
What to put in a kinder surprise for a girl. How to make a big Kinder Surprise with your own hands? Giant egg at home. Mega big Kinder from chocolate at home


Kinder-Surprise chocolate eggs are positioned as a delicacy for children, but adults are often not indifferent to them. The secret of success is simple: delicious chocolate and a nice souvenir inside. What is especially nice - the surprise is complete, you can never guess exactly which toy will fall inside the egg. If desired, this unusual candy can be used as an original gift wrapping. How to open Kinder and close it back?

Original handmade gift

All you need to create an unusual surprise present is a Kinder egg, a knife and the gift itself. Inside the treat, you can hide anything: a cute note, jewelry, jewelry, some trifle with a personal hint. How to open Kinder Surprise with your own hands? It's very simple - carefully remove the foil. You will see connected at the seam. With a sharp enough knife, divide the figure into two parts at the junction. Here is the answer to the question of how to open Kinder Surprise! But what to do next with curly treats? Once you get to the plastic capsule, all you have to do is take out the factory toy and put in your gift.

How to open Kinder and close it back?

It is not difficult to close the inner plastic egg back at all. What to do with chocolate halves? There is a way - take a knife and heat its blade, carefully run the warm metal along the cut of one half. Now repeat this manipulation with the second part and try to quickly connect the chocolate figurine. If the egg sticks together evenly, you did everything right, now it remains only to wrap the gift beautifully. Carefully wrap the chocolate in wrapping foil, the most important thing is not to tear or wrinkle it. Now give your unusual sweet gift to the addressee on occasion. And don't forget, now we open Kinder Surprise together, because you want to see the recipient's reaction?

Imagine that your close friend or loved one opens the usual kinder surprise you bought, and there is an expensive gift or a nice present from you personally? The reaction and attention from such a gift will be the most unexpected and, of course, pleasant. And how to do it, you will find an easy way in this video tutorial.

For the Kinder Surprise trick, we need the following tools;

  • egg Kinder surprise;
  • flat smooth knife;
  • a container with boiling water;
  • the gift you want to put in the egg.

Remove the egg wrapper. We do this carefully so as not to damage it. Each egg is packed in two halves of foil, which are fastened on the sides.

Then we divide the chocolate egg into two halves. If you can't do it the first time, carefully make an incision in the seam between the two chocolate halves.

We open a plastic egg, take out a toy from it and put our gift.

Also, if desired, add a sheet of paper with a wish, twisted into a tube, into the egg. Close the plastic egg. Boil water and pour boiling water over a container with a knife. We wait about 20-30 seconds for the blade to warm up.

When the knife is hot enough, we draw it along the cut of one half of the chocolate egg.

We put the plastic inside and close the second part. Do this quickly enough while the chocolate is still melted. We smooth the seam of the closed egg a little so that the halves are better held together.

Wrap the chocolate egg back in the wrapper. The edges of the foil are twisted inward, in one direction.

A pleasant and even more unexpected surprise is ready. The main thing is that this special Kinder Surprise falls into the right hands.

Kinder Surprise is considered one of the most desired children's treats. After all, kids are waiting not so much for chocolate, but for the surprise that is in the egg. To be honest, some adults also do not mind opening the Kinder on their own. And imagine if inside is not a toy, but a real precious gift. How to make a kinder surprise yourself without breaking the egg, see further in the material.

To "make" a personal Kinder Surprise, you will need:

Chocolate egg "Kinder Surprise";
boiling water and capacity;
the gift itself.

Immediately you need to prepare to act very carefully. First you need to remove the foil wrapper without tearing it. To do this, unfold it along the fold line and set it aside.

Remove the parts of the toy from the plastic container and put your gift in there.

To glue the halves of a chocolate egg together, you need to dip the knife in boiling water for 30 seconds, and then attach it with the wide side to the place of the seam of the two halves. The chocolate will melt and the halves will easily stick together.

Hello Dear friends and blog readers! Coming very soon New Year, there are only a few days left, and for a week now I have been thinking about what to give the children on this magical holiday. What to make a New Year's gift so that the children are delighted and remember for a long time?

Of course, we will give toys and sweets, but the children play with new gifts for the first days, at least mine, and then they are safely stored on a shelf, from time to time moving around the apartment with the help of small hands. Based on the recently passed birthday, in a month or two they will completely forget what present they were presented with for the celebration, although the toys were long-awaited and desired.

My thoughts, as I mentioned above, have been going on for two weeks for sure, “What to give as a gift?” and then the Universe heard me, an SMS comes from a friend:

- "Hey! Look what I did!!"

This is Kinder made of papier-mache, and inside it is hollow, a door is cut out and this huge egg is filled with a gift or sweets.

Hooray! Now I know how to surprise and delight my kids! They will be delighted! Especially the eldest daughter, she loves these chocolate eggs and traditionally Grandfather Frost Kinder MAXI hands her under the Christmas tree or personally into her hands, and here it’s not just a maxi, here is a Giant Kinder!

I didn’t wait until I completely made my kinders, since it takes 3-5 days, I want to tell you right away! Suddenly, you, like me, are racking your brains on what to give a child to make it unusual, memorable. I found master classes on the Internet, I do them myself and share them with you. In fact, everything here is easy and simple, everyone can handle it! So let's get started...

We make in stages a large Kinder Surprise from paper with our own hands

Huge Kinder is the embodiment of a dream and delight for every child! They are especially loved for the surprises that are hidden inside, and we can fill this egg with those gifts and sweets that your child loves the most. The shell or shell is made using the papier-mâché technique, I think every parent got acquainted with this technique at school, so everyone can create this masterpiece!

We will need:

  • Balloon -1 pc.
  • Paper (A4 form, newspaper)
  • PVA glue
  • Starch or flour for the paste
  • Paint Gouache
  • tassel
  • Printout with an inscription

Manufacturing process:

  1. As you probably already guessed, our Kinder is made of paper and a ball, we will glue it with paper balloon ik. As glue, you can use PVA or paste.

Important! To prepare a paste, mix Art. a spoonful of corn starch, with 2 tbsp. spoons of tap water, mix so that there are no lumps. Then pour the mixture with half a glass of boiling water, mix and put the dishes on the fire, stirring continuously until our paste thickens. We take it off the fire. stirring persistently, cool and that's it - our paste is ready!

I use PVA glue, pre-diluted a small amount water.

2. We inflate the balloon to the size we need, tie it with a thread so that after we can untie it. We put it in a bowl or other container, for the convenience of working with it.

3. 1st layer - paper + water. We cut the paper into small squares or strips, dip them in water and glue our ball over. You need to do everything intensively, since the water dries quickly and the leaves will simply peel off.

Important! Paper can be replaced with newspapers or magazines, and only the last layer can be pasted over with white!

Thus, we glue the entire ball and let it stand for 5 minutes and dry.

4. We already glue the next layer on PVA glue or paste. We glue our ball with glue and glue the second layer of paper.

5. Then generously coat the third layer of paper with glue and glue and leave our egg overnight to dry thoroughly.

Important! Glue should be enough to soak the paper well!

I left the ball to dry near the battery in a container with holes. You can dry it by tying it to a rope, but I found reviews - that when the ball hangs, wrinkles may appear during the drying process and did not take risks.

7. The next day I again glued 3 layers of paper and now my kinders are drying out, although they are quite strong and perhaps 3 layers would be enough.

8. The next step is to paint our craft. We paint right away lower part in red, after drawing the waves with a simple pencil, and then the top in White color. You can paint with gouache, acrylic paint or water-based emulsion

Important! Add a little PVA to gouache so that the paint does not stick to your hands and does not crack when it dries.

9. Then you need to glue the inscription or draw the letters yourself. The easiest way, of course, is to print it out, you can print it in color or in black and white, and then color it yourself, so it will turn out the most realistic. Or attach a white sheet to the monitor and circle the letters.

For you, I will leave the inscription in 2 versions, and you choose the one that is convenient for you:

  • in color

  • black and white

10. Now you need to cut each word and glue it separately.

11. This is how the Kinder ends up

12. Now you need to make a door in the egg and fill it with a gift. Cut out stationery knife square or round shape, for beauty, you can tie a ribbon.

Or you can completely carefully cut off the top of the kinder, this is already at your discretion.

As a result, we should get such a large egg:

Doesn't it make for a great gift, doesn't it? It can be presented for the New Year, for a birthday, and for any occasion! And you can also make a kinder personalized, stick your child’s favorite cartoon characters on it, write a wish and in a word there is a place for fantasies to roam!

You can make not only a kinder, but also a big mmdms or a smiley.

And so that the crafts are not matte, you can give them gloss with varnish!

Giant egg made of paper and plaster - New Year's gift 2018

Such New Year's gift Every child will be delighted, no doubt! And if you fill it with your favorite sweets and surprises, then the joy will be doubly!

We already know how to make a huge papier-mache kinder surprise, but how to give it strength, make it smoother? Gypsum, putty or self-hardening clay will come to our aid.

Initially, we need to glue the balloon with paper as described at the beginning of the article. We glue in three layers and give time to dry well. Then, when the balloon is completely dry, you need to burst the balloon and pull it out through a small hole. Then this hole also needs to be sealed. Here's what should happen:

Next, you need to prime the egg - apply a uniform layer of gypsum or putty on it, completely covering the papier-mâché. All irregularities will then be sanded with sandpaper, you should not pay attention to them at this stage.

When the plaster or putty dries, this process will not take much time, since these materials dry quickly, you need to make a hole for gifts, in the form of a door that will be removed. You need to cut it with a clerical knife.

In order for the door to be removed, you need to glue a magnet into it and glue it with paper on top in several layers. We glue the cardboard into the base, a magnet on it and also glue it with paper using PVA.

After making sure that the lid is tightly held on the magnet, you need to sand the egg and the door with large sandpaper, in this way we will make the kinder smooth.

After the egg was sanded, depressions and pits became noticeable, you need to re-apply gypsum on the deepest ones, wait until it dries and sand it again with fine sandpaper.

The next step is painting. acrylic paint paint the egg white, forget about the door, magnets and gaps. Then, on the bottom of the egg, you need to make waves and paint it red. We print the inscription on a color printer and cut out each word, then glue it on the egg.

Here's what should happen:

Perfectly even Kinder is ready! Is it really similar to the real thing?

Mega big Kinder from chocolate at home

We already know the technology for making a giant paper kinder, and now let's look at how to make it from chocolate. Yes, yes, you heard right, you can make an egg like a real kinder and let's look at how ...

Required Ingredients:

  • Dark chocolate - 10-15 bars,
  • White chocolate - 5-7 bars,
  • Balloon,
  • Cream injector
  1. First of all, you need to rinse the balloon well and dry it with a stream of warm air with a hair dryer so that the balloon is dry on the inside.
  2. Next, you need to melt the chocolate in a water bath, pour 1/3 of the water into the pan and put on fire. Grind the chocolate into pieces, transfer to a deep container and put on a saucepan so that the chocolate begins to melt. In the process, you need to stir it until it becomes homogeneous without lumps.

3. The chocolate should cool slightly so that it is not hot, but not too cold - it has a viscous consistency.

4. Now, at the confectionery syringe, you need to unscrew the tip (cap) and carefully put on the balloon. Then remove the piston and inflate the balloon to right size, twist the tail for a while so that it does not deflate.

5. Spin the ball, fill it with chocolate through a syringe using a spoon.

6. When all the chocolate is in the ball, we tie it up and begin to slowly rotate, tapping a little, so that all the walls of the ball are completely colored. We turn the egg vertically, the remaining chocolate will drain down to the bottom and the kinder will become stable.

7. Congratulations! The hardest part is over. Now the ball needs to be sent to the refrigerator so that it freezes properly. After about 1.5 hours, the egg must be removed so that the chocolate does not begin to melt, put on rubber gloves.

8. To make a second layer of white chocolate and fill the egg with a surprise, you need to put a deep plate on top, draw a notch line and carefully cut off the top.

9. Remove the ball.

10. Now we coat the inside with white chocolate, and send it back to the refrigerator.

11. For the second time, we take the egg out of the refrigerator, if desired, put a surprise in it and use a heated knife to draw along the edge, the chocolate will melt and firmly connect to the top.

Inside the chocolate kinder you can put a gift, sweets or real kinders.

12. The seam can be filled with chocolate from a syringe, and wipe off the excess.

13. Perfectly even, smooth kinder surprise is ready! Such an unexpected gift will pleasantly surprise and be remembered for a long time!

And to give it authenticity, you can make the original packaging. To do this, cut out two ovals from the foil so that there is another 10 cm of free edge. Draw a wave from below and paint over with a spray can in red, then covering the painted part - paint the foil white. Do the same with the second sheet. Then put the egg in the center on the bottom sheet, and close the second one on top, carefully connecting the edges. Print the inscription on the printer and attach with glue or tape.

Now the giant chocolate egg is ready! I can’t believe my eyes that you can create such a huge kinder at home!

Video plot on how to make Kinder Maxi in stages from chocolate

This is a master class on making a large chocolate egg, or as it is also called Kinder maxi. cool gift for any holiday in which you can put an individual gift. However, it is worth the trouble to make it, but it's worth it!

By the way, this egg can be put into a paper kinder! Great idea, isn't it?

I hope you liked the idea with homemade kinders, please write in the comments. Would you like to make such surprises with your own hands?

That's all for you!

Until new posts!