
Cartonage. Practical basics of the craft. Mk on the box using the cartonage technique Volumetric cartonage


- how to do a box - a bonbonniere with your own hands. From all the materials available, such beauty is obtained. This box can be a great gift for a birthday or wedding.

Bonbonniere in cartonage technique

With the help of this master class, today we will make a bonbonniere using the cartonage technique. It is very easy to make, so for those who are afraid to work with cardboard, this is great option to start. Moreover, we will decorate the fabric with napkins, and make the lid soft. The process will be interesting and such an accessory will store various trifles, jewelry or be used for its intended purpose for a long time. ("bonbonniere" in French - candy bowl).

To make a bonbonniere, we need:

  • binding cardboard 3 mm thick;
  • fabric - 100% cotton in two colors: for the inside of the bonbonniere and the outside;
  • napkins with the desired pattern;
  • white drawing paper;
  • PVA glue;
  • glue "Moment Crystal";
  • stationery knife;
  • stack;
  • scissors;
  • ruler;
  • pencil;
  • masking tape;
  • cutting mat;
  • cloth to wipe off excess glue;
  • synthetic winterizer;
  • brush.

First you need to cut out all the details in order to assemble the bonbonniere. Draw rectangles the right sizes pencil and cut them under the ruler with a clerical knife on a cutting mat or surface that is not sorry.

Now we apply glue to any one edge of the bottom (10 x 10 cm) and glue a wall 10 x 5 cm in size to it. We do the same with the second wall, only we glue it on the opposite side.

Now we apply glue along the remaining free edges and fasten the remaining sides, forming even joints. This glue dries pretty quickly and grabs both parts quickly, so you only need to fix two edges for a few seconds. If excess glue creeps out, then wipe it with a rag.

In order to make the structure even stronger, we will paste over all the joints inside and outside with masking tape. It is necessary that the adhesive tape be firmly glued to the surface and repeat the shape right angle, therefore, gluing adhesive tape, smooth the surface with a stack.

If cardboard dark color, as in this case, then all the outer walls, except for the bottom and the lid, must be pasted over with white paper. Therefore, we cut out rectangles according to the size of all four walls, apply glue with a brush in a very thin layer and glue the paper to the cardboard. The main thing is not to overdo it with glue, otherwise the cardboard may be deformed.

We have assembled a box. Now you need to paste over everything with a cloth. We will decorate the fabric for the outer part with napkins. If you do not want to do this, then choose a fabric with a ready-made print.

Cut out a strip of fabric measuring 42 x 7 cm and iron it. We apply glue on one side of the box with a very thin layer, retreat from each edge by 1 cm and glue this side to the fabric.

Gradually glue all the other sides in this way. Each side must be smoothed with a stack so that the surface is even. At the end, fold the edge inward and glue it.

Both from below and from above, loose allowances must be glued. To do this, you must first cut all the corners obliquely with scissors. Just be careful not to cut too much.

We glue each allowance, forming a flat surface with a stack.

Now glue the bottom inside and out. To do this, it is necessary to cut blanks from the drawing paper according to the size of the bottom, only for the inside, it should be slightly smaller in size - you first need to make measurements. This paper is glued to the ironed fabric. Cut out the fabric, making indents from the paper by 1 cm on all sides. Immediately level the surface with a stack of fabric. For each part, we cut off the corners, but only in one we glue the allowances inside. This detail is for the outer part of the bottom, which we immediately glue.

Apply glue to the inner bottom of the bonbonniere and walls 1 cm up, and glue the second blank. We smooth all sides with a stack, forming corners.

Now cut out the rectangles according to the dimensions of the inner walls of the box. Each workpiece must be tried on against the wall so that it is located there freely and even at the edges there are indents of 1 mm. Cut off excess paper.

We glue the blanks on the fabric of a different color. For two sides, we glue all the allowances, and for the other two, only along the length.

First, we glue two blanks opposite each other with free allowances, and then we glue the other two.

It remains to decorate the fabric surface with napkins and make a cover.

We tear the napkin with our hands into fragments that will fit in the height of the bonbonniere and divide them into three layers. We need a pattern layer. Let's make it simple.

Apply glue to the surface of the wall.

We glue a napkin on top and apply glue on it too, leveling the layer with a brush.

In the same way we decorate the bottom of the bonbonniere.

We also decorate the top of the lid with flowers. Pre-paste the fabric with napkins and let it dry. The fabric should be 12 x 12 cm in size, and on a 10.6 x 10.6 cm area we glue the pattern.

We glue the synthetic winterizer on the upper side of the cover. The volume of the lid will depend on the thickness of the layer. We fasten the fabric, gluing only the allowances on lower part covers, before cutting off the corners.

It remains to paste over the last detail - the inside of the lid. We paste over one side with whatman paper. Cut out the fabric with allowances and glue it on the side with whatman paper. In the same way, as in the rest of the details, we glue the allowances.

We glue the inner and outer sides of one cover with Moment glue.

Let the product dry well, and then just close the lid.

As a result, we made a cute do-it-yourself carton bonbonniere!

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The problem of a small closet is familiar to every woman. So why not make him younger brother with your own hands from improvised materials? In the technique of cardboard, you can do something else. However, before you start gluing a new voluminous cabinet made of cardboard sheets, you should practice on items that are not so global, such as, for example, a jewelry box or other trifles. Schemes for beginners can be found on the Internet, and we have a lot in the article useful information and mk.

Cartonage is called the creation of various products from cardboard with their own hands, which are then decorated with a variety of elements, such as ribbons, lace, rhinestones, beads, buttons, flowers, and even embroidered miniatures. Boxes for jewelry or needlework made using the fabric cardboard technique are very popular - this is when the cardboard is combined with a soft fabric surface.

This technique is suitable for making DIY items such as new jewelry boxes, candy or tea boxes, storage boxes for documents and records, packing boxes, and even small cabinets and chests of drawers with drawers and sliding doors, which are very popular among needlewomen. However, with cardboard you can make not only a variety of boxes, but also new cardboard lampshades for lamps, furniture, decorative vases and even ladies' purses.

Depending on the purpose of the items being made, craftsmen can use not ordinary cardboard, familiar to everyone from children's crafts, but its more durable and hard varieties. Obligatory assistants in the work will be scissors, PVA glue, a ruler, a pencil, paper or a notebook for notes and drawings, a needle and thread and binders. For the final design of some works, paints and a special varnish may be required.

In a broad sense, cardboard you can name any work made with your own hands from cardboard, except for the usual cut out figures (postcards, bookmarks, applications and other flat products). Another distinguishing feature is that the cardboard in these products is always pasted over or covered (with fabric or leather, wallpaper or creative paper).

Gallery: cardboard box (25 photos)

Box making: master class

The best option to get acquainted with this technique is to make a simple box with your own hands, which even beginners can make. Having mastered this master class, you can proceed to the manufacture of more complex items, such as, for example, round boxes or chests of drawers. with drawers.

Materials that will be required during the master class

Tools you will need during the workshop

  • clerical or construction knife with replaceable blades;
  • large scissors;
  • cutting board or mat (preferably special, self-healing);
  • metal ruler;
  • pencil and eraser;
  • brush for applying the adhesive layer;
  • wooden stick.

The main part of the master class on cartoning the box

So let's get started.
Materials: cardboard 3mm, 1mm, drawing paper (or watercolor paper), cotton fabric (the quantity depends only on your imagination), PVA glue, Moment.
Tools: stationery knife, scissors, ruler, brush (for glue).

Cut out the bottom of the cardboard 3mm. I have it in size 15cm X 15cm

And immediately cut out 4 walls, and two of them will be shorter by 6mm (two cardboard thicknesses). The height of the walls depends on your desire, I have 7cm.

Using Moment glue, we “assemble” the box: grease the ends of the walls and glue them to the bottom. Short parts are glued between long ones.

In order for the box to be not only beautiful, but also functional (that is, not fall apart after three days of use), it must be strengthened. This is done with masking tape lubricated (on the sticky side) with PVA glue. It should turn out like this:

We strengthen from the outside too.

Next, from whatman paper or watercolor paper, cut out a long piece as wide as the side of the box:

Its length will be equal to the length of all sides.
Next, you need to bend this part so that it lies around the box. In order for the fold lines to be even, you need to draw something sharp along them (stationary knife, scissors).

It turns out here is such a blank for the external design of the box.

We take the fabric and cut out a part that will be equal to our blank + 2 cm from all sides:

Using PVA, glue the part to the fabric, smooth the resulting part well so that there are no bubbles. Trying on:

And now we begin to carefully glue, gradually lubricating the part with PVA glue: first one side, then the second, the third ...

And here is the last side:

On the last detail, I glued the end of the fabric. Now we glue everything. For greater "stickiness", the very end of this part can be lubricated with Moment, it dries faster and grabs stronger. The joint will look like this:

We turn the box upside down and begin to put it in order, gluing first two opposite sides, then the other two:

The neater the corners, the more beautiful :)
Let's leave the bottom alone for now, we'll come back to it later.
Turn the box over and decorate the top. To do this, you need to make cuts and glue the fabric inside, again carefully arranging the corners:

Now let's move on to the interior design. To do this, you need to cut out a piece of cardboard 1mm, but so that it is 3-4mm higher than the sides. The principle is the same as with the detail for the external design: first, a long strip, which gradually bends (using cuts) to the desired square shape):

We cut off a long flap for this part (the top allowance should be at least 1.5-2 cm):

Glue the piece to the fabric. Cut corners like this:

And glue the top allowance and one side allowance:

At the places where the part is bent from below, we make such cuts

Next, you need to show miracles of accuracy: having smeared the part, it must be inserted inside the box without soiling everything around! To make sure the edges stick well, I pinch them down and let them dry:

Glue the bottom allowances to the bottom.

So, it remains to glue the bottom. We cut out a suitable part from whatman paper:

Cut out a piece of fabric for it. Glue. Cut corners like this:

and glue all the allowances.
Lubricate the bottom with glue and insert the part.
Hooray! The box is almost ready!

No, we rejoice early! Forgot about the bottom. We turn the box over and cut out the piece from whatman paper 2-3mm less than the bottom:

Let's take the lid.
Cut out the necessary details.

I purposely do not write sizes, they can be anything. Unless the square part must be exactly the same as the bottom, otherwise the lid will either not close or will hang out. And the height of the lid is purely your desire.
We assemble the cover according to the same principle, then we strengthen it:

I cut a piece of fabric exactly the size of the top part of the lid and glue it:

Next, cut out such a thin frame and glue it on a fabric of a different color (the outer edge of the frame is the same size as the edge of the box):

We cut a window inside, but with an allowance, we glue these allowances to make it look like this:

And glue the frame to the lid.
Next, glue the allowances to the sides, follow the corners so that they are beautiful and neat:

Cut out a long part, the height of which will be equal to the height of your cover. This detail is for the external design of the sides of the cover. We cut out the same ribbon of fabric, but with allowances, glue them together. The top allowance must be glued:

And carefully glue this part to the lid of the box:

Bend the bottom allowance inside the box and glue it.

We make the "bottom" of the lid (the principle is absolutely the same as with the bottom of the box). It remains to decorate the walls inside the lid. Again, we recall how the walls were made in the box itself: we cut out a long narrow part, glue it to the fabric, glue all the allowances. Paste it carefully. I somehow missed this moment and didn't take a picture, sorry :)

So, the box is ready!

How often does it happen that you need to place various important little things somewhere, pack them so as not to look all over the house? How often does the search for a suitable box for a parcel or other gift begin? And how often can you not find what you would like in the store? All these issues and more can be solved with minimal effort if you master the technique of cartoning.

The name of the technology speaks for itself: cartoning is a way to create a number of products from cardboard, followed by their design with the help of various decorative trifles - rhinestones and ribbons to embroidery and paper elements. Basically, with the help of cardboard, boxes for small things and sweets, packing boxes, large boxes and even lockers are made. In addition, the technology of cartoning allows you to create decorative things: for example, floor vases. And since all crafts have different functionality, it should be understood that the main material is not always simple cardboard, which is used in children's creativity: it can be its denser variants, up to pressed dense pipes, on which linoleum or carpet is wound. Such pipes can be purchased at a hardware store: they are often simply thrown away, so the cost will be quite low.

Additional materials are not only fabric and accessories that are used for the final design of crafts, but also ordinary thin paper, occasionally required to fill voids, drawing paper, chipboard. Some products need painting with paints (it is better to take acrylic), fixing the final design with varnish. The latter is more relevant for decorative elements - for example, vases, figurines - than for caskets and lockers. And, of course, it is necessary to have working tools: large scissors, rulers, PVA glue or a glue gun, threads with a needle, as well as metal clothespins for papers - they fix combined sheets or fabric, which is often covered with cardboard. In general, absolutely any cardboard crafts that require certain actions in addition to simple cutting individual elements, as a result of which the result of cartoning will not be bookmarks for books, postcards, mats, etc. planar products.

  • For beginners who have not previously worked in the cartoning technique, professionals are advised to start with basic things: for example, an ordinary box for storing things. To create it, you will need thick cardboard (2 mm), ordinary stationery cardboard or whatman paper, any fabrics with which you plan to wrap the product in the future, as well as tools - scissors, glue, a knife, a ruler, and a narrow tape 20-24 cm long. You will need it for the flip cover. If you do not want to work out this technology yet, you do not need to prepare the tape. It is also recommended to find a substrate on which thick cardboard will be cut: ideally, this should be a special board with millimeter markings on it.
  • After you decide on the dimensions of the future box, blanks for it are cut out of thick cardboard: the bottom and 4 walls. Moreover, 2 walls should be slightly shorter (by the thickness of the cardboard), since during the subsequent collection of parts they will be pressed from the sides by the remaining pair. For example, if your box is 50 cm wide, then 2 walls will be 50 cm long, and the other 2 walls will be 49.8 cm. traditional way: the walls are placed with the ends treated with glue on the bottom, the short ones are located between the longer ones. And in order to fix it as high as possible, it is recommended to fix the inner corners with masking tape.
  • The next stage concerns the design, and here many problems often arise. Initially, you need to cut a rectangle out of whatman paper, which in length will be equal to the sum of the lengths of all the walls of the box (i.e., its perimeter), and in width - the height of the same box. After that, the places of the folds are marked on it, corresponding to the corners on the cardboard box, and they are duplicated with the back of the scissors, so that the drawing paper is easier to keep in a bent state.
  • On the fabric chosen for decoration, a blank from whatman paper is laid out so that there are free areas of 1.5-2 cm along the edges. Whatman paper is treated with PVA glue and again applied to the fabric, which must be carefully smoothed out in order to expel possible air bubbles and eliminate all irregularities. It is advisable to let the main part of the material dry before starting to fold the free edges inward, also seating them on the glue: this will reduce the risk of deformation. While this part is being dried, the same actions are repeated for the bottom of the box: a rectangle of the same parameters is cut out of whatman paper, pasted over with a cloth, and dried.
  • Now you should start combining the elements: the walls of the box are pasted over with whatman paper covered with fabric, and the bottom is also connected. It is very important to pay attention to the joints and edges, working them with glue with special care. You can use the same PVA glue, but work with a glue gun or a transparent “Moment” will be much better.
  • Next, you need to take care of the interior design, where again you need whatman paper and a piece of fabric. The actions are the same: first, a cardboard rectangle is cut out, the dimensions of which are taken from the inner height and perimeter of the box, then it is pasted over with the selected material, the edges of which are brought to the wrong side and also glued. In the end, it remains only to place this rectangle inside the box, fix it with metal clothespins, and leave the product for 5-6 hours to dry completely.

Read also:

If we consider the algorithms for creating caskets and boxes using the cartonage technique, you will notice that the process is almost the same everywhere. Those who have mastered the simple box discussed above will easily repeat the same steps that allow you to build a neat box, only by reducing the size of the parts. But since this won't advance you in the slightest as a master at cartoning, let's have a few extra tasks. For example, a hinged lid, as well as a bottom drawer. For the steps described below, it is assumed that the base parts for the box have already been made using the classical technology, but in a smaller size.

  • So, on the 1st of the wide walls, you need to cut a hole for the future box: the most simple circuit shown in the figure is a rectangle that does not have a bottom limit. It is better to leave 0.5-1 cm on the sides so that the wall can be fixed with high quality. Additionally, a part is cut out from the same thick cardboard, similar in shape to the bottom of the box, but with a smaller perimeter: this will be the inner bottom located above the drawer. All parts are assembled into the frame of the box and fixed with glue, after which the corners inside are duplicated with masking tape.
  • A blank for a box is cut out of cardboard of a lower density, also shown in the figure. It has the form of a rectangle with edges extending from it, and it will be assembled by simply bending the parts and then gluing them through the allowances provided for this. It is recommended to cut out 2 such parts in order to strengthen the walls and bottom of the box by gluing them into each other.
  • The box is decorated in the same way as a box for things: whatman paper, corresponding to the outer and inner perimeter, as well as the bottom of the box, is pasted over with a cloth, dried and frames the walls of the box. Do not forget to immediately make a hole for the box in the details for the walls - it is fitted separately. For the box, a rectangle is cut out corresponding to its front side, also covered with fabric and fixed. The inner walls of the box do not need to be designed.
  • The lid for the box is made of the same material as its walls: a piece equal in size to the bottom of the box is cut out, after which it is pasted over with cloth, but without the use of drawing paper. For this reason, the fabric leaves more: its edges on the wrong side of the lid should close with their edges in the center. And so that they do not spoil appearance products, they are covered with a small round or rectangular mirror, fixed with a glue gun.
  • The last moment is the fastening of the lid with ribbons: they need to be pulled diagonally, choosing the length so that when the box is opened, the lid leans back a little, and does not create a right angle with the upper edge of the walls. Ribbons can be glued, but it is better to sew with a blind seam: this will become a more reliable fixation. If you wish, you can decorate the box with embroideries, beads, rhinestones, etc.

Well, keep me seven! I plunged into a new direction - cartonage and I really liked it!

I started from the very beginning - from the search for information, looking at examples of work, understanding the essence ... Therefore, I lingered ...

Many of the masters involved in scrapbooking, for sure, at least once touched upon the cardboard technique in their work - they made gift boxes and some voluminous gizmos (caskets, organizers, CD boxes). Perhaps for those who have already tried, my "discoveries" will seem naive. Well, for those who doubt... I invite you.
Cartonage(or prototyping) is the creation of volumetric products from cardboard. As you understand - boxes, caskets, tea houses, various organizers and chests of drawers ... All this is cardboard.

The basis of the work is the drawing. First, a model is designed, measured, marked. Then, parts are cut out of thick cardboard (2-4 mm) according to the drawn up scheme. Well, and then assembly, gluing and decoration.

There are not very many models now ... but we are on the way :))

How to assemble cardboard boxes

1. All parts are glued end-to-end. Walls boxes stick to the bottom rather than the bottom is placed between the walls.

2. All corners and seams are sealed with masking tape..

3. For gluing, glue is most often used. PVA is too liquid and cardboard gets wet from it.

4. When gluing, follow very closely maintaining a right angle and the exact location of the walls. If the corner is curved and the cardboard edges protrude above the bottom or are recessed even by 0.1 mm, then the product will turn out to be sloppy. And, most likely, the design will be skewed, which will entail a lot of difficulties. For example, the lid of the box simply won't close.

About complex shapes in cardboard

In order to make a box of round, oval and other streamlined shapes, cardboard needs BEND. Make round boxes. Bending about bottles, cans, etc. But making an oval is already more difficult. We came up with a special gadget for needlework: cardboard bending mold.

Forms are designed and adapted to our patterns. Of course, they can also be used in other projects... We are sure that with them it will be easy for you to create absolutely any shape of a box, box, lid, and whatever.

About the oval-shaped cardboard box

And since we are talking about cardboard bending, let me talk about the process using an oval box as an example.

1. To bend cardboard, 2mm thick. we need a form that we will wrap with cardboard. Wet the cardboard with water. Someone sprinkles a little, someone puts a damp cloth on the cardboard ... I soaked a piece of cardboard under running water. He immediately got wet and became more plastic.

2. We wrap the blank with wet cardboard. If the box has a lid (not a hinged one!), then we put the side of the lid over the body of the box. On the picture: big ring- the body of the box. small ring- side of the lid.

After placing the details, we need to fix them. It is good to tie with a bandage, because. the bandage has a large surface area of ​​contact with wet cardboard and does not leave grooves that can push through the threads.

3. Leave to dry. The cardboard dries within 3-7 hours, depending on the degree of wetting. The wetter the cardboard, the more plastic it is and the longer it dries.

4. After the cardboard has dried, remove it from the blank. And we start assembling.
First glue the ring.