finger, grabs the umbilical cord, closes his face with his palms, etc.

At the 25th week, the connection between the structures of the brain and the adrenal glands is being established. Due to this connection, the adrenal glands begin to produce glucocorticoid hormones. And in the brain, the pituitary gland begins to synthesize adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH), which, in turn, stimulates the adrenal glands.

At the 25th week, lung alveoli begin to form, which are not yet lined with a special substance - surfactant. This substance will prevent them from sticking together when breathing air after birth. In the meantime, the baby's lungs are collapsed, but cells are actively formed in them, which will begin to produce surfactant.

The amount of muscle tissue increases, and the bones get stronger, as a result of which the fetus makes more and more active movements. The baby's tremors can become noticeably stronger from this time on and even sometimes deliver short-term pain to the expectant mother.

Fetal movements

At the 25th week of pregnancy, a woman feels the movements of the fetus clearly, and can no longer confuse them with anything - the tremors of the unborn child have become very strong. The movements of the baby can sometimes cause a woman tangible discomfort or even pain, since the fetus is already able to hit the walls of the uterus with force. This is comparable to the usual, not too strong blow to the stomach with a hand. Accordingly, shocks and shocks of such force can cause short-term bouts of pain or discomfort in various parts of the abdomen of the expectant mother. Some women feel strong kicks in the liver area, which causes pain in the hypochondrium. Others suffer from pushing the baby into the bladder area or into the anterior abdominal wall, etc.

The movements of the fetus can be different in nature - from smooth and accurate turns or legs / handles in any direction to sharp, strong and painful jolts. Such sharp jolts of a woman are often compared with the feeling that the baby is pounding with legs or arms on the walls of the uterus, like on a drum. The nature of the movements of the fetus can change in response to stimuli coming from outside, such as bright light, the sound of music, voices, touching the stomach, etc. If the baby does not like the irritant, then, as a rule, he begins to make sudden movements that cause pain or discomfort to the mother. In such a situation, it is desirable to eliminate the irritant so that the baby calms down. If the baby likes the irritant, then, on the contrary, he can calm down or make smooth movements.

In addition, the fetus may suddenly begin to actively move in the absence of external stimuli. In this case, the activity of the baby may be due to a lack of oxygen, which has ceased to flow in the required amount due to squeezing of the blood vessels. If the baby began to actively move without visible reasons then you need to change your position and breathe for a few minutes fresh air outdoors or by an open window.

Since the fetus has its own mode of sleep and wakefulness, it is obvious that its movements future mother Feels not constantly, but episodically. Normally, a woman should feel about four shocks per hour, or at least ten during the day. If during the day at the 25th week of pregnancy the woman did not feel the fetal movements even once, then you should call " ambulance and be hospitalized in maternity hospital, since such a situation indicates a high probability of the death of the baby. With timely hospitalization large numbers cases, the fetus can be saved, and the pregnancy can be maintained.

Unfortunately, the wakefulness of the baby may not coincide with that of the mother, as a result of which the fetus often wakes the woman in the early morning or does not allow her to fall asleep late in the evening, making active, sudden movements. When a baby interferes with a woman’s rest, you need to lie comfortably on your side, relax, stroke your stomach and sing a lullaby. Such a simple technique usually calms the baby, and the mother can rest easy.

Ultrasound and tests

At the 25th week, there is no need to do a planned ultrasound examination, since the second screening period has already ended. However, if there are any complications during pregnancy, the doctor may prescribe an ultrasound at the 25th week. During an ultrasound examination, the doctor evaluates the compliance of the development of the fetus with the norm, the condition and size of its internal organs and individual parts of the body (head, arms, legs, chest, abdomen, heart, stomach, etc.). The fetal heartbeat is heard. Also, during the ultrasound, the doctor assesses the condition and size of the uterus, determines the place of attachment, thickness and degree of maturity of the placenta, the length of the cervix, the condition of the internal pharynx, and calculates the amount of amniotic fluid.

Sometimes, in addition to ultrasound, dopplerography is prescribed, which allows you to determine the intensity of blood flow and the state of the vessels of the placenta, uterine artery, umbilical cord, etc. According to the results of dopplerography, the doctor can identify a violation of the blood supply to the fetus and prescribe the necessary treatment.

If a woman has a negative Rh blood factor, then on the 25th week you need to take a test for antibody titers (an analysis for antibodies to the Rh factor and proteins of the AB0 system), provided that the last time this analysis was performed about a month ago (at 20 - 21 weeks) or never gave up during the entire pregnancy. This test is necessary to detect Rh conflict, which can lead to hemolytic disease of the newborn or intrauterine fetal death in subsequent pregnancies. Since Rh conflict can only develop in women with a negative Rh blood factor, an analysis for antibody titers is given only to pregnant women with a negative Rh.

There is no need to take any other planned tests at the 25th week of pregnancy, provided that all laboratory tests were done in a timely manner, and the woman feels well. If you feel unwell, then you need to visit a doctor unscheduled, who will prescribe everything necessary tests and other surveys.

If at week 24 a woman did not pass a glucose tolerance test, then this should be done at week 25. This test is necessary to detect gestational diabetes, which develops in about 2% of pregnant women. The essence of the test is simple - first, the fasting blood glucose level is measured, then the woman is given a sweet solution to drink, and the sugar concentration is checked after 30, 60, 90 and 120 minutes. Fasting and 30, 60, 90, and 120 minutes after taking the sweet solution are plotted and analyzed. If peaks of a sharp increase in blood glucose levels appear on the graph, this indicates that the woman has developed gestational diabetes. In addition, a sign of diabetes is the concentration of glucose in the blood 2 hours after drinking a sweet solution of more than 11.1 mmol / l.

Also on the 25th week, you need to pass a biochemical blood test and a coagulogram (clotting), if these tests were not done at 22-24 weeks. A biochemical blood test in most CIS countries involves determining the following parameters: the concentration of glucose, total protein, protein fractions, bilirubin, urea, creatinine, cholesterol, triglycerides, as well as the activity of AST, ALT, alkaline phosphatase. The coagulogram includes determining the number of platelets, fibrinogen concentration, as well as activated partial thromboplastin time (APTT), prothrombin index (PTI), international normalized ratio (INR), thrombin time (TV). However, in different consultations, the list of parameters for a biochemical blood test and coagulogram may differ depending on the financial and technical capabilities of the medical institution.

If a woman is scheduled to visit an obstetrician-gynecologist at the 25th week, then it is advisable to pass a general urine test and general analysis blood. These tests are simple and informative, so doctors in practice prescribe them at each appearance, although according to the orders of the Ministry of Health, they should be taken only 3 times per pregnancy.

For example, a general urine test is necessary to identify hidden diseases of the urinary system and assess the risk of preeclampsia. It is very important to identify the risk of preeclampsia, as this is a formidable complication of pregnancy, which, in the absence of timely and correct treatment, can lead to the death of both the fetus and the woman. Accordingly, at a high risk of preeclampsia, treatment should be carried out to prevent the development of this complication.

The risk of developing preeclampsia is estimated very simply - by the amount of protein in the urine. If there is no protein in the urine, then there is no risk of preeclampsia. If there is protein in the urine, then this indicates a high risk of preeclampsia. In this case, the doctor prescribes calcium (1 g per day until the 40th week) and Aspirin (75-125 mg per day until the 36th week). If, in addition to protein in the urine, a woman has edema and high blood pressure, then this is a sign of preeclampsia (also a dangerous complication of pregnancy). In such a situation, it is necessary to be hospitalized in a hospital.

An external obstetric examination consists of measuring the circumference of the abdomen and the height of the uterine fundus (FHH), as well as determining the location of the parts of the fetal body in the uterus and assessing the tone of the uterus.

The circumference of the abdomen is measured with a centimeter tape along the most protruding part, and normally at the 25th week is 76 - 81 cm. bones to the upper edge of the uterus, palpable by hand through the anterior abdominal wall. Normally, the height of the uterine fundus at the 25th week is 24–26 cm. different women may differ by 3 - 5 cm, since the growth of the uterus is due to the peculiarities of the course of pregnancy, the woman's constitution and other factors.

After measuring the circumference of the abdomen and the height of the fundus of the uterus, the doctor probes the location of the head, buttocks, face, arms and legs of the baby in the uterus through the anterior abdominal wall. By the reaction of the uterus to touching the stomach, its tone is determined. If the uterus moderately tenses in response to touch, then its tone is normal. If, in response to touch, the organ becomes "stony", then its tone is excessive.

After an external obstetric examination, the doctor measures the size of the pelvis, if this was not done in past visits. Currently, four sizes of the pelvis are measured, including:

  • Spinarum distance: normally equal to 25 - 26 cm;
  • Cristarum distance: normally equal to 28 - 29 cm;
  • Trochanteric distance: normally equal to 31 - 32 cm;
  • Externa conjugate: normally equal to 20 - 21 cm.
The dimensions of the pelvis allow you to navigate how likely childbirth is through natural routes. In other words, is there enough space in the birth canal of a woman for a baby to pass through it. For example, if the pelvis is smaller than normal, then it is considered narrow, and in this case, childbirth through natural routes is unlikely, since the baby simply does not have enough space to walk through them. If the size of the pelvis is normal or larger than normal, then childbirth through natural routes should occur without problems, unless, of course, there are any complications or indications for caesarean section.


Bleeding refers to the discharge of blood from the genital tract for two hours without interruption and without a tendency to stop. Bleeding may be accompanied by contractions, pain in the abdomen, lower back and a sharp deterioration in well-being. However, regardless of whether bleeding is accompanied by any other symptoms, when it appears, it is urgent to call an ambulance and be hospitalized in a maternity hospital. The need for emergency hospitalization with the development of bleeding is due to the fact that bleeding from the genital tract is observed in severe conditions (for example, placental abruption, premature birth, placenta previa), which can lead to pregnancy loss.

In addition to bleeding, during pregnancy, spotting can develop, in which discharge mixed with blood or brownish in color leaves the vagina. The amount of discharge during blood smearing is small. Very often, blood smearing appears after intercourse or after a gynecological examination. When blood smearing occurs, it is necessary to visit an obstetrician-gynecologist at the clinic in a planned manner so that he can conduct an examination and prescribe treatment. Urgent hospitalization for spotting is not required, as it is caused by diseases that do not lead to pregnancy loss (for example, cervical erosion, vaginal hematoma, uterine fibroids).

uterus and belly

At the 25th week of pregnancy, the upper edge of the uterus rises above the womb by 24 - 26 cm. Thus, the height of the fundus of the uterus is approximately 24 - 26 cm. However, in different women this parameter can vary within 3 - 5 cm, since the growth of the uterus due, in addition to objective factors, also individual characteristics. If the height of the uterine fundus is less than the maximum allowable values ​​(21 cm for the 25th week), this may indicate a delay in the development of the fetus. And the height of the fundus of the uterus is greater than the maximum allowable values ​​(27 cm for the 25th week) may indicate polyhydramnios, multiple pregnancy etc. Therefore, if an abnormal height of the uterine fundus is detected, the doctor will look for the cause of this, for which additional examinations will have to be carried out.

At the 27th week, the uterus periodically contracts, exercising before childbirth. These contractions are called false Braxton Hicks contractions. They last 1-2 minutes. False contractions usually take place one at a time, and their total number during the day reaches 10-15. Such false contractions are not a cause for concern.

However, if the contractions become regular and painful, repeat more than 5 times within an hour, then we are no longer talking about false contractions, but about quite real ones. This situation indicates the beginning premature birth. If more than 5 contractions per hour appear, you should call an ambulance and be hospitalized in a maternity hospital in order to stop the birth process.

The abdomen at the 25th week is round, noticeably protrudes forward, its circumference is 76 - 81 cm. The size of the abdomen already limits the woman's range of motion - it is difficult for her to bend over, her gait changes, her back deviates backward, etc. Due to the strong tension of the skin on the abdomen, the vessels may be translucent in a bluish color. The skin of the abdomen itself can itch and become covered with small rashes. Such rashes and itching on the skin of the abdomen are quite normal, they occur due to the rapid and strong stretching of the skin.

Pain in the abdomen and other parts of the body

At the 25th week of pregnancy, against the background of complete health and the normal course of pregnancy, a woman may experience pain in the abdomen, back, lower back, sacrum, coccyx, hips, navel, legs and hypochondrium, which are due to the peculiarities of the functioning of her body, as well as a significantly increased load on organs, tissues, bones, joints and ligaments.

Approved drugs

The allocation of drugs that can be used during pregnancy without fear or under the supervision of a doctor is made on the basis of US FDA classification. According to this classification, all drugs, depending on the effect on the fetus, are divided into five groups, denoted by the Latin letters A, B, C, D and X. This means that the drugs of each group have a certain similar effect on the fetus and, on the basis of this their use during pregnancy is regulated.

At the 25th week of pregnancy, drugs of groups A and B are allowed for use, which do not have a negative effect on the fetus. That is, drugs of groups A and B are safe for the fetus and the course of pregnancy, and therefore can be used without fear. If a woman suffers from a serious health disorder that can lead to fatal consequences, then the use of group C drugs under the supervision of a doctor is allowed. Group C drugs are used only as prescribed by a doctor, since theoretically they can have a negative effect on the fetus. Accordingly, their use is associated with the risk of negative consequences for the baby. But group C drugs are often used in practice, since their use for a short period of time usually does not cause any negative effects on the fetus.

In addition, with the threat of a fatal outcome for a woman, during pregnancy, group D drugs are used, which almost always have a negative effect on the fetus. But since we are talking about the life of a woman, doctors go to the use of drugs of this group in order to save the expectant mother, even at the cost of the life of the child. After all, no matter how cynical it may sound, doctors always make a choice in favor of the life of the mother, and not the child, since living woman can get pregnant again and still have a baby.

Group X drugs are never used during pregnancy, as their effect is detrimental to the fetus. In other words, when using drugs of group X, the child always dies.

Given the fact that different drugs of the same group are used during pregnancy according to the same rules, in practice it is necessary to know which group a particular drug belongs to in order to decide whether it can be safely used during pregnancy. Finding out which group this or that medicine belongs to is quite simple - for this you need to read the section "Use during pregnancy and breastfeeding"Official instructions for use, attached to the drug.

The instructions for group A drugs always indicate that the drug is approved for use during pregnancy. In the instructions for group B drugs, the following three wordings are possible: “approved for use in the second and third trimesters of pregnancy”, “prohibited for use in the first trimester of pregnancy (up to the 13th week)”, or “no negative effect on the fetus was detected in experimental studies on animals, therefore, the use is allowed only on the prescription of a doctor after assessing the risk/benefit ratio, since there is no danger to the human fetus only theoretically. The instructions for group C drugs usually indicate that a negative effect of the drug on the fetus has been identified in animal experiments, so its use is allowed only in extreme cases, when the benefit outweighs the risk. The instructions for drugs of groups D and X always indicate that they are contraindicated in pregnancy, as they have a negative effect on the fetus.
No-Shpa Relief Egilok, etc.), atenolol (Atenol, Atenolol, Betacard, Tenormin, etc.), as well as Nifedipine. The safest are Methyldopa and Dopegyt, so these drugs are used primarily for high blood pressure in pregnant women. Means containing atenolol and metoprolol are used only if Methyldopa or Dopegyt is ineffective. And Nifedipine is used exclusively in emergency cases, when you need to quickly and in short time reduce arterial pressure in a pregnant woman.

  • Antiviral drugs (against influenza) - during pregnancy, according to WHO recommendations ( World Organization healthcare), you can take medicines containing oseltamivir (Tamiflu) or zanamivir (Relenza) as the active substance. However, it should be remembered that even these WHO-recommended drugs belong to group C.
  • Decongestants (to eliminate edema) - pharmaceutical kidney tea and magnesium preparations are allowed (Magne B6, Magnerot, etc.).
  • Week 26 >>

    Before use, you should consult with a specialist.

    The twenty-fifth week of pregnancy is the last opportunity to go to relax and lie on the beach. Indeed, by the age of thirty weeks, doctors do not recommend flights and trips over long distances.

    Your baby is still considered a fetus, but it is becoming more and more like a newborn, although it is still too early for him to be born. By this time, the crumbs have practically formed all the vital organs. The remaining time in the mother's womb, the fetus will prepare for the first meeting with you and with the outside world.

    Dimensions, weight and fetal formation

    From the crown of the head to the heels, the size of the fetus at the 25th week of pregnancy is approximately 33-34 cm, weight - 700 g.

    The child continues to store subcutaneous fat. The face is already clearly formed: the nose is well defined, there are eyelashes and eyebrows, the outlines of the cheeks are noticeable.

    The skin gradually acquires a characteristic color and density, folds typical for babies appear on it.

    The auricles are still soft and thin, the relief elements are just being formed.

    How does a baby develop and grow?

    Let us consider in more detail the development of the fetus at the 25th week of pregnancy:

    • Lungs. They continue to accumulate surfactant, which prevents the lungs from collapsing after the first breath. But the respiratory system is not yet fully developed. In preterm birth, the baby will not yet be able to breathe on its own without the help of ventilators. However, the fetus at the 25th week of pregnancy is already making training respiratory movements, swallowing the amniotic fluid. He also hiccups funny, which can be seen in the rhythmic movements of the abdomen.
    • Bone marrow. The development of the bone marrow ends. Now he takes over the function of hematopoiesis, which until then was performed by the liver and spleen. Bones continue to strengthen, calcium is deposited in them.
    • A heart. Putting your ear to your stomach, you can clearly hear the fetal heartbeat. The number of beats per minute can be about 120-150.
    • genitourinary system. The gender of the child is finalized. On ultrasound in girls, you can already see the vagina, and in boys - the penis. At the twenty-fifth week, in a male fetus, the testicles begin to descend into the scrotum.
    • grasp reflex. Well-formed fingers are clenched into fists. The fetus touches everything it can reach. He likes to feel his face and umbilical cord.
    • perturbations. The movement of the fetus at the 25th week of pregnancy is pronounced. The mode of sleep and wakefulness is established, which can be easily determined by the degree of activity of the crumbs. At this time, the child already prefers to take the correct position - head down. If this has not happened yet, then it is too early to worry, there is still plenty of time.

    Condition and weight gain of the expectant mother

    At the 25th week of pregnancy, many women consider themselves clumsy, referring to a significant weight gain.

    However, the rate of increase at this time is from 6 to 8.5 kg.

    The breast fills up and continues to grow, the areolas around the nipples darken. Usually already in the second trimester of pregnancy, colostrum begins to be produced. It is absolutely normal to have a slight discharge when pressing on the nipple, but even if it does not flow out yet, this is also normal. At first, colostrum is thick, sticky, yellowish, and closer to childbirth it becomes more liquid and transparent.

    The skin on the abdomen dries out from tension, so peeling and irritation may appear on it. Use hypoallergenic moisturizers.

    Symptoms and sensations at 25 weeks pregnant

    Typical symptoms at 25 weeks pregnant are as follows:

    • Heartburn and constipation. An enlarged fetus presses on the ribs and stomach, causing heartburn. Violated intestinal motility, so constipation during pregnancy is not uncommon.
    • Pain in the lumbar region. From the heaviness of the abdomen appear pain in the lower back. Try to rest more and not stay in one position for a long time.
    • Cramps and swelling. Every second pregnant woman is worried about numbness and leg cramps, especially at night (when the bones of the fetus begin to actively deposit calcium). From a long stay on the legs, swelling may appear on them. It is not uncommon for pregnant women to have varicose veins.
    • Deterioration of the teeth. At this time future mom may notice a deterioration in the condition of the teeth, which is again associated with an increased need for calcium in the baby.
    • Allocations. For a pregnant woman, clear or light discharge with a slightly lactic-sour smell is considered normal. Any change in color or smell is a reason to see a doctor.
    • Dyspnea. The load on the body is increasing day by day. Physical activity, of course, is necessary, but it should be moderate.
    • visual impairment. At this stage of pregnancy, many mothers may experience visual impairment. In this case, you need to seek help from an optometrist.
    • External changes. External changes for each woman can be different. Some people rejoice at the unusual sparkle of their eyes, thick and shiny hair, others complain about their appearance, because their hair has become dull, brittle, quickly getting fat. In addition, pregnant women may experience dark spots(most often on the face). Some time after birth, they usually do not leave a trace.

    Belly at 25 weeks pregnant

    Now you are adding in circumference, on average, 1 cm every week. Now the stomach grows not only forward, but also to the sides, so there are pulling sensations. They are especially felt with increased activity of the baby.

    The bottom of the uterus rises above the navel and is located 25 cm above the pubic joint. The uterus itself takes the form of a soccer ball. Despite the growing belly, it is important to lead an active lifestyle so as not to start gaining weight rapidly.

    25 obstetric week of pregnancy is the period when stretch marks (stretch marks) may appear on the body.

    At first they have a bright red color with a purple tint, but over time they turn pale and become inconspicuous. They are the result of rapid weight gain. They can appear both in the abdomen and on the chest, thighs and buttocks. Do not wait for them to appear, it is better to do prevention.

    The tummies look like this at 25 weeks of gestation:

    Medical examinations for a period of 25 weeks

    At this time, the gynecologist must be visited twice a month. As part of the examination, the doctor measures the circumference of the abdomen and hip joint, your pressure and weight, and also listens to the fetal heartbeat.

    Necessary analyzes and complaints

    At the 25th week, a blood and urine test is taken to determine the level of hemoglobin and protein. In case of need or complaints of unusual discharge, the doctor will take a swab from the vagina, and then prescribe the appropriate treatment.

    Ultrasound results

    At a period of 20-24 weeks, a second planned ultrasound is done. However, if you are a little late, it is not too late to do it now. The specialist will compare the amount of amniotic fluid and the size of the fetus with the established gestational age. The diameter of the fetal head is 62.5 mm, chest - 63 mm, abdomen - 63-64 mm. Also, the uzist will examine the thickness of the wall of the placenta (normally about 26 mm), determine the size of the uterus and its location.

    The specialist examines the development of internal organs, excludes malformations, diagnoses the presence or absence of entanglement with the umbilical cord, and finally specifies the date of birth.

    The second ultrasound more interesting than the first . The expectant mother is already being shown the little one in all its glory. If this is a 3D ultrasound, then you can even see each finger of the crumbs. If the baby successfully turns, then it is possible to consider its gender.

    Photos taken on ultrasound at the twenty-fifth week of pregnancy:

    Possible complications of pregnancy

    What of what happens at the 25th week of pregnancy should alert the expectant mother?

    • Polyhydramnios. This is an excess amount of amniotic fluid. This problem can be caused different reasons, the most common of which are infectious diseases(for example, herpes viruses). Polyhydramnios is the cause of excessive mobility of the baby, which can lead to entanglement with the umbilical cord. The child may not take the head presentation, but remain in the pelvic or lateral position.
    • oligohydramnios. Like polyhydramnios, this is an alarming sign. Low water makes it difficult for the baby to move, making them painful, which can lead to dislocations and curvature of his bones. A baby at 25 weeks occupies the entire uterus. This puts pressure on the cervix. There is a risk of large dilatation of the cervix and early interruption pregnancy, fetal death, bleeding.

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    • Discharge and pain. Any discharge, other than normal, should alert the expectant mother. Any changes may indicate an infection. Bad sign if instead of the usual clear and light discharge, dark or bloody discharge appears, especially accompanied by aching or cramping pain in the pelvis and lower back. You should immediately consult a doctor, because this may be the first sign of a high risk of miscarriage.
    • Increased tone of the uterus. An increased tone of the uterus is considered a complication of pregnancy. Hypertonicity is accompanied by abdominal tightness and pain.
    • Stillbirth. The next worrying factor is stillbirth - the death of the fetus after the 20th week of pregnancy. Therefore, the mother must carefully monitor the movements of her crumbs. In case of strange movements or in the absence of them, contact your gynecologist immediately.
    • Anemia. This is a disease in which the number of red blood cells or hemoglobin is below normal. The most common is iron deficiency anemia, which is caused by a lack of iron in the body. Also, anemia can occur with a lack of folic acid. In appropriate cases, it is treated with iron supplements or folic acid. In addition, it is recommended to pay special attention to your diet. It must contain meat, chicken liver, cottage cheese, buckwheat, green apples, etc.
    • Varicose veins. Another problem can be varicose veins if the expectant mother is on her feet for a long time. Wear tights, bandage your legs.
    • Haemorrhoids. At the end of the second trimester, a woman can expect another insidious problem - hemorrhoids. It can be the result of constipation, to which you did not pay due attention in a timely manner. When the diagnosis is confirmed, the doctor will prescribe the correct treatment.

    Remember, ignoring symptoms and postponing a visit to the doctor can lead to disastrous consequences!

    1. Take folic acid throughout your pregnancy. The lack of this vitamin can provoke a violation of the development of the brain, neural tube defects in a child, spina bifida.
    2. Wear a bandage. It is very important to choose right size: measure the circumference of the abdomen and add another 5 cm to this figure. This is the size of the bandage. Now they sell many dimensionless models, the volume of which is regulated using Velcro.
    3. If you experience frequent cramps, talk to your healthcare professional about taking calcium supplements.
    4. For iron deficiency anemia, start taking iron supplements. Include meat, liver, buckwheat in your diet. Do not neglect the recommendations of your doctor, because anemia can cause hypoxia (oxygen starvation) of the fetus.
    5. Varicose veins, the treatment of which is prescribed by a doctor, involves the use of ointments and the wearing of tight underwear. During your stay at home, you can bandage your legs with an elastic bandage. The diagnosis signals that you walk a lot or carry heavy things. Looks like it's time to take maternity leave.
    6. When confirming hemorrhoids, the doctor prescribes rectal suppositories. Since hemorrhoids are often the result of constipation, we advise you to reconsider your diet. Include high fiber foods in it.
    7. A pregnant woman's diet must include fruits, vegetables, dairy products and meat. Unhealthy food should be excluded. The menu should be varied and tasty. It is advisable to limit sweets, and even better - replace them with dried fruits.
    8. Depending on your general condition and the course of your pregnancy, your doctor may recommend limiting or even stopping sexual contact with your husband. If there are no medical contraindications, sex is possible with caution. During intercourse, do not allow sudden and deep movements.
    9. At this time, you can already attend childbirth preparation courses. There you will not only be provided with comprehensive information about the process of childbirth, but will also be told about many aspects of raising a child. In addition, at such courses, expectant mothers can communicate with each other, discuss similar problems, and share advice.
    10. Physical exercise for pregnant women is simply necessary. If before that you neglected them, then 25 weeks of pregnancy is the time when it's time to start doing them. The load should be moderate. The list of prohibited activities includes: jumping, playing with a ball and other activities that can stab in the stomach. Take care of yourself!

    This material is for informational purposes only, before using the information provided, you must be sure to consult with a specialist.

    The 25th week of pregnancy is a special milestone, when in case of premature birth it will be possible to nurse the baby in special conditions, and those women whose pregnancy is not going very well usually feel a little more confident. However, the baby is not yet sufficiently developed for independent existence and you need to take care of your health in order to carry the pregnancy to the due date. Now the woman's health is quite satisfactory, there is a weight gain and active growth of the abdomen, the baby moves more and more actively and communicates with the mother.

    What happens in the body

    The 25th week of pregnancy is the end of the sixth calendar month or the first week of the seventh month according to the obstetric calendar (in which the pregnancy lasts 10 months, each for 4 weeks). This is the second trimester of pregnancy. This week, you can draw a kind of border, which can serve as some reassurance for women whose pregnancy is accompanied by the threat of termination of pregnancy. Every week the fetus becomes more and more mature, grows and gains weight, therefore, its birth after a period of 25 weeks increases its chances of active nursing in the conditions of the prematurity department. By modern standards, any newborn with a body weight of more than 500 g is nursed. Of course, the birth of a child at this time is not the norm and may carry potential dangers to the life and health of the baby, but now he has already reached a certain level of development and mass.

    Now the mother is actively gaining weight due to growth and weight gain by the fetus, in general, the increase can leave up to 7-9 kg by this time, and about 5 kg more will have to be gained further. The total body weight of the mother will depend largely on the weight of the baby and its growth rate, from the initial weight to pregnancy and nutrition, the activity of the mother. Women who tend to be overweight usually gain less weight than women who were underweight before pregnancy. The baby is already big enough and his movements and kicks are clearly felt by the mother, sometimes quite painfully, especially under the ribs or on the sides of the abdomen. Now you can already distinguish the body parts of the fetus, which he moves.

    Fetal development at 25 weeks of gestation: weight, size and gender

    By this week of pregnancy, the fetus will grow to 34-35 cm and will weigh about 650-660 g. As the baby grows, it becomes more and more crowded in the uterine cavity, and its movements become stronger and more noticeable. Gradually, the baby will take a position with the head down, pressing the arms and legs to the body (embryonic pose). Now the movements of the child are accompanied by a visible tension and change in the abdomen, for periods you can see the contours of the limbs, and the movements of the legs under the ribs can even be uncomfortable. Now you need to pay attention to the activity of the fetus - if the child is quiet for a long time or is overly active, you should consult a doctor to exclude his oxygen starvation. About four movements per hour or more than 10 movements during the day are considered normal.

    At 25 weeks, the fetal respiratory system is actively improved, alveoli are formed, which are filled inside with a thin layer of a special lubricant - a surfactant. This special substance, which will not allow the lungs to collapse and stick together on exhalation, will help in expanding the lungs at the first breath of the child. But now the lungs look like deflated sacs, and only at the moment of birth, when the child takes its first breath, they will straighten out and the pulmonary circulation will start to work to supply the child's body with oxygen. Now, if you analyze the amniotic fluid, you can roughly determine to what level the lungs of the fetus have matured and how likely it is that the child will be able to breathe on his own if born prematurely. This is determined by the level of specific phospholipids that release the surfactant formed in the lungs into the amniotic fluid.

    By this time, the baby's hematopoiesis is almost perfect, and the bone marrow of the child is actively involved in the production of all blood cells. This allows the fetal immune system to improve - lymphocytes and leukocytes are trained to fight infection in the future. At this time, according to the ultrasound data, the sex of the child is clearly determined and you already know who you are waiting for - a boy or a girl. At this time, the boy's testicles begin to descend into the scrotum, in girls the vagina is formed.

    Now the child's sense organs are already well developed - he hears perfectly and his retina can react to light. The baby will actively make itself felt when harsh sounds from the outside world, shuddering or freezing. Now his movements are becoming more coordinated, he shows a certain dexterity - he touches the walls of the uterus, grabs the loop of the umbilical cord, puts his fingers in his mouth, feels his face and body. At this time, the leading hand is also laid in the brain - whether the baby will be right-handed or left-handed.

    At this time, the fetus usually already takes the position as it will be during childbirth, head down, but its position is not yet stable. If the fetus is located with the buttocks down, special gymnastics complexes may be required so that before the period of 32-34 weeks it turns head down. The baby's brain already weighs 100 g, periods of increased activity of certain centers of the brain are detected, a rhythm of sleep and wakefulness has been developed, and often the periods of sleep and activity of the fetus do not coincide with mother's. The baby can actively move during the moments of your rest and sleep.Now the child will hiccup more often, as this trains the respiratory muscles and the diaphragm. He swallows amniotic fluid, and the special nerves that create hiccups are irritated. This is not a sign of pathology - you should not worry.

    The development of cartilage is actively taking place, including in the area of ​​the auricles, the degree of prematurity of infants is determined by the degree of their development. Bone tissue and muscles develop, calcium is actively deposited in the bones, the child needs to actively move for proper development.

    Feelings of the expectant mother

    The uterus rises higher and higher in the abdominal cavity, reaching a distance of 25 cm from the womb to the bottom of the uterus by this time. Due to this, the size of the abdomen is actively increasing, making it slightly more difficult to move and lean forward. There is an active weight gain, discomfort may occur due to squeezing of the internal organs by a large uterus - shortness of breath may occur during exertion or climbing stairs, heartburn and constipation due to intestinal compression, flatulence and nausea. It is important now to monitor nutrition so that the intestines work actively and without interruption. It is necessary to consume a lot of fermented milk products and vegetables with fruits containing vegetable fiber, it is enough to drink fluids and move actively.

    The mother's body is rapidly increasing in volume - not only the stomach grows, but also the chest area, at this time the first colostrum, a yellowish transparent liquid, can be released from the nipples. In no case should it be squeezed out, irritation of the nipples increases the tone of the uterus. It is enough just to wash the secreted colostrum with a napkin and take a shower twice a day. During this period, the metabolism is increased and sweating can be increased, so you need to strictly monitor hygiene - you need to wear only natural underwear, preferably without seams and unnecessary decorative elements, as your body size increases, you need to change underwear to a suitable size in time, so that nowhere did not press or rub. The bra should support the chest well and not squeeze it, have wide straps that do not cut into the shoulders.

    During this period, it is important to listen to your body and its needs, to track the movements of the baby. If you do not feel the movements of the child for more than a day, consult a doctor immediately, this is a cause for concern. It is also worth paying attention to discomfort in the lumbar region, due to compression of the internal organs by the growing uterus, the functioning of the kidneys and the outflow of urine can be disrupted. It is necessary to take the knee-elbow position more often, unloading the abdominal organs. It is difficult now to find a comfortable position for sleeping, it is not recommended to sleep on the back during this period, the uterus presses on the area of ​​​​the back and spine, where large vessels pass, and can compress the inferior vena cava, leading to dizziness and nausea due to circulatory disorders. Therefore, it is worth buying yourself a special pillow for pregnant women and choosing the most optimal position for rest, on your side, preferably on the left.

    Due to the increase in body weight, heaviness and pain in the legs can occur, and if they occur with enviable regularity even after short walks, you should consult a phlebologist and exclude varicose veins. As the duration of pregnancy increases, varicose veins can progress - you will need to wear special compression underwear and frequent rest with your legs raised up. Your doctor may recommend taking certain medications to improve blood flow and regulate blood clotting, as well as vascular tone. They should only be taken under medical supervision! Daily walking is shown, but you should not walk too long, you need to give your legs a rest. If possible, try to rest and sleep during the day.

    Stomach ache

    At the 25th week of pregnancy, you should be sensitive to any manifestations of discomfort in the body - they may indicate possible threats for pregnancy. Due to the shift in the center of gravity and the growth of the uterus, discomfort and pain in the lower back and back can occur. This is because the ligaments that support the uterus, as well as the spine and hip joints, soften and stretch under the action of the released substance relaxin. This leads to unpleasant and pain in the region of the sacrum, back or lateral surfaces of the abdomen. Usually such pains are not long and not intense, they disappear after rest or following some advice. First of all, you should wear a special bandage for pregnant women, use only chairs with a back for sitting, regularly unload your spine and do gymnastics.

    Particular attention should be paid to abdominal pain - the manifestations of pain can be different. This may be discomfort due to active movements of the fetus and pushes to the hypochondrium, then you just need to take a comfortable position and stroke your stomach so that the child calms down. Abdominal pain can occur due to constipation, then you need to strictly monitor your diet and consult a doctor for advice and prescribing gentle laxatives.

    It is especially dangerous if it pulls the lower abdomen - it can be the appearance of uterine tone, the opening of the cervix in the presence of isthmic-cervical insufficiency, or the onset of premature birth. Especially dangerous is the appearance of increasing bleating and contractions of the uterine wall, the appearance of bloody or brown discharge, leakage of amniotic fluid. Call an ambulance immediately, and urgently to the hospital. With timely assistance, it is possible to prevent labor and bring pregnancy to due date.

    Allocations at the twenty-fifth week

    In the period of 25 weeks of pregnancy, the discharge due to the increased content of hormones may be somewhat more abundant. At the same time, their character should not change. Such secretions actively protect the vaginal cavity, cervix and amniotic membranes from infections, which will not allow pregnancy to be terminated earlier, with all this, immunity and local protection of the mucous membranes are physiologically reduced, which can lead to the development of various kinds of infections - thrush, bacterial vaginosis, and with sexual activity - even to intimate infections. Normal discharge in this period they are transparent or whitish, practically odorless, homogeneous in consistency, without pathological impurities.

    It is necessary to consult a doctor if yellow, greenish, gray or white discharge appears, abundant, frothy, curdled or crumbly, purulent, with an unpleasant fishy, ​​rotten smell. You should also consult a doctor if there is redness of the skin of the genitals, itching and burning, irritation. They can also indicate an infection of urination disorders with burning, an increase in the temperature of pain in the lower abdomen. The doctor will check the smear and, based on its results, prescribe adequate local or general treatment that is acceptable at this stage of pregnancy.

    No less dangerous can be brown or bloody discharge and genital tract. They may indicate pathology of the cervix, the presence of isthmic-cervical insufficiency, the threat of premature birth or placental abruption. The presence of such secretions, together with uterine tone or regular contractions, is especially dangerous; hospitalization in a hospital with therapy is immediately needed. Sometimes spotting after intimacy or examination by a doctor may indicate the presence of cervical erosion. The appearance of abundant liquid discharge may indicate leakage of amniotic fluid - you need to purchase a test pad at the pharmacy to determine amniotic fluid or consult a doctor. Their leakage is dangerous by infection of the fetus and the onset of labor.

    Sex at 25 weeks

    Sex this week is perfectly acceptable, but it is worth giving up the cowgirl position, the man on top position, and some others in order to eliminate pressure on the stomach and deep penetration. Intimacy during pregnancy allows partners to relax, become closer to each other, and orgasm leads to activation of blood circulation in the uterus and placenta. It is also useful for the baby, and the released endorphins help to calm nervous system and relieve stress.

    However, if there is a threat of premature birth, low placentation, twins or some other conditions, the doctor may impose a ban on sexual relations for several weeks or until the very birth.

    Mother's diet and weight

    In this period, an active weight gain occurs, from the beginning of pregnancy, about 7-9 kg can be added, depending on the initial weight before pregnancy and physique. On average, a woman can add about 300-500g this week, with large increases, you need to see a doctor to exclude edema and correct nutrition.

    The principles of nutrition remain the same - you need to eat fractionally and often, the diet should have enough protein and vegetables, fruits, dairy products. It is necessary to correct anemia with red meat, liver, pomegranates and apples, replenish calcium reserves through dairy products, cheeses, cabbage and nuts. It is worth giving up salty, spicy and spicy foods, control the use of sweets and products made from white flour. It is important to monitor the drinking regime.

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