
What eyebrow shape is suitable for a round face type. The ideal shape of the eyebrows for a round face What eyebrows are suitable for a round face


Today, makeup artists agree that eyebrows play almost the most important role in general perception of the face. To agree with them, just look at photos of celebrities who have changed along with a change in the shape of their own eyebrows. Therefore, it is important to pay special attention to this part of the face.

What eyebrow shape suits a round face

How to choose the right eyebrows for the type of face? First of all, you need to look for an option that will make the proportions more harmonious. In the past few years, the fashion for eyebrows plucked with a thin thread has faded into the background. Whatever your face is - round, oval or rectangular, they should be wide enough and natural.

most suitable for round face a variant can be called a slightly curved wing shape. The kink should not be unnatural, it will give your face a surprised look. Remember a simple rule: the larger the facial features and the larger the eyes, the steeper the break can be. If you are the owner of a low forehead, give preference to a straighter line of medium length.

The straight shape is also suitable for some types of round faces: it allows you to balance facial features. In this case, there is a danger of visually making the cheekbones wider, so experiment with a straight shape more carefully.

We can definitely say that a rounded shape is not suitable for chubby girls. She, like a straight line, makes the face wider and even visually adds weight.

3 basic principles of eyebrow care

  1. Find your form. This can be done with the help of a specialist. Even if you plan to take care of your eyebrows yourself, the first time you should contact a professional makeup artist who will teach you how to apply makeup and adjust the shape correctly.
  2. Don't get a tattoo. There are simply no examples of successful tattooing of this part of the face. Most likely, you will regret your deed very much, and your face will look as unnatural as possible.
  3. Pick up

The wrong shape of the eyebrows can make the most beautiful face ugly. But correctly selected - will bring zest and make the look more attractive. Eyebrow shaping is an art! To comprehend it, you need to go to the mirror and objectively evaluate the advantages and disadvantages and experiment with a pencil. The site site will help with this!

Mistakes in makeup and choosing the shape of the eyebrows

Before proceeding to the topic, let's work on the mistakes: let's look at the mistakes using the example of celebrities.

In the first photo, the arc is too curved, it looks asymmetrical. Not suitable color. In the second photo, the eyebrows fit harmoniously into the image.

In the first photo, the eyebrows are too dark for the Lindsay Lohan color type. Looks weighty. You should choose a lighter warm shade.

You and I will not make embarrassing mistakes and will look like we just left the best salon.

Eyebrows according to the type of face. Schemes with photos


Round face is characterized by:

- approximately the same length from the center of the face to the extreme points;

- weakly highlighted chin and cheekbones, soft contours;

- low forehead

Should visually lengthen it. The effect of "narrowing" is created due to the traced soft bend. Definitely not suitable rounded shape, which visually fills the face.

2 shaping options:

  • Pluck the hairs under the kink and above the falling ponytail. This will increase the bend if it is naturally small.
  • Give the eyebrows such a shape that their bases remain thicker than the tails, make the break more pronounced.

When plucking, do not remove the length: short eyebrows look vulgar. Correct only sharply lowered tips.


The oval face type is considered classic. Here you need to consider the structure of the eyes, nose, mouth. With ideal facial features, it is enough to give a classic shape, but if:

  • The oval of the face is too elongated - soften it with straight lines. The bend should not be too pronounced.
  • Massive chin - slightly lengthen the edge of the eyebrow.

The correct oval of the face is emphasized by horizontal eyebrows. With them, the look acquires charm, becoming more predatory, the oval of the face is slightly shortened. The main thing is not to overdo it and not let it down too low, otherwise the look will become evil. Also, make sure that the tail does not fall down. Pluck out a few hairs above the inner corner of the eye and start painting, preferring neutral colors: gray, light brown.

To choose the color of the eyebrows, there is a formula: it should be 2 tones darker than the hair color of blondes, and 2 tones lighter than the hair color of brunettes. Brown-haired women choose brown shades.

If you are not sure that you can draw the shape correctly, divide it into 3 parts: 2/3 from the bridge of the nose smoothly rise up, from the break 1/3 gently descends, going a little further than the point of the outer corner of the eye.


Triangular face features:

– wide cheekbones and forehead;

- narrow chin

Our task is to visually narrow the cheekbones, “balance” the forehead and chin. Draw a uniform, but pronounced arch of the eyebrows, leave the length classic, and the width medium. Smooth lines will soften the sharp chin. Avoid straight wide lines. They will weigh down the upper part of the face.

Square face

The square type of face is characterized by:

- wide forehead and cheekbones;

- the same width of the upper and lower parts of the face;

- straight and strong lines.

Our task is to soften heavy facial features, to make them more feminine. Eyebrow shapes that are undesirable on a round face are welcome on a square one. Draw rounded eyebrows with a rainbow-like curve. Their base should be wide, smoothly turning into a straight line above the middle of the eye, the tip should be somewhat pointed.

Sharp pointed features, thin and short lines are not welcome. Overdoing it with "roundness", you run the risk of giving the face a goofy expression.

The shape of the eyebrows, taking into account the advantages and disadvantages of facial features

When changing the image, it is important to take into account not only the oval of the face, but also its features. Deep-set eyes with hanging horizontal eyebrows or plump cheeks with "strings" look ridiculous. When correcting, we will take into account the features of a person’s appearance and use the advice of stylists.

So if:

  1. Facial features are sharp, they are softened by arched and smooth shapes.
  2. The eyes are deep-set - medium thickness is appropriate. The wide ones will make the look even more closed, and the “threads” are good only for fans of the 20s of the 20th century.
  3. The eyes are close-set - pluck the hairs at the bridge of the nose, but do not overdo it: the ideal shape suggests starting above the inner corner of the eye.
  4. Wide-set eyes - draw eyebrows with a pencil towards the bridge of the nose.
  5. Large facial features - wide eyebrows are appropriate, if small - medium width.

Pull out the hairs with sharp tweezers with slightly rounded tips. Paint with quality paint purchased from specialized stores and correct with gel.

Finally, let's demonstrate how the correct bend of the eyebrows changes the face. At the girl square shape face, in order to “soften” the corners and elongate the face, the eyebrows were given a more arched and smooth shape with upward tips. Also, loose hair covers the cheekbones, which makes the face more elongated.


Have you already decided which shape is right for you? Share in the comments!

Properly shaped eyebrows are the key to an expressive beautiful look. They are able to stretch or soften the contours of the face, give facial expressions of confidence or femininity. At the same time, improperly shaped eyebrows can make the expression look rude or sad. Of course, an experienced master in the salon can easily determine the shape, but if you decide to do the correction yourself, then you should know that the eyebrows for a round face should have a certain shape and bend. Which one? Let's try to figure it out.

Features of a round face

Quality work is impossible without understanding what exactly you are correcting. The correct shape of the eyebrows for a round face can greatly change it, visually stretch it, make it more slender.

The round type of face is characterized by the following features:

  • Almost equal distance from the center of the face to any point of its contour.
  • Smooth, soft lines.
  • The widest part runs along the line of the lower edge of the eyes and the middle of the forehead.
  • The chin and cheekbones are poorly defined.
  • Low forehead.

Important! Often plump girls mistakenly consider the shape of the face to be round, the effect is created with the help of plump cheeks. In order not to miss the definition of the type, we recommend doing calculations.

All types of faces are placed within certain proportions. In this case, the ratio should be as follows:

  1. Measure the length of the face from the hairline to the extreme point of the chin, divide the number by 3.
  2. Measure the length from the base of the nose to the tip of the chin. This is the second number.
  3. The second number should be less than the first.

Now that you have calculated everything exactly and know that you are a chubby girl, it is worth talking about which eyebrow shape is suitable for a round face.

suitable forms

When we are talking about eyebrows for a round face, we must first of all remember that they should visually lengthen it, and in no case emphasize its sphericity. To achieve this goal, the contours should be broken with a slight downward tip. In this case, you switch the viewer's attention to the vertical.

Based on the general rule, you can choose different variations of forms. Straighter lines will make the face serious, strict. This option is great for a business woman. In the case when you want to make facial expressions softer and kinder, create soft curves.

We've got the perfect brows. Now it is important to say what exactly does not fit. These are rounded shapes, they make the face even more round and full. Otherwise, you can choose several fashion trends, you can see how they look in the photo.

creative shapes

In the case when we are talking about suitable contours specifically for a round face, it is worth noting that the basis will almost always be the same shape. But its types may differ:

  • Winged eyebrows. Their lines resemble the curve of a bird's wing, the shape is beautiful and graceful, perfectly stretches the contour of the face. The main thing is to know the measure in the bend, otherwise you risk giving your appearance too tragic.

  • Crescent - more specific and unusual shape. She has no corners, and it may seem that she is too rounded for this type, but if the specialist correctly selects the angle of the arc, then the result will surprise you. This model is best performed in the cabin.

  • Today, Hollywood stars with round faces are increasingly seen straight eyebrows. This is a rather risky step, because the slightest mistake in proportions will only expand the horizontal of the face. Similar modeling is also best done with a professional.

  • New fashionable optioneyebrows with alternate thickness. For example, the base is quite thick, natural, and the tip is barely noticeable. Please note that this move is not for everyone, contact the master, he will tell you the options based on the shape of the eyes, the width of the cheeks and cheekbones.

As you can see, chubby girls also have plenty to choose from. When the desired result is determined, you can proceed to the actual modeling.

Tips to help you choose the right eyebrow shape for your face type:

Modeling principles

The correct one largely depends on the correctness of their modeling. In this case, it is not so important what type of girls you are, there are main stages and “golden” rules for their implementation.

  • Definition of boundaries. Each face is unique, so it is impossible to name the beginning and end of eyebrow growth in millimeters. To determine the ideal boundaries for you, use the following method. Place the pencil on the wing of the nose so that it passes through inner corner eyes. The place where the line crosses the superciliary arch is the point where the eyebrow starts. Next, move the pencil so that the diagonal runs from the wing of the nose to the middle of the pupil, this is the point of maximum break. Finally, draw a straight line from the nose to the outer corner of the eye. The diagonal passes through the end of the eyebrow.
  • We proceed to the correction, that is, plucking out the hairs that go beyond the resulting contour.

Important! The thickness of the eyebrow should not change until the break point, then it begins to decrease, making the tail thin.

  • In the next step, the eyebrows are dyed and styled. These procedures are not always necessary. As for styling, you can choose biomodeling or daily makeup.

Of all the listed stages of modeling, the most voluminous and, perhaps, the most responsible is the correction. Therefore, let's take a closer look at its technique.

Correction rules

Eyebrow shaping is an essential part of personal care. Though modern tendencies lush natural eyebrows dictate, their accuracy must be maintained, and for this it is simply necessary to monitor the growth and shape of the hairs.

Anyone who has plucked their eyebrows at least once in their life knows that there are several ways to do this procedure. You can use thread, wax, laser epilator or other professional treatments. But the most common technique is using tweezers. We will take it as a basis, although a greater number of rules apply to other methods.

  1. Cleanse your face.
  2. It is advisable to apply a disinfectant to the growth area of ​​​​the eyebrows, this will help to avoid infection when micro-wounds appear.
  3. Comb your eyebrows so that all the hairs look in one direction.
  4. Define boundaries.
  5. Start pulling out the hairs one by one, it is advisable to adjust the eyebrows at the same time in order to achieve greater symmetry.
  6. To make plucking easier, pull the skin a little.
  7. After correction, you can apply a soothing cream or compress to the skin, apply ice.

Advice! Plucking with tweezers is a painful procedure, in order to slightly reduce discomfort, smear the skin with baby cream before the procedure, let it soak.

An eyebrow pencil will help you to bring the contour to the ideal. Also, do not forget about professional procedures. Now salons offer eyebrow biotattoo using natural dyes, biomodelling, coloring. To maintain the image at home are used cosmetics: eyebrow shadows and gels, pencils, powder, modeling and tint gels.

Interesting! To date, many masters offer to take a short course in eyebrow architecture. In a few lessons you will be taught how to choose the right color and form, to carry out a correction in a quality manner. Such a skill will help not only in creating an image.

Now you know which eyebrows go with a round face. Do not make common mistakes, create lines wisely, then it will be difficult to take your eyes off you. Also remember that in order to save your own time and effort, you can always ask the master for help. The eyebrow correction procedure is inexpensive, but it is much easier to maintain an already formed shape than to create it.

With the right makeup, you can emphasize attractive facial features, distracting from imperfections. The eyebrow line also plays an important role here. Depending on the type of appearance, you should choose it correctly, and then you can see a magnificent transformation. As for chubby girls, when choosing the shape of the eyebrows, they should strive to visually stretch it vertically. At the same time, it is not at all necessary to invent something new, because today there are already options that look win-win in this case. If you doubt your own abilities, then it is enough to turn to an experienced master. And after that, you can begin to learn how to adjust the eyebrows at home, according to the intended shape. In addition, no special skills and devices are required for this. A few simple tips below will help you in this matter.

The most suitable eyebrow shapes for a round face

The shape of the eyebrows for a round face should be such that the proportions visually approach the ideal. In this case, other components are also important - makeup and hairstyle. If you follow all the rules, you can achieve excellent results.

But the first thing you need to determine is the shape of the face. Take a good look in the mirror and appreciate your reflection. The round shape of the face is distinguished by approximately the same height and width, combined with rounded corners. However, chubby girls are characterized by wide cheekbones and a wide angle of the chin. A snub nose often complements the features.

For this type of appearance, three options for eyebrow shaping are most suitable:

  • Smoothly ascending from the middle to the edge and ending in a slight rounding in the area just above the temple;
  • In the form of a "gull wing", when the line moves up from the inside, and in the last third it makes a bend and rounds down;
  • Triangular eyebrows with a slight kink in the central part closer to the outer edge.

These rules are not reference - they only indicate the direction. Much depends on the natural shape of the eyebrows and other features of the appearance. If you have doubts and you are afraid to spoil your appearance, then you should first consult with a specialist and make the first correction in the salon. Such a service is available to everyone, and at the same time you will gradually understand what suits you best. If you manage to find an experienced specialist, then you will also receive a number of useful tips suitable for your individual occasion.

Jennifer Morrison

Selena Gomez

Michelle Williams

Mila Kunis

Kelly Clarkson

Katie Holmes

Eyebrow shaping rules

The shape of the eyebrows for a round face is quite simple. In most cases, it is easy to create it yourself at home. To make the process as comfortable as possible, and the result will please you, you should arm yourself with all the necessary knowledge and tools.

Choosing a Correction Method

First of all, decide how you will remove the hairs. When correcting eyebrows, shaving or plucking is most often used. Professionals sometimes use thread, but this requires experience. For home correction, it is best to choose plucking with tweezers. This method allows you to permanently remove hairs, while the eyebrows will look very neat.

Eyebrow shaping process

Eyebrows are considered ideal if they correspond to a certain rule regarding proportions. It consists in the following. It is necessary to pick up a knitting needle and attach it to the wing of the nose to determine the points of the beginning, middle and end of the eyebrow line. First of all, draw a straight line from the nose through the inner corner of the eye to the eyebrow - this is the beginning. Look straight ahead and set the needle so that it passes from the wing of the nose through the pupil - this is the middle of the eyebrow, where it is best to make a bend. And the edge of the eyebrow is on a line running from the nose through the outer corner of the eye.

Shaping eyebrows, try to affect only lower part. It is here that the hairs are thinner and lighter, while in the upper part they grow thick and dark - it is with their help that you can create a clear expressive shape. If they are constantly removed, then as a result they will become softer and inconspicuous, and over time they may stop growing altogether. The fact is that each hair on human body has its own resource - it can grow again only a limited number of times. Therefore, if you constantly adjust your eyebrows in the same shape, over time you will have to spend less and less effort on it. It is for this reason that too thin lines should be avoided.

After you have plucked out all the hairs, look at the result and rate how satisfied you are with the density. If necessary, you can apply a few short strokes with a pencil obliquely along the line of the eyebrows. This will give the effect of volume.

Preparation for home eyebrow correction

Before starting the procedure, prepare everything necessary tools- this is tweezers, a clean comfortable mirror, an antibacterial lotion to wipe the eyebrows before plucking and alcohol to disinfect the tweezers. In addition, make sure that there is enough quality light, preferably natural.

You should first wash with soap and wipe your eyebrows with an antibacterial lotion. To remove hairs easily and painlessly, apply a warm, wet compress.

Cameron Diaz

Mandy Moore

Kelly Osbourne

Lily Cole

Emma Watson

Drew Barrymore

thick dark eyebrows with a soft break under blonde hair

Kirsten Dunst

The correct shape of the eyebrows for a round face can make the appearance more harmonious. Remember that the secret of beauty lies in attention to detail. Take every detail of your appearance seriously and you will quickly notice changes for the better.

How to choose the right one for yourself

A beautiful face is always in trend. And how can we not mention the beautiful eyebrow line, which gives a special zest to female beauty. Upturned, "house", surprised and gracefully arched, thick and not very thick - any shape of the eyebrows makes a woman unique and emphasizes only her inherent beauty.

The eyebrow contour of American actress Megan Fox is recognized as ideal. Many film stars are beautiful by nature. Most of them skillfully find the contour of the eyebrow line for their type and use little secrets, creating a unique eyebrow makeup.

Draw perfect eyebrows

  1. Determine the starting point of the brow line. To do this, we virtually draw a line from the outer wing of the nose perpendicularly upwards, passing by the inner point of the eye. The intersection of the line with the eyebrow arc will be the beginning.
  2. We find the top bend. Draw a straight line from the middle upper lip and up the pupil. The point of intersection of the imaginary line and the eyebrow will show the upper curve
  3. Calculate the end of the brow line. We draw the intended line from the end of the outer nasal wing through the point of the outer corner of the eye and beyond. The point of intersection with the eyebrow will indicate the end of the eyebrow line.
  4. The distance from the eyebrow to the eye should correspond to the size of the diameter of the iris

How to choose the right eyebrow shape for your face type?

A modern woman, in order to look well-groomed and beautiful, follows not only fashion trends in make-up of the face, eyes, lips, but also corrects the eyebrows, giving them a beautiful bend and shape. different types faces have their own features of design and drawing of eyebrows.

Well-chosen shape of the superciliary arch emphasizes feminine beauty and gives a special expressiveness to the look.

If you skillfully and correctly choose the shape and bend of the eyebrows, based on the type of face, you can hide some natural flaws and achieve a unique charm.

Not every beauty can boast of the correct outlines. More often you can see faces with different form: in the form of a square, oval, round or triangular.

The correct shape of the eyebrows for a square face, photo

The square shape of the face is weighted down by a large jaw and a wide forehead. And the bottom and top part are almost the same width. The face looks like a square.

To wash away the right angles of the forehead and soften the entire contour of the face, the eyebrows should be drawn in a parallel line to the eyes with a slight bend.

The rounded shape of the eyebrows of medium density is harmonious and natural. Such eyebrows give femininity and sensuality.

A well-chosen accent in the form of a graceful curve of a raised brow arch gives the face an extraordinary femininity and smoothes the shape of the face.

The correct shape of the eyebrows for an oval face, photo

Have Oval face is every girl's dream. This type of face is considered ideal.

Horizontal eyebrows with a slight kink emphasize the beautiful proportions of the face.

Straight or slightly rounded eyebrows that are far from the bridge of the nose are the ideal eyebrow design for an oval face type.

A little secret: if the oval of the face is slightly elongated, then it can be corrected with straight eyebrows of medium thickness

At oval type faces are not allowed wide straight eyebrows. This design of the eyebrows makes the look tough and menacing.

The correct shape of the eyebrows for a triangular face, photo

The triangular face type is characterized by a narrow chin, prominent cheekbones, and a wide forehead.

The soft curve of the eyebrows of medium width smoothes the bulges of the cheekbones.

The main rule for shaping eyebrows with a triangular type of face is a not very long eyebrow line and a uniform slight bend in the brow arch.

When shaping the eyebrows, focus on the curve of the line. In this way, the sharpness of the chin can be softened. Eyebrows are drawn with smooth curved lines of medium length.

The correct shape of the eyebrows for a round face type, photo

The round face has smooth rounded lines along the entire contour, the face takes on a wide shape. In this type of face, the width and height are almost the same or vary within 2-3 cm. The face seems flat.

To visually bring a round face closer to an oval one, you should raise the kink of the eyebrows. The edges of the eyebrows should be thin, and the tail section shortened.

A slight break in the superciliary arch gives a unique charm and femininity.

Arched eyebrows are not suitable for a round face, they once again emphasize roundness.

You should not raise your eyebrows too much with a round face type. This can change the facial expression, giving it a surprised look.

What does the correct eyebrow tattoo look like?

Eyebrow tattoo is a tattoo of eyebrows for a certain period of time. Both young beauties and women with age experience resort to eyebrow shaping using this method.

Why do eyebrow tattoos

  • eyebrow tattoo makes it possible not to spend a long period on eyebrow care (eyebrow correction, plucking, makeup)
  • eyebrow tattoo always looks perfect at any time of the day and in any weather
  • the procedure helps to change the appearance of a woman, correctly correct the eyebrow line according to the type of face and eliminate many cosmetic flaws for several years

IMPORTANT: Eyebrow correction with tattooing should be carried out in specialized salons by highly professional specialists

What does eyebrow tattoo give?

  • owners of sparse eyebrows get the opportunity to get the desired density of eyebrows
  • tattoo technique allows you to recreate eyebrows in their complete absence
  • procedure makes it possible to build ideal proportions brows: optimal length, width, density, correct and beautiful break of the superciliary arch
  • correction of the asymmetry of the right and left eyebrows
  • concealment of scars in the eyebrow area
  • visual reproduction of natural and perfect eyebrows in women with colorless eyebrows
  • correction of unsuccessful eyebrow shaping by plucking

Eyebrow tattoo techniques

For eyebrow correction, beauty salons offer the following tattooing techniques:

  • shading-tattoo or watercolor
  • hair perm: european and oriental

Tattoo shading technique

A painless procedure that does not require much time. It is usually carried out to accentuate the correct eyebrow arch, while small “bald patches” in the body of the eyebrow are processed. After a session of toning and highlighting a clear contour of the eyebrows, the face looks more expressive and spectacular. The main thing is that the tattoo is made by a real master.

Hair tattoo

The painstaking technique of performing this type of tattoo requires a highly trained specialist. Here it is important to take into account the characteristics of each client: the type of face, skin, hair and eye color. After a thorough study of all individual qualities, the master outlines the contour of the eyebrows that suits this client. The desired high-quality pigment for coloring is selected and preparatory procedures are performed.

The European tattoo technique reproduces natural growth hairs, they are drawn with thin strokes. Eyebrows look natural and flawless: the hair on the head of the eyebrow is directed upwards, gradually bending in an arc to the end of the eyebrow.

According to the eastern method, drawing is based on the natural direction of growth of one's own eyebrow hairs. This is a complex and painstaking work with a stunning effect. You have to be a real artist to draw each hair with different directions, lengths, colors. But the result exceeds expectations: the eyebrows acquire a perfect contour with a natural visual effect.

IMPORTANT: Before performing a permanent eyebrow tattoo, you must undergo a mandatory test for the absence of allergy to the dye for the procedure

Why Shouldn't You Get Eyebrow Tattoos?

Despite the huge popularity of eyebrow shaping with tattooing, there are opponents of such an eyebrow adjustment. And they have reason to.

  1. Fashion 2016 offers natural and natural makeup. This extends to the eyebrows as well. No matter how skillfully executed permanent tattoo, it will not look natural and harmonious. Hollywood stars have long abandoned eyebrow tattooing, just look at the latest photos of film stars. It's no longer fashionable
  2. Before deciding on such a radical change in the eyebrows, you should remember: the tattoo cannot be washed off, wiped off, removed at home. This procedure is done on long time: from two months to 2-5 years. A failed tattoo cannot be fixed in a short time
  3. Only expensive laser procedures will help to remove unsuccessfully drawn eyebrows. Eyebrow tattoo can be permanently removed only after 5 painful laser surgeries
  4. Even the most skillful eyebrow tattoo adds up to 5 years of age to its mistress. Simply put, tattoos make you look older.
  5. Eyebrow tattoo parlors do not guarantee that the "drawn" eyebrows will please the client. The probability of a mistake is high, you can get not “your” eyebrows for a tattoo session, but it will be very difficult to get rid of them

So, before you decide to radically change your eyebrows with a tattoo, you need to weigh the pros and cons.

Professional eyebrow tattoo, video

How to pluck your eyebrows correctly?

Beauty parlors offer eyebrow plucking with tweezers or wax. Cosmetologists professionally remove excess hairs, taking into account the type of face and skin sensitivity to such procedures of each client.

Many women pluck their eyebrows at home on their own. Let's share tips on how to properly pluck your eyebrows.

  1. Before the procedure, you should thoroughly wash your hands with soap and disinfect the tweezers using any antiseptic: alcohol, Sterillium, chlorhexidine.
  2. Eyebrows should also be treated with an antiseptic and a little greased with any baby cream.
  3. Eyebrow plucking is recommended in front of a magnifying mirror.
  4. The procedure for removing excess hairs should take place in good light.
  5. Brush your eyebrows before plucking
  6. Unnecessary hairs are removed according to the direction of their growth. To reduce pain, firmly grasp the hair with tweezers at the very base. Then they pull a little, the hair is pulled out easily and without much pain.

Cosmetologist's advice: eyebrows should be plucked only from the lower side of the eyebrow, it is not recommended to touch the upper line. The hair follicles of the upper hairs are large, after removal the superciliary line is disturbed and the eyebrows do not look very aesthetically pleasing

To look attractive and harmonious, you should learn not only to pluck your eyebrows correctly and on time, but also be able to make eyebrow makeup.

Eyebrow Makeup Instructions

  1. Comb each eyebrow. Remove hairs that have protruded beyond the brow line
  2. Outline each of the eyebrows. Draw the interior of the contour
  3. Hover a light stripe under and outside the outline. Blend without touching the brows
  4. Comb your eyebrows again, style the hairs in one direction

Shaping perfect eyebrows in 5 minutes, video

It is no secret that beautifully shaped eyebrows give the face a special femininity and a well-groomed look. For eyebrow correction, you can use the services professional specialists, many do this procedure on their own.

Julia: I had my eyebrows done in the salon. They chose the shape of the eyebrows very well, carefully plucked, tinted in a good color. Do not know! The eyes became more expressive and deeper. I will always go here now.

Lyna: I took a chance and got my eyebrows done. HORROR!!! After the tattoo, I had to go straight to work. I sat all day in a closed office, afraid to show myself to people. Now on sick leave. I'm waiting for this terrible color to turn pale! The master said that in a month the paint will become lighter and everything will be fine. I will wait.

vita: In my case, I initially corrected my eyebrows myself, which I still regret. Just spoiled myself. You should trust only professionals, especially if you are plucking your eyebrows for the first time.

  • For the first design of the eyebrow line, you should seek the help of a specialist. He will correct the eyebrows, taking into account the features of the face, correctly remove excess hairs, and teach simple features for eyebrow care. In the future, you can maintain a given shape and independently engage in the design and make-up of eyebrows.
  • When plucking your eyebrows yourself, do not forget to disinfect the tweezers, even if you have to remove only a couple of hairs.
  • Choose tweezers of good sharpening, it is more convenient and better to work with it. Let the tool be more expensive. It will last a long time and justify its price in high-quality and almost painless hair removal.
  • nourishes and moisturizes eyebrow hairs. Regular lubrication of eyebrows with oil will give them a well-groomed and beautiful look.

Mistakes to avoid

  • Eyebrows in the form of a comma: with a rounded eyebrow at the beginning and a thin tail at the end, they look awkward. This must be avoided
  • Bald islands of clumsily plucked eyebrows look untidy
  • Eyebrow tattooing is out of fashion today. To resort to such eyebrow design should be extremely necessary. Eyebrows even with a successful tattoo look artificial and vulgar
  • Thick eyebrows should not be trimmed, as a clear line of eyebrows is lost and hair growth is enhanced

Tip for older ladies: Rounded brows create a distressed look and accentuate dullness of the skin. It is better to “raise” the eyebrows, let the eyebrows be shorter and the brow arch longer

Video: What does the correct eyebrow makeup look like?

Video: Fashionable eyebrow shape - 2016