
Fountain Opening Festival. Opening fountains in Peterhof. Museum "Grottoes of the Grand Cascade"



When Peter I conceived a summer residence near St. Petersburg, he wanted it to turn out to be no less luxurious than Versailles. Peterhof fountains and cascades amaze with their magnificence. They were made by the best engineers and sculptors, and most of the fountains have been working properly for almost three hundred years.

General view of the Grand Cascade, the fountain "Samson" against the backdrop of the Grand Palace

How the Peterhof fountains were built

The construction of a country residence in Peterhof began in 1712, and after 3 years a large construction project was started in Strelna. Peter wanted to decorate the park ensemble of the new palace with fountains or, as they were called in those days, “water extravaganzas”. However, in order for the fountains to work around the clock, the engineers had to raise the water to a mark of 10 m above sea level. The area surrounding Strelna was located below this mark, and if this happened, the territory would be flooded.

A way out of a difficult situation was found by the hydraulic engineer Burchard Christoph von Münnich, known in Russia as Christopher Antonovich Munnich. He made calculations, proved the impossibility of "water extravaganzas" in Strelna and suggested moving them to Peterhof, where nature itself took care of a suitable landscape. Thanks to the abundant springs of the Ropsha Heights, fountains in Peterhof could be made without the use of pumps. The hydraulic structures of the imperial residence were erected gradually, and in terms of their scale they significantly surpassed those of Versailles.

General view of the Alley of Fountains and the Sea Canal from the Grand Cascade

The German occupation caused great damage to the park, its palaces and fountains. In 1946, the restored fountains of the Lower Park began to work, and a year later, the jets of the Samson fountain were clogged. Today, visitors can admire one and a half hundred active fountains and four large water cascades.

Fountain Opening Festival

In winter, Peterhof fountains are turned off, and in May, St. Petersburg hosts a holiday dedicated to the opening of fountains. The ceremonial launch of the fountains is accompanied by the performance of the Peterhof anthem.

The celebration starts at 2:00 pm and lasts until the evening. On this day, you can see theatrical performances, concerts, performances of military bands, balls and fireworks in the park. Many tourists from Russia and from abroad come to see the bright spectacle.

To attend the fountain opening festival, you need to purchase a ticket to the Lower Park in advance. This can be done in advance on the website of the palace and park ensemble.

View of the fountains of the Lower Park and the Voronikhinsky colonnades

Fountains in the Upper Garden

The elevated part of the Peterhof park was founded under Peter the Great and was used for growing herbs and vegetables. It has an area of ​​15 hectares and is located on a spacious terrace on the south side of the Grand Palace. All fountains in this part of Peterhof were built in the 1730s. For guests, the green area is open from 9.00 to 21.30, and the fountains here are turned on from 10.00 to 18.00. Free admission.

Fountains of Square Ponds

Eastern Fountain of Square Ponds decorated with a statue of Apollo

The graceful fountains around the water reservoirs at the top of the park did not appear immediately. Their sketches were made by the famous sculptor and caster Bartolomeo Carlo Rastrelli. Today, both ponds are adorned with bronze dolphins, Venus, the goddess of love and beauty, and Apollo, the god of light and patron of the arts.


Fountain "Oak" against the backdrop of the Grand Palace

In the round pool, located in the center of the garden, there is a fountain with Cupid, who puts on a mask. The hero of the ancient epic was placed on a small island shaped like starfish. The “oak” fountain was called because originally there was a gilded oak, around which there were statues of newts and dolphins.


Fountain "Neptune" from the west

One of the oldest fountains in the park was recently restored - in April 2016. On a high pedestal made of granite, you can see the bronze figure of the ruler of all the seas. At the foot of the pedestal there are statues of boys riding dolphins and warriors on hot horses. The fountain is decorated with figures of babies and intricate bundles of coral and shells. During the occupation, German troops took the statues of this fountain to Germany, and when the war ended, the bronze parts were returned to their homeland.


Fountain "Mezheumny" from the main gate

Near the main gate there is a fountain with an unusual name, which arose due to the frequent change of its decor. Now the fountain is decorated with bronze sculptures of a sea dragon and several dolphins.

Fountains of the Lower Park

The oldest part of the Peterhof ensemble occupies the land between the Gulf of Finland and the building of the Grand Palace. On the territory of 102 hectares there are more than 140 fountains and cascades. The park is open for visitors from 9.00 to 21.00, on public holidays - until 20.00. It should be borne in mind that the box office closes half an hour earlier. Almost all fountains in this part of the park run from 10.00 to 20.45.

Grand Cascade

Grand cascade from the west

A huge fountain complex at the foot of the Grand Palace appeared in the time of Peter the Great. Like the entire park, the Grand Cascade was badly damaged during the war years and then restored for a long time. Today, a wide cascade is decorated with over 225 sculptures made of gilded bronze, lead and marble.


Fountain "Samson" against the backdrop of the Grand Cascade and the Palace

This name is given to a beautiful fountain, which stands at the foot of the Grand Cascade. The sculptural composition covered with gilding symbolizes the military power of Russia. Samson, who tears the mouth of a ferocious lion, has long been considered the hallmark of the entire Peterhof complex.


View of the east bowl

In the 1720s, beautiful twin fountains were built at the foot of the Grand Palace. In the beginning, the bowls were made of painted wood, but as time passed, they were made from beautiful Carrara marble.

Alley of fountains

View of the Alley of Fountains from the Marly Bridge

The main entrance to the Grand Palace is decorated with a long Alley of Fountains. It has 22 water cannons, the thin jets of which resemble the branches of beautiful trees.


View of the Favoritka Fountain

An interesting mechanical fountain is hidden from the west of the Voronikhinskaya colonnade. He arrived here in 1725. Four ducks hurry one after another through a deep pool, and the little dog Favorite catches up with them. From the mouth of a dog and the beaks of birds, thin water jets break out.

Adam and Eve

Fountain "Adam"

Paired fountains appeared in the park in the 20s of the 18th century. Their decor is completely the same, with the exception of the central sculptures. One fountain is decorated with a white marble statue of Eve, and the other - Adam.

golden mountain

View of the Golden Mountain Cascade from the north

In the west of the Lower Park, on a hillside, you can see an unusual cascade built in the likeness of a fountain near the palace of the kings of France in Marly-le-Roi. The last restoration of the picturesque cascade was carried out in autumn 2015.


Fountain "Triton (or Greenhouse)" from the side of the Big Orangery

The territory of the garden to the south of the Orangerie is decorated with a gilded sculptural group. It depicts the struggle of the lord of the waves - Triton with a sea monster.

The victory of the lord of the waves over the forces of evil symbolizes the triumph gained by Russia in the wars for the Baltic.

Menager fountains

One of the Menagery Fountains

At the foot of the Golden Mountain cascade are Menager fountains. Their name comes from the French verb "menager", which means to save or save. It is curious that the original nozzles, thanks to which the water pressure increased significantly, were invented by Emperor Peter I.

chess mountain

Cascade "Chessboard Mountain" from the Roman fountains

The central place on the most spacious square in the east of the Lower Park is occupied by a large water cascade. It is called "Chess Mountain" because of the drain steps painted with black and white squares. On both sides, the water cascade is framed by marble statues of Greek gods.

Roman fountains

View of the Roman fountains

To the north of the cascade "Chessboard Mountain" there are two symmetrical two-tiered water cannons. They were made in the likeness of fountains in front of St. Peter's Cathedral in the capital of Italy and began to be called "Roman".

Lion Cascade

View of the Lion Cascade from Birch Alley

According to the idea of ​​Peter I, a separate fountain was supposed to be built at each park pavilion. An elegant Lion Cascade was built near the Hermitage. Unlike other Peterhof cascades, this one was placed on a flat terrace, and not on a hillside.


General view of the Whale Fountain

Not far from the Lion Cascade you can see a small Sand Pond. A large water column beats in the middle of it, and four smaller jets surround it. The design of the fountain has changed several times. The name “Whale” has been preserved since the middle of the 18th century, when a wooden sculpture of a whale-like fish stood in the pond.

The sun

Fountain "Sun" from the enclosure of the Lower Park

The central pond of the Menagerey Garden is decorated with a beautiful fountain. The gilded discs on the column are turned by a hidden mechanism, and the jets of the water Sun shimmer with all the colors of the rainbow.


Fountain "Pyramid"

The fountain that forms a high pyramid is considered the most original in the park. It differs not only unusual shape. The pyramid is a very high-water fountain. In just a second, he passes 100 liters of water through himself.


Fountain "Triton with a bell"

The fountain, decorated with four gilded sculptures, is located near the Marly Pond. In the hands of triton boys, you can see flat bowls.

Fountains at Monplaisir

Fountain "Sheaf" in the garden of Monplaisir Palace

The garden adjacent to Monplaisir Palace is divided into four porters. In the center of each of them are fountains-water cannons, decorated with gilded figures of Apollo, Bacchus, Psyche and Faun. The water flowing from them forms transparent bells, which is why the fountains are called "Bells".

The central place of the garden is occupied by the luxurious Sheaf fountain. It is made of stone and decorated with tuff. The jets rush upward in two tiers and are located at an angle, like ears in a sheaf of rye. All fountains near the Monplaisir Palace turn on from 10.00 to 19.00.


Fountain Fountain "Water Road"

The most unusual adornment of the Lower Park is rightly considered to be funny trick fountains. They have a different decor, act differently and are very popular with visitors. When you try to get close or touch individual parts, splashes or jets of water suddenly fly out. It is easy to guess the location of water fun by the noise and cheerful laughter of tourists.

Fountain-cracker "Sofa"

The very first of the built cracker fountains is called "Sofas". It is located in the south of Monplaisir Garden. Nearby, on the alley, rises the arch of the "Water Road", about which guests of Peterhof often say "The Wash Road". The arch is turned on three times a day for 15 seconds - at 13.00, 14.00 and 15.00.

Fountain Fountain "Umbrella"

The Umbrella fountain was built in the park by the end of the 18th century. In the Soviet years, it was called "Fungus", so "soaking fun" retained both names. "Oak" appeared earlier, in 1735. This is not a separate fountain, but a whole complex of water entertainments, from which no one manages to get away dry. "Dubok" and "Umbrella" are launched from 10.00 to 20.45.

Fountain-cracker "Oak"

Three small fountains "Christmas Trees" are very similar to natural trees. Many tourists, not seeing the trick, come close and get thin streams of water from the "branches". You can have fun at the "Yolochki" from 10.00 to 19.00.

Attraction Rating

There is an opinion that you can look at the water, its flow for an infinitely long time. But there is a place on earth where a simple the movement of water fascinates, takes you to the world of fantasies and dreams, in which time freezes and stops - this is Peterhof and its famous fountains.

When will the opening of the fountains in Peterhof take place in 2019?

Dear friends! Every year in the last days of May, Peterhof celebrates the wonderful holiday of the Solemnfountain opening!

In 2019, the bright and colorful opening of the fountains will take place on May 18.

The event is scheduled to start at 10:20. And it will begin with a staged performance, during which you will plunge into the age of the reign of Catherine II and other great rulers. In addition, you will find a show at the Grand Cascade - the most famous fountain of Peterhof. A military band of the times of Peter the Great will march through the Lower Park. And the event will be completed by the solemn launch of fountains and pyrotechnic volleys.

The staging, the atmosphere of a unique show will forever remain a piece of joy in your soul. We invite you to travel to the famous Peterhof to enjoy the unforgettable spectacle of the Opening of the Fountains!


Closing fountains in 2019

The celebration of the closing of the fountains in Peterhof will be held for 2 days - 20 and 21September. This is a whole performance, the program includes 3d scenery on the facade of the Great Peterhof Palace, a light and pyrotechnic show, audio effects and much more!


A small kingdom, a city of palaces and fountains - Peterhof is comfortably located on the southern coast of the Gulf of Finland, in a few kilometers from St. Petersburg. It was founded in 1710 as a summer residence, and, according to the plan of Peter I, was to become the Russian Versailles. The manuscripts and drawings preserved in the archives confirm that the Great Peter personally designed his future residence. Construction work was carried out at a rapid pace, and already in August 1723 a grand opening took place, which struck Europe with unprecedented luxury.

The guests were amazed by the splendor of palaces and parks, exquisite ponds and sculptural complexes. But the main attraction of Peterhof, its heart was unforgettable beauty fountains and cascades.

Peter was so fascinated by the idea of ​​​​building, as he called, "water fun", that he attracted the best craftsmen fountain business and architects from Russia and Europe. He personally supervised the design and construction, chose a place where the landscape of the area made it possible to build a gravity water supply system. The creation of such a system was entrusted to Vasil Tuvolkov, who studied water skills in France and Holland. And although modern technologies have changed a long time ago, the fountains, built by masters three hundred years ago, work successfully and continue to delight tourists, which speaks of the great talent and deep knowledge of their founder.

On August 15, 1723, at the opening of the “water miracle” of those times, Peter personally accompanied guests and foreign ambassadors, showed all the sights of the Peterhof palaces.

Work to improve the complex of fountains was carried out before the middle of the 19th century, and upon completion of the complex consisted of 4 cascades and more than 150 fountains in the Lower Park and one cascade and five fountains in the Upper Garden.

The Second World War left a sad imprint on Peterhof, because the invaders blew up bridges and robbed palaces, statues were taken out, trees were pulled out. After the war, famous craftsmen and thousands of ordinary citizens with hard work revived the former beauty of the complex and already on August 25, 1946, the main 38 water cannons began their work, and since 1947 the main fountain "Samson" began to operate.

Every spring a small miracle takes place in Peterhof - the opening of the fountains. It's a mesmerizing act unique in its beauty and staging, attracts thousands of tourists from all over the world. The enchanting culmination of the holiday is the most powerful explosion of fountain jets to a height of 16 meters, which, with an unthinkable scattering to wonderful music, connect heaven and earth, performing only a dance known to them. At this moment, it seems that everyone around froze, held their breath, watching the wonders of the natural elements, which submitted to the power of the human mind and skill.

And the grandiose fireworks, emphasizing the solemnity of the moment, symbolize the onset of the opening of the "season fountains." If you appreciate beauty, small moments in life that you want to remember again and again - come to the opening of the fountains and your collection of impressions will be replenished with another unforgettable moment of happiness.

So, I will try to answer your question: When fountains are turned on in St. Petersburg in 2019?” The confusion over the opening of the fountain season in Peterhof has become commonplace. I note that the first turning on of the fountains and the Fountain Festival (the official opening of the summer season of the fountains of Petrodvorets) are different things. The first launch of the Peterhof Fountains will take place at the end of April. This is a kind of system performance test. The ceremonial launch of the fountains usually falls on the 3rd Saturday of May.

The first launch of the fountains of the year.

April 27 - Opening of fountains in Peterhof, the beginning of the summer season (last Saturday of April)
May 17 at 13-00 - theatrical spring festival of fountains on the Grand Cascade.

Everyone who will not be able to attend the launch of the fountains in the State Museum-Reserve "Peterhof" is given the opportunity to observe with their own eyes everything that happens in the mode , thanks to the webcam aimed at the lion and the fountains.

The webcam in Peterhof covers all weekdays and holidays taking place in the Peterhof State Museum Reserve. Broadcasting is conducted all year round in non-stop mode.

Entrance tickets (according to the official website) can be purchased on May 1 at the museum's box office and on the museum's official website

Helpful information

I suggest you read the information:

Opening hours of the fountains and the museum complex.

Location: Northern part of Peterhof

Open: 09:00 – 20:00

day off: no

Sanitary day: no

Fountains work:

on weekdays from 10:00 to 18:00

on weekends and holidays: from 10:00 to 19:00

Daily ceremonial launch of the fountains of the Grand Cascade at 11:00

The ticket offices of the Lower Park are open from 09:00 to 19:30.

The lower park is open on Saturdays from 09:00 to 21:00.

Cash desks from 09:00 to 20:30.

Prices are indicated: on weekdays / weekends and holidays

Entrance fees to museums and parks

Children under the age of 18 will be able to visit the parks and museums of Peterhof free of charge. To receive a free ticket at the GMZ box office, it will be necessary to present documents confirming the age of the child.

Adult - 500

Student, student, (cadets) - 250

Peterhof is the grand imperial residence of the Romanov dynasty, one of the most stunning palace and park ensembles in the world. Nowadays, Peterhof is a favorite place for tourists, the flow of which, both from all over Russia and from foreign countries, never dries up here. Perhaps one of the main events of the whole year in Peterhof is the spring festival of fountains, which opens the summer season in the Museum-Reserve. When will the opening of the fountains in Peterhof take place in 2018 - the schedule of the holiday, the theme of the event this year, from what date the fountains of Peterhof work.

When will the fountains in Peterhof start working in 2018

Speaking about the launch of fountains in Peterhof, one should first of all separate two concepts: the direct activation of the famous park fountains and a special holiday, which is often called the official opening of Peterhof fountains.

Fountains as such will be launched in Peterhof next Saturday, April 28th. This is reported by the official website of the State Museum-Reserve with a special message on its main page.

As for spring holiday, which is usually called the festive opening of the fountains and which symbolizes the beginning of the summer season in Peterhof, then this holiday in the schedule of events of Peterhof is three weeks after the direct launch of the fountains - May 19, 2018.

Schedule of the holiday of the opening of the fountains of Peterhof on May 19, 2018

The fountain festival in Peterhof is always a special event, the administration of the museum-reserve comes up with the theme of such a holiday for every year. Therefore, you can visit the festival of fountains every year, and you can’t get bored - a special program of the event in a special Peterhof entourage is only admirable.

The Peterhof Fountain Festival in 2018 will begin on May 19 at 13:00 local time. The venue for the celebration, of course, will be the Grand Cascade of local fountains.

The theme of the holiday in 2018 is the 100th anniversary of the museum life of the former imperial residences in the suburbs of St. Petersburg.

Peterhof, Tsarskoe Selo, Gatchina and Pavlovsk - with the coming to power of the Bolsheviks after the overthrow of the Romanovs, all these places became Soviet museums. And over the past hundred years, all these museums have experienced many events, often tragic ones, about which they will tell the audience of the holiday this time.

The narrative will include eight key stages in the history of Peterhof over the past hundred years:

  1. Imperial balls in palaces are the first stage in the history of the residence, which ended with the revolution.
  2. Revolution - cardinal changes that happened to the park, viewers will see Bolshevik propaganda posters stretched over cascades of fountains.
  3. “Palaces for the People” is a story about the stage in the history of Peterhof, when it was a holiday home for Soviet workers.
  4. Park of Culture and Leisure - pre-war Peterhof becomes a park where parades of athletes, pioneer rallies and other events are held.
  5. War - Peterhof is occupied by German troops and partially destroyed.
  6. Revival - since 1944, the restoration of Peterhof begins, the city of the same name turns into Petrodvorets (it will bear this name until 1997).
  7. The center of attraction - Peterhof turns into one of the main destinations for tourism in the USSR, and then - Russia.
  8. Holiday in the palaces - today the program of the museum-reserve includes many special holidays, one of which is the fountain festival. The audience will be told about other special holidays that are held annually in Peterhof.

The large cascade of Peterhof fountains this time will not be the only venue for the celebration of the 100th anniversary of the museum life of the former residences.

All four residences of the Russian emperors, which became museums in 1918, will be connected via an Internet bridge.

The holiday will end with stunningly colorful fireworks over the building of the Great Peterhof Palace.