
"Spring Has Come" is a musical entertainment disc program for high school students. Scenario. Scenario of the spring-summer holiday (for high school students with the involvement of younger children) "Birch - a symbol of Russia" Cognitive - entertainment program


(The scenario of the matinee used poems by A. Pleshcheev, A. Pushkin, S. Marshak, A. Fet, F. Tyutchev, G. Ladonshchikov.)

Characters: Snowdrop (Spring's assistant), Spring, Rain, Raindrops (4 people), ladybugs(3 people), Bee, Lily of the Valley, Magpie, Hare, Bear, Wolf, Hedgehog, Fox, Squirrel, Dandelion, Mother and Stepmother, readers (5 people).

Equipment: a bucket with the inscription "honey"; drawings of a tulip, narcissus, crocus, primrose, dandelion, coltsfoot, lily of the valley; a model or drawing of a bird's nest, from which small heads and open beaks of chicks, a small bird and a huge head with a giant open beak (cuckoo) are visible; hats consisting of a paper rim with painted flowers (according to the number of children participating in the holiday); postman's bag; letter: “We invite you to a concert of forest amateur performances. The concert will take place at 7 o'clock at the address: Birch Grove, Cold Stream, Dandelion Glade No. 3. A place has been left for you - a pine stump near the hedgehog house. We wait"; telegram: “I urgently call to the forest. Need an assistant. Spring is Red.

The course of the holiday


The snow is already melting, streams are running,

Spring blew through the window ...

The nightingales will soon whistle,

And the forest will be dressed in foliage!

clear blue sky,

Warmer and brighter sun became,

It's time for evil blizzards and storms

Again a long time passed.

2nd reader.

Chased by spring rays,

There is already snow from the surrounding mountains

Escaped by muddy streams

To flooded meadows.

Nature's clear smile

Through a dream meets the morning of the year.

Snowdrop. Beautiful poems, it is immediately clear that A. S. Pushkin wrote. Is there anything about me?

3rd reader.

The snow is melting, streams are running,

Puddles on the roads.

Ants coming soon

After the winter cold.

Bear sneaking

Through the woods.

The birds began to sing songs

And the snowdrop blossomed.


Guys, guess the riddle:

“Flies - is silent, lies - is silent.

When he dies, then he roars. (Snow.)

That's right, snow turns into water.

4th reader.

Streams, murmuring and wriggling,

And calling to each other,

They rush to the hollow valley.

And the rushing waters

Under white marble vaults

They fly with a cheerful roar.

5th reader.

And there along the fields in the open

The river spread like a sea

The steel mirror is brighter.

And the river to her in the middle

Behind an ice floe releases an ice floe,

Like a flock of swans.

Magpie appears. She screams non-stop.

Magpie. I fly everywhere. I know everything. I'll pass it on, I'll pass it on. Telegram, telegram. Urgent, urgent! (He turns to the Snowdrop and the readers.) Which of you smells like earth and spring?

Snowdrop. I AM.

Magpie. You have an urgent telegram from the forest. (He takes out a telegram from his bag, gives it to Snowdrop. He reads it aloud.)

Snowdrop. Guys! I am sorry. Urgently called to the forest.

1st reader(offended). And how are we?

2nd reader. What about our happy holiday?

3rd reader. We've been waiting for you.

4th reader. That's how they prepared.

5th reciter. And I came up with! Take us with you.

Snowdrop. You will scare all the forest dwellers. And I'll turn you into flowers. (All readers: "Hurrah!".)

(V. Shainsky's song "It's fun to walk across the open spaces" sounds.

Everyone sings and leaves to the music.

Spring appears on the scene. On the other side, Snowdrop comes out to her. Spring happily throws up her hands.)

Spring. Well Magpie! Well postman! I did find you.

Snowdrop. And what happened? Why do you need me?

Spring. I can't do it alone. Summer is coming. I check how the forest dwellers are ready to meet him. Did everyone wake up, change their coats, hatch?

Snowdrop. Spring-Red! And I brought flowers to help you. (He looks around, looks into the hall. Almost all the children are there in flower hats. The snowdrop is puzzled by so many unfamiliar flowers.) Oh, how many of them have become! ..

(Spring makes a sly face. She guesses something.)

Spring. Something suspicious flowers in this clearing. We need to check them out. Let them guess my spring riddles:

The snow is melting, the meadow came to life,

The day comes, when does it happen? (In the spring.)

(Snowdrop tries to tell.)

Without hands, without an ax

Hut built. (Nest.)

(Snowdrop happily waves his hands, supporting students in the hall.)

The green belt is lost in the grass. (Lizard.)

Who wears a hat but doesn't know how to say hello? (Mushroom.)

There is a pot in the field, it looks like water is boiling in it,

And nobody puts firewood. (Anthill.)

Spring. I see you are real flowers. You will be helpers. Where, Snowdrop, shall we begin the test?

Snowdrop. From me.

Spring. How are you?

Snowdrop. I mean from plants.

Spring(referring to the audience). Which tree has the earliest leaves? Let's see what's new in the birch grove?

(Dance "Birch" is performed.

The fussy Postman Magpie reappears.)

Magpie. I fly everywhere, I know everything. I'll pass it on, I'll pass it on. Drawings, drawings, drawings. Urgently! Urgently! The plants sent you invitation cards. (Pulls out drawings, gives to Vesna.)

Spring. Thank you. (Show drawings to the audience.)

(Children name what is shown in the pictures.)

(Many flowers come out for Spring and Snowdrop, including Lily of the Valley, Dandelion, Coltsfoot. Flowers are located in the back of the scene. Flowers tell about themselves.)

Lily of the valley.

I bloom in May.

"When the first spring thunder,

As if frolicking and playing,

Rumbling in the blue sky."

I live in the shade under oak trees. In my snow-white flowers, the first insects feed. Unfortunately, I became a rare plant and is listed in the Red Book.

Dandelion(boastfully). And I'm not complaining. I grow wherever my seeds parachute. The root is long, strong, but the leaves are fragile. And if the leaves are torn off, I will survive. The root will remain in the ground. And they love me no less than other Flowers.

Coltsfoot. Eh, dandelion! I would bloom as much as you! I am the very first flower, so everyone rejoices at me. And as the leaves go, the flowers disappear. Some leaves are umbrellas and grow. Sometimes a beetle or an ant will hide. Once I even sheltered a bee.

Spring. Everything is clear to me. You have the same concerns. Your beauty and human greed are destroying you. Let's go, snowdrop, to the insects.

(Bee appears, waving a bucket.)

Snowdrop. A bee prepares honey for people, and pollinates us - flowers. If not for her, we would not have seeds. And you swear.

Spring. Bee, have you been in the garden? Did you bring photos of spring flowers? Show me.

(The bee takes out drawings, photos from the bucket and gives them to Spring.)

Bee. I didn't even collect pollen today. I was afraid that the cards would get dirty.

(Snowdrop looks at the photo held by the Bee.)

Snowdrop. Ouch! I saw myself.

Bee. It's not you, it's a crocus. It looks like you, but does not grow in the forest. And here is a tulip. This is a narcissist. This is a primrose. (Shows the drawings of flowers to the audience and gives them to the Snowdrop.) They have already blossomed.

Rain. Guess who am I? And what's that?

First, shine

Behind the brilliance - crack,

Behind the crackle is a splash. (Lightning, thunder, rain.)

(Raindrops enter, stand in a row. The rain, slowly and menacingly circling, walks around the stage around Raindrops.)


Silence in the stuffy air

Like a premonition of a storm.

Behind the white smoky cloud

Thunder rolled muffled

Sky lightning flying

Girdled around...

(Rain and Raindrops are dancing a dance. A Bear, a Fox, a Squirrel and a Hedgehog appear. The bear is unhappy. Spring meets them.)

Spring. Hello! Haven't seen each other for a whole year. How did you spend the winter?

Hedgehog. I was asleep. Lost weight.

Squirrel. I had plenty of supplies. Didn't starve. Now I feel so good, as if there was no cold winter.

Fox. And I was starving. Eating only mice.

Squirrel. Come on, Lisa, every day you ran to the village for chickens. Once, barely alive, she left.

Hedgehog. Exactly, exactly. There is even a riddle about you: “A red-haired poultry house came to count chickens.” And there is a proverb: "A fox will lead seven wolves."

Fox. Well, not true. Everyone deceives me. Last summer, my brother Cancer and I began to race. He grabbed my tail. And when I came running, he jumped down and said: "I'm already here."

Hedgehog. Misha! Tell me how you almost overslept Spring.


No worries and no worries

The bear was sleeping in his lair.

Slept through the winter until spring.

And he must have been dreaming.

Suddenly the clubfoot woke up.

Hears a caplet -


Here's the trouble.

Fumbled in the dark with his paw

And he jumped up - around the water.

Hedgehog. The bear hurried out.

Bear. Fills - not to sleep!

He got out and sees puddles.

The snow is melting... Spring has come.

(The Hare quickly runs in. He hides behind Spring. The Wolf is chasing him. Spring blocks his path. The Wolf stops.)

Snowdrop. What are you, Wolf, so thin?


You will be thin with such food.

I haven't eaten for four days.

I saw lunch at the stump...

(Points to the shaking Hare.)

And lunch in all the blades

Got away from me. Here is the misfortune, here is the trouble! Fast Food! (The wolf leaves.)

Magpie. They don't want to sit without the Spring Festival. Here is the letter written. (Spring reads the letter aloud.)

Spring. And now we are waiting for everyone to the concert! (Children show the concert to all participants in the holiday.)

Municipal educational institution

the city of Dzhankoy of the Republic of Crimea

« secondary school No. 3"

Scenario of the evening of high school students

"Know how to cherish love"

Introduction by the librarian.

A poem sounds against the background of music "Everything starts with love."

Everything starts with love...

They say: “In the beginning was the word…”

And I proclaim again:

Everything starts with love!

Everything starts with love!

And illumination, and work,

The eyes of flowers, the eyes of a child

Everything starts with love!

With love! I know it for sure.

Everything, even hate

native and eternal

sister of love!

Everything starts with love:

Dream and fear

Wine and gunpowder.

Tragedy, longing and feat

Everything starts with love...

Spring whispers to you:

"Live!" And you shake from a whisper,

And straighten up, and start. Everything starts with love!

1 leader. The 14th of February- Valentine's Day is the day of lovers. For more than two hundred years, Saint Valentine has patronized those who are in love.

We believe that only adults have the right to fall in love. And you can make fun of children: "Tili-tili-dough, bride and groom!" It's just stupid and ugly. Because love can overtake a person even in kindergarten. And such a person can only be envied, because his whole life is immediately illuminated by this best feeling in the world.

We have so many people in love. Yes, perhaps everyone is in love: some with a classmate, some with a movie or pop star, some with their relative, mother, grandmother ...

So Valentine's Day has long been celebrated by everyone - both adults and children.

2 Lead."The Legend of Saint Valentine"

There once lived in Rome a Christian healer,

And his name was Valentine

He was handsome, young, and dexterous, and bold,

And what wonderful songs he sang!

In them is life, and love, and glorified the Creator.

He healed people from serious illnesses.

For his faith he was captured and thrown into prison,

A cruel execution threatened him.

He did not know then in prison

What true love he will be saved.

The overseer who guarded him,

He knew about the prisoner's gift of healing...

He had a beautiful daughter

Blind from birth. How can I help?

The unfortunate daughter and father suffer:

Well, who will go down the aisle with the blind?

In the harsh midnight one once

Prison warden, violated the order,

Spent his beloved daughter to Valentine,

And the miracle happened on a February night;

A pure maiden appeared before the young man,

He looked at her and his heart sank.

An unknown light penetrated his soul,

O! Glory to you delightful moment!

Like a ringing spring, blood boiled in it,

Unexpected love flew to them.

The touch of hands - and the girl received her sight,

The dungeon lit up with the love of two.

Their happiness seemed to have no end

But where is it ... Already the scaffold was waiting for the young man.

The trumpeter called to the bloody feast,

And now the executioner comes to Valentine ...

But chu ... over the angry crowd raging

"I love you, my dear, my only one,

Forever, my love, I will be with you!”

“I love you,” the cranes shouted from heaven,

"I love" - ​​the streams rang out in response to them,

"I love, I love" - ​​swept in the mountains,

Echoed in distant worlds...

Something trembled in the terrible face of the executioner,

“I can’t,” he shouted with a groan in his soul.

And the previously insane crowd calmed down,

"He's a saint, he's a saint." whispered the words.

"He is a saint," the flowers repeated silently,

And the world of unearthly beauty opened up to everyone.

By the power of bright love, Valentine was saved

The day of his salvation is called the Day of Love ...

If you meet Love - you take care of it,

There is nothing stronger and more beautiful than Love!

Watching a video about Saint Valentine.

(Leaders read against the background of music performed by the Paul Mauriat Orchestra)

1 Presenter: The word "love" comes from the word "love". Love is a conceptmultifaceted. It includes the selfless attachment of a person toMotherland, to father and mother, to children, their own and others. To profession, art, life. To a woman, a man. The love of two: him and her. Love is the highest human feeling. most poetic andsublime, pure and beautiful.

2 Presenter: Love triumphs over the world. She is beyond age, beyond time. Love and associated with it Joy, Delight, Tenderness, Intoxication positively affects a person and causes a surge of energy, high performance, and a general upsurge.

(Movie "Thoughts of Love")

1 Presenter: Everyone wants to love. It is as natural as growing grass in the spring. Love... dream about it. They are waiting for her. This feeling is wonderful not only for its naturalness, but also for the spiritual enrichment that fills the hearts of lovers. And, of course, A. Blok was right when he wrote: “Only lovers have the right to the title of a person.”


In the distant era of the native land,

When our ancient ancestors

Walked in the outfits of cave dwellers,

And the world blazed with such beauty,

What was unthinkable to combine

Wild barbarism with beauty,

Someone had to win.

And that's when spring raged

And the winged dawn soared into the sky,

She quietly came to the shore -

Stately, swarthy and shaggy.

And so the earth rumbled around

In twitter, in joyful weightlessness,

That the maiden leaned towards the water and suddenly

She was embarrassed by her own nakedness.

She took off the bear skin from her shoulder,

Croiled, suffered, tried on,

I let it in here, I took it there,

I put it on, looked and froze:

Well, it’s as if she has become someone else!

Her hair fluffed up over her head.

I hung it around my neck like a toy

Large rainbow shell

And washed clean in the water of the river.

And here, hairy and powerful, like a lion,

The guy stepped out of the green wilderness,

I saw a friend and, dumbfounded,

He even blinked, shocked.

She, looking at him timidly,

Didn't bark merrily in silence

And not even cracked on the back,

And, gently looking down, she blushed ...

Something obscure happened...

He strained his unyielding brain,

The back of the head scratched and did not know

What is femininity was born!

But in a blinding light

He quickly climbed the mound,

Plucked a golden tulip like dawn

And put it on her knees!

And, losing something habitually evil,

I did not rush to her without the warmth of hearts,

As his grandfather and father would have done,

He softly stroked her hand.

Then, something affectionate grumbling,

For the first time not wild and not at all rude,

He touched her shoulder with his lips

And in the amazement of open lips ...

She was startled,

I cried, I laughed happily,

I clung to him and did not know, laughing,

What in the world is love born

Presenter: A lot has been written about love, treatises are written about it andpoems, prose writers write novels, artists write paintings, and poets write poetry.


Moonlight knocks on the window

Somehow I felt sad

No sleep for two hours

All just thoughts of you

Thinking about our meeting

I think about the two of us.

How did you pass without noticing?

Tenderness in my eyes.

I so wanted to be with you

Live by you, breathe by you

Fly into the darkness with the moon

And take you with me!

Fly under the blue sky

holding hands with you

And be light as frost

On the grass like snow laying down ...

R. Rozhdestvensky's poem "The Boy".

1 student

He was the storm of our area,

The boy from next door

And on him with caution, but in love

The neighborhood watched the kids.

2 student

Accompanied by dedicated sailors,

Insidious, like a pirate admiral,

He beat the boys, dragged the girls by the braids

And he took clean notebooks.

3 student

In a dense garden he set up an ambush,

Playing there with the guys in the war,

And once he saw from the garden

An unfamiliar girl alone.

4 student

The fence around the garden was rather dilapidated

Any boy went through holes,

But he, like a cat, jumped straight from the branch,

And the girl blocked the way.

Now the scattered books will flash,

No wonder they are afraid of him, like fire,

And suddenly she said: - There are boys,
you please see me.

5 student

And he, numb with amazement,

Completely forgetting how scary he is,

He stepped forward and froze in front of her,

Her naive courage struck.

6 student

Sun spots fell on the ground

The commander left with the girl next to him,

And the subordinates did not understand

And he left his childhood.

1 Presenter: A person who loves and wants to earn reciprocal love lives a rich spiritual life. He becomes more demanding of himself, seeks to free himself from his shortcomings, seeks to be kind. Love sharpens a person's sense of responsibility for their actions and actions. loving person capable of the greatest self-sacrifice for the happiness of the one he loves .

2 Lead: First love... It is the brightest, the greatest, the most unearthly... You are waiting with trepidation, anxiety and excitement for the arrival of your first love. And what is love?

She came unexpectedly, uninvited,

Destroying everything

And building everything again

Transforming drops into oceans

All-conquering first love.

Everything unclear became certain,

The storm became a nine-point breeze,

Any sea was knee-deep.

And any distance is a trifle.


Of course on the planet

No one has ever seen such a thing!

On the forehead freckles - the best in the world!

Well, how did no one notice?!

Such cheerful, barely visible,

Such fervent, sunny, dear!

And even the Madonna of Raphael -

After all, this is clear! they are missing.

E. Asadov's poem "Satan"

She was 12.13 - he,

They should always be friends.

But people couldn't understand why

They have such enmity.

He called her "bomb", in the spring

Shot with melted snow.

She answered him with "Satan",

"Skeleton" and "teeth".

When he broke the window with a ball,

She gave him away.

And he planted beetles on her braids,

When she squealed.

She was 15.16 - he,

But he didn't change at all.

And everyone already knew for a long time why

He is not a neighbor, but an enemy

He still called her "bomb".

Made me shudder with ridicule.

And I didn’t just throw snow,

And the wild did not make faces.

She will sometimes come out of the entrance,

Habitually looks at the roof

Where is the whistle, where the wave is circling the birds,

And even wrinkle: “Oh, Satan,

How I hate you!"

And if the holiday comes to the house,

She no-no and whispers at the table:

Oh, how nice that he

We are not invited to visit!

And mom, putting pies on the table,

He will tell his daughter:

Certainly! After all, we invite friends

Why do we need your enemies?

She is 19.20.

They are already students

Enemies do not need the world,

But the same cold on their floor.

Now he didn't call her "bomb"

I didn’t make faces, as in childhood,

And called "Aunt Chemistry"

And "Aunt Kolboy" too.

She is full of anger

Habits did not change.

1 Leading. Love is different: happy and unhappy, mutual or unrequited, love - joy or love - suffering. But whatever it is, love always elevates a person, makes him better. Often love makes people suffer, suffer, worry. And it is very important that a person in such a situation does not lose himself as a person, does not become a slave to the senses.

Love - it is different.

There is a reflection on the ice.

There is unrelenting pain

There is an apple tree in bloom.

It happens as a whirlwind and flight.

Sometimes chain and prison...

We give her peace and work,

And we sacrifice our lives!

But there is still love

What goes unnoticed

And, lifting, helping,

Will guide you through the years

And it will be up last days

Your soul and conscience.


Some call her a freak

But secretly envy her behind her back.

Others - "princess" and "proud"

And the third is simply - "blue stocking"

Birds and those fly in pairs:

The soul strives for the living soul.

Guys girlfriends from the cinema see off,

And this one runs home.

What kind of love is she waiting for? Which?

She wants to shout: - Love - starfall,

Beautiful-beautiful! And big big!

And if I never meet such a person in my life,

then I don't need any.


I don't like laughing girls

That, too pleased with themselves,

On dance floors and stadiums

They roam in a huge crowd.

Probably after reading too much

I fell in love with my soul forever

Shy, thoughtful and strict,

Touchy and sad sometimes.

Such a mother will not be forced to stroke

Bend the sick back over the iron,

So that in the evening in a special outfit

Shine with cheerful carelessness.

You can’t lure such a suitor,

She is always truthful and gentle

good and gentle words

She is protected from vulgarity.

Such a windbag will not love

And when he finds his fate,

All knots, all loops will be cut.

Through the pain, and the distance, and the human court will pass

And she, unlike others, is not afraid,

That love can be hard

And she understands why Tatyana

She did not leave her husband for Onegin.

1 leader. In love there is suffering and disappointment, misunderstanding and resentment.

2 Lead. Love can be all-conquering, overcome all the obstacles of the test. It was about such love that K. Simonov spoke in the poem “Wait for me”, which during the Second World War was one of the most popular, his poems were memorized, copied and sent to their wives and brides. The soldiers wanted to believe that they were loved and expected.

1 leader. Each person must prepare himself for real, great love. Only such love can bring joy and happiness. We must know how to love, to cherish love.

Student. S.Schipachev"Know how to cherish love."

Know how to cherish love

Over the years - doubly cherish:

Love is not sighs on the bench

And no goodbye by the moon.

Everything will be: slush and powder,

But life must be lived together.

Love is like a good song

And the song is not easy to put together.

There is no unhappy love.

IN 2 It may be bitter, difficult.

Irresponsible and reckless.

IN 1 May be deadly.

IN 2 But unhappy love does not happen.

Even if she kills.

IN 1 The one who doesn't get it

And happy love is not worth it.

(A song performed by F. Kirkorov sounds)

Teacher: Whatever love is, it must be valued as the greatest gift.

fate. You, today's students, will meet in the future, and

some and parting with loved ones, separation from them forever. AND

it is very important that in difficult life situations You always

remained good, decent people.

2 part.

Presenter 1. We have so many people in love. Yes, perhaps everyone is in love: some with a classmate, some with a movie or pop star, some with their profession ...

Lead 2. So Valentine's Day has long been celebrated by everyone - both adults and children. With family, with friends. Gifts are prepared for the holiday, for which there is only one requirement: they must be in the shape of a heart. Whether cushion or a box for needlework, etc.

Presenter 1. In addition, on this day it is customary to write postcards to each other (which have an image of hearts, of course). I'm already silent about fun, dancing and a festive cake.

Lead 2. Now we will play the game "My other half".

Make paper hearts. Cut them into halves along arbitrary lines so that the cut lines for all hearts are different. Distribute halves. On command, the players try to find "their" half. The one who does it the fastest wins.

Leading 1. And now listen to Svetlana's romance (music by T. Khrennikov) from the play "A long time ago" and the romance "Burn, burn, my star."

Music sounds.

Lead 2. Now the game "Who Stole My Heart?"

One of the players sits on a chair with his back to the others. In his hands, laid back, he holds a paper heart. Someone comes up quietly from behind and, taking the heart, returns to its place. The one sitting on the chair turns around and asks: "Who stole my heart? Is it you, Anya? .." He guesses three times. If he guesses correctly, he stays on the chair and continues the game. If he doesn't guess, another takes his place.

Presenter 1. And now we invite everyone to the waltz.

Waltz sounds. Everyone is dancing.

Lead 2. Now for all the participants - a little warm-up. I give the last name, the first name, and you have to say who they are. Valentin Kataev.

Children. Writer.

Lead 2. Valentin Serov.

Children. Artist.

Lead 2. Valentina Legkostupova.

Children. Stage singer.

Lead 2. Valentina Tereshkova.

Children. Pilot-cosmonaut.

Lead 2. Valentina Tolkunova.

Children. Singer...

The winner is awarded.

Lead 2. And which of your relatives is called Valentina or Valentine?

Children's answers.

Lead 1. Game "Arrow of Cupid".

The blindfolded players try to hit the heart painted on the wall with an arrow.

Lead 2. Broken heart game. "

Make pink and red hearts out of paper. Divide them into two parts. Questions are written on one half and answers on the other. Questions are distributed to the players. To repair a broken heart, the participants in the game must answer the question correctly. For example: "What was the name of the queen, about whom Ivanushka tells from the fairy tale" The Little Humpbacked Horse "?" (tsar-maiden), etc.

Lead 2. In February, not only Valentina has an angel's day, but also Anna, Maria, Victor, Evgeny, Ivan, Alexander, Dmitry, Xenia, Svetlana, Zoya ... We invite those who have an angel's day in February to the stage. You will either have to perform a dance or sing a song...

The children are doing the task.

Presenter 1. On this day, it is customary to give cards - "valentines" - with congratulations.

Handing out postcards.

Lead 2. And now we will proclaim Valentinov and Valentinov.

Notes with the names of all the females present are thrown into one hat, and the males into the other. After that, little notes are pulled out in pairs from both hats and the names are announced. And the named persons for the whole year until the next holiday are proclaimed Valentine and Valentina.

Leading 1. For competitions we need two couples. Competitions are as follows.

Who will quickly fold a large tablecloth.

Which couple will raise the most balloons.

Who will sing whom.

Who will pour water into the jar faster.

Winner's reward ceremony.

Lead 2. Happy Valentine's Face game.

Cut out a large paper heart, it will serve as the basis for creating a happy Valentine's face, add small hearts to it for eyes, ears, lips, nose. The one with the most beautiful face is awarded.

Presenter 1. And now we're all dancing.

E. Doga's waltz from the movie "My affectionate and gentle beast" sounds.

Lead 2. Dear friends! Thank you for your participation. Good luck, happiness, love!

Extra-curricular event for students of senior school age on the topic: spring. Scenario.

Odnoburtseva Oksana Nikolaevna, music teacher.
Place of work: MOU secondary school No. 8 of the city of Atkarsk, Saratov region.

"Lighting up in the spring" - a musical entertainment disc program for high school students

Targets and goals:
- creating a cheerful mood, a festive atmosphere,
- receiving positive emotions from communication with each other.
Purpose of material: this scenario will be useful for head teachers for extracurricular activities, methodologists of children's creativity centers, class teacher when writing various scenarios for spring-themed events in an entertaining, disco form (Women's Day - March 8, April Fool's Day - April 1, International Dance Day - April 29, World Blonde Day - May 31, birthdays of spring birthdays, etc.)

Event progress:
In the hall where the disco program will take place, chairs have been taken out.
Before the start, high school students are located in a semicircle near the stage.
Leaders take the stage.

Presenter 1
Good evening!
Lead 2
Presenter 1
Spring has come. And this means that the time has come for the awakening of nature, the time for love and tender romantic mood.
Lead 2
Let the bright rays of the sun
Spring warms everyone's heart
May joy, happiness and good luck
She will bring with her.
Presenter 1
Let on this spring March day, songs only about spring sound everywhere.
"Light it up, in the spring"- performs vocal group soloist and break dance team.
Lead 2
If there was no spring, there would be no love, there would be no beautiful poems, films, songs, paintings.
Presenter 1
And how many proverbs and sayings about love are composed. Let's remember them. We call the first part of the proverb, and you continue:
- Love is not a fire, but it will catch fire ………… (you can’t put it out)
- Forcibly cute …………………….. (you won’t)
- It's one step from love to hatred)
- Unlucky in luck……………(lucky in love)
- Darlings scold…………….(only amuse)
- Out of sight, out of mind)
- With a sweetheart and paradise ……………… .. (in a hut)
Lead 2
People believe in love, they want to love no matter what. And no one knows where this love came from.
Presenter 1
Every person wants to love and be loved. Tell me where you can meet your love? (answer)
Lead 2
You can also meet love at our party. Therefore, be careful, do not miss your chance. Let one of you have personal sympathies at our disco.
Presenter 1
We hope that our creative teams will help you with this. Dance with us, with the dance group. (perform dance "Bonita")
Presenter 1
In the spring, birds choose a mate, and people need to hurry to do the same.
Lead 2
We offer 4 boys and 4 girls to find a mate.
(select players)
Presenter 1
You need everyone to write their name on a note and put it in a special box.
(the players write their names and put notes - the boys in one box, the girls in another).
Lead 2
And now, we take out one note from different boxes. Let's see what pairs we have formed.
(hosts determine pairs)
Presenter 1
Especially for newly formed couples, we are starting a dance competition entitled "Spring Exclusive"
Lead 2
Each couple chooses a card that says which dance they will perform.
Task cards for dance couples:
1. "Dance of hot oriental temperament",
2. "Fatal tango",
3. "Ukrainian incendiary hopak",
4. "Dance of gypsy passion."

The game is being played.
Presenter 1
We continue our spring program. And we hasten to announce to everyone that there is a birthday girl at our disco. This is Ivanova Xenia. Come to us, Ksyusha. In your honor, we specially wrote poems entitled "Fantasy Girl, Spring" and today we read them in your honor...
Lead 2
Girl - fantasy, spring -
Undoubtedly, all this is her.
All these words are almost synonymous.
Therefore, yours, Ksyusha, we remember your birthday.
Spring gave fantasy a charge,
To create a unique outfit,
That Couturier others will not be able to.
Therefore, all the guys here are shy from your beauty!
And be sure to remember that the girls are spring
All life subject to flowering,
And if you were born, moreover, in March -
In life, a happy card fell out to them.
So smile as often as you can.
And win many hearts here.
We wish you cloudless happiness
All classmates, the whole school, the whole palace!
Presenter 1
Our gift to you will be a performance on this stage Breakdance teams.
Team performance.
Lead 2
What could be more beautiful than spring, when it dominates the world.
Presenter 1
When she celebrates her holiday - spring holiday our whole life.
Lead 2
The holiday of spring and love continues. We open a disco!

Scenario extracurricular activities for senior classes "Knights and Ladies"

Kamenskaya O.S., folklore methodologist of the Volkhov Municipality "Inter-settlement socio-cultural association district house of culture"


Cognitive - entertainment program for children

6 girls.

Attributes: Larks 6 pieces, rope, foam rubber balls, 2 boxes, 2 hoops.

storyteller. The winter time in Russia lasts a long time. Already swept happy holidays Christmas and Maslenitsa. Everyone dreams of how warmly will drive away the fierce cold. And with bright hope we are waiting for the arrival of spring. What month does spring start? (since March). And in the old days, March was called zimobor, protalnik, dry, birch. Spring comes in March timidly, takes its first steps uncertainly. In order to bring closer the joyful time of the spring renewal of life, people came up with another rite - invocations of spring. Poems were composed about spring, songs were sung, round dances were dedicated to her, calling on her to melt the winter snow as soon as possible. This ceremony was performed on March 22. What event falls on this day according to the natural calendar? (Day spring equinox). With spring, the first flowers wake up. What spring flowers do you know? (snowdrops, tulips, mimosa). And beautiful girls came to you like spring flowers, in order to call spring with songs-springs, to see off winter.

Girls run out.

1 girl. Bless, mother, see off the winter,
See off the winter, call spring.
2 girl. Let the winter go away
Spring will be on the threshold!
3 girl. Spring, spring, wake up!
And you, winter, go beyond the seas.
4 girl. You are tired of us and bored,
Our little hands froze.
5 girl. We, winter, are tired of you,
And she ate all the bread.
6 girl. We burned all the wood.
She took the straw off the roofs.
1 girl. No bread, no potatoes
The samovar is on the window.
2 girl. I drank tea, ate sugar,
I put the samovar on a stake.
Storyteller. Let's guys help the winter go before next year. The girls will sing the song “Vesnyanochka”, and you sing along.

Girls (dance and sing).

And the red sun is hot, hot,
And everywhere gold spilled, spilled.
Spring streams all murmur, all murmur,
The cranes are chirping, everyone is flying, everything is flying.
Soon the whole land will be in a wreath, be in a wreath.
Snowdrops bloomed in the forest, yes in the forest,
Oh, sun-father, please, please.
And mother earth freak, freak.

Spring enters.

Spring. Hello! You called me so well that I could not pass by. Storyteller. The children tried to talk to spring as a kind and generous friend.
1 girl. Spring is red, where have you been?
Spring. I wintered in the forest, fenced the garden,
Planted cabbage, planted flowers.
2 girl. Spring is red, what did you come for?
Spring. On the plow, on the harrow, on the perch, on the furrow.
On a rye spikelet, on a wheat pie.
3 girl. Spring is red, what have you brought us?
Spring. Plow, harrow and filly crow,
A patch of sun and a bunch of straws.
A loaf of bread and a mug of water.
Rooks fly, they trumpet all over Russia:
“Choo-choo, choo-choo, we bring spring!”
Storyteller. In March, the housewives baked small balls from the remains of wheat or oatmeal, and then every day they threw one ball into the street, persuading the frost to taste the treat.
Girls. Frost-Red Nose,
Here is bread and oats for you,
Now, get out of here and say goodbye.
Spring. And we offer you to play, appease the winter. Flowers will help you, show you how to play.

Winter treat game.

Two teams run to the basket of balls and throw one at a time into the hoop.
or a box. The team that throws the most balls wins.
Spring. Well done! The frost has eaten, until next year it will now go away and take the winter away.

Storyteller. We guess about the approach of spring by the fact that the day is getting longer, the birds are returning from distant countries to their homeland. What birds are the messengers of spring, do you know? (Rook, starling, swallow, lark, chaffinch, crane).
Spring. The birds were gathering
The singers gathered in herds, herds.
The birds sat down
The singers sat in rows, rows.

Guess what kind of birds they were?

1 girl. Black, agile, shouting "crack!", worms enemy (rook).
2 girl. In front of the bird is a hairpin, behind the bird is a wiltz.
The bird itself is small, but there was a (swallow) across the sea.
3 girl. The bird sat on the bough and sings: "Ku-ku, ku-ku" (cuckoo).
Storyteller. Most of all, the peasants loved the sonorous singer of the lark, who, with his trills, forced nature to wake up from its winter sleep. And on March 22, in every house they baked lark birds from dough, smeared them with sweet fragrant honey. Also, larks were made of clay, rags and paper, decorated with gilding. Festively dressed girls and children walked around the village, threw up their figurines of birds, and sang songs-calls: they called, that is, they called, they called for the red spring to come to the earth as soon as possible.
Spring. Let's split into two teams and make larks.

Game "Make a lark".

Two teams draw a lark, color it, cut it out.

And now let's take our larks in the palm of our hands, we will slightly toss them up, and the girls will sing songs-chants. (The guys take the larks in their hands and throw them under the songs of the girls).
1 girl. Chuvil, chuvil, lark,
Fly to the fires, bring us
2 girl Spring-red, red sun,
Warm fly, green mowing!
3 girl. Larks, come
Bring red spring.
4 girl. Bring spring on your tail
On a plow, a harrow, on an oat sheaf.
5 girl. The lark sings on a thawed patch,
He calls the red spring, calls.
6 girl. Do not fly snow in an open field, melted,
A violent river in the blue sea rolled away.
Spring. And spring responded, life awakened in the fields to the call of people, the first greenery sprouted. And on the festivities they led the first round dances.
Storyteller. In the old days, the round dance was associated with rituals in honor of the main deity.
- the sun, symbolized the movement of the sun. Hence the main drawing of the round dance is a circle.
Spring. Get ready, kids, it's time to dance! (everyone becomes in a round dance).

Round dance "Zemelyushka-chernozem"

1. Zemelushka-chernozem, Zemelyushka-chernozem,
Chernozem, chernozem, chernozem-chernozem.

2. Here the birch has grown, the birch has grown,
She grew, she grew, then the birch grew.

3. Grass under the birch, grass under the birch.
Grass, grass, grass under the birch.

4. Flowers on the grass, flowers on the grass,
Flowers, flowers, flowers on the grass.

5. The guys were walking here, the guys were walking here.
Walked, walked, the guys walked here.

6. Tore flowers from the grass, tore flowers from the grass,
From the grass, from the grass, they tore flowers from the grass.

7. Weaved wreaths of flowers, weaved wreaths of flowers,
From flowers, from flowers, wreaths of flowers were woven.

Storyteller. April, April, drops are ringing in the yard. In April, the mighty forces of nature wake up - they bloom with the first delicate flowers, they rise with sweet birch sap. April also has other names - pollen, birch. The day in April is noticeably longer, the sun's warmth pampers the earth. And April 2 is the day of birds.
Spring. Mother, storyteller, we called the larks, but forgot about the rest of the birds. Now the guys and I will sing such incantations. Let's split into 10 groups. The girls will help each group learn the verse of the call.

1. Kulik fly from the sea, fly to the field.

2. Long-necked crane, you hum well.

3. You are a chaffinch-whistle, a forest whistle.

4. Jackdaws, jackdaws, bring a stick!

5. Doves, doves, bring a ball!

6. Cuckoos, cuckoos, bring a reel!

7. Tits, tits, bring a spoke!

8. Canaries, canaries, bring a sewing machine!

9. Tap dance, tap dance, bring on the brush!

10. Ducks, ducks, blow the pipes.

And together we say:“Bring spring to freedom, bring spring to the hem” (Children repeat). Spring. And now we will play the game "Karkusha".

Karkusha game.

Everyone split into two circles. Right hand to the center of the circle. We move in a circle and say these words:
“Karkusha, karkusha, karkusha, dear! Karkusha, karkusha, karkusha, my dear! We have one person KARKUSHA. He can call “CAR” at any time, after which everyone should quickly find a mate from another circle. KARKUSHA is also looking for a mate. Whoever is left without a couple becomes KARKUSHEI.

Storyteller. Well done! And in the spring it was time to drive out cows, horses, sheep, goats to pastures. And for the first time they drove out cattle with the help of a sprig of fluffy willow. And the hostess baked special gingerbread - in the form of horses, which were supposed to be attached above the gates of the peasant yard. It was believed that such gingerbread protects animals. Girls. Gingerbread friend, save our nurse In the field and beyond the field, in the forest and beyond the forest,
Under the bright moon, under the red sun,
From a predatory wolf, from a fierce bear, from an evil beast.
storyteller. What else did people do in the spring?
Spring. The main thing is to get along a plow and a harrow, to plow the land in order to sow bread. Storyteller. It is now that smart machines have come to the aid of people. And before the land was plowed with a plow and plow.
Spring. Girls will guess riddles for you, and you try to solve.
1 girl. Grandmother Andrevna, hunched over, stands.
Legs in a zemelushka, she spread her little hands - she wants to grab everything (plow).
2 girl. An iron nose has grown into the ground,
Digs, digs, loosens the earth (plough).
3 girl. Curve disheveled, and toothy combed (plow and harrow).
4 girl. Guess my riddle: what actions are described in it?
I'll throw my riddle behind the garden bed.
Summer will pass - it will rise like a roll (sowing grain).
storyteller. And when the grains sprout, there is another riddle about this:
The green letter lies on black velvet (seedlings on the field).
Spring. When the sowing was over, people waited for the long Mitroshka to knock on the window. What's this? (rain).
storyteller. Yes, the rain was necessary and welcome. After the rain, the sun was supposed to dry and warm the sown fields. And what was the herald of a change in the weather? Guess, a multi-colored rocker hung over the river (Rainbow).
Spring. And now we will start sowing millet.

The game "And we sowed millet."

The players are divided into two teams and then, holding hands,
stand in two rows, one row opposite the other.
The first half sings:

1. And we sowed millet, sowed,
Oh, Did Lado, sowed, sowed.

On the first line of the verse, the first half approaches the second half, on the second line they retreat. The other half responds with the same movements:

2. And we will trample millet, trample,
Oh, Did Lado, trample, trample.

1. And how do you trample, trample?
Oh, Did Lado, trample, trample.
2. And we will release the horses, release,
Oh, Did Lado, let's release, let's release.
1. And we will catch the horses, we will catch,
Oh, Did Lado, we'll catch, we'll catch.

The first half catches the second. When everyone is caught, the game starts over.

storyteller. In the spring it is necessary to manage everything: to plow, and sow, and graze cattle, and lead a house. So people have put together proverbs and sayings about work!

Labor feeds a person, but laziness spoils.
If there was a hunt, any work would be adjusted.

Spring. With laboring hands you will not disappear anywhere.
Girls, let's check how the guys know proverbs about work.

1 girl. Without difficulty ... (you can’t catch a fish from a pond).

2 girl. Small business is better... (big idleness).

3 girl. Business - time ... (fun hour).

4 girl. A good end to the whole thing ... (crown).

5 girl. Put off idleness, but don’t put off ... (business).

6 girl. The work of the master ... (afraid).

Storyteller. And they also said this: “If it rains in April, there will be rye by autumn. The sun will warm - everything will be in time. If you plow in time, you will dance more cheerfully.
Spring. Let's play the Russian folk game "Brook".

The children line up one at a time. Each of the guys puts his hands on the waist of the person in front. A rope is placed on the side at a distance of 0.7-0.8 meters. During the game on the word "Wow!" we all need to jump over the rope together - "to the other side of the stream." The one who does not jump over "steps into the water and gets wet" is out of the game.

A brook spilled, a golden horn - wow!
Spilled with water, cold, snowy - wow!
Spilled with water, transparent, key-wow!
Over mosses, over swamps, over forest decks - wow!

Storyteller. Let spring gain strength, let bright days grow, and we will help them with this!
Spring. Let's start a round dance, we'll all sing together.
Let's walk in chorus and have fun in the spring!

Round dance "Golden Gate".

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MOU Shatunovskaya secondary school. ( Naimushina Olga Davydovna, German language teacher.)

B.1. Good evening! Today we have gathered here to congratulate our LOVED










B, 2. YOU, dear teachers, girls, women, mothers, grandmothers,

IN 1. All you girls!


On this spring women's day!

Let your mood be

Always blooming like a lilac!

B.1. Let your life be beautiful

And the kids are always happy!

Let your house be a full bowl

Good luck, happiness and kindness!

B.2. On this day, beautiful, affectionate words are spoken to all women. Our boys also did not stand aside. They have a word!

1. We are funny guys

congratulations girls,

Happy women's holiday of spring,

tenderness and beauty!

2. We sit in the classroom

And look at the girls

Both beautiful and smart

It's better not to find it!

3. There is a magazine on the table,

well, there are fives in it,

because in our school

Smart girls!

4. Lucky for you, girls,

You are already happy

Because we have you

Most beautiful.

5. The river runs clean,

clean. to the bottom

Our girls' smiles

Bright as the sun!

6. Why are we all dancing here,

Why are we eating here?

Because all the girls

Congratulations on Women's Day!

7. Lovely girls, always be beautiful,

Gentle, amazing, kind, affectionate,

Mysterious, happy, healthy, loved!

B.1.Today we have to reveal the talents of our girls, evaluate their attractiveness and charm, humor and resourcefulness, find out which of them is the Super Schoolgirl! Participants are invited to the stage! You must come up with a name, a team motto and choose a captain.

Time is up - please introduce yourself!

B.2. A modern girl should be able to do everything! Our first competition is called: "Lay

hair. "To prepare the hairstyle and protect it - 5 minutes,

B.1. So, our girls showed how quickly, skillfully and creatively they can do their hair, dress up and go on a date. Surely you know the lines from the song: “We were both: I was at the pharmacy, and I was looking for you in the cinema ... "Now our girls will invite gentlemen on a date, but in a special way. The date must be appointed in the form of pantomime, it is forbidden to speak.

Task options: Wednesday, 10 pm, at the station.

Tuesday, at 6 am, at the bus stop.

Thursday, at 8 pm, at the monument to A.S. Pushkin.

Friday, 9 am, in the Teacher's room.

B.2 Everyone knows that girls are terrible talkers, especially on the phone. Our next competition is called "CHATTERING", You need to talk on the phone for one minute without a break. So. let's start!

B.1. You had a great chat, and now let's talk about colors. All the flowers of the world today at the feet of our participants! There are many flowers, do you know the songs in which the names of flowers occur? In 3 minutes, remember these songs and sing them! Time has gone.

Songs: Yellow tulips, White roses, Lilies of the valley., Daisies hid ...

B.2. The musicality of our participants exceeded all expectations. Legends can be made about them. Do you know the legends about flowers? Guess which flower it is!

B.1.8 March is a holiday of spring. Together with spring, love comes to us. How many poems and songs have been written about it! Do you know the names of the most famous couples in love? Each team will receive separate names for women and men. You need to connect them. For example: Orpheus and Eurydice. List of names: Master and Margarita, Romeo and Juliet, Ruslan and Lyudmila, Anthony and Cleopatra, Tristan and Isolde, Yesenin and A Duncan, Pushkin and N. Goncharova. Rostropovich and G. Vishnevskaya, Lensky and Olga, Pechorin and Princess Mary, Red and Scarlet, Shrek and Fiona, Bella and Edward.

B.2. And now our girls will turn into beautiful Cinderellas. They need to blindfold to determine what kind of vegetable it is. (Beets, radish potatoes, turnips.)

B.1. Spices are scattered in the kitchen, everything is mixed up. Cinderella needs to find starch to starch the collars for the ball. The second Cinderella needs to find citric acid. (They are looking for blindfolded.)

B.2. Our next competition is called “Collect linen and clothespins.” We invite 1 participant each. (There are 2 people in clothespins,

it is necessary to collect clothespins blindfolded for a while.)

B.1. And now - A game with the audience. 2 young men are invited. Competition "Ladies' Man" . For every step you need to say a compliment. (For example: Swallow, dawn, sun ...)

We have excellent ladies' men. True connoisseurs of women!

B.2.And we continue our competitive program. The next contest is called “GUESS THE MELODIY.” Your attention will be offered songs of different categories, and after listening, you will have to sing a few lines from this song.

1.Transport - Blue wagon.

2. Names - Antoshka.

3. Geogr. names -Chunga - changa.

4. Insects - Grasshopper

5. Mystery - A secret to the whole world.

6. Light - Lanterns.

7. Geography - Clouds.

Q.1, Our next competition is called UNDERSTAND ME! I am reading summary songs, and you name it.

1. A song about a city where trains don’t go and planes don’t fly. (“The boy wants to go to Tambov.”).

2. A song about the disappearance of a puppy with red spots and a tail in the form of a brush. (“The dog has disappeared”).

3. A song about an animal that every mongrel knows. ("Cheburashka's Song").

4. A song about the daily activities of children for 11 years. ("They teach at school").

5. A song about a long journey of a little girl in a bright hat. (. "If it's a long, long time ...").

6. A song about a huge bouquet of bright red flowers given to the actress. ("A million scarlet roses").

7. A song about a holiday that happens once a year. ("Birthday").

8. Song about a wooden man. ("Pinocchio").

9. Song about a lazy red-haired boy ("Antoshka").

10. A song about a green insect that was friends with flies. ("Grasshopper").

11. A song about an evergreen tree. ("A Christmas tree was born in the forest").

12. A song about a mythical creature whose girlfriends are leeches and frogs. (“I am a water one”),

B.2. On this musical note, we end our competition. While the jury is summing up the results, the word is given ...

There are skinny girls, there are fat girls,

Still there are shorties, still there are laughter.

Sometimes with short haircuts

Sometimes with funny freckles,

Some girls are whiny

And the usual assholes,

But more often still beautiful

And just really cute.

Game with spectators.

We invite our guests to take part in the SPRING RHYMS competition. I call female name, and you find an elegant rhyme to it. So let's start.

Lyudmila kept fidelity to her beloved.

Natalia - you are a bouquet of azaleas for me.

Angela didn't want to get married.

Alena is a golden branch of a maple.

Xenia - spring mood. You brought luck to everyone ....

Irina is a beautiful picture.

B.1. And the postman carries in his bag

A million smiles.

V good mood he enters the house.

Knock-knock for you! Congratulations!

Knock Knock! Three letters for you!

The mail is knocking here and there,

The mail woke up early.

And we have for our ladies

Telegrams like this:

  1. 1. Saint Petersburg.

I send greetings from Petersburg,

I wish you all long years.

Here I would young age your,

I would make a mess.

Love, Peace, Success

I wish you this day. Pieha.

2. USA, Washington.

All borders have been erased between us,

My words fly like birds

Our States congratulate you,

You try to live richly.

Don't go for impeachment

Health to you, good luck personal ..

I sip a glass for you

I congratulate you. Clinton Bill.

3. Moscow, headquarters of the Liberal Democratic Party.

Yes, .definitely, on this day

even a stump must love.

I wish you all the best,

Even though it won't be cheap.

Well, for starters, for example,

You all join the Liberal Democratic Party.

Sorry if the humor is flat.

I congratulate you! Zhirinovsky.

4. Moscow, Ministry of Finance.

Budget in deep deficit

Do not look for money in the Ministry of Finance!

Send me a translation

Yes, the Duma does not give money!

Are you a teacher? And are you fervent?

I congratulate you! M. Zadornov.

B.2. Well, we give the floor to sum up the results of our jury.

(The jury sums up, awards prizes and medals in the following categories:

Princess BOW-

Princess NOTKA-



And now congratulations from the ditty boys!

IN 1. A star falls from midnight skies

And the birds fly away to a distant land,

But stays with you forever

The light of a woman, beautiful and high.

Open only to eternal Kindness,

And Truth, and Love unique ...

Truly immortal words:

Without this captivating light

Head is not spinning with happiness

There will be no hero, no poet!

The dews sparkle, the clouds melt,

A new day usually comes

And the universe shines

The light of a woman is splashed across the universe!